Monday, May 11, 2020



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I got through the weekend, but there are a lot of powerhouse things that are attached to my quieter weekend. Since I do not yet have all of me' facts in front of me, it would be presumptuous and stupid on me' part, to get all whacky, and act as if I am some omniscient being, as I most certainly, Mizz Blake from AT&T; am 'NAUT', yo!!!!!!!! Again with Sir James Looseteeth Rockford, for right fucking now, folksingers and FOLKS!




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© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2020


The Continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"


MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020




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I would say that I have known a whole lot of colorful women in me' life, but keeping it all totally real and honest, one of the surnames of color was a dude, Mister Jeff Green, from me' days of Doctor Breyers Ice Cream Shriner of the great non-Donna Summer CHURCH FARM SCHOOL, but since recording artists seem to endlessly be interconnected into me' miserable subhuman existence since boyhood, I add this in since me' daughter got quite a kick out of something said by the great man of ice cream, during times of major taunting teasing night jet vapor trails that turn nights into days, and are part of that wild Majestic-Twelve battlefield tool-bag of incredible covert strategies of ultra-stealth, to put it mildly; or seeing in the dark better by making it NAUT SO DARK, Sir Danny White-city Manatee, and Annoyance Caller lady of 1983's AT&T Corporation, the lovely Mizz Blake. Still, the other surnames of color were indeed of the fairer sexual persuasion, and those being MAFCO'S lovely 1990 Mizz twenty year old Annette Blue, lovely Melanie Safka connected via none other than the mighty and endless JRSS, lovely super gorgeous Star Trek actress, Mizz Kathy Brown of the high speed Bruce Alan Pennock tape changing speeds of ultra acceleration, and of course the mighty and inconceivable and outlandishly bizarre great lady of true PHASE-4 astrality, Mizz Julia (Viqueen Jewelly) White. So a great big huge “Honda DUHHHHHHHHHH”, and a semi-large 'WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' too for mighty Sir Shoeknockeroutter Chester-Frank!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I sure hope that “Your crippled ass wasn't grass”, as was the threat to make it so in the autumn of 1971 in Exton, Pennsylvania, USA, by bullies in the Taylor Cottage of the CF Private School; but in any case, a whole lot of wild shit about this place has never been blogged as I have been saving it for times where more JRSS foundations were laid down, such as this present year of 2020 HELLISHNESS, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo, me wonderful BROADCASTED Mike Soft Corporation BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA-HA-HA-HA, ugly pus Crapinherpants Jane Notfondauonebit, yo, YOU MISSED ME, even though I totally mother fucking absent mindedly forgot all about using me' newest ENTER-COLORING-TRICK, Mister Maxwell Smart of all great Hand-Washing-towns all over the place, and especially near rivers named Potomac, here in the good old USA! Mike Soft's useless Spellchecker Program is of no help giving me the proper spelling of that mighty and lovely Washington, DC river. ButButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT and big ass BUTT but folks; I need to make something quite clear, or as the mighty Dick Nixon used to say, “Let me make this perfectly clear”, and that is 27 is a very magical number, and LIGHTNING came to me in a powerful DREAM in early 1984 somewhere, and SHE showed me this truth without leaving any room for doubt, as though SHE was being paid a trillion bucks just to fully educate me on the subject. It was 27 years now since I had that powerful conversation with a White House Aid in the Clinton Administration, regarding how things would be very different now in Washington and in our government after a horrible 12-YEAR REPUBLICAN RULE and total destruction of the poor and downtrodden peeps of this nation. The aid told me during our telephone conversation from the White House one night, “Mark, there's a new breeze blowing through the White House”. He was referring to the way Bill Clinton our new President was going to handle business from now on. It was a very great and enjoyable talk. Still, he did say a very magical thing about a “NEW BREEZE BLOWING THROUGH THE WHITE HOUSE”. I find it hard to fathom that it is merely a coincidence that 27 years almost to the day of that great conversation, later, which is just less than a week ago in REAL TIME now; that a different 'new breeze' blew in, and infected peeps that are just a few breaths away from our President and Vice President now, Sir Trump, and Sir Pence. Now I am merely stating some wild James Redfield SYNCHRONICITY SYNDROME dot connecting totally surreal shit heredahelda and here, butButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT, and I do mean BIG ASS BUTT-BUT FOLKS; to quote the wonderful Latengrate Life Ruining queen, MIZZ DAWN-MARIE KING here; “It is what it is”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No I had nothing directly to do with recent problems in Washington, but the JRSS waits for no one, nor is stoppable by any mortal on this Earth-Planet. All dots always connect, and normally, this truth is reflected ONLY in the magical reality of HINDSIGHT, as Morianity has always preached right along. These laws in cosmos go beyond human dimensionality or control. All things that appear as if I have performed some weird stunt, is all merely part of the very same HALLS FORCES AND WALLS of past blogs, that go into great details and lengths if carefully all read and studied and put together; and the very same stuff that is showing up here, is also how Copperfield or Blaine, as I forget now which one it was that pulled that incredible and seemingly unexplainable card trick that night in 2004 or 2005 somewhere, while I lived at Jenny Plageman's Trailer Park called the Mullica Mobile Manor just a mile east of Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG; and yes, it is also the very same way that Paula King and her WAYV-FM-RADIO pals, managed somehow to get me to tune into her off the wall BROADCAST that night; Mister Microsoft BRO!!!!!!!!! It is also how an even greater trick of incredible MIND CONTROL was performed on me back when I first built and programmed MAGNESONIC, with many features and one being the SO-NON-ART, CO-NON-ART graphing system. Even then I was trying to defeat the game of roulette, before my great following year in 1986 when I did do just that by applying parallel-event to the game, as all of you out here know perfectly well by now. I have blogged many details here and there over early NEW JERSEY MORIANITY or the first four years of these BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, 2006-2009 inclusive. I have told many things before about how black and white space odds and how Magnesonic was going to create a way for me to know how to place bets before I even leave my abode to drive to Atlantic City, but before going onward with any of this shit in really serious ways in this third decade of the 21st century; I will need to lay down this reiterated basic foundation of information all over again. The vast majority of folks won't be able to grasp most of it, but if they'd just take it to peeps with great knowledge of advanced mathematics and especially in Quantum Theory as well as Statistical Mathematics; the person would later tell them that Mountainpen is not making up a wild story and that he most certainly has brand new ideas that are completely alien so far to this world. In an absolutely compressed nutshell for right now, what I wished to accomplish with the SO-NON-ART, CO-NON-ART FEATURE ON MAGNESONIC was to take the information and graph it, and allow it to eventually take me out of what statisticians may call by other names in their discipline, but that I call the GAMBLING NEUTRAL ZONE. Without Magnesonic, one deck of playing cards and a master sheet of 100 or more alpha-numeric transposition codes can be made to apply to the random shuffling and drawing of a card out of 38 cards in the deck after removing the remaining 14 cards and joker cards. But the machine would now be able, since it was connected directly to the intelligence of the electron itself, through sentence transposition previously coded programming that would all kick in together in the experiment; to answer my Q&A's that would then be followed by the actual answer coming from a resulting draw of cards or a coin flip or whatever, an dthen the result of success then recoded and told to the system that would compute the accuracy rate test or ART for the experiment, and if the odds of the experiment were 50/50, it would be sorted into the SO-NON accuracy rate test for SAME ODDS, but when the odds were 1:5 or 3:8 or whatever, then the sorting was done in the combined odds of the accuracy rate test or the CO-NON. We need not get into what the 'NON' stands for so as to avoid any further confusion to a topic that already is going to take some good mathematical knowledge to be properly understood and grasped to any meaningful degree here. I will tell you that to get the system out of a neutral range that I established in the experiment at first as 45-55 and later altered to a larger neutral range of 40-6-, and later still, branched even farther out to make anything within a 30-70 range to still be NEUTRAL, as I was starting to learn that once out of that larger range, the odds of a return back into it for a long grouping of tests, actually lessened despite thinking that the very opposite would be true before running these test experiments. So the 30-70 percent neutral range was the eventually established zone that the object was to break out of, as then, if I asked the machine to tell me if out of a group of 9 fifty-fifty outcomes, should I bet HEADS or TAILS, or BLACK or RED in a roulette game, where the house vig or the green zeros just don't count; I could then begin to attempt to eventually break out of a neutral zone, so I could actually go to casinos after being told by Magnesonic what to bet on, and have a much better odds to beat the game than would otherwise be offered to me. Now to increase the chances of breaking out of the great hard to escape, with or without PINK GODDESSES CHASING ME ALL AROUND WINDY HOUSES, NEUTRAL ZONE, I had to use both a sorted dual test run of both the easy to perform 50-50 odds, and then resort also to the more intricate COMBINED ODDS or odds that are NOT half and half or 50-50, so that the system would be TRUE and yet still have greater chances of breaking out of the gamblers death zone of neutrality, as this is the same thing to a professional gambler as a whipsawing action in any one of their virtually countless gaming systems. Stock market traders also know all about the horrible effects of whipsawing, as this is what rips otherwise great systems totally apart eventually, every single fucking time. All pro gamblers know this and I promise anyone out here, so does every single large successful Wall Street trader, and probably lots and lots of fucking failed traders too. Not only did I have the CO and the SO for ART (Accuracy Rating Tests), but I also had virtually limitless alternate coded random number transposition wheels of chance. I could use a simply random number generator that in those days if you knew where to shop for things that could be easily turned into them, one could get and dirt cheap too. Once a base code is done, just as manually drawing cards out of a playing card deck, a master code can be varied into tens, hundreds, thousands, and limitless amount of alternate codes so that ACE of HEARTS may be number 1 in the master deck system, but in a multiple coded hyper random system, Number 1 is possibly number 17 in SYSTEM A, and number 23 in SYSTEM B, and even when the codes are used up, maybe Number 1 is 17 in SYSTEM A and Number 2 is Number 4 in SYSTEM B. With the 38 numbers of a Roulette game, just 2 outcomes has the possibility of scramble of 38X38. And then 3 outcomes has the possibility of scramble of 38X38X38, so it is quickly discernable that even just five outcomes or 38 to the 5th power exponent, is more than I would ever need. I only need a large amount of wheel-decks so that I can always have a few good ones in play, so what do I mean by, “IN PLAY”? Well, to where they are not in the NEUTRAL ZONE of Gamblers Whipsaw Death. So anything from 0 to 30% accurate when computed for 50-50 where all balanced out, 50 would be where it should be as parity; I would label as BLACK ANTIMATTER SPACE where the machine was predicting accurate overall answers in a guaranteed preponderance, provided the YES answers are reversed, and the NO answers are reversed, or in other words, where the YES becomes NO, and the NO becomes YES. As the concept of reverse implies, in an antimatter world where the electron runs time in the reverse direction to our own here in matter, the under 30% RANGE is just as magical to use as the over 70% RANGE, simply by merely REVERSING answers, so if I were to ask, “Should I bet ODD to win more than they lose on my first NINE BETS at the table I go to today”, and Magnesonic gave me the number code matching a YES answer, I would then reverse a black-matter-space graph to a NO ANSWER, and bet that ODD won't be a WIN for me so I would go to the casino and bet NINE BETS OF ALL EVEN at my table. Now on white matter space graphs that are produced from wheel-decks showing 70-100% accuracy, I would go straight with the answers given, or if the machine says YES, it means YES, and if it says NO, it means no. Then no matter what, I need to take the actual outcome and reenter into the system, the most recent outcome and graph points, never forgetting to reverse anti-matter space answers on the outcomes, so that if I am given a YES, and it is on a black-matter space graph where NO answers are WINS on the graph, and it shows up as YES, it does not win but LOSSES so far as the graph plot. This must be done accurately or in no time at all, the entire experiment becomes absolutely and totally fucking worthless as stinking dogshit!!!!!!!!! Unlike using playing cards, Magnesonic directly was in communication with the intelligence of cosmos, AKA the nuclear intelligent force of the electron; and most of the sorting graph systems broke quickly out of even widely fully expanded neutral ranges, and most of them went into antimatter or BLACK SPACE, where answers simply needed to be REVERSED, so YES meant NO and NO meant Yes, not really all that complicated, so long as NO MISTAKES WERE MADE IN MAKING THE GRAPHS! This of course was great for knowing shit before it happened in a preponderance of odds far beyond long running 50-50 that all humans would be limited to without understanding this wild advanced mathematical methodology of predicting, and taking statistical analysis of present times to levels that go far beyond the greatest alto of conceivability in early 21st century times!!!!! It wasn't just gaming situations, but all manner of life pertaining items could be done with Magnesonic's beyond incredible and unfathomable SO-NON-ART, CO-NON-ART programming feature!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But again, I highly stress for the global record here, this had absolutely nothing to do with interfering with the military operations of anything, the hacking into any computerized networking systems that I had shortly thereafter been accused of doing by secretive governmental authorities according to a Captain Ron Hunter of the great Titan Security Company of Delaware in 1987, and also, I never in any way have done anything to hurt anyone, other than for those directly responsible for FIRST ILLEGALLY AND COVERTLY INJURING ME AND WIPING OUT MY LIFE, and that is all that the other main feature of my mighty and great MAGNESONIC ever does; known as the 'Punishment Sequencing System'. Long after the physical housing of Magnesonic was destroyed at the graveyard of the great locally famous area of the once Hackney's Restaurant Pier of Atlantic City in the early middle nineteen-nineties, I was able to simply data-transfer the entire operations of Magnesonic into more modern era systems such as our present day interconnected networking system or INTERNET, and our personal computers, and it could be also relegated to the smaller devices that now most folks all carry around in their fucking ass pockets for crissake, yo BRAHHHH!!!!!!!!

