Wednesday, August 21, 2024

What Can B Really Added


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What Can B Really Added

In all absolute honesty, what can B really added onto the photo-opening of this short whittle squib of the MOUNTAINPEN? It sort of says all, tells all, and expels pure puke juices all over the entire surface of this EARTH-PLANET. All I really mean here is this simple item, and it will B very short and sweet, so please, don't quit reading this quite yet, good folks. Think of this as the shortest (PART-B) ever written not only by the MOUNTAINPEN, but most likely by almost anyone ever. Part-A was the title 2 the previous blog-work, and so again, this is the PART-B-2-THAT!!!!! The title alone proves what I refused 2 entertain inside my deepest reassesses of my mind, until this very year of 2024, or at least in total and 100 percent absoluteness. Christ Himself told his pals 2,000 years ago, that things R bound as well as loosened on the ASTRAL-PLANE OF TRUTH, and as a result of THAT, they become bound or loosened here on the mortal waking world of this EARTH-PLANET. No one in HEAVEN or in HELL, is going 2-B there, they R IN ETERNITY, and by our reference of human beings, this simple EXISTS, and what we R and who we R, all of us, as people of this waking world planet called the Earth, is only a mirrored reflection of what already is absolute truth and reality. SOOOOOOOOOO yes, I can know with biblical fracking total assurance folks, that indeed, ''I AM IN HELL'', and now with that in mind as an irrefutable absolute; my life and all of its mysterious have learned up. Some stuff may have explanations, and some stuff may not, mortal world ones that is. Nothing in my endless hell can seemingly B pinpointed as having any kind of actual true Earthly origin, in that even the famous freaking 15th day in August in the year of 1986, is not where everything began with me, merely where already existing truths and stuff, suddenly became once again, and not 4 the first nor last time either, amplified and exaggerated. No longer am I struggling 2 find answers that in any small way would even attempt 2 go beyond this. ''THISSSSSSSSSSSSSS'', oh lovely Mizz Luccisnakes mah'm; is the all of the all, it is Y the words of 'epitome' and 'quintessential', needed 2-B eventually created in human language; and merely serve 2 try and show and reflect a dark image of something so large and so horrible, that if I go on 2 long here, I will again, perhaps start causing what U may think of should anyone wish 2 do it, an INSANITY WAVE, where Mizz Starr, Mister Padgett, and Sir KEITH the Counselor, merely were 3 members of a frightening club, that exists right dead center in the main lobby of the Eagles Hotel of California, and yes, in or out of the greatest year of this EARTH-PLANET, & even mentioned on those very song lyrics, good ole' 1969!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U-C, when the time arrives, or if; when humans eventually realize & recognize that one passage in those 4 GOSPELS, and tie it into their own life here on this Earth-Planet-world; at that moment, a quick journey from a type-0-civilization into a type-1-civilization, truly will commence, and there won't B any stopping it, any more than I was able in my desperate attempts between middle late 1980 and the middle late part of the 1990's; 2 stop the digital and computer age from exploding into being. I am not advocating nor attempting 2 thwart, as I did with the technology jumping in 2 quick of a way; the jump into a TYPE-1-CIVZN. All that I am doing, IS STATING SOME VELY VELY VELY SIMPLE FRACKING FACTS HERE 4-U ALL!!!! U-R of course all totally free 2 either accept or reject this information, but I absolutely swear 2 its truth, on the name and the blood of the SON OF GOD ALMIGHTY, LORD JESUS CHRIST; & UNCLE OF MY 60th GREAT-GRAND-FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just where R-U when I need U all now, MASON CLUB, 33rd Degree'd Mason and pal, Sir David Roth; and lovely awesome Mizz Patty-H-Hollister-H???????


1 comment:

  1. Okay, so fine and dandy, I'll say it myself since none of U will, YO-------WOW-WOW=WOW-WOW-WOW-TRIPLE QUADRUPLE WOW AND MORE.
