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© 2006-2020 Blogs Of Mountainpen


Image result for sheriff ken j. mascaraMy PhotoAttorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi

© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2020






NEW JERSEY BLOGS, On Blogger since January 2006

FLORIDA BLOGS, On Blogger since December 2011

AS OF EARLY 2019, Profile views – 3046

© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2020


The Continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"







I was awakened at shortly past ten of the clock this morning by that asshole next to me in unit #605, Mister Mexico, and his endless series of very loud annoying noise-sounds. His incessant dragging of some type of heavy furniture onto the rug-less floors that come with these apartments, seems to be the very same shit that the previous enemy-tenant in that unit also did. I absolutely know that a conspiracy between the Public Housing Authority of Fort Pierce and also in Queens, NYUSAESMWG, along with the two scum-balls in that unit ever since Sir Stanley left in early 2014 somewhere; is real and exists, to make my life a living Dogtown in here. No matter what my pal Kev says about them not all connected up in some way, I know better, and he is just being fooled ass I doubt that he would ever intentionally try and mislead me, yo. This asshole Mister-Mex has the very same CHI-DOG mutt in there that the prior fat swine-bag had, and also, he never has removed that stupid 'Marcucci' peace logo on the door, that was put there by the slob lady before he came in. Why would anyone want to keep another person's silly ass logo on their door, as I know that the first thing that I would do if it was me, would be to remove that nonsensical asshole thing. Only he has naut chosen to do that, and it will obviously remain up there until I move the Dogtown out of here myself, after the CV-GP allows!








WINDS:------------SSE @ 10 MPH, NO GUSTS


The storm that rolls in soon drops temps into the low 80's!

I randomly scrolled down on my OPEN-OFFICE FILES late last night and copied in an early August of 2006 blog entry from back at Jenny Plageman's lovely awesome trailer park days, of life in Mullica Township, just a mile or so east of Bluecran-Berryville-Hammonton, NJUSAESMWG. When taken with the blog just posted, I find it beyond wild that anyone won't experiment with this quantum reality deal as do I with the things of their own fucking damn lives, and see for themselves just how Marcucci-Thaxton MIND BLOWING these truths really are, IN ALL OF OUR GODDAMN LIVES. BUTTERCHEESE and BIG ASS BUTT BUT, they won't!!!!!!!!!!!!! This quantum reality, that even the greatest mind known so far to human beings, Sir ALBERT EINSTEIN, and pal of me' dad's as well; was first observed and recognized by this mental giant. He called what I will be getting much further in on this brand new NON-KEY 'JW' and her 4-DREAM CONTROLLED PERSONS, “Spooky fawces”! HIS WORDS, not mine, well, other than for the small de4gree of humor on Mountainpen's part when I altered the word of forces to FAWCES, as per the great dude at the Jefferson Street Licorice Planet somewhere in or around 1990, Sir Security Officer HALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, it is these SPOOKY ASS FAWCES that indeed cause this endless 'connectiveness' and or 'whatever' Sir Congressman and semi-musical pal of mine from 1975, to indeed be what it is and keep occurring, even to the point of being something that any and all of us can indeed summon at will, as did I last night when I CAPPED in the results, which now I am doing on this following day.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Chapter 47 The Cooking Channel Comes to Morianity

Did U know that U can have 2 batches of a stew cooking side by side on your stove, and if U add one ingredient to one, in order to maintain the exact taste in the other stew, U must now add the exact amount of the exact ingredient U just put into pot A. Even if 1000 complex ingredients in all sorts of pinch amounts are part of the recipe, add salt to pot A at the very end, but not to pot B, and the 2 stews will taste differently, all it took, was one small change, in an otherwise precise A/B mix so to speak. So how the H.E. Double Hockey sticks does that fit into the subject and wild and weird complexities of the Morianity Bible? Frighteningly monstrously simple friends and fiends. Our lovely nation is in the precise total duplication of the Roman Empire, all things basically that were going down with them, leading to their eventual fall and doom, are all going down with us here in the good old US of A, that is for one thing they had that we do not have. They had what we here and now refer to Paganism's religious belief systems, verses our beliefs in {one God}. Should what I totally know to be true, regarding the fact that our so-called one God, Jehovah of the bible, ever B exposed for being less than the truth to what is really going on with and around us homosapiens, boom ding-dong crash zap pal, and Adam West Batman: we would then B doomed, and the salt would B added to the stew, the final ingredient of this scary mix, and then it's good-by to all of this.

The enemy gave me a nightmare weekend, a nightmare week, made July of oh six, the most horrific 31 day period in 51 and 2/3 years of my human Mountain pen life, as I know it in this physicality. U may wonder why I look younger than my years, yet am going through more stress than a US President during wartime and depression combined. And yes, that is not me long ago, just a year or so ago, when I went to a 'Kinky's' to get my photo taken for a computer J-Picture Element Graphic, so I could use it on blogs or dating clubs, or wherever. My eye doctor a few years back said to me, "so tell me, how do U manage to look so ridiculously young?" I told him, a Dr. Reda, of Delran, NJ, what I know will tell to this Blogianity: Whatever I hate and do not want, is attracted into my proximity, and whatever I love or like, and do want, is repelled from my proximity, and both with clockwork precision, as I seemingly have power to literally speak things and events, people, places, things, and whatever, right into and out of existence. I love rain, it is sunny. I like to go and B left alone at the beach, and teen queens like 'Sarah's gang', even all through my forties, come up and flirt with me, none of this is one bit fucking natural, and I want to get old and die more than anything, just to get the hell 'ouddahere', so what else but the reverse happens, I seemingly stay looking youthful and never seem to get to die. I know I have died, fatal heart attacks one recently at my work site, fatal auto crashes, electrocution, drowning, poisoning, I was shot to death, knifed to death right after Sarah turned 100 by worldly calendar system, and the list goes on and on and on.

Don't believe I am being messed with and hacked, huh? Then Y is even my computer guru, Mister Edwin Landhower Shometon, unable to get 2 the bottom of the blog on the way some of the chapters in it are all weird and screwed up, half a line, one or two words on a line, something out of the "men from Saturn- Colony 888MK? Just look at it for Crissake! And we cannot ever stop it. These scum behind their evil {Wall Street} are totally behind making my life total hell, wrecking in totality, a persons' entire life, for no more reason other than their mercenary avaricious, greedy, money-power thirsty, sic and
twisted personal gain, or their Gains, sweet little Donna!!!!! Yeah, I do not know where my 16 year old woman is Mister Burger, but Rado and Ragni, and their long HAIR, have a nightmare story to them that is unspeakable, leading straight to the WTC and the horrific 9/11 and how anyone can sleep at night profiting off this twisted inhumanity, through making billions on this movie, my tiny simple mind cannot crawl into that type of selfishness avarice-ness. And then whom does the CIA, NSA, and other super BFA's persecute, a loyal true Emmy-Amy Madonna Blue citizen, whose grandparents grandparents, friends of Ben Franklin, all together helped to frame this country and our constitution, our founding fathers. Funny that I actually knew my gramps, Mr. Sam Huntington very well 2 and 1/2 centuries ago, when I was Mr. Franklin. hyperspatial existence is just too complicated to try and tackle today, as 2 much other shit needs B told today. I begin by taking this time to sincerely thank the most wonderful and understanding lady on this sin-cursed ball of solid hurl, for helping me break the enemy hackers attempts to thwart my publishing and up-loading of my blog on 2 separate occasions. She is a very busy professional person, with far more, in an Earthly sense, important things to do and B concerned with, yet she dropped it all like a ten ton sack, to help me get my blog up-loaded, twice. Only her physical beauty slightly supersedes her inward beauty, and she will B nameless for reasons of protection. Cannot stop the all-knowing sixth dimension from knowing the omniscience of realities, but 4 the lower level enemies influenced 'ettosianically', to work underneath them, will insist on protecting her identity. Not all Lamist-scum, as I've recently added a syllable to their named order, R anywhere near as powerful, as they would like for me to believe. Gods do not share that much with their cohorts and co-conspirators. They share an infinitesimal fraction of their power, with some of them, but always in an [interruption channel] or otherwise, the ion again/off again-ness of so-called outer worldly supernatural powers, could not keep their necessary [doubt factor], that these gods insist on, as
remember, they R us in this lower reality, and they do not wanna get onto the reality here, of whom they really R there, and especially the [impossibility of ever reaching oblivion] truths, to ever B within their human grasp, as they exist as and through us in our lower beingness.

I took a supernatural hell-siege from these twisted sick games playing gods over the weekend while trying my best to do a good job at my work side this past weekend. Just past nine and a half ante' meridian on Sunday morning, a huge poison chemtrail went over my site, just to
the west, spreading out and causing severe tonsillitis, which human world doctors, all under total 'etteosionic' control and manipulation, will never remove my tonsils, so as to work as a conspiracy to keep me in physical discomfort and sometimes agony, ever since I turned
seventeen years old. These poisons in the cloud spread out and cause many different things to many different people, whatever and whomever the givers of this attack, are trying to hurt and in what way, is dependent on the type of poisonous chemtrail that these wicked bastards use up in the sky, or as I jokingly refer to the sky as SK----Y?, or Sarah Krassle, WHY? Y do U allow this evil duosh-wod sub-scummites to hurt your [that-boy] so damn much, and can't UC that when I was younger down on your street in the 1960's, I did not mean to ever hurt U in any way? I loved U more than my life, ya ditsy teen queen. The first day
that U smiled at me when we were 10 years old, I was coming out of the Trinidad Motel on Tennessee Avenue, leaving the lobby at 6 AM to walk up to the ramp at the boardwalk so that I could rent a bicycle 4 a couple hours and ride the boards from Captain Starns to Longport, over and over. But all through the bike ride, and all day at the beach with my mom, and Ziggy, and all his buddies, it was U that I thought about, and your lovely smile, that would brighten up any rainy day. You only got more ravishing with every passing year as I saw U with your girlfriends, summer after summer, over a 5 year period, 1965-1968 at the motel, and then in '69 when I came down alone by bus to C my buddy Ziggy. The final year in '70 was when I was staying with your Aunt Vicki's boyfriend, the bisexual whom molested me at his Cornwall Avenue property in Ventnor, NJ, the town to the south of AC, NJ. All winter long for nearly 10 months each year, I thought of nothing but U. Your special smile, that I am convinced other boys also must have seen, and written songs about, U have many admirers who have written songs about U. Mine only made it to the number one position in the independent country music charts in 1998, and for one week, when Linda Ronstadt's' girlfriends song, knocked mine off. If U think for a second that I ever forgot U, nor did not love U, then U really do not know your [That-Boy], as well as you do when I am your huge dalmatian dog in your great city, Sahasra Dal Kanwal. Thank U so very much 4 taking me out of Dogtown, and fighting 2 keep me, with your very argumentative parents, as they have both made it well known to me, that they want me far away from U. They even totally made me forget U, shortly after the 70s came in, but U had other plans 4 me, right down to telling all of this 2 the world, and create a foundation someday called MORIANITY FOUNDATION. Also, U want me to write the MORIANITY BIBLE FOR MILLENNIUM THREE, and I follow your commands, my lovely teen queen, oh great goddess Jupiter, daughter of Neptune-Jupiter Japtarama Cavelantisocleevious. Your full names give U a name-number of 30, very special to me as time running backward in Hollywood showed me in his [Made in Heaven] movie in 1988. Also 30 when you total up all digits from one to thirty is 465, and month 4 in century twenty year of 64, or April/'65,,[4/65], is when the Traymore Hotel, in AC, NJ, canceled my mom's reservations' that she had just made back in March of 1965, for our second year to stay there on our vacation, but U fixed it that the hotel in the area of our room, was unavailable due to a renovation project or similar thing if memory properly is serving me over Estonian powers of confusion. So we just went down that late June day in 1965, hopped a cab, and told the cabby to take us to any place that he felt there may B a vacancy. Seems he had a friend, Larry, a big black dude; a super 'helluvaniceguy', that was the bellhop for the Trinidad, and this is how it all began from there.

Back to my vicious weekend attack, milituforce all over me last week and weekend, choppers and planes, that chem that caused my painful tonsillitis that no one will fix, and I cannot get any lawyer to believe that a huge conspiracy exists to keep me in constant pain and misery, it is straight fucking out of a mix of Steven King and Alfred Hitchcock combination, or as will B referred in future blogs as the SKAHCO, for abbreviation, as it perfectly pronounces as well. Strange how Mr. King, distant cousin by the way to the late 'John', and big Paula, started his N&DS crap on when else but good ol' 12 July. The 3-9 life cycle needs B discussed too 4 a quick seck. 3,9,27,81, these are major periods where all human life cycles in ways that only all of U can C if U look carefully at your own lives. 27 is the number of electricity or the subatomic particle that we humans call the electron, as their R roughly six quintillion of these particles in one amperage {AMP} of electricity. Do not even try to grasp a number like this, as there are far less inches in a light year, even a parsec, than this. Anyway, about the siege at work, after the huge dissipating chemtrail, came loud choppers and loud CIA/NSA planes, 'doubledecker' planes, and on and on. After it stopped, one of the workers, who always brings his dog with him, was driving around the place in a truck, and I saw his Great Dane dog, and as I always do, get out to pet him, and say hi. The bitch turned on me, growled, and used his paw to give me kick like punches in my chest, and then ran off. When I told his owner of the dogs' strange behavior a half hour later, he was stymied. But I followed him and as we came near to his dog, the dog knew it had done something, and would not come to his master, nor follow commands, and this is a friendly and obedient dog. All I am going to say here is, motherfuckers, I am totally onto what U R doing to me, and the human race in general, and I will fight U pricks until U manage to suck 5 quarts of my blood out of my puny pathetic whittle ugly body. Bring it on hammer-moms, bring it on; as my letters to the feds R in the friggin' mail, and ever though I know that I'll get no where, I also am well aware of the fact that U dirt-holes hate this type of exposure. Eat me, Doctor Steckle of 'FLATLINERS'!!!!!!

