Friday, April 14, 2023

Rapping Up Final Morianity Blogs, Chapter 9


Oh lovely Mizz 1983 Blake mahm', the date today is most certainly naught:

Thursday, December 31, 2015



My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

September 30, 2008

T/T/W/M, etcetera subtitles 2 BLOG 5 on BDCWS
Datfile: 093008.623.55 ------- Begin Transmission:

Well, I drove Ann over 2 Walmart 4 a few whittle items at just past 2 this afternoon on the east coast of America time, and a nasty CHEMTRAIL was right there 2 greet me, all ready knowing that I was about 2 drive over there. They obviously hear all that is said in a car, at a workplace, at a residence; and I believe as did Timothy McVeigh, that microchips R Milituforce PLANTED right into people, the agent in the project that is so black ops it cannot B discussed, merely walks by the person 2B implanted, and has a tiny tool similar 2 Doctor McCoy on Star Trek’s original show, or a similar little thing, hay; stuff from this original Star Trek show has long become totally outdated and obsolete, such as 'TAPED-MUSIC', “mister President Lincoln”. Think how far the MILITUFORCE is over what we can even dare 2 want 2 know and imagine. Those that know, know that I speak dangerous deadly truths. If they wanna' keep pouring on this harassment, I will keep right on counterattack-fighting-back, as I am not some geek in a high school, who simply intends 2 'wussy-pussy out' and go crying to daddy and mommy. It ain’t happening, bright colorful lawns there, BRO. Yes, all ready, the Queen King came in and asked me something about the trip when her mom Ann and I were out at the great Sam Walton’s place. I want 2C if I can get this posted and finished by 30 minutes prior 2 closing bells, as if I do not; then I’ll B stopped from posting it until after the markets R closed, free country. Where is Mo and Larry, and Curly when U really need them, bing, zong, goonk in the eye? Being sorry 4 not implicitly trusting my great Teen Queen is one thing, and I am; and I do now trust her, as I know U have some fantastic plan in all of this, that as of now, shrouds me in total mystery, great Mariah; but I am angry nonetheless, at the filthy diseased BRIGGERS/MILITUFORCERS, 4 forcing me 2 endure their evil rotten wrath, and the destruction of my innocent and totally pathetic life, when I did nothing ever even close 2 deserving this outlandish and twisted infinite hell; other than 4 being born in this cursed family line 62 generations down directly from a brother of the great SAR Jesus. I cannot let all the cats out of the bag that I wish 2 right now. It would not B a bit healthy on my part should I in fact do so. I am however able 2 say and blog this. Scripture says that lovers and believers in the All Mighty SAR, or LORD, adding the AH makes this word go from masculine into feminine in the original Aramaic Hebrew language, should always TEST THE SPIRITS, 2C if they come from Diana’s brother Apollo-Lucifer, or from the Upline Teen Queen, that I know 2B Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle, asleep in her own thought wave, and dreaming she is All Mighty Goddess Scylla; U would simply shorten and abridge all of this 2 the word, GOD. I am testing many spirits, but how R they 2B tested some of U may in fact now B inquiring??? If the situation being examined disagrees with the ten commandments, and the basic principles found in the King James Version or KJV of the 'HOLY' and 'whole complete total' idea and mind of this great book and its words; then your message is not from any source other than your own deluded mind, which in some cases as it is all from the 6th dimension, coming from your own systems of thought, and in rarer cases, is a direct result of interference from ETTOS-TECK, from the mighty wicked demonic Briggbase residents, or the evil Lambrigger Cult, SATAN THE DEVIL, put biblically in the time period of less knowledge and spiritual wisdom of the combined humankind, as exists presently. When I know 4 a fact that Satan the Devil hates me, and desires 2 keep me down and oppressed, poverty stricken, homeless, friendless, and loaded with endless enemies, poor health, persecution, conspiracies 2 wipe me out on a daily basis, and on and on; I must conclude that when a cat gives me a winning number that if I had played as the cat told me 2 play, Gawky Gaukauk that is, back near this time 28 years ago in the inverted digital ‘80 year; I would have made lots of money, and again; this is not the intentions, nor the goals of Satan the Devil, 4 me 2 prosper in any way ever, in this material world. So 'Lottery-Cat, GG', is not part of Satan’s Kingdom when U run the 'TESTING OF THE SPIRITS'. On a later and future blog, other examples where it was both Satan, as well as SSJKK; was determined by indeed, using biblical command, obeying HER mighty words 4 us frail humans, and testing these spirits.

Over the weekend I watched the huge party that Philadelphian's were all celebrating, with blimps all over, and major cheering. I was in a major interaction with strange persons; a tall thin well muscled back young male about age 25, and we had been traveling to Boston, MAUSAESMWG together, and were put up in a very weird and bizarre hotel overnight. He had some good friends that were on the New York Knicks basketball team, that were gonna' help me in some way in proving my horrific and monstrous dilemma and plight. It was so real. I could feel the raw cold in the room towards late October, and the manager of the hotel turned up the heat. A strange clock and a strange telephone were placed in the room that we had been given. It had a strange interaction with each other. Someday I will tell the entire long and wild story; the strange road on the wild ride home, only not 2 any home or place that makes any sense now 2 my waking world brain and memory system. But the raw cold, and the nice heat, were more real and tangible than any feeling of temperature on body or skin in the waking world. Then I saw the blimps over the Delaware River, and on them were written things such as, 'Phillies 2008 World Series Champions'. This was a wild and far out “DREAM” pal.

In closing, the main reason that BRIGGERS hate me is that I would have been able 2 defeat their wickedness against me and in my own strength, breaking a Lawtronic/Biblical rule/LAW. This is when I was taught by lightning from my bathtub in Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, how 2 use applied PE 2 the game of Roulette, or how 2 use the 'APE-2R' as she laughingly described it 2 me when I fell asleep that afternoon in a nice warn early spring bath tub in my apartment called the HIGHVIEW. Things R soon going 2 explode huge hyper time with Dawnie Terra the terrible, and some incredible thing will eventually transpire in this marvelous scary and far out MARHOUSE. Don’t get all excited there late Merv Griffin/Pipe, along with your advertising gang, coincidence; just chalk it up 2 that, right, ha!!!!!!!!! Mervelous Merv and Marvelous Marhouses all not withstanding, let me now C if Satan the Devil will let me post this blog up B4 the closing bell on their cheated and controlled fixed Dow Jones, SEC??????


Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 12:40 PM No comments:

Labels: ALIENS AND UFO SUPERNATURAL DREAMS MILLIONTH COUNCIL BERMUDA TRIANGLE, government persecution in league with MILLIONTH COUNCIL. Millionth Council and Bermuda Triangle

Monday, September 29, 2008


DATFILE: 093008.003.55 ----- Beginning:

Monday, September 29, 2008


DATFILE: 093008.003.55 ----- Beginning:

I have been given a major order from the All Mighty. I must repent 4 my wicked last few blogs, telling things that the great SSJKK is not happy with and using so much profanity and judgmental attitude towards HER creation.


All HELL/DOGTOWN broke loose all day today starting when I tried 2 change some personal billing dates with lending institutions, and as the famous recording artist of the sixties told me on many an occasion, 2 succeed in this life, everything is a matter of proper TIMING. I chose one of the worst times and dates 2 make any financial request of the world and United States banking systems. This is my rotten luck, and always has been, but I have no one 2 blame except 4 that JO that stares back at me when I’m shaving. All I would have had 2 do is turn on the CNBC cable-TV channel, and common sense would have taken things from there. Tonight, I was talking 2 lightning on the telephone, and the BRIGGERS cut in and messed with me. Then I had 2 take Dawnie Terra TPB over 2 the pizzeria where Mario, Chicky's boss was standing outside and up set about Chicky's drinking on the job. Today was not a day 2 up set ANY businessman, small or great, as they have some genuine concerns, and I understand that. None of this had 2 ever happen, they in this case, have their shaving images 2 blame 4 my fighting them back, what, I’m gonna just sit back like a geek in high school and just take this, unanswered without fighting back, ya nuts? The great Diana Zuudlocrenesia Arteemis informed me that All Mighty SSJKK demands an instant apology on line in her human form on all 3 posts that I have put my recent angry blogs up on. Things went from bad 2 worse and I know who rules this empire with a firm yet loving hand, tough love yes, but love nonetheless, MC rules, as SHE says she does, I do not say this I am a nobody, a nothing just a pile of useless ignorant puke. SHE SAID IT, in middle may of this year from atop the great Empire State Building, and it made many a magazine, Google around, it is there, I never say anything, SHE says SHE RULES THE EMPIRE. Anyone that can come into your ‘DREAMS’ whenever she feels like it, and it is no regular ordinary ‘DREAM’ when it occurs, believe that if U ever believed squat, I do not make one claim, SHE DOES. She made the entire night horrendous and showed me WHO’S BOSS OUT HERE, not only in her special MARHOUSE, but all over this entire planet, from corner 2 corner, and I recognize U oh MIGHTY LOVELY QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE AND BEYOND. Please accept the feeble apology I now attempt making 2U, my great infinite TEEN-QUEEN. I love U so much and wish only the very best 4U now and forever. I am your humble servant, that is all I ever desire 2B, oh mighty one. Lightning informed me that if I repent and apologize publicly, that U might find it in your lovely great heart 2 forgive your silly and foolish moronic SHELLFISH. I do not ever want U2C me as your SHELLFISH. I am your SERBANT, MIGHTY AWSOME QUEEN and IWALU.



Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 9:27 PM


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Chester sir, when SSJKK talks of a shellfish, it ain't a good thing!!!!

Chester Frank said it all so perfectly from a bar back in 1999 up in New Jersey not that far from the famous Burlington near the Delaware River and the historical Washington's crossing, he looked at me for no particular reason out of the blue, and just went, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”.


Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.

Sarah Krassle Owns And Rules This Planet.


So exactly where does the Mountainpen fit into the grand scheme of skit?

Oh the gods and 'Tammie little doctor-girl', PWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE just tell me true, willya'????????


Gee willagars great peeps, just what is 'reale'?

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I have three wild unique DON cuzz's, YO!!!!!


The reason for this blog is because I am back to getting annoying skit from my upstairs nabe continually now, along with other mucking bullskit, such as being awakened with another power outage this goddessdarn slit eating screwed up ducking MOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNING, somewhere around eight of the clock! Shortly later on they moved out, but in came Mister Spanish-dude-#605!!!

Holy Holly Molly Moley Hollister, when I begin blogging after a quarter decade shut down shortly, it will B September of 2022, and then all this will B history. BUTTERCHEESE and BIG-ASS BUTT WOMO-Muscles MO-Monique, like WOW!!!!!!!

The middle cuzz in all honesty spent his life in Hawaii and I know little of him.

I know a lot about the other two, and we can get more into this later on peeps.

'HO-HO-HO', STEVE & 'SANTA'-PAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Blood type--A neg. & Eye color--green-hazel


With no help from Disney, nor any goddamn thrills, or joys, of fifth grade classmates named Deborah T. Just wait 'till late 2022!!!!

