Saturday, May 4, 2024



L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Popped Out Of Horrendous Nightmares, Back at Dellway Arms Of Oaklyn, and In Present times, In a Very Strange Parallel Reality Of Me' Life

It's quarter past eleven AM, Saturday, May 4, 2024, here in good ole' awesome Flowerland, AKA Fort Pierce, Florida's northeastern quadrant, and home of the Mountainpen, after Valentine's Day of 2021. Only I was not feeling particularly romantic, nor loving, after what some pure disease has put me through now, since August the 15th of ax-yr '1986'

I crashed into bed around a wee past 5 of the clock, on thistlethorns and on thissssssssssssss awesome moUUUUUUUUUrning folks, and I woke up from a long and deep slumber around a quarter shy of 12-noon, YO. I popped, and no, I did naught 'pooped', no sir, no mah'm, but I popped out of a horrendous realistic vivid nightmare; and here is what it consisted of: It appears that me' spirit had traveled into somewhere that I was physically in 3-D living at the Dellway Arms Apartments on Oakland Avenue, in Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG, and was my current age of 69 years and exactly 5 months or 69 and five twelfths years of age, and I remember thinking that while there, or in more accurately stated verbiage, I now as me here, remember that me' dreaming double or (doppelganger) was thinking this thing, over there and this applies 2 how we all 'dream at night', and absolutely naught just the poor and pitiful Mountainpen, 'y-O'. Here comes that annoying fracking goddess damned (y-O-HACK), HEY, GET A FRACKING LIFE, 'U ROCK CHUCKING HUNT TRAPPING RATS-BIRDS' OUT THERE, YO!!!!!!!!!!! Here comes that also annoying (FAILURE 2 DO QUICK COLOR CHANGING, HACK) or 4 short, the (F2DQCC-HACK), YO weerlld aldare, YO!!!!!!!!!! So I was the same age that I am now and here, only there I was and living with my mom up in NO-JOY-ZEE-USA, and she never got home from wherever she had been one day and evening, and on the following day, today, I was growing concerned, and then a phone call came in on a system that I had over there in that reality, with the carrier called SPRINT, a carrier service that I have never had, as I have had Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, and the old original 'phone company' and original American Telephone & Telegraph Company, that still is the AT&T of now, but all new-age nutso and digital along with the rest of this 'digital new age' (DNA), & 'vely vely vely non-McDowell-1972-Cooley Wormhole Hogwarts HHH' 'intelesting' matching initials here; even if I must B the 1-2 say so me'self, YO WEERLLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEEZ-LOUISE, SURFER-FONTY GREATHREADS. Boy oh boy oh boy, let me tell U now, this horrible satanic wicked and evil nightmare on Amy Cooley steroids: So my mom never came home, and I get this telephone call on me' landline phone, and a deep horrible low in volume voice told me that “they have her, and that I will B getting contacted later on with instructions”, simple as that. The voice sent 'chills and goosebumps' up me' spine, just as those 'white boys', gave 2 the illustrious artist, whom we all know and love, and remember well, the latengrate Mizz Donna Summer. It wasn't that voice changing machine that we all hear on cop and law shows, and with the TV-show-'L&O' being amongst them, no, it was a regular mans voice, but it sounded so mean and monstrous that it literally made me want 2 grab a shot gun and blow the dude from here 2 the goddess damned Andromeda Galaxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hung up after they did on the other end, and phoned the Oaklyn Police Department, and they never answered as Police or 911 or any recognizable thing, and I asked if this was the police, and they said yes, and were busy doing something