Christianity, in all that it preaches and believes, is textbook psychotic. Because it is accepted by many, and was around long before psychiatry was, it is ok. But let me come along, and the book kills me before I can even get started. It would matter none if I raised everyone up from a cemetery this afternoon. Remember the Charmed Cleaners Effect, that I will refer for short in future blogs, to, the [CCE], not the C&E post from 1988 where I was guarding and messed with the [don't come down 2 your shoes] jerk-offs!!!!! More about the 3 and 9 Life Cycle reality that few know and understand. July 12 of 1970, let us keep adding exactly 9 years to this. Donna Summer made a deal with Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge Krassle on 7/12/79. On 7/12/88, someone sabotaged my auto, and when I drove out of the golden Nugget Casino, it broke literally in half, the real axle had been messed with, and I ended up in the bay, and charged with points on my license and insurance, costing me thousands in increased premiums and thousands to purchase another 'piecashitter'/clunker. Then a huge interaction occurred when I went to bed in my Somerdale,New Jersey home on the night or early morning around 2 AM of 7/12/97, and Paula King was in it, but I never did more than surface scratch this dream, just told u about how she fingered chucked a large cigar, but where the Pittsburgh Hotel and Erin Bar stand here in this world, there is a NJ State Police station, there. They arrested me after I saw Paula do this, even when I said to them that she did it. They put me in Frank Callio's squad car, and drove me onto huge astral plane highways, 80 lanes in each opposing direction, and into a place in Dogtown, that I am too scared to tell much of it 2 u. It was more horrible than anything speakable, as u could be cut into thousands of pieces, but remain alive with each piece throbbing and
bleeding and messed up, yet you are there and aware, and there is so much more hell, the Paddle-box Prison System, where you are put into a huge pinball machine and become like a body shaped pinball, bouncing and gurgling and being hit by giant flippers made of jagged edged cut glass, blood everywhere, but it goes on for what seems 40 earth years, you never can die out and away from it, the worst of all of it is the weed cutting yards, as it is 130 degrees with a sky filled with 20 suns blaring down on you and frying you like nothing U could ever fathom, unless U remember being in this hell. You're given these 70 pound huge sheers, and placed in 3000 acre fields of thick 3 foot high weeds, that you must cut down in one Dogtown day, a period of about 50 of our earth revolution days here in human-life realms. Then of course 9 years later from this hellish hell on 7/12/96, or 36 years, or 4 life-9-cycles, as some statisticians refer to this as, comes 7/12/2006, when the 2 dudes were kidnapped in the middle east, and they R playing this way down, right down to their fixed and controlled Wall Street. It is only flying up because they're literally friggin torturing and tormenting my life to unfathomable extremes, and on top of that, I just replaced my broken car stereo with another one not 2 weeks ago, and 'kafrikinbang', they busted the bitch again, same exact shit, tape won't go into the mechanism, so sue me, I love the old days, and I love my cassette tapes, screw all this digital crap, cell phones, people talking to themselves or so it appears in grocery stores, palm pilots, digital audio/video junk, all unnatural, and it breaks more than the analog stuff, as it is way more sensitive to what the enemy is able to do to it. Now I gotta go back to the store and waste a day getting a replacement, and U R asking me why their dirt bag stock market goes up in three digits for 2 back to back weeks, and is climbing to the moon? All has to do with the parallel event of torturing poor whittle friggin' pathetic me. How can U seriously rationalize a raising market during a major middle-eastern crises? U cannot, U know it, U know I'm right in all my claims if U've been following my life on MB, and U may on varying levels of conscious mind, attempt to play games about it, how can I not B speaking the total absolute truth, and only the damn truth? Crissake, I mention the Hammonton ice cream Parlor, it's gone along with Turnersville Pathmark where my mom and I were terroristically threatened just 2 weeks after my Sarah's 100th birthday. I welcomed my phase-4 Viqueen to the world, and no more super-ex girlfriends, all promotions stop, boom on a dime. Do I really have to convince U? U either won't listen and believe, because U don't want 2, or U R a believer by now, and I love you brother/sister, and true Morian.

Yes, my blog is long today, and I have not started to elucidate the injustices being done to me, day after day, all my frickin' life!!!! 3 people tried to save my life in the seventies, and get me away and safe from the Lamists, but they followed me to Newton Creek in West Collingswood, NJ, an old haunt of the late Mister Horowitz, Uugee, short for Eugene, the great Michael Landon the actor, as most of U non locals to that area, know him by. 1 Helluva cool dude. Anyway, Bob Pincus, Albert Soifer, and Sigmund Malyeska, all in the summertime anyway, from AC,NJ, running or managing establishments, motels, soda shops, or in the case of my real good buddy, Ziggy, the out there and having' a good time in sun and surf. Ziggy found out that they were planning to make me a Lamist, and warned me to go home, as he one day in late June of 1970, kept repeating this phrase over and over again, [go home, go home, go home[, and just would not tell me more, but the friggin' expression on his face, did all the rest of the talking for him. All 3 of these people said it 2 me, Pinky did not believe me at first, and Thomas J-Fag Reale, warned me that if I told about shit, nobody would believe me, but he was not counting on Ziggy. Al Soifer was friends with lots of the Vi-queens, even caught him romantically kissing lots of them, and their friends, friends of his own friggin' daughter Nina Soifer, for crissake, but he loved, as the Donald does, all the trashy young stuff. He acted filthy, kissing them publicly in the lobby of the hotel. Many a late afternoon when I'd walk by on the South side of Tennessee Avenue, I'd look across at Mister Lip-locks. Revolting. Anyway, his son presently is in charge of the Ocean City, New Jersey Recreational Department, and knows little or any of the stuff that went on back then, as most boys have their own friends and piers and social life, but he did know the Callio gang of beauties, just as I know that Chester Perkowski, mentioned on prior blogs, also knew of the, although he vehemently denies this to me. An error I discovered on the blog mentioning the letter I received from Chester, it was not secretary of defense, I meant to say the present time then Secretary of State, McNamara, and I spelled his name way off, and still may not B spelling it right, but it is pronounceable at least with this spelling. So maybe the cooking channel is serving up better food for your body today, but hopefully, using a human expression, I"m serving up better food 4 your isness of being, [SOUL]. Now 4 some of the reasons for my most recent HELLDEATHSIEGES:

I would have forever forgotten a dream I had, by your way of seeing things, but did not. It was not meant for me 2 forget this recent dream that occurred late last week, Thursday night last I believe. Some one was thanking me for some lovely flowers that I had sent to them, a
lady, a record company executive in the A&R Department, the dudes and duddesses that listen to new talent. She went onto bring a huge man named Lou, 7 feet tall, into the room, and they were telling me how fantastic a song I wrote in the year 2000, was. They just :had to
have it, it was gonna B a huge hit, we'd all make tens of megabucks, and on et el and etcetera" I know now the song from the way they described it in the dream, even though I cannot actually pull up in my waking mind, them referring to the song by its name. Even know who they would B in the waking world, as U think of this as. But without some half
drunk nincompoop calling up a request line at a local oldies radio station, and requesting that great oldie by Leslie Gore, called, "You Don't Own Me", and my somehow just turning the radio on and hearing it, as the song has some similar chord changes in it that directly triggered memory of the forgotten dream, the dream to me here in this life, would have been forever lost, and some really big shit that Otammscum & Milituforce does not want me into, would never have had even a snowball's Hell-chance, to have occurred. I will try now to continue, and remember, as much as I can, took a fucking hack again, even though I am on the floppy, someone blocked the warning that 5 minutes were left on the library computer, next thing I knew, boom, blank screen and shit gone. U can really C that just as I told U on prior blogs, the milituforce uses a motive program, and does what is must to keep me away from doing, even talking about MUSIC, it is a super no-no, me and music. They almost screwed me out of my dream, now they screw me out of a couple of very important blog paragraphs, that I'll do my best to reconstruct. One thing I must tell U is that these bastards PUNISH. Do what they don't want, G E T P U N I S H E D. It does not matter what good 4ces influenced the song to get played, or me to turn to that station at work at that time, it happened, and my interaction was restored. 2 hours later, as my car stereo is the old AM/FM/Cassette type, as I play cassettes, boom-bing-bang, and night-nurse, the tape player in the car breaks, after just getting it put in about 2 weeks ago. Brand new in the box, at a large known department store. No reason for this to have occurred. Too late pricks, as I remember the lady thanking me for sending her flowers, and called in a man named Lou to join us in a room, he was 7 feet tall and thin, a dude you c once and do not forget. They were raving about the song, insisting I sign up with their recording label, and although the song never was mentioned by name, I know by the way they described the why's in A&R lingo, of what would make it a huge hit recording, and know which of the many songs that I've written since I was a pre-teen boy, song that indeed these 2 record executives were referring 2. Speaking of direct hacks, Ettosian attacks, typos, and the sort, I meant to say an Ettosian BRAIN attack, not a Brian attack, back about a dozen chapters or so in Blogianity. Me getting involved musically is a no-no, and they won't permit it, they honest to the gods would end the world, rather than allow me to get a musical career, but they're in 4 one helluva friggin' fight, as I know how 2 reach both these people in daily life, I KNOW WHO THEY ARE AND WHERE THEY ARE, and I know the right person to go 2 in order 2 get 2 them, and will B implementing my plan when this friggin' heat wave ever breaks. I cannot totally despise heat, as it does tend to bring my lovely lightning around me, and on her number last month, the 27th of July, 27 is a number that is very pertinent to electrons, but she personally informed me in 1984, in a super vivid dream/interaction, that indeed, this is my number, 27, and she showed it to me with a huge red plasma lightning bolt, U do not forget stuff like this. Back to music, many of my songs are unknown on the human realm, written by both me and others, and in some cases co-written by astral entities along with me. I know that 2 most people, this all sounds as totally wacked as whack can get, but that is because you have never been shot and drowned and smashed to shit in car crashes, and don't die godsdamn U all; this hell is real and forever, it never will stop. If U won't believe me, then don't, I cannot force the issue, but I know what I know, I have been there/done that, and simply put, by the way U think on your level, you have not, so U won't believe the terrible eternal plight that I find myself in. As for my getting ding-dong hammered after remembering my dream as I'd call it, then the broken stereo, then the huge next day attack in the air, they also blew out my bowels and body in general, chem-siege, all types of air siege, even got an otherwise normally friendly dog to attack me, and later he ran away from his owner, as it knew something on some level was wrong. I could go into even worse and more horrific nightmarish details on who and what and all of the juicy stuff, but it is not my intent for the blog at this time. There are places in Dogtown where gods are resting up, only to walk out of the Paddle-box Prison and enter our worldly life in ways more scarey than any of your movies, and I'. keeping up with what goes down in Hollywood. Getting close to shit that's happening with me with your August thriller computer movie, but U still do not grasp the real Y's to the goings on of these puke swallowing 'regurgitaters'. All of everything is but a game to distract us in all forms and on all realms from remembering and knowing that there is never ever any oblivion, we endlessly go on in everlasting existing hell. Just cause the great DJT of NY & AC, NJ, can manage to take a short tiny whittle vacation from his true hell, in big picture, he endlessly suffers with what we all do, and believe poor whittle Hell's Messenger, or not, it is the truth, so help me SSJKK.

7 dimensions endlessly are relative and in a relationship with the one true and real zero-dimensional void infinity. There is a less than nothing to a nothing force that makes lawtrons, and this force is not what I am here today 2 talk to U about, another time and place Donna, OK, Mr. King. Try to C the nightmare of endless dots on a huge wheel and then a room of these endless wheels on a new dot, and the zero dimension and less than zero or [uncreation], works together creating lawtrons, that create thought [6-D] dimensional existence at infinity, and this thought or sixth dimension from our 3-d world reference, then creates many many multiverses. Entities travel in and out of many things, but cannot control the 6th dimension, as this is the energy of the lawtrons, and lawtron energy is more in a tiny area of a rug in a single room, looking at this humanly, than every bit of any created/downlined realms of any form or types of existence. This universe and all of its gogalplexes of parallel 5th dimensional hyperspatial realities, is all less than in total energy and physical size, than the very smallest particle or wave of any type or form could ever be, coming from an upline world that created it and them, and this why the system operates as it does, and Y there is only one real void infinity, but many of all of the 7 possible dimensions.

I could go on forever, but time says, screw U buddy, you godda get ouddahere, so in closing, just know that I still have not slightly scratched peach-fuzz off the great iceberg that sent the Titanic to the Kanwal Avenue Palace, belonging to the great Sarah-Stacey Jehovah Karge
. The friend who gave me the Masonic family lineage chart that proves who I am and that Jesus was a half brother to me 62 generations ago, U know that I will swear in any court that he was murdered by a total jag-off named Jonathan Schau, slowly poisoned him to his death, after lodge meetings, when they'd go to eat out at a diner. Another person David Charles Roth hung with years back in the mid and late 1960's, was a systems annalist named Wilbur McAfee, if I am spelling his name correctly, there is a huge story to tell u-all about all of this, and yes, this is the now famous computer software virus protection writer. They would go with other dudes down to the island LBI, in NJ, where my gramps had his boys camp before the second world war. Much much 2 tell, so stay tuned.

posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 1:35 PM

posted by theansweristheqyuestion at 1:35 PM


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make extra money
3:38 PM

No kind person; my blogs have very little to do with money, and a whole dog-gone lot to do with being eternally oppressed and persecuted. And this is why it is called the “EPITOME OF HARASSMENT, INTERNET VERSION”, as I used to have a version of similar type stuff back in the 1990's, on cassette tapes, and now, the great United States © Office has a small little opening part to it on one of me' late 1996 Musical Projects sent down to them from my House Of Horrors in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG! Wanna' make lots of money do you. First, keep track of me and SELL SHORT as much stock as you can when you find out that Mark Wayne Mohr has permanently expired. Also read me' blogs and every time that I tell you the STOCK MARKET will fly to the sky, BUY the damn DOW INDEX, and if you do those two things, you will be the next multimillionaire, or possibly even the next billionaire for Crissake! So WOW THAT, lovely Mizz Winfrey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









