Friday, August 2, 2024

If I'm Permitted A Rhyme This Time, This Month Number 8, I Twuwee Do Hate, and THAT I SHALL STATE, and Without My School Slate; In the Capable 'Hans Of Sir Brinker's' Cold Skate


If I'm Permitted A Rhyme This Time, This Month Number 8, I Twuwee Do Hate, and THAT I SHALL STATE, and Without My School Slate; In the Capable 'Hans Of Sir Brinker's' Cold Skate


I haven't been 2 bed yet, and if I had been, this would now B a major BOTBAR TIMES 2 DAY COMING OFF OF A MAJOR SUPER HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC TIMES TWO as well; but thank the gods that this is not the dang case. My landline phone was all screwed up as a result of the power pole blow out and black out 4 one second back yesterday, the 1st of this 8th demonic monstrous goddessdog month. When I went 2 go 2 bed a half hour or a little more ago, pow, nothing worked, and I had 2 do all sorts of junk in order 2 make things all operational again. These R all major demonic tricks of APOLLO LUCIFER DIABOLIS KRASSLE, and his main worker B, TRUMP, and most likely my kid as well. This is Y naming them the MACYTRUMP GANG was done by the MOUNTAINPEN! I called the 988 line twice in a row and they R completely worthless, at least 4 me and with me, so I shall speak only 4 myself here. Absolutely worthless peeps on the other end of the thing whom couldn't care in the least about peeps like me in agonizing torment. Twice I abruptly ended the call now, and won't B calling them back, as I don't need more junk when I am already going through mind boggling mega Dogtown already, YO! When SATAN puts me on these mind breaking death attack roles with these assistants of HIS, the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MACYTRUMP GANG; IT IS POINTLESS 4 ME 2 EVEN TRY AND FIGHT. This is when until the pressure drops a little, I must just sit here an dtake this endless unfathomable abuse and ELDER-ABUSE on top of this. When this crap began around me I was barely into me' 3-'s. Now a totally different tune is on the cosmic radio, as I am now approaching me' flagging seventies, and not one thing is changing nor lessening around me. If I cannot find some way of escaping these evil demonic United States, I WON'T FRACKING LAST 2 MUCH CRACKING GLASS LONGER, peeps out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:




Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 08-06-24

While doing this blog, I am now playing my roulette game, and have decided it is best according 2 my system of choosing numbers 2-B played based on the persecutions and harassment's being done 2 me, 2 make a slight adjustment from my original plan of laying the 5 MOULTS 4 BOTBAR, since other stuff is now coming my way and is continuing with a vengeance and when this happens, it is always better and more profitable 2 play the numbers corresponding 2 the incidents and not worry about playing the BOT-CON numbers until a real major 3 day string or more goes down, that is unless individual nightmarish hellishness being perpetrated against me begins 2 diminish, and things absolutely do naught look as if this in the cards 4 the Mountainpen, any dang time soon, YO world. I also am munching on a chicken sandwich on rye bread, and now peeps, the game has ended, and here is the CAPPED in results: First, I screwed up and left a game out B-4, as the last game was GAME # 106, and this is now GAME # 2024-0107. This was a major kick sass game, making me a doozie-whopping great SIR Obama 103 GAMING UNITS PROFIT, BRRRRRRRRRRRR.

