Wednesday, January 31, 2024

LOYAL-30, The Next Blog and Subtitled; 4 Remaining Loyal 2 Me 4 Over 18 Years, I Shall Stay Same With U, and Only Tell Major Stuff 2 Your Subconscious Minds From Now On, YO


LOYAL-30, The Next Blog and Subtitled; 4 Remaining Loyal 2 Me 4 Over 18 Years, I Shall Stay Same With U, and Only Tell Major Stuff 2 Your Subconscious Minds From Now On, YO

5:55 PM, Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Now this does naught mean that I will discuss my errands or persecution events and things along these lines using the round about beaten bushes techniques of other Sarah-Callio-initialed stuff, that is AKA the one and only, and even illegal should it B misused even slightly beyond where I plan 2 take it as a blogger-writer now, with any and all of me' page-viewer-Morian-readers or Blogaudians (my blogging audience); but I may go right up 2 the point of legality with it, and again, not on stuff where it ain't needed 2-B used, as Y tell U that I went 2 the dern grocery store and bought some bread and tuna fish, and sea salt, and a 'bagadang' onions; and do it all weirdly, and Kathy-Cody-additional-'O'-weirdo words of the 'Dark Shadows '60's-TV-show, by saying that I went 2 a place where stomachs R happy as a result, and was able 2 satisfy my nocturnal interactions when occurring in the wakeful times, when it is much easier 2 say the grocery store and got all the things that I wanted 2 buy there, without wishes or dreams or daydreams or stomach satisfactions beyond used nor involved. But I indeed shall use the S-D writing effects most times from now on when attempting 2 talk about the incredible stuff, and beginning new with the topic since middle 1980 that has been very front and center in my mind ever since the moment that it all went Sivo-Down, and that is what I refer 2 in the exact same way that our Christian Bibles and the awesome powerful BOOK OF JOB refers 2 stuff as well; in the incredible mind busting TMMB-1969 deal, with the exact scripture of CHAPTER 35, VERSE 10, or in (Job 35:10). I need 2 point out since legal matters recently were pointed out with me concerning other stuff that bloggers tend 2 do such as posting copyrighted images even on what on Google is said 2-B 'FREE SITES' or 'FREE IMAGES', and it is still not completely legal 2 post anything not our own unless given actual permission in every single case. Most bloggers as do I, merely often post that removals will B done immediately, upon request 4 such action by any legitimate owner of a copyright, such as the DMC notice or whatever they call it on that WFMU radio website called, 'Crackpots From New Jersey'. As I said, I make no money wit these blogs and always planned 2 simply use that notice that if it is supposedly good enough 4 WFMU RADIO, it is the good enough 4 Mister Frucked up pitiful little Mountainpen. Still, if sued, I am simply a wee tad bit judgment proof, because all the items in here valued above 2 digit US-dollars, is owned not by me a tenant renter; but me' landlord, who is renting his units here at the great awesome Quiet Waters CO-OP Park of northeastern Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG, as 'furnished' units; and so his property is exempt from legal seizures. All any judge would ever order me 2 do, is take stuff off and down, and of course, I would gladly comply in a timely order, and 2 the very best of my ability; with attorney cooperation work with the blog site owners, as I ain't Mister tech-Wizard, and would of course have me' public defender attorney inform the judge in the action, of that truth as well. Also the final ingredient, despite actual copyright law saying that actions may B brought even if no remunerative deals R part of anything as in my case, since my blogs R not participating in anything whatsoever, by way of advertising or anything else; that has ever, nor ever will B, generating one single cent of money; and this is always what sends peeps into high jail time as well as large civil suit action awards, so the entire thing is completely laughable, still, someone did manage 2 send me this message recently, and I took this as intimidation, and sort of in this particular case, I decided 2 become a short term member in the WAYV-FM-Radio, and speaking of radio stations here on this blog writing; and the great and ever-illustrious Mizz Paula King