Thursday, May 30, 2013


1:57 AM, FRIDAY, 31 MAY, 2013


Death angel attacks are continuous, it has not been this bad ever with this having these continual bombardments of super high pitched tone bursts in either one or the other ear, totally knocking out all other sound, Weldon Saunders of New Jersey told me in the fall of 1987, this is the DEATH ANGEL, and I believe him. He knew other things that were true, and I will say no more, Sidney Mirrors Cohen Crown, not even in five freaking minutes, sir! But other than for this nasty annoyance, all is calm and quiet for me, a very freaking rare occurrence. PTL/ESS Mister Robertson, sir!Think what you want about me old pal and old boss, I know as much about you my friend as you can possibly ever know about me, and that goes for all of my wonderful nice friends and foes of the electronic ethereal world AKA the internet.

I was given a message today that all odds are, came from Almighty ISIS. I am very sorry, my brown eyed eternal love, I did not mean that rant the other day, IWALU and only you, and this darn song just has me so mad, after-all, I did write it, and you did use it to bring me another of your wonderful many messages over the years now, and all I want to do is what 60013 warned me not to ever try doing, and WOW, I guess he was right|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||!!!!!!!

Please do not be mad at THAT-BOY. I will behave and be a real good boy, and obey my awesome red hot teen-queen. See you soon at your wonderful shop on M-Boulevard in your great wonderful city. Yes I know what yesterday was, our 44 year anniversary of your shop, and your 'friends'. WOW, Misses Marola, you are beyond awesome, oh great almighty Goddess ISIS. You were right about that other statement you made a little bit later on, and for that matter, at that time, I thought that I was lighter than I really was. Dave Roth said it all, old cold cruel world of doubters, haters, and backbiters; “Ain't life grand”. Well, Dave, Roseann Shitholes and Bowel Lees Casino to you too, in those darker woods behind her place that night in late '89. Yes those three dudes that worked at the top of that IOSC Avenue Boardwalk-On-ramp, Calvin, norman, and Lee, what a motley crew they made, right lovely Queenie? The other day I was thinking to myself, back on Wednesday the twenty-minth I believe it was, I liked the two friendly dudes a lot, but you can have the dude, Lee, as in 1969, he showed his 'true colors' by reading me a quiet riot act about enemies in Atlantic City, don't ask, and I won't tell, it is not all that urgent, and it is not all that pretty. Still, I was saying how I liked those guys, to myself in the bathroom while shaving, and then said to myself, well, I don't miss Lee. Then I burst into laughter and I guess my nabe next door, Mister Stanley, must have thought I had brought in a comedy video with me in to the bathroom. Miss Lee, if nothing else rules in that big apple, symbolism sure does, and so do all things tall and gorgeous. But if we subtract the B off of the place and keep the other initials, as in getting rid of Lee and keeping my pals Norman and Calvin; we end up with the great EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND. Show me how the cosmos is not screaming out in endless symbolic vociferousness.

Well folks, keep on keeping on, and let me crash and try appeasing the great ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||SIS. WOW, do I love that special teenager!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whajusay Walter? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA or was that WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABIT?



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