Thursday, May 23, 2024

L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; 'This May Mean My Life, Doctor', Quoting the Awesome Sir Barnabas Dark Shadows TV-SHOW Collins, But I Am Without Choice Here, and Must Tell This, 2 All of U, Right Now, and Listen Up Carefully, All of U Great UFO-Alien-Flying Saucer Buffs, As U Shall Now Learn Something Beyond Senator Sanders HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, I Promise U That


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L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; 'This May Mean My Life, Doctor', Quoting the Awesome Sir Barnabas Dark Shadows TV-SHOW Collins, But I Am Without Choice Here, and Must Tell This, 2 All of U, Right Now, and Listen Up Carefully, All of U Great UFO-Alien-Flying Saucer Buffs, As U Shall Now Learn Something Beyond Senator Sanders HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, I Promise U That

L30B; THE NEXT BLOG AND SUBTITLED; 'This May Mean My Life, Doctor', the B-COPY

Actual filename 4 purposes of my own computer system is shown above as follows:

There R-2 schools of thought in the basic humanity structure on this EARTH-PLANET. One is that the good of the many should over-Trump the good of the view or even the one. But that great episode of the 'DICK WOOOOOOOOOLF' 'L&O' TV-SHOW, with the mighty sixties dude, Sir Terrance Mann; is all part of the school that I am definitely from, and that is that sacrificing even so much as 1 mother fracking human being, even 4 the good of millions, is unconscionable and totally completely WROOOOOOOOOONG. So what if a discovery was made by the big boys on NYC's great infamous WALL STREET, back in 1986; that proves beyond any doubt, that endlessly injuring the life of one insignificant nobody, named Mark Wayne Mohr from Southwestern NO-JOY-ZEE-USA, (ME); will bring better markets, better lives 4 these great all mighty supposedly super wealthy's out there, along with several other things that they all apparently R so desperately coveting; in some unexplainable scientific and mathematical twist of magical junk that nobody completely understands other than perhaps a couple of dozen peeps on the level of Professor Michio Kaku? Does this somehow magically also give them the right 2 perform this horrendous act of quintessential cruelty and viciously monstrous behavior, all these years, and 4 the rest of my pathetic doomed natural life??????? Well, Mister Mann and I belong 2 the more human and decent school of thought, that believes that the rights and the good of the many do not outweigh nor over TRUMP those of a fewer and lesser number, even should that number B just one person, in this case, ME!!!!!!! Quoting my distant cousin here from long ago in the late 1960's times while riding along a dangerous highway right outside of the main parts of Philadelphia, my opening statement here on this blog, is indeed, “the story of my entire nightmare life”, excluding the word (nightmare), and my life since the 15th day in August, of 1986. Even the fantastic and mentally mighty Mister fiction writer Gene Roddenberry discussed this philosophy, in one of his marvelous 'STAR TREK' movies; back somewhere either late in the 1980's, or early into the 1990's. It was the episode with the resurrection of Mister Spock, if me' memory is correct here, kind folks. This leads me in ways that only I fully comprehend and understand and realize due 2 personal life experience situations 4 coming up now on 70 years as the current-human-me, legally known as 'Mister Mark Wayne 'M-H' Mohr'. It is the situation where today after just about one of the most monstrous, surreal, unfathomable, and unspeakable days of horror and terror, all performed on me LEEEEEEEGALLY of course, all went down, Mister coworker and lunch swiper, Joseph Sivo, of 1980 and the 'RPL' Sound Recording Studio Laboratory, and manufacturing plant of Camden, NJUSAESMWG!!! Nobody has the right 2 injure and wipe out my entire life, and me; just so they can prosper and profit. Not even 10 trillion mother fracking WALL STREET empires have this right. Only GOD ALMIGHTY HAS THAT RIGHT 2 CHOOSE 2 WIPE OUT A HUMAN BEING, ONLY PINK GODDESS???? This gets vely vely complicated so we will leave all of that there, and move onward into the point of this writing, and the title's very explanation. But B-4 Jane Slime has a chance 2 injure me 3 times straight on one 24 hour blogging cycle with page eleven nightmare horrors of DOGTOWN; I shall quickly enter in a dozen blank pages that will then B deleted off at a later time, when this work is well past page 15 or so, YO, BRO!!!!!!!!!! Dear fairly new county Sheriff Kieth Pearson of Saint Lucie County, oh great sir!!!!!!!! I loved your little poem that was on the local Palm Beach news TV stations a few hours ago, about ''arriving alive by naught drinking and driving''. Now, I ask U-2 try and protect me, and even help yourself, as U have been quite busy lately with many bloody situations in your awesome county, and surely sir, do naught need 2-B adding poor old fragile whittle innocent Mountainpen-ME, 2 your casualty list, 4 a major global investigation that will put U and this county on the map of this planet, from tomorrow until the STAR-TREK times arrive 4 crying out loud, OH GREAT SIR!!!!!!!!!!! I am gonna' need some protection after I let out just this teensy weensy whittle wee tad bit of truth here; and no, this is not about the recently discussed 'M-TOG WAVE', as that, like HEAVEN, can indeed wait; YO!!!! Now because of what I happened 2 view on my ROKU streaming news service, 4 world news on the American Broadcasting Company, with the awesome Mister David Muir; as well as something seen on the local broadcasts concerning a new crime where the security systems of homeowners can now B blocked or jammed out, such as the Lenny's Gate Technology of 1983, and all 'SAGA musical projects of Mark Wayne Mohr', and naught yet Mountainpen 4 about 23 years out into the antimatter reflected spaces, when this blog began in early 2006, all connected therein; this has led me now on this MAYDAY 23-MAY, along with this horrific and beyond monstrous super botbar day of DOGTOWN on STEROIDS; 2 open up a beyond deadly dangerous truth that I do in fact know as actual real fact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have nothing against anybody who is not a part of a group of people whom R doing me in, and operating this endless nightmarish parallel event junk on me, 4 coming up now on close 2-4 solid glass decades of time; making life 4 me worse than most cons have lives in mother fracking prison, and this ain't some misguided claim nor exaggeration folks, IPYT!!!!!! That much needs 2-B cleared upo and said right straight out u front, B-4 I go one tiny little bit further here, people. So here it is, and this is not gonna' B spoken in simple easy 2 follow words, nor said in anything even close 2 its entirety, as without knowing I am getting really heavy protection, I know that I would completely vanish tomorrow, right into the 'GONE-MISSING-CLUB' areas, of potter-poof Hogwarts real estate; perhaps in this 4-D space system, perhaps extending out into the alternate realities of the 5-D transdimensional hyperspace system itself; as who can ever really know it all, except 4 ALMIGHTY SCYLLA PINK JEHOVAH ALMIGHTY SARAH-STACEY KRASSLE, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO???????????

