Friday, May 17, 2024

L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Roulette Game on 4th Straight Major Botbar Made Me 12 Units Profit, and 4 Day Total Now is 77 Units, and Now it is Time 4 One More Dogtown of a Secret


L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; Roulette Game on 4th Straight Major Botbar Made Me 12 Units Profit, and 4 Day Total Now is 77 Units, and Now it is Time 4 One More Dogtown of a Secret




Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 05-14-24

Date & time scale is being posted: 05/17/24 at quarter past 5 AM, on mid-Friday morning

16 minutes past 5 in the morning, 17 May, 2024

GAME NUMBER--------------

DATE GAME PLAYED------05-16-24, @ 20 past 11 PM.

Numbers Played:





T-----26, W-----9, L-----17

W-V ---------- +24 UNITS

L-V------------- -12 UNITS

WINS $ --------------- +216 UNITS

LOSSES $ ----------- -204 UNITS

ACTUAL P&L -------- +12 UNITS

I HAVEN'T HAD A DEATH MAGNETIC LIKE THIS ONE IN A YEAR OR SO, OR ELSE ME' MEMORY IS FAILING ME, AND THAT CAN b A REALITY AT ME' OLE' AGE ALONG WITH THE DEATH STRESS THAT IS BEING CAUSED BY THE ENEMY WSMT PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forgive the shouting here, pweeeeeeeeeze good folks. U-2 would shout should even 5 percent of what I have 2 endure, B going down around any of U out there; and if were enduring my entire nearly 7 decade long human life now, as the presently physically incarnated manatoo-me, identity being one, Mister Mark Wayne Mohr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not bragging here, VERIZON; merely shooting U all straighter than a thousand Native American 17th century arrows. So now, U do it, Mister awesome 1971 Mike McNulty, oh wonderful and cool SIR; and back when U were 16 years old. “AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA”!!!!!!!!!!

Yes folks; back at around eleven last night, I played 12 roulette numbers, which normally I do naught do. Still, I did not make what I had hoped 2 make, 100 units or so; and decided 2 quit when I never was up more than 8-12; and hence the math ratios at that point, as more spins of the wheel keep going, endlessly will make that profit average go lower and eventually drop into an ever increasing losing window amount of units; so quitting at +12 was very astute and prudent 4 me 2 do. Do U naught agree with me here, lovely Mizz Annoyance Caller Bureau Blake, of 1983's great and final AT&T, one and only 'phone company' days??????? JEEZ-LOUISE, 5-D SURFER FONTY DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh the break up of the BELLS and the birth of the many baby-bells, and this was all 'YESTERDAY' 2 father Lucci and Mountainpen; right all of U 'dream experts', 'dream protectors', 'dream givers', and all great and mighty 'TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS' everywhere, YO??????????????