and my call seemed 2 not matter in the least, and finally, I was just placed on some weird live-hold, as if they just put the phone down somewhere, and let me talk 2 myself 4 crying out loud. I hung up and called back, and the same thing almost went down, only they told me someone would come over 2 talk 2 me at the apartment. Not long thereafter, a young and extremely pretty female police officer came by, and was nice, but all she wanted 2 do was talk 2 me about some party that she had been 2 the previous night. It was a beyond off the wall terrifying and anxiety producing experience on a scale number of 20, from one through five. I am hoping that it is my imagination, as I appear 2-B getting some weird hack here, and if it does not break off, I shall unplug from the Comcast modem again. On the face of it, this doesn't seem so bad in that no monsters were chewing off me' leg, nor stuff along those lines. Not all nightmares go in those directions, and 2 have those type of experiences, one's 'spirit needs 2 travel into much more distant parts of the 5-D hyperspace system' or 'dream into those locales', spoken more in the words now used by Earthers of 2024 times. But the intensity of the nightmare is what is felt and recalled and brought back through the 'dreaming-channel', as put in the words of Morianity and its post-1995 teachings. That is the year of my truly beginning the MORIANITY 4 MILLENNIUM 3. It is along the same lines that without being me, and or going through my life of endless torment with these wicked putrid evil demonic enemies, or my SPAMMENIES as I call them; U would take my toilet and fridge stuff as no big deal, something that can just B handled and relegated 2 the minor hassles of home appliances going on the blink and stuff that we all know of and share the woe-whiz-me blues with. Only it just ain't the case, and I know there is more 2 it all. Every time I blog about it, the enemies do stuff, it is without fail. When I told how the clog noise underneath me' bathroom sink was starting 2 copy and emulate the nightmare at the city park that caused me 2 cancel me' book-a-tech appointment at the library that day, it stopped, then started up again as soon as I told about the refrigerator-blues. It never quits, not the incidents, not the being screwed with by my reporting them on blogs, and so forth, it is an unrelenting satanic demonic hellishness that never ever quits 4 the PPNRMM!!!!!!!!! Simple as THAT. Now they screw with me on 3 fronts, seeing it the way my hero would perhaps, the great United States Army General, George Patton!!!!!!!!! I have the never ending 1) OUTAGES PROBLEM, I have the never ending 2) TOILET BATHROOM CLOGGING PROBLEM, and I have the 3) REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER FOREVER SEMI-DEFROSTING PROBLEM. 3 smother fracking super annoying and upsetting things 4 me 2 endlessly deal with and won't ever stop or go away, 'never-ever-ever-never'; lovely Mizz Ross-Ness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again with that coloring assault hack, hacking is always a problem, and what is behind this endless persecution and assault on me, well, if U ain't guessed it yet, then U never shall, it is ASTRAL PLANE MILLIONTH COUNCIL EVIL LAMBRIGG CULT BRIGGBASE and their absurd ludicrous and completely & fully & totally WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS 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1802 Robin Hill was a HUUUUUUUGE GAME. Cooley Hogwarts Wormhole Hell High HALL was a HUUUUUUUGE GAME. All of me' dealings in and with the world renown and 4-ever illustrious Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG, was a HUUUUUUUGE GAME. All and everything with the STAR FAMILY, and what they all have done 2 me and R still doing 2 me every waking and non-waking moment of me' hellish Dogtown