Saturday, May 25, 2024

TV Reporters made fun of me with time warps as my life never seems 2 change, well FBI, naught from any fault of mine, YO AGENYS out there


The Epitome of Harassment Internet Version of the Time Circa December of 2007, SUB-BLOG-A

Wednesday, December 5, 2007



120507.718.98 Beginning transmission here at Ann Silva King’s non QVC place, even though I am technically still on paper anyway, the President of Studio Park Records.


Where really can I begin? A few major quick truths will B told on this datfile number twenty-one.

Well, let me start here BY TELLING U SOMETHING FREAKING MAJOR THAT IS RIGHT IN YOUR FACE, AND CLOSER THAN THE TIP OF YOUR DERN NOSE!!!!! People that R all around us, not me, forget about me; think and relate with your own self and life, as I now go on spouting off here. There is a close circle of those peeps that really care about us, and then there is everybody else, that is not basically on our ‘take or leave and rather leave’ list. Then at the bottom is the enemies list, not 2 hopefully excite our late thirty-seventh president too much. Forget 'Nixies enemies list', and ours, and even the rather-leavem than takem people; and talk 4 a seck about those that we know in our heart of hearts, really honestly care about us personally, on some human mortal world [MW] level. Now remember what I taught U in recent blogging texts regarding personality developing into entities. It is not an existing factor in and of itself as the sixth dimension, only thought itself and the pure energy that thought really is, is the 6th dimension. We develop personalities as we come to grow and experience and interact in 4th dimensional space-time, thought by thought, and as we gain in our ‘mental stature’ 4 lack of a better way of describing this; we then can start choosing which thoughts to keep and attract out of the 6th dimensions, as well as concentrically, which ones to keep away and repel from our beingness. Now these real close persons, that genuinely care about our general welfare and condition on a human level, using this knowledge of how the 6th dimension operates in and through multiversal hyperspace; can not easily B effected negatively by the evil astral plane gods, or the one third of the MILLIONTH COUNCIL, the BRIGGBASE RESIDENTS, and this is a knowledge not coming from book learning, degrees in Eckankar, trances or paranormal channeling, or other hidden [occult] esoteric practices, black or white, or gray, 2 keep the peecee clubbers happy regarding the religion of the 'WICCA', but from my MAJOR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. B-4 moving on, many many machine-mind-hack-ins popped up, in my prior blog, on DATFILE #XXI. Word programs I have come 2 learn R indeed quite tricky, as if I go to misspell the word aerial 4 example, and watch the screen and not the keyboard, it sometimes will change to its correct spelling all by itself, and other times will not; just coming up as misspelled with the wavy lines, and I manually then click in the corrections. Right now, I intentionally typed in the word corrections with only one R in it, but the 2nd R materialized instantly upon completing the word and spacing it. These features R obviously built into the WORD PERFECT program. But it can get weird on a writer of a document as well.
4 instance, I did not mean 2 say on the previous blog of DATFILE XXI, that the phase four sues Hollywood, I wanted 2 say that they use Hollywood, but look at the groupings of the 3 letters in these 2 words, [USE and SUE]. In alphabetical order, these letters are E, S, and U, and they, when shuffled, make and form both the words USE and SUE. As I remember more prior-blogging-errors, I will so amend them, now or in a yet 2-B done blogging session; seeing this three dimensionally, as every blog that I ever have blogged in both the future and the past R all there on the 4th dimension. Now “on with the show Kalleeo”, and back on point, with how those who really earnestly care about us, cannot B so easily manipulated by the 6th dimension operating through other human entities, as those in the aforementioned lower groups that R anywhere from less than 'Damon and Pitheous', all the way down to the 'antinixonites'. Recently, and this is one example in my own miserable personal life out of literally thousands over the past 3 MW decades of 4-D, I attempted 2 join a club on the internet, a sort of social meeting club for singles, where the guys R little, and love tall and large women; of this I plead totally guilty, McCoy, and McGuire. The reason giant huge girls R thrown around me during sieges, is a taunt, they R saying 2 me, the forces, not the individual persons of substantial size obviously, not that paranoid, HA-HA, U can’t have one and they R all around U and U want one, so pluck-U, ya' little slit, HA-HA!!! Over the past several weeks many giants R indeed being HA-HA- thrown around me, and usually, this goes hand and hand with heavy and major MUZAK teasing and persecution, usually in stores and casinos. I told U how far they were willing 2 go with me on this, at the Resorts Mary Carter Paints International CIA Hotel and Casino, back in the MW year AD of one-nine-eight-three. I told U all about my copyrighted 1983 song called 'DON’T E-F AROUND WITH MAGNETICS', and how Resorts did exactly what I did on my copyrighted tape, by opening up with a pre-song announcement, quoting me precisely, with the words, “OK, THE NAME OF THIS SONG IS”. The odds of this being a coincidence, just ask any statistician, would have 2 exceed a million 2 one. But back to joining this BIG BEAUTIFUL WOMEN dating club: It was worse than pulling sore teeth, slowly, while both legs R being twisted up in a meat grinder, just 2 get Mister Himacane to help to get me an AOL e-mail address, so I could join it. Yesterday, the power was knocked out at Ann King’s house, yet only a small percentage of Hammonton homes were effected, as we learned when we shut down the computer, and decided 2 drive 2 the Shop Rite 2 kill some time, it was a near 2 hour outage, another famous MANY Atlantic City Electric outages; and I have lived in 60 places in 53 years, and never has it occurred this frequently per year, as in this shkitty town of Hammonton, New Jersey, United States of America, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy. We gave up and tried today, and it was bad again, as things just would not work, getting a 'hot-mail address' worked like a snap, but the prerequisite 4 joining this club is an AOL address, so naturally, the gods fought it tooth, nail, and crab-nostrils. My point is that Ed has been agitated and noticeably angry with me, but Ann on the other hand is genuinely happy that I am trying to get a social life. All I’m trying 2 do for freaking Crissake is attempt 2 bring some normalcy 2 my super messed up life, and this makes Eddie, anything but happy. He does not realize that the gods use humans, as he is indeed a human, as well as animals, weather, and machines, in their way of working in these mortal worlds, the old biblical lessons from Sunday school all come to mind, God words through people, remember that one anyone???????????? But when a person really cares about U, such as Ann Silva, she sees instantly what is happening to me. I have had ministers tell me decades ago, Mountainpen, U have a serious spiritual problem. It’s like nothing the church has ever seen, & They R 100% correct+!!!!!!!!! I know what I know. And I know that I indeed, no matter what happens, I have one real true great friend, in Ann!!!!!!! Naturally, they didn't say Mountainpen.

