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1 MAY, 2020



© 2006-2020 MARK WAYNE MOHR




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The Continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"


FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2020




The entire year of 2020 has been absolutely BEYOND SUPER TURD SNIFFING BOTBAR; oh ye great and wonderful LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OUT HERE, AND THERE IS JUST NO TWO WAYS AROUND THAT ONE, AT LIGHT SPEED CUBED AND CUBAN!!!!! Record Promoter Sir William Leonard (LENNY) McKinnon would say it perfectly if here, and especially if on some Citizens Band Radio; “Ain't no doubt about it”, Mister 601-B!!!!!!!! BUTButButButButBUTTTTTTTTTTTT folks, and I mean BIG ASS-BUTT but yo; is there really any goddamn shock value to anything surrounding me, or pertaining to the fucking MOUNTAINPEN?????????????? I feel a major compulsion to reiterate and restate a very obvious fact and truth here. I am not against anybody. I don't hate anybody. I wish ony the best for anyone and everyone the world over. There is an exception however to this anyone-everyone thing. And in my humble opinion, (IMHO) it makes complete and total fucking sense. This means anyone and everyone who IS NOT DESTROYING ME, AND WIPING POOR INNOCNET ME OUT. If you are not in some major way doing me in, I have nothing at all against you, and would love to see you win the next POWERBALL LOTTERY JACKPOT OF A BILLION BUCKS. I have nothing against Wall Street either, that is unless they have destroyed my entire life for no good reason whatsoever, other than for illegally manipulating their success via using a totally future-forbidden technology, that Mountainpen, and Morianity has named, (INTENTIONALLY CREATED AND OR APPLIED PARALLEL EVENT), or 'ICPE-APE-TECH'.

Now permit, allow, and grant me a bit of leeway here when I ask you not to believe so many outlandish nutty things that happen to me, and merely keep insisting that I have a 'magical and schizophrenic way of thinking', because I happen to believe that five nonillion coinkeedinks, just cannot happen, without being some intentionally caused design, with the motive and 'Mogosp' goal of endlessly harassing and persecuting me in their endlessly practiced tool of wizardry that I've named, ICPE-APE-TECH, that continues to endlessly bless those who are using it on, and against me. Now I told you all what happened over a week back somewhere when I drove to the local area near the Indian River and those two vehicles just came out of nowhere and harassed me in the very same manner that this happens with absolute regularity and has been ongoing around me ever since this nightmare al started upon waking up in Cherry Hill, NJUSAESMWG that morning of 15 August in 1986, and finding me'self in this ABSOLUTE AND QUINTESSENTIAL DOGTOWN-HELL! I then asked you all to use some logic concerning what is going on in these newest days and times with both me that day, as well as what we all are globally suffering through with this horrendous CORONAVIRUS SHITUATION. I know I made a very good pernt, Mister Archibald Bunkerqueens, but now,it is time for another one that just hit me last night shortly before I retired for the day at about ten past two this morning. I speak of me' trek over to the PCP-dock the other day. “go join the party over there” was what the secretaries working for me' doctor told me, and they were not joking. They were being quite serious, GOVERNOR DESANTIS AND MAYOR OF FORT PIERCE, AND CHIEF DIANE OF THE FORT PIERCE LOCAL PEEDEE. I think that I've mother fucking lived long enough three hundred times over, to know the difference between when peeps are joking in a serious way to try and make shit extra funny, and concentrically when they're being absolutely serious about something. I really really really really 'weelwee' do; great folks, yo!!!!! We are supposed to be practicing social distancing and other major national-emergency-related restrictions, and my DOCTOR and his peeps tell me to go and join a party in my apartment building when I hear loud music going. So tell me really, Governor Desantis, does your boss in the non White-Horse up there in WASH YOUR WASHINGTON-HANDS really think that I am so goddamn mother fucking dumb and stupid and wetahded that I cannot put this together and actually prove all me' points that these nearly fourteen and a half year Morianity blogs have insisted and claimed are all absolutely fully and completely TRUE, so help me PINK GODDESS, SSJKK????????

HA-HA-HA-HA-Ha-HA-HA, Mizz Sleazeweedsdisease Jane, you missed me today, and I SURE DID NAUT MISS YOU after what you did to poor mother fucking little innocent me, on that horrendous night in the spring time of 1993, at your wonderful and wovwee Atlanta, Georgia BASEBALL PARK!!! I remembered to fill in about five pages of color-entering, so that later I can highlight and delete it, but it allows me the benefit of not being able to view on me' system, your horrific miserable PAGE ELEVEN OF ELVEN, or your face endlessly fuckign digitally represented, bringing back eternal memories of that monstrous spring of 1993 night from H—E—L—L, or (DOGTOWN as it's truly called!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can smell the stench of Dogtown all six directions beyond its perimeters, for more than eighty million miles. So imagine when turned into a DOG with the mind bending smell sense of a DOG, and being trapped there for what on Earth may seem like approximately three to fifteen thousand years straight, depending on the sentence? Hey people; even parts of outer Halloweentown on several of its borders, is nearly intolerable as a result of these mind boggling smells, that literally would make tons of fresh loose shit mixed with endless pales of fresh puke all combined, smell like a beautiful rose garden in any real and true comparison. No other locale on the Astral Plane is within two hundred million Earth-English type of measured miles in comparative interaction; of Dogtown. But I have no time to discuss the great areas of DOGTOWN or the Dogtown Bridge, or the Far Tech Bay, or the huge Linelanes leading into these areas of Dogtown and Outer Halloweentown; right now on this blog. We can always get back to the famous loosened teeth of Sir Maverick James Files Rockford, as well as the capitol province of all of the Purgatory. What amazes me is that coming from any direction into these areas, the linelanes or ASTRAL HIGHWAYS of a sort, all become super narrow, with ten lanes for any direction at the very most, shortly before what there is called, the CUTOFF. Why this is so I honestly do not know, but it is the truth. No matter how you approach the area, there is suddenly a point where a very narrow system of linelanes leads off in the direction of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, and you can miss it very easily at 'astral-speeds'. Concentrically, the cutoff point has the hugest widest system of linelanes in the entire province, approximately four hundred lanes in each direction, and this is where it leads off into both Halloweentown and Dogtown. One thing I do know for absolute sure, and that is my 61st grand pappy's Uncle Jesus knew this to be true as well, and even did some great preaching about it,but them peeps on this Earth-Planet never take anything seriously or believe shit that they cannot touch or see. It amazes mother fucking me that they even believe in electricity or the CORONAVIRUS, or atomic radiation, and on and on we can go here. No sir GASME-GODS-GAMERS, naut on an don an don, but rather,ON AND ON AND ON, YO, so HA-HA-HA-HA 2U2, M2F GAMERS of DOGTOWN/BRIGGBASE. Never confuse those two locales of Astrality either. I say them together, but they're extremely far from each other along the mighty and incredible TECK BAY.