The truths about the ASTRAL PLANE are not simple, unless we pick and choose a few things pertaining to it that ARE JUST THAT! First off, people who DREAM OFF OF IT, this Morianity calls, PHASE-3 BEINGS, meaning that first, there was void zero dimensional infinity, and even the mighty Mister Georgio Moroder, and lovely Mizz Irene Flash-Fame Cara, were not yet existing at this point. The trouble that the mighty Scientific Community has here, is that without time, how did this then go onto progress out into an Astrality or PHASE-2, and then have the power and ability to expand out beyond that incredible infinitesimally tiny area of PLANCK-TIME, called the “BIG BANG COSMOS”; leading to the nuclear programmed eventually created element of CARBON, that then allowed for the final stage of our cosmos awakening into individual clay beings, us, or the PHASE-3? This is pretty simple, well, to the Scientific Community, or anyone seriously studying cosmological information, handed down to where the current era circa is presently developed enough, to realize and understand on some very basic primordial level, what it seemingly all does! The other simple reality that no book learning is ever needed for, is that once we ARE PHASE-3 BEINGS or human beings, those who live and exist in the caporial material tangible physical plane of human breathing life; WE HAVE A TREMENDOUS AVERSION TO EXIST IN ANY OTHE RWAY WHATSOEVER, and would do anything possible NOT TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! Just as much as the carbon nuclear program was all placed into what it has now become here in the cosmos of present point, so too, that same program, PLACED THIS FEAR OF RETURNING TO OUR REAL ANDTRUE EXISTENCE, into us all, in a very huge and gargantuan major ass way!!!!!!!!!!! Want to discuss the most powerful polarized topic possible in human life? Well, here it is. These two POWERFUL, AND YET OPPOSING BUILT IN TRUTHS TO THIS COSMOS, and that seem to elude the greatest mathematicians and minds of science and cosmology alike, make up the verbiage translation to velocitronic and its inconceivable electromagnetic fielding system that cannot live with just one side or end to this bipolar reality. Take one side away such as the so-called religious concept of the GARDEN OF EDEN where the negative side of the magnet is removed completely, and we would get what truly is in the first place, ultimate velocitronic truth or zero dimensional void. If one force, positive or negative were to become removed from the other one, the ultimate velocity would kick in until what was thought of as cosmos would merely again be the VOID. It was the adding of the negative force then, if we carefully add religious beliefs and ideas to the scientific reality of it all. Creation of the physical world is accomplished therefore, by removing the way the system of physicality operates. A negative force MUST BE ADDED to the VOID or (+ ONLY) force. It is so simple that you'd think that a moronic mother fucking chile would grasp this idea at a recess yard and spread it to all of the world from there, huh little Tracy and George Burns????????????? I still say, HOLLYWOOD knows too much to be NOT from the “other world” to use accepted mortal realm terminology, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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For those who love to insist on complicating the items in life that can indeed be quite easily simplified, by simply refusing to entertain how their own feelings, and ideas, and memories, and life emotions, and any other personal junk may connect into the whole entire truth involved; all I can offer here is that I have died ten times in my human life as the 'ME-PERSONA' that I am now, Mark Wayne Mohr, and without the Huntington or the Mountainpen. But that doesn't fully explain the fact that many peeps in this new age more technologically advanced era of medical-science, at least 'supposedly', who've been brought back from death, and also had died for a short period of mortal world time; and how they do not have the same precise and detailed memories and knowledge of this wild and mind bending existence of the PHASE-2 or the PURGATORY (Astral-Plane)!!!!!!!!! This truth of powerhouse fucking proportion is the EXCUSE-OCEAN for tons and tons of cubic liquid DOUBT so to speak, about whether the Mountainpen is just trying to pull off the biggest fucking ass con-job ever in human history. I cannot do one thing to fully explain the why's to all of that and thus to be able to get rid of that miserable rotten ocean of doubt. I can only offer a few ideas for those who may want to believe me in all these things, yet feel that I've yet to come close to meeting me' burden for allowing them to trust me implicitly enough to do so. They won't all show up right now in a perfectly ordered non-Terry-Egg Scatterbrain list of detailed sentences in extremely plainly worded English, but as this BLOG-BOOK continues onward in chapter numbers, more and more things that will resemble such a list as this, will indeed be provided, and especially is the viewer reading me' words is anxiously looking to find it, and not just up here scoffing while they read!

First off, I have died ten times and been dead in mortal time a lot longer in some of these cases than just the minute or two or maybe three or four or so, that those who flatline in a hospital may experience. Second, I do not doubt the things that have happened to me or choose to continue ignoring the supernatural junk that happens to me in a larger picture way as a result of all of my ASTRALLY CONNECTED 'HUMAN' EXPERIENCES, while alive in my lifetime and current body, physically. Third, I have come to learn in early stages of these ten deaths, that I am madly in love with a great goddess that humanly appears to be the LIGHTNING FORCE that surrounds our planet, and who calls herself GODDESS DIANA. Fourth, I have come to have incredible countless HUMAN INTERACTIONS with LIGHTNING, as a result of that. And fifth and for now finally, I have merged the two planes in ways that any and all present time “psychics” only mother fucking can DREAM ABOUT DOING, which absolutely proves to me without one sliver tiny piece of doubt whatsoever that I am not crazy or deluded, or even just off the track of logical and rational reasoning, as measured humanly while alive, in the physical, tangible material realm of human life! Now as stated, this entire blog-book that is only beginning right now, will be filled with 'other-oceans' of lists and proofs to why my ten deaths and returns; may be quite a bit different than anyone else's on this planet, EVER!

Thank you for coming here to visit with me BEAUTIFUL LIGHTNING. At just past three this afternoon, Diana has come all around me' area with gorgeous lovely lightning. NASA is trying t launch a rocket up to the 'ISS' or INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION, I believe that the launch is scheduled for somewhere around 4:34 or so, according to “TWC”. It has dropped to 88 degrees from 91, and is extremely humid, with wonderful lovely lightning all around me. Oh DIANA my endless love, please do not ever, ever, never, never, ever, never leave your little boy! I will always love you so very much, my beyond white hot beautiful LIGHTNING!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy oh boy is some scum bag yelling in the hallway, and some yelping dogs are out there too, so it is most likely dirt bag Mister-Mex in Unit-#605. WEIN-SOSO-SSDD?????? Yessir, it is pouring down torrential rain outside of me' window and yes Mike sucks, maybe also outside of me' windows50.3!!!!!!!

I was going to make me'self a ham sandwich peeps, but me' bread went fucking ass bad and moldy. I keep it in me' kitchen cabinet until I can purchase some type of bread container. Without that, rodents and roaches will bite right through the thin mother fucking plastic bag that breads are rapped up in. To almost quote lovely lightning in her once human form; “There ain't no stopping them now”, as these damn pests are hungry mother fuckign little critters, yo yo yo yo yo! All I can do if I don't wish to refrigerate me' bread loafs that I buy at me' local Publix Store, is to buy a container that is air tight made of thick rodent-proof plastic, that will fit bread loafs. I think that the local Dollar Store has them, and if 'naut' Mizz Blake; then I will try the damn Walmart; but they only seem to have a few things any more, ever since that miserable playboy billionaire Amazon asshole bastard bald-man, changed everything for all of us. Yes peeps, any of you dumb enough to buy or trust ANY of these PETER BRADY crooked hair growth stunts that we all see on the television year in year old, should try a little bit of fucking logic application first. Don't you in all honesty think that there would be NO BALD HEADED BILLIONAIRES if anything truly worked? These dudes and duddesses can have anything they want with their truckloads of fucking cunt loot, so why are there a lot of super wealthy baldies all over the place then? THIS ENTIRE WORLD IS ONE HUGE-ASS CROOKED CRIMINAL CESSPOOL! So I'll have to go to the Publix for a new loaf of their absolutely delicious bread!!!!!!!!!! I have never outside of a real professional bakery in olden days, have tasted bread as great as that sold by the wonderful and awesome PUBLIX GORCERY STORES!!!!!!!!!! WOW is Diana treating me like a king today. THANK-UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU me' lovely BABY-BLOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Diana has been here since I reported it some time back, and the great rocket launch at the NASA SPACE CENTER, up the coast and north from me a ways, was SCRUBBED, due to the inclement weather. The next hope window for launch will be Saturday, and if the weather is bad, then Sunday. The weather should be cooperating and the rains and storms are pretty much over after today ends, according to the meteorological geniuses out there, yo BREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! To quote me'self from summer-camp in July of both the years of 1967 and 1968, when I would tell my camp-counselor Mister Mack Kaiter, upon numerous occasions when absurd bullshit would be happening to and around me even back then at barely puberty; “This is WEEDEEKAWUSS”!!!!!!!! And I assure anyone out here, that NAUT ONE MOTHER FUCKING CUNT SNIFFING THING TO THIS VERY DAY, HAS ALTERED IN ONE WEE TINY WHITTLE BIT, YO BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Due to ultra-complex rhythms in the 5th dimensional fabric of the hyperspace cosmos of the Physical-Plane of human life, and conscious awareness; I will require centuries of time to figure everything all out completely, if it ever can be truly achieved that is. But I'll go right on trying, as the rewards outweigh all of the expenditure of sweat equity times ten to the power-exponent of about an octillion or fucking pussy lapping so, yo BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Should we go back to the era of my wild mysterious medical condition of the days of ATCO, NJUSAESMWG in middle 1983 that began at 10:30 at night on 4 June of that year, and on the very day that I turned age twenty-eight and one half years in present current human persona; I will real quickly examine some things that I was 'being' very 'careful', 'Paula and Regis', never to let out before right now, and for reasons that you may not ever be told in absolute detail on these blogs, or the 'BOM', and to quote Sir Leviathan Barnabas Collins today and so perfectly may I add, “IT'S TIME”!!!!! There is not a whole lot of new things in any of our older things as we as human-people continue marching ever onward in our lives here on this Earth-Planet. The only true thing that allows old things to keep becoming new things, is SEPARATION, which by the way great folks, is a completely misunderstood reality so far as of middle 2020 anyway. You cannot have separation without mind CREATING a large AREA called the HYPERSPACE. Within this realm of five-dimensional possibilities of virtually every and all combinations of all potential things; there exists the ALL of the zero-dimensional reverse to this, which is absolute nothingness or the Void-Infinity, what Morianity has labeled way back in the late nineteen-seventies, “Zero-Dimension”, and as a direct result of a wild chance encounter or perhaps a preplanned one for all I know, with a strange BEING-ENTITY who appeared as a human being to me, in the summer of 1974 on an Atlantic City beach one day. I have on many of my nearly fifteen year long blogs now, called that man or whatever it truly was in higher reality, “The Alchemist”. You see people, without my meeting that fellow, none of the things that happened after that in so far as what could be termed or labeled as “supernatural”, at least IMHO, would have ever fucking occurred!!!!!!!!!!!! Now to quote lovely Mizz Mashell Daniels from the year 1980, “I am entitled to my opinion” and yes, of course I can be right or I can be wrong, and without any catchy 1969 tunes or razor clubs being a part of things here. Now I need to open all of these up here today so that it can become the necessary laid down full foundations for many things that will now be said and told, along with many many more things as well, on near-future BLOG-BOOK Chapters of this book concerning Mizz White and HER incredible numerous DREAM-CONTROLLED AND MANIPULATED people who otherwise normally reside here in this waking world reality, and if not for being controlled by Mizz White, would most likely not have ever even entered into any interactions at all with me! Those who never have heard the music projects that I have sent over decades of time to the great and illustrious United States © Copyright Office,won't understand in full, what is being now revealed. This is being done in full total revenge for these many years of ICPE-APE-TECH PERSECUTION ON ME, BY WALL STREET, AND ITS MONSTROUS FUCKING HORRIBLE BILLY-CLUB; oh lovely Mizz 'L&O' Borgia!!!!!!!! So let us now get back to the wild medical condition of quintessential mystery, given to me out of the blue at one exact minute in time in the wild year of 1983. When I had been afflicted by this 'problem Misses Mohr', for about half of a year or so, I went to see a very incredible Throat Specialist in Northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, back early in 1984, or if memory is off just a tad which is possible, the end of 1983; but either way, while I was still residing at the 506 Robin Hill Apartment that I moved into after I had left Atco, NJUSAESMWG, after living there only about a half year or so, in Mister Gerald Pliner's rental home on 134 Norris Avenue; I had driven there and I had been given an appointment, and yet, my mind is a total blank about the actual doctor. I only remember the so-called 'assistant' who I have called throughout my Morianity, the “Lab-Technician”. She looked extremely young, and she was dressed to look like a grown up person, but anyone could see that she was in her middle teens at best. I had spoken to her on the phone earlier for driving instructions to this office just off of Grant Avenue, and the entire Copyright Office knows about this quite well and I am sure is still shaking their heads over it all! What I now believe to be true, beyond and besides all other previously evaluated and cogitated upon stuff for decades now; is that this transdimensional Doctor Carey was there as some wild part of an Exploratronic Supermind Society's experiment with the human race. I now also believe that Trump was scared that day at his Plaza Hotel for extremely GOOD REASON. As I did not fully appreciate what I did at Cifaloglio with my fake journal entry that set all of this shit into motion that day in 2009, while I living under Stockholm Syndrome Kidnapping at the great KING FAMILY home in Blucranville-Hammonton; I also now realize that shortly after my LOIS-FOCA-SONG incident right around this time in the year of 1980, actually in the first week of June just like my chocking medical condition three years later on; I faked something else, even before I faked what I discussed on previous blogs many times, and also at 506 Robin Hill Apartments when I faked the “POISON CIGARETTE” thing that then all suddenly led to meeting up with the mysterious Lab-Tech who I now believe was some unfathomable and transdimensional Doctor Carey in late winter somewhere of 1984 just off of Grant Avenue in Philly. Things that my mom said and did that made no sense unless looked at in the light of why Mister Tom Speers told me at the J.F. Kennedy Hospital early on the 26th morning of 1997, while I resided at the 'HOH' Somerdale DEATH-HOUSE, that, and I quote him, Coworker Emily is not the reason that your mother drinks like a fish”!!! Shirley, the laboratory, the magical television, the way the 'A&B TV SERVICE REPAIR SHOP' treated me for absolutely no good reason in the very same way that the repair shops here in this county 1,400 miles away in separated distance, and decades away in separated time, also did likewise to the very carbon copy of it all, but without going on and on as I could and all of you know that without being further convinced, but yessir; how about the reality that both of us were struck while in our final years of our twenties with this 'throat-problem'? If the great MIZZ WHITE from some PARALLEL UNIVERSE has become a TYPE-3-EXPLORATRON and is able to dream-possess these three women over here, Patty, Paula, and Melanie, and has this mind boggling incredible plan and goal behind it that involves me and my entire Huntington family which is thousands of years old and is of cosmic importance to the ASTRAL-GODS, as they have entered into the physical realm THROUGH US, now, and thousands of years ago, BUT IN ALL OF THIS AND LOTS MORE, THERE STILL IS PLENTY OF FUCKING MAJOR UNKNOWN'S TO IT ALL, AND I DO NOT EVEN SLIGHTLY PRETEND TO IGNORE THAT TRUTH FOR A SINGLE FUCKING MINUTE, YO!!!!!!!!! For a long time, I thought that Merry's mom Patty WAS the physical incarnation of Mizz Jewelly white, and now I've come to see as clearly as daylight on a star, just how wrong that I truly was. Jewelly White is from a parallel universe, she is a mastered 'artress' if you'll let me coin a new word here peeps; of DREAM CONTROL, in other words a completely adept human being who is able to become what my Morianity calls and labels a TYPE-#-Exploratron, journeying into parallel worlds just as we all do, called DREAMING, only when she does it, she can always take over control and literally act aggressively as opposed to passively with her interaction dream-characters, and those three women for example who've been listed here, are the main ones. None of this is without a big reason, and no one could seriously entertain a concept that would dispute that. Even insanity itself has motives and goals, at least according to the great fictional original Star Trek character, Mister Vulcan Spock, on that episode where a bunch of future-hippie-types are looking to find Planet-Eden!!!!!!!!!!!! So is Merry a part of that wild series of goals and motives? Is Atlantic city? Are the Kings? Is Melanie's fantastic folksong “Brand New Key” anything but 'Dan Mackey Trivial' in all of this as well? Well, you be the judge, but remember that not only does Merry have the same type of condition that I do, physically, but in both of us, it began at the late twenties in age years. According to the great folksinger Mizz Safka, taking literally with the JRSS the idea that a brand new key is somehow involved, let us first look at one very obvious weird connection to KEYS with what else but CHAINS! Nobody buys a chain lock unless they have a KEY to it, am I right there folks? “Locked up” in all of this and so much fuckign ass more, is the truth to why I claim that three powerhouse statements are behind all of creation, or the adding of the minus-force to the VOID that allows the absolute velocity to slow down, eventually stop, and hold there, just so long as there are always the opposing polar fawces of 'VELOCITRONICS' that is; oh great people!!!!




