Wednesday, September 11, 2024



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I am a lot more enlightened than I was back in the nineties. But am I any competition for Jojo and Sarah, and their mighty lighthouse?

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1-55 AM, Wednesday, 11 September, 2024

My cumpukeher is acting up big time, and 4 the past several weeks, it has been getting worse and worse. I do not think it is hacks, but simply, and quoting the techy-place peeps, ''wearing out''! I have no way of knowing anything 4 sure, one way or the other, Mizz Harry-1801 from 1982!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At approximately 5 past fracking 2 AM this morning and 5 minutes or so ago, my system completely froze and crashed. I had 2 boot off manually, and go through all of the restart manual ops, then retrieve 2 lost documents; and now things appear 2-B operating a little better. Still, 4 the first time in 5-10 years or so , up through early on Wednesday morning, I was holding at the zero scale position which is always the first green star on the Morianity Secrets Thermometer Scale. Now I am at the 3rd fracking star!!!!!!! SAT, YO.

Travel: Six Must-Visit Lighthouses ...

National Trust for Historic Preservation

Travel: Six Must-Visit Lighthouses ...

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How I Grew a New Blog from 400 to 40,000 Pageviews in One ... › increase-blog-traffic-pageviews

I could take every blog beginning with this one, and write in one 'CASTANEDA-HELL-PROOF', or 4 short, one 'CHELP'; and 4 a while, perhaps I shall do just THAT! By a chelp, I simply mean that right after moving into 1802 Robin Hill Apartments on 1 May of 1980, I began noticing the most incredible deal all GJSD around me, based on just listening a few hours daily 2 a top-40 radio station from those days and located in Philadelphia, call letters of frequency modulation WCAU. In its own way, it transformed my life into something far beyond anything that I ever saw on that marvelous super television show that most of us all know and love, the original black and white sixties version, 'TWILIGHT ZONE'. Rather than getting into the detailed specifics of this right now, let me just come back 2 it when I am more in the mood 2 do it, and 4 right now, just begin with my one per blog, CHELP, and each one being an ENTERTAINMENT WORLD CONNECTED ITEM, and 4 short from now on with that little saying, an EWCI. Dismissing any of of these, starting with the 2 listed on very recent blogs B-4 this one, can B done, and as so many peeps love 2 say, ''No sweat''. Dismissing many of them is a wee tad bit more difficult, but within a possibility realm. HOWEVER folks out there, dismissing them all, makes anyone, both in or out of the psychiatric industry (APA), a totally deranged and delusional fracking glass fool on steroids, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAT. So here is the one 4 this particular blog, and as I said, each blog will contain yet one more, and believe me, they won't run out, and also, they R true, and I will swear in court under full oath, 2 the truth of all that I now am typing on this posted soon document, oh wonderful FBI out there!!!!!!!


