Thursday, November 14, 2013




NOVEMBER 14, 2013,






These blogs will have subtitles, and not chapter numbers; starting with this blog.


Some folks love candy and hate meat. Some folks hate candy and love meat. One persons fave is poison to another, this is as old as humanity.

This intro is needed before I proceed further.

We need to look at the year 1979 for this blog to begin. Don't think please, that Morianity and the entire religion that will hopefully someday become an established religious foundation, will not constantly connect and dovetail into all these new blogs, without it actually being morianity any longer, as you you would be mistaken. Remember, how all things do connect, like it or not, they do, no emphasis, this is no longer Morianity, no laughs either, MMCN.

There is an old saying, way before 1979 ever came to be, that necessity is the mother of invention. They did not complete this truth. The second line that no one seems to privy about, is that Necessity is the mother of invention, and accidents are the creators of them. Never see this two sentence truth as only a part-1 deal, please, you are doing yourself a huge disfavor. It could even cause you to go through life with mistaken concepts that potentially could cost you in this life, in many various ways to numerous to even think of mentioning. But I will get into what I am saying, and promise not to leave anyone high and dry. Let us back up again to the year 1979, when I was living in a home in Mantua, New Jersey, USA, in the autumn, recently purchased and settled on legally, on the fifteenth day of October, and was working at the RPL Sound Studios and Labs of Camden, New Jersey, USA, beginning the final days of July a couple months back.

I had written four songs, and was working to get them recorded by a local group of musicians of Camden County, New Jersey, but was not planning on doing the recording where I worked, as they were mostly into duplication work, and turned away and discouraged music sessions.

Before working at the RPL Studio, I was working full time at a place in Berlin Junction, New Jersey, called Certainteed Fiberglass Company, just down the road from the other more famous plant, Owens Corning Fiberglass. A security Officer named Gary Stone, with a very wild sister and father, worked with me on graveyard shift, and we became friends. He told me the most powerful and unbelievable story, scientifically related, and was shocked by my ability to GET IT, you know, tro catch right onto it. He, after saying this literal Earth shaking thing to me, was more bon kers over my ability to be the only person he ever tried to tell about this item, who caught right on and completely got it. You see, when you do get this, you almost lose your mind on the spot, and he witnessed my near insanity, right there in the guard-shack, that night, or early pre dawn day. Now just how he knew what he knew is complicated, and will not be told about right now. He had no degree in science or engineering or any related fields. Oh but he knew, as I know, just how powerful what he said to me, really was. He might as well have brought a nuclear fusion mini reactor into the guard-shack, that 1979 night, that won't be technologically feasible for a good forty or more years from even up here in 2013. What he did not know, is that I was into my own little worlds of major unexplainable stuff, ranging from mildly interesting or annoying, all the way up to a quintessential private hell, totally indescribable, and so indeed, I wasn't just some schmuck off the side of the road either, despite the reality that the world did have us logged as two security officers, working a basically minimum wage job. But taking what Gary had told me that wild night, into my world of already existing unfathomable stuff, and it was a bit like mixing gasoline and open flames. Within a short time, I was no longer there and my weekday full time job was at the Camden Sound Studio, RPL, and on the weekends, I did guarding work at another location, part time. There is a mild chance that the Public Broadcasting Network or PBS system, knows the folks responsible in 1979, for this exact major item that Gary Stone shared with me on that fateful night in that guard-shack where the two of us sat alone, sharing secrets of the universe, or maybe, merely the ingredients of Lex Loothur's chewing gum wrapper from the Superman Movie.

In any event, Gary and I lost contact after we no longer were active coworkers at the same security guard-shack, but what he had told me, again, I think the PBS Network knows these details; and it has to do with a movement called, 'The Sidewalk Scientist'; but now I had a truckload of wild stuff cooking in my brain. Stuff I had come to learn about and fool around with, in the world of electronics, that were for the most part, and still is, foreign and unknown even to top electrical engineers, and sound people; and on top of that, I had something that what I already was doing, could be actually used to test out some sidelines or sub-theories, of what he had told me, again, most likely from the organization called the SS promoted by the PBS. I cannot be sure of my sources, although my sources are good, and usually pretty close to being right on the money with things, so betting on what I tall about this is going to produce a very low pay out for you, to put it another way, it is no long-shot bet. Despite my being a poor and down and out person with never any time in my life where my income annually was much above a basic poverty level, I seemed to for whatever the reasons might be; running into extremely name recognized folks, and wealthy ones, neither group, for the most part I thought too highly of and would never choose as friends or associates or intimate's in my life, in a million years, but my simple point, is that I have reliable sources, and I am not too shy when I need to ask them a question here and there, to indeed do so.

