Sunday, June 9, 2024

L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Taking a Chance on Playing the BOTBAR Numbers, After Just 3 Hours Past the Major Night Assault, of 6 Thirty, Through 8 Thirty; and Made a Nice 22 Units


5 past midnight, Monday morn, June 10, 2024

L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Taking a Chance on Playing the BOTBAR Numbers, After Just 3 Hours Past the Major Night Assault, of 6 Thirty, Through 8 Thirty; and Made a Nice 22 Units

I played a game around half past eleven, another 2 spin game, playing the 5-multiples from 5-35. Normally it is better 2 wait about a third of a day or 8 hours, but I felt lucky. WEEEEEEEEEE, I was! 22 units were made in 2 spins, and I booked out of the Hypothetical Mark Mohr Casino, or 'HMMC' 4 short. Maggie, the owner from the next door trailer has rented her place 2 some intriguing peeps, also seemingly way underage, an dI have come 2 the conclusion that nobody follows the rules any more, and this is just the way of our new rotten world. I still plan 2 always obey rules and regulations and do as I am expected 2 do as a responsible goddessdog citizen of these great United States of America, YO weerlld. Maybe it is CIA AGENTS over there, who can know? All I do know is that ever since I left the COOLEY HALL at the tail end of January in 1973, something has been dogging me, shadow-following me, and yes, making me' life quite rotten and completely gull slam miserable as Dogtown on Madonna-steroids!

Every time I do anything at all whatsoever that could B considered ''pertaining 2 medical stuff in any way, small or large'', I seem 2 get struck by the WOMO-SPACEFORCE SPAMMENIES. It never ever seems 2 fail, peeps. I have a lot more 2 do with me' time and me' life than 2 sit around 24-7-365 just imagining silliness and stupidity, IPYT, so moving on here, this is now the game that I played less than an hour ago: WOW-W-O, and wipe out women all over the joint, huh there; ALL OF U STEVE's out there in this world???? Sheriff Kieth Pearson oh awesome SIR, PWEEEEEEEEEEEE DO YOUR BEST 2 WATCH ME AND PROTECT ME OVER THE NEXT 12 HOURS OR SO. TANX & POW BANG B-----O-----O-----M!!!!!!!!!!! Those nightmare MACYTRUMPS have a vested interest in offing me, OH SIR; and we both know that they R able 2 get scott frikkin' glass free away with doing it 2!!!!

GAME NUMBER--------------

DATE GAME PLAYED------06-09-24




(8-30- - - - - - - - - - - -)

T-----2, W-----1, L-----1

W-V --------- +29 UNITS

L-V------------- -7 UNITS

WINS $ ------------ +29 UNITS

LOSSES $ --------- -7 UNITS


I am getting beyond sick and tired of my horrendous monstrous demonic life; WORLD!!!!!!! Of course those rotten miserable UMWELL's will tell me, as do the Christians; that all of this is my fault, I am the forever-bad guy; and along these lines. One thing I do know, and great folks, that is 'thissssssssssssssssss', Mizz E-S-K Luccisnakes: An ALMIGHTY ENERGY BEING 'GOD' as the term is used on the Earth-Planet system, knows the truth here, and the whole dang world can hate me and B against me, and I know that this being knows that I am only telling absolute truths here, and have been 4 coming up now on 19 years of these blogs, the 'BOM-BOB-BLOGS'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just that goddessdog simple, Mister Henningsen Chaingiver, oh mighty SIR, YO.


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