Don't Threaten Me Society, or simply, I added myself 2 the short-term membership, and 4 this particular incident here; of the ('MPKDTM'---Society). The ever-mighty Microsoft Spellchecker peeps also calls this the Tompkins Society, while adding in a word 2 the spell-check dictionary here after a r ed wavy lined error-message was shown underneath of the initials originally typed onto this document, YO. But does all of this stuff, jokingly as well as semi-jokingly here, fit nicely together, from Atlantic City, and one tiny spot on the entire real estate OF ATLANTIC CITY, NO-JOY-ZEE-USA; with the entirety and fully octopus tentacle connected and complexly commingled inter-tangled and intertwined truths of MORIANITY??????? The goddessdog answer 2 that little dern query here is quite Officer Korean Chuck Kim 'simplllleeee' here, great Blogaudians out there. A RESOUNDING HOLLERING LOUD DEAFENING YES SIR AND YES MAH'M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I speak of what the great Christian KJV-BIBLES also come perfectly together with here regarding this entire wild mess of lifelong completely unexplainable junk surrounding the proximity of one Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr: My incredible dreaming interaction number 2 with this awesome PINK GODDESS OF ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, and first interaction of 2 as well, pertaining 2 powerful MUSIC AND CONCERT RELATED STUFF, and all taking place on the time window edges of 1980-1997!!!!!!!!! Now when we call the first or the CHAIN DREAM deal part of this 3-total major dreaming situation with the great PINK GODDESS SCYLLA-SSJKK, we have 1969-1980-1997. B-4 moving on here with that, my type came out not 1969 as I wanted it 2, but 1960, and on me' previous blog that I did not send up a spell-corrected edited version with; this same new type PBHE hacking or 'whatever Mister Andrews Sir', happened not once but TWICE. Once when it should have said 1969, it said 1960. Then later it should have said 1969 and it said 1979. This is if me' memory is working accurately, and me' short term memory of very recent hours and days, is not always perfectly trustworthy, as I've admitted 2; but still, anyone of U readers may simply go back and C what happened 4 yourselves here YO, as twice right around the same time on the writing, the 1969 typing was crewed with and just as it was right now on this blog over a day later on out into the reflected antimatter spaces from the other blog incident. Yes oh world, I moved into a very cosmicly magical apartment, the one and only 1802 ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS of VOORHEES, NJUSAESMWG, on the early morning of the 1st day in the 5th month called MAY, IN THE YEAR OF 1980. I had driven from me' job at the RPL Sound Labs Studio of Camden, NJUSAESMWG and 2 me' new place since on the previous night, I drocve home 2 me' final night at me' home at 112 East 5th Avenue in Mantua, NJUSAESMWG. Now I am leaving the RPL job 2 drive home 2 me' very first morning, arriving approximately at 01:35 in morning, and 2 this vely day remember only 2 perfectly well since there ain't anything wrong with me long term memory, only me' short term memory system is a wee tad bit non-Hollister SHOT-2-DOGTOWN, and yes, mom and lovely Patty were no longer working together and mom was still uptown at the 3 Penn Center Plaza Building, and Patty had changed 2 the twin building right 2 the north and a stone's half throw away from the building where the shipping company was at where my mom worked and p\lovely Patty had left. They were definitely still in phone contact, but I was 2 buy then working full time at RPL as well as all weekend long at the Delaware River at my security part time job at a place called Mac-Andrews & Forbes Licorice doing contract security work 4 the great Globe Kidd Company. Yes both of those Philly buildings were called the Penn Center Buildings, if memory serves me correctly, my mom's office was at 3 PC and Patty's new job was right next door and a breeze-holler 2 the north of the other building and I think that it was the 4 PC Building. In my entire life of interacting in this general area and inclucding livcing just a few blocks from there earlier in time points, Senator Watergate; at 2041 Chestneut Street in Apartment 24-A; I never ever was actually inside