on Earth existence here humanly & physically, is a HUUUUUUUGE GAME. It is all just one gargantuan and HUUUUUUUGE GAME. Simplllleeee as THAT. Right down 2 me SHIFT-KEY-HACK as well. Then comes the concentration 4 a wee second here, of the STAR-BRANCHES of Atlantic City, and especially the McGuire-King-Levy-Callio peeps. What is bigger than Atlantic City in all of thissssssssss, oh lovely Mizz 1983 AMC-Erica-Sue Luccisnakes, mah'm??????????? Now we come 2 it, the other part and piece 2 this entire story, not that it will B anything all that earth-shaking, merely a new window into a somewhat fuller reality than what we were limited 2-B-4, in that now stuff may come clear that was being a bit obscured in the ravages of debris and ruin of so much past intentional interferences and intentional misbehavior's of so many dang peeps. U all know or should know about Pearl Harbor Day of 1996, my wild I-Ching deal that I came out of right around 5 AM that 7th morning in December, that drew me down 2 Atlantic City, and Tennessee Avenue, as if I had been magically turned into solid iron and 10-S-C-Avenue was a gargantuan ultimate HUUUUUUUGE magnet, aimed straight at good ole' little glass me. My radio and tape deck in me' brand new Plymouth Breeze car was immediately and magically trucked with the second I arrived in Atlantic City, and stopped at a red traffic light, where the side street that I was driving on was intersecting with the street paralleling it closest 2 the ocean, called Pacific Avenue. After the magic hack was done and my mom and I made a left turn 2 head north and drive down Pacific Avenue and heading 4 Tennessee Avenue, so that we could make a right and drive down towards the magic boardwalk areas there, where the Trinidad joint stood, and is still there and called the 'Super 8 Hotel' chain today. Same structure, just changed in name; and now the really wild stuff was about 2 begin. The interdimensionalized situation of 'driving while awake', right down 2 the spot and place, where just a few hours earlier, I was in that wild I-CHING TRANCE with the great PINK GODDESS SSJKK (Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Krassle). SSJKK has spoken HER 3rd major words 2 me, this time while in this trance, and all from throwing that awesome HEXAGRAM OF DELIVERANCE, back at my bedroom, in the Somerdale DEATH-HOUSE, as I came 2 later name and call the joint; oh Mister Steve Golden Nugget H&C Winn, Sir!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, casinos and roulette, and the magic of using the astral technology of applied-parallel-event, all endlessly fits into Goddess Scylla Pink, and so much more, and THAT is topic 4 many other later times, lads & lassies out there in Cybe-Villa, YO!!! Okay, I just paid me' rent 2 me' landlord who just knocked at me' door, after I phoned him back yesterday 2 tell him that his cashier's check was ready 4 him. It seems that many others have complained about thissssssssss motorcycle situation or this M-C-S, 4 short. This is all that I am willing 2 say, as I've learned that there is a lot of magic in shutting the truck up about stuff!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS yes gorgeous Mizz Perry, but I wanted 2 type in here, merely the non absurd and non ludicrous, simple honest whittle “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”, and quoting me' ole' Blue Anchor, NJUSAESMWG roomie of the awesome Marola-year!!!!!!!!!!! WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW. This lousy dirt bag program CRASHED, when I attempted 2 add in here, the 3-initialed red colored and underlined M-C-S, at 17 minutes past 2 of the rotten glass runt slapping clock, YO peeps, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! McNulty Sir, do it BRO: AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So read on now:

