Saturday, May 6, 2023



CHAPTER 12, 'GOSDH'----Saturday, 05/06/2023

Today, all of the mother ******* rock chucking runt slapping worms and cum-puke-her viruses and keystroke BH-HACKS seem 2B all right back into this machine beginning this goddessdog miserable super HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC DISEASED ASS MOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNING, that is holding at best around between BOTBUR and GL-MA-one and one-eighth points on this charted daily rating system (CDRS) that originally began in middle or late July somewhere in the year of 1982 and while living still at the illustrious awesome wonderful 1802 ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS OF VOORHEES TOWNSHIP, NJUSAESMWG. Right now I am testing with the internet connection still on but after logging off of the BDC web-site, and then we'll C what happens when I pull the internet plug out of my futhermucking COMCAST MODEM SYSTEM altogether, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The TECHY DUDE at the PSL-FL-USA WALMART STORE insists as all techies and peeps always do with me, that NO HACKER HAS DONE ANYTHING 2 THIS PC-DEVICE, only I absolutely know that this is simply 100 percent untrue!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first major thing that this hack starts effing with is MOUSE JUMPING whenever I highlight and wish2 make some text alterations. But the space-bar-hacks and the mouse-jump-hacks R merely the very beginning, as there R literally over a dozen wild hacks besides these two, and it makes using the system virtually impossible or at least beyond extremely effing ass difficult as all damn ass lights out, YO BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When this hacking gets as serious as it is today, I even get the strange LETTER-ADDITIONS/DELETIONS HACK, and 4 an example, when I tried correcting a small error, suddenly the following three sentences or so had red wavy correction lines on various words where once I figured out what was done,I realized that the two letters of effing “OD” had been removed from those words that naturally would now show up as needing corrections, great ATTORNEY GENERAL AND SHERIFF, AND ANYONE OUT HERE WHO MAY JUST B INVESTIGATING THE VARIOUS FORMS AND TYPES OF ELDER AND SENIORS ABUSES, being done on innocent victim citizens, who R totally LEEEEEEEEEGAL citizens may I add in here pweeeeeeeeeeeeze; in this nation. I was born free and legal at 9:30 on the moUUUUrning of 4 December, in 1954, at the Montgomery County Pennsylvania Bryn Mawr Hospital, and I am as legal as legal can B, CUZZ, or 2 quote U quite accurately great sir; “LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGAL”!!!!!!!!! Well, the mouse jumping and mouse not functioning in any way the way it normally should and does, is back, so let me try and unplug the internet and C if this helps, and if naught, we will have 2 go back 4 a goddamn ass 4th visit 2 Mister TECHY. One thing no matter what peeps, I ain't gonna' go trucking 'nowheres' today, as they say in 'dadamnass ghetto', YO! This may have solved my problem,as the hack just may only work when this PC is connected 2 the goddessdog gin-her-sweat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am playing with the mouse and it so far is not all hacked and effed up, YO BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's ashame because I futhermucking like making blog corrections by reviewing the posts on the actual blogger dot com (BDC) site and then with my document still up, merely minimizing the monitor screen back and forth, going back 2 make all the needed corrections that I catch while rereading off of the BDC website. Now with this ILLEGAL HARASSMENT & PERSECUTION OF ME; OH SHERIFF, ATTORNEY GENERAL, FBI, FCC, ANY AGENCY OPERATING 2 PROTECT ELDERS & SENIORS OUT HERE, AND ALL OF U; I won't B able 2 do it, and I suppose this was the SPACEFORCE-SPAMMENIES plan all along,anything 2 screw up and or degrade any and everything in this life that I ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever attempt doing, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, ME' BREEEEEEEEE and maybe U-R correct as well here Mister HELLWRECKER-SPELLCHECKER, ME' BREakdowns, on or off GRANT AVENUE, or ACADEMY ROAD, or even the world renown great illustrious Earthly Lineland (highway) I-95!