Monday, May 6, 2013




Believers, it is time for me to say a few things that might appear as quite and jumbled up bunch of scatter brained nothingness, at least according to the logical mind of one Terry, from Egg Harbor City, in New Jersey, back around middle oh-7. I cannot worry myself about that. My problems and my story AKA Morianity, is just not an entity that can be told the way that this super literary giant would like it to be, so too bad. Blog Chapter 5—69, will tell a lot more about R-3.

For a little while, my blogs will be shorter, less words that tell more. I may have overemphasized my 3-huge secret-tell deal the other week, but I feel that I did the correct an only viable option for me. I can be wrong as quickly as the next human being, time will tell. Would I take back the telling of those words some may wonder? No mahm, and no sir! When truths are told, there can be no cosmic wrong in that. Can there be ramifications? Well, according to Isaac Newton, there always are. Will they be good, bad, or in-between for me, as far as what may result? Breath echos and all, US © Office, “Who can ever know”, from 1988. Gee whiz.

I am so sick and tired of Atlantic City and what has emanated from this place that caused my life to suffer a total collapse and breakdown, that no words can even hope t ever describe how I feel. This goes the same, with 'THAT FAMILY' and recurring dreams of them that all began in early July of 1970 with medical experiments and magic washcloths and surgical procedures and on and on with that hellish tale of pure agony, also I am equally revolted and sick to death of parallel realities that insist on bleeding through to the one that I try and live and exist in while awake, seemingly a lot me than what is both normal as well as would be appropriate, and not by any means least on this list, merely last in my memory order, the MILI-2-FORCE and what they really are in the land of 'death', the LAMBRIGG CULT OF PROVINCE OLYMPIA. Again, this is a condition-interaction, not a tangible physical place, and is why it is not here in our physical realm of material objects and living creatures that breath and bleed and the gods only know what else when the refrigerator door closes. This very old wise tale about such things, is well founded and grounded, in the new at the time, in century-20, science called, “Quantum Mechanics”. Naturally, all of this crap is leading up to some real heavy stuff, but instead of writing lots of flowery adjectives and words in general, I will be down and not too dirty, but straight out quick, telling it once, no fancy literary work, no one's trying to win a freaking prize for blog work here, especially for complexity and confusion. So here we go, Copyright Office, not talking any crap, and running on Gloria ACMUA large water pipes, 001, or is it 002, I admit I have forgotten, but Mister Expert with the three items, that I thought included fire, but who can tell any longer, with all of my switching and crossing, and of course, hidden underneath the bad erase head of the open reels, FOR THE 1984 RECORD. No there is no time for Collingswood A&P, AT&T, or other unexplainable things from Lady Korea to the ME and even to the Haddonfield Mobil Gas Station, let alone Richard Karpf and his real estate office phone number given to me by a 411-0perator back in 1987 when I asked for a totally different other friend of Patty-Jane and broken bedrooms of endless mystery and drunken Russel's from my lovely past with eternal game playing Goddess-MDE. You know talking about real power in symbolism, pronouncing this mother-daughter-electron triple goddess deal as MIDI by saying the word abbreviations of MDE, takes us where us but straight to music, after-all, it stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface, just as HTTP-WWW stands for hyper text transfer protocol world wide web and interconnected networking computer systems are shortened to the INTERNET, but that's all as Donna Gaines Summer might say it if not up in the future at the World Laboratories, “That's neither HAIR nor there”! Let us put our walking shoes back on, wipe the blood off, and our faces, and move this right along, before two dogs end up biting me, right late Dawn-Marie King?