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26 MAY, 2020


© 2006-2020 Blogs Of Mountainpen


Image result for sheriff ken j. mascaraMy PhotoAttorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi

© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2020






NEW JERSEY BLOGS, On Blogger since January 2006

FLORIDA BLOGS, On Blogger since December 2011

AS OF EARLY 2019, Profile views – 3046

© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2020


The Continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"


TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2020





Does that goddamn MOUNTAINPEN ever forget anything; great folksingers and folks?

I am going to go back to what I had originally planned before I ran my experiments with my ENEMY NABE FROM DOGTOWN, MISTER MUSIC BLARING MEXICO OF UNIT #605. I will have a blog ALWAYS ready for post up, needing only a quick re-population data input, in so far as time and date, and the reason for the posting; mainly the description of the assault, and maybe if serious enough, a Magnesonic Counterstrike as well. This hellishness is definitely adversely effecting my health and I do plan to sue, and represent myself as my own plaintiff, naming the Housing Authority as a defendant, once I move out of here and into some cheap trailer park somewhere. I may decide to just load up my car and take off into the sunset, just as I did before more than ten years ago to escape the mighty KING FAMILY OF WASHCLOTHS! There is literally no mother fucking way to make an advanced decision, not when my enemies the MILITUFORCE, and my hellish shituation is always, and to quote Sir David Roth the Latengrate, this goddamn “Life threatening”! In any event, I will always have a blog ready to be shot up on an instants notice. I feel it necessary to be able to launch an extremely timely counterstrike as soon as this fucking dirt bag BRIGGBASE-PAYOLA ENEMY starts on me with his MN ASSAULTS (Music-Noise).

HA-HA-HA-HA, DIGITAL BITCH WITCH JANE Crapinherpants Sleazeweedsdisease Notfondauonebit; ya' missed me girl! Yessir world, when I went out to escape the music blast that came on me out of an otherwise very peaceful Helliday-afternoon back yesterday, Monday, Memorial Day; I drove over to the Indian River, six blocks east of me' NON Patty Hollister Building that is also known as AKA the Park Terrace Building, and parked and sat in the pouring rain, looking out into the water. I wrote down some spurious license plates, and one of them was on a red truck that was acting very spurious with me, and then just as it was right parallel to me, it sped off burning rubber, but I had already got the plate, and yes, I carry with me a small set of cheap binoculars that I bought at the Good Will Store about eight years ago, for just this purpose. Most of the plates I ever get belong to the Blackfile Agencies, you know, CIA, NSA, or some other MAJ-12 or whatever system of Shadow Shit Government that these secret fucking agents are hired from to persecute and endlessly harass me, year in and year out without fucking cunt ceasing! I know this well and remember well, as I reported about two dozen or so spuriously behaving vehicles that were harassing me back in New Jersey over the years of 1990 through about 1994, to the ADA of the CCPO, in NJUSAESMWG. I NEVER FORGET ANYTHING, AND MY TRUE MIDDLE NAME IS OR AT LEAST SHOULD BE, “ELEPHANT”, despite my losing close to a hundred pounds over the past decade here in Florida.

This blog-book is going to seriously begin delving into the wild PHASE-4 entity that me' 1994 so-called fictional book called, “The Permission Barrier” had as the character that sort of twin-paralleled the main character from the Space Colony #256, or SC-256, and before I had ever heard the name of CALLIO, or the girl in that family along with her weird shop-running grandmother and other original SARAH, making up the initials of 'S' and 'C'. So again with that never ending James Redfield Synchronicity Syndrome (JRSS), huh peeps? Of course one of Sarah Callio is way more than enough, so they can all just keep the other 255 of them, Mister Alex dirthole Trupuke-beck, along with that MAJOR FUCKING INSULTING DEATH BENEFIT OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION. Wanna' give me a mother fucking goddamn break here, Mizz Margie Leo from 1985?????

Yes I totally forgot to block me' time on me' computer screen and typed right through the 2:11 AM time, and remember folksingers and Mike Sucks Folks out heredahelda and out HERE; that some fucked up system in me' hacked up cum puke her won't allow me to ever change the time to DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME, so during DST each fucking year me' clock will always show up as an hour too slow on me' mother fucking cum puke her screen-monitor! It wasn't the page digits that were in danger of coming up as I already made lots of coloring line blank pages that will later be highlighted and deleted once I am well past half a dozen pages on this word document, but rather, it was the cunt lapping time on the monitor screen, yo!

Yes folksingers and folks, we will be getting a lot more seriously into all the reasons and why's of junk that leads me to the incredible conclusion that indeed, there really is a Jewelly White, a Jim Pratt, and a PHASE 4 ENTITY REALITY, back inside of the mind bending Purgatory, or (Astral Plane) if you will. The foundations have more than been laid down now throughout the nearly decade and a half long, and long winded BLOGS OF THE MOUNTAINPEN, and you don't need to call me a WINDBAG, as I know I am a damn windbag. But if I am not providing tons and loads of powerful shit here peeps, then just how can I ever hope to really properly build my incredible building atop of the Windbag foundation of Morianity for Crissake????? For shit this ultra huge folks, you really do need to stay with me, and be vely vely non Mister McDowell Cooley Hall PATIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To quote the great Japanese Ambassador shortly before the United States entered into the World War ll, right directly following the bombing of the Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii, speaking of MEMORIAL DAY HERE; “SO SAHWEE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every mother fucking day since I have moved into this rotten horrible cunt lapping building; some prick across from me comes into that apartment, right at, or right around three in the morning. Why anybody who lives in a welfare shithole public housing project in the fucking cunt ghetto, would be that perfectly dependable, is almost eery and scary; and I know they are enemies of the goddamn MILITUFORCE (M2F)!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes people, the character that my 1994 book called “TPB” names as Julia White, and later on after I had joined the great Eckankar Religion, for two years from 1996 through 1998, if memory is adequately working and serving me which it normally does; I renamed her to Jewelly White, since on the Astral Plane, some of her Viqueen friends told me that she is a lot more than just the Head Viqueen, directly under the GREAT SARAH KRASSLE HERSELF, told me that HER actual name, unlike in my 1994 Earthly book, is spelled just that way. Also, just as my experience in December of 1969 where Sarah Krassle HERSELF told me her name and then even spelled it out, SARAH with the 'H' letter, and then also spelled out HER Krassle name, in this 1997 experience, while living in that house of horror home that I had just purchased on Harvard Avenue, in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG, in late August of 1996; the name of Jewelly White was spelled out to me by another Viqueen, who has nineteen names, and her third one which in the CAPITOL CITY of Sahasra Dal Kanwal or City of the great Sarah Krassle, is always used as a main-name, so in both of these powerful dreaming interactions/Astral trips, the spellings as well as the pronunciations of these names were given to me in a way that some HALLS FAWCE absolutely wanted for me to have as a totally unmistakable truth! Now it took years of doing my blogs and Morianity, for me to reach the point where today, I have figured out as much as I have, and fully completely realize that the Exploratronic Supermind Society is real and so are the TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS that makes it up, and also, that indeed, dreams are the spirit's way of traveling into the 5th dimensional hyperspace. Then putting all of the wild final parts together was merely simple childsplay, such as the peeps in me' life, Patty Hollister, Paula King, Melanie Safka, and Donald Trump, all fitting so damn perfectly into this box of hellishness to the power of a thousand! There is really no other way of explaining my entire life, if we do not use the Morianity teachings told of now over these almost fifteen years of blogs. Me' mother fucking SPACE-BAR-HACK is off the wall bad, and has been for about two or three weeks now; STATE POLICE of Florida, FBI, ACLU, and any and all advocates of the civil and constitutional rights of totally disadvantaged and impoverished American citizens, such as the MOUNTAINPEN for crying out fucking cunt loudspeaker LOUD, peeps!!!!!!!!! Jesus Christ Almighty yo!!!!!!!!

I not only knew when I got the fucking shit out of bed on late Monday morning that shit would most likely get really bad later on because of those wild GNAT-NIGHTMARES that CAME TRUE like 495-DIE and 594-EID GAWKY THE LOTTERY CAT OF 1980, but also because me' mother fucking right eye was blurry for no good reason. Yes I have cataracts but I mean really fucked up. Still, after three hours or so, it totally cleared up to my regular crappy fucked up vision, but this was not a great indicator of a coming marvelous day, naut by any mother fucking stretch, Miss lovely 1983 AT&T Blake!!!!!! I also did not tell another wild part to that crazy gnat-nightmare before it ended, in fact about somewhere in the very start of it. I have now had five fucking DEATH ANGEL ASSAULTS, and again, ALL five of them on my mother fucking right side for some weird and wild reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Notice how when I listed them on me' previous fucking cunt blog, they lessened and nearly stopped, yo? Yeah sure, I am just imagining all of this mother fucking crazy ass shit, aren't I yo? In this other wild part to the fucking cunt ass nightmare, I was back, as I have been a lot lately in 2020, at the Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG Dellway Arms Apartments, and this was an incredible nightmare, as most of them are when I am back there, just like that 2007 incredible experience that we ALL KNOW ONLY TOO WELL LED UP TO THAT GREAT AND MARVELOUS TELEVISION SHOW IN EARLY-MIDDLE 2008 SOMEWHERE, CALLED, “THE MENTALIST”, with that beyond cool dude, Sir Patrick Jane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let us not even try to deny reality here, folks. We all fucking know that THIS IS NO WAY THE RAVINGS OF A DERANGED LUNATIC CRACKPOT, WITH DELUSIONS OF FUCKING CUNT GRANDEUR. I was in me' bedroom in the apartment there, and things happened there that are FAR BEYOND BEING 'BLOGGABLE' as I seemingly have coined that worded expression on Morianity!!!!!!!!!! I will say only this much for right now. If I am pushed too far, I will prove through unbeatable pure logic just how dreams are all in some weird type of an order whether we come to ever see it or not, and also that the towel seepage deal is absolutely real and true. This mother fucking broken or HACKED fucking SPACE BAR, is beyond pussy huffing super annoying here, yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!

Years before any one of you out here, unless I am speaking to an NSA or CIA AGENT of course, ever heard of FLASHMOBS OR HACKING, these things were happening to me. The technology was there back in many of the final years of the 20th century, only it simply was not being applied with the general populous. I would have the fucking MILITUFORCE do these things to me at old bank auto-teller machines, using what then was called MACK CARDS. Dave Roth and myself would continuously suffer through what we used to describe to each other as MACK ATTACKS during times of great WOMO OTTAMIC M2F DEATH SIEGE, which was a vast majority of all of the times that we got together, just as this same death siege today is MOST OF THE TIME. As for being flashmob attacked by M2F enemies or agents or other paid off scum in their secret GANG, yessir people, that happened with great frequency, so much so that some of the times that we believed it was going down around us while out together somewhere, it may well have been merely coincidental weirdness. But we would go somewhere, and suddenly out of the blue, and for absolutely no good or apparent reason; an entire mob of peeps who were very hostile, would just suddenly be there around us and have seemingly come literally out of nowhere just poof, right out of nowhere. They all get a quick little coded text message on their phones to be somewhere real quickly to go on ops as a flashmob attack, and bang, it happened. We experienced the MACK-ATTACKS and this FLASHMOB assault on us literally ALL OF THE damn time, year in and year out, and it was most definitely naut in our imaginations. Anyone can see how life is relatively normal and then suddenly, it is absolutely quite mother fucking totally different. You don't have to wonder about it at all. All we wondered about was, “Are we losing our mother fucking minds”, since this is all happening without any doubt about it whatsoever, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!