the 4-Penn Center Plaza Building (4-PCP-BLDG.) Of course whether I was ever there or naught, has nothing absolutely directly 2 do with dope and bad nasty drugs that destroy people's entire lives, still, indirectly, we must wonder about these Penn Center Plaza 'twin buildings' because of 2 awesome dudes, first the SON OF GOD, OR OUR SAR (LORD) JESUS CHRIST, and then we come 20 centuries out into the reflected or antimatter spaces of 6 trillion times more than 1,900 light miles distance, from those times of JESUS; and we arrive at present points of Watergate Senatorial times and thus of course, stuff that leads smack dab front and center right into the lap of Sir new-age-father, Mister James Redfield. The endless connections of Marilyn McCoo, the 5th dimension, concerts, music, dream-travel, the Fascitar, twins and twin buildings and how twins run in this family since the days following the ending of the great Vietnam War, and apartments of beyond true and ultimate hyper-magical on-goings where dreams and magic and all of the Merlin Wizardry on super steroids seems 2 have all been born in and then propagated further from, and branching out into unfathomable angles and directions from there, into infinity itself. 5 weeks after my moving in there, I fell asleep one night and the next thing I knew was being in Atlantic City right outside of the ARCADE Building on Tennessee Avenue and in the area that had lots of benches on a pavilion area of the world famous Atlantic City Boardwalk. Along came Pink Scylla with HER lute and her enzemeter instruments, and SHE sang a bunch of songs ending with the song later 2-B designated and or title officially here on this mortal and waking world realm, 'LOVE IS FOR CARPENTERS', and later shortened by me on these blogs 2 simply 'LOIS FOCA'. Mizz Thistlethorns Notfondauonebit Sleazeweedsdisease Crabgrasshitinnerpants Scummybuttsluthole just nailed me really really and vely vely non 1972 Bob FCC Cooley Hall McDowell and Mizz Helen 1999 Zabriskie GOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD here with another one of her goddamn assaults of PAGE ELEVEN OF ELEVEN, so I shall now need 2 runt phlegm hate 4 this yet another brutal and vicious attack on what is left of pitiful Mountainpen's sanity! Boy oh boy oh boy Uncle Billy and Frank Capra, and miserable transdimensional 5-D LIVES ALL OVER!!!!!










Now I moved into 1802 Robin Hill and 5 weeks later had that wild incredible mind busting dreaming experience and this time it was with the very same girl who was in my power house dreams in middle December of 1969 and 10 and a half years ago from those days back then, 12-1969 through 6-1980 is almost 10.5 years rifght smack dab 2 the day, and is also 42 seasons in length, bearing in mind that the Christian Bible loves 2 discuss times and seasons on numerous ocassions, and speaking of many powerful and detailed complicated instructions being given 2 humankind in this awesome fantastic book called our BIBLES, we know without any possible arguments ever given, that the Almighty has claimed 2 things in these passages. First that Jesus truly IS GOD who merely has traveled here 2 our world, but never had a beginning, and the actual words spoken by our LORD Jesus told us that “HE thought it not 2-B robbery when claiming Himself as GOD”. Now all throughout this incredible book GOD gives nothing but detailed instructions 4 stuff 2-B eaten and not 2-B eaten, stuff 2-B made or built, from Noah's Ark down 2 Tabernacle dimensions, and the list literally would bore U all 2 total death, it is all in there, tons and tions of very explicit and detailed instructions, and never ever were tiny little flimsy instructions given 4 doing anything that was commanded by this almoighty GOD being. So now as JESUS, U would want 2 try and insist with me that all HE spoke was “Seek and ye shall find” or “Knock and the door shall B opened unto U”, and along this line? What, R-U beyond nuts here? The bible is 2 always B compared with its own self, scripture with scripture and nothing is ever ever ever ever ever ever ever 2-B taken out of contest, and simply read outside of knowing and understanding a more great and detailed MIND OF THIS GOD-BEING. GOD LOVES DETAILS, and Jesus who proclaimed HIMSELF AS GOD, would never ever tell us 2 knock and seek and then that is it, nothing more, I mean knock