Saturday, June 29, 2024



MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:



Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 07-02-24

Posted official measurement at 1 PM, Saturday, June 29, 2024


Image result for images free funny faces

I awoke 2 neighborhood persecution from the dirtbag enemy motorcycle riders club of this co-op park, consisting of a group of three demonic stick brain mother effers from HELL itself. I am getting my first aerial vehicle of the day at 16 minutes past 3 this afternoon, as I typed out that previous flagging sentence. I am SUPER HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC TIMES 6 NOW, as well as vely vely vely non-1972-McDowell-Cooley close 2 being BOTBUR on this day. The only reason that I am naught, is my NBC is operational again, and is all part of the motorcycle assault on me early this afternoon. Earlier today there was the first of 2 of them, and this was obviously when my MAR or Medical Agent of Record, phoned 2-C what progress was being made on our ticketed complaint with t he FHC-peeps. The 2nd strike on me by this WOMO SPACEFORCE WSMT BLOTORSICKIE MOTORBIKE ENEMY RIDER WAS EVEN MORE DEFINITE IN ITS PROOF THAT THIS IS TIMED AND ABSOLUTE DEATH PERSECUTION AGAINST ME. All year long I have had a medical disaster, and all year long now, each time I try doing anything at all whatsoever 2 try and correct any of the ever unrelenting issues and woe-whiz-me hassles pertaining 2 the problem, the bikers harass me with an unmistakable and absolutely undeniable simultaneously timed attack on me. The time of the 2nd strike was 25 minutes past noon, and obviously when my MAR was talking with the FHC peeps, as 5 minutes later at exactly half past noon, she called me 2 tell me 2 go 2 the Walmart Store, and try the card; as it should B operational and active again. The only reason that I am not BOTBAR as well as SUPER HYPER-TIME MAJOR ULTRA CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC TIMES 6 NOW, is yessir, from here all the way from the home of Mister Adam Beach, 2 his local great Red Lobster Restaurant; IT WORKS AGAIN. Hey, I have naught been given any explanation 4 what WENT WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG here, with or without any fantastic hair shampoos from 1980, or lovely advertising women; and I doubt that I'll ever B given any, any true or real ones that is, so Y even bother 2 fret about getting any, is my attitude here, adjusted or not adjusted with any violent acts or great old early 1980's country tunes, huh Mizz desire' and lookalike?????????? When I got home and put away my food, I played the following 9 numbers that my A2R2023 ROULETTE SYSTEM has signaled me 4 playing on this day of HCCOT X 6: The 5 Moults, '21' the Macytrump magical number, and '3', a great noise-persecution number. Here is the CAPPED GAME RESULTS, or the CGR's 4 any future shortened usages, YO Mister Mountainpen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GAME NUMBER--------------

DATE GAME PLAYED------06-29-24







T-------5, W-------2, L-------3

W-V ------------- +27 UNITS

L-V----------------- -9 UNITS

WINS $ ----------------- +54 UNITS

LOSSES $ ------------- -27 UNITS

ACTUAL P&L -------- +27 UNITS

Tonight, I will finish my letter 2 my landlord. In it, it tells all about the mathematical proof, that the odds of these bikers just randomly annoying me over the past 3-6 months now, and I will have it verified by someone with a PHD at a local university if need B, as I've already worked out the equation; R pretty much up near the odds it takes 2 win a POWER-BALL-JACKPOT-LOTTERY! Nearly 300 million 2 one against this happening at pure random, hence, someone is intentionally AND ILLEGALLY TORMENTING AND TORTURING ME, and someone is paying them off in some way 2 do it, I feel it is the MACYTRUMPS GANG, despite naught being able 2 ever prove it, Mizz AT&T 1983 BLAKE, oh mah'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someday when all is said and done, it would B so nice if I could sue these horrible monsters 4 every single penny that they R worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all know fully well that this cannot happen because of my true condition of reality, or my 'COR' 4 a shortened way of saying it from now on, if and when so desired by me, Mountainpen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, I no longer will b using the term of FAMILY CURSE, or 3,000 year old curse, or HUNTINGTON CURSE. There is no curse. I simply died in Atco, New Jersey in middle 1983 somewhere and went directly, with or without any help pr assists from jails or monopolies anywhere, straight 2 DOGTOWN. I didn't pass 'GO', Detective Elliot Stabler, nor did my poor nutty LBI-mommy mean 2 slip out the truth one day to me once she had been resurrected from DEATH ITSELF, in the first few days somewhere in the 1998 year!!!!!!!!!!! No, I am not under a curse, or make that, I am 'naught under one, lovely Mizz phone company Blake', nor is this wild crazy world even real. I know it, Keith the counselor realized it, and Mister Officer Padgett knew it right B-4 he popped and snapped, and then went nuts forever; living in the woods someplace, last I heard. Gee willagars whiz-fizz!!!! I DIED AND WENT STRAIGHT INTO ETERNAL HELL, and all the Mister laughing DeGrasi particle physicists and Professor Kaku geniuses out there can go on laughing and stating Y this cannot all B true, only I know it is all true, and 2 Dogtown with them, only; can I say that when it is naught them, but it is me whom is there, and has been all along?????????????? How I laugh when great preachers say their famous lines of, “from eternity past through eternity future”, the blind leading the flagging pitiful blind, here in DOGTOWN (on Earth) that is. This is not a place, it is a condition of beingness. Doubters and scoffers can go right on mocking me, it is their job. It is everyone's job here in my HELL 2 do exactly what they all do 2 me, I know it, and deep down, U all do as well!!!!!!

Later on, Magnesonic will B on the job, counterattacking the neighborhood bike rider SPAMMENIES of the BRIGGBASE of OLYMPIA-PURGATORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last night I had 2 powerful dreaming interactions, one with my daughter the super talented one and only MC, and then later on shortly B-4 rising up 4 the day, with LIGHTNING. I don't dare get into this 2 much until my blog becomes PASSWORD-ONLY 4 being able 2 get here and read these words of Mountainpen's Morianity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I shall say is that they both were mind boggling times the cube of the velocity of the photon, so gee willagars whiz-fizz and JEEZ-L., surfer Fonty!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where R-U when I need U, Mister Bon-J-non KBPH times? If U-R out there Tony, my transdimensional hyperspace older daughter told me that U and some pal of yours, have recently shared some of my blogs, with 2 dudes who ran a psych facility. Is there any truth 2 my wild “DREAM”??????????????


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