Tuesday, November 28, 2023




11/28/2023, posting up at 2:34 PM on Tuesday aftn.

Mathematically the term when subtracting something from something else is called the 'difference', just as in multiplication we call that the product, in division we call it the quotient, and in addition, the sum. What is the equation of my title, when expressed in a mathematical terminology then? 'Simplllleeee', Mister 1979 coworker Officer Chuck Kim! Vely vely vely non-Bob McDowell Cooley Hall-1972-SIMPLE. G-I=GE. What then R the translated letter expressions, we must now come 2 know and understand? Okay then Mister Latengrate Sir JOHN Atlantic City Parking Lots KING, let me get 2 that now; and 2 THAT, 4 all curly haired non 'NASA' super movie girls, anywhere out there!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and yes lovely awesome D-Q Katy-Pee, also absurd and quite honestly totally WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS!!!!!

G-I=GE simply stands 4 a real powerhouse truth on total quintessential damn steroids, YO fwolks aldare, YO! It stands 4 none other than, GAMES MINUS INSANITY EQUALS GOOSE-EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put even more 'simplllleeee' here, Officer Kim, of Certainteed Fiberglass Company, in Berlin Junction, NJUSAESMWG, back in late 1987, and into 1979 somewhere, YO sir; there simply IS NO DAMN GLASS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GAMES AND INSANITY. Not when games R on a level that they have been played with me, ever since I left the infamous and perhaps now somewhat even world renown COOLEY H-H HALL OF HADDONFIELD, NJUSAESMWG ON THE MIGHTY KING GEORGE HIGHWAY in that historically illustrious NO-JOY-ZEE town in eastern Camden County of the great USA that I now call the DPA, (Divided Parties of America). A person needs 2 completely understand something first now, B-4 this can B made really clear 2 them, and so allow and permit me 2 try and 'make it so', Captain Sean-Leuk-Pick-a-card PICARD of the great STAR-SHIP SOCIETY of all great TV-fiction and SYFY, YO BRRRRRRRRRR! We've all heard the saying and expression that goes, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely” and this is sort of all tied up into that only not 100 percent perfectly as things do make a wee tad bit of an overlap in this mighty interweave of endless intrigue and mystery novel overtones. When any entity, U, me, anyone, I don't care if it is Mother Theresa or the god-dern POPE, I SAID ANYONE, and I meant 2 say and proclaim “ANYONE”, with unlimited, or virtually unlimited power; always begins craving the built in purgatorial gaming mentality, and the reason 4 this gaming mentality of Purgatory, or 4 short, this 'GMP', is Y it is a very bad idea 4 astral-entities with city-passes into the great capitol city of SDK, 2 ever leave 4 any reason, and go out into the Purgatory, as instantly upon leaving HEAVEN (SDK), the magical deal that is performed on us, by Almighty SSJKK, is no longer operating once outside of any of the 12 gateway linelanes leading out of the city and out into the purgatory. This magic is the removal from our awareness, the very concept nightmarish truths of ENDLESSNESS. I'm not being cute here with the red highlighted font colorings done twice, showing the initials of the mind busting Exploratronic Supermind Society. LSS, the wheel of KARMA moves back onto us, and so do the GAMES, as the only way 2 distract ourselves from the insanity causing hellishness of endlessness, is indeed, G-A-M-E-S, and just as this Morianity has been telling, insisting, and preaching this 2 this Earth-Planet all along since its very inception in early 2006. Most of the junk going down around me and my nightmarish life is all just one HUUUUUUUGE gargantuan monstrous horrific total rotten nightmare GAME, and this is truth, like or naught, lovely Mizz AT&T Blake from 1983, or now; or anywhere in-between, oh mah'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I appear 2-B talking with that Native-American so-called 'forked tongue, don't I, such as all the time screaming and shouting and soap box preaching that my WOMO-SPACEFORCE NIGHTMARE PEEPS ALL HAVE THIS WILD AGENDA AND MOTIVE AND PLAN, AND SO FORTH, do I naught? Yes, I do, but this entire plan and all of it and more, is still all wrapped up inside a silly stupid nonsensical wild unfathomable inconceivable quite endlessly surreal G-A-M-E, and THAT is ALL IT EVER IS OR CAN B, and that is a guarantee, so yes, oh lovely Mizz Muscles-MO, IPYT times ten 2 the exponential power of 10,000 and then some, U lovely awesome girl, but forget about prevarications and rhythms and rhymes, as that is all just subset built in realities all surrounded and forever swallowed up in the bigger purgatorial picture truths of EVERYTHING, and again, YO mah'm, IPYT as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without the ASTRAL WORLD G-A-M-E-S, we all would go more nuts than anyone could ever possibly ever imagine. This is the ultimate distraction, far beyond the best sex with the greatest mates could ever B, or a trillion bucks worth of dablooms and gold bars, or anything whatsoever else that anybody out here reading these words could ever remotely think of, now, ever, and eternally. It has proven out 2-B the case, it is as simple as that, oh awesome Sirs 'Henningsen and Kim'!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee whiz-fizz, YO.