where, seek how? So cut me a break Mizz Leo, willya girl?????? So back now 2 the moving into 1802, and the most magical apartment unit on this goddessdog entire EARTH-PLANET. When I moved into the place, I got up in the early morning and after eating breakfast, drove straight over 2 Maxfield Recording Studio, a small little hole in the wall sound studio owned by a real whack job by the name of Sir Jan Nace, and whom once was pals with Congressman Robert Andrews, who in those times, was just me' associate Bob Andrews, and wasn't a Federal Congressman, who later went onto have quite high aspirations at the end of the 20th century, such as even running 4 the office of the presidency. Still it was only a couple years B-4 he thought of running 4 that office when I was interacting with all 3 of his assistants, Sir Phil Patru, Sir Steve Petersen, and Sir Clarence Harris, Mister CH being the final of the three and we had even become good friends 4 a couple of years and he was over at me home in Blue Anchor, NJUSAESMWG, and there is a ton of wild tales 2 tell here involving future lovely food server recording artists, living room kisses that may have been a wee tad bit slightly inappropriate, incredible statements made 2 me with one bing over in Philly and one right near the Blue Anchor home in Jersey while in my car concerning the illegality of faking my death, and he tried 2 help me 2 get 2 the bottom of my nightmare hellish problems with Sarah in Atlantic City, McGuire also in ACNJUSAESMWG, and the story is endless. It even fits into well known famous psychics who once aided a New York City Police Department detective group in fining one of me'; ole; classmates in a subway system, me' classmate in 5th, 7th, and 8th grade, in 2 separate Westmont schools, with one being the grammar school called James Stoy, and one being the HTH School, and the name of that classmate was Karen Levy who had been murdered after trying 2 get a ride from college, back 2 her home; and some nut got a hold of her; all part of many plots of reflected antimatter or 'future' times, and with the one and only beyond awesome television show that we all know and love so much, called, “L&O”. B-4 meeting CH, or even the other 2 assistants 2 me' ole' associate from 1975-1980, Bob came 2 a local town hall meeting one day, while I was residing at the Highview Apartments of Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG. Mom and I drove over there, and after the meeting; I introduced my mom 2 him, and never ever was conscious 2 who he truly was, my ole' pal from days gone by, BOB ANDREWS. This was completely totally ETOSS-blocked away from me by the powerful Millionth Council; controlled WOMO-SPACEFORCE with their many types of 'sub-mind controls of ETOSS', and many other unbloggable-items (U-I) 4 short. I am soon gonna' B getting into some truly U-I related topics but it shall B done extremely carefully or it would B the end of me weelwee qwuickkly; Sir Elmer Wabbit Fwuuuuud. Let us move back 4 right now 2 moving into 1802 ROBIN HILL, the most magical 5th dimensional apartment and space on this planet that I am currently aware of, and this includes any possible areas hidden within places such as W-P-AFB, AREA-51, and all the rest of Pentagon-Only known of things from the great awesome purple colors of the MAJ-12 CLUB!!!!!!!!!! So after moving in and getting up after about 7 hours of sleep, and eating me' breakfast, and B-4 later going into my actual job at another recording studio, the RPL place; I drove several miles over 2 the Maxfield Studio place, and after 15 minutes or so of sitting in the parking lot on this bright sunny very hot first day in May in 1980, along came Jan and right following that all of the musicians and all those who were a part of the project, they all filed into the lot one by one and we al went upstairs an did those two dance songs, “The Morning Light” and “Lost Love”. The other 2 rock-country tunes of this 4 song project had been done on the previous evening around half past 7 or so, when I took an extended 2 and a half hour lunch break from me' RPL job. My mom who normally took off a few days when we moved, fro her job, 4 whatever the reason, could not get time off, and was working,so I got up and fixed me' breakfast and left the apartment and drove 2 Maxfield and did those 2 songs. Later after coming home