Tuesday, January 31, 2023




Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Blog start time: twenty past one P.M.




January of 2023 has been a nightmare on steroids and I doubt that devil year of two divided by three written as 2/3 and 23 as in 2023 this year, has lived up to its full potential SAFET stuff with nothing whatsoever left out and missed. The present day and yesterday were a major back off from the entire January-all-out-firestorm on Mountainpen by the MISOE, but I am still on major full scale RED ALERT times thirty seven septillion to the exponent power of thirteen hundred million. I will not forget this month of 1-23, Diana-lightning-Privecode coded or naught, lovely Mizz AT&T BLAKE, mahm!!!!!!!!




Well it is now final and talking about it shouldn’t be able to screw it up at least top much. I learned that I just cannot be a total damn piker, not if I want to do my blogging from home and avoid all the hellish hassles of public blogging, as well as the endless expenses. I would rather pay one large up front lump sum and get it done and out of the way, and so I have. I will get back to this, Mister Jim Power-Punches Rockford. For now, I was almost murdered back last week by the enemies. When they struck me with that monstrous demonic Havana Death-Assault, I got dangerously ill over the past number of days, peaking at my worst on Friday and Saturday, and not over it yet, yet managed to do what must be done in spite of being deathly ill. I never get ill, not ever. This was done to me by this sick diseased MISOE. I now legally attest, affirm, and swear that this was total absolute attempted MURDER. I swear this is the truth and this is a legal accusatory statement made freely by me now online, and anyone who wishes to challenge it or me, well go right ahead. When someone speaks truth, he has no worries from legal court systems. My evil wicked twisted enemies did everything in their power to 100% TOTALLY MURDER MARK WAYNE MOHR THE MOUNTAINPEN, last week, and came very close. On top of their vicious and brutal death beam assault and attack siege on me physically, they used a full all out barrage of pummeling me 24-7 with UTILITY ASSAULTS, AERIAL ASSAULTS, NOISE ASSAULTS, INFLUENCE PEOPLE NEGATIVELY ASSAULTS, and on and on and on and on, it was worse than any other recent time 21st century death siege that I can remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know beyond one small shadow of doubt that the Wall Street and Dow Jones stock market ICPE-APE-post 8-1986 endless hellish junk being applied against me was as always, BEHIND THE ENTIRE DAMN ASS MESS FROM DOGTOWN, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO ME’ BRO!!!!!! Now yesterday, poor as I was still feeling, I had to drive back to the Vero Beach Mall on route 60, to the great Xfinity Store in the same shopping plaza where the Best Buy Store was, for two issues; that have been plaguing and dogging me for two plus months now because I attempted to be too much of a goddessdamn piker and save a couple of bills. I had to pay just over 260 smackeroos, but it was worth every penny. Now by this time next week, I will be up and running at home and no more coming to the damn public library. Over, done, fine’, etcetera. Making a long story short, my Galaxy cellphone is very easy for the MISOE to hack whenever they choose to do. They can stop the tones from working and stop me from answering incoming phone calls no matter what I do. Of course when I show a techie what is happening, they do not hack it and so my problems never shows up. I think endlessly of poor little helpless mother fucking David Collins, played by the child actor of the sixties, Mister David Henesy. No one would believe him when he insisted that Cousin Barnabas was going to kill him. It is very hard to watch these type of things on television, as this is “the story of my life”, to quote MY COUSIN. ‘Oh Donnie, oh-oh Donnie”. Well, in any event, I can type a million words and say nothing at all with the true and full meaning of my nightmare endless hellishness and woe-whiz-me’s from Dogtown. Speaking of Cousin Don, my most distant as I have a total of three Cuzz-Don’s; if things are permitted, Uncle Heinz Gottwald Sir, to keep moving unchecked and the man returns to 18-02 (minus 2-2), it’s over beautiful drop-dead Amy, gorgeous, not said by me however late in 1970 outside Mister Dave Leigh Smith’s classroom. It’s over, it is curtains closing the show time. Please Governor, if for no other reason than to save your nation and the entire world from near extinction, please run against the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that if he really needs to, he will threaten to put Merry and CUZZ Leticia together for sure. I believe he really is that insane. If he can’t have the pie, then he will throw it off the balcony. I knew he was dead ass serious when he told me in the park a long long long long time ago that he would someday be the king of the country. I knew it back when I was 6 and he had me buried in a HUUUUUUGE damn pile of leaves. I know he will bring them together if he cannot become the king, I know it as sure as I know I am one sick pup from a beyond HUUUUUUGE DEATH ASSAULT against me last week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was scared back in middle late OH-9 yes, but now I know that he will do this to gain control over the world. I know because a century ago, I was the crazy insane prick who had a lot of shit happening around me and I allowed myself 2B driven out of my mind. Someone told me a long time ago when I first told the story about that day with the family at the shore, he was just intensely motivated to come and see if you really had gone back into time somehow and managed to bring your kid up the present, as I said folks, the resemblance to MC at her very first concert and yes, I had the Blockbuster videotapes of it back in the early nineties, and it is like looking at the same exact person, and so he wanted to come and see just how I managed to pull this off. Well, if that was the case, why did he orbit his Plaza Hotel in his whirlybird for a straight hour and never land it? Peeps, the dude was pissing his shorts up in that chopper, and was way too scared to even enter his own damn hotel on that day. IPYT!!!! And then comes the ultimate question that we’ve not yet even begun to explore, from back in those very days of magical taking the kids to work times. One day when Trump had completed the construction of that same hotel, I planned to drive down and be one of the first to gamble there, using a fake-chip that was being offered. Only I never arrived there and was mysteriously detoured to a place called the non-Roddenberry Julia White Horse Pike’s Jerry’s Texaco Gasoline station of Blue Berryville, and AKA Hammonton, New Jersey-USA