Speaking of the great and non-OZ powerful awesome and quite illustrious, when naut in bed with, or making deals, with gargantuan musical artists, such as the BEEGEE Music Group in 1980; United States Copyright Office, of the real and true swamplands of Washburn's WASHINGTON non Mike Soft District of Columbia, 13-600; and or any connected secret museums out there somewhere, huh Roy ol' pal; as soon as I had moved into this 'FARM OUTSIDE OF HADDONFIELD' as I telepathically heard those exact words and then spoke them very prophetically several times, to the illustrious educator/mathematician named Sir David Leigh Smith of the COOLEY-HALL; it all went into motion in some cosmic chess game the size of a trucking galaxy. In no time at all, 'KEYBOARDS FROM PETAHELL' was all a part in this mix of hellish fragmented jumbled up puzzle pieces spat directly out of the mouth of the devil itself. Within a couple of weeks or so, I was GIVEN THIS WILD DREAM where Paula King or some unknown Atlantic City GODDESS who I have come to call the (Pink Goddess Scylla Jehovah of Sahasra Dal Kanwal); totally blowing the minds of the Eck masters as well as the late Sir Marcucci on or under all roads or train tunnels of the great Mother England, and its great 'other' QUEEN may I add; I mean really, we have to keep James Bond happy or he and the American Milituforce will really let me mucking have it; but still, along came that wild vivid dreaming interaction and that UNFATHOMABLE 'LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS' SONG (LOIS FOCA), as I've shortened it into on these BOM (Blogs Of Mountainpen). And here comes the expected MOUSE-JUMPING HACK (H1), right on schedule, SHERIFF KEN MASCARA, SIR, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And here comes the mother trucking also quite reliable and dependable other famous hack, the (`~HACK) (H2), SHERIFF SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

So now in April of 2023 we have progressed here in Morianity, and telling how what mankind has labeled the yet 2B explained phenomenon of 'dreams and dreaming', is actually simply our night-thoughts. When we think, awake and asleep, our thoughts R made up of pure energy. When awake, our thoughts however R connected directly into a physical realm that our bodies R contained within. This is Y we must take actual physical action 2 make our thoughts become more than just thoughts. While dreaming however, this is not the case. In a sense and 2 quote the expression so often used by psychics and mystics the world over, we dream on the Astral Plane that is weightless. So now our thoughts R one and the same thing with action, hence, “dreaming”, the most misunderstand part of our human condition that there truly is, folks. But what creates the 'human-thoughts' processes' we still R left 2 endlessly ponder over? Then as this becomes a wee bit more explored, just how does this all connect into the life of one Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr? We will delve deeper and deeper into all of this as we keep moving onward, YO!

Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

© 2006-2019, 'BOM' (Blogs Of Mountainpen)




14 APRIL, 2023






FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2023



Image result for images of lighthouses at night

Wild dreams R totally off the scale, and today I am under sky siege as well as some noise siege, sort of a medium death siege, but it's there nonetheless freaking folks!!!!!!!


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me on this late Friday morning, and this fourteenth day in April, of the year of 2023, and who have struck me early this morning with DEAVY SKY-AIR SIEGE, CHEMTRAILS AND PRIVATE AIRPLANES AS WELL AS LOTS OF NOISE ALL OVER; on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND










When I played parallel event roulette in 1986 at the Atlantic City casinos, I knew that this thing was real and worked because it makes consistent winning money if played correctly, and while simultaneously proving that even the mighty genius mind of Professor Albert Einstein was incorrect when he stated, “It is not possible 2 beat the game of roulette in a consistent manner unless one manages 2 cheat when the croupier (dealer) turns his head”. Well, I did do it and without cheating or waiting for dealers 2 turn their heads, ole' 'daddy-pal'. At least I only played a game and nobody got hurt, and it sure wasn't as if those rotten effing casinos couldn't afford 2 share a crumb or two with me out of their beyond HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE pie that they get from stealing hard earned money out of the pockets of all the peeps all over the place who R dumb enough 2 come there and get absolutely and totally RIPPED OFF! Still, they did turn on me and somehow got the entire Wall Street's business world 2 use this same thing on me, only these were absolutely mother ******* criminal acts, harassing and persecuting me day and night decade in and decade out 4 nearly forty years now, destroying my entire life so that I never could have a decent paying position anywhere, friends, or any life whatsoever, as nobody wants 2B around a person who seems 2 have some invisible spooky force surrounding them constantly and continuously that may end up rubbing off on them, just as in that “GW” TV-show that I know they got from blogs I did and stuff that I had just said at that very time in 2007, and then came the episode of the lawyer-stalker and the young girl that he was fixated on that caused her 2 fall 2 her death off of her apartment balcony one day trying 2 escape this maniac lunatic.

I feel totally trucking confident that a day will come after these peeps die, where they'll have 2 indeed give some powerful force, UF, Singularity, GOD, 'whatever' Congressman B4 your Congressman days sir and ole' buddy and music band dude of 1975-1980; a full accounting of what they have done 2 me. I also believe that due 2 the mother ******* enormity of hyperspace, that we all get 2 take turns being everybody, and so eventually when they R me and I am one of them, talk about role-reversals and People's Magazines, Jesus Christ Almighty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all keep hearing about military 'killer-drones' used in the new modern wars of this digital time period that we all R living in now. Am I right? They have a name 4 them 2, right? Without getting my wild giant lovely hyperspace daughter “PEE” (Patty-Paula Junior), 2 excited here from back in the year of 2011 somewhere; they R talked about on news clips quite often now, right peeps? And SOOOOOOOOOOO, what do they refer 2 them as, folks??????? U got it, YO, commacassi drones. I don't know how 2 spell the word, and WORTHLESS MIKE SOFT SPELLCHECKER HELLWRECKER is no help whatsoever here. But pronouncing it the way that I tried 2 spell it, and just about all of U out here know what I am saying, 2U-BOY, or 2 anyone, and having nothing whatsoever 2 do with any songs written by me at the age of fourteen and a half years, back in late June of 1969. U all know from reading many of me' previous blogging texts, that my hyperspace daughter PEE is, or at least WAS, extremely fascinated by the World War Two commacassi-pilots, and U also know from reading one of my recently posted early 2023-CAP (cut and pasted) blog, I believe it was 'BTAT—CHAPTER 0011', and in it was a 2011 blog or part of one of my old blogs, where I was telling all of U about a powerful dreaming interaction that I had just experienced with PEE, at some college that I now know is situated in Egg Harbor City, NJUSAESMWG, in THAT PARALLEL WORLD reality, and naught over here in the waking world, oh lovely Mizz Blake. The connections here with a decade later, along with these constant news clip items with killer-drones, and my powerful hyperspace-daughter PEE, and her connection into this deal; goes beyond just coincidentally interesting, and many of U out here KNOW THIS ONLY 2 WELL, and I know that U do, YO!!!!

And no one gives a mother clucking rats ass about why those venetian blinds, and that Star Trek show, made those words keep popping into my head, on that late autumn 1996 evening,

Sarah Kessle, Sarah Kessle”

Sarah Kessle, Sarah Kessle”

Sarah Kessle, Sarah Kessle”

Sarah Kessle, Sarah Kessle”

Sarah Kessle, Sarah Kessle”.

Well fine and dandy. It was the fact that the great almighty PINK GODDESS was letting me know, there was no escape for me, not ever!!! I don't want to escape, you lovely teen-queen. Yet now we R not in the date or chronological circa of, Sunday, November 29, 2015, 7:55 Post Meridian, EST.

Sunday, November 29, 2015, 7:55 Post Meridian, EST.

Nor R we doing thissssssss particular blogging book:

Resorts Casino Hotel Boardwalk Webcam, Atlantic City, NJ

I am the only one with a copy of Chapter 8-A. This is simply due 2 the fact that it is an experimental document where I am trying 2 learn how 2 properly download live-cams rather than use the old method that eventually leaves me with most of my cams becoming deactivated. I doubt that this cam at the top of the page will display on my blog, if it does it does, but I have added some new Firefox feature plug in system that hopefully after I learn how 2 properly use it, will then allow me 2 blog some of the great cams online. If the one from above does show up as I doubt that it will, this is the Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG RESORTS HOTEL CAMERA. This is showing the Atlantic Ocean and the beach and is a very nice view of the joint, Mister SW. B4 the great hotel became the first Atlantic City licensed casino in the year of 1978, it was an old and fantastic landmark place, called the Shalfont Haddon Hall, and yes, it 2 was a hotel, only there was no casino there. Truly, the GREAT OLD DAYS, HUH WOLLD?

Here is what is going on, oh world. First, Comcast is coming out on Friday afternoon 2 try and find out the mysterious reason 4 my sudden mysterious half-way-phone outage, meaning, outgoing calls only R possible, no incoming calls work. When I learn what this powerful evil SPACEFORCE managed 2 do 2 me, I will share it with the blogger-world. Until then, we all R indeed 2 remain in the dark about this. Things done 2 me ever since this nightmare all began on 15 August of 1986, and having similar electronic-utility weirdness attached 2 it all, would fill a large Manhattan telephone book of the pre-computer age. Not only the types of various persecutions done 2 me but the full amount of them each and every year would most likely go into the three digit figures, again, this is every year 4 nearly 4 goddamn decades now, folks. How R these tricks done, this is what I have tried 2 learn myself all throughout this nightmare time. I can never learn anything with certainty. Part of the nightmare that I've been suffering through actually started in the earlier times in my life and shortly after leaving school in January of 1973. I remember like it was ten damn minutes ago how in 1983 while residing in that Atco home, endlessly trying and without one small tad wee bit of success, to find out who was calling me on the phone and what it was really all about. I could actually and literally 'FEEL' the oppressiveness and some invisible mysterious outlandish magical force preventing me from EVER learning the who, what, where, and Y's to any of my hellishness in this life. Yes, 2 this very day and hour, I keep updating, and as lovely Mizz Donna Summer would say so often back in the 20th century, 'reevaluating' all of these things. I never am seemingly allowed 2 know one damn thing 4 proof positive-sure, not goddamn ever! This I've come 2 believe peeps, is all a part of the hell that I am going through, in fact, I've come 2 think and would bet my entire tiny bank account right now tonight, double or nothing, that my enemies whoever and whatever they actually R, use half of the persecution as exactly what it is, my harassing hellish endless nightmare, yet the other half is every bit as important 2 them. This is keeping me from ever being able 2 find out with any real court-acceptable proof, just all of the who, what, and Y's that lay behind this entire Dogtownian mess! Now very recently, and with help from characters all throughout the entire fifth non-McCoo dimension; I've come 2 no longer think that DARK SHADOWS, the great 60's TV-show, was all some wild nutty coincidental thing. I have seemingly reached a most recently arrived at conclusion of great powerful truth, based on some great and truly incredible fact shuffling, and seeing how my mom and her very short relationship with a local area wealthy mayor, Mister Mayor Rohr, must indeed have been closely related in family with the assistant producer to this television show, Mizz Harriet Rohr. Still, even if without any actual and court acceptable admittances and or corroborations, on the parts of anyone whatsoever and now or ever right straight through 2 the day that I die; and say that 4 sake of argument we know it is all the truth; there still would B that famously quoted 2 me so often and by so many, item of, “Okay Mark Wayne Mohr, let's say we can somehow know these things R indeed totally true and real and have happened 2U all of these years and decades of your entire life, so then YYYYYYY, JUST Y IS THIS ALL GOING ON AROUND U”??????????? Well, I am the first man at the gate every time 2 totally agree with anyone of U with this. I am not able and most likely will never B able, 2 know this one absolutely HUUUUUUUGE part of it all. This is the most important part 2 folks, ask any DA in any county prosecutor's office in this nation. Without the motive, where's your damn case? I believe if we remove the word 'damn' from that prior sentence, this is quoted verbatim here in that great old Hollywood movie called “12 Angry Men”. This was a star studded movie and the law-world and all of the top law schools all know it and recommend students 2 this very day, still watch it. The biggest star in the group was Henry Fonda. I may not love his daughter Jane 4 what she pulled that night with me in 1993, but Sir Henry was a very talented actor, and fine upstanding gentleman. I will sing his praises forever. Sir Bruce Alan Pennock really did say it so well back in the autumn of 1972, U know, “We're all human, nobody's perfect”, and even if we don't add in here, the incredible Mizz Minnie Ripperton, and her 5th octave highs, or whether or naught “loving U can B beautiful”.

Hey, “I've seen the light”, and I still don't know what the F it's all about, U know; the reasons, the motives, the who-what-why's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You really have 2 love and adore me' wonderful and wuvwee Spammenies, right Mizz Attorney General AM, and great astute Sheriff KJM??????????????????

