Thursday, February 22, 2024




When I did a comprehensive research job or completed it would say it a wee tad bit more accurately, about 5 years ago and right around the time or just shy of the time of me' jury duty of middle late 2019 when the world was falling completely apart and hence, my world was as well and plans were being made 2 literally TOTALLY WIPE OUT THE MOUNTAINPEN ONCE AND 4 FRUCKING GLASS ALL, YO; this is when my research project ended that started in the middle nineteen-nineties. This project was 2 learn all that I was able 2 seek out and learn from many sources, both public as well as secret-orders-private in so far as the sources where me' information was obtained, including such places as the awesome Eckankar Religion of Light and Sound, and many other secret societies even further underground, and I spent a grand total of about a grand on books on topics that all dovetailed into what I will now B getting into with all of U out here, and this is the Morianity Theme where all other things R completely wrapped up into and completely all throughout, and there is no escaping this incredible truth. Dreams, Hyperspace, & Exploratronic Activity, the magical TRILOGY OF MORIANITY'S THEME, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simple as this, but no place in all of me' research could I find a fantastic foolproof read that described a way of controlling our spirit travels, that was on par or near 2 being on par, with what I have since those earlier times, labeled, using the 'ASRDCP' or (AFTER SLEEPING RE-DREAMING-CONTROL-PERIODS). ALSO, U MAY PRONOUNCE THIS SIMPLY AS, 'ASLERDRACROP', & ACCENTING THE SYLLABLE NUMBER 3, OF THIS WORD'S 4 SYLLABLES, 4 SHORT FOLKS. Just as I have created and later gone onto totally adopt new Morianity words and phrasings, so 2 this word will B used such as exploratronics or transdimensional hyperspace and many others. The incredible way of manipulating our spirit into our 5th dimensional travels intentionally, can only B done with any degree of reliability by using the methodology called the aslerdracrop. Depending on how long each individual sleeps, B it 3 hours or 9 hours each night, we begin 2-C that should we awaken 4 any reason whatsoever, that is in-between that period of time, and only get up 2 shut a window, or grab a drink of water, or take a leak, or 'whatever', in or out of the year 1975; and then jump right back into bed, and should we have awakened from a dream in which we have a conscious recall of its details due 2 extra amounts of its vividness, or put in more accurate truth, when our dream-channel is 4 whatever the reasons may actually B, more widely opened up during that particular time of our physical sleeping, we always will continue our same dreams again as if there was a real time connection between waking and sleeping life, and there is none in reality, meaning none other than a mystical channel opening exists whereby we can control stuff in our dreaming by actual waking thoughts, and no written or orally told material exists on this entire planet that actually shows a way 2 do this that works, really really works. Many of us know only 2 well that when we have a horrible nightmare and wake up from it and go right back into our sleep, THE NIGHTMARE CONTINUES. Most likely, this cannot B changed because the emotional intensity outweighs our ability 2 properly mentally channel the necessary energy amounts so as 2 properly gain the desired control being discussed. So it cannot B done as a preventative measure 2 stop a nightmare. The only way of doing that is forcibly remaining awake 4 at least 20 minutes and watching TV or listening 2 music or going online, or doing something from this world that breaks this channel completely, and then hopefully, going back 2 sleep, and that can take an hour after being awake, and sometimes longer, and sometimes it is impossible 2 do altogether. Still, if we R not coming off some horrible bad trip where our spirit has gone into a bad scene, using hippie-60's times lingo here only they normally did this with their LSD acid pills, but it all is the same deal, so let's move this along here. Aslerdracrop is the most powerful technique known 2 mortal man and is being hidden by powerful top secret highest ordered Rosa's and others, but let me tell U all thistlethorns as well as 'Sir Mike Soft' 'THISSSSSSSSSSSS', YO: Using this allows us 2 travel in our truth, our energetic spirit real self, into the vast limitless fifth dimensional hyperspace and rather than the normal helter skelter randomness of ending up in situations far beyond our control, using this allows a lot of control, and one way of controlling things is by doing them where the laws of physics R beginning 2 break down, so that it is not so impossible 2 actually carry out lots of wild crazy junk in 'our dreams'. This is of course how we can all fly around like Superman, but that is only one example. Always remember that some gargantuan deal surrounds all and everything and seemingly is aware of all that we do and should a person seemingly B designed 2-B in lots of misery, and we then go into the 5th dimension and bring a lot of happy things and thrills into our lives, a penalty back here in waking life will indeed B as dependable as a direct lightning strike will kill U. When I went 2 that Starburn Atlantica part of hyperspace in middle late 1986, my entire life changed forever in a very negative way, and when in 2019 I was enjoying a lot of flying around, I paid 4 it starting with the day of Jury Duty and it never looked back. This seems 2-B a major frucking irrefutable law in the more invisible laws of physics, but they R every bit as real as gravitation and all the other ones. IPYT peeps. Now that I have told how U can make your own trips by waiting 4 middle-sleep wake-up times, and then going back and just thinking about things real hard, and as U drift off U will slide right into it, because your spirit energy is in agreement with your physical life YOU and its motive and desire, which is a rare event. The real U as energy rarely agrees with what the real U physically thinks that it wants out of life. Stuff like the year 2006's great 'SECRET' had the powerful limitation of simply not realizing that we always get what we want, but we want in our TRUTH or our energy or our SPIRIT, THAT is what keeps filtering into the human equation. The only way 2 synchronize our spirit and our physicality is waiting 4 those wild crazy open channel times or said even better perhaps, those FULLY-OPENED-UP TIMES. Don't ask me Y this channel is at full throttle gas, when we awaken from our middle deep sleep times, but it is the damn truth, believe it or naught, Mister Ripley. So how do we wake up at the right time? Simple as all get the heck out peeps. Just begin 2 learn your own middle time sleep area, as no 2 peeps R ever gonna' B exactly the same. Then a trusty dern alarm clock, or in today's new age, our smart phones have alarms as well; but I trust the super loud old days alarm clocks that blast U awake in no uncertain terms. This may naught B the best thing 4 our health, and so doing this a whole lot may have a few adverse effects physically on your body, as it is very additive once U-C how cool this is and how this works so dependably; and so this is my 'caveat emptor' and so don't try suing me 4 ruining your health; as I have stated up front, don't do it night after night 25 times a month 4-3 straight years, unless U wish 2 suffer a major nervous breakdown mental collapse. Still, doing this properly and occasionally, allows U-2 travel 2 distant locales in the FDHS and then, U can do all sorts of stuff; and I have only opened up this topic, and I had not planned 2 get this specific on this 4 at least 2 or 3 more years, but since I am getting murdered by the WSMT peeps, all goddamn bets r off right now!!!!!!!! I AM UNDER A MAJOR ALL DAY AND NIGHT AERIAL DEATH PERSECUTION ASSAULT, WITH MAJOR CHEMTRAILING TONIGHT WHICH EVENTUALLY WILL COVER UP MY LOVELY MOON, AND NOISY PLANES HAVE ILLEGALLY BUZZED AND DIVE-BOMBED ME ALL GODDAMN DAY LONG. My roulette game as a result brought me a nice 20 UNIT PROFIT IN 13 TOWS (total wheel spins). Allow me in the following paragraph 2 break this all down 4 anyone interested in the details of the game resulting from another MOUNTAINPEN FAMOUS WHAT ELSE IS NEW SAME OLD SAME OLD (WEIN-SOSO) SUPER HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC DAY OF DOGTOWN!!!!

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