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Shirley Bite-Glands, take it easy with me, lest I'll start throwing effing lamps against the damn walls again either down here in Fort Pierce, or up in Cinnaminson; back in 19-84, Mister all things always Connectable-Einstein-MACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MAGNESONIC, if don't get these pricks off of my back, this entire world is gonna' blow up soon, and THAT-IPY, so 'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM', and all general and special orders, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, normally I would not go as far as I am going this 2023 year, but if the MACYFORCE-SPACEFORCE insists on forcing me 2 so do, then WELLLLLLLL Mister President Nixon Sir, what must B must Doris Day B, I suppose. Lots of crazy people and folks literally driven beyond totally nuts resulting from TOSE and various wild hyperspace caused events, R at least known and explainable by me from all the wild stuff shared directly as well as indirectly with me by the 2 women of my life in various ways, the lovely Mizz Patricia H-Hollister-H, and also, the great LIGHTNING GODDESS DIAN ARTEEMIS. Recently that combination however is making a whole lot of sense that B4, made about none whatsoever. As stated, the cold water faucet in my home bathroom sometimes works easily and without one sound made when turning it, and then other times it is quite a bit harder 2 work and makes a god awful annoying sound when turning it on and off, and nothing that is messed up is going 2 just repair itself, & then go back again; and on and on. It just does NAUGHT work like that, lovely Mizz 1983 Blake, but then there is a lot more than these things involved in what Mountainpen and his Morianity label and name, the TOSE or TOWEL SEEPAGE EFFECT OF TRANSDIMENSIONAL HYPERSPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will give U alla giant example, and stuff like what I'm now about 2 say and tell, once upon a 'non-fairytale time' folks out here, I'd never ever go this far as 2 say it; but it is now a lot more than just having the damn fun circles 2 do it, oh BEACH-BOY-LIFEGUARD of 1970, sir FRANK CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC AND CALLIO, OH SIR SPELLCHECKER-HELLWRECKER!!!!!!!! B4 going on,the hack is still in the system and the PC will need 2B clean-wiped again at the TECHY-JOINT, oh Mister Steve Winn, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not connected 2 internet, and it is just as bad now as it ever was, YO!!! Let's finish this up and stop blogging until next week after the next-repair job is done, and he only charges me when he does something such as what originally was done there, as he knows that I am trying 2 save up 2 buy a new system at the Walmart there and then 2 have him install a new word program; as well as instal internet-firewalls and virus protections. Yes, I will need 2 pay 4 that, but it will B more than worth it as I cannot suffer through this much shullbit and concentrate on my blogs as well, it simply is damn impossible. Now recently anyone who keeps up with news and current events knows about what happened in an Atlanta, Georgia “medical office” about a week ago or so. A man who was taken off of his ATIVAN ANTI-ANXIETY MEDICATION and then given a new and less addictive drug, which is an absolute and direct quote from the news media peeps, and he ended up going and shooting a lot of peeps there. Recently I've been posting a lot of stuff about my situation, both the condition that was suddenly and very mysteriously thrust upon me on the night of 4 June in 1983, the soon 2 follow medical place that I've jokingly referred 2 several times now as Shirley's Magical Laboratory, and the great United States © Copyright Office has 2 this very day, the telephone conversation between myself, and this wild magical technician-assistant there, where we were discussing my attempts at dosage reductions of that very medicine that I had recently been prescribed 4 my chocking condition nearly a year earlier, called, “ATIVAN”, now its generic is often used,called Lorazepam. I thought I was gonna' use my easy chair 4 a damn toilet when I was watching the Muir World News Program on my streaming service,and heard all of this, back last goddessdog week, YO PEEPS!!!!!!!! Things such as this however that would drive anyone else totally mad in short ass order, because they have absolutely no awareness whatsoever on stuff concerning what Mountainpen calls the TOSE of 'hyperdimensionallity', R merely 4 me peeps, PAR 4 THE COURSE. Still, I did jump a quarter mile,just not a light year if these things were happening around anyone of U on a constant & continuous basis, and IPYT, YOYO YO YO-HEE, ME' DAMN BRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! Hey FBI, doubt me do U? Well then, just check this all out 4 yourselves at the U. S. © Copyright Office, and I think that the music project 1984 title was called, “WHAT'S WRONG”, YO BRAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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I TINK THE L&O-SVU SAVANT, gorgeous little Katy would say it a wee bit like this me FWWWWWOLKS:


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