This blog is all about opening up a more detailed topic after digesting nearly a decade and a half of leading up to it type of topics. I am speaking of my horrible repeating looping life-cycle, and with or without any laughs or jeers from Sir Paul Evans Pedersen or Mizz Sally Starr from the Delaware Valley area of me' ol' stomping grounds of Southwest New Jersey, where I lived from age nine and three quarter years up until I had just turned age 55 years. I told about the entire thing many times,but never of course in any real detail. The detail that I am going to harp on first and most urgently, will be to ask anyone reading about it now on these blogs, and who is a vivid dreamer person with good memory of dreams in their life; to try and remember one of their most powerful and possible life altering dreams, and then try and relate and equate a powerful thing here. No matter ho powerful any dream is or its waking memory, crossing the 5th dimensional hyperspace barrier back into your 'waking-life' again, means that you have been in an entirely other realm and no matter how incredible it was, you are now so far away from where you just were, that no known measurements as of the year 2020 come close to being able to measure its true reality. These realms all swirl around on an unfathomable fifth dimensional fabric of some unimaginable kind, and this fabric contains space as well as time because it's a interactive system of mind and mind's true purpose in the tangible caporial realms, and that is to SEPARATE things so that we can indeed have physical life as opposed to timeless endless astral interaction. The biggest doubters of anyone anywhere of my cycled lifetimes, is that if I really am repeating this thing, then I could and I most definitely would take charge by now, if not by the tenth or fiftieth time anyway and then change it all. Part of why this dream-fading reality is what it is, and does what it does however, is indeed all wrapped up in numerous things that now will begin getting further explored and in and with much more elucidated details. When I get to that PATCO train in-between those two stations of Westmont and Haddonfield in the early spring in 1969 or late winter, right after the train system had been built, known as the PATCO-Lindenwold High Speed Line, at that time; I fully and absolutely know that this all happened, that I fully went through an entire life, and here I am back again, and it is all starting up again, and yes, I am finding myself at that moment to be beyond giddy and almost drunk with power. But my entire last cycle was A DREAM, a major gigantic DREAM, anddreams fade. When I begin to talk about this to a few adults, they convince me of course that I am a lunatic for believing any of this, and they all say that very same sociologically accepted party-line saying, you all know it quite well I'm sure yo, “sonny, you need to grow up and quit thinking these stupid ass thoughts before you get put fucking away”. No kid, despite silly movies or rip off Disney 17-AGAIN shows, that may think otherwise, can argue with the authorituies and especially the adult world aroudn them who control every move of their lives. Hey, when you're a kid, you're fuckign told, or I sure was, by family, by friends, by enemies, by teachers, “You're a kid, you have no rights, you'll do what we tell you or fucking else, yo”! That, as the mighty Sir Dennis Snyder of lovely Elm, NJUSAESMWG said so perfectly to me at that great Cifaloglio job site, over and over again, is just reality, SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey yo, you all don't think that I am beyond fucking cunt determined to do it right, the next time, and each next time? Cut me a break willya' lovely Mizz Margie Leo of 1985-Caldor Store 113? I am so fucking determined to redo Sarah several months later, and everything, but then as weeks become a month and two months and three month, my entire previous cycle-dream fades and fades into just a huge and major lengthy dream with most of it turning into fuzzy images, and many many many many fucking doubts as well. When everyone is pulling the 'Misses Marola' deal with you, and she was one of them since this was indeed these times where she was me' educator at the illustrious COOLEY HALL; hey peeps, another break please. What was I to do? Just tell me! It was an unbeatable fucking battle, and it will be again shortly when I find me'self right back on that goddamn train, and then again, and again; because the light will never go on in the doghouse or the apartment either for that matter, and the eternal hellish nightmare that I appear to be trapped inside of, is just absolutely unstoppable. Even me' semi-fagot pal from the high school, Sir Dave Speas, somehow just knew how totally putrid and wretched this all was back fifty-three years or so ago, yo BRO! And totally fucking screw BROADCASTED BRO, Mike Soft Corporation. I need to make this point because the very same peeps right now who refuse to take seriously what is happening in MY ENDLESS HELL NIGHTMARE ON THE EARTH-REALM, also refuse to entertain why I cannot just redo it all and break the curse. A curse by the nature of that word people out here, SIMPLY CANNOT BE FUCKING BROKEN, YO!

People; things do not change despite times seemingly changing major. Just what is all of that really about? Ever truly wonder, any of you; or do all of you just endlessly pass the time of day with totally frivolous and trivial thoughts and life patterns, that when all is said and done, three minutes before your heart quits beating forever; is just about as meaningless as dogshit in your mouth would be to the guy or gal next to you, since it ain't in their mouth or happening to them? My simple point is that most likely, I am typing a totally wasted blog forever, and nobody is really gaining the tiniest fucking fraction of potential wisdom that is hidden in any of this epitomized misery on steroids, yo BRAHHH!!! Still, I keep trying, and yes, I will obviously keep trying for another close to 8,100 years, and another, and another, and another, and yet another and so on and so goddamn forth. What changes is the MIND or its ability to separate things. This is why we endlessly are deceived by the physical world and its ultimate illusion of physicality when in truth, the energy reality surrounding us in nothing more than one great big gargantuan electromagnetic field. The solidity of your wall or your car or your body is a magnetic field of MIND-GRAVITY, and the actual items are a mere mass of glowing ions that are all held together in that field. That is truth, and any top physicist knows it and will tell you that if you ask them. What changes around us all the 'time' is operating in the very same manner as the great Clarence Harris 1997 “Misery-Units thing. The real truth is all that there is, and all things everywhere are mere shuffling's of the very same energetic truths. I try to make points, or prove things to potential readers. The reality of the outcome is always based on the entirety of the quantum dynamic of all possibilities, and that truth is unalterable and forever in-transmutable. If you were to take a maze puzzle where there is an entrance and an exit, and then take a pencil at both ends and make your objective to cause the pencils to meet up with each other; as you would proceed along in your endeavor to accomplish your goal, there is literally a cosmic quantum foam involved in every movement made, and this is why until MIND ENERGY connects into ANYTHING, it is not real yet. Only when the MIND observes something, does it become able to create reality, and unlike the majority of great Quantum Physicists who believe something close to that great and mind bending truth, I know for a damn fact based on more than 8,000 years of hell on EARTH, that reality is CREATED electromagnetically on this Physical Plane in that manner. The scientists say that when we observe cosmos, it becomes real, not that we create it. But taking the great BIBLE'S account of creation into the scientific realm of more physical reasoning; we can see how this near truth is very dangerous, as are all near-truths. What has happened to me since AUGUST 15, 1986 is the perfect example, as it was literally created by me, from an alternate locale in the 5th dimensional hyperspace. I went from that wild 153 day long DREAM, smack dab into whatever I've now awakened into from there, and there is no going back. But was the wild 1986 DREAM with STARBURN OUTREACH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION and all of the Donna Summer related stuff as well, what causes me to keep going back to 1969 to that seat on that train? The higher point at hand here is that things cannot ever change around me, and I know this well because nobody has tried harder than me to get out of whatever this all is that is mother fucking happening to me. That is truth!!!!!!!!