GAME NUMBER--------------2024-0107

DATE GAME PLAYED------08/02/2024

WHEEL NUMBER-----------------25-11







T------11, W------05, L------06

W-V -------------- +29 UNITS

L-V---------------- -07 UNITS

WINS $ ------------ +145 UNITS

LOSSES $ --------- -042 UNITS

ACTUAL P&L ---- +103 UNITS

Now 2 complete the story that has been foundationaly opened up over the past several blogs, and definitely needs the knock out punch delivered, and right now, B-4 the evil demonic SPAMMENIES due me in 4 sure as in the way August is going, anything is goddessdog fracking possible. It is not super complex and so I can promise anyone of U right now of that. Also, it wouldn't completely shock me if some of U out here have already figured this out and maybe even wondering if the MOUNTAINPEN lost a few of his Sherlock Super-Sleuth Holmes talents, and never pieced this together, as if he had, Y has he not told of it yet? Well, I knew this all the way back when TRUMP threw his hat into the ring or whenever it was shortly thereafter the middle 2015 year when he began that TEXT NUMBER junk with the 802 as in 1802 without the '1' in it, and how this corresponds not only with the apartment where all of this nasty glass mess seemingly bewgan 4 me, at 1802-RHA, but also a date that would not arrive until 13 years after being completely moved out of 1802-RHA, in 1996. Yesssuuhhh peeps, THE DAY OF THE TURNERSVILLE PATHMARK GROCERY STORE SHOPPING PLAZA TERRORIST THREAT made 2 my mom concerning a man telling her that he was going 2 murder her son, ME; and her as well unless she got away from his truck. This was on the 2nd day in the 8th month of August (AUGUST 8, 1996), and numerically without the year-1996 at the end of it, would B of course, 802. Actually 08-02, but who needs 2 get so dang technical when this point needs 2-B made here, good folks???? I have been saying that I need 2 buy a new keyboard, a new-world type where the keys are square and flat and not so easily typo-friendly, if I am permitted 2 coin yet another Morianity phrase here, SIR Uncle Heinz Gottwald, Latengrate, Long Island late 1972 cameras and all; or with the nuke holocaust effects added herein, 4 even greater 'E-F-X' peeps, ''CAMERAS AND ALLLLLLLLLLLL” Hey, I mean who out here reading this Morianity, will ever B truly allowed 2 forget that beyond awesome goddessdog year of 1984, YO??????????????

U cannot shame these WOMO-SPACEFORCE-WSMT-SUBSCUMMITES OF BRIGGBASE-DOGTOWN-PURGATORY, they cannot B shamed, it is as simple as that. I have told on these blogs 4 coming up now on 19 futhermucking years, that I am an aging sick pitiful dude, and my life has already been completely wrecked and totally glass ruined, and yet they never ever stop making every day of it an endless LIVING BURNING BREATHING NIGHTMARE GODDAMN HELLFIRE DAMNATION TOTAL GLASS H---E---L---L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who knows or remembers some of me' old blogs, where I told just what I was doing on an Atlantic City beach, in the summer of 1975, on one very cloudy hot sticky early afternoon, right near where Mister WINN's Golden Nugget H&C used 2 stand, and still does only he no longer is in that building since moving it out 2 VEGAS-USA????????? I was saying a very fervent prayer 2 GOD ALMIGHTY, that's what. What happened exactly 10 minutes or so later? I was beat up by those 2 rotten ATLANTIC CITY BEACH PATROL LIFEGUARD-MASCOT DUDES, that's WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so tired of effing rotten Christians telling me their endless shullbit junk. What was I doing right B-4 this assault on me this afternoon was all started around me? Watching a video on my FOLSOM STREAMING-ROKU-TV-APP, called JESUS OF NAZARETH, that's what!!!!!!!!!!! It seems that I am not goddamn permitted, Uncle Heinz Cameras-1972 LI-Gottwald, 2 have anything whatsoever 2 do with GOD and or JESUS CHRIST; naught if I don't want 2 get me' cosmic head all banged in aniwho, and that's a mother fracking total and absolute fact, YO YO YO YO YO!!!! At 29 minutes past 4, my rotten enemies froze this cumpukeher again. Well at least I made it into middle Monday afternoon this week B-4 being maxed totally fracking out at the RED-ZONE 8-STAR POSITION, YO YO YO YO YO world!!!! ANYONE THAT CANNOT B SHAMED, AND HAS NO HEART, NO HUMANITY, NO CONSCIENCE AT ALL WHATSOEVER; IS A DEMONICALLY POSSESSED SICKO WHACK JOB, THAT SHOULD B PUT AWAY 4 LIFE WHERE THEY CANNOT HURT INNOCENT FRACKING PEEPS LIKE POOR PITIFUL INNOCENT MOUNTAINPEN!!!!!!!