Yes the tail end of the first and true start of the 5 year running TV-show season called, 'Dark Shadows', the 8th episode and thus the 8th episode of this entire 5 year running television show, or ten weeks shy of 5 years but who's being that super dern technical here YO? That needs 2-B viewed and careful attention paid 2 Mister Malloy's conversation, at the Collinwood Mansion, or astrally, my Flower Wing of the great Ricktown Manor. I stand corrected here, speaking of thistlethorns and thissssssssss, Mister Mike Soft and lovely Mizz Sue-Kane Erica Luccisnakes, and no relation 2 FATHER LUCCI, from that fantastic movie in 1988, called, 'The 7th Sign'!!!! Yes, we can still view that original season on a streaming service, such as with me, on me' landlord's ROKU-TV-SET, YO-YO-YO, gwate weerlld aldare!!!! Man, the past 4 days have I been futhermucking mega-dosing on aspirin tablets, and men's multi-vitamins as well as other power house vitamins. Kresusjiest Almighty, YO-BOUNCE-(C) 1988 musical projects and 'nothing-prophets' all over the joint, Mister Winncheat Hollow-Queen!!!!!!!!!!!! And now, 4 the revenge secret, 4 this horrendous surreal monstrous inconceivable and unspeakable week of terror, and beyond any known Halloween-fright anywhere on this Earth-Planet:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What I intimated earlier is yet unproved until actual mathematical formulas R sent 2 the scientific community, and this, just like the great cubed city of Sarah Krassle, or 'HEAVEN'; can wait. Quoting the mighty awesome Detective 'L&O-SVU' Elliot Stabler here, “The hang-sang can hang”, and so can Sahasra Dal Kanwal, 4 right now this minute, aniwho, good folks, and rotten ones also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anything unproved and unsubstantiated, is about as worthless as a roll of soaking wet toilet paper is, 2 a john-completed-nature-call-person, (JCNCP), 4 short, and 4 later reiterated reference purposes, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what I now need 2 do right now 2 hopefully get whatever unnatural fracking powers that R on me, off of me; cannot B vague and only partially imagined, as some major undetermined threat. I need 2 say stuff now, that if they don't cool it a wee tad bit; then perhaps absolutely nothing will make this all lessen; and so I may as well go copy me' late-nabe from 3 trailers 2 me' south, from back in the late last spring time, U know; 'bang-bang', on top of me' head, huh there 'CASINO-NICKY'???!!!! Mizz Jane Slutbagskunkbreath Hornswitchbroomrider Thistlethorns Crabgrasshitinnerpants, almost got me, but I caught the ending of this page 10 document, & just in the 'casino-nick' of time here, good peeps, YO; and so ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!! Still, I am continuing now 4 a week or better, 2 miss seeing fives on me' clock, and always catching the ones, and this is getting on my non thistlethorns last Dawn King goddessdog nerve, YO BRAHHH!!!! Truly peeps, me' life has naught been qwuite thisssssss bad, lovely Mizz Luccisnakes mah'm; in many smother fruyucking years now, maybe in all the time tha tI have lived here in goddess-damned Flowerland-USA, ever since the tail end of the 2009 year, in middle goddess puked December, when I ran away from the WASHCLOTH KING CLAN of Blucranville-Hammonton, in NO-JOY-ZEE-USA; with practically only the clothes on me' back, one icy cold dark night; like a scared little rat on a sinking futhermucking ship during a mega violent frikkin' hurricane, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So let me tell U a big secret now involving the dream-channel, but also something that I know U all can C-4 yourselves in your own personal lives, even 4 those who continue 2 deny it 2 anyone and keep it well closeted and hidden; just like Liz Stoddard Joan Bennett, and with the so-called dead body of her hubby, buried in her basement at Collinwood!!!!!!!

I am not magical. I have absolutely no psychic (abilities), (powers), or 'whatever'. Words R so meaningless, and seemingly few R aware of that truth. I know that I am, and Shakespeare was also; and that much I do know, me' good folks. All the things that go down with me R being done by peeps from somewhere whom do have some wild mystical abilities. They R the ones doing all this 2 me. I am not making my utilities go nuts 4 a half century. I am not sexually molesting myself as a youth, or ever. It ain't me who is causing my dreams, my problems and issues, my life, any and all of it. U may get on the Umwell Train and believe differently. That's your goddessdog choice of course folks. I know differently. I know that Trump and MC have done a lot of stuff that has no rational possible human explanation 2 it. I know that all the things told of in my blogs R real and true and not the product of mental illness and psychotic delusions. Sure, my reactions 2 stuff at this point R most likely heightened and overly sensitized. I of course admit 2 a clinical level of vely vely healthy paranoia as well. If any doubter of Mountainpen or Morianity, and I don't give a dang glass hoot pollute sundream-reality if U-R an FBI agent, or the top dog in the free world, the Pope, and or 'whatever'; oh 'Congy R-A'!!!!!! First, read Morianity the way it appears on a blogging site such as this one, BDC. It reads backward. Not even Al Einstein could intentionally pull off what is being done here, by this wild glass enemy and perhaps totally 'alien' force; labeled by me as the 'WESTMONT', only not the place in New Jersey where I lived and attended the high school in, but the other WSMT. Second, I dare U, whomever U may B-2 take anything that I have told, B it how 2 work the mighty ancient wisdom of Goddess-Fascitar, or how 2 control dreams by dreaming intentionally after being asleep and waking but not yet ready 2 rise up 4 the new day, and on and on, and U will get the mind blow of your entire human existence, only, most if not all of U out here, just ain't that audacious and ballsy, now R-U wonderful awesome illustrious lads & lassies???? But allow me here 2 go on just one step further. Name it, U got it. I would B willing 2 make any legal deal with anyone. U prove me wrong in the Morianity teachings and show my life 2-B one crazy fraud or tha tI am just some not case Jersey-Florida-crackpot, and U have got a slave 4 one year, anything, but it must B legal of course, as I don't break the dang law. But if U end up off your nut like Christian-Counselor Kieth, back in 1995, or Clarence Harris Assistant 2 Congressman Andrews, back in 1998; well, I get U-4 one year, all legal, but U-R mine, or if U win this bet YO, I am yours. Simplllleeee as THAT; so, 'R-U chicken everybody'? My numbers and email is listed on these many blogs and I ain't a gonna' B repeating it again now, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW-WOW-WOW.


Posting up at 6 AM, 17 May, 2024.

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