Thursday, February 29, 2024

L30B; The Next Blog and Subtitled; More Circumstantial Evidence Against Peeps I've Accused in the WOMO-SMT has Been Presented Now After Yesterday 2 More than Hang Most Normal Murderers


L30B; The Next Blog and Subtitled; More Circumstantial Evidence Against Peeps I've Accused in the WOMO-SMT has Been Presented Now After Yesterday 2 More than Hang Most Normal Murderers

03:50 AM, Thursday morning, February 29, 2023

Again ladies and gentlemen, I have gone through a 'monster ass' day, quoting my X-son in law, after the middle previous decade times; and all because of what I have told and claimed with countless government authorities and officials now, 4 well over 3 solid straight decades of time, and this being none other than ICPE-APE-TECHNOLOGY being applied against me, a legal USA citizen, endlessly and continuously day in and day out since it was declared 4 usage on and against me in middle August of 1986 by the great in his mind any way, Sir DONALD JOHN TRUMP. As many of the L30B and other viewers of this blog writing work R completely aware of, I no longer can afford receiving cable television 4 me' main source of entertainment since being forced out of the PEE-HA BUILDING, by a nabe from beyond hell, and obviously an enemy or a PART OF THE GROUPING, THAT MY MORIANITY HAS LABELED AS THE SPAMMENIES of one Mark Wayne Mountainpen Mohr, and ME!!!!!!!!! Being 2 poor 2 pay super high rent, at least by the standards of one who just resided a solid decade or ten years of time at a public housing 30% subsidized housing location across town from me, and then pay 4 cable-TV, I now must rely on this 'ridiculous', or at least 2 me, Mister camp counselor Kaiter oh SIR from July of 1967 and 1968, on what is known in new age modern times of entertainment, “streaming services”, with the ROKU-TV system being one of several types of popular devices 4 in fact performing this 'streaming'. So the World News that I used 2 get from channels on me' old cable-TV, I now must stream and this happens several hours later than the time of their original broadcast times, and I am a large fan of the ABC International News, that is presented by the one and only great dude, Mister David Muir. The first news right out of the freaking gate was all about TRUMP and his 2 major issues, whereby after today, which 'now of course in TIME'S ILLUSION is yesterday'; has him playing, and quoting SIR DAVID CHARLES ROTH here, the latengrate pal of mine; “500 BALL”. In other words the 2 major situations in Mister Chump Bump's life in so far as relating 2 none other than COURT-PROCEEDINGS, one went his way, while one did naught go his way, Mizz 1983 AT&T Blake, oh great awesome mah'm, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!! The deal that went his way was all preplanned back during his administration between 2017 and 2021, when he stacked the Supreme Court full of peeps who were all determined 2 set the great AMERICAN CLOCK BACK many many decades, literally and virtually OVERNIGHT, with the main garbage being the overturn of a decades long powerful woman's rights case we all have heard of countless times, 'R' VERSES 'W'. Now by pure goddang luck during his administration of the presidency, several SC-Justices croaked, and he of course instantly got in as many of HIS AGREEING garbage on puke or GOP peeps 2 not only re-balance the court in the favor of the RED, but set it way off balance 4 the first time that I am aware of in my entire lifetime, and yes; I can B wrong here so if I am, don't drop me a zillion comments, as in all honesty I couldn't care in the least, but I do know that it is now a 6-3 'way out of balance' SUPREME COURT, and any time it goes beyond the 5-4 division, and out into greater polarity; it is like all OUT OF CONTROL POLARITY 'SHKITUATIONS' PEEPS, and quoting the now retired FCC Chairman SIR Bob McDowell whom I knew as me' COOLEY HALL classmate, in the classes of both Dan Mackey, and Mildred Young in 1972; and the first month of 1973, B-4 leaving the joint there; a “vely vely vely” bad thing 2 happen here, lads & lassies, YO!!!!!!!!!!! All things that continue 2 escape a small ranging of parity, or said slightly differently here, that begin ranging 2 far out on either end, and into polarities, with the prime example that no intelligent person can ever truly argue with or against here, and this being the ever worsening polarized nation that America know exists as, leading fast and quite damn furiously into the 2nd CIVIL WAR, that will indeed come and already is here in its opening foundations folks, and IPYT is the pure and unadulterated total truth, YO, and all things that extend out of normal parity and into unhealthy extra wide ranging polarities can ONLY LEAD 2 BIG HYPER-TIME TROUBLES AND WOES EVERY SINGLE DAMN GLASS TIME FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!! So TRUMP played 500 ball with the court system and yesterday in order 2 make sure it was at least 500 ball or better and in HIS FAVOR OF COURSE, a rarity in court deals when U-R the damn defendant by the way, he upped his odds and chances, as HE ALWAYS DOES AND HAS NOW SINCE 1986, by applying the ICPE-APE-TECH against his poor pitiful 'N-R' distant cousin, Mark Me Mohr MOUNTAINPEN!!!!!!!!! As I said, if I was a wealthy hot shot as tens of thousands of lucky Americans indeed R; I have more than a sufficient amount of frucking circumstantial evidence 2 have any ADA bring 2 any goddessdog GRAND JURY in the nation, TODAY, only the rules with me, as all of me' goddang L30B know only 2 well; R totally and completely different than they R-4 other folks naught experiences those deadly endless effects of what the Mountainpen has labeled the HUNTINGTON CURSE!!!!! It truly is as simplllleeee as THAT, oh cold cruel goddessdog weerlld aldare.