Here is what happened to me when I went out after I couldn't take any more of this horrible hammering on my wall with this monster prick next door to me in unit #605: First I drove over to the local Fort Pierce Police Station, and it is all closed up with signs saying CLOSED, and ropes around the visitor parking area. Then I drove down near the library where there is a small grassy parking area as well as some on the street two hour parking, and beyond that is a street and the Indian River where people still do social-distancing-fishing along a river-wall there. After parking in an isolated spot, this total prick comes up in a black sports car and parks right ahead of me when there were five spots on both sides of me where he could have parked. This large African-American male about age thirty-three or so then exited his vehicle and proceeded to walk right towards me, talking and swearing loudly on his cellphone. After he got about fifteen to twenty yards up the street and still acting spurious and unpleasant, and speaking loud and angry on his phone, I started up my car and drove slowly away to an area about sixty or seventy yards from there, parking right in front of the river park where again, no one was parked within three spaces of my car. Within one minute, another dark colored vehicle not only parks next to me and nobody gets out of it, but they park on a weird angle that made it nearly impossible for me to safely be able to back up and drive out of there. I had to sort of inch my way back and forth a yard here and there to allow myself to get into a safer angle where my rear would not hit their rear of our cars while doing so, and I know absolutely that this too was done to me absolutely intentionally. Again, I was able to get out of there, and I went to two different local stores after that. The first one was the local dollar store and the second one was the Save-A-Lot Food Store. There were some grocery items that I needed that only can be bought at these two places. The dollar store was all right, but when I got to the Save-A-Lot, I was set upon by more super loud music persecutors in another dark colored vehicle, this time a large van type of vehicle and again, it was loaded with AA peeps who not only blasted music, but both times that I passed their van going in to the store and then coming out of it, they waited for me to get really close to their van since it was parked where I had to walk right past it to get my shopping cart in and out of the store; and they would turn it way way up and there was no mistaking their illegal harassing behavior against me, and this was a continuing established pattern that started the minute that I left the police station and WAS UNABLE TO SPEAK TO THE DAMN COPS THERE due to this miserable rotten CORONAVIRUS situation! So this assault and MAJOR ELDER ABUSE ON ME began with the UTILITY DEATH STRIKE that effed up me' television show while watching the UP-CHANNEL yesterday morning, followed by the horrible prick next door to me blasting me out of my own legally paid for apartment; and then this ultra horrendous death siege of stalking and screwing with me while outside and trying to find a little peace and solace away from this enemy nabe from HELL with all of those things that were done to me. Obviously they always have a tracking device attached to me car, that's no big trick for the CIA-NSA-M2F to pull off. Then they always have stand-by FOOT SOLDIERS ready and available to carry out those missions of persecuting me while outdoors and this has been going on around me during major death sieges for many decades now. Also, any L&O TV-SHOW fans know how easy it is for the authorities working in tandem with these other agencies of the M2F such as the FBI or whoever, to follow your moves when you use bank cards and or credit cards or even store discount cards, as this all goes onto the internet, and they can follow us and they DO FOLLOW US, continually, WHEN THEY SO CHOOSE TO DO THIS!!! What a lovely nation I live in, oh world. America AUCKS, SUCKS, SUCKS, and SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, the news still shows me every single day, how no one is able to get this great unemployment help that the feds and Trump claim is so great, and that he is doing such a wonderful job with. I see people on my local Palm Beach TV channel news broadcasts every evening practically in tears saying they are losing their mind and their life. They always mix in some rosy things too to keep us all from going out and shooting each other I suppose, but we all know that life is beyond a nightmare, and so for me, if it is real damn bad for you, then you can totally know just how horrendous it is for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee freaking willagars! And of course, they have me so up set and screwed up that I totally forgot to do this new ANTI-FONDA thing that prevents this witch sleaze from nailing me with her ELEVENS-ASSAULT on me, and SHE JUST GOT ME AGAIN; AND TO QUOTE ME' OL' GIRLFRIEND FROM 1999, MIZZ HELEN ZEBRISKI, SHE GOT ME 'GOUUUUUUUUUD', YO YO YO YO YO YO YO BROADCASTED BRO! Go screw yourself Mike Soft Corporation, and THANK-'UUUUUUUUUU', Mizz Sugar Hill Tits Chevy Chase, from wonderful Manhattan!!! Here is me' gol' darn fookin' compensation!!!


I know that on the day that the family was at TRUMP'S ATLANTIC CITY PLAZA HOTEL-CASINO, on that late summer day of 2009, when I was up in Ann's comped room, and Donald John Trump came zooming over in his huge corporate high speed helicopter and was too chicken to even land on his own roof because he thought that I was planning to end all of the cosmos or Purgatory's dream out, by bringing Leticia Tilley and her cousin into direct contact and causing a 250 pound matter-antimatter explosion or transferring of matter to energy, the entire combined matter of the universe, based on something he heard me say the previous weekend on my Cifaloglio security guard job, in my vehicle, onto my cassette-taped Life-journal System, about not being able to take any more and ending all of life everywhere. While typing this out, a nasty fucking cockroach that I wasn't able to get and kill, annoyed me here at me' computer work station. Also I am hearing some loud voices somewhere, either from outside or out in my hallway, at 2:37 PM. But let's get back to that day in fucking Atlantic City, shall we? If anyone out here thinks that I have told even one quarter of the full story to this day or for that matter, the full story of me' hellish nightmare life while kidnapped by the great KINGS OF BERRYVILLE; you're deluding and kidding yourselves. This has all been only touched on, and soon, it wil be time to tell everything and just let all those mother fucking dirtbag gaming-chips fall wherever they do, all over the goddamn casino of life, yo BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Death Angel Sir Mortimer Mortino is on me like dogshit to the power of seven septillion. Trump's roulette wheel that day in Atlantic City in 2009, had about eight number (27) outcomes, while lovely Leticia Tilley and I were standing there watching it, and making Hotel Security practically lose their mind. Now I am no total wehtahd yo, and I know it is not legal for someone of her age to be on a casino floor, nor did I have any power to stop this powerful family of endless intrigue, and super sleuth mystery, from doing anything that they did; so of course they obeyed the Gaming Commission laws of the CCC and so forth, but this does not explain the logic or rationale one tiny whittle bit of why the FUTURE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, came zooming right down as a result, on his souped up chopper, scared out of his goddamn mind, that there would be a 250 pound MAM-EXPLOSION, and he knows these truths because he was very tight with a brother of his dad Fred Trump, his UNCLE JOHN, who indeed, WAS a great Nuclear Engineer-Physicist, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was bluffing at Cifaloglio that day knowing fully well that me' vehicle was being bugged, but Trump fell for my bait back on that wild weekend day, and nearly went bozo bonkers, swirling around above the roof of the PLAZA HOTEL. This is the very same hotel that I wanted to go to the day that it opened up in 1984, while I was living at 506 Robin Hill Apartments, and he as well as pals of his henchmen, got the mighty illustrious Mister Jerry-Texaco of Berryville-Hammonton, to literally almost kill both me, as well as me' poor elderly mom, by blowing up our vehicle, just as one of his very best Atlantic City pals loves to do to me' cars, Sir Dirtbag Robert McGuire of Tennessee Avenue, and all possible endlessly guessed GUESTS of any and all vacation resort cities or their marvelous wonderful fucking hotels!!!!!!! Hey I guess he didn't appreciate me putting him through some stuff; oh great Ukraine X-AMB and other great UKN people out there, but to quote Ziggy from 1969, “That's the way it goes”. Look at all the shit he has done to me. Also, in 1986, his Castle Casino broke me and changed me' life forever, and I wrote a song about it and sent it to the great and illustrious United States © Copyright Office. I believe it is on the musical project called, “You Call This Music”. Here is the copy of the official © Office online page, yo BRAH!!!!!

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Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

But we all goddamn know perfectly well that the mighty Walt Disney Company was a lot more interested in the hyper-space-mechanics to all of these endlessly non magic thinking sicko wacko skitso JRSS dots, and the first song that I ever wrote in 1969 that I copyrighted later on with me singing it on an RPL STUDIO piano, with my tiny little portable cassette tape recorder that I brought in, and did on me' lunch break there one night, called “BURN WITH FIRE”, not fag Tom Glenn, me' great super talented kind sir and 1980 semi-pal, either. He later did the guitar work in the following year of 1981, that got sent to the © Office as one of my two earliest MOHR-TUNES projects, as shown below, yo.

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-


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You can't run away from facts. People are always entitled to their opinions, speaking of the lovely but quite nasty Mizz Mashell Daniels of the RPL Sound Studio of 1980, but no sir, NAUT to their facts. Now you take it from here, Sir Dennis Snyder: “And that's just reality, son”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Want to know opinions yo? How about wild one entity and three women Mizz Jewelly White? What about the COMCAST DREAM with all of that? What about Disney searching for my stuff? What about Comcast's phone number for ordering their service some years back, that has that same clever number grouping with years as is on my SAGA OF SONGWRITER MARK MUD? Who out here does not think that I could keep right on typing more and more things just like those, for a minimum of three hours or more?

Some dirt bag has been making sounds on my walls since late last night that went on all night long waking me up at 3 and 5 and all kinds of illegal times. It is still happening right now at 3 this afternoon with drills, hammers, and all sorts of mother fucking goddamn bullshit, yo yo yo yo yo BRO!!!!!!!!!