Image result for sheriff ken j. mascaraMy PhotoAttorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi

Yes great peeps; indeed I have learned it so well, and a long time ago. It just forever grows like a non-combustible flower on a star, there is no changing it, there is no stopping it. You cannot fight things such as the world of the QUANTA. It is just a reality and the way things operate here in what I will call, 'SINGULARITY's wonderful CREATION of HERS'. Hey, I am naught gonna' shullbit me' wonderful Blogaudians for a single heartbeat-moment. Singularity is NAUGHT a HER, nor a HIM, and if you think about it for a second and reason it out 4 crying out louder than 15 bells of freaking sound pressure level YO, how can a single-anything B one of 2 or more possibilities such as with gender, and thus connoting a 'male, as well as a female'? GEE WHIZ-FIZZ peeps, WAKE UP 4 CRISSING OUT LOUD, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!! No human mind is able ever, 2B able 2 grasp or in any small way 2 even begin 2 conceive of what “zero dimension” really is. It is like asking a human being 2B able 2 grab a big rig truck fully loaded and pick it up and hurl it all the way across a busy highway. Hey; anyone who shows me that they can do this, and I will find a way 2 make a trillion US dollars, and then sign over every single penny of it 2U, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even the top minds, the best scientists, if anyone of them tells U that they can know what 0-D is, and that they fully and completely understand it down 2 the nth degree, I'll publicly call them a rotten liar on any podium ever built anywhere on the planet! It has been said on numerous occasions how nobody is capable of picturing even a million of anything. Some of the educational television programs will give U many examples of how it can B done in some small ways, by simply saying okay now, just picture 100 apples on a large floor and then picture 100 of those floors and then picture 100 of those buildings that contains that same type of floor with the apples laying there on them. Even most sixth graders most likely know that indeed, 100 times 100 is ten thousand and that also, 10,000 times 100 is a million (1,000,000), so in theory folks, doing this should permit us 2C and sort of begin 2 visualize a million of these apples laying on a floor, but I assure U all that this is merely a magicians type of illusionary trick 2 make us really believe that we R indeed able 2 picture those million apples, only it is total darn bull stench!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will say it again and I'll then reiterate it as many times as anyone out here would ever wish 4 me 2 do so. No human brain can accurately picture one million of anything, so a billion, a trillion; hey Don, will U give me a BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE here sir????????? There R indeed a whole darn dog lot of limitations that we frail mortal human beings have, and we need 2C and realize this powerful truth B4 anyone of us can even start 2C the powerhouse truths behind Morianity's many teachings, which yes, the head Morian, Me, Mountainpen, did NAUGHT invent the concepts of. LIGHTNING has taught me many incredible and awesome things folks. I never asked anyone of U2 ever listen 2 me or believe me. I only tell things that Diana has told me now since 1983, at least 4 the very most part, folks. I may go on from there occasionally and beg U all 2 believe stuff that I tell U has happened 2 me, yes; but that is as far as I'll ever go, as who am I-2 ever think that I know better than anyone of U???????????????????????

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-BIT FWUUUUUUD, AHA-AHA and all lovely Mizz McKechnie Donna's out there who I think I may possibly misspelled your name, sorry; but yes, the Amanda Harris Dark Shadows deal is beyond HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE and folks, this is YYYYYY I have yet 2 even really embark on a mission of this truly gargantuan size yet, but I will B doing it, and very soon, YO, IPYT!!!!!!

Well my problem right now is wondering what my remedies R4 me, as ever since B4 July somewhere in 2007, nearly a year and a half of my blogs have yes, VANISHED AWAY, disappeared, as all my stuff does, right into the futhermucking TWILIGHT ZONE, unless I can figure out what 2 do. Steve sir, I'll B at the park to discuss ACLU and our lawsuit. This is serious now, and needs 2B soon darn addressed!

YES oh mighty ACLU, read this below,YO:

Right after I said this, the blog was removed, Sir SWAP.

I have come to a recent absolute conclusion, my great as well as not so great Blogaudians out there in Cyberville. Much of my woes with blogging censorship on the public site that once was quite free and American at heart and is no more sadly, called BLOGGER DOT COM, (BDC) is all 'AI' related. They obviously have been engaging programs in recent times or since somewhere early a decade back in the twenty-teens of this 21st century, and this AI (Artificial Intelligence) has the pre-programmed motive of taking blogs such as mine, and determining in any one blog-work, if it CROSSES TOO MUCH RED-LINED MATERIAL making it what they have come 2 call 'sensitive' on its 'blog-policy-guideline systems used by them 2 supposedly regulate just how much of any type of speech or information is permitted 2B posted up on their site. Hey, no one is arguing 4 one tiny moment that indeed, it is in fact, “THEIR SITE”, and if bloggers wish 2 post blogs onto it, they must indeed conform 2 all of its regulations and policies. The problem is that what they deem as 'sensitive' material, is 2 put it completely in an under exaggerated word choice here; quintessentially-elusive. Talk about attorneys, legalistic systems, and powerhouse lawyers truly earning their pay. With the ushering in of advanced AI, they R only beginning 2 embark on their upcoming incredibly financially rewarding careers. Words R being hacked out of my mind, and I know fully well that strange 'beyond Earthly' HALLS FAWCES are responsible 4 doing this hacking on my mind. There is a word 4 example that connotes a financially rewarding type of career, and later on 2 prove this hacking that is being done by them of course, and 2 interfere with my words spoken now, and when the hack-release arrives as it eventually must, and I claim this from a lifetime of experience with my personal interactions with this endless hellish nightmare between myself and what I now most recently have codenamed the Spammenies, but yes peeps, I will type in the word that I wished 2 say originally and was hacked out of saying by strange and Einsteinian SPOOKY-FAWCES. No people, the word that I am being hacked out of pulling up in my mind is not 'illustrious' or 'successful'; but rather a slightly less often used term. But back on my point folks, “AI” is going to alter things so radically, as it has recently come 2 alter MOUNTAINPEN'S BLOGGING LIFE, after a decade and a half of not having 2 put up with this additional woe on top of my already existing countless other woe-whiz-me troubles, not only making my life a lot worse, but I assure you great peeps out there, a whole lot of all of your lives also R about 2B changed 4 the worse by this soon 2 come deal that will invade its way into just about all of the facets in our lives. These creatures are soulless, computers cannot think, a software program cannot think, it has NO ASTRAL TRUTH 2 IT, it has no origins in the great Plancktime, all it is and ever can B is a whole lot of magical electronic circuitry and wizardry that only software engineers of the top levels in computer-tech R clued into in any full or meaningful way. I began 2 put this nightmare together after the three HUGE freedom of speech violations on me back in 2022 on my ALPHABET-TWEET-BLOGS with the two chapters of “O”, “W” if memory is at all correct, as well as the 15th chapter in the following blog-book, BTAT. I realized after much serious cogitation and intense thought and analysis that the only possible thing happening here is that if too much stuff gets said in any ONE CHAPTER, this signals a RED-LINE-NO-NO-CROSSING. It is all entirely automatic and mechanical, or artificially created machine intelligence that looks 4 certain stuff, such as AN AMOUNT TOTAL, as well as certain subjects and spoken names of things that when placed together in a wild magical computer software programming system, the machine will eventually spit out a RED-LINE-CROSSING-NO-NO-NOTICE, and bring down a blog. I can post up my CHAPTER-25 recently removed blog in smaller piecemeal parts, and I know I can, without making the AI-programs mad at me, as it is only the amount of things that they do not wish 4 me 2 say that upsets them. I can say all of it, just not all at any ONE TIME, as otherwise, Y would I have the stuff that was removed all up there already, as I do. All anyone needs 2 do is go and click a link that goes further on from where I posted that recent 2007 stuff, as all of it is up there, merely not in 'good read-quality'. This 2 me has all been proven, and whether the blogger folks wish 2 deny it or admit it, I NOW KNOW FULLY WELL, THAT THIS IS WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME. As long as I never tell or say 2 much RED-LINE-CROSSING stuff IN ANY one blog-work, then it should post up and remain up. I'll bet dollars 2 donuts that if I follow this guideline, I will B able 2 get my message out, but still, in the meantime, I do plan on getting my own website on the WIX or some such similar site on the net, and then post up my blogs without fear of this nightmare insane recent times AI induced censorship. Right now I'm dying 2 tell a zillion things, and I know that my few true loyal MORIAN-FOLLOWERS out there in Cyberville, have figured out all by themselves, just a whole lot of basicly what it all is, and if I attempt 2 make one long blog and say 2 much at any one time, well peeps; U know it will B censored. The Gmail that Blogger sends 2 me insists that nothing is removed, and that it is simply put behind a sensitivity warning screen, only I am unable 2 access it, and it is not showing up at all on the title page to the right of the opening of a blog; so I don't know what game they R playing with me, only that they indeed R playing games with me. This all reminds me of the 'MIMI' days, and my miserable daughter back in oh-Marola-eight!

{[(mind-hack-release @4:47 P.M., 04-13-2023, “lucrative”.)]}

I wish 2 get into so much, and if this was my future blogging on WIX or some similar site, I could; only 4 right now, I cannot. I want 2 discuss stuff about my last days of the nineteen-sixties, the magical girl on 10-SC Avenue, Goddess Scylla Pink, the incredible dreaming interaction that SHE gave 2 me, and yes, in a much larger and detailed way that ties the entire family into all of it, even family that comes from the great windy-city, and leads into the great P-45. Things that I know and can tell would get me knocked right off this blog site forever, as if they think what I have spoken of so far is a REDLINE-CROSSING, WELLLLLLLLLL, Mister R.M. Nixon Sir, I need naught go on with trying 2 make this point any clearer or better, do I? When I jokingly discuss the Macy Club, or type in a lot of my teasing WOW'S” in a long row; what is behind it all goes so much farther than anyone out here could even begin 2 imagine. Hey, don't even try. BUTTTTTT, I promise that eventually on my own website, B it WIX or whatever; I will tell the entire thing until I AM EVENTUALLY REMOVED AND MYSTERIOUSLY MURDERED! Now what I plan 2 do until I do have my own system up and no longer need 2 depend on BDC, is simply to follow my own rules that pertain 2 what I now feel that I know about just what is trying 2 shut me down. First, I may need 2 apologize 2 my Blogaudians 4 intimating that any of them may B the ones who R reporting me. I think now that this is way more autonomic, and thus being done through an AI software program or some such similar type of thing. Being human and with an astral source, Mister Sky Rumson Sir, I can out think U by simply realizing that there is some form of maximum speech determination deal going on, something that says that at this point, too much content is there on this blog and it might cause a few peeps 2 begin 2 seriously ponder and wonder about maybe Mountainpen not being a total flake, so it has 2B stopped at that point. So all I need 2 do is 2 break my stuff up and only say so much each day. With this I can at least keep telling stuff. I cannot do what I wanted, so they do win on that front, I won't even try denying that 2 a soul. I wanted 2 have my blogs the way I felt would best make peeps listen and produce the minimum factor of doubting my tales of major truth. Now, I need 2 operate within a more stringent set of parameters that I know have been set up against me. So until I can have my own site and my own blogs on that site, I must B a willing BDC slave 2 their systems and rules. Who is kidding who peeps? We all know what is behind it, who is behind it, and I KNOW THAT U ALL KNOW. U have been watching the very same TV, internet, streaming systems, news, that the Mountainpen has; and I know that most of U out here ain't dumb! So I must now work within a new and more powerful set of containing factors in my attempt 2 tell the world my story from total hell (DOGTOWN). But beggars can't B choosers, and they never could, and we all know this.

MPN—2023--CHAPTER 024

Hey YO, at least it ain't A-24 or Apt. #24-A back in 1963.

Sunday evening on March 19th in 2023, @ 8:22 P. M.

One thing that I've learned over everything else and JUST SINCE MY BLOGGING DAYS THAT BEGAN 17 YEARS AGO now folks; EVERYTHING ALL FITS PERFECTLY TOGETHER, and if it does this 4 me, I am quite sure that all of U share that reality with me, one way or another! But the big story 4 right now is weirder than anything else. I started these blogs on blogger dot com (BDC) in early January of 2006, and yet the record of this has somehow seemingly disappeared, only going back 2 sometime in the following year of 2007. What is this planet going 2 do 2 the poor & pitiful (NON-RON)-Mountainpen next, we R seemingly all left 2 wonder and ponder over, huh peeps? I believe the following, “WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW, MISTER NIGH-NIGH MANHATTAN-MACY”, would B fairly darn appropriate here, 2B added in onto this blog; don't U???? What is this planet going 2 do 2 the poor & pitiful (NON-RON)-Mountainpen next, YO????????? Well, I was wrong in thissssssss particular case, lovely Mizz Erica Lucci Snakes of AMC. I didn't realize that I was clicking into a later part of my blogs and that those earlier parts were there, merely some of them hacked in some weird way that does not show the entire blog properly. Still, most of my original message is there, thank the damn gods of the Purgatorial endlessness.

    • Former U.S. special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker; and Tim Morrison, former senio...