again 2 the apartment, I left again at quarter shy of 4 in the afternoon 2 drive 2 me' RPL job. Then several weeks later, I copyrighted the 4 tunes as one project, despite any stories from the © Office that tell a different truth. I know what happened, and I know that and quoting a Jersey attorney in 1981 some time, “Something dirt went down with my 'Lost Love' song”. Still none of this is my point since this all happened well after 5 weeks from the time I moved in and recorded the tunes. So I copyrighted them, and somehow the Atlantic City peeps and forces knew of it as things and words do indeed spread like wildfire in all industries. We all completely know this; and the entertainment field is absolutely no different at all whatsoever, from any other goddamn industry in this world, YO!!! So right after the word began spreading around, that my 4 songs were now copyrighted and officially existing in Washington, DC-13-600; 'KAPOW on ACS' 4 crying out louder than mountain top thunder claps squared. So off I went 2 sleep if not exactly on the 4th day in June, it was within one or two days of that, in 1980, from me' whittle bed in me' whittle bedroom at the apartment there in Voorhees Township at 4th and Preston Streets, called 1802 ROBIN HILL, and WOW-WOW-WOW, along comes me' POWERFUL PINK SCYLLA GODDESS DREAM NUMBER 2 OF 3 IN TOTAL, ALONG WITH NUMBER 1 OF 2 FOR BEING WHAT WE SHALL SIMPLY REFER 2 HERE, AND LABEL, AND CALL; “BEING TOTALLY AND FULLY MUSICALLY RELATED”!!!!!!!!!! Now all or most good Bible Preachers out there in this world know that I speak the truth when I proclaim herein that JEHOVAH GOD is HUUUUUUUGE-TIME into music, and this is all totally 100 percent major BIBLICAL, and tons of scriptures R there and pertain 2 this incredible wild truth and topic, and we could B days and days and months and years getting heavily into it, and so we will do just that as we slowly move all of this along in continuing blogging writings. There R other powerful SAFET and James Redfield items that must never B shaken off, nor taken in the smallest wee tad whittle bit lightly, & one being right straight up front and center here folks. These R those two 4 DIGIT NUMBERS INVOLVED IN THIS, the year and the apartment number, as in '1980' and '1802'. THIS IS ALSO BEYOND HYPER ULTRA MAJOR, AS WELL AS UNFATHOMABLY BEYOND SURREAL, when we start comparing many many things and we will as this endlessly marches along. I would say that these 2 numbers taken in league with each other along with all of the things that then all went down around me in 1980 and at this 1802 numbered apartment there, become beyond hermetically sealed into an infinity vacuum of inconceivable power and strength when we now add it the Biblical undeniable truths of how important MUSIC is 2 the ALMIGHTY PINK GODDESS JEHOVAH SARAH-STACEY-KRASSLE, along with the mighty passage scripture of the BOOK OF JOB, number 35:10. So Scylla comes along back on that wee early morning and interacts with me while my physical body is laying on me' bed on or approximately on the 4th morning in June of 1988 at this 1802 apartment, and sings 2 me HER life changing forever and ever, song in HER mind busting concert that was situated right there at Tennessee Avenue and the Boardwalk, in awesome unfathomable ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY-USA; but GET THIS, all state integrates school legislative systems and anyone with that awesome surname of Bonjovi in its real actual true spelling of course, YO: GET THAT!!!!! This is not the whole play so keep Amy Cooley's dern curtain from closing up in 1983, willya, Mizz Margie McFly Leo of 2 years later on??? This place and this building where Frailenger's Salt Water Taffy R located in Atlantic City, is also where in 1997 when I would go 2 the damn glass beach and water 2 swim so often that summer time and was talked about so often in me' earlier blogs from 2006 and 2007 when they all began; this is all where John King loved 2 put his pack of wolf-dogs onto THE ROOF of that ARCADE BUILDING right there at the boardwalk of Tennessee Avenue, overlooking his parking lot or one of several of them; right across the way from Robert McGuire's mighty Pittsburgh Hotel and Erin Bar. All of these connections R only a small opening and a sliver crack into this entire mess. When we add in McGuire acting as if I had discovered