Saturday, April 12, 2014

TAPE 25,777


This will be the first blog in 99+ months of Morianity, where I will tell a hypothetical story of a parallel universe in localized hyperspace, somewhere around the years between 2100-2500 AD. First, bear in mind that localized verses distant hyperspace, is no different than using this terminology with 4-D-SPACE expanding all around our globe, or for that matter, any point in the entire expansion, or our universe. Some of it is near and some of it is far, and some of it is all degrees of in-between amounts. In a vast area where endless universes are all contained in five dimensions, many are very similar to each other, while many are totally distant and nothing at all like each other. So we will be focusing on a few trillion of them out of nameless numbers to nameless powers in total, that would be considered to be relatively localized, and the same basically as right here, minute by minute, and year by year, at least for the next, well let us pull a number out of the air and say half of a millennium. After that, one day suddenly, stuff can start happening as atoms rearrange, and poof, they begin to grow into more distant places in fifth dimensional space. It is not area or location itself however that is distancing, but atomic arrangements and thus this translates physically into this tangible world and all of us, as different events taking place, to just begin in my attempt here to describe stuff. All of this is why there in fact are three dimensions that take holographic form in our reality, and then when placed along another line beyond these dimensions, objects and shapes then appear to be in a magic state we know as ''motion'', or existing in and along a ''time-line''. This allows universes to become jacked in from the sixth dimension of TRUE MIND, by first coming alive in a tiny plank world or absolute subatomic reality, also known as the spirit worlds and the astral planes. In truth it is one plane, one reality, and is not a place or location at all, but a condition that is created when certain things take place from the highest seventh dimension, or the LAWTRON WORLD, that escapes the void infinity, which we have no time at all right now to cover any details about in this blog, or we would be days and days just trying to get a little bit into this. As I type, many banging doors are going on and it is half past one on this Saturday morning, and this illegal GUEST is here, slamming and banging away, and has been all through FRIDAY, and for most of the week, getting more and more progressive as time persists, and just as with the other time recently, I will let it reach a point and eventually, have to tell Debbie Marotto again. It is no different than little stinking rotten children who love to play the radio too loud. Mommy and Daddy say turn it down, and they do, and then slowly and slowly and slowly, it inches back up, as if they think by magic they can just get away with this bullshit, until Clancy Parents lower their Irish Boom on them, AGAIN, and the cycle continues to repeat with most stupid parents who do not realize they are being tested by these rug-rat offspring, and the only way to win is to not let them win, it is a matter of wills as my grandmother used to say to my mother long ago during World War 2, and the only way to show who is boss is to be BOSS. It is your home and they are YOUR KIDS, and you are not THEIRS, not the way they want it. You are the BOSS. You can try the baseball method. The Criminal Justice System knows exactly what I'm talking about here. Tell them once, it gets loud again, tell them one more time, but when it gets loud again, it is strike three, and the dam radio gets taken away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These pigs around here are just like these rotten little testing rug rats, in this example, and so, I will have to keep going to my resident manager about it. Then to quote Judge Judy the great and powerful; if it never ever stops and there is no other choice, I will have to M---O---V---E! Now no genius needs to see what is going on here. I will not insult the fucking intellect of my kind wonderful viewers. I begin a serious discussion on something that they already know from how I began things, and they are quite upset, and they do not want this blog to happen, so they will do a lot of shit to prevent it, and I am prepared, right down to saving every paragraph one by one, and so forth, as I have already experienced one strange hack before colorizing and enlarging the word ''move'', and they are on me, they being none other than what they have been and will always be all along folks, the MILITUFORCE, and this means an organized society in future times in localized parallel universes, that Morianity has labeled and named, the ESS, or spelled out, the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY! Now right before I began this blog; I had a diareah attack, then I had a Jane Water-Witch-Bitch Sleazeweedsdisease attack, and then I had a few loud doors, all between about half past midnight and twenty past one, so I said, fine. Let us do a real real real good blog now, OK lovely INGRID. I was told recently that they think this name is a code of some kind. For all I know it is, but when she talked to me through the system in early 1984 after my return trip from Orlando, Florida; or it might have been right shy of when I went down to visit my old Chief Recording Engineer, Mister Howard Solomon; but in any event, she told me that this was indeed her name. If as someone sort of suggested recently and I won't give out who and it was not on the internet; all I can say about it is then it is their or her code, and not instigated in any way from me. Who can ever know anything, to quote the great wonderful marvelous Ziggy Malyeska from summer time in 1969? Who knows just what he might have known when he made this wild statement to me out of the blue one day in middle July? GET THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us move this along, because to quote Mister Al Jolson, “You ain't heard nothing yet”, and folks, this is a major promise, so read on, or where it may be legal to do, for all I care, weed on, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On top of all of this, beginning on the tenth of April, yesterday, MICROSUCKS, just as the television news spot foretold; made a major change that has effected my machine. I thought I could just leave it on the sleeper mode to avoid the shit they are doing to me, only it did not work. They relentlessly fucking keep trying to make updates go through and it fails over and over and then you need to let the system go down and back up again where it attempts again to reconfigure the WINDOWS-7, but this is now an antiquated version of these new updates, according to the news about Microsoft that I heard on a television news broadcast a week or two ago, and sure enough, boom, this was not some rag talk in a check out line, it was for real. So I am going to call the FCC and the FTC to find out why someone on a limited fixed income needs to spend more of his money that he already does not have, to fix a problem that he did not cause, just to make these MULTI-FUCKING-BILLIONAIRES, even fucking richer than they are. I will fight this, because I am right. Not that right makes right, President Lincoln, your watch is running 2 centuries behind the times, sir, now it is more like MIGHT MAKES RIGHT, the typical truth equals reversing, as has been discussed in my blogs for a very long while. Yes good folks; my blogs have discussed this before. Oh Lordess (SAR) (AH), what a lovely world I am stuck in. WEEEEE!