Don't go dying on me, but there is a small chance that a new number outside of the already existing 13 numbers out of the full 38 numbers in roulette based on a 2-zero-green vig wheel, is beginning 2 rear its ugly nasty head in so far as showing it comes up with an abnormal regularity and preponderance that is much greater than the otherwise 38:1 ratio 4 any and all numbers 2 come up endlessly by so-called 'random' chance. This new number is not gonna' B told, and it is the number matching days when I find out that TRUMP was the main absolute cause of my hellishness via or by way of directly using his henchmen army against me, 2 persecute me beyond vigorously and monstrously, in quintessential surreal ways and methodologies. The problem is that it is identifiable very easily AFTER THE FACT, and as all gamers know only 2 goddessdog well, anyone can win if they know something in advance. Eventually, I would need 2-B able 2 find out if my streaming ROKU-TV service or any service is available in an affordable way, allowing me 2 get any major news concerning TRUMP, while it is happening or slightly delayed, a few hours is within the acceptable time frame limits, but it would have 2-B a short span of time so that it would allow me 2 play that number. We can always get back 2 this later on, Mister 'Hardpunchslam' Jimmy Rockford and associates!!!!! I won't B harping on courts and evidences, and my SPAMMENIES being prosecuted, nor my plans 4 making this all go down someday Mister Joseph Sivo from RPL-Sound Studio back in 1980 times, as I realize that this can B boring 2 me' great L30B, and other viewers out there who come up here 2 learn the Mountainpen's latest ideas and what he is willing 2 share concerning the 5th and the 6th dimension, and his wild life that is all extended completely throughout it, not that all of your lives R naught as well, the only difference ever being and I have told U all this quite repeatedly here on this blog, “I AM AWARE OF IT, AND U-R NAUGHT”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So yes peeps, we won't B starting this boring pathway of how I plan 2 get this circumstantial evidence someday presented 2 a Grand Jury somewhere, and I shall go back 2 other topics that have all been foundationaly opened up within the times of my re-starting this blog, after the most recent early middle 2020 shut down and quarter decade sabbatical period which just as with the first one throughout 2017, and extending into points from those 2 years on both sides of it, '16 and '18; TRUMP was the key pivotal player who caused the shut down 2 happen in the first place, and the smarty-Jones types out here, even those who hate me' hot living rotten gates and then some an don ACS 2 boot; know that I am speaking only total absolute truth here. Laugh all U wish but I have personally gone through this long ICPE-APE war with me distant-CUZZ 4 nearly 4 straight solid decades of time now peeps. I know 2 things and so I shall put them on the record and then we won't B harping on this miserable diseased monster flick sub human being any longer in so far as a major focus and topic on this BOM. I am glad that the recent 500-BALL outcome with court proceedings and DJT happened the way it did despite the illogical mind set behind saying that that is based on years of proclaimed Morianity with him and me. I know that hitting him in his wallet is the only real punishment that can bruise his mighty beingness as the great Earthly-chaptered Briggbase MASTER-CONTROLLER, literally Satan's most direct helper, using 'old world Renaissance times verbiage' here, YO BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! But the 2nd part of this goes as follows: Until it truly happens or quoting Mister RPL Sivo here, truly goes down, I won't believe it. He manages 2 squirm out of every single thing, as all NEVER-T's know only 2 well, like unfathomable unexplainable magic on quintessential Amy Cooley steroids, only guess what peeps, Morianity does EXPLAIN IT, and IMHO, quite well 2, y-O BRAH!!!!!!!!!! Me' first futhermucking goddessdog (y-O-HACK), YO world!!!!!!!!!! So now that I got that parallel event crapola out of me' system 4 a while and reminded this blind & ignorant world, how yesterday was yet another endless Mountainpen PPNR day of suffering, at the hands of TRUMP & HIS PURE EVIL DEMONIC HENCHMEN, we can move back into the topics of continuing the many power-house recently opened foundations, but 4 right now, THAT ROTTEN MISERABLE STINKING LOUSY JANE CRAPPERPANTSTENCH THISTLETHORNS SLEAZEWEEDSDISEASE CRABGRASSHITINNERPANTS, JUST NAILED ME AGAIN HERE, with that goddessdog miserable rotten page eleven of eleven, so I need 2 runt phlegm hate again with me' 5 grouping number display, and by the way recently, the Angel of Hizzemsirk-Death as well as Jane Slutholehell R both on an unfathomable HUUUUUUUGE gargantuan roll 2 make me beyond super hyper ultra nutso Whackadoodle at light speed squared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quoting Mister 'D-S-TV-SHOW' Ben Stokes, she can 'just go hang'! That night in 1993 was DOE-X-EXP-90!!!