Do you want to know, my believers, why no one ever wants to, or for that matter is willing to, ever come forward, to help substantiate and verify all of my totally wild and unbelievable claims? It is not complicated you know, I mean really, take Sam the Highview Cheers Apartments Maintenance man as just one quick and isolated example here, my friends. He would lose his dam job, Ed Green, that's why. He doesn't want to lose his dam job, right Detective Ed green? Who wants to lose their dam job, I went through a lot of hell after I just lost mine last March, 13 months ago when Big Red Jessica canned me up at the Orange Avenue & 25th Street Harvest, and have been somewhat unhappy and unhealthy as a result, even more than before, my pals of the great Wallgreens Pharmaceutical Chain. I know the lady at the Copyright Office did not wish this on herself and her family either back in 2008. Still, it was in her manner abnd the way she said things and just exactly what she said in-between what I know she wanted to say, looking back on this from about five years later, that allows me to totally know that the Ed Green L&O syndrome indeed kicks in again, for her, and for me. Not me at the Harvest job, but me back then, not being able to get a jump up on these TAWFERS for once. This is not allowed, because just as I said in my first two years of my blogs, all before my 70-day off-grid time and all of this bullshit that came as a result, the White Slavers of the Gallagher McGuire club who take care of the family, and hate certain of us who have wrong mix breeds inside of us, and just how McGuire knew all this about me in 1997 is totally unfathomable, but then so is the visitation of my ''goddess giant girlfriend' at Highview, to quote the great Sam, and not his son, the Williamstown cop. Here is a case where the son of Sam is not the bad guy, but then bad is a harsh word here, as he just needed to “KEEP HIS DAM JOB”, Detective Green, sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then switching up here from both 1997 and 2008, here we are in middle freaking 2013, and yes, I said it first, and they knew it all along, when you sacrifice the life of the innocent in demonic ritual, the game of the gods called, “Lets play a different guessing guest name”, allows them to negotiate with a powerful Astral-Plane god named Apollo-Lucifer, for great Astral-Plane power. I don't mean he gives away the 'shop;, but he lets the babies in the sand box who cooperate a little more with him than most are willing to do, you know, torturing and sacrificing babies and young kids to a horrible ritualistic death in the name and honor of Beelzebub Diabolis, AKA Apollo-Lucifer, the Astral-Plane words are precise English waking world translations, Apollo and Beelzebub are like saying Tick-Tack-Toe, only maybe with a slight change such as accenting the TOE and not the TICK. There is a technology behind all this so called mystical power, just as there are parlor tricks behind all of the magicians little cute stunts and phony psychics who practice deception for money. Still, unlike what Patty-001/2 believes on his persona in his great show; there are indeed some real McCoy folks who have practiced this game of sacrifice to AL, yes AL, a nice shortened name for Apollo-Lucy, whether he likes it or not, and even though he indeed is Diana's twin sister, I will always love my beautiful Diana, the great Goddess of the Moon and Lightning, and in honesty, Mister Joel sir, a lot more than that, and the few who know, not only do know, but have known all along, county jail pleas and all. Yes, it was all a test to see if I really had the 10 grand buried, as was talked about with the winning bet back in twenty-ten. You see, believers, to add on here to how slow I catch on, despite things never getting past me eventually; I was being tested to see if this was true, or so I have been told, last night by the All mighty Goddess Herself, who untied me, and blew all the ants away and out of the great Lakehouse Porch, and then put a magic lotion on me that smelled better than her two old time faves from biblical days, and worked better as well, as all my many open sores were healed instantly, and on top of that, after I was nearly healed, and BOO was untying me, she began to give me that smirky adorable smile that if you do not know MC, you will never see it; and then she sang the appropriate song regarding this. I never said after what you went through with McGuire and all the clan that cousins out to your wonderful somnambulist mom, that you do not deserve all the smiles and happiness in the world, and it is my sincere wish that you have only this and as long as you wish. I am not against you, just sad that you want to play this very unpleasant game here with me, when out there in eternity, we have so much more fun with other games, like Tag, Guess the Name of the Guests, and your kite flying, and so much more, right down to what would get me stoned to death even in 2013 if I blogged on. Mortals live in the caves and then they pot and kettle me for not liking computers, cell phones, and all this demonic crap that is totally destroying the very fabric of our society. My point here is proven by them, not me, I mean really, we will not be in our own worlds while huddled together in cities and towns, all separate and estranged from normal reality, it is not coming people, it is here now, ever here of the newest visor crap that google is advertising and selling. It as all things is expensive at first, but as consumers purchase this crap, the prices will drop, and soon, all of us can be all alone in our own worlds. Come on governor Scott, do you really think this texting on the road is safe? Why should my life and limb have to be in danger because I am smart and know better than to do this nonsense, at the hands of dumb young full of cum geeks and techies who do not care if they plow into me and wreck my day and year? In Jersey, if you are caught using anything while driving, and not as an after offense once caught doing something else, but like safety belt non-compliers, once it is seen, boom, big time tickets and loss of driving privileges for repeating offenders. Why should the smart people that no better, be at risk of injury and death by dummies? That is why we vote for SMART law passing legislators, like you, governor Scott, and I really hope in time it becomes the same law as Jersey has. Take your eyes off the road at any speed at all, and anything can happen. People live on lots of good old IRISH LUCK, and guess what, and this is for you too Mister hot shot hater McGuire, IT RUNS OUT DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, there is REAL POWER all right, and my blogs told all about this shit, long before the great 001-2 ever was on the air. Now comes the fun part of the TV show. I am sitting here wondering with intense passion, will this show suddenly go the way of DARK SHADOWS, or manage to finish out by telling the real DAM TRUTH OF SATAN and just how real this rotten prick is and always was and will be? YOU GO, 'TM' SHOW, and be careful, yes, of the great ROOF-DOG peeps and their ability to not only always be ahead of the drumbeats, as my kid's bio gives away another agreement to my blogs, but also, be careful of the innocent looking things that get shows canceled, as this is the story of my entire life. It is always the one thing you will never allow yourself to see or believe, that blind sides you and ends up destroying each and every thing that you ever try and do, to FIGHT THIS ENEMY, call it by an old fashioned church name, a sci-fy name, or anything in-between, as anyone who's ever been its fucking victim knows that names do not mean a dam ass thing, only that this thing, the WOMO-MILI-2-FORCE, the LAMBRIGG CULT, IS TOTALLY REAL, 100%!!!

END OF THIS BLOG. Be good to yourselves, my believers!

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