Monday, August 26, 2019



I have formed some brand new conclusions over the weekend, and now I boldly begin a brand new series on my Mountainpen Blogs. These will be the notes (journals-diaries-lab-findings), or whatever words anyone should ever wish to think of this as. The title, simply is the way that the abbreviation of this new series would be pronounced, and accented on the first of the three syllables. The actual letters, for the record, and for posterity I suppose' would be (NUMDWTAATS), and here is what these letters stand for: NOTES UNTIL MY DEATH, WILLED TO ANCIENT ASTRONAUT THEORISTS SOCIETY. It's my absolute sincerest hope that I am totally wrong in the following things and concepts that I will now print onto this blog and later expound and elaborate upon on many following ones as well. In any case, the near future 'AAT Society' is downloading words and blogs that I still have not yet printed, just as in the same manner that I always wished to convey to Doctor Coral Sagan, before the great Star Trek V-GER Probes were launched, AKA the Voyager 1 and the Voyager 2, with a little 'Houston Humor' for any loyal Trekker fans out here on the net, now, later, and 'whenever'; that thousands of years in the future from the middle late nineteen-seventies, and very far away too, if aliens who may be extremely dangerous, are in fact really out there somewhere, and capable of transferring antimatter space, (going backward into time); then we NOW have just opened this Pandora's Box, and there is no closing it, EVER. People, even the greatest minds on the Earth Planet, at least throughout my lifetime, think extremely TWO-DIMENSIONALLY. Hopefully, I can someday, and somehow, do my small part in making folks realize that truth. This blog will now do what they all have been leading up to. Not only three and four dimensions of normal space-time will be involved, but we will bring the Human Religion System straight into the FIFTH DIMENSIONAL REALITY, and with an ultimate and very scary concept that ties in August 15, 1986, my family, my curse, my nightmares both awake and asleep; and a zillion other new blinding lights that pertain to this higher 5-D thinking process. Long as this blog may be with a lot of boring text, it merely opens this all up and barely scratches the surfaces of icebergs with tiny peach-fuzz shaved slivers.

Back in my previous series called, “Eternal Journal of Songwriter Mark Mud”, I mentioned the “HYPERCHRIST”, but I was in the infancy stages of realizing myself, just how powerful the fifth dimensional hyperspace truly is when connected throughout the absolute truths of religious beliefs and religious truths. What I will say now will have some nightmarish shock value to the vast majority who do remember their nocturnal activities, and occasionally have extremely vivid type dreaming interactions upon going off to sleep physically. For the many in this category, please think, and remember how even in our wildest dreams, there is a powerful fluidity to our waking life reality, except in those pizza pies turning into mama's face and Mister B. Bellflower's Tobycouch type of dreams. In almost any dreams that make sense at all or are in what Morianity has called for a decade or more, “Localized-hyperspace”, we do not switch from having miserable lives to wonderful lives or vice versa, nor do we have different type of physical health or that much different of a romantic life or financial life, and for the very most part, we live in one fifth dimensional of 'bigger-picture' type of averaged out truth, and it seems to be quite freaking inviolable and not alterable at all. Looking at my particular life, all of my dreams in localized 5th DHS (FDHS), are quite horrible, just is my waking world existence of pure hellishness as well. However, on the early morning of the fifteenth of August of the year 1986, I seemed to be in a whole different life where I had the things that any mentally healthy young dude would wish to have, such as a loving lovely family, plenty of damn money, peace of mind, good health, and general overall success. In a time order of some type where it seemed t me in a mortal state of mental existence when it was the following day, my life literally changed from semi-lousy to off the wall nightmare hellish, and monstrous horrific. I now believe that the place where I was “dreaming in” was my actual real physical life. All these alternate realities are and have always been, HELL. In Earthly HELL, no one comes to anyone and says to them, “Hey numbskull, in case you're interested there Bozo, you're in damn ass hell, you moron”. It just doesn't happen to people in that way. But as I type out literally a million following pages from now until they bury or burn my physical me-self after I croak, I'll be going into things that no sane mind can deny is not only very real, but is being covered up by this powerful Earthly MILITUFORCE, that does a lot more hush hush work than just covering up UFO and alien junk, because they know that if I ever can prove the way that HELL ON EARTH really works, all religion will be wiped out, and humanity for the most part will be destroyed, UNLESS, they can miraculously somehow become quickly elevated in their human consciousness, to things that are truly happening in PLANCK-TIME, or the spiritual or Astral-World, or (Purgatory). The Catholics have had it closer and truer than the rest of us for countless centuries. This is a plane of timeless existence where indeed there is a HEAVEN, a HELL, and yes, all the rest of this gargantuan energetic-interaction that sort of lies all in-between and far out and away beyond as well, yet ALL INSIDE an area too tiny to see in a zillion years, and it all seems to exist inside of a zillionth of a second as well. This is why the great Physicist Community calls this Planck Time in its ultimate particle, the “GOD PARTICLE”, in their still totally misunderstood way.