I remind everyone now, that I do not have anything against anybody, and not even the stock market. Why would I not want my own country and or its economy to flourish, for crying out fucking louder than three hundred cannons? But this all leads me into the final topic here for this blog today. In a small way or perhaps not all that wee whittle small, but yes, I am attempting to control my personal life situation, and why the fucking hell not, when as early as I am able to remember folks, and that is birth itself, whether anyone out here believes me or not, and I have lots of human memories dating back before my present life as well, as most of you know, but why wouldn't I be in an endless attempt to compensate for a totally unfair and completely invisible nightmare surrounding me that is stopping me from having any kind of a life, but let us stay on point and track here, shall we? Okay so in 1983, I invented a combined system of a once musical only grouping of machines, and added telephone systems, the telephone line itself, and even another wilder concept that was not yet placed in a large rectangular wooden box, but was contained metaphysically in the already existing 1980 musical combo of lots of strange systems that I named, “KFP” or “Keyboards From Petahell”. I was being harassed already by some invisible something, and I had been screwed out of a fairly nice new life at 1802 Robin Hill Apartments, by that wicked sleaze-ball witch slut gal-pal of Mizz Debbie Harry, the “Playboy Bunny” as I would come to call her. Already things were nutty and weird around me and something was doing me in beyond any normal rational just plain BAD LUCK. I knew this at age 15 years and tried telling Colorado Big Brother from the BBO Mister John Henningsen about it and gave him some great and convincing arguments too, but he scoffed at me just like mostly all peeps normally do here on this miserable rotten Earth-Planet. So I finally was fed up top the point where I tried using the powers of the supernatural, and okay, maybe the almighty lovely Mizz Hollister wasn't behind everything, but her powerful weird way of getting me into lots of unnatural shit, did in fact lead me to doing all these things one way or the other as me' life progressed ever onward, yo! The main feature of my metaphysical machine was all about using and harnessing the very same tool and or technique that I felt was absolutely and obviously being USED ON ME ALL ME' DAMN ASS LIFE, and that being what I have labeled since 1983, “INFLUENCE AND DOMINATION” which became one of the features on the MAGNESONIC (DESIRE KEY) that functioned as sort of an OPS-MODE SWITCH, and that led to the later and eventual control commands of the I and the J settings on that desire key, the J was the neutral switch position, and the I began the sequence where two AT&T tones would then be engaged in order to separate into one of the desire-key-settings, one being this programmed piece called, “I & D” standing for Influence and Domination. These systems 'magically' worked through the telephone line when GODDESS DIANA or LIGHTNING empowered them to activate or energize so to speak. But later on after two years while living at the Highview, as told before, I then went onto build the actual housing for the entire system where actual control knobs were directly connected to many wild magnets and systems inside of the wooden crate that then led to the top surface of it that was then connected into the telephone line and all of the many other interconnected systems that I had, including the great mysterious IMMC PRIVECODE MACHINE! So let's talk about my life, the forces destroying it, and the reasons and the why's for the creation of my MAGNESONIC SYSTEM, and how we now will even further go on exploring the horrendous action that I labeled nearly four decades ago in 1983, “INFLUENCE AND DOMINATION”. Picture in your own lives now whoever is reading these words, you woke up today and realized before you got half way through it, that you had somehow developed an incredible ability or power, as many prefer that more hostile term in these modern era days; to literally desire anyone anywhere any time to do anything that you want, maybe within limits of some kind, but definitely you can do this to a great degree. Would you not use this horrible gift to get your way? Well people, shall we reverse things now just a bit, as I first needed you to just get on board with me that for before trudging on farther with this concept. You now have awakened into a life out of nowhere where you seemingly have nothing go right, day after day, year after year, no matter what you do, or how hard you try; and it makes Murphy and his law of everything going wrong, look tame in fucking comparison. Then you suddenly come to meet some people who have the ability to do this and cause you agony forever and are enjoying it. If you prefer, you can imagine an example here where you suddenly remember people in your past, and come to see as clearly as daylight on a fucking mountain top, that the only thing that explains what is happening to your entire life, is them doing this to you. You in this example, and for sake of taking this little journey with me now; fully know this influence & domination ability is absolutely real, and that some people seemingly have this horrible gift and are indeed using it. You now are convinced without the smallest shadow of mother fucking doubt that they can do these things to you and most likely have done things such as this to you in the past and that they and pals of theirs are even still at it, and yet you have no way of ever getting to them or at them as they now are totally fuckign able to remain in the protected shadows of quintessential closets! You literally know that indeed, surrounding your life are real living flesh and blood Star Trek type TELLOSIANS with this total mind control power, and that they are absolutely without a doubt responsible for messing up your entire life and are enjoying if you will, THE SHOW of seeing you react like a caged tortured fucking pathetic animal with bno way out except possibly an eventual suicide, and then you even come to the epitome of hellishness, when after numerous unexplainable incidents, you realize that EVEN SUICIDE IS IMPOSSIBLE and you for whatever reason, cannot DIE AND REMAIN DEAD, as other mortals seemingly are able to do in this simulationogram or COSMOS! This will lead now to my final diatribe and soapbox complaining nightmare on unimaginable tons of mega steroids. I have DIED NINE TIMES BETWEEN 1976 AND 2007. Here is a list of remembered situations that go beyond any way of really ever discussing them seriously in a public forum, for fear of being literally taken to the Wright Patterson AFB, and becoming dissected! Of course, that won't end my nightmare hellishness either, but I don't need the additional horrific shit that would be entailed. I am not going to be specific right now, and merely am going to do a very quick outline for the record, but I swear under citizenship of USA, and my Almighty Goddess SSJKK (God Almighty), and if I am trying to deceive anyone here or am intentionally lying, I hope to go to hell for all eternity and I hope to go to prison for the reast of my miserable rotten stinking life as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