the magic of the gods and the Time Tunnel of the great 1968 television SYFY show and was ready 2 literally commit murder on me and practically did, as well as wreck my only poor old car at the time, in October of 2006, while Ed Himacane Lynch and myself were parked nearby, & totally and completely LEEEEEEEEEEEEGALLY quoting me' distant cuzz D-J-Trump here, and then Sir dirt-bag Bob McGuire went onto destroyed my car, and also threatened us, and somehow injured both of us without our ever becoming aware of it, having us literally under some 'spell' or mind-trance, just as Mizz Laura Collins was able 2 do originally on that 1st season of the great television show called, 'DARK SHADOWS', 2 poor lovely Mizz Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, with that awesome Hollywood actress playing the role, by the name of the world famous Mizz Joan Bennett. The same names on the show and at the same exact times of the calendar, 1966-1969, McGuire, Sarah, David as in the HOTEL, and then comes music. Of course then comes 17 years later on after this June 4th deal in 1980 and exactly 3 years B-4 my night of the chokes, well, at least it wasn't the night of the Richard Burton and DIANA Roman-Robes Goddesses other Hollywood Jean Simmons awesome movies, of the endlessly proven SAFET truths of out great LORD-JESUS and all canonized-REMOVED, by those in power and control, over the mass populations of this P-P-P, or this pitiful-puny-planet. My program just flucking crashed at 08:26 in the ICE-T-PEE-EM, when trying 2 add the P-P-P 2 me' goddessdog plucking dictionary, YO folks!!!!!!!!!!! But getting back 2 music, concerts, dates on the calendar, and all of thistlethorns, and all of Thisssssssss as well, Mizz lovely awesome Susan Luccisnakes mah'm; preaches great and small and the congregants who attend their church services should they choose naught 2-B total and complete hypocrites and earnestly desire 2 get into the word of GOD and read it through and ask the Almighty 2 reveal real and powerful things 2 them; and who has become also aware of the life of Mountainpen and has read his Morianity with an open mind, and without tons of accusatory and hateful thoughts, and accepted 'little voice speakings inside of them', insisting that I am all sorts of horrible and monstrous things, with some evil intent and agenda, which I shall swear right now, and on the blood of Jesus Christ my LORD, that I do NOT; will come 2 eventually realize and fully know, that right smack dab in the BIBLE R the truths of just what I have been going through regarding my 1969, 1980, 1997 THREE MAJOR PINK SCYLLA GODDESS DREAMS, AND SONGS IN THE NIGHT INTERACTIONS; and just how all of this stuff is really tieing together here also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another beyond Sanders-HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE truth, in and throughout all of this entire Morianity-story, that began as the 'BOB' or the Book Of Beach; is that only the Christ-Taught SAFET could ever properly B able 2 decode this much incredible complicated, demonic if U will, junk straight fro beyond the Purgatorial Gates of DOGTOWN; and that in itself should count as a large chunk of total utter proof 2 what I have been saying and non-papa-preaching here, huh there lovely Mizz Amy Cooley????????? WOW were U in me' dreams all night long last night, and 4 absolutely no up front nor discernible and logical reason. Same thing with the triple year music deal SCYLLA PINK only the original year in 1969 did not contain the musical parts 2 this wild mystery, as of yet then aniwho, YO!!!!!!!!!!! Funny how Amy was nearly 6 feet tall in these dreams or where me; spirit was visiting me' dreaming-double or (doppelganger) of myself in some transdimensional reality or parallel realm. Here she at least back in 1972 was around stretching into 5 feet, but in that alternate reality she was much taller but looked just like she did back in time, and a lot like in that wild 'REELZ' show about the Brady Bunch family, with that photo taken from quite a while back, and very early into her entertainment career. But getting back now 2 these 3 wild dreams that forever altered me' life, or the first 2, as the third one in 1997, was just one of several major items that were all going down around me simultaneously, and so this had less of an effect