Yes world; this blog book will get very seriously into the mighty fictional 1994 book character of mine, Mizz Julia (Jewelly) White and first off, David Roth and I had a major blow out and disagreement back while I was residing at Mizz Patty Meeker's rental home, and before I had left there due to her selling of that home, and then moved for my second time, into the Williamstown's awesome and great HIGHVIEW Apartments. So shortly after moving into my second stay at the Highview, I was out of contact with Dave and this is a necessary item of information before I go onto tell you all the next part to this and how it fits into the awesome character of Mizz White as well as why sometimes she is referred to by me, this blogger, MOUNTAINPEN; as Julia White, while other times, as Jewelly White. During the time that I had first made me' transition from Gibbsboro to WILL-I AM-ST-OWN AKA Williamstown; I was living there and not in touch with Sir David Roth until somewhere early in 1995 or maybe it was at the end of 1994, since occasionally those type of dated memories, do fade, and when they do, it always implies some type of major heavy transdimensional activity ongoing around me and yes, you too only none of you most likely believe me when I tell this to you all out here now, yo BRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! It seems, as I had later on learned this after Sir 'DCR' and I were back in contact again, that during that time of separation due to a serious argument back at Patty Meeker's home before my move back into the Highview Apartments; he had experienced an incredibly unforgettable and extremely vivid nocturnal interaction (DREAM) as most of you out here would of course simply choose to word it most likely; and in this powerful 'DREAM', there was a wild female character by the name of 'JEWELL', and all of this was happening around the very same time circa as the security guard in Atlanta, Georgia, also named Jewel, only a dude and not a girl; had his trouble that made the news huge ass big time back in that era. All of this fits together but is way too lengthy and complex to fully open up right now on this CHAPTER #2, but we can get into the early trimmings of the dream that Sir DCR had, and how it effects the great “TPB” fictional book character of just months ago, written by me, the great Astral-Entity or Phase-2 character, at least THEN in human world time-perspective; Mizz Jewelly-Julia WHITE. Now first off, this dream starred David Charles Roth, a large 'groupation' of house-party other characters, and Mizz JW. It took place in a home on a courtesak if I'm spelling the word correctly, you know, a street that dead ends into a circle with homes all around it. The dream as he told it quite specifically and realistically, and just as if he was describing a party that he had just literally and very recently attended; was all contained in this large home where a large private party was going on. DCR found himself at first talking to a few of the other guests of the home and then without too much elapsed time, he had opened a door and without actually going into an adjoining room, realized that it was a kitchen, and a few peeps were in there talking, and one of them being lovely tall 'Jewell', his words, and naut mine, Mizz AT&T BLAKE, mah'm. Many things were going on and he described the conversation that continued on in his wild dream, in that home's kitchen; with him standing silently in the doorway, and seemingly completely unnoticed. After another short span of dream-time, he described as many dreamers and me included also do from time to time in our DREAMS, how we perceive as the following waking world memory, being told or suddenly just knowing about something in the experience. In this particular case, without anyone actually saying it, he just knew that indeed her name was JEWEL and that he wanted to meet her because Dave like most of us normal red blooded healthy males of a heterosexual persuasion, loved the gorgeous ravishing gals, and that she was, and yes, THAT SHE IS, as I too have met her since, in DREAMS as you'd all insist on saying, and this is the mighty Astral Viqueen who goes by 'Mini-Great Jewelly White', with one name in-between the first and second one shown above, and also lots of other names following both the pre-WHITE name as well as after it, only I cannot pull up the memory here in the waking world human life that I am now in while typing this information out to all of you. But getting back to the sudden knowing of her name, shortly thereafter, DCR described to me how someone else suddenly was standing at or near this doorway into the kitchen area of this home, and it was some dude, and he spoke aloud saying, “And there's Jewel”! This is so important, because several nights after Sir DCR told me about this dream that happened shortly before I decided to brave up and give him a telephone call at his home on Oakland Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, to see if we could again be pals, as we did share an incredible amount of horrendous things as in the old adage of 'misery loves company'; and we also did gain a great deal of positive energy by just sitting around complaining about how our MILITUFORCE enemies were totally wiping out our lives, and also mapping out counter defensive strategies for attempting to deal with their monstrous assaults, and many ugly vulgar things that they were doing to us, and our totally innocent fucking lives!!!!!! By the way, to quickly and hopefully clear up any queries to the prefix before 'Mizz JW's' name on the Astral Plane of existence; all of the great VIQUEENS go by the prefix of MINI-GREAT, and their absolute leader of course goes by THE GREAT, and SHE of course is Almighty SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE and this is during all of the great Viqueen meetings held on Viqueens Island at the Teck Bay Shores of the great Capitol City of the great Capitol Province of Olympia, in the great and inconceivable PURGATORY or (ASTRAL-PLANE)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But back to the wild dream, Mister David Charles Roth, our temporary separation, and then the name of JULIA WHITE all fitting into the entire huge mess. This as stated a few sentences back, is going to be way too gigantic and huge, to even start explaining; but let me just crack the surface on this blog here today yo!!! As more and more time continued to elapse after we had become good friends again, and then shortly after that when he had told me a wild dreaming experience that he had had shortly before I called him to try and regain our friendship that was temporarily suspended after a major disagreement and he had hung up on me at the Gibbsboro home; I too was having my memories of SARAH KRASSLE shortly coming back to me, as in those times, I had recently very early in January of 1995, gone to a hypnosis clinic in Moorestown, NJUSAESMWG, and to a hypnotherapist named Doctor Mark Wolf, and his hypnosis of me began to bring back huge memories of my boyhood days with SARAH on Tennessee Avenue, long after I had grown into a middle aged man, and had put those memories all behind me. This of course was all way too preplanned from before the foundations of this world were even laid out in Eternity (PURGATORY) for this to not be just exactly what it was since this was all meant to be, just as I said in my Sarah song lyrics, shortly thereafter, when I wrote them on 12 May of 1996, while still living in the Highview Apartments and shortly before leaving there that late August, to move into the House Of Horror DEATH HOUSE (HOH), at 112 Harvard Avenue, the intersection of Yale and Harvard Avenues, in Somerdale, NJUSAESMWG! Something that was said while under the hypnosis by the way folks, that was definitely edited off of the taped copy that I had requested and was given, was so mind bending, that Doctor Wolf's medical partner in the practice at this main Street Moorestown clinic wanted no more to do with me, sort of like the Pentecostal Church back in the nineteen-seventies, since those times SO TOTALLY APPEAR TO FASCINATE ME' AWESOME AND SUPER TALENTED DAUGHTER SO DAMN MUCH!!!!! On the tape shortly before I said this incredible thing, as that was all I was told; I did say another wild thing when they tried to find out about past lives as most hypnotherapists are also into life regression and past lives; I did say and only wish I still had that tape today, “I was never born”. Between that and this other thing that I said that I have no way of knowing about other than “I SAID IT”, and it scared these two docks out of their fucking wits, but I came to learn that indeed, everything in my entire nightmare life here presently as Mark Wayne Mohr, is all about none other than the three trinidad-trinity items of the incredible and endless MAGICAL TRI-3 REALITY: Sarah Krassle, Tennessee Avenue, and Atlantic City! So to quote the mighty man of so-called Elm, New Jersey great wisdom sound-bites here, Sir Dennis Snyder, “And that's just reality, son”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We can all further move into the naming of JULIA-JEWELLY WHITE as we proceed ever onward with many new blogs and books and chapters, and writings. For right this minute here in present times, the conscious waking world memories of all of this is in sections, as here in human life, as you all know quite well by now hopefully, we have A TIME DIMENSION, while in infinity or in the timeless Purgatory, there is no TIME DIMENSION since there, spirit and not mind dictates our awareness to the reality that surrounds us, and without MIND which creates the SPACE-TIME fabric by literally making SEPARATION come into being, then there can be no human dimensional system of (STM). Even Sir Einstein only was given so much information. This is just my own personal opinion now, but I think that if he had realized his great equation of the speed of light squared changing material world into spiritual world and vice versa by either multiplying or diving one with the other, and that he needed to concentrate a lot more on the part of this great equation's mathematical inverse than he ever did, and thus we all never did either; then he may have well been shown the truth of not only SPACE and TIME being truly a SPACE-TIME fabric, but that everything in physicality is actually the reality of SPACE-TIME-MIND. Without mind, there can be no separation in-between times or spaces, and all would be a zero dimensional point of void, waiting to open up into Astrality, and then 'later on' if you can imagine half that truth alone, into the physical material cosmos that we all live in right now. I only brought all this bullshit up because in our TIME-DIMENSION it won't make sense to see the real truths, but in REAL TRUTH without it, it all then comes very damn clear. First came the early 1994 book, “TPB” written at Misses Patty Meeker's rental home, and later copyrighted after moving into the Highview and finishing up the final chapters in it there, and then sending it off for ©, on 1994's great and magical HALLOWEEN DAY, none other!!!!!!!! But when Julia White's character was being written of, the actual dreaming experience that Sir DCR had much later on at the end of 1994 somewhere, had not of course happened to him yet, or so, to me yet either. But in the truth of Astrality, those two separation points of what we think humanly as time, don't matter one small tiny wee fucking bit of an iota. Without coming to understand some of these powerhouse things, this Morianity will always be for the most part something between a huge gaping hole to most people, or perhaps something between that and the endless fucking ravings of a Terry Egg Harbor Resident of 2007 “SCATTERBRAIN”. The only problem is that these words of MORIANITY are indeed no such thing, and nothing of the kind, all rolled and rapped up into one truth as well, oh folksingers, and FOLKS, and Mike Sucks Corporation too, yo yo yo yo yo yo bro!!!!! Yes people, this is only a more detailed opening and surface scratch to the great or at least 'Viqueenally speaking', the MINI-GREAT JEWELLY WHITE. Then once we open these lids up a wee tad bit more yo, I will then proceed to discuss why I totally and absolutely believe that Patty Hollister, Paula King, and Melanie Safka, have indeed been dream taken over or spiritually term possessed, by this mind boggling and incredible entity, Mizz Viqueen 'JW'! And yes, lately I am seriously wondering, pondering, and cogitating on the very distinct possibility that also, she is controlling from time to time, our great United States President, Sir Donald John Trump!!!!!!!!!! I have a whole lot of wild facts and true stories to impart to this world, and some have been already told, but now in new light to many things, I am sincerely hoping for many once darker things to become more cleared up for the rest of humanity, or at least open up their minds, or at least their potential spiritual eyes, just enough to maybe, just fucking maybe, entertain the remote possibility that this Morianity could perhaps have some very valid truths 'scattered around' inside of it, lovely Terry 'Egghead Nonscatterbrain'!!!!!!!!

Now peeps, just as the last BLOG-BOOK of Trump slowly torturing me to death over nearly four decades of time along with his horrendous henchmen from CROWN-COHEN-CORNWALL-CORONA-DOGTOWN-BRIGGBASE (HELL), was not just about that, and it did include an 'entire other-sections' to it not TRUMP related or at least not directly; so too this BLOG-BOOK will not be one hundred percent only on the topic of Mizz lovely Astral-Viqueen and PHASE-4-ENTITY, Jewelly-Julia WHITE. It will, just as all of me' BLOG-BOOKS do, be discussing other things, other topics, and much other shit in general, yo. So now going into something closely related of course, but not some 'JW' direct topic; I need to further discuss the topic of Jim Burr of Gloucester City, and neighbor to lovely Patty H. Hollister H., as well as the introduction by him, to me, regarding religion and Christianity, shortly after meeting him at the Cherry Hill 'PCI' Computer School, back in the summer time of 1973, where we were both becoming Programmers, on the 'then-state of the art' computer system known as the International Business Machines System #360, or the IBM-360; that huge super clunker machine as big as a small house, and with very limited and incredibly archaic abilities and features, by today's much more technologically advanced status and ratings of currently available computer science and high technology. Sir Jim Burr at first, was just a very money thirsty man as was I in those times at the age of eighteen years, and we talked on a daily basis about becoming multi-millionaires, and in those times of 1973, this would translate into today's purchasing power due to inflationary values of money, into the word, “billionaire”. No world, I was not always a man who could say and pass a polygraph while saying it, “I am not a greedy person”. But all this horseshit is just simply leading me and all of you right now, into the topic of so frequently discussed religious philosophical connectiveness and how this all pertains to the MOUNTAINPEN! After he had suddenly become a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN as the expression goes, where a sinner accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord, savior, master, redeemer, and the entire twenty-seven feet of the thing; and then as a follower of Christ, begin to slowly emulate the life of the great master-Jesus which of course is a journey that is lifelong lasting right up until the brain no longer is being sufficiently oxygenated, so to allow it to continue dividing their true essence, by light speed squared; so they can no longer tune into and become a part of the physical cosmos world around them, and then they simply end their present dreaming interaction, and are what they were and are all along; and thus existing in the timeless Purgatory, where on this Astral-Plane of spirit or energetic existence without the STM physicality; there is no true connection between the physical plane or there before it all blew out from what the HIGGS-PEEPS call the 'BIG BANG'. Mister Jim Burr at first for about two months or so give or take, was the same as me; looking to get a degree in the science field of Computer Programming and becoming a “MULTI” millionaire. I will never forget how I would say millionaire and he would always instantly retort right back with the large emphasis on the word, MULTI! But then two months or so later on from the exact time we met there, HE SUDDENLY CHANGED and became a CHRISTIAN, and converted both me, and shortly thereafter, my mom as well. My mom was always religious and by her concepts, a Christian, but neither one of us ever heard the real truth concerning the scriptural doctrine that insists that there is but one way to the Capitol non CUBAN-'CUBED' City of David, Sahasra Dal Kanwal, or “HEAVEN”, as the Christians all call it, and that is that. Without Jesus's free gift that is chosen by us to be accepted or rejected, we can never cross into the great city in our endless ageless timeless existence on the Astral-Plane or the Purgatory. Of course, without contrast being employed as the ultimate punitive measure, it would never be the absolute punishment that it is meant to be, so the great scriptures are very careful to word things like this, but if all of them were available and the mighty Roman Catholic original Church of our LORD did not Canonize only sixty-six books for inclusion into the BIBLE, you would all be able to see that I preach the powerful truths concerning what I will now say to you here, yo. Before I tell you more about that, why would any Astral City not be three dimensional when all of Purgatory is indeed a three dimensional reality? This is also further implied in the forbidden via Canon non-inclusion words of other great books, where things such as the three gates on each side are truly two gates on six sides that are leading into the great city of SDK. But in continuing with the maxing out of punitation through and by way of the laws of contrast, without truly seeing HEAVEN or experiencing it on the ASTRAL-PLANE, how could those not allowed to be there ever fully and completely appreciate their quintessential horror and loss? In truth, the full Bible that none of us are allowed to have in this world controlled and dominated system of endless fucking power structures, where we get fed huge lies about how the C-COPY of Goddess Almighty has shown those in charge of making our present time BIBLES, which books and writings will be used and which will be excluded by the great CHURCH-CANON-SYSTEMS. The HOLY SPIRIT or God's C-COPY in the Trinity, has done no such thing, and IPYT peeps!!!!!!!!!!