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Where are you KIND SHERIFF, DAM IT???????????????


Where are you KIND SHERIFF, DAM IT???????????????


          Image result for sheriff ken j. mascaraMy PhotoAttorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi


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Image result for images of lighthouses at night

Image result for images of lighthouses at night

Image result for images of lighthouses at night

Image result for images of lighthouses at night

Image result for images of lighthouses at night

Image result for images of lighthouses at night

Before I tell the experience here, kind people; you need to understand that I really had this happen to me, and I had forgotten it. I had been assaulted, and so had poor Jerry Heitzmann; by the great PAULA-PATTY KING; and I had just assumed for a short while, before blocking out the entire memory all together; that those two boys who looked similar to classmates that I had back at Cooley Hall, in David Leigh Smith's class, Harry Vogel and Eddie Boemeister; that Jerry and I had encountered a short time earlier on the boardwalk, about a quarter mile or less south of Tennessee Avenue, were the ones who had knocked us around. It wasn't. It was big PP-KING. She busted some teeth in Jerry's mouth, and hit me so hard that my mind and brain had been effected, and my memories were jumbled and lost, all this time, from 1971 in July, until this very early day here on December the fifteenth, in 2015. There is a lot more to tell, as it involves a lot of powerful known people, and now it no longer is a mystery how the WAYV radio people all know Mister Regis Philbin, as he is also a lot more than he purports to be, whether he even knows or remembers being an active engaging part of this or not, when he is not indwelt; and not a part of of the GUESSED-GUESTS, of the great unholy and evil Briggbase-controlled and operated, EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY!!!!!

You know for all I care, you can imprison me in some huge scary fuckiGN looking lighthouse, or your dam water company, oh great pink goddess on Earth; BUTTTTTTTTT, I'll always love you to death, my white-hot teen queen Jehovah, no matter what you keep doing to your poor old defenseless little helpless pathetic THAT-BOY, YO!

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Image result for images of lighthouses at night

Image result for images of lighthouses at night

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Image result for images of lighthouses at night

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This is a major fucking hacking job, SHERIFF, FBI, ACLU, GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT, CONGRESSMAN PAT MURPHY, and on top of this, my jerk off fucking nabes from hell have been banging and slamming all dam day now, and are still going strong as I speak, at two minutes past mother fucking dirt bag midnight, on Wednesday morning, 16 December, of 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fucking dirtbag MILITUFORCE is striking me hard, Governor Scott, trying to covertly and stealthfully murder me, with death beams and death rays, such as we all have now seen as totally proven to exist, the Tesla Technology, and used covertly in a black operations stealth program with majestic top secret fucking level clearance programs and projects, on those enemies who they hate, such as myself, who know to much, and are in with powers that go far beyond the normal populous and realities of their planetary power and control, such as in my case the BRIGGBASE CULT OF THE PLANK REALM, and the mighty fuckign dirtbag MILITUFORCE OTAMMITES OF THE WOMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These mother fuckers just crashed me AGAIN, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the report of this second fucking crash, is being sent by MICROSOFT to the FBI, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a real team of mother fucking dirt bag total slime bucket diseased jerk off cock suckers on me tonight, folks, WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a legal DYING UTRTRERANCE AND DYING DECLARATION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me FOR THE PAST TWO SOLID WEEKS, WITH MAX-POWER AGAINST ALL PERSONS AND FORCES BEHIND THE ASSAULT ON ME NOW, OCTOBER 23, OF 2019; THE BOTBAR NUMBER FROM DOGTOWN, CAUSING ME A MAJOR NOISE ASSAULT FROM BOTH OUTSIDE ENEMIES AS WELL AS ENEMIES IN UNIT #605 AND UNIT #606, AND THEIR CRIMINAL DRUG THUG DEALER PEOPLE ILLEGALS, BOTH HERE, AND IN MY SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD, AND IN MY RESIDENCE BUILDING AND TOWN; on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, under G-1133, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P

[ 26 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Morning light / words & music by Mark W. Mohr ; arr. Tom Glenn.



[ 27 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Same title.



[ 28 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Thanx to the shadows.



[ 29 ]

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

You'll Be Crossing Over.

Pau—stolen form


THIS IS A PHONY DUPLICATION, AND BECAUSE THAT LADY STOLE MY COPYRIGHT FORM, I CANNOT EVEN PRINT UP THE PAULA KING REGISTRATION NUMBER!!!!!!!!! THE TERRORIST GIRL, WAS THE HYPERSPACE DARK SHADOWS PARALLEL WORLD CLEANING LADY! OR, maybe it is this young terrorist bitch with a criminal record who steals license plates and rams into cars intentionally when PAID OFF TO DO SO, that drive black colored large FORD EXPEDITION TRUCKS, SIR SHERIFF KJM, and AG MOODY of great and quite illustrious HOT-OVEN-FLORIDA, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Same Title'; wanna' Gimme' a bwake hele, Mizz Margie fucking Leo from 1985, yo!!!!!!!! TANKS, and a big ass super hyper BOOM!!!!

My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces

Florida Blogs of Mountainpen

On Blogger since December 2011

Profile views – 1,336

Morianity Blogs on Blogger since January 2006

My Floridian blogs after December of 2011

About me






persecution study statistic


Fort Pierce, Florida, United States


Being one of perhaps ten humans since time began who have memory going back far beyond current physical birth, I am doing my best to deal with an extremely unpleasant situation.


finding my way home to the void infinity.

Favorite Movies

Old movies in general, not filled with so much blood and gore. They need to tell a story and have a moral, not making you waste two hours wondering why you did so at the end, as with almost all of them.

Favorite Music

Most older music has enjoyable qualities, symphonic pieces, piano sonata, even some early and middle last century stuff, all good ballads with great vocalists.

Favorite Books

Being specific is not as we 60's kids said a lot, my thing. If pressed, any informative and educational book at all, as well as great detective stories, and some paranormal research books also.

When you open your eyes underwater, do you ever worry that you'll drown??????? Nope-mope-nope-nope, Jimmy Stewart, yo!

Well, I did drown in 1995, in South Atlantic City. Remember, I am the one in 1984 from Highland Avenue.








Now why exactly, Sarah Callio Martino, somewhere in hyperspace; trapped me in a lighthouse, and yelled my name out, over and over, 'JoJo-JoJo; I will never totally know. So let me widen the scope of the topic, so we can see this in a larger blend of bigger pictures, and out of one tiny confined box; great ladies and gentlemen. If you don't want your mind to be totally damn blown all the way from your place where you're reading this, all the way to Liverpool's mighty and illustrious Count Von-vam-Marcucci's other 1969 secret classrooms of ultimate mystery; then pweeeeeeze 'stop' reading this blog right now, great folks!

{S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P}

{S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P}

{S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P}

{S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P}

{S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P}

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{S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P}

{S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P} {S-T-O-P}

My life is not exactly Jekyll and Hyde!!!

My life is not exactly Jekyll and Hyde!!!

My life is not exactly Jekyll and Hyde!!!

My life is not exactly Jekyll and Hyde!!!

My life is not exactly Jekyll and Hyde!!!

My life is not exactly Jekyll and Hyde!!!

Ziggy, Ziggy hello”!

Ziggy, Ziggy hello”!

Ziggy, Ziggy hello”!

Ziggy, Ziggy hello”!

Ziggy, Ziggy hello”!



There are no absolutes, but David Leigh Smith from Cooley-Hall had some very wonderful advice for me that day after I returned from Ellisberg Circle's weird school of machine-professors. I told on earlier blogs a lot about this place, the Ellisberg Circle that is, not just limiting this discussion to this school that was there. There was mom's boyfriend who took mom and me by car one Saturday afternoon in the autumn of 1969, to several stores there. My mom needed to buy a mirror, and I was told to take it to the car, and given the keys, so I could place it into the back seat, and then either come back and find my mom and her boyfriend Sid, or at my discretion, remain in the car until they completed their shopping task. I chose to do neither, and took the mirror, and used it to almost cause a lot of serious problems, by using it in a manner not intended by its manufacturer, that is, to reflect bright blinding sunlight, directly into the face of drivers. Today, the world of this new age would have seen me in what I call, the Abbey Carmichael Law & Order way, you know, a bad egg, a crazy nutty adolescent who needs to just be locked away, for not conforming and obeying and saying yes sir, no ma'am to every dam adult within my daily interactivity. Hey, I wasn't a really bad ass, but I was quite the imp who could really piss off my mom's sort of nutty boyfriend, Sidney, without, to quote Lenny McKinnon who I would not go onto meet for eleven years, ''any doubt about it''.

Before this time, back in the spring time of 1969, about a half of a year or so, I had become friends, and not by my choosing, but everything in this life is always my fault and I am the perpetual absolute bad guy in all things, as I shortly thereafter have come to learn; but yes, Brad and I did some things that were bad, and I told about most of it, on these blogs, the first two years of them, in 2006 and 2007. But why I acted out, had something to do with being given this somewhat wild bigger kid, who was fourteen months younger than me, in the body of a seventeen year old, with the physical strength to match, and an eye for the fairer gender, and on I can go here, but won't, since he is not here to produce his side of anything that I might say; but yes, he was a wild customer, and quite a pistol, and a lot more; but he was my pal, and we did become close friends; about as close as any two young teen boys could be, who lived in the same garden type apartment system, of those times and days. But Brad was not the only reason that I began going a bit loco in many various ways, such as acting out with screaming and cursing, and being defiant with parents and authority, and feeling life was somehow mistreating me, because skit was happening to me, beginning early in February of that year, and going strong, month after month, in ways that no blog could ever really hope to adequately and properly address and define in terms that would permit normal and average type of people, any ability to identify and or relate to me, from their own personal private young lives. I am speaking of three major things here, that most of you out here know, or think that you all do, to some degree and some extent. These being, the chain and the wild teen girl on Tennessee Avenue of Atlantic City, the train and my suddenly remembering an entire half century or more of a lifetime, where I had grown into a man and an adult, lived a totally failed and trucked up life, and ended up realizing that I had been repeating this loop of nightmares, similar to being literally trapped in a hellish I-Ching Trance, for what would seem to be about six to ten thousand years, give or take, if all strung together. The biggest of all, was the first Saturday in July, just shortly after Brad and his mom, Grace Messenger, moved away, and took up residence in Cherry Hill, in the Stievasent Towers, about two miles or more away from the Haddon Hills Apartments. I do not have a play by play memory of the day it happened and the exact events. It is jumbled broken up nightmarish fragments, just exactly like the inverted digital year to follow, 27 years later, in 1996, when the great exploratron Patty-Paula, got me a second time, and this time, was witnessed to some degree, by a maintenance person at the apartment I was at then, called the Highview Apartments, in Monroe Township, Gloucester County, Williamstown, New Jersey, just down the street from the famous Julian Black Horse Pike, and the Gete's Diner. My Spell-Check has been disabled, so I need to go off and come back on, and fix my typos.

Discussing exploratron-Patty-Paula or EPP for short, is like discussing Sarah Krassle, as with both, this mother and daughter team have extremely unfathomable abilities to do inconceivable and outlandish mystical things, and they do them on a regular basis. If you do not think about someone, yet begin to dream about them on a regular basis, this means that they are thinking about you. I promise you that this is true, but I am speaking in five dimensions, not three. This applies to both of these 'people' and yes, I do single quote the word there, as I do not know just who or what they really truly are. The game that Sarah wants me to play with her, seems to imply that by its very title that she spouted off to me on P. H. Day of 1996, and very interesting symbolic initials too if I may add here; this game seems to be all about indeed guessing who is 'real' and who is 'not real', or who is the guest, which can very easily be interpreted to mean, who has an active dreaming-doppelganger inside of them, hence that would be the “GUEST” that I will need to “GUESS, if I am to successfully navigate my way through this physical hellish life and this horrendous HUNTINGTON FAMILY CURSE.