Part of the reason that I never can type out blogs that I really would like to all these years, and most of you know this by now unless you're mega-dosing on stupidity pills, has come to realize that perfectly well. Take any blog and see how it is continuously interrupted, right back to that horrible nightmare early day, where I dreamed I was back at my damn daughter's house, before even remembering that MC is me' daughter, on 10-5-2008. I can never really ever blog the way I want to with out the MILITFORCE INTERRUPTING ME' MOTHER FUCKING TRAIN OF THOUGHT, FOR CRYING OUT GODDAMN LOUD YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someday if it takes a million fucking years, I will get my true and complete message out to the entire universe where it belongs, and IPYT great peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But for right fucking now, I have no choice other than to endlessly suffer through this eternal hell!!!!!! Believe me folksingers and FOLKS, if I could change this, I would. I would walk to Jupiter and back before I can change this shit around me. It is not coming from any human realm, and most of you are smart enough to at least see some part of that mother fucking truth! For those who don't and or can't, well; Ziggy's great 1969 statement again, huh?






© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2013/


Folks, I will get into a few things with you right now, even though at present time, I absolutely know that there are three loyal Morians out here in the blogaud, and roughly two dozen other everyonelsians. I am mainly speaking to my LOYAL-3, one who I believe I have known all the way back to the days of my youth, and one since he was a mere young lad and now has matured into a fine gentleman, and then a very interested person in a particular subject, that soon, perhaps,we can share private conversations that I feel are beneficial and urgent for the two of us to do, and will be e-mailing his recent response to me.

Now before we get down to serious cases folks; let me tell just a few things that are going on. I had a fairly quiet and nice Sunday. The days on each end of this, today and last Saturday were not terrible as far as neighborhood attacks, just not as nice and peaceful. Today there was a real increase, and what I have not told you is that recently, it is not coming from the across the hall peeps, but my next door dude, who we will just call Wilbur Philips, for a totally made up pen name that keeps everyone everywhere nice and happy. The Resident Manager, Mizz Moratto, informed me that recently he is experiencing some extremely wild problems of his own, many of which are with other nabes, and there is almost a war going on. She was quite mysterious to me about it, and obviously knew a lot more, and the joke on many would be that he himself, told me right outside his apartment unit a number of weeks ago, that it had been him who slammed that door at midnight and again early that same morning, and that to quote him word for word, ''Someone tried to set me up on a drug deal, a woman from this floor''. Now none of this is my business, until the loudness, and horrors, and memories, from the house-of-horrors; that I did manage to finally escape from in Blueberryville, New Jersey in December of OH-Marola-9; is all thrown back into my face and thus becomes my business. If people around me at all hours of the day and night shout and slam and act like total idiots, if Judge Judy allows a direct quote from her so many times on her great court-TV-show; then yes peeps; what would not have been one tiny bit my business, does then legitimately SPILL INTO MY BUSINESS, and that is 'just a fact, mahm', and Sergeant Joe 1968 Friday of Dragnet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But more goes on than peeps tell even when they seem to forget, that they are being somewhat transdimensionally puppeteer'd. Don't like my word, world and Microsucks, well my late Uncle Stuart Huntington Mason can be quoted here by me on this, speaking of quotes tonight, ''TOUGH BEANS''. For the entire day, and this has begun to start up again recently, after a long back off from this; the second I so much as cock sucking activate my computer to begin a blog, these asshole nabes, decide to begin fucking with me. This is way beyond the odds for any rational person continuing to see these sustained events as coincidental. Count me among the smart folks who just because it may appear to be beyond ridiculous, I know it is not a mere coincidence. Somehow this is all really actually literally happening to me, Taxicab Jim Burr Permission Barrier.

Comcast Cable Company hooked me up today, but it was all about as outlandish as any randomly selected episodes on the TV show called 'The Twilight Zone', all strung together. First they arrived way out of their window so I will be getting their famous 20 dollar bill reduction where they knock this off the next bill sent to you if a technician is not here inside the window. Hay that's about 3 gallons of Publix Brand Ice Cream, when on sale. But this is just the beginning of this story. When the dude arrived, a very young Mexican male, he was practically tool-less. I suppose I should be lucky he was wearing full clothing, after-all, they did not send me Pamela Anderson to try and shill me into going back in time to August 2000 or whenever it was, and enter that stupid Atlantic City Baywatch Contest crap. But back to the more germane issues at hand folks; I am glad that he had a partner somewhere nearby, as I know he disappeared and got him, and then two dudes came in and were able to do what they were supposed to do,not that any of this was the fault of the first young man who arrived, but the gist of it that I was able to glean from hearing them speaking to each other, is that they sent him out without numerous necessary testing equipment. On top of that, they never showed mwe how to work the voicemail or how to do anything so I'll have to call Comcast later on tomorrow, and ask them to supply me with the needed information so I can work my features and especially my voicemail. These calls from the illinois area are relentless, hopefully it is not the Gallagher's or the Potter's, or other last names of any potential husbands of my mom's old boss's then college age daughters. My caller-ID box just displays the number, no names. I mean it will display the next winning number for the powerball or mega-millions lottery jackpot, if someone was not intentionally blocking the information. I will never ever answer to anyone who is discourteous enough to do any part of blocking their information. When you call me at my number, that I am legally paying for, this is in legal essence, a type of requested entrance into my legally leased or owned premises, the law is written this way. I have a 'law library' just down the road, near the Indian River. Anyone abusing a telephone is breaking federal laws, and though not serious to criminally prosecute over in most cases, can indeed land one right smack dab in a state or even a nice big fat ass federal penitentiary!

Today, reminded me a little tiny bit, of the late 2007 incredible dreaming-interaction that led to the soon to follow creation of a fantastic TV show, at least IMHO, in both cases. I speak of 'The Mentalist'. Let me tell you why I say this.

The partner guy was the genius with the know how, but at trhe same time, not a particularly warm friendly type, and I could tell if I wanted a good job done, I need to shut up, watch and learn, and hope for the best, and I managed to get almost a perfect job. As I said, I have no voicemail, they did not do anything with me on the computer as they did when they installed my internet the first time after I moved into this apartment, and almost seemed to be trying to get me up to something that they wanted me to see, sort of another Magazine Cifaloglio 2008 deal. I know better now than to play anyone's game, even if they consciously are totally unaware they are being pawned and used to do these things with and to me, throughout the long years of my current lifetime. So as stated previously, I'll just call and get what I need from a Comcast Agent Representative, but if they ask me why, I don't tell lies, and will tell about this mickey mouse installation in detail.

I have no intention of saying anything that will be detrimental to my survival and well being down the road somewhere, otherwise, there would be a lot of shit said peeps, and I think you all know it, the M and E. Ann King once or twice, back in Jersey, had said to me, ''If you ever hurt me Mark, I'll kill you with kindness''. She did just that. Here I sit in a place where 9 at night it is a hot 84 by day and still only down to 72 degrees, in misery, far away from all things I knew and ever could relate to, losing all things that were precious to me, other than those that I call ''on the divine providence list'', and no, I don't believe in coincidence with shit like this, shot like Ryan and his giving up so quickly on the electronic Blue Smokes, and on and on I can go. You see, in the mind of Goddess Ann King, I am the fucking bad guy who inconvenienced her great family and her life, and the hell with how I was mistreated and nearly murdered while under the total control of her evil-Chucky fucking demonic rotten daughter, Dawn-Marie. Yes Russ Deflavia, I can wait a very nice long time, for the Dawn, and all Dawns, and all of these lovely wonderful sweet and adorable 'washcloth medical people', old buddy!