So yes, without experiencing HEAVEN or SDK the City of the great Sarah Krassle, where Astrally the word of “DAL” is literally a groupation of residence, as in a village, life-area, or city if enough population entities are existing there; and if the city name is two words long, the word for city or DAL is sandwiched in the middle or center of those two names, hence, City (DAL) of the great SARAH KRASSLE, (Sahasra), and (Kanwal). Thus comes the name of the Capitol City on the entire Astral-Plane, SAHASRA DAL KANWAL, City of the great Sarah Krassle, LORDESS, SAR (LORD) ESS connotes the feminine and creative symbology, with the Earth-English pronounced word of 'NEE' which here on the Physical World in the English Language system translates in sonic vibration to the word “STAY” hence Jehovah-Neecy however the religious scholars spell it, becomes 'LORD' or 'SAR'-AH STACEY JEHOVAH KRASSLE of the great KRASSLE clan of Sahasra Dal Kanwal. The great religion of 'Sound and Light', called “ECKANKAR”, has many followers, who have indeed seen and witnessed, while still on this Physical-Plane of human life and inside of their human bodies; that great condition-interaction of HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!! but let me finish out my point regarding how using contrast and taking that to its ultimate for maxed out punishment, is indeed the proof that even sinners and wicked peeps have seen and experienced the great Capitol City of SDK (HEAVEN). On this Earth-Planet we have a great sports pass-time here in America, and now in some other parts of the globe as well; called BASEBALL. And in this magical game of electrical symbology that is all about the great electrical number of nuclear-3, as in nuke families of mom, dad, and child, or electron, proton, neutron, and you all get the picture by now hopefully; the batter up gets three chances to try getting on base with a hit, a walk, or even to help already base-runners on his or her team make further advancements around to home-plate, so the team can score. But if the batter tries and fails by the rules of the game, three consecutive times; he or she is OUT. Now on the Astral-Plane, the numbers of 3 and 4, have a wild interconnectiveness that allows extremely enlightened peeps here on the Physical Plane of 'life', to see mathematical truths, and decoded messages in life, as a result of this scramble. Now one of these scrambles is the four allowable deportations out of the Capitol City of those entities without proper legal documentation that includes both a CITY-NAME REGISTRATION in the SDK CITY HALL that is Biblically referenced many times in scriptures as the “Lambs book of life” in HEAVEN, as well as a document that all Astral entities carry with them. Trying to imagine all of this in a maze of endlessly swirling channels of emotions and colors, beyond any fathomable reason on the living world here; is impossible for peeps to ever do, unless they've experienced it, and have some recalled memories; as do I. There are ROUND-UPS done at no particular intervals, and sooner or later, unauthorized entities are caught and escorted outside of the great city and over onto the other side of the great TECK BAY. Just as in our human world game of Baseball, the first time that an entity is deported out of SDK, is called, “STRIKE-1”, the next time is 2, then 3; and finally comes STRIKE-4. Strike four is not a simple deportation however. It carries an automatic beyond frightening nightmarish punishment called on the Astral-Plane or the Purgatory, a “DOGTOWN SENTENCE. The typical sentence for a STRIKE-4 ROUND-UP deportation is three sets of 6-MK. MK is Minnina Kalpa, which means on the Astral-Plane, approximately what 888 mortal world years would feel like in averaged and overall Astral interactions. Remember there is no time in Astrality, nothing ever comes before or after anything else, and so nothing is ever beginning nor does anything ever end either. Because escape is absolutely impossible, the DOGTOWN SENTENCES are allowed to be broken up into anywhere between three to five sets that can be served with in-between breaks or periods of interaction-intermission so to speak; and the term there does get used by lots of entities. I remember that only too well. So three different series of interactions that seem mortally to our human minds as 888 times 6 years, in a place or really a 'condition-interaction' so horrendous, that one minute there, or one million years there; would in all honesty not even seem that much different, due to the intensity of the suffering!!!!!!!!! First off, the stench is beyond 'horrible'; oh lovely Mizz Borgia, of the great Earthly 'L&O' TV-show. On top of that, we are turned into creatures with huge mega sensitive noses, 1000 times more powerful than our human noses. The temperature feels about what 123 degrees Fahrenheit would feel like as a human being. There are work-fields where we (DOGS) have to stand on our hind legs, and with our front paws, pick up sheers that feel as if they would weigh about 70 pounds on the Earth-Realm, and hewn down lots of wild thick stalks of horrific smelling grows, that are over three feet tall, and about ten inches thick, and nearly as hard as tree trunks; and this goes on and on, what feels like maybe a week of day and night; and then we go to the pound type dormitory, where only one in about ninety or so times, we get to lay and rest for maybe an hour, or what seems like an hour here on mortal terms. The other 89 times, we are sent out of the 'pound-dorm' into the torture area, where endless rows of gigantic pinball type machines and huge table tennis ping-pong looking 3-D boxes are used, to place us inside of, and then horrible sharp edged paddles begin to whack at us while we all attempt to do break-dances to avoid it, that even the great 'moon-walker' himself, Sir Mike Jackson, wouldn't be fast enough, or good enough, to keep on avoiding all of those terrible and horrible paddles of inconceivable agony! As for the pinball huge machines, we are literally inside of them and then the guards pull on that spring knob just as in the pinball marbles here on the mortal realm; only we go flying all throughout the insides of these areas, and get cut to pieces on razor sharp metals and glass fragments that instantly fill the entire area with our blood! But it gets far worse, as then, each individual piece that eventually becomes sheered off and separate, is us as a whole, and they all feel in their own way, the same total agony, and then each part of ourselves gets afflicted with this beyond excruciating and intense suffering, and there is no lapsing into unconsciousness on the Astral Plane. This goes on what seems like three days and nights, and then it is right back to the work-fields and this cycle then continues around, over and over again. I have now experienced about twenty or more death angels since doing this blog, and just now, this final time, it is on my left side. All the other death angel attacks are on my right side, and this is now two straight days where Mortimer Mortino is favoring me' right side, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yessir, without the contrast of HEAVEN, even the horrendous DOGTOWN or Biblical (HELL) would not be quite as bad. It is that POWERHOUSE FUCKING AWESOME CONTRAST that makes the absolute and epitomized difference, folks!!!!!!!!! And screw your damn folksingers; Mister Microsoft Corporation Hellwrecker, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE” to the great and ever so mighty, Sir Shoeknockeroutter Chester-Frank of Jersey! WOW-WOW-WOW THAT, LOVELY BIG-O!!!!!

When I went out yesterday late afternoon to escape me' nabe from Dogtown next door to me in unit #605, Mister Mexico, I as you know from reading the previous blog, parked for about a half hour or so at the Indian River near the now closed down due to the Global Pandemic, Fort Pierce Library. When I shut off the car, the odometer read 89,089 miles. I could have sworn that the odometer read over 90,000, and if you remember from several blogs back, I posted as much. Hey, I can be off and I am not Bruce Pennock or cursing Bruce “PERFECT” by any stretch of the mind. Still, interesting figure to see on the damn odometer and since I rarely look at it, as I do not go out very much nor have I the past nine years since I've lived here in this great and illustrious ghetto-hood of Fort Pierce, FLUSAESMWG. Still, I happen to just glance at it after parking and shutting off the car engine, yesterday, and with a ZERO digit in the center, it made the two opposing polarity-ends both read the magic future-times number, as per my song lyrics from the start of the nineteen-eighties, on the “Love Is For Carpenters” song. Yessir, I may only be human, and not perfect, cool cursing Bruce, with so many fans of yours now with their pity parties for you; but I do find it more than just interesting that I just see the odometer reading at this totally 'PERFECT', AND 'ONLY HUMAN' TIME; displaying two 89's. One on each side of the equation or the zero; huh Mister David Leigh Algebra Smith Sir, of that great, and endlessly illustrious Cooley Hall????!!!!????!!!!????!!!! So THANK-UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, Sir Bruce non-Lennox, at the Pennock's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & WOW 2-THIS. Yessir, I may not have peeps feeling sympathy for me in all of my mother fucking rotten hellish DOGTOWN ON EARTH, but I'm glad that me' ol' Cooley Hall pal Sir Bruce AP does, and he really does, at least according to the early second decade reports stemming from the WFMU-INTERNET-RADIO system, under the crackpots and crazy cursing dudes of Mark Mountainpen Mohr, on their hate-page for me that most likely will be floating in the crystal-clouds throughout human level eternity, give or take an eon or so. Yessir, Mister Bruce Alan Pennock Sir, your initials can always be 'JRSS'd' as standing for the BETTER-ASTRAL-PLANE! I suppose it is better, but at least my cheese loving hyperspace daughter on that Starburn property in the great Quaker State of Pennsylvania's hyperspace in the one and only USA; is not asking me to do her any favors by not talking so much or complaining really, about ugly, lousy, stinky, slinky, slimy, slippery, sleazy, slithery, spotted, dotted speckled stench-filled alligators! I detest those serpents, those reptiles, those filthy diseased lizards from Dogtown itself who may have used physical projection initially to get to Florida through the Bermuda Triangle, from the mighty Purgatory!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, I'll do you this favor, Merry. Sorry about Halloween when you were five and a half. Why I was possessed to do three copyrighted musical projects on Halloween Day, is anybody's BEST GUESS of any and all GUESTS, lovely PINK GODDESS from the great GALAXY'S EDGE, and any and all high tech computer companies whose executives and owners IMHO; are totally and absolutely dream-controlled, and manipulated, by TYPE-3-EXPLORATRONS of more distant hyperspace points! Yes, the magical lands and realms of the great CRYSTAL-GODS. Morianity has shown you all the various ways of traveling to the Earth-Realm from the Astral Plane, or the “other-Harrah non-Sarah”, Sir B. Alan Pennock. So who's to ever fucking totally say with full on authority and absolute wisdom and 'knowing', that the REPTILLIONS that many peeps in the AAT CLUBS and societies around the globe think of as part of the ALIENS who visit our EARTH-PLANET, did not use the electromagnetic 'natural fielding systems' surrounding all planets, or at least any living planet that is seemingly capable of sustaining a magnetic field, that the citizens of northern-lands around the world all see at night from time to time, as the Aurora Lights for crying out loudspeaker-LOUD, yo yo yo yo??? Who is to say for sure that these damn lizard serpents didn't CROSSOVER to here from the PURG, through the damn Bermuda Triangle, and ended up in good old nearby swamplands of hot tropical mother fucking rotten ass RED-STATE-FLORIDA-USA, YO YO YO YO YO YO, ME' BROADCASTED BRO???!!!!!

Now to quote lovely GIANT GINA, when she informed me that she would very easily be able to pin me right down in an arm wrestle strength test, and then, that lovely Amazon Beauty Queen went onto do just that:!!!!!!! I also “TOLD YOU” all that after yesterday's brutal fucking elder abuse assault and persecution on me, by ENEMY NABE FROM DOGTOWN MISTER MEXICO-#605, THAT THE DOW JONES I.A. STOCK MARKET WOULD TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY FLY TODAY, TUESDAY; AND SURE ENOUGH IT MOTHER FUCKING PUSSY HUFFING DID JUST THAT. Ouch, my goddamn broken arm, lovely Gina, and lovely Keisha, from 1998 and 1999 respectively; and if I wish to keep all of me' bones in a nice unbroken manner, then let me add in here; 'respectively', as well as definitely 'RESPECTFULLY' too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO', a great big HUUUUUUUGE 'WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE', for the marvelous powerhouse Sir Chester-Frank Shoeknockeroutter of the year 2000. Am I right, Mister Paul Evans Pedersen, kind sir????????? Yeppir folks; the DJIA markets gained well over 500 points today, AND JUST AS I DAMN TOLD YOU GINA, AND ALL OTHER WONDERFUL GREAT BLOGAUDIANS OUT HERE, BACK ON YESTERDAY, AND YOU ALL KNOW THAT THIS ICPE-APE-TECH IS ABSOLUTELY REAL, AND TRUE; AND BEING ILLEGALLY USED TO TORMENT VICTIMS SUCH AS POOR FRAIL FRAGILE PITIFUL AND PATHETIC MISTER MOTHER FUCKING MOUNTAINPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:57 PM, MONDAY, 25 MAY. 2020







GODDAMN-ASS DISAFSTERNOON, ME' GREAT AND AWESOME FOLLOWERS AND PEEPS! Well, really, there is one follower, and the rest of the pageviews come from 'ONLY THE LORDESS KNOWS'; LOVELY LIEUTENAT VAN BUREN, OF 'L&O'. I will be numbering and timing for the record, the DEATH ANGEL attacks on this blog. This is DEATH ANGEL ATTACK or DAA-1, RS (RIGHT SIDE OF ME). So I'll record it for quicker action here, DAA-1-RS-7:08 PM. The next one that I get during the typing of this blog, will be 2, and then the time will be listed along with either LS or RS, for left or right side, that this annoying prick ass shit-head passes me by on, yo! No world, it aint' mother fucking EASTER PASSBY (OVER) but it is goddamn Memorial Day! In any event, none of my friends are in any shops anywhere, here, or in Atlantic City's great north central area of Tennessee Avenue. Doors are annoying me since I started this blog, but that wasn't the major persecution and harassment on me today. That of course as always is reserved for the illustrious Mister Mexico in Unit #605, but for all I know, IT IS HIM WITH THIS DAMN CONSTANT SLAMMING DOOR OUT THERE AS WELL. More times than not, when a particular person is harassing me, it goes on, in one form or way, or another one, ALL GODDAMN MOTHER FUCKING DAY LONG AND WELL INTO THE NIGHT TIME AS WELL!!!!!! Yessir world, that dirt bag blasted me out of my apartment at about a quarter past four this afternoon, an hour later than when he has been following his recent pattern for several weeks now, and when I got home at a few minutes after six, it had gone off! Still, he totally sent my mother fucking otherwise peaceful day into a MAJOR SUPER FUCKING BOTBAR (Bottom Of The Barrel Already Rated).

