Monday, February 13, 2023




Monday, February 13, 2023




My situation is a nightmare on mother fucking total steroids. HALLS FAWCES seemingly won’t allow me to do home blogging, or at least, naught so far Mizz Blake from AT&T. Arthur Crane could kick in here perfectly and precisely with his favorite line, “I am imagining very little, if any of this”. The man is 100% on the $.



The geek from the BBGS was supposed to come out yesterday afternoon, no call-no show, as we used to famously word it in the Security-Bizz. These ‘fawces’ will fight me endlessly, will they naught Mister Hall from McAndrew’s & Forbes and Mizz Blake of 1983? I told Mike Patterson on the phone back on Saturday evening that if the geek installer does not get me up and running, it will be curtains for my Philadelphia EAGLES, and I AM NEVER EVER MOTHER FUCKING WRONG, maybe in all honesty one out of twenty times or so at best, and there ain’t a single cunt lapping stock broker on the planet that can boast a claim anywhere near that accurately, not and be an honest one who ain’t completely Bernie Madoff crooked. For fifty blogs, I have harped on my family, distant, close, in-between, the whole ugly rotten ball of brown-stench-wax! This blog will now move the curving angles completely away from this. One thing that I must in all truth and candor fully admit to online right here and now folks is that P&M, as well as any other part of this incredible extended family through many outlandish twists and turns that lead to this present nightmare second in time, is in no way a part of the real and most powerful and bizarre part of things in my Huntington Curse, and I speak of the so-called non-Jenny Love Hewitt “GIFT” of being given 2 me by the most powerful force on the planet Earth, known as PARALLEL EVENT! I indeed can type on for a million years on family and the seemingly unconnected in any way stuff pertaining in the slightest, to anything related even remotely, to parallel-event and the misuse and abuse of it, which is the application of it in order to do intentional harm to a human being in order to get their way in some facet in their own lives. This began for me in the summer time of the year of 1986 and it never looked back, stopped, or lessened one tiny wee bit ever since. I knew B4 the end of the year of 1986, that the main part of this parallel event nightmare that I somehow became trapped in, with absolutely no mother fucking way out whatsoever; pertained to two items that would never go away in my lifetime, no chance at all. The Dow jones Industrial Average’s stock market system was the main part of this system, and also this system contained a subset system which was the Philadelphia professional sports teams, all of them, but the main two of them being the Flyers Ice Hockey Team and the Phillies Baseball Team, but the smaller two parts also were definitely an existing part of this, being the Eagles Football Team and the Sixers Basketball Team. Every single smallest part of my being connected with any possible positive and good thing in life that would bring any human being any happiness whatsoever would seemingly cause the following PARALLEL EVENT to endlessly occur. When I am UP, the MARKET IS DOWN, and vice versa. Then the subset kicks in after this which means that when the DOW JONES IS UP, the FLYERS WIN, and the other three teams LOSE. Again, the concentric opposite to this always exists, so when I am DOWN, THE MARKET IS UP and then the subset of the UP-MARKET causes the FLYERS 2 WIN, and the other teams 2 LOSE. Forget me and forget my reporting on blogs all these years of my unlimited endless attacks and death sieges, as this will complicate things for anyone trying to disprove my claims here. Instead merely begin to follow the pattern of the DOW JONES UP, causing a predominantly WINNING FLYERS TEAM, and a predominantly LOSING PHILLIES, EAGLES, and SIXERS teams. I showed several peeps this phenomenon between 1990 and 2005 back while I was residing up in New Jersey, and a few of them nearly lost their minds and wanted nothing more to do with me, a typical human being reaction to shit that they cannot comprehend or be able to explain away within some of their endless rational logical thinking processes. I challenge anyone out here to verify or be able to disprove my MORIANITY and the stuff claimed to be true by the Mountainpen for seventeen-plus years now. Go ahead and try, as you won’t be able to do it; not on any of your miserable lives folks, IPYT, and THAT ain’t the HUUUUUUUGEST part of my shit here, oh wonderful awesome Senator Bernie Sanders, kind sir. What is great peeps out here is thisssssssssssssss, oh lovely Mizz Susan AMC-TV-soap-show Lucci snakes of 1983 and everyone can take this straight to any bank on Earth: The entire nightmare I am in and have been in ever since the year of 1986 is nothing but a gigantic monstrous diseased rotten GAME, played by evil TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS. Now to quote the original SUPERMAN, played by the great Mister Christopher Reeves back in the nineteen-fifties, “Here’s the situation, Inspector Henderson”, only my discussion here lads and lassies has absolutely nothing to do with crime families, crime bosses, or anyone by the great wonderful name of Louigee. Yes, here is my nightmare mother fucking horrendous situation peeps out here: I am now coming off of BOTBAR TIMES 4, and the magnetic percentage for BOTBAR is 37% on the year of 2023, and as horrendous and cunt lapping monstrous as this year is gonna’ be folks, what do you think the following one will B4 me when it numerically has no choice but 2 incorporate two HUUUUUUUUUUGE negative items, the presidential election and leap year cycle, and the electrical number of my daughter, TWICE OVER or magic-dreams-year-1997+27 years more=2024 so who out here wishes to cut me even the smallest wee bit of a mother fucking bweak YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I am now 5:12 on the month of February when the installer did a no-call-no-show yesterday on me, and caused my poor Philadelphia Eagles Football Team 2 get slammed on their damn ass and now I open up today with absolutely nothing to even work jerk, work off jerk off with; opening at 3-3, dropping instantly down to 2-2 after 3 or more straight botbar-days. The DEATH ANGEL Mister Mortimer Mortino is not giving me hardly a second of mother fucking peace on top of all of my other goddessdamn endless woe-whiz-me’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very close to cock sucking suicide, Sheriff Ken Mascara, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These prick monsters have been permitted to get totally and completely away with the total utter destruction and obliteration of my entire life just to play their silly endless monstrous game from HELL (D-O-G-T-O-W-N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And this brings me to the true and real mat of today’s goddamn ass blog, kind peeps out here, so here we go, not again mommy so pweeeeeeze don’t try and convince Doctor Breyers Shriner to keep me in that miserable rotten Chester-Frank initialed private Exton, PAUSAESMWG School, in the autumn of 1971, TANKS-----B---O---O---M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