Now all I will say on this serial blog that the story will continue along with in following blogs, as it also grows new characters, and it is all true and not one bit fictional or made up, I assure you, but, for this blog, I will begin to wrap up my message for today and now. Gary had put me onto things that made me fully appreciate the cycle of time, the cycle of everything, and the virtual infiniteness of parallel realities (universes), as it all, when placed mathematically, on a large chalkboard, like the one my dad's pal from Princeton University, Sir Einstein, or Prof-A, used to write his great equations on and his most famous one as well; equates, computes, proves itself to be real on paper or in the laboratory, as did worm holes back then. Now, we have actually seen them by observing certain astrophysical distant sky sightings with great radio telescopes of the modern day scientific world. We know they are out there and real by watching star orbits and many other things, and again, we let the math do the walking and the talking since we cannot get out there physically ourselves, nor would we want to get close to a worm hole. Still, parallel universes have not yet been found off of the blackboard and out of the laboratory, but guess who totally knows through his own science data and carefully scrutinized experimentation; that both worm holes and parallel universes are all totally completely real, well, you guessed it hopefully, me, Mark Wayne Mohr. My problem is that I have no degree, so scientists refuse to speak to me nor do they have any interest in my personal amateur research, a real current time flaw in my opinion, in the scientific community of present times, as it is not always going to be like this, that much I can safely share with you who may be reading this. But just what did I do to begin observing parallel realities, as far back as 1979, and then kept right on banging away with my amateur little research and Mickey-Mouse home-labs, you may be pondering and head scratching, Well don't pull any more of your hair out, I am here tonight to confess some stuff to the world of internet, blogging, and cyberspace, of which I have joined and been a paert of in my own ways, for almost eight solid years time now. This is just the openiong blog that will be in a series, for a very long time, from the USA, from Mexico, from wherever I may go or come to reside in shortly, or even if I remain here in rotten hot Florida.

I will always be a small fry little blogger, but whoever the few in my circle may be, god bless you and keep you. All I can do is tell the true story, first of Morianity as a basic beginning point, and from there, a real unimaginable branch-out will begin, and then occasionally tying this or that particular discussed item, back to something in the old Morianity. Morianity is and was a timeless truth, it is not going anywhere, not with all the billy and Paul and Sally and Blaine and Copperfield and Potter magic hats and magic wands and pretty girls by the dozens for purposes of pure distraction. Here is how I will open up the truth never told on Morianity, saved for the real ending of it, and the beginning of what is to now follow, my friends.