4 many years since boyhood, I would ride the public bus from home 2 the shore of Atlantic City in NO-JOY-ZEE-USA. The SATANIC ENEMIES have performed a MIND HACK on me, and I cannot now recall which PIKE that I would B riding on, the WHITE HORSE, or the BLACK HORSE, but it was the one with the automobile dealership on the bay, and I think it is the Black Horse Pike. The hack was just released, it was the B-H-P. The name of this dealership is Rufalo, however it was spelled. The name was printed on a large water pipe that extended across the bay of Abseacon Island not far from the drawbridge into Atlantic City, and near the Bader Airport field; which I may or not B spelling correctly here. Viqueens Island is near the area, and when the tide is high or near 2 high it disappears in the mortal world, as here, it is only a tiny shallow marshy clump of land in the bay that nobody ever goes to, even 2 fish. Fishing in the area, is all done at the nearby bridge, and a wee tad bit east of there; right on the B-H-P. Still, between my music, my great quest and search 2 find SARAH in the middle 1990's, and my being led 2 an antique dealer relative of the car dealership owner, it was a known fact all over town that Mountainpen was in a frantic major search 2 find this incredible magical teenaged girl from the nineteen-sixties. Music peeps all knew my story, recording artists knew of it, studios knew of it, the whole Delaware Valley knew of it, or those who were part of the 'somebody's crowd' did at least, along with the great United States Library of the Congress © Copyright Office. Suddenly the following decade comes along, as well as the following century and millennium. Both the Earth-Planet and the Canopious-Planet knew all about this search and this wild magical astral goddess teen queen, (SSJKK), or simply, ''SARAH''. Even mighty awesome STAR TREK's Gene Roddenberry seemingly predicted my song, 30 years earlier in 1966 on that wild episode an done of the first 3 or 4 ever made in that pilot opening year, titled, 'WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE B-4'! So what is this leading up 2? Well, it leads up into the endless entertainment industry, and Mister Carlos Castaneda, and his 'Dream-gates' book revelations, of dreaming-groups that do not even know each other while awake on the physical plane of human regular life, yet R part of something, and we can leave this right there 4 now, YO. Now remember that this pipe has the name of 'RUFALO' on it, unmissable and written with large clear lettering 4 all the world 2 plainly C every time that they go into, and out of, WORLD FAMOUS ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG. Now on top of this, that clump of land that on the Astral Plane is large and 5 times or more higher up, and is called VIQUEEN'S ISLAND, where the great SSJKK has HER great VIQUEEN'S MEETINGS every so often, is also known fully about, as I told many peeps the full story, hard as they all kept laughing at me the entire fracking glass time!!!!!!! No how much imagination in all honesty does it take 2-C the absurd parallel with the soon 2 come first decade movie called, '13 Going on 30'? We have the name of Rufalo, and then we have the name of the gang of girls, only rather than being called the VIQUEEN'S, they R given the Roman Numeral name of VI or 6, the 6 CHICKS. Everyone reading this Morianity knows deep down that this is absolutely naught being made up, nor is the entertainment world naught screwing around with me, but there is a chance that it is a direct thing, and then it can always B the CARLOS CASTANEDA DEAL where literally, they all have a zero consciousness level mindedness 2 this entire nightmarish hellishness THAT THEY HAVE BEEN PUTTING ME THROUGH NOW 4 OVER 50 SOLID YEARS. The odds of all of this and then the antipollution commercial, where somebody took my voice back in 1969, from my shouting out my pal's name on the Atlantic City boardwalk, saying, ''Ziggy, Ziggy hello'' and using it on that wild TV ad-spot; would far exceed the odds necessary 2 win a POWERBALL LOTTERY JACKPOT, which is roughly 280 million 2 one chance, and I was told this by a professor at the Florida-USA IRSC, Fort Pierce Branch (Indian River State College)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've counted more than 90 deals in my kid's 2009 movie DVD, and a round figure of the absolute total since about 1981, and don't die on me anybody, is 4,238 items. Peeps; if I am 99 percent nutso and paranoid, that still leaves one percent of that figure, or 42 items that MUST B, at a bare bones minimum, all that I make claim here of!!!!!!!

Fantastic job tonight, lovely Mizz K-Harris; WOW-5,000, as they say in many dimensions that R approximately 260 years out into the antimatter reflections, or (the future). U GO GIRL!!!!!!! U had that monster on the ropes really well, and stood your ground so fantastically. Gee willagars.

      Photos of the Day


WAXING GIBBOUS------------(W-X-G)

WANING GIBBOUS-----------(W-N-G)








Several things on this Earth-Planet R way more dangerous than any arsenal of atomic bombs, and THAT is a promise, a MO promise; Mountainpen or Monique. The differences in the promise, R not with the material, but merely with the physicality, whereby the one is all big gorgeous muscle, while the other is shrimpy soft messy flab. So just what is the promise?: Simple really, good peeps. All the nuke bombs in creation can only go boom and put the lights out, perhaps in quick or slow lingering agonizing ways, but there r worse things than death and even physical torment and suffering with excruciating pains. It will require most folks 2 go beyond their human life B-4 ever being able 2 truly C and or realize, that even worse than those things, is lingering life, with darkness and ignorance all around, day and night, forever and ever and ever and ever, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There, I've said it, so go and laugh at me all U want 2, oh weerlld aldare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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