by the locals of the great Delaware Valley. Strange Halls Fawces are happening all around New Jersey, from the FAA Admiral Perry station in magical astral-Pomona of Sarah Krasse’s brother slammed air conditioner non I-Ching trips, air tubes from 2301 penetration machines into hyperspace, and all other magical things pertaining to New Jersey from monsters lurking in forests who I actually saw one night while driving into my job at Griffin Pike, running across Highway #295, to endless huge unidentified flying crafts that you would all call flying saucers. What is happening is the dream world is being accessed by the MISOE-OPERATIVES, and to further prove my point, the entire paragraph being typed now is being re-typed to the best of my ability to recreate it. It just suddenly vanished off the page a moment ago, the entire part in red print. It didn’t vanish during the UFO part, no sir people. It vanished as I was telling about the monster-man who I saw tearing at twice normal runner speed, across a busy six lane interstate highway system of New Jersey. You UFOLOGY-BUFFS think it is all about the aliens and the flying crafts, and it ain’t, to put it simply, and in street ghetto-slang talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is being covered up is simple. The dream world or hyperspace, is accessible to any and all of us. It is our ‘other parts’ to the fullness of our souls. All of it combined together, us here as well as there, is the actual complete full selves. Who we are in waking life plus who we are in all of the alternate and other place doubles of ourselves, equals our truer self where it is more complete and whole. In any realm here or there, should one get onto certain truths of what I call Morianity and these teachings, this is when we are at a starting gate where a path then goes on to places far beyond what is even presently fathomable. Even I am not able to summon up a fleet of UFO’s as did somebody in the summer of 1986 at the Red Lion eats joint called “Subs & Swirls”. But B4 any of you will be able to accomplish that feat, I will be able, as I at least am onto the truths. It is the same logic as this following example. Three people are in a room. One knows there is a brief case filled with cash somewhere hidden in the room. One knows nothing of this at all. One knows that it is there and also knows exactly where’re it is hidden. The one who knows it is there has almost an infinitely better chance to find the cash over the one who is clueless over the entire matter. Still, this is what Morianity uses when relating the topic to the three levels of Exploratronics, and labeling the dreamers (souls) as either Type-1, Type-2, or Type-3 exploratrons. But what is behind the whole deal is not rocket science by any stretch. Type-3-Exploratrons are indeed all amongst us, and SSJKK (Pink Goddess) made me aware of this in a ‘parable-game’ that SHE played with me on Pearl Harbor Day of the year of 1996 when I managed to successfully I-Ching myself into some interaction with this incredible great being. I threw the Hexagram of Deliverance, stared at it, suddenly fell off to sleep at the foot of my bed at my Somerdale death house in my bedroom just past midnight, and suddenly experienced this wild interaction with this incredible goddess. She made me become aware despite it taking me a couple of decades of mortal world time to begin accurately decoding the great reflections of the situation, and now I know that the guests such as Mizz Mary Tyler Moore on the great Trinidad/Trinity balcony in her green dress, was indeed not just a guest there for me to guess and wonder about, but how do things really fit. We can begin with a zillion connected bits and pieces just from her show from 1970, the birth year of my kid and birth of the show, her coworker Merry Slaughter, the future Loveboat Captain, her boss Lou Grant as in medical labs and Ativan tablets and Grant Avenue after I cross over the rail road tracks, an dwhy my memories were suddenly removed from me about the events at that lab as well as the trip back home to 506 Robin Hill other than for a wild memory that corresponds with many recurring dreams of being underneath the highway just as I would be in a different part of the city nearly half a decade in the future at Dorthea Dario’s security company job, and the crazy police connections with the place, and more incredible ESS stuff from things connected up as far as the twenty-teens many many years ahead of those times where magical musical people were all in a warehouse, and even though there may not have been any gunslingers there, or Matt Dillon’s, or even Marshal’s, electronic or not; there is a connectable tale that would lead into infinity with Paula king, Patty Hollister, the little earth shoe wearing hipping songster Melanie Safka, and on and on and on the story goes here, Mister Neilson sir. When memories are messed with folks, this means that travelers (T-3-E’s) have interfered with something. My trip that day is one example of this balcony green dress traveler stuff, and there are lots more things that I’ve yet to even start opening up with my blogaudians out here in Cyberville!!!!!!!!! You have heard me rant on about many things from the times of the turn of the 70’s, and after the ending of the globally famous 1960’s. That commercial on television where the adorable little girl says, and I quote, “All of us Krasse’s are concerned about our vision”, as this was an ad-spot for vision in general, and when I heard the name and was never able in those times to find the name of Krassle, I started, in error of course to believe that I misinterpreted or heard my dream wrong or remembered it wrong, and that the name given to me was not Krassle but actually Krasse. It was not. It was Krassle, and SHE spelled it for me to boot, “K-R-A-S-S-L-E”. So let us examine more carefully some of the inner and more powerful truths that show up here. If we compare KRASSLE and then KRASSE, all that is different is that the KRASSLE and the correct name given to me by ALMIGHTY PINK GODDESS in middle December back in the year of 1969, is there is a missing “L” LETTER in the wrong name, and the most powerful two numbers BIBLICALLY, and with the Morianity bible as well as it just ‘happens 2B’ here, are (7) and (12). The 12 tribes of Judah, and the magical 7 days of the week and the keeping of the great Sabbath day completely (holy), as commended us by Jehovah Neecy (Stacey) Pink Goddess. I do not make a big deal out of things in my Morianity without lots and lots and lots of great reasons for doing so. IPYT me’ fantastic folks out there, well, except for whoever is trying to kill me and stop me from telling all these truths to this miserable pitiful diseased sin cursed planet, that is spinning rapidly into Dogtown at warp-10.