I have absolutely nothing to do with the way the United States Copyright Office catalogs the 29 musical projects that I've sent to them over decades of time. After the internet became available to the general public in the early middle nineties, to the point where it was a real entity and used by many folks who grew it to astronomical proportions after that, THEY made up the file on my music, and it is THEIR website. I only copied it to my BOM blogs. In fact, they insist my project number 29 is there, but I have gone up and I am unable to access it. But I have learned that I have no rights or freedoms in this nation, and the rules that apply to everybody mother trucking else, just don't apply to me. I am not allowed to get involved in MUSIC in any way, shape, or form, not unless I want to be turned inside out, upside down, and assaulted by the Milituforce in covert stealthy ways that go far beyond inconceivable, despicable, and monstrously trucking horrendous. So I don't even try to understand why my copyrighted early July-2013 project, called, “You'll Be Crossing Over/My Youtube Project”, is not available for me to access on the Copyright Office's web-site.

When the great United States Copyright Office, put the order of my musical projects together, on their web-page; that number 14 and 15, are the numbers corresponding to that love sonnet that I indeed wrote in that year, for my PINK GODDESS, ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH!!!! And in 1969's great summer of love, I was in-between year age numbers 14 and 15, precisely. Clues in the cosmos couldn't get more loud, more visible, more clear, and more in my face, if they literally had picked me up and shaken me until I died of brain ducking ass concussion. There is no denying this Sarah Krassle mess, from the tomb of a risen Jack In Jesus, to the Coral Reefs of great sunny-paradise Florida in 2016!

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-




Mohr, Mark W., 1954-




Gary Mitchell on Star Trek and lovely Pink goddess, and then comes my love sonnet of 1996 for the great lovely SCYLLA-J-PINK. How can anyone out here go on doubting this entire tale from beyond the GATES OF DOGTOWN? Just how frikkin' can they, YO????????



To this day, I will never know what Lenny McKinnon, the U.S. Copyright Office, and some others, all pulled off; after I went to that music attorney by the name of Malcolm Rosenberg, early in the autumn of 1980, or somewhere around there. I sent the four songs on one open reel tape, at a speed of 7 and one half IPS, on a full track recording, copied onto my RS-1500-US, open reel semi-pro mastering machine, that I bought from the Martin Audio/Video store, in Manhattan, in May of 1980, and was delivered to my apartment by UPS, early in the first week in June, right before my powerful and unfathomable bizarre Lois Foca dream-HIE-RAW! Suddenly Marcy Levy and Robin Gibb, from the famous BEEGEE assholes, had made a song, that was rapidly going into lower numbers, on the Billboard Hot 100 Music Charts, called, “Help Me”, speaking of major ducking symbolism, YO. After I saw the attorney recommended by my arranger, Mister Glenn, the song magically seemed to get pulled off of the air, and was killed cold; but no one ever spoke a word to me about shit, not Howard Solomon, not Lenny McKinnon, not Malcolm Rosenberg. Then came the real kicker of all kickers; Sheriff Mascara, and Attorney General Pam Bondi, of Florida-USA-ESMWG. You can see it for yourselves with the above pasted in U.S. Copyright Office PAU forms, that show a history of my musical copyrights. My 1994 book, The Permission Barrier, is not included since this was not a song; and only goddess knows why the roulette system, from two years before that, in 1992; was included, as that was not a song, but rather, a system for playing 'inside numbers' roulette. Still, I never was given a copyright on the song, and its arrangement, back in 1980. They made sure it was the following year, after the BEEGEE incident, and did not include the name of my arranger on the copyright form. The joke is that in 1977, before this particular internet song-list was used; I had copyrighted the LOST LOVE song. But it was the arrangement that was stolen, and even without the copyright, Tom Glenn, my arranger, was paid in full by me, as work for hire, or whatever they call it. This music and arrangement is all legally owned by me, and is legally my property, whether copyrighted or not; as long as Tom Glenn is available to go to court, and witness this for me someday. Should that ever miraculously happen; then the trucking press will no longer be able to call me a mother mucking crackpot; oh GAP Sheriff, and GAP Mizz Bondi-AG, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes Donna, it will most definitely be all right in the morning lightHOUSE and in the morning light as well, Mister Wonderful Microsoft Corporation Smartwords!!!!!!!!!!!

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Apitamy of harrasment [sic] : pt. two.



Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-

Epitamy of harassement [sic] : pt. 3.



HelpNew SearchSearch HistoryStart Over

My entire audience has dried up. It amazes me that it happened after my view-count hit 100K. If they were going to luck with me, logic would dictate they would have trickled it to a crawl after 95 or 98 K somewhere. Things like this however have built in teachers and professors all their own. I realize that things are not being done in any way, in three-D. Further, I also know that this may very well be happening, as the old poker game double blind bluff trick, just to make me think and wonder about that very thing, and thus if successful, annoy me even worse, because in addition to the item that annoys, comes the fact that it ain't trucking logical. Then they succeed in their game of obfuscation. That is if I am dumb enough to allow these dim witted mother suckers to get to me! Also, nothing around any holiday time, can make any real sense. Initially, the M-2-F seemed to not care about their own lives and families on holidays, and this topic has been thoroughly discussed on many past blogs in my Morianity. Still, there are double blind and even triple blind bluff experts in professional poker, so why not 'Corbomite me', Captain William Shatner Kirk, with one of those? To quote quite perfectly, my father, and Dawn-Marie King; SHEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!!! As I sucking speak-type at 8:06 Post Meridian, my right side is being passed by Morty Mortino Dirtbags Incorporated, the great and powerful Angel of Death! Two DA's that nobody wants to start trouble with, huh folks?

I can literally talk for weeks on end straight, and not begin to cover this whole nineties thing with SARAH KRASSLE, how it began at middle decade, how my book ''THE PERMISSION BARRIER'' fits into it, and a zillion trucking damn other things too. But let's go to Pearl Harbor day in 1996, about two years and one month give or take a week or so, from the time I sent my book to the Copyright Office, TPB, on Halloween Day of 1994. This is the time that I was beyond being totally beside myself and bonkers nuts even for me. I tried desperately hard to locate this girl who just had to be there, after-all, I was right there, and so was she, and the world told me they never knew her. Well, you know, that sounds like our wonderful GOD. Remember that scripture that basically says that if we deny GOD and its plan of salvation or game, that JESUS or GOD jacked into its game, will say back to us after we die and face eternity, “Depart from me, I never knew you”????????? It's in your bibles, and if you can't find it, ask your mucking pastor in church next week; and he or she will show it to you!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah I thought you were a hell of a nice guy once, Ryan, over at BJ's Studio. Your boss Tony BonJovi put a big ass knife in my back. Why am I not shocked and surprised, at that turkey? Maybe because I'm getting used to getting submarined a lot too, my friend!

Lyrics 2 the 1969 song written by Mark Wayne Mohr in middle June, from Westmont, NJUSAESMWG, at the Haddon Hills Apartments, #125-A that actually predict my entire future with Patty HHH, the entire musical and entertainment industry's connections with me way back in the nineteen-sixties, explaining many things as well simultaneously such as that anti-pollution television commercial showing pigs on a beach, discussing 'hot weather in the 90's', and using MY VOICE without my permission, or my guardian's permission, my mom; on that commercial and receiving absolutely, AS ALWAYS, no financial remunerative compensation 4 this, as is typical with the EW, as I call them 4 a shortened abbreviation.

It all began at once when I's too happy 2C

That something really bad was gonna' happen 2 me

U planned it all and now you're just a watching with glee

As something really bad is now a happ'nin' 2 me

And that's the way it goes.

And that's the way it goes, that's the way it goes, that's the way it goes, that's the way it goes.

Long ago I felt that something awful was wrong

Never dreaming now that I'd B singing this song

I only wish 2 God that you'd just let me B free

And stop these awful things that now R happ'nin' 2 me

But that's the way it goes

And that's the way the Earth turns

That's the way it goes

That's the way my soul burns, nobody knows

U've got 2 learn young

U've got 2B young

U've got 2 stay young, and that's the way it goes.

The only thing that I forgot 2 do was 2 stay young!

© Mark Wayne Mohr 1969 written June 22.




Mizz Shitzbrains Thistlethorns just nearly got me, but I outwitted the cracker-brain, HA-HA-HA, LOVELY MANADA MCKECHNIE-1970!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That night, watching those Star Trek shows while living at 112 Harvard Avenue, Somerdale, New Jersey, USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, in 1996, in the autumn on the 30th Anniversary of the TELEVISION SHOW PRODUCTION LAUNCH, memories flooded in that I could not handle, leading to the wild dreams the following year of the Publishing Clearinghouse's PCN-231 PRIZE-PATROL truck with that co-de named K.J. McAllister, who won that January of 1997, and then the wild song that led to the 2012 production and 2013 Copyright of ''Wanna' Spend My Time'', the fence at Eden's great garden, and a lot more. This is when I was looking nearby the television set, little as it may have been Mizz Britney Lavino, and Mister Stanley Crooked Bernstein; and as that great voted-number-1 episode of STAR TREK was airing, suddenly a voice kept saying while I was staring off of the TV set and onto my venetian blinds, “Sarah Kessle, Sarah Kessle”. All of these things are on my earlier parts of this now freaking ass ten year blog project that we all know as 'MORIANITY', YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later on, we can get to how the venetian blinds, the episode on the show called, ''THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES'', and a bit more, all brought me parsecs ahead of where I would have been ''spiritually'', if these events were not all LAWTRONICALLY PROGRAMMED to happen, and so, they did, Mister Pharaoh of all babbling's, on and on and on; AKA Babylon, for shorter and abridged sayings, and codings, of all wild strange rhyming rhythms, in all parallel universes everywhere in the multiversal hyperspace, AKA the fifth dimension, Mizz Marilyn McCoo, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Image result for images of lighthouses at nightImage result for images of lighthouses at night

NOVEMBER 29, 2015,




RANGE YESTERDAY-------(H-81/L-62).



Just about every mother ******* day 4 an entire month or more now, the DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES STOCK MARKET WALL STREET SYSTEM has raced up and up and up, and this would B as meaningless 2 the Mountainpen as some bunny rabbit hopping along ten miles northeast of 'Crackerville, Idaho', if not 4 the fact that I am being persecuted 2 my grave and my entire life is being and has been 4 nearly four decades now, TOTALLY ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED AND WIPED OUT WITHOUT MERCY OR HUMANITY by monster greedy pricks who can get away with doing this 2 me and so simply put folks, THEY JUST KEEP RIGHT ON DOING IT AND WILL, UNTIL THEY R EITHER STOPPED, OR THE DAY THAT I MOTHER ******* DIE, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









4 example, yesterday morning at 15 minutes shy of the Wall Street's f****** opening bell from HELL, the attack against me was launched. I speak of yesterday's monstrous UTILITY ASSAULT ON ME, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF FLORIDA AND ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, and this blog right now is telling both of U and UNDER A SWORN OATH HERE that should I-B lying or making this story up 4 any reason other than it is the truth, and 2 try and save my life; and I SUBMIT 2 IMMEDIATE ARREST AND PROSECUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the name of the gods and everything holy, Mister President Sir Joseph Robinnette Biden, ole' pal; PLEASE GET THESE MONSTERS OFF OF MY BACK AND INTO PRISON WHERE THEY ALL BELONG, OH KIND SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









Yes I screwed up on the previous blog's lunar cycle chart and said, waning gibbous 6:6 when it was only a WNG 5:6, so sorry, it really truly verily is quite difficult 2B always perfect and accurate under this horrendous endless monstrous evil wicked MILITUFORCE OTAMMIC DEATH SIEGE, oh great lads and lassies out there, what few there R any more. The great Late Mizz disco-singer Donna Summer said it all, “Use me up”. With or without any dimmed out lighting systems from 1979's great wild autumn times folks, I know that a lot of my readers R indeed EW-thieves who have taken this blog and many other things that I have spoken and done, and made incredible fortunes with it, leaving me out in the cold. U have 2 live with your scummy selves, thank the gods that I do naught.

Back in 2016 when Trump was running the first time 4 the office of the United States presidency, we all know that Russia as well as its wonderful and pitifully oppressed neighbor, whose name is being MIND HACKED AWAY FROM ME RIGHT NOW, the nation where Sir Zelinskyy is the president, and these two nations R somehow all tied into both Trump as well as my blogs in those times, the proof is out here and 100% indisputable, and U know it, Sheriff KJM, and Attorney General of Florida lovely Mizz Ashley Moody. I remember the times of pre-Trump, his run 4 office, as well as his administration, and then his unspeakable non American behavior at the end of it all, like it was ten minutes ago. Some of U older farts out there do also. None of this blog is made up, delusional insanity, or any other nonsense that my critics and many there R indeed, will continue 2 insist is the case. Those making those claims and trying 2 shut the Mountainpen up via censorship, R merely PROVING ALL OF MY DAMN POINTS, whether they wish 2B doing this or naught, oh lovely Mizz 1983 AT&T Blake, YO mahm'.