I honestly wish some of those who read my dam shit would tell me if they have in their lives, or if they even so much as know a single soul; who never has one thing, one day, EVER go smoothly, or as planned, or as promised; such as with my Comcast shit today, as just being one out of a literal million examples, over the past four decades since I was nearly nineteen years old, and began seeing that yes, JIM BURR, SOMETHING IS WRONG, and no amount of messages carefully retained for future generations, by the great and in famous Library of the Congress, would have so much as a glimmer flicker of light chance, of ever changing any of this. YES VIRGINIA, THERE REALLY IS A 401-KRASSLE down in Atlantic City, New Jersey, or in my present time case now, UP there in ACNJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!

Hay, I don't have a clue why shit happened the way that it did today, so let us stay honest and focused on what Morianity is really all fucking about, good folks. I don't have any more of a clue why music is such a monster in my life, why 1983 had to happen, or 1984 or 1986 or any of this ever had to happen. I don't claim to be some fucking god, and far be it from me to ever even appear to be assuming that I am the great all seeing guru mystic of the great and lovely Himalayan Mountain Chain in Tibet, YO YO!!!

But do I have some clues about how hyperspace works, and what causes the effects when you do things that in some meaningful way, attaches two worlds closer together than they would have otherwise ordinarily been without intervention by playing with magnetic systems, and this answer is not an unequivocal no but an ever loud and resounding freaking total Y---E---S! But you know what folks, only three peeps out here care, and so they will be told major things privately later down the pike; after I put the absolute final book-cover on this MORIANITY PROJECT of nearly 20 years; and this way, the curiosity seekers will miss out on the very best part, when all is said and frikkin' done. The real reasons why Donna's friends in the AME Church acted up that day when I was with Katie, the real reason that lovely Elly was standing at the bus strop near that very place at a different time, the real reason for Paula's visitation to the Highview, the real reasons that my pants did not go down to my shoes back in 1988, the real reason why Ryan started to smoke again, the real reasons for my music and all the connects into it; and please don't doubt me when I say to multiply this by about 10,000, and you just might get the whole list! I mean give it a rest, you know I could go on typing a list that would be still ongoing next Saturday and the one after that one. The real reason for the movies of the 1996 Mary Tyler Moore Network, and Oprah's Land Owning Bassler Network, the real reason why Harner came into my life, the real reason why two beyond power-strong messages were written in the cosmic fucking stars in 1969 and spoken with intent for my ears to hear them, out of the mouth of lovely Sarah Nurocky of Tennessee Avenue, hell, would a list like this even hope to ever contain an ending, good people, give me a dern Kit-Kat fucking bar, folks, and while you're at it, please have the great awesome Margie Leo cut me a break as well, back in 1985, crissake, YO. Oh and I fucked up, and need to re-clarify those two messages from 1969 Sarah. When initial written, remember it comes to YFAITS and IDTYA, and how I said to speak these initials out as they sound, and I said why fates, I did you. It was meant to say the connecting sonics of the YF, you know, ''your fate is'', or completed, ''YOUR FAIT IS THAT I DID YOU'', and you see; the ALMIGHTY sees the illusion for what it is in HER fullness, and total glory, from HER GREAT CITY, knowing the , from the beginning; just AS SCRIPTURES TEACH ANYONE WHO HAS AN OPEN MIND, BRO.

I stopped trying to figure shit out a long time ago. I only know what I do indeed know, and no more. I want to know more, I would love to kn ow more, but what I do not know, I'll never lie to you about and claim that I dam do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!













APRIL 29, 2020









The Continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"






There are many many things that nobody totally understands. But I feel that the biggest one of all is PARALLEL EVENT, and how this almost mother fucking totally MYSTICAL AND MAGICAL reality is connected into the great United States STOCK MARKET and DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES (DJIA) SYSTEM! Today, AND JUST AS I TOLD YOU ALL IT WOULD DO, IT AGAIN FLEW WAY UP WELL OVER HALF OF A THOUSAND POINTS when there is absolutely no real world reason for it. Just watch any news broadcast and see that the entire world and nation has gone to hell in a hand basket in this 2020-HELLISHNESS-YEAR, and I didn't say the markets should never recover or rebound, but just WHY IS IT DOING THIS NOW DURING A TIME where IT HAS NEVER BEEN ANYWHERE NEAR THIS BAD IN HISTORY? Even the GREAT DEPRESSION of the early thirties following the 1929 market crash, was not happening in mother fucking tandem with a MAJOR GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS, such as now with this nightmarish fucking CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC! This is now my final mother fucking chance to prove to the world that my four decade old claims being made by me, the mountainpen, that the only thing driving that DOW JONES STOCK MARKET is MARK WAYNE MOHR, and his life, and how this now is forever going to go endlessly bullish, simply by DONALD TRUMP and his evil fucking mob henchmen from HELL, persecuting me whenever they need to, in order to accomplish their covert monstrous ICPE-APE-TECH GOAL!!!!!!!! So I'll never again have this huge of an opportunity to do this, and so I will go on every single day BLOGGING, AND TELLING, AND RAT TAT TATTLING, LOVELY ARM BUSTER GINA; to prove how when I AM BEING MAJOR COVERTLY ILLEGALLY HARASSED AND DESTROYED BY THIS MONSTER FROM FUCKING CUNT HELL, AND HIS ROTTEN WICKED PEEPS; NO MATTER WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE WORLD, THAT NORMALLY WOULD NEVER EVER CAUSE A HUGE CRAZY RALLYING DOW JONES; IS INDEED REALLY ACTUALLY LITERALLY HAPPENING AND THAT ALL OF MY CLAIMS ABOUT ICPE-APE-TECH ARE ABSOLUTELY THE TRUTH!!!!!! That mother fucking dirt bag was SENT TO BE MY NEXT DOOR NABE FROM HELL, assisted by the MAINTENANCE CREW, just the same way that the PLAYBOY BUNNY BITCH WAS AS WELL IN 1982 WHILE I WAS RESIDING AT 1802 ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS; and yesterday after the markets closed down thirty points or so, HE AGAIN BLASTED ME OUT, and I have no one willing to help me assert my civil liberties to live in peaceful harmony in my legally paid for apartment. The entire county and state is corrupt, and they are all in on this horrible conspiracy to mother fuckign keep wiping out my entire life in any and every possible black-ops secret way, and this will go on until I am physically mother fucking dead and they simply can no longer do this, AND PEOPLE, DO YOU WANT TOKNOW WHEN TO SELL YOUR STOCKS OFF? Then keep close tabs on me, as when I am dead, the markets will CRASH, CRASH, CRASH, AND CRASH, and they'll be no mother fucking way for them to stop it, as I won't be here any more for them to persecute and harass and use their DEMONIC CUNT LAPPING ICPE-APE-TECHNOLOGY ON, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 21, 2020 3:00 PM – Apr 28, 2020 2:00 PM