When I discussed ‘hyperspace switching’ or for short, HSS, back in my early alphabet-tweet-2022 blogs, and after this project had recently been restarted following a two and a half year shut-down due to wild world woe-whiz-me’s that included for me hacked and stopped from posting more blogs as well as being ruthlessly wiped out by a filthy crude jail swine neighbor from hell; I was telling about LAWTRONS and how they were in place to prevent mischievous EXPLORATRONS from doing all manner of things that violate the system’s rules and preset structures known mortally as the natural laws. There are several things that are done by advanced dreamers (T-3-E’s) but for today, we will discuss the one that pertains the most to my numerous woes and hells. As you know, they have taken over the world, and they can do miracles. They are in with what most peeps that believe in the numerous global conspiracy theories, label as the Shadow-Government. They are actually registered operatives or RO’s, jokingly referred to by the Mountainpen and his Morianity project as ‘ROWS’ and even ‘ROWES’. I went onto further details concerning these things and I insinuated some surface and more basic or generic stories such as what happened to me on the day of my trip into the lab tech’s place off of Academy Road and Interstate-#95 and Grant Avenue. But then as time went on and more blogs continued, and I then began deriving more from these writings than most if not all of my Blogaudians out there ever did, and I began taking the advice of Doctor DAGS, and starting to reevaluate a whole lot of my preconceived notions; I took many things such as the wild experience with Nick Cannon and my trip to Massachusetts with him, in 5-D hyperspace of course. This took place I believe on the 30th day of September in the year of 2008 and I had just recently moved in with his wife’s distant cousins the great KINGS!!!!!!!!! Now I told you all years later that I had made very light of this after first telling the quick story of it, never harping on the event of the world series win that did in fact go on to take place here in the waking world a solid month out into the future on Halloween day. Some may be wondering after digesting all of these things spoken repeatedly now by Mountainpen, okay then why is the MISOE-OPS and their ROWE’s able to accomplish all they do against me if they are being policed by the Lawtrons as I am being? So how can these mischievous ROWE’S wipe out Morianity and the BOM and its attempt to proclaim its truths to this blind sick world regarding the existence of these TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS? On its face it does appear 2B a total and complete violation of stuff, as does mush of the stuff in the great HOLY BIBLE when we cannot see it in the proper light of total truth. When this seems to happen in bible scriptures and it does, there are only two possibilities in play. Jim Burr said it perfectly way back in 1974 at the Oaklyn, New Jersey-USA Rockbash Kanehead Park. Jim said to me, “There is a powerful truth whether anybody likes it or not. If the bible contains one lie or true indisputable contradiction, then Christianity is total bullshit, and I will be the first guy at the gate to admit it”. In other words, and even the great world famous televangelist of all time, Doctor Billy Graham said it in his own way, that either Jesus Christ was a total whack job nutcase, or else his claims are all true. There is this endless possibility either way, we all know this, it ain’t a goddamn secret. Now in my case, I can prove the bible is lying about the promise that nothing uncommon to man can happen to man, and there is only one way to make it all okay, and that is to say, Mark Mohr is not really here, he is in hell, and he thinks he is here, you all think he is here, but as Joseph Padgett knew after it hit him like a ton of shit bricks, he lost his mind and to this day he is insane. I was told he quit his job and lived out of his vehicle in the local woods right after we had our talk. I feel horrible that I did that to him, and I limit my speeches now and never dare tell too much at any one time. You all only think I have told stuff, oh boy oh boy oh boy Uncle Billy Capra Harner Sandy-Sarah MMM Bonjovi, YO YO YO YO YO YO ME’ BREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Only if Mark Wayne Mohr the Mountainpen IS INDEED IN ETERNAL DAMNATION and not truly here as a human being, can the Bible be true. This is because if one tiny part is not total complete truth, then God is a liar, because God is the BIBLE, it is a mere human world illusion, or a reflection. It is not a living word because of what it says, it is GOD, not the pages, not the ink, but the absolute contained total truths of the entire grouping of words that its message contains. So in order to make this work great people, you need to choose door-A or door-B, and there is not nor ever can be a DOOR-C or any other following lettered doors, ‘so sahwee’ all great ambassadors out there. Door-A says that the entire bible, all of Christianity, GOD ITSELF is a big fat lie. Door-B says that all is true and simply does not have to apply to anyone who just thinks that they are really here when in truth, they are damned and eternally lost. This applies to Mark Wayne Mohr and perhaps some others out there, maybe all of you, maybe none, maybe a few, I cannot know this, I am not GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can only give you this undisputable freaking logic. You need not like it as that is not required or even requested, me’ great Blogaudians!!!!!!!!!! So to wrap up the point for opening this topic up of Exploratrons verses Lawtrons, the ROWE’s can do what they do and have the same police force of the Astral Plane effect their missions and outcomes as do I. I may have gotten myself switched if I had made a big deal out of the World Series 2008 win in order to get major blog-cred as it is called. I still make that same claim of truth to this. So would any ROWE’s (T3E). Hey, if Idabin switched, then the universe here would still contain the event where the Phillies won it in 2008, only I would have bene switched to a locale where they had lost. Just because they got switched never stopped a new Whoopee Goldberg ‘Karoo’ from fan blading and sprouting out. If I am in hell then there is no spiritual violation happening here. If I am not in hell folks, then this world and all of you out here, have a serious goddamn problem, DON’T YOU? This is the leap made by Mister JP that day at Roadway Trucking Comp any in 2002, and he lost his mind as a result, BRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!