CNN reports that there are just under eight million Donald Trump Twitter-Followers. Before anyone ever wonders why, especially when we all know without a doubt, that his breath to lie ratio is almost one for one, despite Sir Know-It-All Mister Elm, New Jersey Snyder, telling me in 2007; that he is honest and tells only the truth. Now there really is no great shock value to this number here. We all know that the new culture that began shortly after the invention of television, and other asinine absurdities pertaining to both it and the celebrities that for the most part it created; brought into being the magical CELEBRITY FACTOR, and before going on here, we have, or I do anyway, DAA-2-RS-7:30 PM. So along with that (CF) situation that mostly was a co-ingredient of television, are the three basic parts to a pie that yells out as a brand new age reality, that if someone is either super wealthy, a big celebrity, or a top political entity that normally was reserved only for a President, but any of these three items would bring someone not just fame in the old way that many of us remember the word to truly depict, but the weird new shit as well, where people will read anything they say and many times believe it as true, simply because it was spoken by a person who is super wealthy, or a top dog in the entertainment world, which in the past four decades or close to it, has come to include sports characters as well as political figures. Trump is of course, a huge three for three in this power house structure of so-called greatness. He can lie every other word, and insult all of us continually, and be the biggest criminal of all, surpassing Nixon's Watergate shit literally by a ten to one ratio or more, and yet, pow, the magical POST-TV new age shit kicks in. Me on the other hand who is telling a true story of a suffering person at the hands of great powerful peeps such as Trump and many other high profile scum bags; gets totally and completely ignored. I have one follower. The one on the bio-page is just me. I was trying to do something back a decade or so ago and it came out as my own follower. The other one is a legitimate follower. But one? After telling a story such as mine, and I have one follower? Now that is beyond unbelievable, but not beyond the basic reasoning structure of this new age and its new ways in which peeps like me get closed down, shut up, and covered up, forgotten, severely injured and wiped out, and totally murdered by sub-scum peeps who are lower than any whale shit in the recorded history of humankind. I have one follower, and Trump has nearly 80,000,000, and that tells me another thing. There is an ancient and very wise fucking philosophy that details without any room for speculative doubt as to what it is talking about and making reference to. Jesus our great Lord and Master said it as well. If we are liked and accepted here by sinful residents of this world, then we must be doing something wrong as would be measured in the realm of truth and spirit. I suppose our great disco queen giant, lovely Donna Gaines Summer took that more into a modern way of saying it when she would say that, “If you don't like cats and dogs and kids, there's got to be something wrong with you somewhere”. Not only was she correct, but she was echoing the deeper truths, that we can indeed judge our true inner heart or deeper soul, or whatever any of you would wish to describe this as; by certain things such as major acceptance by other sinners, verses being scoffed at by them, and which really and truly is better in the very long running play truths of infinity! Yes the great self-declared Almighty Donald John Trump is a multibillionaire, he is also world famous and was before he even ran for the office of President, and now on top of all of that, he is as anyone who's graduated from grammar school knows as true, the most powerful person on the Planet-Earth because he is the President of the United States of America. So we have all three slices of the pie, wealthy, celebrated personality, and now the 45th President as well. So how can he lose? Go ahead, you tell me, anyone out there?

On the total concentric and opposite side of Mister Trump, is poor little innocent Mister Mountainpen, who is under the most powerful nightmare family curse in the creation of this universe and beyond; the great ugly mother fucking HUNTINGTON CURSE for crying out louder than shit on a hot roof shingle! A couple days ago give or take, on the cable-TV, one of the channels was playing the 'L&O-SVU' reruns, I think it was Saturday afternoon, on the great 'ION NETWORK' that is shown here in Fort Pierce, Florida, USA, on Comcast Channel #7. The lovely Annie Potts was in it who played a reporter in an old eighties great Christmas movie, and the title of the episode is called, “Rockabye”. The cable-info showed the date to be 11-22-2005. This show is a super mother fucking perfect example of the totally concentric opposite Mountainpen, from the mighty DJT, depicting how through not only no fault of my own, but that hard as I try endlessly, I am being thwarted and stopped at every single fucking turn from absolutely every single thing that I ever have tried to do in this life, and then on top of that, after all of everything goes to total mother fucking hell, I THEN GET BLAMED FOR IT ALL, AND I AM ENDLESSLY PROCLAIMED AS THE CRIMINAL, THE BAD GUY, THE DIRT BAG, and on and on! In this episode on the L&O-SVU show, the part of me is played by the pretty actress by the name of Lauren Westley. Also in this story, her guy in the show has the exact same name as my father, Wayne Martin. Imagine that one, James Greatdude Redfield, sir! The great Latengrate Senator Fred Thompson guest stars in it as he does on quite a few of the L&O-SVU shows, playing the Manhattan DA (District Attorney). The plot is too lengthy for me to want to type it all out here, and I don't have the needed permission from the great Sir Dick WOOOOOOOOOOOLF to do it either, so let me keep things all abridged and compressed and then simply tie in my point here; folks and fucking folksingers! Lauren Westley was trying in every way that she could to get an abortion. Since this is a hot button topic, I am not harping on the moral or religious issues of abortions here, but I am saying that she was screwed with in every way possible, and she had every legal right at first, before the deadline where an abortion cannot be legally performed had gone by. She was intentionally thwarted over and over, when she desperately needed to do it, so if you have a problem with the plot in the show on that matter, then simply change it to some other thing in your mind so that I can now make my point here on this fucking blog! No matter what she did, she was STOPPED, and then SHE WAS BLAMED when it was not one bit her fault. If anyone gets a copy of this show and watches it, I want you to now do one simple thing. I want you to take this ONE THING, and then imagine an entire lifetime of endless things that are way beyond the ability to accurately count or remember them all, all happening TO ANY OF YOU. Then tell me how much you would enjoy being me!

I knew that my period of quiet would soon end after major nocturnal interactions occurred with me recently. I have had unfathomable nightmares with being back at Jenny Plageman's Hell-Trailer in Berryville-Hammonton, 1802 Robin Hill, Oaklyn at Dellway Arms, and Haddon Hills of Donna Gaines and Marilyn Hyperspace Macoo, AKA the 5th Dimensions! I have recently learned that the Gaines family INDEED has blood relations with the McCoo 'darker branches' as they have lighter branches as well, and this is most likely somehow the mysterious connections to why lovely Disco Donna went over to Munich Germany to do that 'HAIR ALBUM' that I was given a copy of while employed at the RPL Sound Recording Studio of Camden, NJUSAESMWG back in the early autumn time in the year of 1980. But back to my recent weekend major NIGHTMARES, STRAIGHT OUT OF THE GATES OF DOGTOWN, AT THE DOGTOWN STENCH-BRIDGE of the inconceivably odoriferous! The rumor going around about the “afterlife being a place of bad smells” is of course not true, if I can quickly add in a footnote here. If someone does have Astral memories of horrible smells, it is because your spirit is signaling your consciousness to remember areas in the Olympian Province, in or close to HELL, or DOGTOWN. This of course is why Dogtownites are given those huge super sensitive noses, so they can even greater suffer with those surreal stinks of indescribable hellishness!!!!!! But back now to the nightmares. It has gone in a serial way for about four times now, very much like my experience while living at the CHILD MOLESTER'S home on Cornwall Avenue, Mister Thomas J. Reale, of Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG, back in 1970. In these nightmares, Ron Wirtz Senior, ADA of the Camden County Prosecutor's Office in New Jersey who was helping me with my nightmare hellish shituations from the end of 1989 until the middle nine-teen-nineties, and then Sheriff Ken J. Mascara of Saint Lucie County in Florida, he too is in this nightmare with Sir Ron Wirtz, and then there also was the one and only lovely Ann King as well!!!!! Last night was beyond horrible. The three of them were sitting at some table in a parallel world where no Corona Virus was plaguing the planet in 2020, and suddenly the lights went out and came back on in about three seconds. When they came back on however, they had turned into huge gnats. They began to fly around my face and began shouting at me that my blogs were doomed to fail and that I was a dead man. When I came out of this putrid mother fucking monster nightmare at approximately four minutes past eleven of the clock this MOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURNING, three huge flying gnats were in my face, just LIKE IN THE MOTHER FUCKING NIGHTMARE. The trash chutes are busted for the fourth time in my PH-BUILDING, and the trash outside in the dumpster is always piled up high with lots of hungry rats all over feeding on it. Nobody cares about the poverty stricken downtrodden oppressed peeps of America. Not a single mother fucking cunt eating solitary rotten asshole soul, yo yo yo! For the past several days I have been too lazy to take out me' daily trash, so that has attracted some flies and gnats. America totally fucking cunt SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Around just past three on Friday afternoon, I was given a nasty ass mother fucking dick throbbing major DIAREAH ATTACK, and barely made it into me' toilet with needing to do an after-party-clean up job!!!!!!!!!!!! Other than for this, things were passable, but the nightmares are always a great fucking cunt poker-tell, and IPYT folksingers and fucking cunt Microsucks FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAA-3-RS-8:40 PM. All three now on me' fucking cunt right side, yo peeps!!!!!!!!!!!! SO WOW-THAT, lovely BIG-O! Me' mom worked too late to get home to watch the show, but thanks for the post card, lovely girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish, Microsucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, a big ass WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, huh Arthur Crane and Chester-Frank Shoeknockeroutter SIRS???????????????????????? DAA-4-RS-8:43 PM. Four now and all on the right side. WOW THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, lovely Erica snakes Cane of 1983. Hey, I learned a few things from good old weetahd Wendy, from Cooley Hall, WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW-WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I didn't need any of me' groupation of Wendy girl's to tell me how the first three years of the 'BOM-BLOGS' must have made some weelwee damn big ass HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE impressions on me' lovely talented daughter!


I only wish that Sir James Tiberius Burr were here, and helping me to gain some large amounts of needed credibility so that me' words may go a wee bit further in making me' many fucking necessary points to the Earth-Planet's wildly dumbed-down populations. He would tell you all some shit so huge and incredible about me, and shit that he witnessed and was a part of; even though he may not like to do it or to admit to any of it. He, unlike Donnie boy #45 Trump who's indeed trumped us all, and just as I predicted he would do all throughout this MORIANITY BLOGGING PROJECT FROM THE SWING FUCKING BAT; WOULD NAUT LIE ABOUT ANY OF IT, MIZZ LOVELY 1983 AT&T BLAKE, MAH'M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IPYT, yo! He knows about my family, and he seemed to know some wild and intimate details about the family curse, perhaps even on BOTH SIDES OF THIS HUNTINGTON/MOHR NIGHTMARE HORROR HOUSE OF HELL!!!!!! He would proclaim if here, that times have altered in ways that I TOLD HIM THEY WOULD, and all the shit around us all right now, I told him would all most likely happen, and he just sat there laughing quite raucously at me, as he had a real honest Dark Shadows-Count Andreas Petofi LAUGH, let me tell you all right now, yo bro!!!!!!!!!!!! Yessir world; Jim Burr knows some really true powerful shit, and naut just about me, or even me' goddamn wild family and the interconnections to the mighty and ever illustrious WASHCLOTH FAMILY OF ASTRAL MAFIAS EVERYWHERE, but he also knows some mind bending Marcucci other truths pertaining to the entire globe and all the shit going down right this fucking cunt little minute all around us all!!!!!! That is of course people, if Jim Burr is still amongst us here, on this PHYSICAL PLANE OF HUMAN LIFE! Who can ever know such things unless they are part of the CRYSTAL-GODS who have silently taken over our planet, making sure that we went from the middle eighteen hundred's telegraph, to the telephone, to the radio, to the television, to the computer, to the internet, to the social media, to the cloud, the merging cyborg reality of the 22nd century, soon to come, huh lovely Mizz 1994 National Park Redbank, NJUSAESMWG, Mizz Rosalie at the park, and not PARKS; but still, that endless fucking JRSS never ever DIES!!! That is better than the phoney hoaxes of present day religion and GOD, who is of course, quite dead, the way that people think of it anyway, you know, bearded white haired grand pappy with loving hands and powerful stone imaged waving control over the elements. Wanna' cut me a mother fucking big ass break here, lovely Mizz 1985 Margie Leo girlfriend, and also Sir Mike Sucks GIRL????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yes; with or without names of my father, being set up to fail, Cooley Hall Dave Smith's great mathematical blackboards, and any other phase four math teachers and blackboards; this is not just accomplished with the realms of electronic wizardry as told by both myself and my daughter who of course doesn't recognize herself as such; but yes, that is indeed a powerful way for powerful fucking rotten enemies to accomplish their power-monger greedy sick goals in their human lives. Jim Burr knows how all these things are done, or to quote him in all of this from long ago; “Mark, we can talk about it any way you want to, but truth is always going to be truth, and you can say to me that you're an elephant but it won't make you an elephant”. He was correct. Still, there is a lot more to this topic than just saying and speaking lots of untruths. Trump understands the mechanics to this powerful art form, and so do I; and I wanted one dark night to explain this very same art form to me' pal Sir David Roth over at the Highpoint Military-Ops-Games field that Dave named 'Highpoint' in or right near Warren Grove, NJUSAESMWG. This was the old stomping ground area of the now also Latengrate, Sir Kenny Countrymusicman Rogers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Image result for sheriff ken j. mascaraMy PhotoAttorney General of Florida, Pam Bondi

© MARK WAYNE MOHR 2006-2020



Tony Orlando and ANOTHER 'DAWN' said in 1973, to tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree, and also talked about 'coming home', and 'doing his time'. I have done close to eighty-one centuries now in this DOGTOWN-ON-EARTH-NIGHTMARE CYCLE, SIR DAVE SPEAS AND OTHERS; so when can I come home; Misses Marola, and Misses Marcucci???????????