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers

Yes I was attacked, but stupidity was 2 blame 4 allowing it 2 happen!!!

Folks, I totally f***** up something. I plugged my Comcast-modem into the wrong side of my power-brick, and this caused my problem. One side of a power-brick is 4 battery-back-up, like an idiot, I reversed the sides and plugged the orange chord into the surge-only-side!!!!!!!!


Posted by mark wayne mohr at 4:24 PM No comments:

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Sunday, March 19, 2023

MPN--2023--CHAPTER 025

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BABY BABY, if this shit against me doesn't quit soon, the world is gonna' B even further 'magnesonisized' peeps, and yes, IPUT, and yes, U have no laws on the book that prevents my freedoms of speech, as all witchcraft chants and verbal practices that once were indeed outlawed in this nation, R NO GODDAMN FUCKING MORE, OH WORLD, and watching the news 4 some time now should convince some peeps that movies R movies, Davis-Morrisette's R Davis Morrisette's, and MAGNESONIC IS REAL WITH REAL CAPABILITIES 2 DO REAL EFFING SHIT 2 THE WORLD IF THIS ENDLESS PERSECUTION ON ME IS NOT SOON TERMINATED, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!

Yes a long time ago as well as a long time from now, I would B jailed or even executed 4 using MAGNESONIC, despite my using it ONLY DEFENSIVELY. BUTTTTTTTTTTTT-BUTTERCHEESE, BIG ASS BUTT, and yes, but YO, now in this twilight zonish in-between period of present day-America, I AM BREAKING NO LAWS WHATSOEVER in using this incredible retaliatory magic, and I know this only 2 well, and have researched it at the local LAW LIBRARY. Only when speech is inciting illegal and or violent acts, is it under an entirely different classification and no longer has any first constitutional amendment protections. Yes lads & lassies, WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS perhaps Sir HELLWRECKER-Spellchecker, but also BUTTERCHEESE-WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

I discussed Subs & Swirls and 1986 and how one is able 2 theoretically create from the magical zone of the hypnogognic state, any and all stuff, even great sky saucer crafts, “UFO” saucers, triangles, cigars, etcetera. I went into only a small amount of things and do not plan 2 give away the storehouse as Y should I keep making the dirtbag entertainment industry endlessly futhermucking wealthier??????? However anyone may wish 2 look at this, I simply need 2 find a balance of how much 2 say in order 2 bring about some fear of my enemies yet without giving them tens of billions of dollars worth of wild new ideas 4 them 2 go and profit in remunerative ways. First and foremost, only a truly certified TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON is capable of creating things from this magical zone of between wakefulness and sleep and bringing them into a fully realized waking reality state. Many indeed have learned how 2 activate the first stage of this dual-staged power-ability. Throughout history, those were known as several type of labels, masters, gurus, mystics, and the non-fake psychics, of which about one percent truly R with heightened sensory abilities, and the other 99% operate with both major trickery, as well as a sort of magicians club association where a whole lot of information is indeed shared between them, so as 2B able 2 fool peeps and then separate them from a lot of their hard earned fucking money. That last item includes even a few with real abilities such as Mizz Paula Uwich of Glendora, NJUSAESMWG. But even she also employed the trickery on top of her true higher sensory abilities. Never count out this well kept secret knowledge, and they protect this information just as circus and carny folks all do, and 2 the point of death if ever necessary. This is how Mizz Uwich knew about my daughter, as well as her musical friends such as the B-sisters. The whole thing fitted like a smooth glove and right along with those times of 1996 and 1997, and at the very height of my 'quest 2 locate Sarah Krassle nightmare' that came a razor's edge from costing me my sanity forever. There is a lot 2 tell and if I say 2 much at any one sitting as we all know, POW, somebody out here does all that they can 2 get the blog screwed with. To quote lovely Mizz Diana Ross here from early in May of 1983, “I don't need this, no how, no nothing”. All of this can also B harped on with much greater detail, but again, not all in one sitting, without threat of censorship. Peeps, I refuse 2 give U what would make U all literally hundreds of billions of bucks practically overnight as it would indeed B that fucking totally goddamn HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, but I will tell U a wee tad Patty-Irish small bit of it, right here and right now, oh lovely Lieutenant 'L&O' Anita VanBuren. What exactly makes us think the exact thoughts that we think that then go onto do most of the stuff that creates our exact lives here in the world and the interactions that we all share as a local and more distant society? What makes our thoughts work? When this is a bit better understood, at this point we also can direct our dreams, at least in small ways and upon some occasions, I never said that anyone can develop this ability down 2 the accuracy of say a software computer program that is then telling our devices how 2 operate. Still, dream thoughts R not that different than waking thoughts, and there truly is a reason as well as an order 4 our thoughts 2 not only first come 2 us, but then the further-formations of them that go onto further develop. When I was asleep and right B4 this all happened 2 me, I need 2 give U all a little quick glance at the more elaborated junk behind the closet door here today, YO. As I do from time 2 time, I used a little bit of special wisdom that was taught 2 me by astral-forces and remembered humanly or by my awake-brain and present human life here on the Earth, and I was able 2 enter a hypnogognic state of between wakefulness and low level first total REM-sleep. After doing this, I created a few things in this state because I need some help in dealing with this horrendous family nightmare curse. This is certainly not the first time that I have played with this, only it is the first time that I tried 2 learn something that pertains 2 what I was about 2 discuss on some upcoming blogs B4 finishing them out. I did not wish 2 do it however unless I could learn just a wee bit more about something that I refuse 2 get into right now today. It is not a healthy deal 4 me 2 do certain stuff, such as this kind of thing on a major super fucking BOTBAR DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell U only 2 the extent that I am trying 2 learn if lovely Patty Hollister is still in the land of the living. My enemies could answer this 4 me in a New York fucking heartbeat of course, but never ever would, not on your life, YO. I know that if I could reach Patty-HHH, she would get at least some of these total evil pricks off of my back. Sir SWAP has told me not 2 mess with it or our kid will just make things even worse 4 me, but like a total shit head, Mister Highland Avenue of magical years and residences and even 'TRILANE-TUNES'; I don't always listen 2 what is probably real good advice. When I pull out of this death strike as hopefully SHERIFF KEN MASCARA SIR OF SAINT LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA-USA, I will eventually; then more specific details will indeed B told on a soon 2 fucking follow blogging text, YO BRRRRRRR!!!!!!! It simply is 2 damn ass hot 2 say today on this beyond absolutely SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER BOTBAR HELLISH DAY, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!

Now so far, I got a call back from the COMCAST PEEPS, and the system has been totally mysteriously broken, FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, and ole' now retired buddy and pal, FCC-Chairman, Robert McDowell, and not the McDowell from my days in Philadelphia folks, in that apartment number 24-A at 2041 Chestnut Street. Don't confuse Sir John McDowell the male nurse and son of my neighbor, the lady nurse. I don't want our kid 2 get too wet or pumped here lovely PHHH, but how about following distant Cuzz Don's advice here, U know, “Give me a BRAAAAAAAAAKE” and while UR at it maybe, tell Mizz Margie Leo back in November of 1985 that she was three decades ahead of her McFly-time, without any great Saturn cars, shoebox-tablets, or zillions of other stuff all Rohr-related, huh lovely Scylla Pink???

I am going 2 tell mind busting dogshit real damn ass soon folks, just U wait. I'm not gonna' fucking absorb this big of an assault on me without some gargantuan consequences, YO!!!!!!10:15 A.M. ON 11 APRIL, 2023, TUESDAY MORNING.















This address link takes you to my early blogs, AHA-AHA!!!!!

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi

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Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me with an off the scale major death assault on this eleventh day in April, of the year of 2023, and who have struck me late this morning with A MAJOR UTILITY ASSAULT AND ATTACK ON MY LANDLINE TELEPHONE SYSTEM, beginning at quarter past nine this morning with a three second electrical outage followed immediately by this somehow causing my landline phone service 2B damaged and so far COMCAST has been unable 2 fix it and will have 2 come out 2 effect a repair and may cost me money; on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM, you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND


Here is what happened, Mister Derrijo Exxon, sir from 1983 as well as all or anyone else who may just care in any small way. I had been asleep only a short while and pow, the electrical outage suddenly hit me at exactly 9:15 this mother fucking moUUUUUUUUUUUUrning; oh kind and unkind peeps out there. When I tried 2 call my landline from my cellular Galaxy phone to restore the time and date on the phone's caller-ID, which needs 2B done until some caller phones me and I answer the call, activating a caller-ID-reset of some kind, and I could not call through, I observed that I do have a dial tone on it, and I can make outgoing fucking phone calls without any trouble at all. This never has happened 2 me B4 and my Spammenies have never done this exact particular hack strike on me B4, not in all of the nearly 40 years now of this death assault on me by these diseased turd eating dick lickers. Never ever fucking B4 have I been struck with a broken incoming call phone situation following an electrical outage harassment, this is truly a first time 4 these wicked demonic scum sucking vomit chewing Spammenies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comcast is looking into this and most likely will need 2 come out here with one of their technicians in order 2 find out just what is going the Dogtown on with me here. I did absolutely nothing whatsoever wrong, and yet I may still get charged, as only the tech will know this. If it happens that way, I will discontinue with my landline service after the next billing cycle, as the enemies can endlessly repeat this persecution on me and cause my already fucking ass busted budget 2 go further down the goddamn ass girgler at C-SQ! All we can do now is 2C what happens, but I know that the stock market (DJIA) and this endless and viciously monstrous ICPE-APE-TECH applied against me since summer time of 1986, is indeed behind my major death strike assault today, just 15 goddamn ass minutes prior 2 Wall crooked Street's opening bell from HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR TIMES ONE, AND SUPER HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC TIMES ONE, with now my second horrendous hellish BOTBAR 4 the month of APRIL-2023. Now where was I B4 this MAJOR ASSAULT ON ME IN WAKING LIFE TOOK PLACE, oh folks? “WELLLLLLLLLL”, Sir President Nixon from 1972 and 1973; I was 'dreaming and asleep', and in this incredible wild experience, I was in a major mother trucking nightmarish experience involving a lot of super giant girls all over the place, a sheriff who was about 2 place me under arrest 4 a crime that I had naught committed oh lovely 'Mizz 1983 AT&T Blake', and all sorts of horrendous shit was ongoing all around me, and as I awoke from thisssssssss, oh lovely Mizz Erica 1983 Snakesssssssss mahm', and had forced open my eyes with all my will and might as it was indeed extremely and outlandishly difficult 4 me 2 do; and the entire room was literally spinning around me and things were jumping and I was fully and completely awake only shit around me was not yet settling into the world of human consciousness and the great and mighty hypnogogic state had kicked in, causing thisssssssss incredible major electrical and utility assault and property damage attack from this enemy SPACEFORCE, (Spammenies)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is way more 2 this nightmare story from fucking hell people but 4 now, I wish 2 post while I can, as the services may cut off during further testing conducted by the entertainment world's great mighty and almighty non-Davis Donna grand-pop Morrisette blog comment leaver of how he is making a lot of $$$$$$ with my blogs out there in CALI; oh boy Mister fucking ass MACY; but yes, things now R fitting together a whole lot more than just 24 hours back, leading of course 2 also realizing the reason a long time ago for a song titled, “24 Little hours”, yes world, what a mother fucking difference a day can indeed make, right all of U song lyricists out there, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO??????????????????