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Now do I think that August 15, 1986 is the absolute hellishness behind all of this, or do I see the mysterious Mizz Jewelly Astral-Plane White character as the one behind ALL OF LOVELY COOLEY-HALL AMY'S MAGIC SHOW CLOSING CURTAINS FROM ALL SAGAS, MEMOIRS, AND JOURNALS? Well, that works a little bit like which came first, the proverbial chicken or egg? I believe that the chicken and the egg in their absolutely original being are simultaneous events through the very mystical process of the STM (Space-Time-Mind). In that very same manner and way, I also believe that August 15, 1986 was all merely a singularity point where Mizz White's true reality is all running somehow through. Again, I did say, “I believe”, so don't hold me to anything. Still, magical Mister Mike Patterson told me two or more months ago on the telephone about a drug that I had never ever even heard of before, and now is suddenly getting lots of news media attention and coverage on, and that being MEMDESIVIR, or however it's mother fuckign spelled. Mike always seems to know stuff that no one else ever knows. I have observed this for a very long time now, at least eight years shortly before he moved from Fort Pierce down to the south, first to Fort Lauderdale and then later to where he currently resides in Hollywood-Miami. The death count that right now in this country has topped 60,000 was about 20 or 30 or so whebn he said that, and I watch lots of news broadcasts, local Palm Beach TV stations, CNN, Public Broadcasting System news, and on and on, all except that asshole worthless fucking fucks-FOX News, created Astrally at the BRIGGBASE to all be a part of that also Astrally connected BRIGGBASE-BASE of TRUMP'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Long before 2015 and before TRUMP threw his hat into the race for the presidency yo, I told about the BRIGGBASE and the political machinery on the ASTRAL PLANE or Purgatory as the Catholic church thinks of this locale as; and I told how the MILLIONTH COUNCIL is made up of two thirds and one third in Astral-Entity forces, the two third good force residing in the CAPITOL CITY of SDK called the SDK-MAJORITY, and the other one third bad force residing at the evil BRIGGBASE,with Shorty MacInvondi in power, known in Purgatory as the CONTROLLER of the BRIGGBASE. Guess what just mother fuckign cunt lapping happened to me, peeps? You got it! Mizz Jane fucking Crapinherpants Sleazeweedsdisease just nailed me fucking again with her ELEVENS SHIT, YO YO YO YO YO ME' BRAHHHH!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Mister Arthur 1991 Crane from Thompson consumer Electronics Corporation (TCE), here is my cunt-phlegm-rape-shun, AKA me' goddamn compensation!


Yes I do not know who the people around me really and truly are. If Mike was an ordinary person, being that he just lost his fucking brother to Mortimer Mortino three weeks ago or so, you'd think he'd call me once in a while. He tells me I'm his great pal. BULLSHIT. Great pals don't just endlessly ignore peeps. I gave him time to grieve so I did not call him, but he has not been calling me for a year or so now, and it is me who always calls him, so I'm all through with this crazy ass fucking joker. All of our fucking business went south, not just him; so we have nothing in common anyway, and he never lets me talk. He could care less about my woes or problems. If he thought I was ever ten cents ahead, he would try and bum money off of me, to give to his stupid ass fucking friends in Miami, like that dorky fucking Pearl. I don't even know her, so why would I give her anything? He might argue it is him that is asking, but if he gives her money, and asks me for money; then it is really me giving her and others money, and I don't fucking cunt choose to give peeps I don't even know, any money, when I am dirt mother fucking poor me'self and living off of cheapo SS-disability!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So as far as I am concerned, I am totally through with Mike Patterson.

Jewelly White the great Viqueen of the Purgatory, one of SSJKK's 87 mighty beautiful VIQUEENS, is also a PHASE-4-ENTITY (P4E). There are many numerous complex things going on all around her and many things that surround her. She came to me as a character in my 1994 book called, “The Permission Barrier”. This is why she is a P4E, but she is way more than that, just as are the two of three women who in waking life here, she seems to be dominating from time to time, or was back decades ago in the 20th century in me' younger mother fucking days, lovely but deadly dangerous Paula King of Atlantic City, and lovely but deadly dangerous Patricia H Hollister H of Gloucester City, both in New Jersey, USA! Right now there is no where to run, and if no mother fucking vaccine is found for this horrible fucking cunt CORONAVIRUS shit, and Mike Patterson's wild semi-magical drug is naut as effective as the international medical authorities are hoping that it may indeed be; then I AM ONE MOTHE RFUCKING TOTALLY SCREWED CUNT LAPPING PERSON, YO YO YO YO YO BROADCASTED BRO. Now theoretically, I could be trapped for months if not years, with a horrible neighbor, who is HELLBENT ON MURDERING ME, and causing a parallel situation of a run away STOCK MARKET that mark my mother fucking words peeps out here yo, WILL INDEED REACH 50,000 BASIS POINTS buy the end of this 2020 HELLISHNESS year. Before I die, I will murder these horrible people, and that you can TAKE AS A THREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are going to kill me, an innocent law abiding fuckign cunt person, then before you get to me, JULIA WHITE '25' HOFFMAN, of fictional Dark Shadows TV-SHOWS, “I will get to you” and THAT you can take straight to the mother fucking cunt eating Toronto Dominion BANK, Mizz Paula WAYV King, and Mister Regis Choir-Preaching Philbin!!!!!!!!!

Live Camera from a random camera within the United States

4:00 A.M., ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2019

No more photos, no more ugly me to look at, no more “hahaha's”, no more nothin' and no nothin', right lovely DIANA??????? Hey, I am not crying over any spilled fucking rotten toilet water, not even when it overflows onto an extremely expensive carpet such as those at Buckingham Palace, 'OH MY QUEEN!' Yes great QUEEN; maybe I was wrong all of this time, and the great ASTRAL PLANE BRIGGBASE CULT is somehow physically tied into and connected with your wonderful English town, or whatever a town may be called over there across the great pond, YOUR HIGHNESS, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all know that I speak of the great Lambrigg, England, and when I came to remember my endless Astral-Plane existence folks, I absolutely had never humanly heard of this town on any earthly map on this PHYSICAL-PLANE of human caporial life, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no, this street is most definitely NAUT in Lambrigg, England, but STILL, Detective Lenny L&O Briscoe, I am naut so sure any more about anything, and have come to be made totally aware of the simple fact that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, merely in varying degrees of probability with perhaps left decimal point zeros stretching into the dozens and dozens!!!!!!!!!!!! Just what if Mister Marcucci or Sir JL from some alternate universe had indeed become a part of the ESS (Exploratronic Supermind Society) and indeed as a TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON, had learned how to totally take over an extremely major look-alike person over here on this side of the Queen's great Pond? Whatever is truly happening with me, it never was limited to THREE TINY LITTLE DIMENSIONS, and nowhere in all of this fourteen year long blogging project called, Morianity Bible for Millennium-3, did I ever ever ever ever ever ever even make the smallest attempt to say that this ain't damn so. This is of course why I will have endless trouble in current day and near future times society even attempting to secure any interest in my incredible wild woes. Now if this was a century from now; things would be along that OZ line, you know, the horse of a different color!!!!!!!!!!! I do know one thing that needs absolutely no transdimensionally effected stuff, to keep it all totally true and vulgarly real, and straight forward. The distant cousin ancestor of the great QUEEN of ENGLAND did have my 22nd granny beheaded, and then hundreds and hundreds of years later on, another DRAKE PIRATE seemed to be totally and relentlessly hellbent on wiping out the financial possibility of my ever coming back from what I call Mountainpen's Last Post-Sarah Stand, Sir Custer and Sir Lincoln, and Sir Grant, and not any Grant's in northeast Philadelphia, where great ultra wild Throat Specialists ever practiced medicine back in the middle nineteen-eighties, yo BRAH!

Yes the great Lamists of the Lambrigg Cult of the mysterious and scary ASTRAL-PLANE of existence is not a groupation of entities that I would ever want to meet up with on any dark streets. They do wear those weird hats, and they do seem to gravitate to wearing clothes that match our great cosmic gateway into the PURGATORY (Astral-plane) that is located a the heart of this galaxy, and just ask any physicist and they'll gladly inform you that at the heart of all galaxies, there is the gateway for the inhabitants of each 'area', if there are any; to come and go! As a child on a bus traveling through Camden, New Jersey one day, heading to Atlantic City, I saw one of them get on the bus, and without speaking one single mother fucking word to me, he told me, “I am a LAMIST”. The other LAMIST I have labeled and named the BEACH-ALCHEMIST of Atlantic City, speak of the DEVIL. But there is a million fucking tons more of all of this shit that has not even begun to be unraveled or looked at seriously,not even in the entire fourteen years of the BLOGS OF MOUNTAINPEN or the (BOM) for short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, please STAY-C tuned, great peeps of the Earth-planet!