© 'BOM-BOB' BLOGS 2006-2024, MARK WAYNE MOHR, All rights reserved



Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces

It seems as if several items could B the culprit 4 my recent super hellish death assault on me as July winded down into its termination. It could B my opening major family secrets up with the MACYTRUMP GANG and its absolute interconnectedness and commingling into my life, no matter how many peeps of this wolr just sacoff and laugh. Well, first off, the two peeps in question here, R not doing that, not in the privacy of their own joints, Mister Halloween Cheater Winn; and IPYT, as I have ways of magically knowing and doing stuff 2, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They both R taking it all extremely seriously, Mister Bob McDowell of 1972 Cooley Hall, vely vely vely extremely, oh great school-pal, and oh SIR!!!!!!!!!!! I shall promise another thing. Some heads WILL ROLL 4 this early AUGUST-2024 death strike assault on the PPNR-Mister MOUNTAINPEN!!!!!!! But quickly finishing out the LOIS FOCA JUNK: It all ties in with all of the other stuff, not only musically, but astrally, Earthly, financially, politically; and we can go on and on, just as if this was the very tail end of a really cool 'OUTER-LIMITS' TELEVISION SHOW from the 1960's times, and the episode where SIR William Shatner almost froze 2 death, even in super heated steam baths, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, and they painted all those poor sunflowers white, hopefully, using non-oil based paints, as I'd hate 2-C flowers abused, and I am just like Sir Lenny Briscoe, I just love SUNFLOWERS, WELL, I admit 2 loving all tall and beautiful things, skyscrapers, Amazon women, flowers, redwood trees, U name it, even the freaking cirrus-buttermilk-non-cheese-clouds. Hey, LOIS FOCA is way more than any one thing, that any human being could possibly ever hope 2 attribute 2 it, or in their most feeble attempts at describing it all in some epitomized way; and there R powerful yet simple reasons 4 this being so, folks. BUTTERCHEESE and but we shan't B going into all of that 4 right now. Still, it may B the discussions of this wild June-1980 tune that I claim rights of creating it when we all know and just as in another wild 1996 tune, WSMT that I also claimed Earthly rights 2 that song, and both of these came from Jack McCoy's 'other world'!!!! Still, many times when multiple choices exist 4-Y-I am under death strikes, this is an intentional cosmic deal with a goal of confusing me, being placed right there in front of me, by 'THEM'!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO, who then, is 'THEM'??????? Well, more 'WAR & PEACE TOLSTOY sized novels would definitely B required, 2 even open up this topic of major endlessly propagated confusions and obfuscations of quintessential levels, folks!!!! So I shall leave U al with simply thissssssss, lovely Mizz Luccisnakes, mah'm: I know fully well and 100 percent that I am a true resident of biblical honest (HELL). My knowing it 100 percent makes it real even if it were not real 2 begin with. The mind is everything. The original Star Trek episode in 1966 where Mister Ensen Checkoff plays the part of 'Billy the Kid', and Spock coming 2 the rescue, by entering the minds of his ship mates, and making them 100 percent realize a fact that would save their life; and is right along the lines of my ability 2 control motion, even 2 self propel, and cause objects 2 move!!!!!!!!! One tiny millionth of a percent of doubt, would not permit the fake bullets 2 really kill these men. That same tiny doubt would stop my ability as well, just as I showed the great 'so-called-dad of MC' over at the Haddonwood pool, back in 1995. When I was angry with those biting giant black flies at Haddonwood's outside pool that day, about 28 years ago, and one week B-4 the entire place suddenly closed down, without one small bit of warning 2 anyone; I jumped right out of the pool. The lifeguard saw me, and I did not care, but he never forgot it. 5 years later in middle 2001 when I ran into him at some cherry Hill grocery store, at around 11 PM, where he was working, and I had purchased a few items; he told me that, I am the only person he ever knew on Earth that could leap out of a pool, effortlessly, his words. I can do a lot more than that and talk 2; despite the silly movies from Hellyweird. But this is all talk 4 other times. Right now, this is a legal dying declaration and utterance signed by me now as a legal internet document, sworn as total truth, by me, Mark Wayne Mohr, and me' handle name on blogs, is 'MOUNTAINPEN'. 4 now, this is, “THE END” Katy!

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