Wednesday, October 24, 2012

help me rhonda my ass, help me ADA RON, sure, that's a frikkin laugh


12:49 AM-EDST-OCTOBER 24, 2012





MY EVIL VICIOUS WOWO ENEMY IS ALIVE AND WELL. I cannot go into all details, but I straightened out the shit with the two telephone messages and fell asleep right afterward around quarter past nine. At 12:30 on the nose, the STEREO NEXT DOOR blasted me out for about ten minutes. It is not loud, it is blasted intentionally at a maximum level, just to pick on me. I have lived around those who play music and loudly, but never have I been around anyone who blasts at top volume for 5-15 minutes and 90%+ of the time, it commences at half past some hour, right on the mother fucking minute. Someone has paid off these sick diseased mother fuckers to persecute and harass me, so I must brave up and file charges. Normally, most places want you to report shit, but this place seems to operate on a screw ball mentality all its own. It was these fucking rotten dirt bags last night after-all, slamming doors at three and four and five in the morning, shaking the place with that attack as well, somehow however, it was made to sound as though it was not coming from them, but they have been home all along. Welfare fucking rat bastards, never work or go anywhere except each others apartments day and night. This is so bad here, that I am counting down my time, as come the third of November, my disability money comes in, and I will be on my way into Mexico, and out of this mother fucking clit chewing ass Florida, and its many fucking enemies from NEW YORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Needless to say that before I blogged this, I payed the quantum roulette against these cunt lapping mother fucking crude vulgar shit heads, and only two quick games, they of course won hard with a +5 followed by a +3. If I played for real, I would be 800 dollars ahead using this powerful new tool.

I cannot win with these jerk offs around me. I even called the Bonjovi's and left a message that I will not be doing anything with the YBCO song, before I went to bed and after straightening out the other two messes that were just oversights and errors, one having to do with my pharmacy and the other the peeps who handle my auto loan. It is always something with me, they never ever fucking cunt leave me the shit alone.

Police Department of Fort Pierce, be looking for me soon, I will be coming over to sign a complaint against #608 peeps in this building across from me, as I was told to do by the Building Manager, Mizz Debbie Morato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, at least it is not Misses Marola, and I am not in 1969. If you look hard enough, some positive is always staring me in the face, it seems as each fucking cunt day passes however, I do need to look all the harder to find it, but it's there, and as I gleaned from my kid's movie from the early days of the century, it could always be worse. Well, the recurring dreams of schools in Jersey and knife fights in Florida, looks like not only the light-switch is cosmically destined to break all over me, so I will get ready to bleed out and die, and the cops can then investigate my ruthless fucking cold blooded murder. Unfortunately, will the right peeps ever go away, Dawn-Marie King?????????????????????? Guess forgetting you sweetie is gonna be a life long mission goal for me, if possible at all, same thing for my, teacher? Hmm. Well, lots of powerful stories have been done in Hollywood about these things from Quantum Leap to the great old 1968 Tony and Doug's, TIME TUNNEL. I sure wish this was all just fantasy, only to see that what I am dealing fucking with is not, you need to click here, on this site right now good folks,, while I have yet to be stabbed and die in the soon to follow knifing, as this is all the same to see, you know, the skies and the flies and the dirt balls next door, and trying to deal with all of this now or later on. A shame how DONALD SCUM BAG TRUMP always gets his way, sooner or later, and then on top of that, he got rid of the only thing that he had to fear, one particular thing out of Victoria's Twilight Zone, that could destroy this vile and despicable monster from the pits of twisted and diseased fucking hell, the tape that created his persona in the first place, as didn't any of you out here ever notice how he just popped onto the scene one day like out of one of those television shows where someone creates an identity and comes alive suddenly out of nowhere? I am the dude who he used to get him here, and now, he will murder me. Funny old world with or without all of the fucking cock stroking silly old dogs on the planet. I knew right along but I fought it just like my mother used to play her head games that I was so much against back in the nineties and so often told her that, and then I go and do the very same pot and fucking kettle thing up here in the fucking cunt lapping ass future, what a fucking cunt ass hypocrite I seem to be on this one BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One night in the summer time of 2009, while under Stockholm Kidnapping at Dawn and Ann's home, owned by FBI AGENT STEVE CARUSO, of Austin, Texas; I was at my security job at the DEEZY SLIM CIFALOGLIO NEVER LKED ME PLANT OF FOLSOM IN NEW JERSEY YO, and happened to be listening to a karaoke tape I had made a while back on another guard post in Pennsylvania called ROADWAY TRUCKING, at Highway #309 and County Line Road; and this tape had two different sing along versions with me, and my song from nightmare 1986, called, “REAL GOOD GIRL”, and normally I played only one side of this tape and then rewound it for another use at another time. But the system in the car that plays cassette tapes has a feature called, “Auto-Reverse” so at the end of the one side playing, unless stopped or rewound, it would just begin to play the flip side. The never played flip side had the version of the song where the very start of the tape was not cut off in its first two seconds as was the case with the side normally played. This side had the original introduction of me quickly saying the word “MY” on the tape, right before the drums and cymbals began to play. This night was the beginning of my memories coming back on many powerful items. This was also a night that just as with August in 1986 originally, I wish had never mother fucking happened.

                       For now, I AM ENDING THIS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!


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