So let us get back to the issue at hand.

By no means will this be a story that anyone will digest easily. The more you are into things that come onto the History and the Science Channels on television, the more you will receive what I will now get into. Remember that this is a made up totally fictional story that will help you to understand much better, what my blogs try illustrating regarding just what theis exploratronic thing is really all about as far as gee, how is it effecting our every day world, and when I am done, some will be able to rethink that with new words such as, how is this NOT effecting our every day world?

Tiberton E. Nurlo Junior, and his three great pals from grade school; all grew up together, and live in a rural town, in the mid-western Americas, early in the twenty-two hundreds. Schools have long vanished as far as places, as all things are done on what is called, ''the system'', sort of like an advanced internet. However these young dudes are from a localized parallel universe from this one where you are reading these words. 700 miles to the northwest, another group of two boys and three girls ranging in age from 16-20 years, have also been friends throughout their lives and always lived in their same county also. None of these folks have a lot going on in their lives worthy of being glorified in any details on this blog called Morianity Bible or morianity for millennium-3, or ''whatever'' Congressman, hence, I will not make up a bunch of garbage just to make a story out of it and attempt doing great literature. Morianity is not literature, nor is it a popularity contest. I need to make a point tonight, regarding just how the ESS works in all of our lives, and maybe, just maybe when I am all done, you will see why the global authority of powerful secret keepers (GAPSK), another hypothetical organization of semi-humor, I said SEMI, still; you might just begin seeing why they may not have a great attitude about me telling these truths to this world, and ending once and for all, all the mysterious this planet has ever wondered about, A-Z! Adding to these two groups already listed, could be a Barbers Club somewhere in Potato Land, Idaho; a chapter of the ELK or the Moose, that gets into the paranormal interests, or even a group of thirty pro-ball players of various sports, who likewise has those same interests. Then take these examples and multiply this by 10 in every county in the land, and then go all around the world as well, from the great lands down under maitees, all the way to Mother-Russia to nice cold Antarctica. You can include the backward tribes scattered all throughout the south American countries going from Mexico all the way down to Brazil. Make up all the story lines and ideas you want, but these are just normal average folks, like you and me, only they live in various parallel universes, countless numbers of them, and on top of that, since they all live in future times where the technology is beyond mind boggling, eventually, a Morianity or a Mark Wayne Mohr has come along and shared the truths about Exploratronics, and eventually, through sheer number vastness, a small society of type-3-exploratrons become organized. After some time passes, and they become adept at the techniques of being able to send their dreaming energies into other mass-objects and bodies, starting with the simplest to do, their own doubles in a localized parallel reality, or their ''doppelgangers'', and as with all things, later become more and more proficient at mastering these abilities, and going onto where they can go into other things around them, not just their own self-doubles, becoming anything, even insects and animals, and even inanimate objects. So why bother typing up a trillion other names like Tiberton Nurlo, that would take lifetimes to do, as unless you are morons, you get the picture. I did not say you will believe me, but you do get the picture. All the weird insects and rats that have appeared out of nowhere over and over in many of my residences, were all part of the ESS. All the weird peeps I suddenly run into outside on errands, all the planes and the aerial stuff around me on certain days that