Friday, May 23, 2014

TAPE 25,827


I know there is nothing you can do about the endless fire alarms, air aieges, all my other attackes, property damage, utility harassments, and all of it, so I doubt you will be able to help me with this new cult that has been trying to abduct me in DREAMS since 1970, at thevery same time that that ABC television production and their show, DARK SHADOWS, also was using a great technique. This being, to hide in plain sight, to do a "Non Microsucks Light-Bulb Hack" called a "My Friend superman YAK YAK SYNDROME", so that nobody will ever believe that he is really your friend, right restaurant owner Tony, in the great fifties black and white show? The same cult of T3E that live as neighbors all around me, including the Crime Stoppers night guard Computer-Tom, are all in on it, from a parallel universe. I managed to just escape out of it, but it was a close call. I had rescued a gorgeous young girl from being ruthlessly messed with. I knew she was not guilty and it was a frame up, and she was being chased by two female local area prosecutors, and this building was right next to a row of office buildings, one being the county Prosecutor's Office, in this alternate reality. It was oppressively hoy, and I could hardly breathe, about 110 and 99% humidity. After I had rescued her, not knowing it was a set up, and that she was one of them, LIGHTNING came around and tried to warn me, flashing all around us, but i still took her to where she said she needed to be, and told me it was a place of great importance, and other stuff I can't now pull up. I will go as far as I am safe to go with this. When I got her there, just half an hour's drive or so, we got out and wlked for a while and then entered into a very unusual building where she hugged me and while doing so, someone in this place, removed my watch with a gold wristbvand that I do not even own over here where i am typing this, as well as my wallet and my key ring that i keep in my front two pockets. As this nightmare went on, I found myself approached by a gang of these cult-officers who began treating me quite poorly, one telling me in no mixed words harshly, to "shut up" when I'm being spoken to. Suddenly I am wearing a pair of headphones and being spoken to directly by numerous horrible peiple that all had connecting mics. Then mixed with their voices, came a powerful weird hypnotic noise that was sort of musical like a white-rap where talking in a mumbo-jumbo code of some sort was underneath the others asking me questions, a known type of backward-masking audio used in th esixties for a short time by top rock-n-roll bands such as the Greatful Dead, pals of Eddie Lynch. I saw the girl was wearing my watch and standing about 7 yards or so away from me observing the situation. Then I said harshly, I know all about sound engineering and subliminal techniques and I know about cults and do not like them. Right before I did this, I asked if they are trying to speak to me twice, my exact words, and then within a quarter of a minute, I suddenly bolted up and out of this nightmare experience that was more real than me right now typing and blogging, this feels more like a dream to be fully honest.

MAY 23, 2014,NUMBER OF SATAN-(23)




The chapter part of this cult has a name, and it was told to me in one of these horrific experiences back in the early summer time of 1970, at Tom Reale's home that now stands as part of the property belonging to the ACMUA, the Water-Works of Atlantic City, New Jersey. Folks, fire alarms are a continuous, and this can be checked out by local PD and Fire Company here in Fort Pierce. Out of nowhere, not predicted, Fort Pierce has become a hazy 94 degrees this afternoon, and before this all happened, and after the fire alarm, and I went back into ''sleep'', I could hardly breathe, even with two fans and my AC set at 77 degrees. Any cooler settings causes my Chemtrailitis to act up and I would wake up in a coughing attack. My upstairs assholes also acted up making strange weird sounds that they have made off an don the entire mother fuckiGN time I have lived in this dam shit hole place. I am quite sure their evil Dow Jones is totally fucking flying, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, they really are the branch called “THAT-FAMILY” of the Exploratronic Supermind Society Cult. They of course call the ESS something else, and do not ever use the word cult, no cult does. They are very very deadly and dangerous, and all they want to do is to totally control everybody, and to take over the entire world, which is what they as the ENTERTAINMENT WORLD, have basically all but accomplished already, folks!!!!!!!!! I have up and awake with an irregular heart rhythm for an hour almost, and am still unnerved and shaky and scared. These pricks want my SOUL, literally, and biblically; merely a bit more SCIENTIFICALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck you Dirtbag Jane Fonda, I have no time for your rotten nonsense today, you witch bitch sleaze bag monster slapper. BYE-BYE to you, and the Callio Clan from Dogtown, and their horrendous monstrous ESS CULT of HORRORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes sir, as soon as they knew I was going to totally resist, they just poof-Potter released me, and 'shazalm' Gomer Pyle; I “WOKE UP” and out of the unspeakable unfathomable nightmare from H---E---L---L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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