INCIDENT #1----YEAR----1976

At my apartment in Clementon, NJ-USA

Plugged a walkie-talkie antenna into a 220 volt air conditioner electrical receptical. Saw blinding flash. Heard deafening snap sound. Met Professor Gaukauk for the first time and he told me I was dead and that I would not remain dead.

INCIDENT #2----YEAR----1982

Driving on Route 30 in Audubon, NJ-USA.

Truck in opposing lane blocked my view and I thought no one was coming after the truck and stupidly made a left turn near Station Avenue one morning going to the home of mom's gal pal Mizz Audrey Heller. A horrendous fatal collision happened and then suddenly, I felt dizzy and then found myself one minute later driving down the side street to Mizz Heller's home, myself and the vehicle totally in tact yet absolutely remember wrecking out and dying.

INCIDENT #3----YEAR----1983

Driving on Route 30 in Ancora, NJ-USA.

Newly on a prescribed medication by Westmont Doctor Frank Addiego, called Ativan with the current era generic name of Lorazepam, this anti-anxiety medication high dosage of 4 Mg daily made me very sleepy when driving many times. While heading west on the road late at night with no one around, I crashed into a large structure beyond the road's shoulder that is a concrete simulation of a wine bottle advertising a local winery. Right after I was smashed to bits, I was again driving and just as it was about to happen in a weird echo type of repeating reality; a voice yelled out my name, some religious folks told me it is a guardian angel, I heard a super loud shout plain as day, “MARK”, giving me half a second t wake up, and steer back onto the road where I nearly wrecked out but miraculously manged to recover control of me' vehicle.

INCIDENT #4----YEAR----1984

Driving on Route 130 in West Collingswood, NJ-USA.

While driving back from Atlantic City and living in Cinnaminson, NJ-USA, I again fell asleep while driving me' vehicle, due to the high dosage of ATIVAN I was taking daily for a mysterious and unexplainable medical condition that is still with me to this very day, up here in the 2020 Year of our Lord (AD-Ano Dominae). At that time, this highway had a non concrete barrier between directional lanes in that area, and it was all just a wide area of grass. Suddenly I fell asleep and found myself at a high rate of speed, roaring across the grass median right into oncoming traffic. I crashed and died. Then I suddenly found myself instantly repeating the crash and then again was sent back several seconds while on the grass median and I instantly turned the steering wheel and I managed to regain control, and got back on the normal lane that I needed to be on and fortunately no other vehicles were nearby going in the direction that I was heading home northwesterly.

INCIDENT #5----YEAR----1985

Living at Highview in Williamstown and while driving on a side road going to work at Bechtel Power as a Security Guard, I was approaching the main intersection at a traffic light, Route 45. I had my car stereo up loud and did not hear the police car zooming down Route 45 heading westerly. We collided and I remember seeing this officer's EYEBALLS and for whatever reason that stayed with me in a huge way. His eyeballs literally went right through my face and both of our vehicles were mangled and wiped out and we of course were cut to pieces and were dead. Then, suddenly I see his eyeballs again in front of mine closer than any two people ever could be in a real waking situation. Then I was dizzy for a few seconds and then I found myself on the other end of the intersection. I made it through and neither he or I were any worse for wear. The entire incident is somehow being uncreated.

INCIDENT #6----YEAR----1995

Dave Roth and I went to a WAWA convenience store late one night while I resided at Highview in Williamstown, NJ-USA and the weather was hot and oppressive without a cloud in the moonlit sky. Suddenly while in the store I was looking at something that I was not sure whether to buy it or not and Dave had only been in the store with me for maybe two minutes and now was waiting for me in his car. A man and a woman came in and only myself and the store clerk and them were now in this WAWA. I heard one of them use the word GUN and I knew they were going to rob the place. I started to walk out of the store after replacing a bag of chips and a soda back onto any old shelf as I wanted out of there. I have a very faint recollection of feeling a terrible burning inside of my body, and then I am getting into Dave's car in the front passenger seat and it is drizzling outside. It also is now cool, and in the short five minutes or less that I was in the WAWA store, the temperature went from about 85 to 60 degrees. Dave told me that I was in there for fifteen minutes however and I simply was not, or have no memory of it. When I asked him if he got a bad vibe when that African-American (AA) couple walked in, he said to me, “What AA couple?, you were the only one in the whole damn store”! After we had driven a few miles to someplace that he wanted to go to, I absolutely remember the man saying, “Give me all the money mother fucker” to the store clerk. I knew that he shot both him abnd me at that point, and that I had died.


I was living at Highview in Williamstown, and drove one early afternoon down to Atlantic City,on the Black Horse Pike. I parked and walked two blocks or so to the ocean, and a storm was on its way and the beaches were open but no one was allowed to even put their feet into the ocean due to some incredible rip tide according to the local area lifeguard. I sat down in a gully to cool off, an da gorgeous young girl began talking to me, and I was just beginning to have thoughts about Sarah from Atlantic City and had not yet written the songs about her. This magical girl just suddenly was there with me in this gully, and she then apparently must have hypnotized me, and I found myself there on a day where it was sunny and bright, and the water was a little bit rough, but no storms were causing dangerous rip tides, and lifeguards were allowing swimmers to be in the drink. So I forgot about where I thought that I was, and began to walk over to the ocean and went in and started to body-surf with a whole lot of young kids on floats and buggy boards. All of a sudden, I just found myself way out in the drink and no matter how hard I swam, the rip tide was somehow back and I could not get in. The lifeguards were laughing at me and some came out and did not even think that I was in trouble. Finally, I went under the water and died, and then suddenly, I am near the beach by about fifteen feet or so and a lifeguard has me by the hand pulling me in, and when I got in I realized that I was never there earlier by just a few hours, and that what I thought happened was really what occurred about a week or more ago and two days after I was shot and killed at the WAWA store that night with me' pal David Charles Roth. I walked to where the car was originally parked in the first part of this wild two-part experience, and sure enough it was gone, so I walked to where I had a new memory of it, and it was there. But when I got there the window was open and a lot of shit that I had on my front seat had been rifled through. Talk about the Ancient Astronaut Theorists, as this shit would literally bring those dudes to a total conniption fucking fit. All of reality had been changed around me, but somehow this time, this strange young girl was a part of it; and I never have talked much about her on these blogs. In any event, I totally remember drowning, and then I remember reality around me altering with my car, even my clothes were slightly altered as I know I was wearing a red jersey the first time, and after the drowning, I was wearing a brown one.