This morning, a nasty early low and loud airplane attack hit me around just shy of 8 AM, and they gave me a nasty bowel attack 7 hours B-4 this, and do this most evenings. The last day of a month and the first day, R on cue always 4 being beyond vely nightmarish. November 30 and December 1, were pure hell, {DOGTOWN}. U do not want 2 ever, while humanly alive;
have the smallest conscious memory to your interactions here in Dogtown, as it would B enough to make Shawnee Smith go from gorgeous 2 ugly in one minper’s time. There R torture boxes where U-R sliced into thousands of separate bleeding and throbbing pieces, yet remaining awake and aware not singularly, but each individual part of U is all cut 2 grit, and all hurting with agonizing and excruciating pain, with no chance at all 2 lose awareness to any of it, and mercifully pass out. There is a paddle box in each of the LSP’s, or Life Space Pen’s. U run around and squirm and wiggle and shout and dance, but no matter how U attempt 2 avoid it, guards from outside use flipper type controls such as on old style pinball machines, 2 hit U with paddles that R all over; and covered with nails and jagged glass, and acids and salts. It is beyond unfathomably horrific and monstrous!!!!!!! My job is hell, my life is hell, except 4 Ann, the people I am currently stuck with in my life, R making me' life hell; and I-C no way of altering this nightmare shizuation any time real/e soon, Tommie boy!!!!!!! I will now do 'TRS' # one and 'TRS' # two. Number one is that weather has not been naturally occurring on this planet Earth, ever since atomic bombs were dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in Japan in the 1940’s. Strange inter/trans dimensional crafts spew out special vapors that create the thin white clouds as they spread out. Any serious study of my website at with the pix section, shows how these trails R indeed one and the same thing with the skies now. Top persons in meteorology know the great secret that ‘visitors’ have returned 2 repair or at least re-work our weather patterns, and 4 of these men within the past 19 years formed a secret club, and attempted 2 expose this truth through the back door, to 9 top UFO clubs in the world. 60 persons total is the current body count as of today, the 4 metes and the 56 top clubber’s with the most clout, trying 2 expose these beyond heavy truths, all vanished, as did many others that tried to expose things regarding my 3 worm holes, the ones in Camden, Atlantic City, and Haddonfield, these towns and cities all being in New Jersey, in the USA; & on the Earth, Sol, 'M-W-Galaxy'. The number 2 TRS is also quite nasty, but oh so freaking true bwaby-wuv!!!!!!! People R constantly taken, or CHRISTIAN RAPTURED, 4 lengths in time ranging from a few hours to as much as 30 years, then sent right back 2 where they went missing in most cases, with conscious memory as erased as a tape next to a giant industrial degauss machine, such as the ones we used when I was employed in the Sisco Briscoe disco years, at the Recorded Publications Laboratory. This is all coming from the World Lab, yet to exist 3 dimensionally speaking 'IMHO'. Some have come back here such as Sigmund Freud, to intentionally target anyone that dares make claims of any truths regarding classified things, not understood properly yet by our current feds. They also have sent back groups of people with lots of jewels that they can exchange for current day money and power. Now as 'Ziggy the shrink' starts up the basics of psychiatry, we now have all around us, in addition; many wealthy human infiltrators, buying up mind-control MUZAK systems, and major Recording labels, and major movie studios. If this was not enough 4 the gods sake, add to all of this, that they