Saturday, May 11, 2013




*****LATE AFTERNOON, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2013*****

It is just under 92 freaking degrees here this afternoon in Fort Pierce, Florida, and is mostly sunny with a few floater clouds. My entire body is hurting from my experience in a parallel universe the other day, especially my right side. There are complex reasons for bleed-through in the hyperspace around us all, and would require ten Moby Dick sized books to start to properly address this issue, so for today, let us gloss over all of that, shall we, believers?

Most of you have been told how the great science experts are either keeping under raps, or simply just do not know, the real truths of why we all sleep and dream despite some having no conscious mind recall or very little, and also, how things intentionally taken from 'dream-stuff' and messed with electronically, causes major havoc and disturbances throughout the entire globe, and in all honesty, well beyond that and far out into the expansion around it, just as if an invisible balloon was the Earth, and suddenly an invisible larger balloon was taken from the first size it was, and from that point, was painted jet black, and blown up further and larger around the original one. You can think of 'outer space' in this exact way, at least on some elementary and initial level, for right now.

Do you want to know what I am doing folks, all of you, when I discuss playing my 'SYSTEMS-ROULETTE'? Well in case you are saying, yeah dude, do tell, let me do so, BRAH.

As you know, before I tell this, playing Roulette at the Atlantic City casinos began for me when a dude by the name of George Belton, first introduced me to this game, back in early December of 1982, in this present lifetime of mine, as the me that I am experiencing my life through, in this exact part of the fifth dimensional hyperspace waking dream-down off of the Astral-Plane; and I have little memory in my full complete beingness, about this game before this life-time, other than personally knowing a Trappis Monk, 300 or so years ago, and the inventor of this game; a dude who was so frustrated that he could not defeat his own game or really, the negative advantage built into it for the players against the bank or HOUSE, so much so; that he committed suicide one day, and this is the total truth, good people. This is not Parallel-Event, it is a system. Using and applying Parallel-Event to this game, in the very way that I did in 1986, to make a profit in my spare time, in that year, of $9,200.00; is not what is being done when I say I am using my SYSTEMS-ROULETTE, as this is just not a system, al systems will eventually crash and burn, even if it takes tens or hundreds of millions of spins, because the law of mathematical statistics and probability forces those large number amounts, to equalize at a 50-50 event no matter what, and thus, short term luck by either players or the casinos, is averaged out to flat even, and thus, these games need to have a built-in endless edge, gamblers refer to as the VIG of the game, in the case of Roulette, it is the two green numbers, 0 and 00. No matter what else is real, the great Einstein was once quoted as saying that the only way the game of roulette can be beaten forever and consistently, is for the player to cheat and steal gaming chips from the croupier (dealer) when he is not looking, something not advisable in the new age of the past years since Vegas opened up gaming in town, as the house knows every pimple zit on your face and even the invisible ones that are still forming. No system will work forever, the trick is to have a great system, and that means one that lasts for the longest possible amount of spins before turning around and going the other way, in complicated ways that cannot be easily understood, other than to say, you can never know when to reverse a system and say, gee, it is time now to go in reverse from what I have been winning with as I am now due to lose. Nothing is gambling is ever due. It is due if you look at the reality that will not ever benefit any gambler. If RED comes in 10 or 20 times in a row, it cannot be Red forever, and a BLACK number will indeed pop in, and is due to be a real event, and you can predict that it will indeed be a BLACK number, eventually, but you may be in some freaky pattern where you just might get 25 RED outcomes in a row. If you try doubling your losing bets, you will be out of the game and broke or over the house-limits, long before any kind of DUE-SYSTEM can profit a player in any long run kind of situation. That's just reality, son; as Dennis Snyder used to say all the time to me, when he would come over from next door to visit me, at the Cifaloglio place, while we were both doing weekend security duty along the great Route 54 just south of the Black Horse Pike over-pass. I have no problem with gambling houses making money, they need to 'pay people', to quote the great and late DM King, they need to keep the lights on and the many other things, and still eek out a profit for the share and stock holders in the corporation, that is all fine and good. Sometimes, they will play dirty despite the fact that you better never be caught doing same, and when I say dirty, I mean dirty, and they have done some extremely wicked things to me, and this will not be so much as touched on on this blog today. But my point without more geer-grinding and going way off on any tangents, is that Parallel-Event is NOT A SYSTEM, all systems will fail, just as mice and men and all other stuff, along with even greatest of plans. Now the system you have and use, is rated from lousy to great, in a direct ratio to how long it can go without a complete breakdown and reversal, where you lose it all back, and are not averaging a consistent weekly and monthly profit by doing the very exact same thing at various roulette tables. Great systems may last for millions of spins, the majority will give a lucky player only a small group of thousands, be it 5, 10, 25, maybe more, 50 100, 150, hell maybe 250 or even 4 