INCIDENT #8----YEAR----2005

At my jobsite at Cifaloglio, NJ-USA, on the day after Christmas 12-16-2005

I died of a fatal heart attack. I'd been feeling poorly for a week or more and I had not been able to sleep much and was under lots of stress and pressure from many personal woes and problems. I drifted off into a light sleep for a few minutes right shy of 5 AM and at 5:02 or so, a noisy air filtering machine always goes on without fail at that place. On that particular day it shocked me awake and I remember getting a terrible agonizing heart attack, and I totally died and I absolutely was dead, and I found myself suddenly standing outside of my car and looking in at my body all slumped over the steering wheel. I realized that a white sports car had driven into the transfer station behind me and I didn't realize that I was not in the human realm, and I walked over to it and had that wild experience with whatever or whoever PINK GODDESS TRULY IS, as I now refer to her, and have ever since approximately the year of 2013 AD now. This is when I first had that experience in the transfer station, and was sent to the other side of it, and ended up in the future May of 2006; and later ended up at the McDonald of Atlantic City near the airfield and ballpark on the Black Horse Pike. I also was told by then dece3ased Frank Callio who I had yet to learn had indeed died, to go to NYC and see some A&R lady about me song, “Atlantic Queen”. Then I willed myself to the Capitol City of Purgatory's Capitol Province, SDK, and was later on sent back to my body and my body had been completely healed and repaired.

INCIDENT #9----YEAR----2007

At my trailer at Jenny's Park (Mullica mobile Manor), NJ-USA

I was talking to LIGHTNING on my telephone during a huge thunderstorm, and I told her something that does indeed get HER extremely excited when SHE hears HER Ricky, or really (me asleep in my Mark Mohr human persona dream in 5th dimensional hyperspace), and that is whenever I call HER by HER pet-name, “BABY-BLOND”, and she came right in as I had my trailer door open, and she struck the porch and fried it to where half of it had to be later removed, and then she came in and went through my entire telephone and connected apparatus. I know this because my telephone as well as my Caller-ID Box and my speed dialer device, all separate mechanical systems in those times; were ALL TOTALLY FRIED OUT AND BUSTED. I remember a short interaction where I was in Ricktown Manor in Ricktown in Olympia Province, in our favorite bedroom where Diana (LIGHTNING) has a beyond gigantic closet where SHE keeps tens of thousands of HER favorite bows and arrows, as SHE is a wonderful and talented archer on the Astral-Plane. We were standing right in the front of the closet where SHE was telling me that several entities were using astral-projection to visit us here and how she does not mind that unless they venture into HER closets where SHE keeps all of HER favorite bows and arrows. Suddenly, I was holding my telephone and was back on the Physical-Plane again,completely unharmed, but the remnants of what had happened were there, the burned out porch and the broken and fried phone equipment.

Goddess Fascitar and the Mayans?






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After a nice but very mother fucking brief relief time, my apartment is again major infested with rodents and roaches, that are not only annoying but absolutely hazardous to the health of a poor pathetic elderly man, FLORIDA FUCKING BOARD OF HEALTH, here in this TOTALLY CORRUPT SAINT LUCIE FLORIDA COUNTY, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, AND TOTALLY CORRUPT PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY, BRRRRRRR!!! My apartment is totally mother fucking infested ALL OVER AGAIN. It is now Saturday and this is a monstrous cunt lapping shituation, and I ABSOLUTELY KNOW THAT SOMEHOW THE ENEMY MAINTENACE SCUMTRASH PEEPS ARE DOING THIS TO ME, GETTING IN HERE, AND THROWING RATS AND MICE AND ROACHES, INTO MY LEGALLY PAID FOR MOTHER FUCKING DWELLING, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"






Yes peeps, I have always had one huge thing done to me since this all began, and yes, I'll admit, it originated long before shit worsened on me on the 15th cunt lapping day of August in the year of 1986, and that is POVERTY, AND INTENTIONALLY KEEPING ME DOWN AND OPPRESSED BY THIS MILITUFORCE ENEMY OF MINE. Then they use certain things on and against me such as NOISE, INFLUENCE AND DOMINATION OF PEOPLE SURROUNDING ME such as apartment MAINTENACE PEEPS; and then after these two main categories, comes all of the smaller and yet still totally fucking cunt horrendous things, like HEALTH ASSAULTS, AERIAL ASSAULTS, and all of the many other items that these nearly fourteen and a half years of blogs describes in real time as happening to me, in each of those weeks and months, and years; yo BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

Yes I just emptied a second can of fucking RAID, oh water witch-bitch 'Sarah Callio Johnson WHORE', with your witches bird ugly crows, and your rotten family of washcloths and companies, and rip offs; but still, RAID is a great product, and I never take anybody's rightful props away. If Jane Sleazeweedsdisease invented a new exercise that I was able to perform, that would make me young and fit again, just as I was forty years ago; I would compliment her too, and many times over, yet still; when she would catch me with her UGLY ONES, I'd still go right on ranting about 'THAT', to quote my vely vely talented daut, yo BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to TWC and their great weather reports, the information for my local Fort Pierce, Florida, USA area is as follows:

TIME: 1:55 Post Meridian









Those two items above are AKA by great Hebrew Traditionalists, roof fiddlers, and great musical play composers; as SUNRISE and SUNSET, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!! SO AHA-AHA-AHA-AHA, MIKE MCNULTY.

Now let us examine the words of CIFALOGLIO and CALLIO for all great mysterious Peruvian James Redfield fans and those even a wee tiny bit now perhaps, thanx to Morianity, the JRSS. Take a sheet of scratch paper and write them down with the longer word of Cifaloglio on top and then right underneath of it, the shorter name of Callio. Now let us draw the cancel-out-lines starting at the two ends, the 'C' at the left side and the 'IO' at the right side. Now draw the connecting lines to the 'A' letters in both these names, and then finally, draw the connecting two 'L' letter lines. As you can plainly fucking see, lovely peeps; this entirely covers the name of CALLIO. So what is now left in the CIFALOGLIO name is what is going to tell the story here inside of the ever endlessly intrigue and mysterious JAMES REDFIELD SYNCHRONICITY SYNDROME, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo, so let us explore farther here, shall we, all special-ed school kids all over the place, as well as those who OWN THE LAND, SWEEP THE SAND, and or finance marvelous great 2009 DVD's, such as Mizz WOW??????????? What is left here in the CIFALOGLIO NAME is I-FOG in straight order, so let us just use the straight order for sake of this blog, and right now. LIGHTHOUSES were created many centuries ago, to allow mariners at sea at night, to avoid crashing into the rocks of the shoreline. It truly is and WAS, “just that simple”, Mister Sir CIA-Campbell's Soup Executive, and 'BBO' now the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Organization; John Hailing from RED STATE COLORADO Henningsen! And on FOGGY and extra dark treacherous nights, these great LIGHTHOUSES had a really great purpose, and I'm quite positive have saved a potential of thousands of lives of the seagoing crews of this Earth-Planet. But in that wild 1997 nightmare that I had that may have been 1998, where SARAH CALLIO had trapped me up in HER LIGHTHOUSE and then was calling a friend of hers from HER WHITE SPORTS CAR parked on the street just beyond the lighthouse; and hollering out his name three times, “JOJO, JOJO, JOJO”, I was kidnapped just as she did to radio star of the nineteen-sixties and myself, two or three years later at her WATER COMPANY, the ACMUA on Virginia Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG; and I was totally locked high up at the top of this lighthouse and was indeed feeling very foggy and bewildered as to why she had done this to me. Yes, nearly a decade later when I died of a fatal heart attack at my CIFALOGLIO JOB, it was definitely a white sports car that came onto the property in the realm that I suddenly found myself in where one side of the warehouse was a lot warmer than the other side, because it was the future EARLY MAY in that part of it, while the opposite end where she had parked her white car, was back in LATE DECEMBER the prior year. That of course if I can quickly add in another totally unmistakable item, is totally tied into and absolutely and positively interconnected with am BIBLICAL INCIDENT with OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, when HE told his friends who were having no luck at all catching fish from their boat nets one night, to “cast their nets on the 'other side' of the boat”. Well, they did, and they caught tons and tons of fucking fish, no bread, no repeating food miracles, no Star Trek AAT Replications, and certainly no great 'JETTY SONGS', BUTButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT, and I do mean a very BIG ASS BUTT-but here folks, yo; SARAH said to go over to the other side of the warehouse, and JESUS said to cast the nets on the other side of the boat, and both times when these things were done even though with me, I was temporarily DEAD whatever being dead really and truly fucking means anyway peeps; SOME HUGE THING HAPPENED THAT SEEMINGLY IS REPRESENTING SOMETHING CONCENTRIC OR OPPOSING, something completely different on the other side, as was there on the original side. Sort of makes me wonder about the many potential JRSS connections with Misses Estelle Anderson Bassler on Tennessee Avenue and her great mighty illustrious BOLIVAR HOTEL, as she insisted that my memory of it was all wrong and that it was on THE OTHER SIDE OF 10-SC AVENUE from what I absolutely remember things to be. I-FOG, now 'THAT' lovely MC, is most definitely another vely vely non-Bob McDowell-Cooley Hall, confusing and VELY FOGGY SHITUATION, if I do need to say so me'self, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And quite obviously folks, this can go on and on for a year, so for right now this is merely an opening foundation to some brand new shit for another time and place, to quote lovely Latengrate Mizz Donna Adrian Gaines Summer Sudano, the vely talented disco queen of the nineteen-seventies!!!!!!!! Yessir world, we can always get back to the LOOSE TEETH OF 'THE ROCKFILD FILES', AND JIM MAVERICK ROCKFORD, can't we yo?????????