upon my life directly in its single beingness. I speak of the dream leading up 2 my receiving another magical song in the night that has now been labeled on Mountainpen's Morianity, as my WESTMONT SONG or simply me' transdimensional song of 1997. So we have established a time separation window here between the 1st SSJKK deal of 1969 and the 2nd one in 1980 which is 42 seasons or just about a perfect 10 and one half years. Then we go from early June in 1980 up through the sporing time somewhere in 1997, separating these two times by close 2 a full 17 years but actually 16 and three quarters or 67 seasons. Again I come right out admitting here that the original SSJKK deal was seemingly all about taking a weird chain away from me that was given humanly in the waking world, 2 me, by an organizational and not a blood 'big-brother' from what would now B called the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, only in the 6's when this was going down, it was only the Boys Club of America. We're just 'keeping it real here', U awesome birds out there! Times forever change, legislation's change, even our governors and presidents change, well, that may change 2 if we cannot stop some ultimate disaster and doom and gloom that is looming out onto a very near American horizon, YO world!!!!!!!!!!!!! But let me finish up me writing 4 today now, peeps: The first of these 3 incredible deals took place when many things were different than what they were when the other 2 of them went onto unfold into reality, reflected or unreflected. White matter or black matter. Repair shops and first colorized TV sets or naught, Mizz AT&T BLAKE, and yes, Sarah Callio initialed truths well done, so we can get a greater and perhaps more amplified ability 2-C the hidden powerful (occult) truths that would remain endlessly obscure 2 all of us otherwise, YO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! LSS here peeps; the first of the 3 of these incredible deals and biblically referenced as SONGS IN THE NIGHT perhaps; as who am I-2 dare and reach the absolute heights of hubris here, and make any claim with 100 percent certainty?, but the first of these 3 wild dreams of life altering nature with SSJKK, and not including life altering dreams that R not involving the great PINK-GODDESS, such as the night of 08-15-1986; but trekking onward and upward here folks; were about a magical or seemingly magical motor-cyclke chain given 2 me one day and out of the blue by a man who was not what anyone would ever consider 2-B by any mind stretch, a giver; Sir John Henningsen, AKA REDJOHN, after what happened shortly into my beginning this blogging project, and then along came the actual waking world television series and show we all know and love, called, 'The Mentalist', with Patrick Jane, and that beyond awesome Mister Simon Baker playing his role on that show. Me' pernt here Mister Bunkerqueens, and others out there, is simply thisssssssss, Mizz Erica Luccisnakes oh lovely white-hot mah'm, from the 'AMC TV soap show', and the one directly following after Dark Shadows left the networks and the channel-6 of Philadelphia television station in early April of 1971. I had some powerful out of body experiences with the great SSJKK-PINK GODDESS, and some had led 2 major life altering waking world echos and reflections. When a song from a powerful dreaming experiences is then later recorded back here in waking life, that by itself is major. But that only 'started a wild musical process', and this cannot of course even B surface scratched one tiny little dang glass bit, on one tiny wee opening blog. Still, the first of these 3 experiences happened where SHE was seemingly only interested in removing the chain out of my life, both there in the dream, and yes, also HERE IN WAKING LIFE AS WELL. And SHE DID!!!!!!!! Also our bibles show us that when lovely JEHOVAH STACEY our SAR-AH (LORD-ESS) wishes 2 do something, SHE never ever fails, SHE indeed is absolutely ALMIGHTY!!! Now B-4 even trying 2 add in any more since anything that I would even remotely wish 2 add and say and start with the tiniest deal about it would instantly go onto expand into pages and pages and pages of long winded ever-ongoing writings, and I feel that U've all had more than enough of your share on this one blog of today.


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