I have discussed a shadow government, as telling the real full deal would cause me 2-B truly looking over me' shoulder every minute that I am outside of me' home, and not that being home is some safe haven, as anyone can throw a Molitolf Cocktail through anyone's window, at any time Sheriff Sir. U know this, I know this, and yes sir; I know that U know this also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So please, just what I am about 2 impart on this blog-work tonight is gonna' require a little bit of your watching over me 4 a while until things blow over, and they normally always do, so we shall C, oh great sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is no army group-type of 'M-I-B' deal happening. There is no group-type of shadow government agents that R some underground hidden super ultra covert part of already existing alphabet-soup agency systems. What is real is that a group of real live human beings, naught aliens or any wild nonsense; but real peeps, R indeed part of an army, and yes, those on the news tonight doing those crimes and using the Lenny's Gate Tech of 1983, and back B-4 internet was even expanded beyond small and quietly used groups of peeps such as financial institutions, laboratories, government agencies, medical systems, and several other items; all proving my point if someone is smart enough 2 draw the necessary proper conclusions and make all these dots fit perfectly into place, but let me finish this up without side points and tangents taking us all into next decade verbiage here. Some of this army commits crimes. Some of it works 4 our government. Some of it indeed is doing this and doing that, and so on, and nobody has a real honest clue 2 what is happening behind all of the oz curtains 2 this and 2 them, naught even the Mountainpen knows it all, BUTTERCHEESE, AND BIG GLASS BUTT, AND BUTTTTTTTTTTTT, and but peeps; I do know quite a lot about this; and because of my dealings with awesome 1969-1975 PATTY & MERRY, as well as good ole' mind boggling 16th Street STEVE, from Philadelphia-PA-USA, also. But it goes even beyond them, if we insist on seeing them in 3-D, rather than as with all and any real powerful truths, in the full '5-D reality', OF THE TRANSDIMENSIONAL HYPERSPACE SYSTEM. Look YO. I know that the great Davis family is special beyond words, and through marriage, they included the magical musical genius that old folks such as Mountainpen all remember and worshiped vely highly in those times of the 1960's, and beyond; white hot awesome Mizz Marilyn McCoo. The truth behind Y all nutty stuff happens; even including Y lots of peeps have weird unexplained affinities 4 other peeps, whom they never knew nor met, here in physical waking world realities. All sorts and kinds of junk that is wondered about and unexplained as of yet by any professionals or sociologists the world over, is all part of the 5-D reality, and sleeping and dreaming, and those who continue 2 ignore this powerful truth, will remain in darkness, vely similarly 2 Mountainpen who fought and fought against this dang glass computer digital age, and was suddenly thrust into caves and unable 2 properly interact in the new age world and its society of total nuttiness. But this is naught the part that will make me watch over me' dang shoulder 4 a while, oh great Sheriff Keith Pearson. Oh no sir. Here is what is, and this retaliation is because of this day beyond monsters and shadows and hells normally drempt of by human beings. I speak of what went down around me today 2 attempt 2 turn the dang glass rotten stock market around, and as I said folks, it doesn't always work. That is Y even my parallel event system has a bad game here and there, and yes, I ripped myself off by 10 units, it was 10 more than what I said, as some of U math wizards realize now after reading the prior blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAA-HA-AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA, Mister Mike McNulty, oh U 1971 great sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is this army, what does it do, Y would some B criminals, R they even a part of the great Mexican DRUG CARTEL? Wake up all of U LEO's out there, first off, every army needs money. Remember the great Mister Wally Cleaver, in that episode with Sir Eddie Haskel, and the walkie talkie that was broken, and ending with Wally still calling out 4 Eddie on it; only nothing was there except 4 endless dead air? He said 2 Beaver, his younger brother Theodore, that the salvation army sells stuff 2 finance the army in-between the wars. Hey, there is truth in some parts and ways, 2 even wild stuff spoken by cool teenaged persons, YO!!!!!!! The M-C is no different than the great A-C of Italy, the NYC Stock Market and its DJIA and stock markets, as theyt all need 2 finance themselves endlessly and perpetually. Nothing just runs. The closest thing 2 perpetual motion is the cosmos itself, and that is a frozen archway of a few quadrillion years around, and we go jump-jump-jump, just as an old VCR or a new DVD player does on 'pause and slow frame run'. But speed it up more and more, and suddenly, pow, along comes the great ILLUSION of MOTION. But it is all an illusion nonetheless folks. One this is naught an illusion however folks. That is that since nobody is ever giving anybody anything, all things need 2-B endlessly FINANCED in order 2 keep them going. I learned that truth the vely vely hard way, ole' school chum from COOLEY HALL, Sir Bob McDowell, from 1972 and into early 1973, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have only opened up stuff folks, and this army is indeed created, by what Mountainpen's MORIANITY calls, the EXPLORATRONIC SUPERMIND SOCIETY, or the (ESS), when shortened and abbreviated; me' BRRRRRRRRR. R they all in this ESS? Absolutely NAUGHT, MIZZ AT&T BLAKE, MAH'M, FROM 1983'S ANNOYANCE CALLER BUREAU. Many R, many R naught. Another red and black roulette deal, if U ask me folks. Any lover of 'GOD' and scripture reader-studier out there, knows that in light of Morianity; all the scriptures now will jump out at U. Stuff our awesome LORD JESUS spoke 2,000 years ago, as well as the whole dang ball of wax and 27 feet of it all. The warnings about SATAN's demonic kingdom of the spirit world, and all of it. Well, notice how the UFO deal all got started, when seeing a timeline along with scripture, Morianity, and my own nightmare life of slowly being indoctrinated into knowing what I know by spirit world forces (astral-plane entities). I could say stuff 100 times more powerful, and it would lead up 2 being able 2 have way more effective and successful law enforcement capabilities 4 bringing lots of dangerous horrible criminals scum balls 2 justice. BUTTERCHEESE, yes BUT peeps, I wouldn't make it through the Memorial Day Holiday; so without protection, Sheriff K-P sir; all I shall do 4 now, is 2 open this up here today, and today now being the 24th day in this nightmarish MAYDAY-MAYDAY-MAYDAY in May; and in NON 'SUPER-HUGE-4/24', AWAKE, ASLEEP, FAMILY, NON-FAMILY, AND 'PROTECTED', OR 'NAUGHT'!!!!

It is a quarter past midnight, and Diana came up around 9 or so last night beyond full and gorgeous, 4 HER little-boy, ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Photos of the Day






FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024---JWSC-FRI-12-157



Things better start getting a less amount of Dogtownish 4 me real soon, or I will put down lots of stuff and drive it over 2 the sheriff's place and leave it there, and walk out, and maybe even end the entire world in 48 hours as a direct result. SO BACK OFF OF ME U SLIME-SCUM-SNAKES!!!


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