What I plan 2 get into concerning my entire deal in Atlantic City with both the beaches and ocean stuff as well as the roulette and casino stuff, will go beyond breaking and blowing the minds of the Earth-Planet's population. Most likely, it can only B truly told in its fullness, on me' own eventually owned website, as anywhere else, it will B red-flag-triangle censored off, and I'll bet dimes 2 donuts on THAT-1-me' awesome lads and lassies out there!!!!!!!!!!!!! But 4 now, I think I can say this much, safely, especially since we R approaching the normal 180-240 weekly page-view hits again, and it goes back and forth in spurts, as does the great stock market; which is of course back on its major uptick bullish role again, after that short whittle downtrend that saved me' life and gave me a whittle bit of a dang glass breather, y-O, and here comes that mother flagging annoying (y-O-HACK) AGAIN. GET A GODDESSDOG LIFE, U SICKO RATS BIRD SCUM SUCKING STICK IN THE SOUTH'S OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TANKS, AND ''B-----O-----O-----M''!!!!!!!!!!!! Games R behind everything, but what is absolutely in charge and control is the cult that owns the great DREAMING CHANNEL, in so much as this is what causes the various intensity of the towel seepage effects, and then on top of that, Mister Checkoff Whales oh great 1986 SIR, is thissssssssss: Oh Mizz Erica Luccisnakes; just where R-U, lovely lady??????? It is also Y our spirit-energies decide 2 go exactly where they go, in their endless 'nightly trips', YO! It is the 'everything' in everything, so 2 speak. My granny, the awesome latengrate Mizz Grace Isabelle Huntington, may have indeed gotten herself into a little bit of trouble in school back at the very beginning of the 20th century somewhere, 4 daydreaming in class, but she knew the power behind all of this stuff, and yes, I told of this and a lot more, back when all these blogs were brand new in 2006. Here R the links 2 me' old blogs, YO!