or 5 hundred thousand. The trick is to know how long your system can hold up, use it, and like a day trader, get in, get out, and never use that system again. The system that I have been using since late somewhere in twenty-twelve, is a follows, and cannot be sold for prophet, as I own this system, as these blogs are copyright ME, officially and soon I'll be sending my fees to the appropriate places along with the forms, to make it totally legal. Still, © law allows me to claim my intellectual property. Now a viewer may indeed use this and tell a friend or two or three, but not profit in any other way other than to physically use the system in Roulette games at legal gaming establishments the world over. All that is going on here, is a player picks one of the three outside betting parameters, be it BLACK/RED, ODD/EVEN/, LOW/HIGH, and uses a base bet one stage up betting strategy, applied to the following selection strategy. Whatever the first event is, the bets are placed to follow and then to go opposite, not in advance, but in whatever the last event was. When selecting bets, it is best to use one parameter only, you win or lose the same overall amount in th long run, and it is a lot simpler to do with far less of a chance to screw it up with more crap to worry about. So you pick a table, and one outside betting selection, we will use the RED/BLACK here in my illustration. You should circle the winning bets as well, as this pertains to a back up little warning system within the main system that I will shortly explain to you. Now going from circled winning bets, begin to count from circle to circle, how many bets it took to win, be it (one) if a win follows a win, or (two) if it is two away from the previous win, and 3, and 4, and 5, and so forth. By betting with a strategy of an endless 1-2, and only betting the two units after a loss and always reverting right back to the base single unit bet, all bets that are winning bets and are circled, that are one or two apart, are actual winning bets that will generate a plus one unit profit. 3 and 4 winning circles will produce a minus 2 units, 5 and 6 winning circles will produce a minus 5 units, and all circle won bets in increments of two higher, 7-8, 9-10, and so forth, produce a minus of another 3-units, minus 2, minus 5, minus 8, and so forth. Ignore the times you lose on a 0 and 00 house VIG, just take the loss. Then as a check if you feel the need to not trust your judgment on games wheels that are not going your way and you need to exit from, here is a simple way to see a bad game happening mathematically, beyond just watching your gaming chips dwindling down. Keep track of total win-circle-number amounts, such as for an example, 2-2-3-1-2-1-1-1-4-3-2-3-1-2-3-2-2-3-4-1-2-1-1, as well as the total of numbers there. The total numbers are placed as a fractional denominator, and the added values, as a fractional numerator. Simply put, there are a total of 23 numbers there. As the top part of the fraction or the numerator begins growing closer and closer towards double the amount of the denominator, it is time to leave the game, ahead or behind, and go to another wheel, and another, and another. But as long as a healthy gap stays between these two numbers not doubling, you can play that wheel to your hearts desire. You need not worry about gut feelings or how many chips you are up or down, as the longer run pattern of the wheel to your system, is revealed in your fraction. In the illustration here, our bottom number or fractional denominator, as stated, is a 23, so as the top number approaches 46 or perhaps goes into a doubling and higher from the start of the game, then kiss that game and wheel bye-bye. Here, the total of these 23 number is a 47. Whether you are up or down 3 or 5 or 8 units, get out of this game, the numerator is staying too much higher than where it needs to be in ratio to the denominator number, and all odds are it will continue to pattern out this way long enough to make you lose lots and lots and lots of your gaming chips, and that chews and bites, with or without the lovely Roseann Delaney. Now let us do another much better game, even though the very start did not start out so wonderfully. In this example, we have 4-7-2-3-2-2-1-2-5-3-1-2-1-2-2-2-1-1-1-2-2-3-1-1-2-3-1-1-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-2-2-1-1-2-4-1-4-1-1-1-2. This is a total for a denominator of 52, and towards the end of this run of win-circle-events, we do not want our top numerator number to be at 104 or higher, and hopefully, lower and less than double the denominator. Let us add up and see what's what. After only 6 spins, it looks bad, but never quit in just 6 spins, take it a little beyond that, as it might turn around, and if not, get the hell out, and say hello to the Jersey Governor should you see him along the beach and the weather is good in Atlantic City. OK, at six spins our rotten fraction is 20 over 4 and way over the OUT-SIGNAL of 8 over 4, but as stated, don't die at the very start, let it play out a wee bit longer, and it it does not drop, then get the hell off that game beach, and say hi to Governor Christie as fast as crap smells. Now joking aside, abnd deadly hurricanes as well, let us move on and see how this actual game that I recently played, began correcting for itself. After all 52 of these numbers, the total of them that we want under double or less than 104, is 99. This is a safe zone, 104 over 99, think of it as your systems ROULETTE PRESSURE, as in blood pressure having the systolic and diastolic measurement readings. Perfect pressure here is anything lower and the lower the better, of the top number in relation to the bottom number, be it 30 over 15 or 400 over 200, you want that top number no more and hopefully LESS THAN twice the bottom number. Now for an illustration in the selection of following and then recversing, and following and then reversing, endlessly. The outcomes on this randomly made up set of BLACK and RED outcomes are as follows: (B)=BLACK, and (R)=RED................................


