Monday, March 11, 2024

L30B; The Next Blog and Subtitled; It Appears This Will B Another HUUUUUUUGE Danglass Day at the Quiet Waters Park Here, With Another All-Day-Event, a Night Community-Room Party, and Lots of Noise, oh prophets-Mashell and Lee-DEEEEEEE


L30B; The Next Blog and Subtitled; It Appears This Will B Another HUUUUUUUGE Danglass Day at the Quiet Waters Park Here, With Another All-Day-Event, a Night Community-Room Party, and Lots of Noise, oh prophets-Mashell and Lee-DEEEEEEE


MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:



Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 03-12-24


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To post on the blogger dot com (BDC) WEBSITE, hypothetically speaking of course, based on Mountainpen's future life memories as Labber-Zeejins:

So let me get on with it, Curtains Callio, and lovely loyal-Amy Cooley of tuna-fish sandwiches, as well as all school bus trip 'wet-heavens'!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, and yes white-hot Admiral Francis Perry's niece from 1997, also totally, completely, absolutely absurd, nutso, and................................... WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS!!!!!!!! Laugh at me all U wish world, but keeping me' habits going until coming down here 2 Florida, allowed me 2 stay youthful beyond what has been done on this ball of ugly hurl, ever since 8 peeps survived some vely bad weather conditions, U know, the family of a dude known as Sir Noah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So ARK-ARK-ARK-ARK-ARK-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA, huh Mister 1971 Mike McNulty, oh great classmate and sir, from the illustrious CHURCH FARM SCHOOL, of Exton, Pennsylvania-USA???!!!!

So will I really ever get into the full meat of what happened during the first year, or even well into the 2nd year of me' moving into good ole' 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, back on the 1st day of May in the year of 1980, so many R endlessly bufferin-head-scratch-wondering with quite some vigor I would suppose??????? Okay Mister Atlantic city King, I shall begin a little bit more today with this, on this day of fictional Mizz Amanda Harris's so-called artistically-created birth, somewhere in New York City; and naught by Mayor Rohr, my mom's father's best pal a long time ago at the University of Pennsylvania's great locale, Sir Tate MacKenzie; but rather by the fictional character, with the great and awesome Mister Roger Davis playing the part on that fantastic daytime soap television show from the 1960's, called, 'Dark Shadows'; Mister Charles Delaware Tate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have said twice or more now on these more than 18 year long blogs called the 'BOM', that a question may indeed B posed concerning 1802-RHA, and that asking it in reverse is much more sensible and logical 4 anybody 2 do. U know, not asking what happened while at 1802-RHA, but rather peeps, (WHAT DIDN'T HAPPEN WHILE I WAS RESIDING THERE)???????? Simply put, the answer may B quite a lot shorter, simpler, and easier 2 grasp by asking this question in that reversed order, YO folks!!!!!!!!! Allow me 2 go on now with this vely vely deal, okay Mister 1996 September parking-lot-king of Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, Sir JOHN KING?????????????