is beyond surreal and outlandish, it is all the ESS. Need I go on. Need I really go on, and can you not yet think about all the crap in your own lives that you know dam well you have no good or rational answer for, that the only one that tells the truth about all of it, is the ESS? How about the entire UFO crafts, the objects, the aliens, all are the ESS. How about the miracles and the pyramids? Folks, grammar school age kids in 100 years, will totally understand STM, and why and how I am able to swim by merely ''thinking forward motion in my head'', or move a heavy 400 pound diner rotisserie, by thinking I wanted it to spin in the opposite direction, so I could show Dave who I was with that night in 1997, a particular cake that I wanted the hostess to see and tell our waitress to bring to the table for my desert. There is nothing anywhere ever, now or behind us or ahead of us, here or out in so called outer space, that is not just the ESS. The ESS is the explanation for the entire ball of wax, all 27 feet of it, the big picture, three letters, it tells is all, even my hellish life. Now you may say, OK, they understand how to make heavy objects lift up and can travel into people in this universe from long ago and built pyramids, and you can say, they can do all these things to you, Mountainpen, but now we ask, WHY, and you have every right to ask why, an you may not like or be all that satisfied with the answer I will give you, but it is the truth, like it or don't like it, IT IS THE DAM TRUTH!!!!!!!!! It is all a huge game. It is no different at all than 1980 and the videogame called Packman, if I'm spelling it correctly. You must see yourself in one of two realities. You either are in the ESS, or you are one of the Packman BLOBS. You do not have to like this for it to be the truth. I promise you. No one out there anywhere is against us nor are they trying to spiritually advance us, nor are they from other planets and civilizations here in our own universe. All of this entire everything, no exceptions, it is all the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY!!!!!!!!!!! That's the long and short of this, folks. We all enjoy games. You know that is true, and need no arm twisting fancy words, from me, and Morianity. YOU KNOW. Also, some know why games are absolutely a must. Morianity has covered that depressing issue, and does not plan to revisit it again on this blog right now.

Now I will post the normal paste in parts of my blog, to this chapter, and them I will finish up with today's little epilogue. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! PP knows how I get things done, sup pal, maybe you shoulda' believed a little more in me when we had SPR, but no, you knew it all, partner!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all fine and dandy and totally cool. Fun dying old and poor, eh?????????????

Don't even get me started, Misses Eckert Pharmacy, back on 7/12; on the topic of EXPLORATRONS, PLEASE! TANKS!!!


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Yes kind people, thank you, whoever you might be, for staying with Morianity. For all I know, you are the ones who were meant to become the ESS in the future in someone else's parallel universes. See how ultimately freaking mind blowing all this crap really is? And you don't have to worry about twisting the world government's arms to get any secrets out of them. MORIANITY HAS NO SECRETS. MORIANITY DETESTS AND DESPISES SECRETS. I LOST MY DAUGHTER DUE TO SECRETS. So do not go there with me, kind folks, please and please and pretty please with a lot of sugar on top!

Oh boy, life stinks!

GET IT YET, GREAT VIEWERS???????????????????



I want this on the record; old friend from 1972, in Dan Mackey's class, at Cooley Hall at school, Bob McDowell; and all other authorities out here, who need to do their job to protect and ensure my civil freaking rights, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-
Mohr, Mark Wayne, 1954-


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Now this was all right after I had met and interacted with the throat specialist in northeast Philadelphia, and his magical lovely young lab-tech assistant.