It honestly does not take some super powerful brain to see some really simple truths, just a desire to see these truths, and without that, Albert the great and all his E=MC-SQ stuff would never see them either, so don't be fooled. OK, so there I am working at a sound studio, living in a country home, commuting the 10 miles or so each way in a nice recently purchased green Chevy Nova 4-door 1978 model automobile; basically without a care in the world other than for normal rotten coworkers to deal with, and other annoyances that never seem to ever go away, rotten neighbors, money-woes, and all the mundane typical bullshit of everyday normal life, perhaps with me amplified a little more, as ever since Jim Burr put me onto the fact that something from beyond our reality was watching me and making me as miserable as possible, things turned on a dime around me and got real bad, just from his exposing this whatever it really is, to me, back in early 1974, and this was almost early 1980 now, so six years had passed. I believed that the math that supported a lot of parallel universes could be taken to many new wild extremes, but that was math, and I came up with a really super cool brainstorm for a 25 year old punk, that would do a lot more real world action in so far as proving how this interdimensional stuff is real and works and operates, and can even be seen, or its effects of it can be seen, just as with the example given with the wormhole, we still cannot see them; but our great new technology allows us to totally know that they are indeed out there, and all over the place. A runny nosed ten year old could have come up with the idea just as easily as it happened to be me, only it happened to be me, folks. If parallel worlds are all over this much larger multiverse, they contain universes and ours is just one out of infinite others within this hyperspace. There would also stand to reason that some of them would be close to how things are right here in ours, and others would be vastly different, and also and thirdly, there would be a virtually endless gray area of all in-between types from close to ours to far from ours, in atomic rearrangements. Long story made short, and in closing this first blog outside of the old Morianity; if we all have just about an infinite amount of doubles, some might be copying us almost stroke for stroke, while others could vary all the way from existing in one and not existing in another. A little less intense of an example would be in one universe, one may be a Lab Technician, and in another one may be a great top recording diva. All things considered in all of this, nothing that I speculated here in 1979, was in small amount out of the rational box of scientific data, even in those backward times with all of this. But running an experiment would be so easy, why didn't a little 9 year old ever think about it, was racing through my mind, and a hundred other similar thoughts. Why not take the sound technology that I know from working as a tape duplicator, and my equipment that ki had put together after leaving this home in the country that for complex reasons did not work out, and some already know why, if they have a degree in Quantum Physics from Yale or Harvard, I'm quite sure; but let's not go there, and just keep this real simple. So now it is the summer time in the following year of 1980 and I am residing at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, of Voorhees, New Jersey, USA. My theory, flawed or not, ''mommy-88''; was that in a local parallel universe where the same person here, not only lives there but has a different occupation, was electronically connected into the two worlds that were not going in this exact way, that an effect would happen, that later I called by the name, Mark Mohr's Hyper Space Effect or (MMHSE) ® 1979, © 2013. Sure enough, I began putting machines together along with various connections to them, all sorts of plugs and wires all re-routed into some unbelievable circuitry, using 99% stuff you still can buy for the most part at any good sized Radio Shack Store, for connecting up electronic devices with plugs and cables. I had effects units and even normal average store bought keyboards, all set up, not even music store quality, just inexpensive crap you could buy in a nice local department store and the large nearby Radio shack. Before I knew it, I had changed a demo tape of two dance songs, from the mix-down that was given to me, and created a very good imitation of Donna Summer, the then recently defunct disco diva. I made a master copy onto my RS1500US semi-pro open reel mastering machine recorder, and then made dozens of copies onto cassettes. The following day, Mount Saint Helen's blew her top, and all throughout the process before that, it was heating up. Now coincidence is one thing if this had happened one time, but powerful effects happen with every single time that you do something like this, and in all honesty, is why the world owners are stopping me from all of my projects, but yet I managed to do some more, my latest one, right here in Florida, recently. Actually two were done, but the events were a little different and I don't want to bore you with details that would be lengthy, this is what other following blogs will all contain and discuss. I know this is why my Avalon Sound Engineer was contacted when he made that trip up north a year ago or so, and came back, and all bets were off, suddenly out of the blue, poof, again, like magic. But even more HSE meets the eye with this, as I am not sure which RYAN came back, and we will get into the magic triangle in many following blogs, many of you know these three things; DREAMS, HYPERSPACE, and EXPLORATRONS. Still folks, there was not one but TWO lab-technicians involved in all of this, and not just one or two but a dozen songs from all over hyperspace, even if I am not crying at night, all alone because you are really gone this time, lovely Karen. Yes, you do need to be very careful with this self home lab experimentation. It's just like an old chemistry set, now basically outlawed due to druggie labs being created this way. My owen father had a chemistry set as a youth, and he blew off the entire back area of the porch of his Toledo, Ohio residence, and got the turkey stuffing knocked out of him by big mama Clara Block. But remember now folks, NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION, BUT ACCIDENTS ARE THEIR CREATORS! I did not wake up at age 20 or 22 one morning and say, boy, I want to meet Gary Stone, and then I want to do this and that, it all just happened. But by 1983, after leaving the Robin Hill for the rented Atco split level home; thongs took a horrendous change for the worse, and the powers of this world grew very scared of me and what I appeared to know, and seemingly could pull off. From there things escalated to worse, and then worse even still. But this is just the very opening chapter, and no secrets will be left out or untold in this new blog, no feelings spared, not even my own. Maybe this morianity idea was the stupidest thing I ever tried to freaking pull, folks. Nobody wants some Joe nobody out here trying to start his own religion who claims to have unknown answers regarding some of the universe's best kept hugest secrets. They just don't, and that's all there is to it. You don't fight a rip tide, you swim around it or you drown. You don't walk up to a brick wall and use your head to knock it down and walk through to the other side. You walk around the place, or you end up in the morgue with a busted skull. I think after 8 long lonely years, great COPYRIGHT OFFICE, I have learned this powerful truth tonight, and usually things are learned when life is the toughest an hardest, just as it has been for me ow since the past August 28.

Folks, I do not care if you read my blogs or not, these blogs are just private journals now, in my open office program system, that I have decided to go ahead and post, but Morianity as you knew it is now over, and you know what Senator Thompson, sir, ''GOOD RIDDANCE'', just as you would say it so well on that great wonderful talented cool television show, called, 'L&O'.


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