Yes it is now obvious that the majority of my viewing audience that Mountainpen calls his Blogaudians, is the Hollywood and entertainment world crew, then comes the Macy Club after that. We won't begin 2 delve deeper into any of this, Misses Gaines or Misses McCoo, or Misses Davis, not right now, YO BRAHHH!!!! Yes Macy's in Manhattan has an address there on 34th street, the old magical beyond any words of the 7-12 mathematical magical stuff that Lightning taught 2 me a long time ago back in the late 20th century. As 4 my dream leading me into this non-UFO-created hypnogogic nightmarish assault just as the room stopped spinning and wild objects stopped flying all around me, and all ice cream cones had settled onto the ground without making 2 many mother fucking subs or swirls in the mix, in 1986 or up here in 2023. I'll come back when I know what's what and I calm down a wee bit 2 make the great Mizz Blake more contented!!!!!!!!!! Yes I know that the reason 4 my major blog page-view fall off since the 25th day in March, is so that brand new non-Purgatorial named movie could B worked on. There simply and 2 quote the great 1980 record promoter of non glittering lights Sir Lenny McKinnon, oh U great U.S. © Copyright Office Examiners out there, “AIN'T NO DOUBT ABOUT IT”! Am I wrong there, Lenny-ole' boy in case UR still out there and alive somewhere, YO? WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW!!!!!!!!!

As far as I am concerned right now, this has already become my own private blog and personal journal-record of many things, as no one out in the world except 4 one 90's Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG resident gives, as they said back in the sixties, one damn hoot-pollute about anything, me, this blog, and in fact, they seem 2B of the mind 2 wipe it out and indeed STOP IT ENTIRELY, and as with all things in this endless fight with the CALLIOCAREYOTAMM and or whoever/whatever they all truly R, without money 2 do things properly, it is always going 2B an end resulting TOTAL FUCKING LOST CAUSE. I know that as sure as shit stinks 2 lowest Dogtown regions. Still, since it is still a blog within a public accessible system, they whoever SPACEFORCE/ CALLIOCAREYOTAMM truly is, can and definitely will continue 2 censor anything that they, 4 reasons that only they seem 2 understand fully, or at least reasons that I was not able 2 ever accurately ascertain; will go on censoring so until I learn how 2 make the change from public to PRIVATE, I need 2B mindful as well as very-Paula King-'careful', 2 remain in a blander style of writing and saying things around things and not directly on points as well as make any one blogging work 2 long and or extensive. I can B real cute and say a lot of indirect things that I am the only one who 4 absolute sure, will know what I am truly saying. While no information thereby will get lost this way, it also allows truths 2B spoken without a direct approach 2 stuff that will cause greater chances of permanent or at least annoying temporary blog removals by this so-called 'BLOGGER-TEAM', in league with what else but what I label at present 4 lack of knowing exactly what I am really dealing with here and have been all my entire life, SPACEFORCE/ CALLIOCAREYOTAMM, and more recently named by Mountainpen/me and AKA, the Spammenies. First off there R several points that I will speak of now on this chapter-4 that all tie into something only I still ain't exactly sure just what that something goddamn is. One has 2 do with two women from the year 1996 in the later part of the year, one named Mizz Paula Uwich of Glendora, NJUSAESMWG, and the other one named Mizz Toni Braxton of most likely somewhere in the Manhattan, NYUSAESMWG general area only I don't keep up with entertainment world junk so I can only venture 2 make a guess here about that. Then I am going 2 discuss how one particular thing can without all that much trouble or detective legwork, can indeed B absolutely tied all completely together quite easily that all began shortly into the second half of my residing at the 1802 Robin Hill Apartment in Voorhees Township, NJUSAESMWG. This involves all the stuff spoken of with Y the move away from that place occurred that brought me 2 my Atco address of 134 Norris Avenue on February 1st in 1983 after living close 2 three years at that apartment. This tie in includes numerous recording artists and if we live as does the Mountainpen in a not-confined or limited-3-D reality where time is not so important, literally a half dozen more recording artists R seemingly all a part of this mix. If I begin 2 name them all, this would start the artificial-intelligence-censors 2 begin a slow kick-in, and so let me remain more generalized in my speech here, saying without saying all of this stuff, and all the while remembering in great comfort the words spoken 2 me back early in the 1990's by the great ADA who had been assisting me WITH THIS ENEMY-PROBLEM and major woe-whiz-me nightmare situation, Mister Ron Wirtz, and speaking of RON, I did end up again recently on the receiving of another MIND-HACK, and said RON when I obviously meant 2 type in John Bonjovi, and I am not sure if the name is spelled with or without the 'H', as some seem 2 use it and others don't. LFLD, Brad and I did many similar things with telephones, am I not correct here, Mizz Blake? Many approaches 2 new beliefs that this entire mess is all one, and quoting the great marvelous Senator Sanders here, “HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE” connected multiplexed truth, does indeed make all of this hellishness more plausible as well as believable, and since I worked at the RPL Studio from the end of July of 1979 through the 11th evening in March in 1981, this also enforces numerous possibilities 2B totally the truth, as well as time-lines, and even down to powerful nightmares, premonitions, and even dreams during early blogging times that seemed 2 predict a future residence 4 me only the dream did not take place at a home owned by a judge but rather by a real estate investor and a place where indeed I did live B4 as well as live while the start of the medical stuff also began. What clinches a lot of stuff even beyond all of this 4 me is another unmistakable time-line of my move from 1802 into Atco, NJUSAESMWG. My family B4 we were my present MOHR legal line, my mother's mother were the direct lineage of the HUNTINGTON family branch that traced into her direct all male line 5 times back in generations 2 our great American founding father, Sir Samuel Huntington. His direct male lineage according 2 my family genealogy expert Aunt Gerry (Mizz Geraldine Snow Mason) who married my mom's brother, Sir Stuart Huntington Mason came approximately 15 generations back to his 15th granny the great SCOTISH QUEEN MARY STUART. But only the great MASONIC LODGE had the real secret, and David Roth a lodge brother and top 33 degreed Mason showed me a lineage chart of this great family where Queen Mary is a direct male line descendant or her father, back all the way to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, and this family as any and all biblical scholars know perfectly well all directly go back into the Judah Tribe 2 KING DAVID, and without any help from anyone on some internet chat-room from the great illustrious WFMU-internet radio with some weird station manager named Ken or Donna Summer or any other whacked out total nonsense. My reality is real, it is not nonsense and I don't go around calling myself by female recording artist names. So moving all of this right along here, the Playboy-Bunny in apartment #1801 below me, back in my first of 3 stays at the illustrious ROBIN HILL beginning on May 1st in 1980 and ending forever on March 31, 1991; is where what I'll now label and call my Interconnected Entertainment World Castaneda Dream-Gating Complex Inter-Planned Nightmare, ALL DID INDEED BEGIN 2 REAR ITS UGLY MONSTER HEAD 4 THE MOUNTAINPEN, or ME, (IEWCDGCIPN)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now totally believe although admitantly of course I will most likely NEVER EVER HAVE ALL OF THE TRUE AND OR ABSOLUTE FACTS from A-Z completely and without any errors whatsoever; but I now do believe 100 goddamn mother ******* percent in this, (IEWCDGCIPN)!!!!!!!!! So what all began somewhere in approximately the early middle part of the year of 1982 at my apartment, 1802 Robin Hill, Voorhees, NJUSAESMWG; and was the most wonderful and completely beautiful awesome place 4 me 2B living at 4 at least the very first year from middle 1980 through middle to even late 1981, and then began a slow, as all things related 2 the Mountainpen seemingly do, major steady decline, that indeed then led up 2 the eventual explosion, or the moving in of Mizz Debbie Harry (BLONDIE's) gal-pal below me, with all of the endless weekend parties of lines of limos parked everywhere, loud noise, loud music, and the entire Atlantic City casino-mafia all around me, and making life there in that place beyond impossible. Another unmistakable time-line is the death of a major recording artist. This artist shares an ancient family lineage name, her death was literally hours after my moving out of Robin Hill into 134 Norris Avenue in Atco, and I am speaking of who other than the lovely and now long Latengrate, Mizz Karen Carpenter. But now moving on here quite a ways in human chronology, into an entirely future decade, still in good ole' New Jersey, and within a couple weeks or so of residing in what I have called in many of my blogging works, the Somerdale-DEATH-HOUSE at 112 Harvard Avenue, the place moved into after leaving the great and Illustrious HIGHVIEW APARTMENTS of Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG, after my 2nd time residing at that place, and never 2 return, just as my 3 times at the marvelous nightmare farm outside of prophesied by 16 year old special education student Mountainpen, ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS. This is where I saw an ad in a magazine that was locally delivered to my area on a weekly or monthly system as most of us all receive similar items as well, and this had an ad-spot in it, placed there by a local psychic, Mizz Paula Uwich. At this time I was suffering through a mind hack assault of all time, by a definite DEMONIC/SATANIC/ENEMY FROM HELL. This was my search and quest 2 locate the great SARAH KRASSLE from my boyhood times in Atlantic City in the 1960's. Paula Uwich promised that she would find her 4 me and help me out of my fiery nightmare, and she bled me 4 more than nine thousand mother ******* dollars. I did not have money, but I did have brains 4 finance, and a whole lot of credit, and so was able 2 indeed manage 2 get this as well as an additional more than 40 grand a wee bit later on and while still there, 2 begin the STUDIO PARK RECORDS business with Mister Paul Evans Pedersen. All I wanted was 2 find my SARAH, and Paul saw me coming and took me so that he could promote his own stupid ass country tunes, and that was all he was interested in, I could go straight 2 blazes, so between Mizz Uwich and Mister rotten soulless Pedersen, I was out 50 grand within a couple of short years, deep in debt, and all over this nightmare with mother ******* SARAH of Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!! Now during my nightmare at this death-house, I had my own problems with Mizz Paula Psychic Uwich and SARAH, and then on top of that, across the street from my home there, owned by Sir Dirtbag Mike Stozny, this dude and about 15 of his crude evil demonic enemy pals, made my life a living hell there day and night with every possible thing that they could do 2 me and not B arrested 4. They had kids try and burn my home down once, they parked in the lip area of my driveway when they had all the room in the world on their side of the street, they blared music in their cars and in their home, they tried 2 prevent me from selling and getting away by blasting music every time I had a perspective buyer look at the place, and I could go on and on. They were all a part of my SPACEFORCE/CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC ENEMIES FROM HELL (DOGTOWN), now labeled by Mountainpen as my Spammenies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Mizz Paula the Glendora psychic after about three weeks of our interacting, told me she needed 2C me and 2 drive over 2 her home on the Julian Black Horse Pike. When I got there, she asked me what I know about the recording artist named Mizz Toni Braxton and I told her the truth, nothing whatsoever, I hate that industry and want absolutely nothing whatsoever 2 do with any of them. I blogged a lot of this story on several occasions throughout the past 17 years or so, but never told all of it. She persisted with this 4 a week or so during a lot of telephone talks. Finally I remember clearly saying 2 her in a very annoyed way, “Do U have some proof 2 how she is connected into my Sarah woes”? The answer knocked me 4 a proverbial loop and then some, peeps. I thought that somehow and quite suddenly I had been transported backward through time 2 my days with the illustrious Sir James T. Burr. He was always harping over and over with me that “my family” was behind my entire woes and nightmares straight from beyond Dogtown's very gates. She said, and although exact verbiage is not recalled here, the crux of it is beyond Mister Nat King Unforgettable Cole. She told me that the way this girl is connected into it all is my family. I laughed and scoffed and told her that I once had a pal who harped on similar stuff, and I have no reason 2 believe that any part of my known family could B connected with the music world and that I am the only one 2 my best knowledge who ever even wrote music, copyrighted songs, or worked in musical studios such as my job at RPL from 1979-1981. The next time after this that we spoke, it was the final time that she brought this up, and she told me that other peeps in that trade R all friends with these Braxton peeps and that family is all a part of everything. Again, I laughed and that was that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I moved into this house in the first week in September of 1996, and first spoke 2 Mizz Paula Uwich in middle late September and continued 2B in with her until somewhere around the Thanksgiving Holidays. Many things beyond this need 2B addressed and said and will B in near future blogging works. This is a mere opening foundation here.

This psychic-witch was a crook, but she did have real amazing powers, and I will tell all of this later on!!!!!!!!!!

Now I am going 2 take things into clearer territory concerning the topic of most urgent and powerful items in my list, yours as well only none of U most likely have a small clue as 2 the real honest freaking truth there is 2 all of this. Your loss 2 people, naught mine! The topic just 2 remind anyone out there from my last posting, I now copy in with a CAP-job so U can refresh yourselves B4 indeed we move onward here with this.