For decades and decades, DJT has done countless things that we all completely and totally know are fully naught legal, but close enough to legal to keep endlessly buying his way out of ever having to pay any single consequences that all of the rest of us mere mortals have to because we are all under rules and systems that this maniac psychopath sicko is naught under because he is the Lambrigg Leader of the Astral-Plane, or his true persona is, and he is in complete control of his Earthly-dummy-puppet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My ignorant pal in Miami, FLUSAESMWG is inconvincible and no matter what I say to him or how much absolute irrefutable proofs that I can ever show him, he is blind and willingly so, refusing to endlessly see these truths, as so many others are around this goddamn globe. Any of you out here can prove me wrong so easily. I have made all of these claims now on these 17+ years of my BOM-BLOGS, and you all know it, YO YO YO YO BRO!!!!! All of my BOM-BLOG, all of my MORIANITY, is all 100% total bullshit if there ever comes a time when Mister Donald John Trump has to really and truly pay for his crimes against so many innocent people who he and his vicious evil twisted pals have wronged. If this dude is ever put in jail where he more than belongs, then my entire MORIANITY PROJECT IS A LIE AND A DELUSION! That is a promise and a pact that I hereby now willingly make to my fellow citizens of this world, the Earth-planet! IPYT. You cannot prove me wrong, I am not wrong and nobody on this diseased evil twisted globe wishes to be wrong about all of these things the family, the DJT dude, the ICPE-APE-TECH hellishness, ALL OF IT. Wake up you fucking ass holes out here, do you think this blog is important to me in comparison to having all of this get stopped for me somehow someday good people? W---A---K---E--------U---P, YO YO YO YO YAH, ME’ BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just look at my life this year, and then look at the goddamn mother fucking stock market and the DJIA (Dow jones Industrial Averages). I am not making this up, nobody on this planet would be smart enough to be able to make up something as wild and that holds endlessly true decade after decade, not even the mighty genius from Princeton University, Professor Albert Einstein. There is not a single soul who could accomplish that task, and for crissake folks, WHY WOULD ANYONE EVER WANT TO DO SUCH A CRAZY ASS FUCKING THING EITHER, YO YO YO YO YO YO, ME’ BREEEEEE? Any rationally thinking person cannot deny that I am making many powerful indisputable points here. Yes a lot of recent blog typos are happening, adding LY when it does not belong, or when it needs 2B there, it ain’t, and many uncounted other weird mind/machine hacks as well. Yes I have been on a somewhat lengthy tirade since last autumn to discuss the wrongs done to me by family, but family is not in any way connected with PARALLEL-EVENT nor its misapplication of it. When I interacted in the 70’s with lovely Mizz PHHH, little Merry was a toddler and I never even had any dealings with her until that day that I mentally suppressed and that came back to me in a sick nightmare while living with Patty’s distant King cousins in late 2008, up in Blue-Berryville in Jersey. PHHH never ever was in any way a part of ICPE or any even remotely related stuff to any of it, great peeps. I believe in credit when it’s due and giving rightful props to peeps, friends or foes. I also believe that no worst enemy should ever be blamed in the smallest or slightest way for anything that they are naught guilty of, lovely Mizz phone-company BLAKE!!!!!!










G-189, AND S---T---O---P!!!!!!!




I will leave the world and all of my foes with a wee bit of additional info here, YO BRO! I do have a couple of ultimate tactics up my sleeve and B4U get to me, 2 quote Mister Dark Shadows Barnabas Collins when he said this to Doctor Julia Hoffman back in the sixties on that fantastic television show, “I WILL GET 2U”!!!!!!!!



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