Live Camera from a random camera within the United States



4:31 P.M. ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2019

Live Camera from a random camera within the United States













My blogs


Week ending Tuesday afternoon: 11-12-19


POSSIBLE Week ending Tuesday afternoon: 12-31-19

Tuesday would have been Donna Summer's 71st birthday, seems so incredibly difficult to believe, but what may NAUT be, is that on this date, it will be cosmically fucking fitting to be our first Morianity's 8th RED STAR RATING on this STS (Secrets Thermometer Scale). Like beyond super ass WOW, lovely and Wonderful Oprah Winfrey!!!!!!!!!

I WAS STRUCK WITH MAJOR ELDER ABUSE AS YOU KNOW, BACK YESTERDAY PEEPS; and the chemtrail poisons did their goddamn job on me, along with those other two ingredients of me being ELDERLY AND FRAIL NOW, UNLIKE WHEN THIS ALL BEGAN FOR ME AT THE START OF MY MOTHER FUCKING THIRTIES, as well as a major attack all day, OR A NOISE-DEATH-SIEGE (NDS) as it may be shortened and abridged into here; and between all of this, the poisonous CHEMTRAILS of yesterday all day long, brought me to a HORRENDOUS BOWEL AND SHIT ASSAULT. I had to clean the entire bathroom up taking an hour. I shit literally all over the entire bathroom fucking cunt floor, before even having time to lift up MY DAMN FUCKING CUNT TOILET SEAT, SHERIFF MASCARA; as if you could care one tiny iota about me, and what this 'ILLEEEEEEEEEGAL' MILITUFORCE is doing to me and has done to me, ever since the summer of dick licking 1986!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST HOW FAIR AND JUST, LET ALONE “LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGAL”, is all of this; KIND SHERIFF KEN MASCARA, SIR?


Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me FOR THE PAST 65 YEARS, WITH MAX-POWER AGAINST ALL PERSONS AND FORCES BEHIND THE ASSAULT ON ME DURING THE MONSTER ASS DEATH SIEGE ASSAULT OF DECEMBER 26th OF 2019; WITH A MAJOR AIR AND SKY DEATH SIEGE, ALL DAY LONG AND INTO THE NIGHT, FOLLOWED BY A MONSTROUS VICIOUS HORRENDOUS HEALTH ASSAULT AND BOWEL DEATH SIEGE, AND MAJOR ALL DAY LONG GROUND AND AIR ASSAULTS, AND ALL OUT ELDER ABUSE, AND ALL PART OF THE ICPE-APE-RELATED TECHNOLOGY USED BY DONALD TRUMP AND HIS RELENTLESS ATTACK ON ME, FOR FOUR DECADES NOW ONGOING; on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, under G-1133, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P

I have come to learn from a trustworthy source, that my entire life is a result of an ASTRAL-PLANE reality that transfers down into the human Physical-Plane of life, as the HUNTINGTON CURSE!!!!!!!!!! But then, and “STILL”, Detective Lenny 'L&O' Briscoe, and quoting Morianity so often here, and now in reiteration; SOSO-WEIN-SSDD???????? I may be somewhat of a slow learner or even mildly fucking retarded, but at least I am naut as slow as my ancient computer!!!!!!!!!!

Click here

I doubt that the mighty Mister Crichton holds my slow learning capabilities against me however, and quite to the damn contrary; he appears to be, as does his large global entertainment company, at least somewhat interested in my musical works, or am I making all of this up??? Cut me a break here willya, lovely 1985 Mizz Margie Leo, from the Caldor #113 Store, of Woodbury Heights, New Jersey, USAESMWG?

