Monday, May 13, 2024

L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Details Now on This Morning's Nightmare Experience When Phoning the Freedom-Health Peeps Up, YO


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L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Details Now on This Morning's Nightmare Experience When Phoning the Freedom-Health Peeps Up, YO

20 minutes past 12-noon, 13 May, 2024, on a goddess dogged Monday total disafsternoon, here in Fort Pierce, Flowerland-USA-Earth-Planet, this waking world dimension, relative as it may B

I have calmed down enough 2 tell U all what took place once up and awake, and made a phone call 2 me' medical peeps after naught receiving me' card in Saturday's mail, after a FREEDOM-REP-AGENT absolutely promised me that I would have it by then: OH BABY, is some horrendous smother plucking satanic and totally evil HALLS FAWCES enemy out there, causing me a quintessential medical disaster in this beyond Senator-Sanders-HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, SUPER HUGE 4/24 (2024-YEAR)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems that this evil and beyond demonic WOMO-SPACEFORCE MACYFORCE-TRUMPFORCE just won't allow me 2 resolve this flagging goddess dog issue this rotten nightmare unprotected year of HUGE-2024, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, SO HERE IS WHAT WENT DING DANG DERN DARN DONG DOWN, ME' GOOD FOLKS OUT THERE, just in case anybody could give a TRUMPED-SHKIT, in the eighties or up here 40 dang years in the antimatter reflections from those times, YO BRRRRRRRRRR: Kresusjiest Almighty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems they now tell me that me' National 3-S CARD was sent on the 23rd day in April. When I called last Wednesday or whenever it was, and was told that it would come by the end of the week and 4 definite positive sure, and that is almost a quote; the rep-agent canceled the card later on that same day, and today I was told they did not want 2 take the chance that it fell into the wrong hands, so it never was mailed out. They promise me now that by the 23rd of this month, MAY, I will have it 4 sure. The problem is that anyone can keep making me stupid fake false fracking promises that never appear 2 goddess B materializing 4 me, folks!!!!!!!!!!! My agent is on her 2 week vacation at just the perfect time, only U all know well, that I don't believe in such things. Some HALLS FAWCES DEAL OUT HERE knew that she would B going on her 'vaykay' and then merely timed this nightmare deal out 4 me, quite perfectly, don't U think, peeps????? According 2 the Freedom peeps, I am able 2 use me' already received card from them, 4 ordering items in their OTC system; and they gave me the phone number 4 me 2 call. But they need 2 mail me a catalog and said they would, only I'll believe I get stuff from them, when I do now; great folks. I still can speak 2 an order taking agent on the phone, and order some aspirin, and needed vitamins; such as I am in need of potassium, one a day men's vitamins, and a spare 325-milligram aspirin bottle, 2 treat me' afib heart condition, that was just recently diagnosed earlier in this year, by me' new primary care provider, or (doctor) as we called them back when this world was a real place that I remember living on once, and B-4 Reagan wiped it all out forever with his globally renown Reaganomics. JEEZ-LOUISE. I also left a message with my new agent who is on her 2 week sabbatical and won't B back until the 28th day of May, about all of this nightmarish hell that I am going through, and after she absolutely promised me that with her her on me' case, my problems R over, another great quote, Folks, I have been promised literally, the MOON ITSELF, over the past 50 years by many many many many many many peeps on this Earth-Pwanet. As U can all C quite plainly by looking up at night, the moon is still there, a quarter million miles away, and promised 2 me or naught, oh Mizz AT&T, 'non-Verizon-Bragging' Blake; there it is, not with me, but 240 thousand water blocking wall away from me. If I were 2 ever receive just one fiftieth of what has been promised 2 me and 4 me and deservedly so and compensating me 4 all the stuff ripped off and stolen from me, both LEEEEEEEEEEEEGALLY as well as ILLEEEEEEEEEEEGALLY; distant cousin leaf-park coverer upper teenager and later turned president of my entire nation; well world; U all know that I would B right up there with Gates and Walton, and that is neither a smother fracking brag, nor a brother ducking exaggeration, and IPYT peeps!!!! 2 put it vely vely vely COOLEY HALL BOB 1972 MCDOWELL mildly here; we all know, admit it or naught world; that something somewhere with incredible nightmarish monstrous mind bending hyper-natural ability and power, appears 2 totally and completely and absolutely hate the guts of one MARK WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN HUNTINGTON MOHR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U cannot read this 18 and a half year old blog work, and deny it. U know it, I know it; and I GOD DANG KNOW THAT U ALL KNOW IT 2; SO YO BRO!!!!!! Good Lord, & 25 cents; L-W-M.

Y-R-U letting me down this horrible year, DIANA?


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