This series of events began with a RED, we want to follow with a Red, so we lost on a BLACK. Then we want to go opposite on the BLACK to a RED, and again we lost. Now we want to follow the BLACK, and we won, and so forth, and this would create a number 3 on the circled win, the the fourth outcome on the line and third BLACK on the string, above. Remember, you always keep endlessly switching FOLLOW, REVERSE, FOLLOW, REVERSE, until the end of the game and you cash out. I am happy playing 10 relatively quick games normally every other day is what it takes to average these ten games. When my life is all filled with BOTBARS, the LUCK FACTOR does kick in, luck drops when life sucks, and the other way around as well, this is just another 'Dennis Snyder reality, SON'. This system, no matter how lucky you are and how good your life is, will fail totally and completely, on average, depending on your personal luck factor, whoever you are reading this, at between 4 and 30 kilo-spins, averaging 17,000 spins, a better system than many I have been playing and messing around with for the past 5-15 years. A very unlucky person could lose a mountain of doe in 2 or 3 thousand and that's that, and then the extra lucky folks that make the world of averages, just what they are, AVERAGES, may get 50 or even 75 KILOSPINS out of this system, and using one-hundred dollar black gaming chips, and averaging about 30 units profit over losses including the house-vig, per kilospin, (1,000-spins), this means if you get 15 kilo-spins out of the system, at the $100.00 gaming level, playing 100/200 betting level, you can hope to get a total profit out of this system of around 30 times 15 times 100 USD, or 450 black unit gaming chips, or $45,000.00. If you played this system on the 25/50 green gaming chip level, it would bring it down by four times, to about just over eleven grand before the system goes south. But you can begin this on a low level of 10/20, upping it to 25/50, then 100/200, and all by the time you only exhaust say about half or less of your average spins the system will produce for you before turning. So in that remaining half or more, why not jump up a while to 200/400, and then once more to 500/1000? At the 500/1000 level, this would be 5 times the amount shown above, especially for a high roller who used that playing level from the very beginning, so 45 grand becomes a total of around 225, 000 bucks that this system will average for most players, give or take say 30% on personal life and luck factors, that all great professional gamblers know very well, is real, and connected up all together.

Between 4-6, doors have started to get somewhat annoying here, before that since I have awake this afternoon, all was nice and quiet. The only exception is the motorcyclist persecutor, so if you out there Sheriff Mascara and my pals at the Fort Pierce PEEDEE, please try and look out for me and watch for this real nasty ass prick, thank you so much!

It's getting very cloudy and dark, and still holding just under 92 degrees Fahrenheit here in town, maybe lovely Diana will come over and visit me with beautiful lovely colors. I really love you so much ISIS, don't let me down forever, BROWN EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE-BYE believers.

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