meet regularly, and carry out huge plans, that led to the formation of all of now existing black and gray file agencies, such as the NSA, which once the feds claimed as they mocked the citizenry, this must stand 4 the NO SUCH AGENCY. It of course does not, and got big time exposed. Still beyond this, the agenda of these controlled BRIGGGER/World Lab agencies, is the constant creation and endless bombardment of disinformation through 'SYFY' movies/TV-shows, & even the X-FILES is all part of this disinformational-conspiracy. They also R the majority of those whom consistently lessen the credibility of things that I talk about in MORIANITY, by perpetrating many hoaxes, over and over for decades. This makes people of intellect normally laugh and think of anyone discussing such nonsense, as the epitome of space cadets. They have techs that R beyond unbelievable and incredible; such as level 8-12 MOTIVE PROGRAMS. A 'M-P' is like a current day software program, but try using it in your 2007 computer, and you’ll crash it in a second. With these programs, U simply tell the computer, I want to do this or that, from making ten million dollars, becoming a rock star, a doctor, a lawyer, or have your mind wave-connected into CYBEROM, where U can B one and the same with any reality or interaction, and either select a menu to keep the memory of who U ‘really’ R, or choose 2 lose it totally during the interaction; & then set the timer from five minutes to 5 years, and it will B only 3 minutes later when U come out of your cybertrance. If U type in on level 4, or speak into the mic on level 5, or wave-connect mentally on programming level #6, either way; with the usage of 'MOGOSP', the machine will use a powerful physical and cosmic internet of a sorts, to step by step, do whatever it has to until the desired effect is reached, hence the meaning for calling these MOTIVE-PROGRAMS, and R in levels ranging from 1-12. The first 5 levels will B available for normal use, and levels 6-8 will cost upwards of 5 million current-value in USD, to install to your machine, which will need a bare bones minimum of 100 petabytes hard drive memory, not counting speeds of a million times or more faster than today’s maximum military systems that now R on the top top secret list. There is so much more to say, in 40 years, if U hate someone enough, U won’t do anything as low tech as go gunning 4 him. You will use a motive program, and tell your computer to RUIN THE POOR BASTARDS’ LIFE; so R any connection bells 2 anything, starting 2 go off, & R there no geeks on my level, 2-C what I know I am being put through by these Rumson/Blair D-S/D-S total BRIGGBASE slimy twisted scum?????? Now up here in middle 2024, we all know about my mom and her fling with the WESTMONT, NJ-USA MAYOR, Mayor Rohr, cousin of Harriet; the great television show producer, U know; good old 'DARK SHADOWS', and their producer, Mizz Harriet Rohr. It all was taken from the life of mom and me, and the Huntington family, and changed around just a teensy weensy wee tad bit, and poof; there it is, 4 anybody 2-C, 10 times more clearly than 100 Johnny Nash dudes, all put together, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEE.

GOOGLE/SWIS/WORLD LAB OFFICIAL WEB DOCUMENT:Voluntarily, I swear under perjury 2B telling my true and honest account of my miserable Dogtownish existence, and all of this blogging is co-copyrighted if MARK MOHR/MICHAEL MOUNTAINPEN appears on these blogging texts anywhere.


Posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 4:05 PM No comments:

Labels: alien truths, harassment and covert government persecution, harassment and the Millionth Coucil, paranormal reality, what is really going on

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