I made the error by the way on at least two and maybe more than two other blogs, saying control-P when I meant to type in control-V for a paste in or a CAO-JOB. So sahwee Mister Ambassador. The man who was over this morning to hook in telephone so that I can use my battery and even if I get power failures, won’t lose calls, told me that ROKU is indeed a political football, and it is more complex than anyone most likely knows. I told him how only Republican and GOP stuff is advertised on their system. It seems to me 2B an intentional GOP set up for the poor. He told me that most peeps today don’t like channels anymore and only like to stream. I am the complete frikkin’ opposite. I hate this streaming crap and want to have channels, but channels cost money. But it goes beyond this, it is all about money and parties. We all know that political parties in Washington in our great land are two large ones an dyes, there are two smaller ones, and even a few others that nobody hears of. But still, the (R) and the (D) are the big boys on the block, and the richer and stronger are the (R) peeps. GOP for those who don’t know stands for Grand Old Party, the (D) party doesn’t even have their own little abbreviated spot in the sun-glory. No it works quite simply. The powerful GOP sets up things like slowly getting the poor and non-Caucasian people into jail with criminal records and until fines are paid unable to vote, they do gerrymandering for intentionally making districts create the advantage for their party, and they do not stop now with both these powerhouse tactics of RMN-dirty-tricks. Now they have moved into the greatest way to effect the growth of their GOP, the entertainment system. The ROKU. I will bet that no non GOP or democratic candidate can advertise on this platform if they paid any amount of money, and I plan to make a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE stink about this thing with my local democratic representatives unless there are none as in Florida it is very fooking red everywhere. Between this entertainment crap control, the Gerrymandering redistricting that effects voter turnout ability, and then using the criminal justice system (CJS) to slowly lock up all the poor and underprivileged peeps in low income neighborhoods all over America, the GOP grows and grows and the (D)-Party slowly fall apart, and it happens like the goddamn hour hand on a wristwatch or small clock. Now it is physically impossible to ever see it move, but it does, stare at it for an hour, you will know it does move and yet, YOU CAN NOT EVER ACTUALLY WIYTNESS the deed!!!!!!!!!!! This magical technique and tool is intentionally used, it is called using the gradualism tool.