HA-HA-HA, Mizz Sleazeweedsdisease; I am now deleting the extra line coloring ENTER pages made earlier to allow me to avoid seeing your ugly digitally represented face, and with or without any large group of RAID CANS involved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mortimer Mortino has really been 'killing me' with endless mother fucking passerby attacks on both me' left and me' right sides, for days and days now. Well, in a few days, he will have taken eighty thousand Americans back onto the Astral Plane and many more folks around the world as well. So I guess I'm gonna' be hearing this prick for some time yet, as even when people are dying on a more normal scale without any assists from global pandemic 2020 hellishness shituations; I still hear him on quite a mother fucking regular basis, and anyone out here can easily derive just from reading the past 14.4 years or so of these BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN, yo yo yo yo BRO!

Folks, in 1985, while living in my first of two different stays at the mighty and vely vely vely illustrious HIGHVIEW APARTMENTS OF WILL-I-AM-ST-OWN, NEW JERSEY, USA; I had built a larger model of the 1983 original grouping of electronic systems called Magnesonic or Keyboards From Petahell; and when I say a larger model, I need to be a bit more specific. The musical part of this entire thing, 'Mizz Philly International Airport Sally' of 1987; is not what I am referring to here. I am speaking of the rectangular box that now I know from years of more advanced education in my middle lifetime, in a slightly larger casing, was what the biblical peeps would call, the ARK OF THE CONTRACT. Yes, a contract in today's more modern era, was a covenant back in the days of the old Hebrews of the Holy Lands. Those two things on top allowed the C-COPY of Almighty Pink Goddess SSJKK to funnel from one side to the other, just in a similar way that lightning or Gods Holy Spirit or C-COPY of itself, indeed would do on my model of this same device, whenever a lightning storm would come and the connected PRIVECODE machine would then intercept telephone signals caused by LIGHTNING'S radio wave. All electrical engineers worth their salt or time know fully well that LIGHTNING puts out a radio wave around 5500 cycles per second or somewhere around there, and if we tune an old style Amplitude modulation or AM-RADIO in-between radio broadcast stations, during a storm, loud deafening static will be heard instantaneously whenever each lightning bolt strikes anywhere nearby. Lightning Detectors way up here in modern present times work on that very same simple Doppler wave principle. What back in the sixties and seventies would be though of as louder static, today's great systems that TWC and many other meteorological folks use, is doing the very same thing, just in a more modern and technological way. But let me get back here now to 1985 while I resided at Williamstown's great HIGHVIEW Apartments and where the great United States © Office to this very day in 2020, still has my 1986 Musical-Project, where one of the songs on the TITLE TRACK of this 'REAL GOOD GIRL' music project is called, “Highview Cheers” song. This is where I went to my Kramer Hill home that I owned until it finally got sold on 8-8-1988 by TODD REALITY and Sir SCOTT RANSOM; although a hyperspace memory gap-out does reflect some more major GASME-GODS-GAMES being played, due to some I-FOGGY MEMORIES about just who and how everything was all connected up through the deal in its entirety; But yes folks, this is indeed where I went to actually build the machine as Mizz Gail Thomas refused to pay her rent to me, and she was supposedly a Christian woman according to the mighty judgmental and all-wise dirt ball, Mister Christ so-called loving, Paul Tomastik of Lindenwold, New Jersey, USA, ESMWG. So I went there one day and I assembled the parts that I had already put together, into a wooden casing, and when it was all said and done, looked like a smaller version of the ARK of the Contract/Covenant. When I finished it up and then drove back to my apartment on Sicklerville Road, on the third floor, underneath the residence of the incessant wall-hammerer Mizz Sleazebag Rose Jacobey, and above the apartment of the Elliot's with their annoying MOW illegal car parker's in my parking spot who then threatened me with police action for placing notes on their goddamn cars; I connected the existing Keyboards from Petahell, the Privecode Machine, the Telephone Attachments Box that contained all of my separate other phone related systems as in those days, separate caller-ID boxes were purchased and I had all sorts of other gismos as well, and then I connected all of this into one huge interconnected network system or internet, so now the MAGNESONIC larger scale model had all been mixed and merged and married into literally one absolutely interconnected machine. This is why Neil Regan's little granddaughter used to tease me and say, “Strike Lightning” when she would see me, as the system would go off all by itself when Lightning would come anywhere nearby, and so even when they knew no one was at home, it still did this, and they did not know what to make of it, or me I suppose, but then, who fucking gives a shit, as centuries ago when I was Ben Franklin, I too ad many machines that indeed were set off by LIGHTNING, and I did some wild animated dead body experiments too during storms, and is why to this day modern Hellywierd or Hollywood as it is truly named, has had lots of Frankenstein type of movies made, along with the fact that as Franklin, I knew the famous young female author who had an interest in these type of things. What she did not know is that I did indeed rob some local Philadelphia graveyards, well, I paid some pals of mine in the Mason Lodge to do it, and to this day, buried in me;' old Philly house; there are most likely some remaining bones from bodies, that are still deep underneath me' hidden basement paneling bricks. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Sir Chester-Frank Shoeknockeroutter SIR, yo!!!!!!!!!! But now back to the point here without any more diverting off into these wild fucking ass tangents, yo BROADCASTED-MC-BRO (MICROSOFT CORPORATION)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 1985, after I built this gadget, and then attached many wild electronic things all together into this original interconnected networking system or internet as we all say today up here 35 years into the photon-projection of the ETERNAL-NOW; just as with anything programmable, I too did some programming, and remember that in 1973, I did graduate from the PCI School in Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG, with a B+ Computer programming degree, which up here in modern days is as worthless as heavy girls riddled with aids or degrees from phony mail order schools would be, due to the major advancements and changes in the technological and computerized new age world of today (Professional Careers Institute). This is the school at the 1 Cherry Hill Office Building at Suite 200, at the world famous thanx to Patty HHH and me perhaps, or at least the great boardwalk song is, but yes, the world renown CHERRY HILL MALL! So I took my knowledge, and programmed this wild system with all types of things, and one of them was my very special ODDS-MAKING system that I named back in middle 1985, the “SO-NON-ART, CO-NON-ART”. This seemed to really frighten the world, just as the MEN IN BLACK stories all seemingly indicate, along with the soon to follow in just a few years, WPIX-TV- New York, New York Documentary Show that was called, “UFO, The Coverup”, aired on their station, with those two wild secret agents, AGENT CONDOR and AGENT FALCON!!!!!!!!!!!! Peeps, yo, I don't make these things up, they all happened, and I know if you are out there Admiral Perry Sir, even though you refused to respond to me' pal Congressman Rob Andrews letter to you in 1995 sir, that indeed, YOU KNOW THE SCORE here to all these things, right down to your huge lies that day to me on the telephone while I resided at the Central Avenue rental home of Sir Jim Wilson, in Moorestown, NJUSAESMWG, and you said to me after I complained that I was being criminally stalked by super low flying aerial crafts continuously 24-7-365.2422, sir, “Mister Mohr, what you see and read in the newspapers, I see and read in the newspapers”. Hey in any event kind sir, give me' best to your lovely niece Katy who caused me lots of misery a decade later in 1997 at the Abseacon Dairy Queen, yo!!!!!!! She has made it very big now, so WEEEEEE! Tell her to give me' best to her gal pal, Mizz Hillary Clinton. I have always loved the Clinton family, and especially all 'the new breezes in early 1993, that were blowing at the great WHITE HOUSE, or so said your aid to me on the phone that evening, Sir Bill, and me' best to your pal Mister James Patterson, & tell him I said he is my absolute fave author, and my total fave book will always be and you all know why of course, “LIFEGUARD”, and tell him I could not hold tears back that day on the Atlantic City beach, but am happy if this inspired his story later on in the following 21st century, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!! enjoyed seeing you too on the Colbert show. Hey, is he related to time traveler DOUG Colbert? Great show, I loved it in the damn nineteen-sixties and I still enjoy the reruns aired on the ME-TV-CHANNEL, that is if I am able to stay weaken until fucking five of the clock!!!!!!!! Yes this odds thing led me to becoming, at least IMHO that is, an OPEN CHANNEL, for Lightning Goddess Diana Zuudlecronessia Arteemis to be able to come into me' head that winter day at the HIGHVIEW 'joint', Mister crooked Winn; and explain to me the powerhouse reality of applying the higher-worlds knowledge of PARALLEL EVENT, and to the game of Roulette especially, that led to all of this nightmare shit with the two damn Philly sports teams, and also the ever fucking mighty DOW JONES GIN PUSSTRIAL AVERAGES STOCK MARKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Using this powerful fucking CO-NON-ART, SO-NON-ART, or combined odds verses same odds in an accuracy rating test of ART, may sound like some secret service military black ops majestic 12 operation of Advanced Velocitronics Stealth Fighter Compensation Radar Systems, but in truth, they all had nothing to ever worry about in the great military ops, since not all barks are followed by really hard bleeding bites, yo BRRRR!!!!!!! In the case of “MAGNESONIC, my super machine”, and all great musical projects sent to the U.S. © Office in or near the year of 1983, yo; and this particular programmed system of ART or accuracy rating testing; it all had to do with me' future in the gaming world in the following year of 1986, and nothing whatsoever to do with military ops!

