Saturday, August 24, 2024

Whether it B the Main or the Side Effect of the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-SPAMMENIES, it is Quite Clear 2 the Mountainpen That They Wish Me 2-B on an Endless Pathway Towards Being Reactionary and on the Defense, and Never Being the Person That I Was Intended and Made 2-B


Whether it B the Main or the Side Effect of the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-SPAMMENIES, it is Quite Clear 2 the Mountainpen That They Wish Me 2-B on an Endless Pathway Towards Being Reactionary and on the Defense, and Never Being the Person That I Was Intended and Made 2-B

11-05 AM, Saturday late morning, 24 August, 2024

As the title above implies without the smallest bit of hesitation, this is a powerful and yet 2-B better explored part of Mountainpen and his goddessdog Morianity, let me assure anyone out there reading these and these words, U annoying bull grit idiot Mike Soft Corporation. This keyboard is horrible and a true nightmare, and if I don't get a new and improved one this coming week and quit being such a quintessential piker, then I deserve all the fracking dang aggravation that I am getting by the continual usage of this pile of big slit! Moving back onto point, I began packing up my place 2 leave tomorrow 4 Atlantic City. After ten minutes, I stopped. I suddenly realized that maybe this is indeed JUST WHAT I NEED 2 DO, however, with one little additional deal. I need 2 move there because it is what I NEED AND WISH 2 DO, naught because this nightmare diseased enemy out there, can just keep controlling my life, and endlessly relentlessly continue backing me into a corner, and MAKING AND FORCING ME 2 FINALLY DO STUFF, that never seems 2-B the answer 4 me!!!!! Right now, OTAMM HAS THE MOUNTAINPEN ON A MAJOR MOTHER FLAGGING TOTAL DEATH ROLL, and this may or may not B the finish of me, SHERIFF SLC-KP, but one thing will B, and that is if I agree 2 continue being a reactionary recipient of the SPAMMENIES assaults, year after bloody year and decade after bloody fracking decade, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! Some things that they have done 2 me, indeed, I have no choice but 2 react in a reactionary way. When I was struck with the death throat marble on the night of 4 June in 1983, what could I do other than nearly choke 2 death and drive around from hospital 2 hospital, begging 4 help that nearly refused 2 ever come? When I was foolish and ignorant enough 2 allow my daughter's stupid Cooley Marola Game 2 take control of my original-NEW JERSEY computer, what choice did I have once the LIFE-MISTAKE was successfully accomplished by these VENTNOR HOLLISTER STAR WASHCLOTH PEEPS? But when I say, screw this, time 2 move 2 Atlantic City, and all just because I am under a major OTAMMIC DEATH ASSAULT, which I have been under B-4, and will B under again, thanx 2 a totally worthless criminal justice system and FBI in this nation; this is where I need 2 gaze in the ole' fracking mirror, take stock of me' stupidity, and ''think again''! Peeps like Mike Pukeater Patterson from Hollywood-Miami, would tell me I am a impulsive person. He was half right. If he or anyone else was suffering half this bad under this hellishness, they would all B 100 fracking times more impulsive, as I have learned 2 control a large majority of my feelings and emotions, throughout this worsened and heightened nightmare I am in since 15 August of 1986. Still, I do need 2 continue reminding myself NAUGHT 2-B MAKING ANY IMPULSIVE MOVES!!!!!!! Yes dear worthless FBI, already the enemies have screwed up and wrecked the needed sleep of a sick old man while U sit there doing absolutely nothing other than laugh and mock me and keep me on your endless BACK BURNERS OF 1988!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First shortly past sun up, the made their ILLEGAL SQUEAL ON MY TELEPHONE LINE, and then at about ten shy of ten, they struck me with a major loud CRASH LEVEL ILLEGAL ROOF SCRAPING AERIAL ASSAULT RIGHT ZENITH OVER ME' RESIDENCE here, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! Yes, in or out of 1984, THAT'S MY PROBLEM, MISSES MOHR, and on or off of G---R---A---N---T AVENUE, in Northeast Philadelphia!!!! I must learn that I have absolutely no life of my own at all whatsoever should I continue being a REACTIONARY-ONLY-RECIPIENT of OTAMM, or a (RORO) 4 short. Call it being the quintessential BOZO-RORO, as once I fully come 2-C and realize that this is what these dirt bag grit eaters R doing 2 me with motive and goal all along as a part of their total life destruction 4 the Mountainpen, then it is high time 2 take action, and not allow it, or at least do all that is humanly freaking glass possible 2 avoid allowing the full effects of this monstrous treatment by these sicko whackadoodle scum!!!!


Now 4 an opening foundation of quick major retaliatory counterstriking 4 this horrendous entire week of WSMT-DEATH-STRIKE-ASSAULT!!!! I am 100 percent totally convinced that first, I ain't the only one suffering with some invisible enemy ruining their life in covert and invisible ways 4 the very most part. And second, I know that none of U out there in this entire world, is under the exact same nightmare that I apparently am in, all due 2 complex cosmic mixes of my becoming aware of it all, and somehow miraculously maintaining full or near-full sanity, along with family genetics, and numerous additional items; and thereby leading me into my own quite unique and suigenerous situation. So I don't believe that I am totally alone and isolated in being screwed with, and in a life wrecking way; but I do believe that my particular circumstances R indeed a one time original deal here. Now that this is out of the dang way, let me wrap up this foundational quick discourse that I promise U all, will indeed B shortly and more detailed, followed up on and through in coming writings: I challenge anyone alive who has been given a copy of these words now being penned this hour and day by this person, blog-handled-Mountainpen. I am speaking 2 anyone whose life is a complete total flagging shambled, ruined by anything we can all possibly ever imagine or think of, alcoholism, drug wrecked, miserable family hellishness, U name it, we all know this list could go on 4 many pages, so Y bore anyone here? Now I ask U-2 simply do one thing, and that is 2 think carefully over something, if of course U-R first willing 2 give my Morianity a little serious study. I diodn't say U have 2 agree with it all or even any of it, but U do need 2 have a basic awareness about it. Now after U have come this far, I ask U; do U not yet C that U-2-R being struck by some invisible covert nightmare 'whatever' out there somewhere, the same thing perhaps that did all of this 2 me, and is doing it 2-U? When U reach just this place, U will B ready 2 begin at my early blogs, read them through, and elevate yourself 2 a status of HIGHLY ADVANCED HUMAN BEING, and IPYT, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now make no mistake about one quick deal here, YO: I said that U will then B highly advanced. Now if with all of this, and still no matter what U may ever do, should nothing ever seem 2 work 4-U, hard as slit as U may keep on trucking and trying; then it is time 2 face the SIR JOE PADGETT POWERFUL NIGHTMARE TRUTH, that U, as with ME, ''WE R IN ETERNAL HELL'', and there ain't dog diddly doo-doo grit that we can ever do about it!


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