November 23, 2023


Your current estimated refund


Your tax info

Your estimated refund is based on the info in your account. Update any outdated items.

Your estimated refund is based on the info in your account. Update any outdated items.

My filing status-Single

Dependents 0

Household income $2,499,000

My federal withholdings $884,962


Borrowing Power


You have Outstanding Approval Odds for up to this amount. Credit tip: It’s best to borrow only what you need.


How we calculate your borrowing power

We find the most you can likely borrow by using factors from your credit profile such as your score, income and debt.

We find the most you can likely borrow by using factors from your credit profile such as your score, income and debt.

Income increased by $2,455,000.00

Score increased by 2 points, 800 up to 802

Total debt amount is $44.00




  • Excellent

  • Checked daily



  • Excellent

  • Checked daily

A new card could help increase your $19,400 credit limit

A higher credit limit and responsible usage could help keep your credit utilization healthy and make it easy to maintain strong credit scores.

This is the C-K report on this new situation that began on 11/13/2023.

Pasted in @ middle November of 2023.

Image result for images of lighthouses at nightImage result for images of lighthouses at nightImage result for images of lighthouses

B-4-I do get into thissssssssssssssssssssssss, oh lovely Mizz Erica AMC-Luccisnakes from 1983; permit me Uncle HG, who really was me' CUZZ and naught me' UNK, oh lovely Mizz AT&T glittering 1983 BLAKE from the phone company's then “Caller Annoyance Bureau”; let me tell you that even with the internet chord being unplugged and unattached to the Comcast Modem device, two strange things have happened so far with me' ole' twustworthy cum-PUKE-her (computer)!!!!!!!!!!!! First, trying to draw a separation line by making some repeating 'minus keystrokes', and then hitting my ENTER-KEY, did not work to do it; and I had 2 engage numerous tricks and make a lot of various attempts B4 it did finally work. Then the type of paragraph that goes all the way from one side to the other, and that spaces the words to fit perfectly all in-between; worked in a crazy way, with the flashing line pointer on the screen going in antimatter-mode in reverse from right 2 left. I ain't frikkin' imagining any of these damn things peeps, nor making any of this stuff up, and I swear that on the blood of Jesus Christ and on my eternal salvation. All of my claims made herein are true to the very best of my ability 2-C and 2 recognize truth, so 'HELLLLLLLLLLLLLP' me Goddess SSJKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the paragraph-type flash-pointer on the screen-monitor is operating within normal parameters again, and so is the line making programing function that's automatically built into the open-office and most word-program systems on any computer devices available 4 purchase, laptops, phones, tablets, whatever Congressman and ole' pal from 1975-1980, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now 4 the really HUUUUUUUUGE action news Morianity-story here, GREAT PEEPS: I got 2 the goddessdog library today 2 do a short blog in a quality coded cut and paste word-document, only when finished and I posted it up, and as all of U know fully well by this point in Senatorial Watergate Time or 'SWT' 4 a shortened freaking abbreviation folks, IT DID NAUGHT CODE PROPERLY, just as if I was back home here where IT DOES NAUGHT CODE PROPERLY ON THE BLOGGER DOT COM WEBSITE FROM A WORD-DOCUMENT SYSTEM, and now only one explanation exists until and unless someone out here can and will prove me wrong about it all: SOME PERSON, PERSONS, GROUP, OR GROUPS, AGENCY OR AGENCIES; “WHATEVER ROBERT ANDREWS SIR”; is PLAYING SOME DEMONIC EVIL FUTHERMUCKING GAME WITH THE MOUNTAINPEN, making him right on the edge 4 committing goddessdarn suicide!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever it costs me, whatever I have to do, whoever has done this to me is in VIOLATION OF MY CIVIL FREAKING RIGHTS, A CRIMINAL ACT, AND I WON'T REST UNTIL THEY R PUNISHED AND IMPRISONED, IF I HAD MY WAY, THEY WOULD B PUT SLOWLY 2 DEATH FOR THE SLOW TORTURE AND SLOW EVENTUAL DARN BUTT MURDER OF ONE MARK WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN MOHR! This is a dying mans utterance and a dying mans declaration, an official and totally legal internet document, sworn to and legally internet-signed by me right now, and my murderers are known to me in only a round about guessable way, and a statement once made on the great TV-show, “DARK SHADOWS” comes inescapably to mind now, spoken in the beginning of 1970, by the actor who played originally on the show as Mister Jason McGuire, and is now back and playing the part of Mister Paul Stoddard. He was in the same approximate nightmare situation that I've found myself in once awakening from slumber one late morning in 1986 on the 15th day of August. The actor's name, who was in a lot of great TV-shows of that time circa, is Dennis Patrick. He was discussing in the Collinwood mansion, or in my Flower-Wing of this mind shattering Astral realm's hyper-mansion called, 'RICKTOWN MANOR', in one far end of the place; something pertaining to