So let us move on presently as my prior blog actually was necessary 2 lay the foundations 2 this very topic, and only the real smarty-Jones horseback riders R truly aware here of the fullness of what I'm attempting 2 convey 2 all of U. So first, here is my pasted in CAP-job: I AM GOING 2 SIMPLY BEGIN CLEARING UP HOW I PERSONALLY KNOW 100 PERCENT & WITHOUT ANY SMALL WEE BIT OF DOUBT OR HESITATION, just how I am fully aware that all of life, (dreaming) as well as (waking), is all one full or absolute thing that represents a total and complete FULLNESS, separated ONLY BY illusion that one is real and one is a sort of a fantasy. The largest way 2 begin this is the most powerful truth that anyone can verify with some simple research into what the human brain actually does, how it works and functions, and how it does indeed allow and permit the sentient awareness 2 life and the surroundings of all things 2 then B able 2 magically appear 2B interacting with the self or 'us' that 'we' seem 2 think that 'we R'. Okay so moving this right along now folks, whoever U all may B4 the very most part; we have already begun the exploration into how all of the realms that we create from having an electrified or living-brain, R all one total reflected reality, off of the ASTRAL-PLANE or (purgatory), or said more scientifically and less religiously and or mystically here, in the Plancktime. I also told how I temporarily forgot a major incident spoken several times 2 me by my mother when I was an eleven year old boy in 1966, concerning her having a big hot shot guy in our local area who was a wee bit obsessed with her in the same manner and way that an even greater and much more famous person, the Hollywood-actor Mister Rodney Dangerfield was also beyond infatuated with my pal Brad's mom just a couple years later on in 1969 after meeting her at some show that he did, I think it may have been at the famous 2 the local area, Latin Casino on Route 70 where many performers did various acts in those times, and this place was not an actual casino by the way peeps. But speaking of shows here, let's get back 2 the show here, or 2 this blog and the message thereon. When awake or asleep, we literally R creating a reality, and all realms R made up of simply waves and particles, nothing truly 'is real', not even Israel. I don't believe that these translated verbal sonics here R a mere random happenstance either, as let us face it, these holy lands R all a part of this seemingly intentionally placed 'videogame-hologram' system that we R all agreeing 2 label and call, life here on the Earth. I find it extremely interesting that my computer chose 2 freeze up 4 a quarter of a minute when I just went 2 save that very last sentence. Then while typing just this past sentence, a lot of major KEYBOARD-SPACE-HACKING happened. But let's get on with the show, sweet CALLIO, no spellchecker sir, and Mizz Blake, naught sweet CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC, but then, hey; all things according 2 Mister Einstein and his great and marvelous 'spooky-fawces' may seem 2 indicate otherwise, at least 2 some extent here peeps. Now when I go 2 sleep and dream, stuff that is all a part of what I most recently discuss on my BOM-BLOGS seems 2 intertwine an awful lot in these nocturnal interactions (dreams). Believe me peeps when I tell U all that my life is a wee bit more than just my blogging. Think of this as just an important hobby, but still a hobby nonetheless. What I used 2 label and call my “RPL-DD” (dream deal) years ago and 4 quite a long while folks, is my parochial and less enlightened way that I once looked at this particular phenomenon. 2 refresh the memory of anyone who may B head scratching concerning the RPL-DD, it was at that job in 1980 where I had a wild dream during the day as remember that I worked on a night shift swing as many plant workers call it, not day and not midnight through 8 AM or so, but rather my hours there were 4:30 in the afternoon through 1 AM unless we were on an overtime schedule when our largest account, the religious guy who we all in today's world know only 2 well, Mister Pat Robertson, had a large quantity of his cassette tapes that he needed 4 us 2 duplicate and on a tighter than normal schedule 4 their completion. So when on my shift, I was home and dreaming that the guys in the Shipping Department at the RPL Studio, were planning 2 do something unpleasant 2 me. When I came in that very day, I saw this large dude who was a miniature of the famous then “Incredible Hulk” guy Mister Louis Farregno, and who I'm sure I'm misspelling his name, sorry Sir Louie; and he was standing by the time clock waiting 2 punch out after his day shift had just completed. I told him that I knew what was being planned 4 me as I saw it in a dream-vision. He responded with a frightened reaction and a guilty man's facial expression, with a precise word choice that 2 this very day is totally unforgettable by me. He said 2 me instantly, “You're haunted”. He then stared at me 4 a few seconds and he again repeated what he had said B4 just as if he had played it and never spoken it, on a quality sounding tape recorder. I never forgot that incident and I doubt that I ever will. So after about two decades or as 'astrallites' may call it, a BRIPER, 2 scores of human time, (Briggbase Period), as the Leviathans who really R the Lambrigger Cult of the Purgatorial Briggbase, use that 20 Earth year period quite frequently such as when a deal is struck 2 offer them a great blessed life in exchange 4 something HUUUUUGE from them down the line, such as in the case of Mister Paul Stoddard on the world renown television soap-show called, “DARK SHADOWS”. Now moving on here, Mayor Rohr, my mom's “annoying reflection” as she would refer 2 him as 2 me upon at least five occasions when I was age 11 and one half years and just out of the NJNPI place where I went 2 the 6th grade there and closed down suddenly once I began blogging 4 about a year and began discussing my wild education on BLOGGER DOT COM (BDC); wanted 2 use my mother as what is commonly referred 2 in on the street lingo, 'a kept woman'. My mom wanted no part of it even though he offered us an extremely lucrative life as opposed 2 our poverty residing in a 93 dollar monthly apartment called Haddon Hills, at #125-A. The odds that Mayor Rohr was not a very closely family relation 2 Mizz Harriet Rohr, at least IMHO, would B 1000-2-1. And Mizz Harriet Rohr was the Assistant Producer of that television soap-show called, “DARK SHADOWS” that just began running and airing on the 27th day in June of 1966, one week after I was released from that nightmare institution, the New Jersey Neural Psychiatric Institute. This show used my birthday as Paul Stoddard's Leviathans-Cult DUE-DATE, my pops birthday as Quentin Collins' death prediction date back in 1897, and back in 1966 at the very start of the show about three months in, the previous address of the Philadelphia apartment at 2041 Chestnut Street, was used as the Collinsport Hotel Room number where Mister Burke Devlin was staying in. Many decades later in the future, this apartment number seemed 2B identical even further, not just #24, but 24-A the exact number of the Philadelphia apartment that my mom and I were residing in back in the days of the Kennedy assassination, and B4 leaving there 2 move into 125-A Apartment number in Westmont, New Jersey, which is part of Mayor Rohr's HADDON TOWNSHIP. Then zillions of names of the characters from those same exact times of 1966-1970 days in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG were used in the show as well, Jason McGuire and the McGuire owned Pittsburgh Hotel on Tennessee Avenue across the street from the TRINIDAD HOTEL, AND SARAH KRASSLE'S GREAT SHOP, the antique shop on the show; and this can literally list on and on with items from here 2 practically infinity itself, YO. Then from watching the first 3 months of this marvelous soap-show all over again as a grown up man presently, I have seen how things tie into my life literally hundreds of times over from where I had originally thought. Remember that I came into the show from about a month in, and was watching the TV-show B4 that serial soap show on that same TV-channel, TV-6, WFIL-TV-PHILADELPHIA, and twice I have been mind hacked, as this channel's call letters later became WPVI-PHILADELPHIA, channel-6, ABC-Network. The other call letters R a TV station in Palm Beach, Florida-USA, where today since living where I do now in Fort Pierce, I watch this channel as a local system and it is the NBC network, not the ABC. This is a total mind hack as it has happened twice, even when I tried to fix and amend this information. So I used 2 watch this show called, “POPEYE THEATRE”, hosted by Mizz Sally Starr who I was destined 2 go on and meet and become a good friend of from 1998-2001, and yes, that was another frikkin' typo when I said on a previous blogging work, I knew Sally Starr from 1988-2001, I meant 2 type in 1998. This entire thing couldn't B more connected into some beyond gigantically 'HUUUUUUUUUUGE non-Sanders' deal, if it literally were part of a goddamn ass BIBLE STORY right in Holy scriptures, and gee, look who is in this entire thing, right down 2 the spin-off movies of that great TV-show, “House of Dark Shadows”, and “Night of Dark Shadows”. That adorable little girl in one of those 2 movies, I forget which one now and no longer have the videocassettes of them as I once did B4 the great KING FAMILY made me lose just about every single possession that I owned, precious and otherwise, huh Mister Paul Stoddard??????????? Yes that little girl played “SARAH KASSEL” or however this name is spelled, as I think most spell it this way. Only that great almighty MISSING-[R] LETTER and a reversal in the last two letters, and we get the name of the ALMIGHTY, KRASSLE, just as she spelled this name 4 me in my wild DREAM-VISION, and a few months B4 that very movie was completed and released 2 the viewing public. This is beyond any chance of any coincidence, just as we all know that my daughter's fantastic 2009 movie if watched open mindedly by anyone who has read these blogs, knows that there R literally nearly ONE HUNDRED absolute things that connect directly into me and these words and it is way 2 many 4 any possible chance 2B some wild crazy ass coincidence, YO! But B4 the month is out folks, I plan 2 show some even bigger junk that pertains 2Y my mom was struck down by some mysterious death-attack the day after Christmas in 1997, how this ties into all of the Dark Shadows stuff, all of the Atlantic City stuff, the music that I have written 4 numerous decades up through my last project so far in 2013, and yes, how and Y and what the entire thing was all about in my 'DREAM' at some lake after my mom disappeared, and the wild boat-rental owner dude who came out of his house when I originally had that dream at that lake-place where Dave Roth crashed the boat in a later and more recent dream a month back or so now, and this original dream back last summer in 2022 was when this dude came out 2 the large red convertible automobile and reached into the vehicle and completely turned the volume all the way down and off on the car system while I was playing my © 2013 music cassette tape, the harmony track only on the musical work called “YBCO” (“You'll B Crossing Over”). Again, this entire musical project would never have existed if not 4 those wild driving directions being given 2 me by 'Doctor C' back in early 1984 somewhere from that incredible 'mystical throat specialists office', that I somewhat although naught totally jokingly call, the “Magical Shirley Laboratory”!!!!!!! My real point 4 today's blog lesson is that dreams and waking life R indeed totally and completely interconnected with each other, and most folks R 100 percent beyond clueless 2 this powerhouse mind boggling reality. Call it the quintessential Thaxton-Marcucci-Mind-Blow of 1969 (TMMB-1969), or anything else that U wish 2, YO folks!!!!! By the way in a recently done previous blog, I said “last year in 2023”, & obviously that was another one of my 'PBHE' typo-mind hack-”whatever” kind Congressman, Sir, and old pal from 1975-1980, Honorable Robert Andrews. People, my blog is not like anything else on this entire planet, I know, because I have researched this quite damn ass carefully. If this was somehow not mysteriously and magically being endlessly interfered with, I would B growing an audience, instead of maintaining an ENDLESS 30,000 ANNUAL PAGE-VIEW-HITS from the very same basic four dozen peeps, 95% of them naught meaning the damn fucking Mountainpen one tiny wee Irish-Patty bit of good, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, ME' BRO!!!!!!!!! This is Y until I can find out how 2, as well as B able 2 afford this financially; BRING LEGITIMATE TRAFFIC 2 THIS BOM-BLOG, from those persons out in this world who R very interested in anything supernatural and unexplainable as millions of them R, and also those who feel persecuted and oppressed by anyone or anything out there in this mother ******* world, I will B terminating this BOM-BLOG project forever or until that time does arrive, after the ending of this 4th month of April of this year of 2023. I will B sending 2 the great United States © Copyright Office Library of the Congress, the largest musical project and life journal ever done that will absolutely dwarf both my 1994 book titled “The Permission Barrier”, as well as both of the late nineteen-eighties musical projects, Epitome of Harassment, part 2 and part 3, done in 1988 and 1989.

I have many plans, just as I tell my beautiful baby-blond, the lightning goddess of the Earth-Planet, all of the time, when we're together in Purgatorial endlessness. But yes, I do have plans 4 right here on this mortal world, so let my enemies damn beware!!!

ENDlessness—Endocrinologist—End Transmission!

Rapping Up Final Morianity Blogs, CHAPTER 9.

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