Thursday, October 25, 2012





OK folks, here we are again on another day with the same hell with the nabes from hell, nothing new, no shock value, but then, is there really nothing new, or do folks get so numbed by the effect of the same old same old syndrome (SOSOS), quite easily pronounceable in its quick abbreviation as you can see; but yes, do we begin as with a morphine addict, to not be even awakened any longer to the same poundings of life figuratively or literally speaking, and thus, unless a larger dosage of the morphine be injected, the user begins to develop an immunity of a sort unless an always increasing dosage is provided. Unlike with any drug or drug addict, enemies can go only so far before they cross over and commit real crime, and can get really punished, no matter how many friends that the Trump's of this world pay off to keep all of this stuff with me endlessly covered up and masked behind endlessly invisible OZ curtains. Let me cut right into the heart and soul of the matter here, and go straight for the jugular discussions. A moron knows, or should know, Quentin Petofi Exploratron Collins; that it is illegal to enter another person's property, or to illegally handle said property, damage or interfere with said property, and etcetera. Yesterday, was that meeting that I blogged about, the Resident Mandatory Meeting each year, held by the Fort Pierce Police Departmentm here at the office of this Public Housing Building, at 601 Avenue B, in fort Pierce, Florida. I never attended. I always do what I am supposed to do, but I never attended the meeting. Why? Because I was not aware of it. My across the hall nabes, removed from my door slot that is on the outer door that swings out into the hallway unlike the inner apartment door that swings into the apartment; where maintenance personnel place resident notifications into, so this is just as legal as a US mail delivery, and tampering is a crime of large proportion, and an automatic eviction. The reason that I was never made aware of the fire alarm testing last week, and was shocked by the knock on the door for the inner check of individual apartments to check the sprinkler systems, as you heard on my previous blogs. As I speak, it is pouring rain and getting very dark as night as sunset is around this time, and with the weather from Hurricane Sandy Lookout Trinidad Rapes, or for me, Hurricane SLTR, or (SLOOTER) for another abbreviation; and the wind is also picking up now as well. The channel-25 local APP on my computer is showing that Goddess Diana is also somewhere around, I do not as of yet see or hear her, but she knows my life is hell and is watching over me as best as she can, and I love her with all my miserable messed up heart and soul. Now getting back to the non-weather related topic of my NABES FROM FUCKING HELL AND TORMENTED TORTURE, they removed, and have been doing this for some time now, all the deliveries from the maintenance, that are delivered to my door, as they are directly across the hall; and they are the only ones who could be doing this, and they are persecuting me, so you do the mother fucking cunt lapping mathematics on this ladies and god dam gentlemen, YO. So tomorrow, Friday, in the morning around eleven or a little after, when Resident Manager Debbie Morato gets to her office for her usual Friday arrival at this building, I will be downstairs waiting for her, and will have all ready phoned the Fort Pierce Police as well, to file charges. I know I cannot eye witness this, but I can say that who else would be doing this, and by doing this, forget the fire alarm testing, I missed a mandatory building meeting that could potentially lead to my own eviction, so now it has gone beyond full scale thermonuclear war with myself and these horrendous monster ass fucking neighbors. All day today, they have slammed doors, and around shy of five this afternoon, they blasted me out for ten minutes with super loud pounding thumping evil devil music straight from Satan's Hell. Then it stops and within another twenty minutes or less, SLAM, out goes the scumbag who blares the music. So tomorrow, either I am tossed out of here and have proof positive of an unfair unjust fucking war, that I personally will take civil action with and file lawsuits and civilian charges against many whom I believe to be in this conspiracy, and friend college boy, I was BORN here, and NO I did not go back in time in 2009, 23 years, get my daughter, and bring her to your fucked up PLAZA CASINO in Atlantic City, her 4th cousin is a look alike twin-cousin, it happens Donnie boy, grow up BRO.

Sanctions on me have indeed stopped me as I always knew I was being stopped all my life, by just what, I could never place my fucking finger on it, who could, how can one be expected to fight the combined forces of a global fucking superpower? Tomorrow, the fan and the shit meet up.

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