his nightmare of being tormented by this mysterious grouping of 'very powerful people', who seemed to want something from him, only he was totally clueless to exactly who they all were or even what exactly these diseased psychopaths wanted from him 2 begin with. The entire television show reflects my nightmare, and most of the time totally mirror images myself with Barnabas Collins' character, although several other show characters also reflect my various problems and woes, just as all of you know quite well who are following along here, and watching the DVD's of this show, so as 2-B able to C all of these powerful outlandish truths 4 yourselves, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO ME' BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now despite my hating this game that is being played, that is obviously labeled secretly of course, “HOW 2 COVERTLY DESTROY THE BOM”, there is an upside 2 this nightmare on frikkin' quintessential steroids, squared, cubed, and CUBAN, and allow me please 2 now explain 2-U all just what that is:!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is that my BOM-BLOG-STATS R currently through the roof as a result of all of this hellishness. Again with Dave Roth's “They're just doing us favors” Syndrome, YO GREAT FOLKS OUT THERE. Close to 200 daily hits recently, and I was lucky 2-B getting a third of this B-4 that. WOW, THE INTERNET IS OFF AND UNPLUGGED, AND YET AGAIN THE SYSTEM CRASHED OFF RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY TYPING THE PRIOR SENTENCE REGARDING ME' BLOG STATS. This occurred at 8:41 PM on the dot. There is no HUMAN BEING ABLE 2 PULL TRICKS LIKE THIS OFF, ONLY ONE THING COMES 2 ME' MIND PEEPS, PINK GODDESS. She's been on me since age 13, and I am going 2 let a beyond Bernie-HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE cat out of the bag right now, since SHE SEEMS 2 WISH 2 GO INTO TOTAL WAR MODE WITH ME HERE, AND HERedahelda THIS 2023 YEAR, AS SHE WAS DOING IN THE 'OHM-8 YEAR', 4 THOSE LOYAL MORIANS WHO MAY REMEMBER IT ALL, right down 2 my MIMI-HACKS right after purchasing her CD-GAME, and following HER EINSTEIN-PROJECT!!!!!!!!!! I suppose some of the more enlightened souls following the BOM-BLOGS observed my BTAT-BEGAT ADDRESS page on CHAPTER #0020, where I listed the 'many various joints' that I resided at, Mister G-N-owner-SW; and saw how the changing annum ages of my daughter did their very magical best 2 correspond and correlate 2 my residence-number, not in street address, but in the numeration of the ever accumulating locations, such as my Atco home and choking days back in 1983, also being my 14th locale, and so on. I am not claiming that it is exact right down to the year and the age, but watch how it just keeps attempting to follow, sometimes one or two numbers ahead, and then behind; but it is always as though it is TRYING to equalize in the polarity. Am I really so 'WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG' about thissssssssssssssssss, oh lovely Erica, and lovely hair ad-spot shampoo girl of 1983, and 1980?????? WHAAAAAAAAAA-BIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, one day shortly after the ending of the X-Mas Holidays of 1983, and my return from a trip to Orlando, Florida-USA, to visit Sir Howard Solomon, and then my Uncle John in Fort Lauderdale; but I was in my bedroom in the apartment at Robin Hill in unit #506 and the in-between residency of the 3 times that I resided at the RH-Apartment complex, oh great Mister Tobycouch Bellflower; I had been speaking to LIGHTNING on my phone system one late afternoon a couple months B-4 going to Shirley's magical laboratory or the throat specialist's office near Grant Avenue, just off of the Academy Road exit of Interstate-95 highway; and suddenly Diana did some weird unexplainable thing 2 me. I was half awake and half asleep, and I found myself totally believing that I was awake, and that there was a girl standing right there in my room, and she looked just a couple years younger than the future Mizz Leticia Tilley, who I had no way of knowing even existed on the planet-Earth. She did not say a single word 2 me. I fully remember well right 2 this very second in time and just three hours shy of the starting of the month of March of 2023, as well as about 39 years ago now right 2 the goddessdarn day; and I shouted loudly into my phone, 2 Goddess Diana Zuudlecronessia Arteemis, “There's a little girl in my room”. I won't forget that late afternoon back in early 1984, at 506 Robin Hill Apartments, should I frikkin' live 2-B older than Mister frikkin' Methuselah, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO HA-HA, ME' BRAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAGNESONIC: ALL GENERAL ORDERS. ALL SPECIAL ORDERS. USE ZERO DIMENSIONAL AS WELL AS ATOMIC DUPLICATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES. SCAN FOR WHOEVER AND WHATEVER IS CAUSING ME THIS ENDLESS MISERY, AND ASSAULTING ME, STRAIGHT TO MY TORMENTED AND TORTURED DEATH, AND ALSO HAS RUINED MY ENTIRE LIFE. THEY R-2-B TOTALLY COMPLETELY DESTROYED AND OBLITERATED. USE ALL SYSTEMS AT MAXIMUM POWER, 11.8 IPNS. YOUR A/B EMPOWERIZATION-TONES WILL SOUND NOW, THE SECOND LOWER ROW IS 30 HERTZ LOWER IN PITCH THAN THE FIRST UPPER ROW.


