Monday, November 20, 2023

DJE 0027


Dear Diary Journal Number 0027

5:55 AM, Monday, November 20, 2023

Beginning Transmission:

It seems that every time I begin 2 feel that I do not have anything brand new 2 say and report, oh dear diary; I am proven quite WROOOOOOOOOOONG, and yes, in or out of the great unforgettable 1980 year, or so it most definitely appears. Allow me 2 explain a wee tad bit further. First off, I fell under a quick burst aerial death siege at one minute shy of eleven in the evening last night or late on Sunday night as the weekend had approximately 61 officially remaining minutes still in it. Bear in mind that I am a mere flesh and blood human being, so what I type in words R just that, WORDS, and words R so often completely inadequate 2 say the least, 4 explaining many things. I had 2 pause this writing as a major health strike has happened 2 me which is all of course most definitely connected with last nights air assault on me. After nearly 40 years of this hellishness on me, I think I am quite well versed in just how these persecuting HALLS FAWCES of the WOMO-SPACEFORCE operate and work in a basicly endless pattern. So far it is health and air since 11 last night, and it is now just after half past 6 this following day holding at a hair tad over BOTBUR, and yesterday managed a rounded up 2-2-GLMA close on me' life-charts system, from around one point seven or so. Saturday was much better, but at least the weekend managed 2-B a non-BOT-weekend or 4 short, I call it a 'NBW'. After I play my roulette game 4 the post 11-P harassment on me, I will come back and record the rod slam results of the game in units-profit or 'U-P' 4 short. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! This writing is all about a powerful new situation, and I shall only open it up about one tenth of one percent, IF THAT. SO HERE GOES:

I must face the fact that I can B in touch with some alpha-soup-agency-force as opposed 2 actual 5-D ESS type of organization here, but all I am able 2 do is give the results of the incident in dreams as well as the matching waking world facts, or the MWWF as a future used shortened abbreviation here, YO! If I'm naught mistaken here Mizz AT&T Blake, oh mah'm; I may B in the wild magical process of an initiation into the ESS after nearly 20 years of my blogging about them, but who can ever know 4 sure? It can also B the cove-agencies in a special-ops deal, despite hearing how all of their nee-nee-nee-nee twilight zone stuff was terminated as in the remote-viewing project from some time back now, it can always simply B that this merely morphed its way over just as did the PROJECT BLUEBOOK, into a more secret and black operations deal, so I cannot know anything absolutely, and can only reveal what is happening around me, and it is beyond major when all of the complete deal is of course all factored in, as will now B better explained. First off, I won't soon forget the middle of December of 1969, not in a million years actually, should I somehow B forced 2 live that long in my present form, which is of course highly dern doubtful. This is the coincidental reality that the great W-P Airbase Project (P-B) officially terminated after existing 4 more than one decade and perhaps even 2 decades of hot-ops, and then suddenly, poof, the world is told it is ended suddenly, and ON THE VERY SAME WEEK THAT I experienced the most wild and magical event of my entire life, the deal with the chain and Sarah Krassle, followed by the sky asterisk chemtrail phenomenon, less than 2 hours following the incredible dream-interaction event, leading up 2 it all going down on that weekday morning. At this time in my life I had just turned age 15 years, less than a couple weeks earlier back on the 4th day in December. I had absolutely no waking world clue just what was going on around me from any remotely waking world concepts of acceptable ordinary thoughts and ideas, especially in those extremely backward times when referenced 2 slightly more modern thinking times of the present. Stuff such as the Astral-Plane and or its existing residents, or the 5th dimensional hyperspace and our dreaming-doppelgangers from this beyond surreal and outlandish locale were beyond my wildest possible imagination, back then. But just because I was not aware of stuff THEN that is still happening all around me today that I am indeed now completely aware of; does not mean that it was not real nor happening 2 me, “not by a” PERRY WHITE METROPOLIS FICTIONAL NEWSPAPER EDITOR “LONG SHOT”!!!!!!!!!!! So this needs 2 all get out there and out of the way, B-4-I am able 2 speak even semi-intelligently, concerning what will now B said and told; and so that it becomes obvious and clear beyond any possible misunderstandings in any possible way, and with or without any strawberries, dreams, or musical works involved in the mix; that I cannot B sure just exactly who nor what is behind all of this wild messy craziness, or 2 quote Cooley Hall's awesome classmate of mine, back in Mister David Leigh Smith's class in 1970-1971, Mister John Gillerlain; “Christmasy Mark, don't U mean crazasy”? Here comes me' first (E-L-HACK), or extra-letter, as in my classmate spelled with 3 'S' letters in the word (class) rather than the proper amount of 2. WEIN???? WOW-THAT! Well, the whole damn thing was crazy, John ole' boy, from the chain being removed from me, 2 being in Sarah's shop and no longer on the beach with that sudden 4 year time-jump, the telling me her name and spelling it 4 me so that no possible errors could happen, K-R-A-S-S-L-E, the telling how when I 'wake up, the chain will no longer B in my apartment at Dellway Arms, and then it wasn't; and the final bang beyond any thunder clap on steroids could ever hope 2-B, the incredible mind busting and never 2-B forgotten at least by me, ASTERISK CHEMTRAIL appearing 2 me while on me' school bus going 2 COOLEY HALL that morning just an hour and a half later at the most, following waking up out of that wild mind bending dreaming interaction, yO! HERE COMES THAT GOD DOG SUPER ANNOYING yO-HACK again, my 2nd hack now so far. JUST SHY OF THAT 2ND HACK, CAME A SUPER MAJOR FUTHERMUCKING DEATH ANGEL ATTACK ON ME' LEFT SIDE, AS WELL AT 7:04, YO! All of this aside, and my admitting that even today and now, I am not able 2 distinguish between some deal done perhaps by a cove alpha soup agency on a mission 2 screw with me, verses an actual 5th dimensional or even Astral event; what I will open up and tell may B my enemies, or an actual deal from beyond ordinary reality that has indeed come 2 bleed into this waking world in ways that no doubter nor scoffer could reasonably prove 2-B anything other than what I am claiming it 2-B here, either the agencies, or a real beyond reality event, or a (BRE) 4 short. This happened just a few hours earlier, somewhere between midnight and approximately five this morning, as I got up after coming fully awake and out of it, and this was at approximately 25 minutes past 5 this morning. The deeper I went into the interaction, the more the entire thing was completely real including how it absolutely connected into waking life, and even the total simplicity of how this connection was being accomplished, in fully logical reasonable, and even explainable ways. The closer however that I came into or towards wakefulness, the mysteries 2 it deepened more and more into where no rational explainable words could hope 2 make these descriptive analysis. This particular thing has happened 2 me B-4, where the deeper I am into sleep, stuff is quite easy 2 understand and appears even as mere childsplay. Then as I come closer 2 wakefulness, that seems 2 magically reverse more and more. There is definitely a process that appears 2 mortals as quite magical and mystical, whereby this waking and dreaming channel movement tends 2 cause that phenomenon 2 occur. It seems that there is indeed a group of men whom I have become involved with, 'transdimensionally' that is. There is absolutely no bull slit about it. It is as real as a breeze blowing on a warm summer day. They form transdimensional operating inter-corporate business operations that words cannot make any true sense of and none seem 2 exist. They do not seem 2 care about how much money is made although gigantic fortunes R indeed surrounding these peeps, and 4 more than a decade, I have labeled them back when these writings were called MORIANITY, the FINANCE FACTION of the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY. I was officially indoctrinated into this just a few hours ago, and was told by them that they have connected me into the system, and this is Y my credit report is showing what it is, but that is all that they would tell me. A part of this particular operation appeared 2-B somewhat equestrian related, and that much I also remember. They told me that recently I saw an item on my local news about the family that they had me working near without my knowing Y, back in the turn of the 1990's and just a month after meeting up with the ADA-Investigator of the Camden Counter Prosecutor's Office, Sir Ron Wirtz Senior. After being completely awake I did remember seeing the name of the owners of a large mansion in Devon, Pennsylvania-USA, whose place I was indeed guarding along with Sir David Roth back in those times. But this was just a wee tad teensy weensy part of this gigantic dreaming interaction that went on 4 most of the night and went back and forth in what I label as waking-sleeping channel intensity or 4 short, 'WSCI', meaning as I get more towards waking and less towards dreaming, a definite and unmissable realization comes 2 me that things become more clear as well as less clear, as I drift back closer towards waking up or back out further into the dreams again. While fully in the dreams, I am totally aware that this group has the absolute ability and or power, 2 create a real no bull slit honest 2 the gods 5th dimensional operating business that can move in and out of ordinary 3-D realities AT WILL, and is how they have come 2 suddenly and magically give me a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE income that only comes into existence in my waking world, if and when THEY SHOULD CHOOSE 4 IT 2!!!!!!!!! This is all that I am going 2 get into 4 right now, other than that putrid rotten dirtbag Mizz Notfondauonebit Jane Sleazeweedsdisease just nailed me real rod slam GOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD, quoting me; ole; gal-pal, Mizz Zabriskie from 1999, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Naturally, I must now runt phlegm cake with my grouping of 5 numbers. SOOOOOOOO WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.