That's not his problem, Misses Mohr. Well Dock, oh mighty throat specialist off of Grant Avenue after making my turn off of 95 and onto Academy Road, what is my problem? Why will I go into a slow endless eternal coma sub death for a million years, without the magical 4-GRAM daily ativan dosage?

Do you think anything is impossible for the game playing gods of the ESS to pull off? How do you think we got all of our ancient religions? Wake up world, please, coffee has been boiling over for decades in your stinky kitchens, good folks, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi

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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County in New Jersey, Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied, I am quite sure that you know what I mean.







Atlantic County, New Jersey
Public Safety

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Atlantic County, New Jersey
Atlantic County Government Web Site
Public Safety

Atlantic County Seal
Atlantic County Government DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY
Youth Detention, Harborfields



Buffalo Ave. & Duerer St.
Egg Harbor City, NJ
609-965-7962 (FAX)
Kimery Lewis, Superintendent
Wayne Ford, Assistant Superintendent

Harborfields operates under the auspices of the County of Atlantic, Department of Public Safety and is managed, under contract, by the State of New Jersey, Department of Law and Public Safety, Juvenile Justice Commission. Harborfields is located on Buffalo Avenue and Duerer Street in the City of Egg Harbor, New Jersey. The Program serves male and female juveniles between the ages of 12 and 18 awaiting court review for disposition, trial or other court action. The facility has 8 secure beds for females and 19 secure beds for males.
Harborfields provides a secure, safe, clean and healthy environment for court-detained youth. The dedicated staff of Harborfields are consistent, tolerant individuals who work as team players. Leading by example, the staff is able to provide to difficult youth much needed self-discipline, respect for self and others and personal responsibility.
Through education and rehabilitation, emotional support, stability and structure, the youth at Harborfields are dealt with as individuals. At Harborfields the program prepares its youth to reenter the community or to enter into Juvenile Justice Commission programs.
With the use of effective treatment methods, Harborfields is making a difference in the lives of youth.
Harborfields meets the needs of the community as a secure facility for juveniles who have been deemed unsuitable for release pending court appearance. Harborfields also works to stabilize juveniles by structuring their day with educational activities.
1. Counseling Component - Guided Group Interaction is conducted daily by two staff for approximately 1 hour per session. Individual Counseling is provided as needed by staff social workers.
2. Academic Education, Special Education and GED preparation are provided by the Atlantic County Special Services School District with the expectation that youth will return to the regional public school or transitional school.
3. Drug and Alcohol Counseling as well as Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous sessions are provided through the County Youth Services Commission, as needed.
4. Recreation and Athletics are conducted in the facility gymnasium by the Physical Education Teacher provided by the Atlantic County Special Services School District.
5. Sex Education and Parenting classes are provided by an on-site Program Specialist.
6. Community involvement is maintained through special events which include speakers such as the Mayors of Atlantic City and Egg Harbor, members of the police department, and people from other walks of life.
7. In House Detention Program - The facility manages a 10 slot program which places youth onhouse arrest under the shared supervision of parents and detention officers. The intention is to have the youth continue in usual community activities pending court appearance.
Upon arrest, a juvenile must be seen by Juvenile Intake for determination of detainable offense which would result in the youth being remanded to Harborfields.
Sunday 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Family & Friends
Thursday 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Parents Only
Visitation Requirements:

Visitors must present proper ID
Visitors under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
No former residents are allowed to visit.
Special visits available upon request, with approval of the Superintendent.

You know that old expression, ''GET REAL''. Well, to to this properly and perfectly, old friend Bob Schleigh from MAFCO in Camden, Mew Jersey in 1980, what else, EXPLORATRONICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did Dawn-Marie King know all along that a nightmare I had about this place all my life????? Gee, could the answer here be EXPLORATRONICS again, folks????????????????????

What DREAMS really are, is not going to be found in the collective works of all the dream books on the planet. Only MORIANITY can explain the true and absolute honest answers that have been kept back. Keeping this information back is what allows the ESS to have power over the rest of us. Morianity's mission: Try and do all I can to shine the true light on the true path of the only one true hidden reality that has broken out from the void infinity into the LAWTRONS, and created this wild for lack of better word, 'inter-dream'.

