Monday, August 19, 2024



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Now 2 open up the topic that has been glossed over countless times over the past nearly 2 solid decades of time now, since the inception and founding of these MOUNTAINPEN-BLOGS in the beginning of the 2-MAROLA-6 year (2006), this washcloth family that comes into the dreams of their adversaries, began their thing with me while staying at Mister CHILL-MO Tom Reale's Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG home on Cornwall Avenue, later at the end of that same 20th century, 2-B purchased along with the land area surrounding it, by the Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority (ACMUA). Sara J. Karge's granddaughter, Sarah Callio Martino, was a life-long employee there. If this many wild clues were all part of any case being worked on, by any good police detective, or the FBI, or 'whatever Bob'; there is no way that it would all just B getting dismissed and ignored, as is the case with the PPNR-me, AKA Mark Mohr and the MOUNTAINPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But all of this is only where the story begins, Mister Neilson Music-man of the nineteen-7-DEEZ, and all great billboard signs and teasers of this EARTH-PLANET, YO!!!!!!! It started with me living there all alone, at age 15 and one half years, at the old haunted type of large home on Cornwall-Cornball Avenue, and my immediately starting 2 get these wild vivid frightening dreams of this clan of horrible nightmare peeps who seemed 2 absolutely hate and detest my living guts, and were trying everything that they could possible do 2 wipe me out and completely fracking obliterate poor little me. These nightmares got progressively worse, and after a couple of them all WJSD around me, somewhere on one of the final nights in June in 1970; the one came where they had me shot, and then had me laying on an operating table, and had proceeded 2 then literally cut out both of my lungs, and when they did, somehow they turned into WASHCLOTHS, causing me 2 this very day, 2 label these nightmare demonic peeps, as the 'ASTRAL PLANE WASHCLOTH FAMILY'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 short many times, my blogs simply call them, THAT FAMILY, and that 2 has a reason 4 being. All throughout this serial nightmare dreaming hellishness during my stay in this horrible home owned by CHILL-MO SIR Thomas J. Reale; they would magically somehow keep imparting directly into my mind, that “WE R 'THAT FAMILY', just as SARAH calls U, THAT BOY”! Now bear in mind that when I ran away and out of there, late on the night of 12 July, back in 1970; I boarded a public transportation bus, heading back 2 me' town of Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG, and back 2 my apartment, number O-15, at the DELLWAY ARMS. Now when I boarded and took my seat, SARAH's 'VIQUEEN' or Earthly mortal-world 'Quoddy-Mocker' girl-gang or 4 of them; all got on shortly after I did, and they all sat down all around my seat, on this bus. They also all got off at the ACMUA (the Water Company) as Sarah's brother Frank would later call it, when speaking 2 me at his police station in May of 1997. This is when that vicious Mz-Paula King, said that mean comment, about 'my face being all messed up', and it was, as I was all sun burned 2 Dogtown and back, but she didn't even try and say it softly, so I wouldn't hear what she said 2 one of her gal-pals. It was Sarah IMHO, that said first 2 her, after seeing me on the bus, “THERE'S THAT BOY”, and thus connoting 2 things. First off, if I am 'THAT' whatever; then they all must have talked about me as otherwise, how would it make sense??????? 4 example, if peeps upon several occasions were talking about a weird car, that keeps driving by their house, and then the following day when it is spotted again, one of them says 2 another, “THERE'S THAT CAR”; but they had 2 first B talking about this car, right? So they all had me as a topic of their conversation, otherwise none of it would make any sense at all whatsoever, YO!!!!!!! But this story is so long that I could literally type in 10 WAR & PEACE TOLSTOY sized books, and IPYT everybody, and still; it wouldn't scratch a surface on the entire deal all going down around me here, Mister RPL-1980-SIVO, oh SIR!!!! How this all leads up 2 connections with the COOLEY HALL, Mister and Misses Marola at that place in 1969 and only when I first started being there, my eventual predictions of the future and telling educator David Leigh Smith about this wild scary family, Robin Hill Apartments being built where this farm was during these original times, and my coming 2 live right there, and on and on and on, the train trip with Brad right through these magic lands of the future, the nightmare connections with the STARGATE warping system at the Cooley Hall at the coach's locker room closet in the school gymnasium, and on and on and on. This still does not even begin 2 discuss this, and without actual genius peeps with me in some consortium 2 help and aid me in properly telling this entire wild story, it never most likely will get told properly, and said correctly, nor exposing the quintessential evils that have been surrounding our entire world, causing the worsening of days all around us over the past 45 years since the days right shy of my moving into the 'RHA', and into unit #1802, the first of 3 stays at this place, Mister Awesome Bellflower Tobycouch-A-B-T!!!!!!!

MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:




Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 08-20-24

Time of posting of MSTS GRAPH:


AN AFTERNOON SIEGE BEGAN AROUND ME, IN THE TIME VICINITY OF 3 OF THE CLOCK IN THE ICE-T-PEE-EM. Heath and bowels, phone harassment's, aerial sieges with planes, and the typical late hour day WALL STREET start-up typical harassing bull grit. GEE, my roulette game will B played soon and more money 2 come my way in the hypothetical roulette winning streak of the Mountainpen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW.

''THE END', all lovely Katy girls.

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