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mark wayne mohr
Being one of perhaps ten humans since time began who have memory going back far beyond current physical birth, I am doing my best to deal with an extremely unpleasant situation.

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I was viewing the impeachment inquiry on one of the C-Span Channels, and shortly after it got going and before the late morning break, something happened that is very necessary for this blog to include, about my lifelong rival and enemy MILITUFORCE dirt bag, President D. J. Trump. While the Former-Ambassador of Ukraine was being questioned, the Speaker broke in and stated for the record, that Trump in real time, is tweeting out bad slit about this lady WHO HE WRONGED, but of course to hear him tell it, HE NEVER DOES ANYTHING WRONG and everyone else is always the BAD GUY. He then went onto say, and it made my day, despite it already being a major fracking BOTBAR DAY, when he said that this is nothing short of “WITNESS INTIMIDATION” and it won't be tolerated, as it is criminal and illegal behavior, and that is my own paraphrase, but he said it in one way or the other, and IT IS TOTALLY ABSOLUTELY THE TRUTH, YO YO YO YO YO, and why NAUT, as Mister Chump-Rump IS a no good crooked criminal who cheated me and hurt me all of my life, ever since the day at the Jerry-Hammonton-Texaco, back in the fracking springtime of all great elusive non-butterfly laboratory technicians from PENNSYLVANIA, of 1984. I'll fracking runt beating tell you all out here all over this dang glass globe, straight up and right powerfully on the square; this incredible knit, and I mean all of it, and all of its wild major unfathomable connections to the Mountainpen; ARE ALL STRAIGHT OUT OF MISTER FRACKING ROD SERLING'S TWILIGHT ZONE, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shall we never ever forget that the illustrious and 'vely vely vely' dangerous, 'stick in the south' Bob McDowell Cooley 1972 Hall dangerous, Mister McGuire, went out of his way to tell me that the peeps that I am searching for all come from PENNSYLVANIA, and he said this to me, right at his PITTSBURGH HOTEL AND ERIN BAR ON 10-SC AVENUE, in ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, on that fateful day of infamy of all great non PH-DAYS, 'Patty or Pearl', on 7 February of 1997, two months after that wild major Mary Tyler Moore green dress wearing Astral trip I was I-Ching'd into, from my Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG **DEATH HOUSE**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So here I am in REAL TIME, watching the Impeachment Inquiry on TV on 15 November of 1019, and being ICPE-APE-TECH slaughtered; huh ALL MERRY'S and MARY'S everywhere, in any colored dresses yo; even 'MAFCO' RIGHT DRESSES; along with horrendous LOIS-FOCA song-tears, from the very early flagging nineteen-eighties YO; and then comes the great comment made by the Speaker, who interrupted his party-colleague, and said what he did about TRUMP TODAY INTIMIDATING A WITNESS, LIVE IN OPEN CONTEMPT OF COURT, AND USING TODAY'S EVIL SOCIAL MEDIA TOOLS, OWNED BY THE FRACKING STUNT DEVIL ITSELF, AS I HAVE PROCLAIMED ALL DANGLASS ALONG, YO YO YO YO BREEEE!!!!! SO WOW THAT, lovely BIG owner-'O'!!!!!!!! The entire deal in the WHITE HOUSE, and in WASHINGTON, is not happening because of some random set of changing times. Nor is there any possible way of telling anybody anywhere in the entire galaxy, because nobody here is REAL and nobody here is REALE either, not even TOM from NORTHFIELD, NEW JERSEY. You cannot DIE over and over and over AGAIN, and continue to come back to what mortals call the land of the living, WITHOUT having something happen to you that HAS NO EXPLANATION!!! Every person in the study of paranormal and psychic research will tell anyone, any time, that this is true, and that I am only echoing words spoken by recognized authority here. What I am not simply echoing here is MY OWN PERSONAL LIFE'S EXPERIENCE of seemingly being unable TO DIE AND REMAIN DEAD. The reason is so simple that a nod-dang smother plucking bird swallowing little moron child can see it, while upchucking their candy bar. I merely THINK that I've COME BACK and really, I NEVER HAVE. Instead, I DIED and I WENT DIRECTLY INTO GODDAMN H-E-L-L!!!!! In NO REAL WORLD, could this entire thing with TRUMP and WASHINGTON POLITICS BE REAL, and I know this; and so do some of the PROPS HERE in my personal HELL, one of which is NEW GROUP LEADER (NGL). The magical PULL exerted upon me in the nineteen-seventies with Patricia Hollister and Jim Burr was very real, and it happened in a real world; and without any magical transdimensional newspaper boys, magical strobing flashlights or toys that might even be able to transform into moons. The absolute PROOF that this has not been a real place called the EARTH, for me, is not some wild tale told on a fourteen year old fracking blog, supposedly written by the craziest crackpot nutcase in New Jersey, Florida, or anywhere else for that matter. The PROOF is MY LIFE, and the PROOF is the unfathomable wild NEW WORLD, that has magically come upon us, without supposedly anyone else anywhere, ever becoming the smallest bit wise to any of it; and acting like this is all totally normal. One fantastic example is not only Donald Trump, and what has happened since the middle twenty-tens, in the world of American politics; but also how the Christian people have all sided with this monster demon and love him to death and claim he can do no wrong. Only in HELL could any of this make one bit of sense, and only in HELL could a life such as mine since August 15, 1986, BE HAPPENING. ONLY IN HELL could I be blogging to the same three or four dozen global traveling secret agents, labeled by me as the MILITUFORCE, and are anything BUTTTTTTTTTTTTT a kind blogging audience; and NO ONE ELSE; on this totally beyond sicko internet system thing, where no one is willing to ever show me how to work anything, nor how to do anything, and this entire thing makes 100 percent perfect sense, when seen in absolute truth. The only truth that COULD POSSIBLY BE REAL, and that is; that I----AM----IN----H-E-L-L!