So speaking of games here, there is such as thing as predictable parallel event that is part of the game that I've yet 2 ever touch on. So just what the Dogtown is this P-P-E, U may B perhaps head scratching and wondering, huh there Father-Lucci-later turned lawyer dude on “L&O”????????? Well, I'll tellya'!!!!!! It is when I am coming off some really bad ******* bull**** hellishness with the enemies, and R-AKA the 'WOMO-WSMT-SPACEFORCE SPAMMENIES', and decide 2 use the parallel event roulette part B or part 2, and/or 'whatever' Congressman-musical pal; 2-C if more days R still ahead of me where I am gonna' B having additional woe-whiz-me hassles with these dirt-bag total pricks from straight outside of the PURGATORIAL GATES OF DOGTOWN!!!!!!!!! All I have 2 do is 2 play a roulette game, with the (ALL-11-DEATH SIEGE NUMBERS), U KNOW; THE SEVEN 5-MULTIPLE NUMBERS, THE 2 HOUSE VIG GREEN NUMBERS, AND THE 2 R-O-H NUMBERS OF 23-27. Most of the time, this is an excellent indicator that things ain't over yet by a Perry White Superman 50's show 'LONG-SHOT', oh Sir Louigee Mobster and NYC Police Inspector Henderson; when more big wins R generated with this gaming methodology. Sure enough, I played these numbers despite nothing happening so far that is outside of the tolerable ranges with my enemies, yet in 2 spins, and 2 quote the great awesome local grocery store here in Flowerland-USA, AKA FLUSAESMWG, it was a WIN-WIN, well 2 quote them, I would need 2 respell that and make it a WINN/WINN, would I naught lovely Mizz phone company 1983 BLAKE???????????? Yes, I don't know if somebody's trying 2 drive me crazy or naught, lovely mah'm; but I do know that these things R all completely part of, and endlessly wrapped up inside of, the PURGATORIAL GAMES OF DISTRACTION, so as 2 avoid cogitating upon endlessness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This used 2 frighten me at the age of 4 years while living with me' parents in a rented home in the world famous Pennsylvania-USA area known as LEVITTOWN. Get with it, Mike Soft Spellchecker/Hellwrecker, YO. Everybody has heard of rod slam stick licking good-ole' Levittown, me' BRAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeppir, 2 wins and 2 spins, hard 2 beat that, huh there U awesome song stealing 2004 Dixie Chicks, and your promotions with the great pharmacological peeps and their awesome drug called CLARITON, YO BRO!!!!! 50 units of profit, like WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS, and like WOW and like WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE; and like please don't beat me up, beautiful Kate from 1997; as I shall never forget hearing our wild song playing, while I was driving past that record store in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, on Atlantic Avenue, right near Mizz Dawn King's nuthouse joint on 10-SC Avenue; and all part of some wild inconceivable 'mental I-CHING' system, as I did naught even know the 'King clan' yet, or that particular branch ofem, YO WEERLLD!!!!!!!!!!

A number of years ago maybe even a solid decade, a lady commented on these blogs and couldn't understand how I am not actually enjoying this wild surreal life of ultra ultimate hyper-natural activity. I still shake my head at that comment, like wOW, enjoy this huh, well, all I can add here is WOW-THAT!!!!!!!!! This now ends my transmission!!!!!!! GEE WHIZ-FIZZ.

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