Monday, February 12, 2024

LOYAL-30, The Next Blog and Subtitled; WSMT's FUNNY-PHONY BONE Struck Hard at Ten Shy of 3 This Morning; oh GREAT FBI, GREAT ACLU


LOYAL-30, The Next Blog and Subtitled; WSMT's FUNNY-PHONY BONE Struck Hard at Ten Shy of 3 This Morning; oh GREAT FBI, GREAT ACLU

4:00 AM, Monday morning, February 12, 2024

I was speaking 2 LIGHTNING GODDESS DIANA with my communications system, that is attached 2 me' landline telephone system, and at exactly 7 and one half minutes shy of 4 of the futhermucking clock this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning, and as a direct result of what I was saying 2 Diana, the WSMT scum-hole dirt bag enemies interfered with the phone system as they do many countless times, and in total violation of my constitutional and civil rights as a totally and completely 'LEEEEEEEEEEEEEGAL' UNITED STATES CITIZEN, saying it with distant Cuzz Donnie-Boy TRUMP emphasis here YO. Today, as my Blogaudian viewership knows; was super super super HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC, and holding pretty close 2 a BOTBUR all day long, with this endless death siege persecution, and this horrendous frucking year of 2024; and just about the absolute worst year of me' entire rock chucking damn life!!!!!!! First off, I have the major medical flucking issue, then I have the heart nonsense and as I said, I feel better today on average than I did back when all the medical tests showed no problems whatsoever yet I felt as though I was gonna' croak any minute, and never did, well, or DID I, PEOPLE, DID I????????? With my wild transdimensional existence, who can ever know one way or another with any real or true absolute assurance regarding matters of life or death 4 me? These R only the major issues and there have been many minor ones as soon as the first week of this new year all began 4 me, U know, with the criminal act of brake tampering and ATTEMPTED MURDER on the plucking MOUNTAINPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what I was speaking 2 Diana about on my communications device will B opened up in a tiny way, since obviously, the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MACYFORCE-TRUMPFORCE funny-phony bones were struck hard BY WHAT I WAS SAYING, AND THEY IMMEDIATELY LAUNCHED THEIR RONALD REAGAN COUNTERATTACK ON ME WITH THE INTERRUPTION cut off, as they have total control over any and all communications, and use them along with the ambiance sonic levels surrounding all of us all the time, 2 strike us with what Morianity and mountainpen calls, “MPTSCT” (MAGICAL-PSYCHIC-TONAL-SUBLIMINAL-CONSCIOUSNESS TECHNOLOGY)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now what I was telling Diana was that I had recently put together the part-A, and now the part-B 'so 2 speak', in the seek and find expansion technique deal, or the SAFET-DEAL, taught 2 the inhabitants of this planet indirectly, through the telling the 12 best pals all about it nearly 20 centuries back in time, by our great Almighty LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now U all have heard me preaching and soap box king hollering, 4 close 2 a full 2 year period now; and starting from the time that I resumed these blogs after a quarter decade sabbatical from when I resided back at the nightmare horrendous PEE-HA BUILDING on 7th Street and Avenue B here in Fort Pierce, Flowerland-USA, and so now it is high time 2 get into the PART-B of this SAFET deal!!!!!! So just what is this 'PART-B' deal, of the seek and find expansion technique (SAFET)??????? Well, get this folks; just my opening it up on the lightning communicator device, caused an immediate RR counterattack by the evil demonic flucking total sub-squat WSMT dirt hole slime snakes of DOGTOWN-LAMBRIGG CULT, and EARTHLY-CHAPTERED here in the waking realms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PART-B is how can we not only take the James Redfield coincidence syndrome of realizing that there is no real actual such thing as these items, when all truths get factored into stuff; and now we can still amplify the process that actually causes these non-coincidental items 2 all originate in physical waking realms in the damn glass first place, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!! So how do we amplify this coincidental, or combinational energetic fields of gravitation, 4 lack of any better grouping of words in the English waking world language here, as in should this B an actual lesson-book used in a school or university somewhere, the gods imagine such a thing, and talk about an instantaneous movement from a type-0 into a type-1 civilization on the 4 scales of energy rated civilization systems that most top physicists all use; just what R the step by step procedures 4 properly putting into practical use sociologically as well as individually, so let me try me' best here 2 open up this deal of the SAFET-PART-B: First, we realize that it is not some shameful crime by any stretch of the mind in the least little way, 2 learn and grow and realize that we R indeed endlessly progressing along in wisdom, and so yes, making a lot of life's stuff up, as we endlessly proceed onward. This may appear 2 the Mizz Umwell's of the world as somewhere between insane and shameful and proving that those whom do this R simply either ignorant or they R shooting from their hips and yelling out stuff long B-4 they know what they're really even talking about. As with all things in life, SAFET-B if misused or taken 2 far and not properly done, would make the Umwell Society indeed quite correct and accurate in their wrongly perceived assumptions, YO. But done correctly, an entirely other truth will definitely start 2 emerge around us all. This is the path towards