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Electronics and electricity or ENERGY, is the reality behind everything, and every Quantum Physicist knows this without question or doubt. This is EVERYTHING, and to quote the great Sir Lenny Record-Promoter McKinnon, whom my daughter seemed to be very fascinated with and by, along with the great glittering lights of great cities such as Atlantic City as well as Manhattan; because he said this so perfectly well to his citizens-band radio pal, Miss Chillie, “Ain't no doubt about it”!!!!!!!!!!!! Using utility strikes on me, SEEMS TO BE THE ABSOLUTE FUCKING FAVORITE ASSAULT OF THE MOTHER FUCKING DIRT BAG SHITPRICK MILITUFORCE!!!!!!!!!!! This is naut something that started last year or five years ago. This has been an ongoing epitomized fucking nightmare for me now EVER SINCE I WOKE UP IN THAT DIRT BAG CHERRY HILL HOME OWNED BY RICHARD BARF-KARPF, BACK ON AUGUST 15th, IN 1986!!!!!!!!!! It has struck me, and it has NEVER EVER mother fucking even made an attempt to look back!!!!! Still, I have existed for eternity, and as Mark Wayne Mohr, for well over 8,000 years. I am trapped in a nightmare cycle of hell. There is a way of escape, and that is to somehow break the cycle, and live continuously in one series or sequence of DREAMS here, and in order to make that happen, I would need lots of very youthful blood, transfused into my body, for several decades of time. Unfortunately, the poor like me, unlike the billionaires, who ARE DOING THIS; are unable to afford to do such these. There is one other way, but that would also not be allowed, as this would be considered to be along the lines of child molestation, even though the pleasurable part of it would only be half of the equation. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! My mom said it all over and over, “You'll find out that it is really quite hard to win in this world, especially as you grow older in life”. But that was not what I was going to say that I gleaned from her on a recent blog, when my brain-dead mind lost track, and forgot to tell about what it was that she had said. I did blog it on prior blogs many times, but I will say it now for better effect, regarding how people do indeed give me lots of great ideas. She said, “Get out and talk to people, you'll be amazed at what you can pick up and use in the everyday world for your own benefit”. SHE WAS QUITE AN AMAZING WOMAN and had a lot of wisdom, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to discuss SONGS and MUSIC, HALLS FAWCES and their relationship with my SONGS and MUSIC, 22 years ago on this date with the MURDER OF MY MOTHER by these MILITUFORCE HALLS FAWCES, and finally, COOLEY HALL, RPL, and ATLANTIC CITY'S GREAT TENNESSEE AVENUE 'SHOP', that Misses Estelle Andersen Bassler refused to admit to its existence, or that she ran this place during the times of SARAH, and why this ASTRAL MIRRORED reality, then became 'transferred down' into human reality by way of a very strange and mysterious warping of space inside a triangulated magnetic field, and maybe was secretly powered by a wild rail system known as the New Jersey's “High Speed-Line (PATCO) train service; the same place where one day, right after this had been completed; I was on one of their trains, and this was where I remember each time, THAT THIS IS WHERE IT BEGINS, “AGAIN”, that is, my endless CYCLE, sir Dave Speas, where time may indeed “be catching up with me”, but I never ever am able to escape this endless cycle and photon wall barrier written of in a wild ATCO MUSIC PROJECT song, about the President of RPL Sound Recording Laboratories of Camden, NJUSAESMWG; Sir Ernie Merker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A child can see, although one might think at a quick glance into all of this, and be absolutely mistaken of course; that the New Group Leader (NGL) was right on the money with something recently spoken by the great super talented Mizz Mariah Carey, regarding her childhood, and I said I did not get it, and NOW, YEAH, I GOT IT, AND ON CHRISTMAS DAY, GEE; SO IMAGINE THAT; oh great ass world!!!!!!!! Hey just because when I wrote the lyrics to that stupid ass fishing song back in 2012, on my 1983 re-write of an old ATCO, NJUSAESMWG tune called, GITYA” (Girl, I'll Tell You anything”); I had no clue how meaningful the very first verse lyrical content was in cosmic JRSS reality. HALLS FAWCES did indeed fucking know, and they are the ones who always appear to be authoring all of every artist's material, AND THAT, I DO KNOW FOR 100 PERCENT POSITIVE SURE, WITHOUT ONE HESITANT SAND GRAIN OF FUCKING ASS DOUBT WHATSOEVER, YO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, a powerful fucking nocturnal interaction that I awoke from early on Christmas Day afternoon, was what prompted my mind to start thinking along certain channels that obviously then went onto lead me into this newest powerhouse revelation, oh mighty NEW GROUP LEADER (NGL)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It began where again, I was back at the #10 TRAILER at Mizz Jenny Plageman's Trailer Park in Mullica, New Jersey, USAESMWG; and without the lovely Mizz Hewitt this time, or her wild scary friends, but they weren't needed in this powerful fucking interaction in Mountainpen's HYPERSPACE, nor were any weird magical school football field bleachers, or so it seems to me!!! Let's move this right along, YO, whoever may or may NAUT be out here in CYBER-VILLAGE, BRRRRRRRRRRRR. So for right now, we will open up and begin tackling the topic of the great Camden MAFCO Security Officer, Sir Sergeant Danny Pepsowski, who I worked under at my time shortly following my departure from the RPL Sound Studios Laboratory also of Camden, NJUSAESMWG, regarding one of his numerous ever-remembered statements that I heard him say, “there's nothing wrong with those three recent shootings, other than the fact that the wrong people lived, and the wrong people died. He was referring to the three recent attempted assassinations of the POPE, PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN, and MUSIC LEGEND JOHN MARCUCCI LENNON. All we will say for today, and yes, in total retaliation FOR YESTERDAY'S BRUTAL DEATH ASSAULT WHICH MOST CERTAINLY DOES NAUT SEEM TO BE SO FAR AWAY FOR ME TODAY, AND INDEED WAS JUST YESTERDAY; that unlike the magic bullet that struck the great Sir Honorable President John Fitzgerald Kennedy in the early nineteen-sixties, the anti-matter side to all of THISSSSSSSSSS horror and terror, has everything indeed to do with ACTING NATURALLY, and fake outs, and secret covert black operational missions of shadow people, or shadow governments, or shadow GROUPATIONS of a higher ASTRAL plane! And the James Redfield Synchronicity Syndrome kicks in beyond perfectly here, DOES IT 'NAUT' MIZZ AT&T BLAKE, of the 'Annoyance Caller Bureau' of 1983, mahm? Whether it is real physical-plane old style forty-five revolution per minute plastic vinyl discs we are discussing here, or true flip sides of reality, such as MATTER and ANTI-MATTER, MISTER Lieutenant Commander SCOTT of the great Warp Drive Star Ship Enterprise ENGINE systems; TRUTH ALWAYS SHOWS UP AS TRUTH, and as spoken before by me on many occasions, DOTS WILL ALWAYS PERFECTLY CONNECT, but a seeker must be there in full earnest and naut just in idle curiosity!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simply put, Danny was saying to me that in his humble opinion, my old COOLEY HALL EDUCATOR and ESS TRAVELER-on a mission; should HAVE LIVED, while he hated both the Pope and the President, and they should HAVE BEEN THE ONES WHO DIED. In any event, & yes lovely Mashell Daniels from the RPL Sound Studios; we all ARE INDEED ENTITLED to our damn opinions, despite some of them having quite a potential for getting us into HUUUUUUUGE amounts of trouble with the authorities, should we be bold and audacious enough to endlessly continue to express them publicly, yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But unlike magic bullets and great Capitol Hill Commissions such as the Warren peeps of the sixties who were attempting to super-sleuth their way into learning the hidden truths behind the Kennedy assassination, this is the MAGICAL SHOOTING SET, and not a MAGICAL BULLET that is being harped on here. And for many reasons that now seem obvious to me, as well as should be obvious to even a severely mentally challenged individual, I do not believe that either of these 'happenings' JUST HAPPENED in some random way, and NOTHING IS EVER RANDOM even if it is NAUT all part of some deep dark sicko demonic plot from HELL, or AKA astrally, (DOGTOWN)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In other and simpler verbiage, I now fully believe that in the case of Lennon, the powers behind what was going on around me, or the M2F (MILITUFORCE), was directly involved in the demise of my wonderful ESS-EDUCATOR, so that certain things DID NAUT HAPPEN OUT OF SOME WILD SCHEDULED ORDER, or maybe the very reverse, to actually bring about a completion and rerouting of something that had gone out of order, and back into its proper schedule. FATE is a very misunderstood deal here in human life, and this includes the religious concept, or the FLIP 45 RPM SIDE of FATE, which is FREE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes great and mighty Sir Spellchecker of Microsoft Corporation, Williamstown is very fitting and quite apropos here as well, yo yo yo yo BRO!

Whether anyone is reading me any more or NAUT, I will feel freer now to just tell shit that I want to say and feel, that needs to be recorded for my files and memories. I absolutely believe that Chapman was MIND CONTROLLED by the MILITUFORCE, because of several things. Yes, I am NAUT so thoroughly deceived or ego maxed out that I take all the blame for this horrible fucking incident, but I appear to be a definite part of it; now that I have completely reexamined, or to quote the lovely great disco diva, Mizz Donna Gaines Summer, 'reevaluated my preconceived notions' on so many connected things into all of this; and yes, both those evil republican money grubbing power happy presidents hated poor Mister Marcucci, Nixon and Reagan, and so did lots of their pals in the secret Black File Agencies, but NAUT for only the reasons that most conspiracy buff and theorists believe is happening all throughout this rotten diseased messy dogshit. There, as with all things, is lots of other slimy ass fucking tentacles to this rotten octopus creature of darkness and evil, from rotten unfathomable DOGTOWN!!!!!!!!!

I was NAUT planning to go this deeply into the topic that I eluded to be opening up on the Chapter 4 OUTLINE describing what will be talked about, but YESTERDAY'S DEATH SIEGE ABSOLUTELY OPENED UP THAT DOOR!

There goes that mother fucking EVENTAL TIME WARP shituation again, LADS, LASSIES, LAB-DOGS, AND LABBERS out here. Why does that proverbial gambler who absolutely knows so much fucking better, continue to THROW AWAY HIS LOVING FAMILY, HIS HOME, HIS FINANCIAL HAPPINESS, ALL OF IT; YYYYYYYYYY????? Why did SATAN want Jesus Christ to die on a cross, when the story of the whole thing that would ultimately lead to his ruination and eventual total obliteration, was right out there for him to know of? You think that when he was telling his disciples all those truths and even more, late at night, that he couldn't hear? The MILITUFORCE is no different from SATAN or that fucking nut case GAMBLER. It appears to be some wild type of a MIND CONTROL, and that even SATAN HIMSELF or Apollo-Lucifer is NAUT IMMUNE TO FALLING PRAY AND VICTIM TO. So is this ASTRAL-PLANE GAME really as simple as the Christians and or the BIBLE seemingly make it all out to mother fucking be, folks? I for one will copy a very lovely little girl, who used to advertise for the DISCOVERY ZONE STORE by saying, “I DON'T THINK SO”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on if you're so fucking smart, anyone out here; then just tell me why the M2F continues to endlessly provoke me into TATTLE-TAILING stuff that I NEVER WOULD BE DOING, if they would simply goddamn quit mother fucking PERSECUTING ME TO MY GRAVE, DAY AND NIGHT, FOREVER AND FUCKING EVER!!!!!! Hey who out here is stupid ass enough to think that I have even taken the first sheet off this bed, that pertains to the Cooley Hall, Mister Marcucci, Misses Marola, my music, THE SONG, my kid, and the quintessential woman of power, intrigue, mystery, and wonder, the lovely Patricia H.H.H.????????? You just mother fucking keep this goddamn ass shit up on me, M2F! You'll goddamn fucking see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

JULY 1969

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MARCH 1970

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Image result for sheriff ken j. mascaraMy PhotoAttorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi

© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2020












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