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Published: Oct 10, 2018 1:01 p.m. ET


These tools are designed to reach people in their most vulnerable moments

Netflix/Courtesy Everett Collection

The Netflix show ’13 Reasons Why’ made youth suicide a national topic of conversation.

And there also are peeps who are more than eight thousand years old, Mizz Starr, and Mister Pedersen; who also think daily and hourly about committing fucking suicide, such as the MOUNTAINPEN, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




8 MAY, 2020


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I am one very mother fucking pissed off person. I don't give a shit if the stock market goes up a thousand points a day for the next one hundred years, unless I AM FORCED TO BE THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB for its ability to accomplish this lotable goddamn goal, yo!

On Wednesday, May 6, the Dow Jones was down in three digits, so I had to be persecuted and harassed hard today by the MILITUFORCE and their endless TRUMP-CONTROLLED ICPE-APE-TECHNOLOGY, and of course, by doing this; the market shot up just under eight hundred points on Thursday and Friday, AS I OF COURSE ABSOLUTELY KNEW THAT IT WOULD, WITHOUT ONE TINY SINGLE WEE IOTA BIT OF GODDAMN DOUBT, YO YO YO YO YO!!!!! So let's explore this further, shall we great people out here? The unemployment rate is more than sixteen percent and every financial expert is predicting at least going to a full 20% B4 all is said and done with this NEW-AGE-BUBONIC-PLAGUE shituation! Peeps are still claiming that they never could get any unemployment benefits and have all but given up trying. Nearly eighty thousand Americans have died from this Corona Virus now, and counting. The entire economy of the POOR PEOPLE has been wiped out, yet the stock market in seven short weeks or less now has gone from about 18,200 points all the way up to around 25,000 points, the hugest gain in the history of the entire stock market, and during a goddamn time when all the poverty downtrodden peeps all over the place are suffering worse than they ever have before, times a hundred. If I am not right when I claim this entire market is about me since August of 1986 and this ICPE-APE-TECH DEAL, and the opposing enemy wealthy Billy-Club; and has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the vast majority of anyone or anything else; then explain how this 7,000 fucking point rally during times never B4 this bad for the ordinary folks, can be happening??? When I was persecuted back on Thursday morning shortly past eleven of the cunt lapping clock with those ILLEGAL PAID OFF TRUMP-PUPPET NABES FROM HELL who harass me around here where I'm forced to live and suffer due to them keeping me endlessly down, poor, and oppressed, then just as that other time several weeks ago, when I then as well, got on my soap box and really hammered out the same question, during that horrible death siege on me that was then followed instantly by more unfathomable WALL STREET RALLYING; anyone with half a mind at all knows fully well, that dismissing these nearly fifteen year old blogs and claims of mine now, that I am swearing on my oath that this fucking cunt ICPE-APE-TECH thing is real and indeed happening to me, is literally what is the quintessential insanity here, and not the mother fucking MOUNTAINPEN, yo! Yes up 213 yesterday Wednesday, and up 455 again, today Thursday; after that horrendous DOOR SLAM DEATH SIEGE ON ME, proves to any of you now, TWICE OVER IN THE PAST THREE WEEKS, that my screams and begs and shouts and hollers for help, are naut without merit, nor in any way are the raving delusions of some crank nut job crack pot asshole from the escaped mother fucking Looney-Bin-Society, BRAH!


The Continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"


FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2020




After a nice but very mother fucking brief relief time, my apartment is again major infested with rodents and roaches, that are not only annoying but absolutely hazardous to the health of a poor pathetic elderly man, FLORIDA FUCKING BOARD OF HEALTH, here in this TOTALLY CORRUPT SAINT LUCIE FLORIDA COUNTY, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO, AND TOTALLY CORRUPT PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY, BRRRRRRR!!!

As if anybody anywhere could give a rats mother fucking bastard shit licking muffdiving screw about the Mountainpen, yo yo yo???????????? SHEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!! I will drive over to the local ACE HARDWARE store tomorrow for some more RAT, MICE, AND ROACH POISON PELLETS. They are only good for up to three or four months time, and I admit the last time I bought them was more than that, so I need to go over and spend money that I don't mother fucking have to get some more to throw around me rotten fucking joint, huh there Mister Vegas Blindmanphony Winn Crookcheater of 1983? Anyone who can believe that a player can lose 32 straight 50/50 bets, really does believe in the toothfairy at all Cheery Bars of lovely Disney Kirshty Thrilljoy Hyperspace Mechanics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone who has destroyed my mother fucking innocent life had better begin looking over their goddessdamn shoulders and then just keep right on looking, because Maggie's Shadow is right up your mother fucking turd licking asshole at the speed of light squared, yo BROADCASTED-BRO!!!!!!


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7 MAY, 2020


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I am one very mother fucking pissed off person. I don't give a shit if the stock market goes up a thousand points a day for the next one hundred years, unless I AM FORCED TO BE THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB for its ability to accomplish this lotable goddamn goal, yo!

Yesterday the Dow Jones was down in three digits, so I had to be persecuted and harassed hard today by the MILITUFORCE and their endless TRUMP-CONTROLLED ICPE-APE-TECHNOLOGY, and of course, by doing this; the market shot up well over two hundred today, AS I OF COURSE ABSOLUTELY KNEW THAT IT WOULD, WITHOUT ONE TINY SINGLE WEE IOTA BIT OF GODDAMN DOUBT, YO YO YO YO YO!!!!! So let's explore this further, shall we great people out here? The unemployment rate is more than sixteen percent and every financial expert is predicting at least going to a full 20% B4 all is said and done with this NEW-AGE-BUBONIC-PLAGUE shituation! Yes James Redfield (JRSS), AD-6, PHASE-4 reality, and any and all other dot connecting 'interblogging' proofs of non-random possibilities; as you read the previous blog, CHAPER #86, you will see that again, I merely scrolled through me' OPEN-OFFICE files, and grabbed at 'total random', a 2018 blog, and CAPPED it into the previous work. Of course, just look at how all of it endlessly interconnects the entire nightmares of Mountainpen's eternal hellish reality, and this can of course twin out in verbiage, as the 'HUNTINGTON-CURSE'. When the great scientific community all gathers together in its wise omniscience to proclaim that noise is not code, and thus totally believe that the cosmos is not sending intelligent signals, it refuses to entertain the remotest possibility that I can be correct in my assumptions based on proofs in the year of 1983 while residing in Atco, NJUSAESMWG; when indeed, I managed to teach the ELECTRON how to speak to me in pre-sentence created codes based on controlling the otherwise so-called randomly occurring numbers that would come out when electrical wavelength energy signals would come through my telephone line, and be intercepted through the IMM Corporation machine, called “PRIVECODE”. Nuclear reality has absolutely no desire whatever to communicate with its offspring (US), because to it, we are sounder evolved and totally ignorant to so many powerhouse truths. Sir Dennis Snyder from Elm, No Joysey, could really chime in here with his famous statement. Unless we create a gargantuan grouping of possible pre-word grouping codes, or (made up sentences), these energy realities will never come out and show us anything other than random noise, as the great scientists call it. Those same scientists have no rebuttal however, to my claims to the absolute impossibility of true randomness, based on the cosmos not being an unlimited size. My theories are totally mathematically based, and in al honesty and humility, just cannot be disputed. This is all why things shown in these blogs of the Mountainpen, and in this MORIANITY FOR MILLENNIUM 3, follow these exact precise rules and regs. There is no more magic in it than there is in anything that is totally unknown and or completely misunderstood. That night at my Cifaloglio job where I was somehow 'told to tune into WAYV-FM radio', and that nonsense with Paula and Regis, following my daughter's song about her being able to move on in life after bad-parenting situations; well, that along with all of the Blaine and Copperfield tricks is all just that, TRICKS. Because we do not know how to do the tricks however, it appears to us as wild magical shit. It ain't. Sir Dennis sir; do your thing now, willya?


The Continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"






There really and honestly is no other reality to all of these things, only I have yet to even scratch the surface to REALITY-3, PHASE-4, and ICPE-APE-TECH; and some other huge powerful bullshit, that these fourteen and a third years of blogs have merely touched upon. Phase 4 entities or P4E are nothing more than the fantasy's of Astral Entities who attempted to dream-down off of Astrality and into our physical plane of human life, in ways that break the rules of the system or “LAWTRONICS”. So instead of becoming born into a clay being and living the life they tried to bring about in violation of Lawtronically-created systems, they literally become the dreams and imaginary characters of fantasy inside the minds of the PHASE-3 human beings who did make it to here and not in violation of Lawtronics, and this is how the entire fictional system becomes created, along with any and all made of things and or characters from Superman to Batman, to anything at all. Once in a totally blue fuckign moon however, violators do crack through this Lawtronic-Barrier if you will, as did Jim Pratt of “The Permission Barrier”, Julia White of that same 'fictional' book, and of course, Almighty Sir Donnie boy TRUMP, who somehow used me and my magical tape recorder back in the seventies, along with lovely Patty Hollister; to get here in violation of Lawtronics. But if you think this entire story can ever be told, then you're a thousand times more whacked out than you can ever believe me to be on a year of fuckign Sunday's. Still, we all know without doubt or hesitation that certain places as well as time periods are indeed Astral-Physical portals or at least, STRONGPOINTS if you wish to choose that term. 1994 was just as magical and powerful for me as anything in 1983, 1986, or even 1969, because in 1994, when I did indeed write that wild (SO-CALLED) only NOT fictional book called, “The Permission Barrier”; Patty and Merry for one thing here, were only beginning to be operated through, by great TPB-CHARACHTER Mizz Jewelly White, and yes, Shorty MacInvondi. Going any further here would make this blog 1,000 pages long!

Image result for images of lighthouses at night







YES ULTIMATE FIGHTER DAVID, I AM STILL WASHING MY HANDS OF ALL OF YOU, SO TELL THAT TO THE ROMAN EMPEROR, AS WELL AS PAULA THE GREAT KING! YO, a full blown 'TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON', is someone who really and honestly is in full control, when they wish to be. I do not say that this is every time that they sleep and dream. It requires lots of effort to master even basic introductory meditative concepts, that even approach the simplest forms of dream-control.

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

THANK-UUUUUUUUUUUUUU, all great NYUSAESMWG eats places and their lovely waitresses. You know it's funny as all shit. Mashell Daniels married a dude, and he worked in Hellyweird, and his name matches that of the producer of that great 2009 movie. Our 'HUUUUUUUUUUGE' debate that night at the recording studio was about IRC's, or for those who may naut know what that stands for, try “mixed race marriages”, “interracial couples”, or a zillion other similar things such as these. All I did that night was say that things like this bring problems for people, and that my mom always told me that life has enough crap in it without adding more junk to our plate. No harm no fowl. She is right, and just as I thought she was wrong, poof, the WP peeps and their secret-leader Mister Trump come along, and look at where we are. And they say we can;t turn back the clock. Well Mashell, I do still thank you honey cakes, for your permission that allows me, and “entitles me to my opinion”. I meant nothing wrong at all, and was merely stating the obvious and keeping things real, so as to please me' other 'coworker' down on Jefferson Street a mile or so away, Security Officer Schleigh. So WOW-THAT!!!!!!!!! I won't lie. I believe there is a good chance that her EX could be Lee's pop. Things like this occur in me' life with such intense and incredible regularity, that NOTHING IN THE WORLD EVER SURPRISES ME ANY LONGER!!!

I just GOOGLED up this info, yo BRAH!

Highest hourly minimum wage states:

About 183,000,000 results (0.88 seconds) 

Massachusetts HERE I COME. I am so fucking adddddddahele Governor Desantis and Sheriff Mascara, yo.

The great GOOGLE also says thissssssss: People also ask

Which state has the highest minimum wage 2019?

2018 Minimum Wage
2019 Minimum Wage
Jul 1, 2019

Minimum Wage By State 2018 & 2019 | Paycor › minimum-wage-by-state-and-2018-increases
Which state in the US has the highest minimum wage?

That night, watching those Star Trek shows, while living at 112 Harvard Avenue, Somerdale, New Jersey, USA, Earth, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy, in 1996, in the autumn on the 30th Anniversary of their TELEVISION SHOW PRODUCTION LAUNCH; memories flooded in that I could not handle, leading to the wild dreams the following year of the Publishing Clearinghouse's PCN-231 PRIZE-PATROL truck with that co-ed named K. J. McAllister, who won that January of 1997; and then the wild song that led to the 2012 production and 2013 Copyright of ''Wanna' Spend My Time'', the fence at Eden's great garden, and a lot more. This is when I was looking nearby the television set, little as it may have been Mizz Britney Lavino, and Mister Stanley Crooked Bernstein; and as that great voted-number-1 episode of STAR TREK was airing, suddenly a voice kept saying while I was staring off of the TV set and onto my venetian blinds, “Sarah Kessle, Sarah Kessle”. All of these things are on my earlier parts of this now freaking ass ten year blog project that we all know as 'MORIANITY', YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later on, we can get to how the venetian blinds, the episode on the show called, ''THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES'', and a bit more, all brought me parsecs ahead of where I would have been ''spiritually'', if these events were not all LAWTRONICALLY PROGRAMMED to happen, and so, they did, Mister Pharaoh of all babbling's, on and on and on; AKA Babylon, for shorter and abridged sayings, and codings, of all wild strange rhyming rhythms, in all parallel universes everywhere in the multiversal hyperspace, AKA the fifth dimension, Mizz Marilyn McCoo, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes folksingers and great folks out here in this quite mysterious globally traveling Blogaudian-ship; I think that the mind is the most incredible tool and item ever known to exist, especially when it converts off of the Purgatory and divides by C-SQ and becomes a human brain that's inside of all of us. All these more than twenty fucking years, and FINALLY, I see the truth to that night where I was watching those STAR TREK shows on their 30-YEAR anniversary in 1997, and POOF, those wild thoughts racing in me' head while looking off of where the TV set was, and onto me' venetian blinds, and then hearing for no logical reason whatsoever, “Sarah Kessel, Sarah Kessel” inside of me'; damn head. Well, I think now that these great ASTRAL-PLANE GODS just love to BLIND US ALL with their ENDLESS SILLY STUPID GAMES, and Morianity has naut ever been shy with anyone out there reading me' words, about JUST YYYYYYYYY THESE GODS/GODDESSES PLAY THEIR GAMES ANDNEED TO HAVE THEIR GAMES. It is a distraction away from the constant and continual reminder of the TIMELESSNESS OF THE PURGATORY (ASTRAL-PLANE)!!!!!!!!!!! And eventually, I may even glean some additional enlightened knowledge and wisdom of just how that particular Star Trek episode caused me' unconscious MIND to create that connection of the GODS BLINDING US WITH GAMES!!!!!!!!!!

Arthur Huntington, hung himself in a basement of his home, after murdering his wife and mother in law quite brutally with an ax, in their sleep. What a dam ass LOVELY FAMILY I HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEEEEEEEEEEEZ-LOUISE IF YOU PLEASE!!!!

Gorgeous inmate Alice Ciminelli said it all; on the greatest mother fucking dick licking law show, to ever grace the lands of television; Dick Wooooooolf's Law& Order. She said, referring to the prison guards (Correction Officers or CO's for short), “They have all the power”! Folks, fuck the dam CO's. The people in this classification and category, can be thought of as the quintessential anti-bums. But it ain't the dam correction officer people who have all the power; only all the power in the prison system. The billionaire's have it all, and that lovely teen girl protester, who spoke to President Nixon, suddenly seemed to gain that revelation. Watch the great movie; another great Ollie Stone production, called, “NIXON”. This sudden coming upon her, while speaking to the true most powerful person on Planet Earth, or how true might be a bit relative, but still; this knowing something suddenly is a very serious and quite mysterious matter. It is called, MORIANITY. It finds us, we don't create or find Morianity. Cosmos decides literally to single out pieces of itself, to make revelations clear to them that would otherwise remain absolutely mysterious and ever-unknown!!!!