You don’t need me to list the hellish persecution against me last week, the health assault destroyed me, I know that they tried to murder me and came very goddamn ass close to accomplishing their evil and twisted goal. A week ago yesterday was super hard utility assault siege and noonish heavy aerial assault as well. Then a week ago Saturday was major activity and noise all around me, nothing like last year at my residence, but it is following all that I told you in my wild Mashell Daniels 1980-RPL sound studio relative dream with Lee. Saturday was very bad with fireworks crap just as was the Sunday of the previous freaking weekend. I will return to Jersey someday if I do not leave America all together as in non-red states, no one can get away with fireworks crap out of season as it is illegal for amateur and unlicensed pyrotechnics peeps to operate fireworks t begin with in most blue states. Unless people wise up and major changes are made B4 my distant cousin has a chance to destroy my wonderful nation once and for all and proclaim himself and his family the royal kings over all of us, I will get the Dogtown out of here! But finishing out my point about using the three big ways of forever growing their GOP garbage party and wiping out all other parties, the good old commie one party system of Red China and Soviet Russia, I have told the CJS for 20 years that they should do what my old high school did when the High Speedline Transit system was built in my area when I was a student. Have representatives come to the schools, assemble the students in the Assembly Hall, and teach a short discourse on proper police and road-stop interaction, and most definitely especially in lower income neighborhoods where these problems end up happening statistically in much higher percentages. This would decrease the problems we have experienced with this situation by 90%, and I’ll guarantee it. We did not ever have one single person electrocuted by the third rail of that transit system because of proper education that was successfully conducted. But no, they want the poor in jail and unable to vote, and we ALL KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe that I have typed in now a total of 4,607 words. SOOOOO, GEE WHIZ-WILIGARS-GOLLY GASH DARN © Copyrighted coin dealers and fat happy people from all the law and order and properly educated folks!!!!!!! I’ll bet goddessdamn dollars to donuts that everyone out here knows this blog is not a fake phony nut job blog from some crackpot from New Jersey. You may try and kid or convince yourself otherwise, and that is as far as you will ever get, AHA AHA AHA, ME’ BRAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!














Peeps, I am tired, hungry, and still a wee bit ill, and need to get home, rest, relax, eat, and enjoy a couple good movies on me’ DVD player. WEEEEEEEE and WOW Mister Macy and Chester, oh kind sirs, YO YO YO YO!!!!





Bye-Bye now, brown eyed Callio cow-Leo & R. McGuire.





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