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This is the C-K report on this new situation that began on 11/13/2023. Maybe someday someone will choose 2 enlighten the poor pitiful non-Ronstadt Mountainpoen as 2-Y all these things must endlessly occur around me, cradle 2 mother freaking danglass grave, YO BRRRRRRRRRR?

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Yes there really was a Mizz 401 KRASSLE Virginia Avenue, and a Sir James Knowitall Burr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So just what really are powerful LOIS FOCA AGE-10 CONNECTIONS, you may be inquisitive about, or maybe like Cuzz Don, 'you don't give a shkit'. The same forces that used me to create such music and songs such as the four titled, Love Is For Carpenters, Girl I'll Tell you Anything, That's The Way It Goes, and Burn With Fire, R not some cosmic absurd accident, by even the wildest stretch of anyone's imagination!!!!!!!! Great folks and my wonderful and awesome BLOGAUDIANS, IPYT!!!!!!!!!!! Then if we take the near death experience of my musical arranger over at Garden State Hospital in 1986 with that fire, just several months after the Medport Diner incident with my telling Sir David Roth all about the great SARAH KRASSLE for the first time, and followed by a major police situation, that resulted from absolutely nothing wrongly done by us, after we shared a meal, and were out in the car discussing this matter. So I come now to some ultimate conclusions. Yessir and yes mah'm folks, I DO, and without any RGG's, or maybe, they were all throughout this entire mess from the very nasty-glass beginning, and when I use the word beginning, maybe I am speaking quite biblically, and yes Virginia, I loved Diana, and yes girl of Virginia Avenue, I still do and I always will. She is my awesome beautiful coil from the great Purgatory, and She dreams here as LIGHTNING in the skies of the Earth-Planet; so a great big WEEEEEEEE!

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Mohr demo tunes. (LOIS FOCA on this)




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So will I really ever get into the full meat of what happened during the first year, or even well into the 2nd year of me' moving into good ole' 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, back on the 1st day of May in the year of 1980, so many R endlessly bufferin-head-scratch-wondering with quite some vigor I would suppose? Well the simplllleeee answer here Officer Chuck Kim from just a year back in time from moving day, into that place,is a resounding definite and absolute YES oh world, I am most absolutely planning 2 tell the entire deal and then connect it into much more 5th dimensional powerful stuff, that when all is said and done, just may alter the course of this planet in beyond gargantuan and Senator Sanders quoted here, “HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE” WAYS, YO!!!!!! 4 right now however everyone; I simply say unto U all, pweeeeeeeeeeeeze STAY-C tuned; as it all will come.


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