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Still, being chocked to death began in 1983, and was made far worse in 2015. But they didn't kill me, and they couldn't kill me. Highland Avenue-1984 Mark Wayne Mohr, just keeps doing the COPPERTOP BATTERY Dance of Forever; Peter Paul Pedersen Pan Geico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Three more fucking annoying death angels, or a total of eleven since starting this blog, have struck me now, most of them om me' right side, and only a couple on me' left side.

As I said, and now reiterate because it's of major dam importance: Using the Fascitar, and having the knowledge of where to go, once you apparently seem to wake up into PLANK, or (the purgatory), astral or spiritual existence, of thought equals instantaneous reality duplication; is step one. Step two is when you are on the Astral-Plane, your very first thought needs to be, I wish to be with the Almighty Goddess in the capitol city (heaven) (GOD) or however any one of you reading these words is more comfortable saying it; and when correctly mastered, which takes the average man or woman or teenager, about one to two weeks of three days a week practice; you will get your mind blown so far that it will not ever be what it was before you went.

Here is the magical FASCITAR. What people don't get is just how powerful this shit really and truly is. If I tried to charge $1,000.00 to send these instructions to you, printed on super fancy U. S. mint type of paper and printed on some wild brew of ink, you would all say it was valuable. That is how fuckiGN stupid people of Planet Earth are. I am giving away the fuckign mint, and most everyone alive is saying, “screw you Mountainpen”! Well, I am still giving it away. Even the great Mizz Know-It-All from 1974 only knew part of this. The final part is never printed or wasn't, not in 1969 when new copies were retrieved from a lost Mayan culture from the stars, or some other crap the AAT Club might dream up. I already know there is only one world that counts, and anything else is a bunch of illusion and shit.

Lay down on a flat comfortable surface, and be sure it is dark and quiet. If you need to wear a blindfold and put ear-buds in with some white noise repeating looped sound track, do it. It is best to be unclothed, but 'whatever' to quote my old 1975 pal, Bob Andrews! Those living alone or in any situation where they can do this in a private room, dark and quiet, will receive the best and quickest successful results. But don't lose hope when it won't happen on your first try. I don't know one dam Tibetan Guru who got it oon their first try. You only need to actually DO two steps. The first part of the four things you need to do, as well as the fourth; merely need to be mastered by repetition. For those who know of and practiced stuff, such as what you'll find in Robert Monroe's great book on the subject of 'astral-projection', throw away all the shit you think you know about this topic, and merely begin all over again as though this is all totally new to you. His stuff may or may not work for various people, but I assure you that you will not be able to accomplish the results that the Fascitar will bring to you, once you master its unfathomable secret, and develop this quite outlandish skill.


You need to feel divinely blissful. In order to do this, while laying motionless in your dark quiet solitude; you must learn to daydream. Even people such as me, with rotten lives, can daydream. All of us no matter what, have something somewhere, that pretending this is surrounding you; would make you feel almost giddy and high, naturally of course. Don't confuse this with step-2, as things may appear similar, but they are not really. Each step needs to be done. You must follow this to an exact tee, no cheating, and no exceptions to the rule. So find something in your life that totally tops your number ten list for things you look back on and go, 'Oh shit was that mind bending cool and wonderful, squared'! Fixate on that thing that is a ten with a double bullet in your cap, and pretend it is all around you. When I did this, I used my times at the Atlantic City beaches in 1969, when Ziggy and I enjoyed swims, and talks together; and had a really cool time. This is not done over and over as the next step item I talk about needs to be done. This instead is done but once, but you keep doing it until you almost feel a tingling sensation, from the happy feelings pulsating throughout you. If you do this right, and wasn't born in prison or hell, and find the right thing in your life to remember; you will get that divine blissful feeling of ecstasy, and without using stupid sixty hippie drugs to get there. Once you reach the end of step-1, we move onto step two.


This is where you operate a two-part instruction system that may seem ridiculous and stupid. Following it precisely however; is key to your success in becoming a skilled user of Fascitar. Choose a person or place that you wish to visit. Yes, I told you this would seem to be a lot like step-1. It isn't. It needs to be followed very carefully. You need to do it ten times, so don't make the daydream real long with a million twists and turns like in some James Bond thriller. Keep it reasonably simple. Visualize your spirit essence sort of oozing out of your body as if an elephant were to step on a very large tube of toothpaste. After this, and have your road map clear in your mind, begin your journey. Remember this must be run like a tape in your mind, and the precise number of ten repetitions is pivotal for making this work. When I used to do this after my mom brought home this wild information from her office, I would choose a person to visit and tell them to call me on the telephone. I did this with two people, and they both called me. This is real folks, not some parlor trick game. Don't mess with this unless you truly want to prove to yourself that life and death is a big hoax, and that your true self is not contained in your current physical housing or shell, (body). So whatever it might be, keep it about 30-90 seconds long, but concentrate hard, and don't mock this thing, because if you do it correctly and take it seriously, you'll be in for the shock of your life that you don't need any fucking illegal drugs like LSD or any of it, to take mind bending trips outside of ordinary reality, and see the results even, should you wish to, as did I. Again I stress that you need to do this ten times, not 8, not 9, not 11, not 12, BUT TEN TMES! Once you reach the end of step-2, we move onto step three.


This also is a rote item, where you must do the following thing, exactly 6 TIMES. This is where you command your astral body, silently in your mind, to leave you in several hours, and go and do what you just imagined, whatever that may have been. You are totally free to change that up each time you practice this procedure, but you must stay with this exact 'trip' in each individual practice session. You are free to command your astral-body to leave you and go on that imagined-journey, in 3 hours, or 2, or 4, or whatever you personally feel comfortable with, but the idea is that you need an hour to fall asleep and be asleep physically, minimum, and then, depending on if you are a light sleeper who never sleeps without waking up much past 3 hours, you need to adjust the timing to your own personal needs and physical habits, based on your sleep habits, bladder weakness, and other situations. Once you reach the end of step-3, we move onto step four.


This is that magic part that I will give you from a lot of personal experience. It won't be found in any mystery-texts from Mayan ruins to the mountains of Tibet, or anywhere on this planet. I promise you that. Most if not all people who succeed in this occult exercise, will wake up into a waking-freeze state. Your muscles freeze up when you dream, because if they didn't, you would have a high probability of injuring yourself in your body while having nightmares, at various points of your life. Some people can have limited mobility as they go in-between dream and waking states, and many a spouse has the black eye to prove that, unless wife dear or hubby boy is using the excuse to belt his or her significant other and get away with it. Still, all joking aside; I'll move on. This exercise will eventually cause you to wake up asleep. This is when your original trip that you may or may not remember with your conscious mind, has ended; but you now are in 100% absolute control over a new trip and dream, and you can enter hyperspace from that point, or move off the physical hyperspace, and onto the ASTRAL-PLANE (the Purgatory). You can do this at will, and you will have no trouble whatsoever doing this, IF that is, you are aware of what is happening to you at this magical point, and can properly take control and keep calm, because numerous things will happen to most people who do this, and end up awake in a dream in their bed. While awake in this dream, you will see your room clearly, and it will appear to move in two parts, almost like windshield wipers in a car. You also will hear a buzzing wine type of sound, that is almost nauseating. You may feel your heart go faster, and then just stop abruptly, but this is a pure illusion. You don't need to have a beating heart, to be dreaming. A doctor will disagree, but they cannot grasp the higher stuff that is being talked about in these instructions. My point however to all of this is that you need to get past the fear. You will experience a blast of fear like nothing you can imagine, because mortal life is all we remember when we are inside of it, and we think we are dying or dead in this wild new condition, along with sounds and visions that become very scary to even the biggest cons in the prison yards. They fear dying just like all of you do. But you MUST GET BEYOND THAT FEAR to make the Fascitar work for you. This is the really powerful part and step, because getting to the mountaintop so to speak is great, but not if after we get there, someone steals our shoes and our coat and we must turn back and go home. When you reach the point where you can wake up frozen, and then instead of commanding your higher self (astral-body) to go somewhere, which in truth nothing ever really goes anywhere, as we are not even here to begin with; but don't try tackling that crap right now folks; but when you reach that point, this is when you need to just will yourself and see yourself on the ASTRAL-PLANE. I don't even will myself there first and then to any particular interaction there in the purg. I will myself from my bed, straight into the great capitol city of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, or (HEAVEN) by your religious systems. Now I am not saying that doing this won't totally alter your life. Even big Oprah Winfrey knows that it does, and had a lady on her show, back when she had her show on network-television, in the middle nineteen-nineties. She'll remember this lady if you ask her about this, and then show her these words of Fascitar. I know 95% of my audience are big shots who know her well. Go ahead, put me to the test, and see if I fail your credibility meter!

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Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

JULY 1969

S. M. T. W. T. F. S.

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S. M. T. W. T. F. S.

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S. M. T. W. T. F. S.

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MARCH 1970

S. M. T. W. T. F. S.

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