There is NO WAY IN DOGSHIT that I am not living in HELL on this EARTH, in my present human form as MARK WAYNE MOHR. For nearly sixty five years now, I have been made totally miserable by some INVISIBLE FORCE AROUND ME that is simply absolutely unbeatable, and just cannot be defeated no matter HOW HARD I TRY, OR WHAT I EVER DO! This brick wall around me is not made of brick, and it is not painted bright cherry red for everyone to see; yet this invisible field of force is as real around me as any wall made of concrete could ever be. It is as powerful as any SYFY type of invisible force field. It will not allow me to EVER have ANYTHING that is good or positive, and if anyone EVER wishes to prove me WRONG, go right ahead, IF YOU CAN, Mister Clarence Harris of 1998, sir; and my best to your boss and my great country tune vocalist as a younger boy, the Congressman! He indeed was determined to prove me wrong one day, AND HE ALMOST LOST HIS MIND. The two days that this great Marine Corps Man almost lost it, was with ME, once at Katie's Dairy Queen, and once in Philadelphia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember folks that this was a hardened MARINE. My life goes far beyond anything that any of you can possibly imagine, WHETHER YOU WISH TO BELIEVE ME OR NAUT, MIZZ AT&T BLAKE! My first project with the professor that mike Patterson and I have been trying so incredibly hard to do flopped and not one single person downloaded the Krystal's Ball. The second project has been placed on a big hold, since Mike's car has blown up, and I will not be able to get to the Miami College to present this to him, as was planned. Some one or something, Captain Kirk, JUST WON'T EVER ALLOW ME TO CATCH EVEN THE TINYEST MOTHER LOVING BREAK, and this has gone on day in and day out and year in and year out, for HALF A CENTURY!!!!!!!!!! No sane person can think that every single thing can just endlessly GO WRONG for someone, and it is just endless pure bad luck with nothing else mysteriously going on behind it. Not in a mother sucking zillion years! Any time the world or the forces want to prove me wrong, and get off my back and allow SOMETHING IN MY LIFE TO WORK OUT IN THE SMALLEST LITTLE WAY, fine, then and only then will I take back these words THAT I ABSOLUTELY KNOW TO BE 100 PERCENT TRUE AND REAL AND ACCURATE!!!!!!!!!!

Every night I am back in the apartment in Oaklyn, No Joysey, called “Dellway Arms”, on Oakland Avenue. This is where I had that wild 2007 'dream' with the PIPE EXPERT GASME GAMES-MAN, from where, the great CBC-TV show came about shortly thereafter, called, “THE MENTALIST”. Everyone knows that this story is true, and nobody will admit it, same old same old, AKA MARK MOHR IS IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!This is where I resided when Russell Thaxton came over at one in the morning, drunker than a tank of goldfish, and he got me to burn the BOOK OF BEACH with him, forever destroying great and needed evidence of my ATLANTIC CITY STORY IN MY HELL ON EARTH. This is where I lived the longest time in pre-adult life, it is also where I lived when SARAH KRASSLE came to me in that WILD DREAM and stole my chain, and on and on, and yes, it is where I came to live shortly after I entered puberty and as all of us know, that counts as a huge item in and of itself. Mike Patterson is very religious and has had me do the same thing that the great illustrious Mister Jim Burr had me do, back in the seventies, pray and read my bible and believe and have faith, year after year, and nothing ever ever ever ever ever ever changes, but yes, it does CONTINUE AND CONTINUE AND CONTINUE AND CONTINUE forever and ever and ever, to be nothing but HELL, and the reason is simple. I AM IN HELL and it is just that simple, mister Henningsen of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Mister AdeepS also! Oh well, at least Mizz Sleazeweedsdisease missed me by a damn nose hair, ha-ha-ha Icabod and Arthur, and John Gillerlain. If this wasn't HELL, there couldn't be a COOLEY HIGH HELL HALL, and all of the wild educators that Morianity has labeled the Educational Department of the Exploratronic Supermind Society (ED-ESS). WHAAAAAAA!

Here it is loud and dirty, General Patton sir. I WAS SHOT by some moron with a high powered rifle out of one of the windows of the Finistere Apartments that day back in 1975, coming home from Atlantic City after getting beaten up by my enemies there, King, Callio, McGuire, and the gods only know who! I was shot and killed. Or was I? Suddenly I am able to fly through the damn air. Give me a break, who the hell can fly? Well, I can for starters. I also can move objects such as diner rotisseries. Without trying to approach all angles on this first blog, I am saying that realities split off for all of us at certain points, because all of reality rides a photon wave. If this were not true, reality could not be scanned, spliced, and altered, and it most definitely is, all the time. There was one really great place for me where I had Starburn, where I was happy, and where there was an ESS entity who admitted to me that all the other bad locales in the hyperspace is all one big horrible nightmare hell. It is of course no way that simple, and things will be harped on individually on many following texts and blog works. I was walking through that apartment complex mad at the world after being assaulted in Atlantic City by those beach patrol mascots, and I cursed out the Lord, and then POW, some idiot shot me dead before I could repent. I died Christless, and this is the penalty, ETERNAL HELL.

Is this entire thing still a game of the gods, you may be asking me. Well, absolutely it is. I am just trying to talk the language of a really great 'fence strattler' here, you know, religious words when needed, and then AAT type of terms, also when needed. And as for the nightmares where I am in Oaklyn, this is a powerful place in my true fifth dimensional reality, so indeed, I am in this place and then that place, and all over the damn place.

The vast majority of readers are thinking right about now, what is this stupid blog all about. My response to you is, “WOW are you thinking two-dimensionally”!

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Aug 13, 2019 6:00 PM – Aug 20, 2019 5:00 PM

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SIGN-OUT @ 5:16 AM, AUGUST 26, 2019

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