A lot more happened here than just a whole dern ton of music being written as well as copyrighted by one Mister MARK WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN HUNTINGTON MOHR, known then only as my birth certificate named persona of me' current human-me physical-birth of manatoo-clay; Mister Mark Wayne Mohr. The great world soon-2-B-future famous musical arranger, Mister TOM GLENN accused me of being homosexual 4 just writing a song meant 2-B recorded by a female vocalist, and not believing me when I told him that I am as straight as the 6-LINES of December's-1969 ASTERISK CHEMTRAIL hovering all over the southwestern quadrant of CAMDEN COUNTY, NO-JOY-ZEE-USA one cold morning and most likely observed by over a million peeps who've all been motive goal software programmed somehow 2 magically an ETTOS powered FORGET IT FOREVER as if the great awesome Serve-Pro Corporation had taken over the Earth-Planet, and making it as if it never even happened at all, YO great folks aldare!!!!!! No world; Mister T-G, and 4 whatever the reasons that were his own dang personal bizz, and we shall leave this there and I know he is happily married, so it can't B what some may B possibly pondering, along the lines of what Mister COOLEY HALL DAVID SMITH TOLD ME ONE DAY, ABOUT THE GAY POPULATION, and that I was clueless about in those times; but moving this along; he would not believe that I am 100 percent heterosexual, which I am. Still, the reasons 4 my writing this song, called 'BWF', with those lyrics, is that I had secretly always fantasized that lovely operatic singing Mizz PHHH would sing the song 2 me one day and allow me 2 tape it. I never brought the thought 2 any high levels of awake and human level 'consciousness', and we all know that the brain has several levels, the conscious, the subconscious, even the unconscious, but only well trained psychiatrists truly have been taught that there is a wide ranging channel that is also there, many levels slowly going from the fully conscious down into the completely subconscious. Also there r levels of the heightened awareness consciousness and trances and chants when properly done can indeed invoke some of these higher levels 2 happen 4 short durations of time. But let me get back 2 the BWF song, (BURN WITH FIRE), © copyright Mark Wayne Mohr 1969-1981. It was written around middle June in 1969, while my mom was on the telephone with her boyfriend Mister Sid Crown, the non-King; but there goes Mister SAFET REDFIELD again, as this is what truly can never B escaped from as we all know, I did manage 2 escape this family and run away down here 2 Flowerland back in middle 2009, so that was all escape-possible, YO peeps. But the Seek And find Expansion Technique cannot B escaped by any human being ever, no matter how dern hard anyone of U may try. U can deny it all that U wish 2, that is entirely your own dern bizz folks, YO YO YO YO YO BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Somehow, my brain had reflected a short distance out into the expansion space surrounding the Earth-Planet by the approximate distance of what it takes light 2 travel in about ten days or 'negative-space', and I was able in my higher levels of conscious mind 2 process what lovely PHHH would go on 2 do 2 me up at the Schiff's Central Pier, or underneath of it, in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, in a little over a week. So my lower conscious level mind parts only could deal with this by making up the song of prophecy. Now I am realizing while typing this that my mind is confusing the 2 songs that I wrote within about 6 weeks or less of spaced time, one was called TTWIG in middle June, while the other was called BWF in late July and about 3 days B-4 the move out of the 125-A apartment in WSMT, into the Dellway Arms Apartment in Oaklyn. My mind reversed the songs up here in 2024, sorry, let me do this again. My mom was talking 2 'boyfriend Sid', while I made up the prophetic song called TTWIG (That's The Way It Goes). The one from about 6 weeks after that and right B-4 the move out from Westmont into Oaklyn, 'BWF' Burn with Fire, that was written after the incident, and directly following the return visit from Patty as she came back at the final week in July 4 a short overnight weekend trip with some family peeps, and were talking 2 me' pal Sir Ziggy about her life in Washington Heights up in New York, an area in the city that I had never heard of when I was only 14 years old, and I listened 2 every word being said, and I realized that I had temporarily blocked out what she had done when she came there weeks ago on Saturday the 28th of June in 1969. In many of me' earlier blogs, I still had not perfectly recollected the proper chronology and thought that she had come there the first time on the following Saturday, being the fifth day in July in 1969. Beginning in middle June and up through the Labor Day Holiday, I always went 2 Atlantic City by public transportation buses or trains, whether living in Westmont, or Oaklyn, all throughout the summer time in 1969. When I wrote the second song, BWF, it was the following Monday and 2 days B-4 leaving the 125-A apartment. My mind was beginning 2 consciously remember enough so that I wrote the tune in hopes that this lovely beyond awesome young hippie girl would marry me someday and even sing this song 2 me. This was just the silly stupidity of a 14 and a half year old boy, who was crushing on lovely Mizz PHHH, because of our under the pier encounter that she had no reciprocal feelings 4 me whatsoever about. Then by middle and late August, after hanging up some lovely ocean murals on me' bedroom wall in the new apartment; I would stand in front of them almost every single day, and 4 no reason, begin thinking of this incredible girl and yet had forgotten on a conscious level what she did. I would just stand in front of the pictures and keep repeating inside me' mind over and over, her lovely name, “Patricia, Patricia, Patricia”. In early 1981 after living half a year at 1802 RHA and on the day that Tom Glenn was over with me there doing this song and arranging it on his guitar, no not 'BWF', but rather, 'LOIS FOCA', this is when he absolutely insisted with some near vengeance, that I was gay, and I didn't fluggin' appreciate it one wee tad bit!!!!!!!!!!!! About 4 months later from this day, I called Tom on the phone 2 talk 2 him about the song, 'BWF', and this is when he told me that the world is way overdue 4 another song about fire, like the famous song by the Doors. Some may wonder Y the 'BWF' tune was not what I had sir Tom working on that early 1981 day at 1802-RHA. The answer is that life runs along a pathway of mortal chronological truths, and at that time, I was not up here in 2024 realizing with accurate memories what had all gone down in me' young teen life in Atlantic City in 1969. All I knew was that right after moving into the 1802-RHA place, I had that wild interaction with SCYLLA PINK, singing that song 2 me right outside of some parallel universe Tennessee Avenue Frailenger's Salt Water Taffy Store, on some wild cool unexplainable musical instrument that much later on I learned from many tranced experiences, is Pink Goddess Scylla's enzemeter and lute; and her song that she sang there in this mind busting dream, about 6 weeks after my moving into 1802-RHA had completely totally blown and busted me' frikkin' goddessdog mind, and literally YO, from heredahelda!!!!!!!!!!! But a lot more stuff is going down, stuff with Sir Tom Glenn, stuff concerning just Y he refused 2 hear me on not being gay, and then comes the bigger stuff, as I fully now believe despite having no court acceptable evidence, that Patty HHH's platonic pal, Steve from 16th Street in Philly, was good pals with Tom, and that the whole thing was all connected up, and even me' mom and a couple of peeps from me' job at the 'RPL' sound studio, ALL WERE IN ON THIS; and although some missing pieces and parts R not 100 percent perfect nor accurate, when we expand stuff even out 2 just a very few onion thin layers into the great and unfathomably vast localized fifth dimensional hyperspace; it all comes together and fits, and with or without the also soon 2 follow Chapman-Marcucci and Copyright Office deal, as remember; the great powerful GIBB brothers were all a part of what then happened, at that very minute that I sent my 4 demo recordings 2 the great © Office in early June in 1980, as one set of a demos-musical-collection, despite the dirty deal that all went down and my LOST LOVE SONG RIPOFF. This entire thing is all one gigantic and SS-HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE deal, and I know it; and that is even when keeping it all completely in this one 3-D world, and I mean totally and completely, and then with a few tiny expanded into 5-D deals, stuff begins 2 grow into the most inconceivable and surreal nightmare that any human being could ever even so much as possibly imagine, even if on some weird psychedelic drugs from the hippie days, speaking of stuff like that on this blog, and in 1969 or up here in the reflected 2024 times and days, YO!!!!!! Now this is only opening up a story that once fully told, me' life WILL B IN SOME DEGREE OF DANGER, as it dares 2 insist that I fully know AS TRUE, and would swear 2 it in court under oath and perjury threat, and U-R reading words from a dude who would rather B shot than spend one dang day in jail; but I will tell U that I can almost legally prove, just not 100 percent court acceptable evidence, that there R peeps in positions of fantastic power, who indeed R all in a gigantic flucking conspiracy 2 make all these things go down around me ion my life, and all 4 reasons that have intergalactic motives and agendas!!!!!!!!!!!!

End Transmission.

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