both enlightenment as well as realization that we fallible humans can indeed perform some wild 'tricks' in order 2 begin 2 unravel and unfold many incredible and bizarre puzzles in life. It has taken me this long, 4 one perfect example here; 2-C that in many parallel reams in the localized hyperspace, indeed number 1802 Robin Hill, is a small little piece of real estate that exists as does all and any real estate, 5th dimensionally, an din this localized 5-D hyperspace and possibly even out into the intermediate and middle layers of the transdimensional hyperspace; this apartment contains answers 2-Y my entire life is going down around me the way that it is. We have the wild dream or my spirit traveling into the 5th dimension and working on Donna's music project, “HAIR”, or her rendition of it from the late 1960's; and then we have the other dream of Patty coming over 2 this same place one day and telling me that she miscarried our child, PEE, who over here in this waking reality where this blog is being typed and soon shall B posted, these 2 incidents never happened, but other stuff did, and a lot of that other stuff is so unexplainable and supernatural it would defy even Mister Serling's wildest imaginings. But in simple truth here, the magical Magnesonic machinery or the combined systems and circuits of many hooked together electronic apparatus items, resulted from what went down in these other parallel 'dream-realms', in what Morianity has labeled 4 many years now, TOSE, and short 4 (Towel Seepage Effects). Now my memories R a wee t ad bit fuzzed out and I'll admit this right up front here, but I think that it was a couple months or so B-4 this 'BOM-BOB'-BLOG resumed, and after that most recent quarter-decade sabbatical off-time, that I had a wild dream that connects a lot of this stuff that I have yet 2 even open up anything about whatsoever, YO BRO!!! In this wild very vivid hyperspace interaction, or (DREAM), from the summer time somewhere, back in 2022 and close 2-2 years ago now; me' ole' gal-pal Mizz Helen Zabriskie was a state police officer and was also my gal-pal and we had a more serious relationship in this location than we had here in this waking realm, back in the year of 1999. It took place in Pennsylvania as many many many many of me' dreaming interactions all do, and she lived in a high rise apartment building with a fairly large family and there were lots of children from her previous marriage, and over here she only had the one daughter, lovely Mizz Andrea, the one I told about on blogs from years back, who almost drove me insane one day when I took her 2 Atlantic City, and she completely disappeared on me at a boardwalk public restroom, where she went 2 change into her bathing suit. That was a day I shall never ever forget, but since it is not the point 4 this writing, we can get back 2 that another time peeps. This is now almost 15 years from then, so let us get back 2 the Helen-Z from some localized area of the 5th dimensional hyperspace, in Pennsylvania. On one occasion in particular in this wild super vivid interaction, we were driving on a large highway with many buildings on both sides of it 4 a short area of maybe a half mile, and suddenly the lanes got totally weird and I found us driving on a lower tier area no longer part of the actual highway, and I stopped the car and what happened next was beyond unfathomable, and a small part of it does in fact lay in the range of U-I, (Unbloggable Information). I would not safely B able 2 get further into it in full elucidation as this is along the lines and even goes beyond stuff said 2 all of us years ago by Mister Ed Snowden of the National Security Agency, and admits that they R behind the destruction of my life, and use several groups an dfactions of peeps 2 carry it all out, and Snowden admitted 2 the very same stuff happening 2 some peeps in the citizenry. The parts that R within a safe bloggable range have 2 do with that apartment, 1802 Robin Hill, and the PART-B SAFET, and is Y my blogs had 2-B resumed, and were shortly after the incident of having this wild dreaming experience with Mizz white-hot HELEN-Z. TOSE of course is part of a lot of this, as in the only 2 girls that I was seriously in any small relationship in me' adult life, both were named Helen, one was me' coworker at the Griffin Pipe place, and she actually was right here in waking life, a state police employee and she had a guy pal in the bureau (FBI) who admitted that I was being screwed with and they threatened her daughter if she continued rendering any more aid 2 me in the form of private information from N-J-S Police files. This all happened, and this is all real, and nobody cares that my civil right have been violated, and this is only the starting of this topic, and Jane Sleazeweedsdisease Witchbitch Fonda just nailed me with eleven of elven, and I must goddamn flucking compensate now 4 this brutal goddamn assault on me, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What I can tell and what I actually plan 2 say about both of my HELEN-GAL-PALS, one from 1999 and one from 2003, and the dream where Apartment #1802 is all connected up with it, and the SAFET-PART-B deal, will topple life as we know it on Earth; that is if I had any real sizable audience, and when I go back 2 work, I will B able 2 eventually frucking afford 2 pay someone who can successfully market and promote this blog 2 those interested in any and all esoteric things. Then YO, heads R gonna' roll, and I will B murdered, but B-4 they all get 2 me, and quoting Sir Barnabas Collins here, “I will get 2-U”, and take that any way that U wish 2 take that, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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