      Photos of the Day


SATURDAY, MAY 04, 2024---JWSC-SAT-12-137







U know about the sun, and Marola's wild dream, that she shared with the class that day, me' great teacher from 'Cooley Hall', that I had right B-4 the following school year of 1969-1970 with Mister Marcucci, and 2 years B-4 the following school year with Mister David Leigh Smith, the fantastic 'philosopher-mathematician' dude, in 1970-1971. What few of U may know or remember is what went Joe Sivo down, about a decade ago, give or take some years now, while I was residing back at the miserable nightmarish PEE-HA Building, at 601 Avenue B, in mighty Fort Pierce, here in good ole' Flowerland-USA; and where a 'mission 2 the sun', by the almighty NASA-PEEPS, happened, oh great 'RPL-JOE'!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly, they wanted 2 learn a lot more about the sun. Do U think that they R gonna' share any bad news of the Marola nightmare, with any of us, great folks? I ain't saying squat, I am merely saying an obvious fact. If indeed there is truth 2 the 'power of the MAROLA'; then let us examine how stuff truly all started, and that led 2 the wild world of present times, and its now power house topic of, (CLIMATE-CHANGE), as the world is getting hotter. As the sun ages, it will not get colder as many might think would B the case whom have little 2 no scientific knowledge, or astronomical knowledge anyway. The opposite is the truth, as the sun gets older, it will not grow colder, so remember that little 'CODED-POEM' here, games or untruths all notwithstanding here, great folks, & even great fans of me' awesome super talented daughter, the 'PINK-ONE'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No world, the sun will grow HOTTER and HOTTER as it begins 2 die some day, and this day, 4 white average stars, such as our sun, being just another one of; would B several more billion years until its growth and increased heat would even have any major significance 2 this planet's increasing heat. But what if some unnatural thing has happened in the nuclear fusion processes of this star, caused by the MILLIONTH COUNCIL'S LAMBRIGG CULT? Then that process would B speeded up vaquillions of times, and it would all start happening, just as things seemingly R happening now with this slowly ever increasing global warming deal. Taking the great dream of the MAROLA, the NASA sun-shot ten years or so back now, and the fact that peeps R polarized and unwilling 2 agree on a subject that is so planet shaking such as this global-warming-deal, and we get the impossible 2 ignore dreams of the raspberries, do we naught folks??????? Is it me, or 'is it Memorex', or is it just pure simple Mister Spock Starship Enterprise 'fictional logic' here? I mean is there not enough 2 seriously wonder and ponder and cogitate on thissssssss, lovely Mizz Erica Luccisnakes, mah'm?????????? Some say it is real, some say it is not real, and both sides R as polarized as the Trump haters and the Trump lovers R-2 each other, and he is also part of this issue in gigantic HUUUUUUUGE ways. The next question would B, since I claim that he is the MASTER-CONTROLLER of the astral-plane BRIGGBASE system, then who better than he, would know that there is nothing we may B able 2 do 2 stop what is happening, as it ain't being caused by what we R doing, but what THEY R doing, 2 the goddessdang sun????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey folks, I ain't trying 2 ruin your whole day here, but rather, I merely am putting a 'vely vely vely' powerful piece of wonderment and logic 2-U all's, YO, and 2-U-2; me' ole' school chum, from the 'CWHHHH', Mister Bob McDowell from 1972-1973. WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW, MISTER RH-MACY of the Thirty-Four Club of Manhattan, NY-USA!!!!!!


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