Live Camera image from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse

Jupiter, Florida, welcomes you to Morianity, Courtesy of Channel 12-TV.



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2006-2014 © MOUNTAINPEN


Original five blogs:

On Blogger since January 2006

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Not boring, without hesitation nor concern for fibbing, I can honestly say with a knowing that out of 8 billion that live or have lived here, none have shared my wild ride through hyperspace, with awareness.
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Blogger asks me: You forgot your mom's birthday! What can you make out of super glue and olive pits?

My answer: An angry mother. Also, at the risk of sounding negative, the only thing one may be truly sure of is that you cannot be sure of anything, whaa.

On Blogger since January 2006

Profile views – 2957

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Stats with most recent blog, started on November of 2011:

Profile views – 417 – page hits – 44,770 noon 04/12/14.

    Dedicated to Nina's daughter and her three friends in 1997 who followed me down Tennessee Ave. in Atlantic City, all the way to the future mayor's lifeguard tower.

Fort Pierce, FL

KING NEBNOOSHOO: Mountainpen = King Nebnooshoo, 'MEKN'.
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As for my life, it is only different from most of yours, because of the same reality that is behind the rest of this fucking rotten mess, EXPLORATRONICS, the best kept secret in the world in endless multiples of parallel universes.

Now there are some out here who are on the fence about me and about Morianity. Keep fighting those T3E inside of you, viewers, you know they are there. You do not need me to tell you dog squat, and you know I am being honest, just think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JOHN J CROWLEY, Mister Tow-truck Ripoff dude from 1979, WOW, where did it all really begin?

Nearby Offender: Thomas Giordano »


Just exactly which exploratron jumped inside t
his man who ripped me off in 1979, with the tow truck deal? Well, now you would be asking things that go beyond what Morianity can hope to tell you. I do not know individual travelers, nor will any of you, ever. I do know that few travel alone, just as the ancient roads and even roads today can be dangerous at the wee early morning hours to travel on. How long would Shakira last on a bicycle wearing a bikini, at three in the morning, in almost any place and any road? Hyperspace is a dangerous place, right Oliver NSA North? Still brother, folks team up and as Misses Marola tried to tell me in 1969, “Mark, there is power in numbers, and how can you be the only one who is right if there are millions that are saying you are wrong”? Well, this principle does not work in Powerball lottery Jackpots, but with the majority of items in life, SHE IS TOTALLY ACCURATE, and we all know it, me included, Russ Thaxton, and Count Von Marcucci. Well Powerball Jackpots and Exploratronics is one thing, or really, TWO THINGS, and then came all of the other things. So it is safer to be in the group or in the club, or in the ESS! We may not know the individual as Tiberton E. Nurlo Junior, but who cares? We can at least begin to take that second big craw and leap out of the seas of our destiny-evolution, and realize that this group of game playing travelers, Irish call them IMPS, 'other-landers' have have other names; but they are so real, and this is all so true. What we all need to focus on now, is how to become a TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON (T3E), and then, well Lennynick, we can move on with this later on. I don't want to miss my Law and Order shows coming on soon, and I want to fix me a little din-din and bring lovely eyes Betty Roaches Davis over. Yes peeps, know how to level the playing field, and then, the rules to the games change automatically. Not all peeps in the ESS want to invite peeps into this until THEY DECIDE when the time is right. Well, who made them god? They did. Now you can perceive me as the snake telling Eve these truths, all over again. I cannot help the way it looks, but I have an idea to fool around in your mind with, if you wanna'. Just as they gave us all psychiatry to label those who talk the way I do and many others do, they also gave us this Christianity Cult and it will stand strong until somebody with the balls to challenge the old truths comes along, someone like me, like you, who can know this? Still, they created that Eden Garden and snake so that when I try and tell Morianity to you all, folks can yell out, see, the prophets foretold about jerk offs like the Mountainpen. Hay, good move. I am not dealing with assholes, only the creators of everything, the gods, the ESS, ''WHATEVER'', Congressman Andrews, old buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Put ''THAT'' on your blackboard; David Leigh Smith, in 1970!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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