This is all that I choose 2 get into 4 today, and this is literally the most gargantuan deal that has so far ever gone down in me' life. It is most likely Y the assault began at eleven last night and still is ongoing today. Me' airport warning porch light system has been activated since 11:02 last night, matching my final out of 3 stays at the ever illustrious ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS OF VOORHEES TOWNSHIP, NJUSAESMWG, back in middle 1989 through the beginning of 1991, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, me' kind and awesome SHERIFF KEN MASCARA, oh SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll never forget your transdimensional doppelganger up in New Jersey who introduced himself 2 me one day about 7-10 years ago somewhere as was told and blogged about from when I resided back at the PEE-HA BUILDING, near the Saters Musical School on the JEWELLY WHITE HORSE PIKE, AKA Route-30!!!!!!!!!!!


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my WOMO-SPACEFORCE SUBSKUMMITE ENEMIES, whom are VICIOUSLY PERSECUTING ME, BEGINNING AT EXACTLY 10:59 PM LAST NIGHT, ON NOVEMBER 19th of 2023, AND MOVING INTO THIS DAY OF MONDAY NOVEMBER 20th, WITH MAJOR HEAVY AIR DEATH SIEGE, MAJOR HEALTH AND BOWELS STRIKE WITH DEATH HAVANA WEAPONRY FROM THE EVIL SPACEFORCE-WOMO, AND OTHER PERSECUTING HELLISHNESS; THAT IS ALL directly a part of the ICPE-APE-TECH-ASSAULT ON ME, THAT BEGAN ON THE EXACT DATE OF THE MORNING OF 15 AUGUST, IN THE YEAR OF 1986; and on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD.

Your AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on a CRUSH DESTRUCT-SINGE DESTRUCT-TOTAL DESTRUCT—DESTRUCT ORDER, and on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND


Posting 2 cloud at 7:55 AM, 11/20/2023.

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