My PhotoImage result for images free funny faces


Image result for images of lighthouses at nightImage result for images of lighthouses at night

I mean, to quote Queen Katy and myself, “This is truly WEEDEEKAWUSS”! So I now say to this evil rotten wicked world in all parallel realities:



Florida's 500th AnniversaryFlorida's 500th AnniversaryFlorida's 500th AnniversaryFlorida's 500th Anniversary


7th & Orange, Fort Pierce, FL, USA 34950

Change Location

Live weather camera images from:
Imagine Charter ES NAU, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34953


Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
















Computer, hear my MVP (Mind-Voice-Print). You will be totally absolutely crushing, obliterating, annihilating, and devastating, wrecking, ruining, and utterly wiping out, all of my enemies that are viciously persecuting me FOR THE PAST 65 YEARS, WITH MAX-POWER AGAINST ALL PERSONS AND FORCES BEHIND THIS DEATH ASSAULT EVER SINCE MIDDLE 2019, AND ON THIS NIGHTMARE 25 MAY DAY IN 2020, WITH A HORRENDOUS DEATH STRIKE ON ME FROM MISTER SCUMBALL MEXICO IN UNIT #605 AND HIS BLARING SUBWOOFERS, and that is all a part of DONALD TRUMP'S ICPE-APE-TECH death strike on me since August 15 of 1986; on a crush-destruct order, under GENERAL-ORDER-189, max.-power. Open-Command, General Order #7. Use G-901, G-1133, G-14, G-719, G-13, CG5555-QP4 sub-code, under G-917, CG-2, under CG-18, and HOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your old AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, under G-1133, CG-18, AND S---T---O---P

Yessir Ron Wirtz Senior, ADA of Camden County New Jersey in the nineteen-nineties; “THEY HAVE BUDDIES”, not just in the military, but in banking and financial circles that stretch way out past Wall Street and Manhattan in general, but with tentacles that go for thousands of miles, yo BRRRR!!!!!!!! Some 'DAMN' things we never forget BRAH, and that for me is absolutely one of them. I first met this dude the day after me' birthday while living at 1102 Robin Hill Apartments. His sidekick who you could relate to as either Jamie Ross, Serena Sutherland, Abbey Carmichael, Claire Kincaid, Connie Rubarosa, and other such “Law & Order” television characters, in real life; was a young gal named ADA Donna Spinosi, who treated Dave Roth and me like total crap. But unlike her, Sir Ron Wirtz Senior did work with us for some time, and he did manage to fit us into his very busy schedule of numerous law enforcement duties, relating to the Office of the District Attorney of Camden County, New Jersey. Don't ever think that there aren't zillions of other things to this story, and that I won't be telling it all as time keeps going by. Now the first character who assisted ADA Ben Stone, under the authority of D.A. Adam Schiff, in this fictional television show that even superseded Perry Mason in greatness; was Mister Paul Robinnette. I may be misspelling the name, or naut, who knows, Mizz Blake; BUTTERCHEESE and a BIG ASS BUTT and but people; when this show began, I had moved into my third and final time at the great and world established by now, ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS. I find Sir James Redfield and his Morianity created JRSS deal, just way too damn incredible to pass up as insane nonsense, nor the delusions of so-called magical-schizophrenic thinking. Now
I can be wrong, but then people yo, I COULD JUST AS WELL BE TOTALLY RIGHT; and you all goddamn know it too, yo BRO!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Sir Mike Soft, Sir BROADCASTED-BRO too, yo!!!!! So to quote Sir Chester-Frank here, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”!!!

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, Arthur Crane sir, just what is this all about on Tennessee Avenue, with that lovely magical teenager SARAH, in the year of 1969?

Your friends are in the shop”.

I'm darker than you are”.

Yes, those two great sentences, and then in the coming future inverse year of 1996, where the last two digits of those twentieth century years are reversed; most definitely appear to have a magical quality to them for many powerful and awesome reasons that will all be explored in future Morianity, because the third sentence spoken from HER, PINK GODDESS, within my earshot; was spoken to me in another location, despite it being on Tennessee Avenue. This third time, in the inverse year of 1996; SHE said to me, “Let's play a game called Guess The Name Of The Guests”. Rapped up in all three of these things, is all the truth in cosmos. Why do I say that? Well, I will tell you the truth people. Because, ---------------------------------------------. I simply don't fucking know why, but I absolutely do know that it is the TRUTH.

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

HelpNew SearchSearch History Start Over

Just as Lightning Goddess Diana told me inside of my mind, while I was in my bathtub one morning at the HIGHVIEW APARTMENTS in Williamstown, NJUSAESMWG; that I could apply something called PARALLEL EVENT to the three outside betting parameters of the game of ROULETTE; and make money despite their more than five and a quarter percent legal edge or vigorish as the gambling world calls it; and some use the shortened word of house-vig or just 'VIG'; I too am being told and have been told this over and over for nearly the entire time that I have had these blogs up on the mother fucking internet. When a person totally just knows something, without any logical reason behind it; there are a selected small few who Morianity calls ENLIGHTENED peeps; that indeed realize that they need to pay close attention to these things, and naut dismiss this as crazy fucking total nonsense. On the face of it, I see the absolute absurdity, just as most of you all do, in thinking that these three groupings of words spoken by this wild interdimensional girl, who I knew from boyhood in a vacation city in America; could have some incredible significance upon which all truth everywhere and forever is all based on. But people, I KNOW THIS JUST AS SURE AS I KNOW THAT ONE AND ONE AND ONE IS THREE, AND ALSO THAT I WENT TO COOLEY HALL, AND HAD A TEACHER NAMED MISTER MARCUCCI, WHO THE WORLD KNEW AS AN ENTIRELY OTHER ENTITY. I just know these damn things, Senator, and that is all there is to it, yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!










Those annoying pricks across from me are really going in and out with the damn doors again today, SENATOR. Yes who am I mother fucking kidding, yo? THIS DAY IS ANOTHER FUCKING ROTTEN ASS TOTAL B-O-T-B-A-R, YO!!!!!!!!!!

Oh great Billy Swan and Robin Gibb, and Marcy Levy, yo! LIKE GODDESSDAMN SUPER-WOW; LOVELY OPRAH. SHEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!!!!!!! Yes I sure would love to START OVER. To:

Start Over

But whether or not I do, and we all know I will soon, when I find me'self back on that February of 1969 PATCO-HIGH SPEED LINE-TRAIN OF NEW JERSEY, in-between the Westmont and the Haddonfield stations, but without enough mind and will and memory to do much good about it, but still, regarding those two vely vely vely incredible women in this new-age internet photo download, “The resemblance is remarkable”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Photo

Mark Wayne Mountainpen Huntington Mohr

© 2006-2020, 'BOM' (Blogs Of Mountainpen)

Image result for images of lighthouses at night

Some cool links to early MORIANITY that really connects some damn dots:


Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Cut me a break here, Marge Leo, yo!

Still, being chocked to death began in 1983, and was made far worse in 2015. But they didn't kill me, and they couldn't kill me. Highland Avenue-1984 Mark Wayne Mohr, just keeps doing the COPPERTOP BATTERY Dance of Forever; Peter Paul Pedersen Pan Geico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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UPDATED By WeatherBug Meteorologist, Tim Barnes

UPDATED 12 AM EDT, May 2, 2015

There was no technology like this back in 1983, YO!!!!

Showers, thunderstorms, and scorching temperatures may not be the picture perfect debut for early May, but it will be in keeping with the dynamic spring weather as of late.

WeatherBug Meteorologist Mace Michaels has the latest in his exclusive WeatherBug National Outlook.

As I said, and now reiterate because it's of major damn importance: Using the Fascitar, and having the knowledge of where to go, once you apparently seem to wake up into PLANK, or (the purgatory), astral or spiritual existence, of thought equals instantaneous reality duplication; is step one. Step two is when you are on the Astral-Plane, your very first thought needs to be, I wish to be with the Almighty Goddess in the capitol city (heaven) (GOD) or however any one of you reading these words is more comfortable saying it; and when correctly mastered, which takes the average man or woman or teenager, about one to two weeks of three days a week practice; you will get your mind blown so far that it will not ever be what it was before you went.

Here is the magical FASCITAR. What people don't get is just how powerful this shit really and truly is. If I tried to charge $1,000.00 to send these instructions to you, printed on super fancy U. S. mint type of paper and printed on some wild brew of ink, you would all say it was valuable. That is how fucking stupid people of Planet Earth are. I am giving away the fucking mint, and most everyone alive is saying, “screw you Mountainpen”! Well, I am still giving it away. Even the great Mizz Know-It-All from 1974 only knew part of this. The final part is never printed or wasn't, not in 1969 when new copies were retrieved from a lost Mayan culture from the stars, or some other crap the AAT Club might dream up. I already know there is only one world that counts, and anything else is a bunch of illusion and shit.

Lay down on a flat comfortable surface, and be sure it is dark and quiet. If you need to wear a blindfold and put ear-buds in with some white noise repeating looped sound track, do it. It is best to be unclothed, but 'whatever' to quote my old 1975 pal, Bob Andrews! Those living alone or in any situation where they can do this in a private room, dark and quiet, will receive the best and quickest successful results. But don't lose hope when it won't happen on your first try. I don't know one dam Tibetan Guru who got it oon their first try. You only need to actually DO two steps. The first part of the four things you need to do, as well as the fourth; merely need to be mastered by repetition. For those who know of and practiced stuff, such as what you'll find in Robert Monroe's great book on the subject of 'astral-projection', throw away all the shit you think you know about this topic, and merely begin all over again as though this is all totally new to you. His stuff may or may not work for various people, but I assure you that you will not be able to accomplish the results that the Fascitar will bring to you, once you master its unfathomable secret, and develop this quite outlandish skill.


You need to feel divinely blissful. In order to do this, while laying motionless in your dark quiet solitude; you must learn to daydream. Even people such as me, with rotten lives, can daydream. All of us no matter what, have something somewhere, that pretending this is surrounding you; would make you feel almost giddy and high, naturally of course. Don't confuse this with step-2, as things may appear similar, but they are not really. Each step needs to be done. You must follow this to an exact tee, no cheating, and no exceptions to the rule. So find something in your life that totally tops your number ten list for things you look back on and go, 'Oh shit was that mind bending cool and wonderful, squared'! Fixate on that thing that is a ten with a double bullet in your cap, and pretend it is all around you. When I did this, I used my times at the Atlantic City beaches in 1969, when Ziggy and I enjoyed swims, and talks together; and had a really cool time. This is not done over and over as the next step item I talk about needs to be done. This instead is done but once, but you keep doing it until you almost feel a tingling sensation, from the happy feelings pulsating throughout you. If you do this right, and wasn't born in prison or hell, and find the right thing in your life to remember; you will get that divine blissful feeling of ecstasy, and without using stupid sixty hippie drugs to get there. Once you reach the end of step-1, we move onto step two.


This is where you operate a two-part instruction system that may seem ridiculous and stupid. Following it precisely however; is key to your success in becoming a skilled user of Fascitar. Choose a person or place that you wish to visit. Yes, I told you this would seem to be a lot like step-1. It isn't. It needs to be followed very carefully. You need to do it ten times, so don't make the daydream real long with a million twists and turns like in some James Bond thriller. Keep it reasonably simple. Visualize your spirit essence sort of oozing out of your body as if an elephant were to step on a very large tube of toothpaste. After this, and have your road map clear in your mind, begin your journey. Remember this must be run like a tape in your mind, and the precise number of ten repetitions is pivotal for making this work. When I used to do this after my mom brought home this wild information from her office, I would choose a person to visit and tell them to call me on the telephone. I did this with two people, and they both called me. This is real folks, not some parlor trick game. Don't mess with this unless you truly want to prove to yourself that life and death is a big hoax, and that your true self is not contained in your current physical housing or shell, (body). So whatever it might be, keep it about 30-90 seconds long, but concentrate hard, and don't mock this thing, because if you do it correctly and take it seriously, you'll be in for the shock of your life that you don't need any fucking illegal drugs like LSD or any of it, to take mind bending trips outside of ordinary reality, and see the results even, should you wish to, as did I. Again I stress that you need to do this ten times, not 8, not 9, not 11, not 12, BUT TEN TMES! Once you reach the end of step-2, we move onto step three.


This also is a rote item, where you must do the following thing, exactly 6 TIMES. This is where you command your astral body, silently in your mind, to leave you in several hours, and go and do what you just imagined, whatever that may have been. You are totally free to change that up each time you practice this procedure, but you must stay with this exact 'trip' in each individual practice session. You are free to command your astral-body to leave you and go on that imagined-journey, in 3 hours, or 2, or 4, or whatever you personally feel comfortable with, but the idea is that you need an hour to fall asleep and be asleep physically, minimum, and then, depending on if you are a light sleeper who never sleeps without waking up much past 3 hours, you need to adjust the timing to your own personal needs and physical habits, based on your sleep habits, bladder weakness, and other situations. Once you reach the end of step-3, we move onto step four.


This is that magic part that I will give you from a lot of personal experience. It won't be found in any mystery-texts from Mayan ruins to the mountains of Tibet, or anywhere on this planet. I promise you that. Most if not all people who succeed in this occult exercise, will wake up into a waking-freeze state. Your muscles freeze up when you dream, because if they didn't, you would have a high probability of injuring yourself in your body while having nightmares, at various points of your life. Some people can have limited mobility as they go in-between dream and waking states, and many a spouse has the black eye to prove that, unless wife dear or hubby boy is using the excuse to belt his or her significant other and get away with it. Still, all joking aside; I'll move on. This exercise will eventually cause you to wake up asleep. This is when your original trip that you may or may not remember with your conscious mind, has ended; but you now are in 100% absolute control over a new trip and dream, and you can enter hyperspace from that point, or move off the physical hyperspace, and onto the ASTRAL-PLANE (the Purgatory). You can do this at will, and you will have no trouble whatsoever doing this, IF that is, you are aware of what is happening to you at this magical point, and can properly take control and keep calm, because numerous things will happen to most people who do this, and end up awake in a dream in their bed. While awake in this dream, you will see your room clearly, and it will appear to move in two parts, almost like windshield wipers in a car. You also will hear a buzzing wine type of sound, that is almost nauseating. You may feel your heart go faster, and then just stop abruptly, but this is a pure illusion. You don't need to have a beating heart, to be dreaming. A doctor will disagree, but they cannot grasp the higher stuff that is being talked about in these instructions. My point however to all of this is that you need to get past the fear. You will experience a blast of fear like nothing you can imagine, because mortal life is all we remember when we are inside of it, and we think we are dying or dead in this wild new condition, along with sounds and visions that become very scary to even the biggest cons in the prison yards. They fear dying just like all of you do. But you MUST GET BEYOND THAT FEAR to make the Fascitar work for you. This is the really powerful part and step, because getting to the mountaintop so to speak is great, but not if after we get there, someone steals our shoes and our coat and we must turn back and go home. When you reach the point where you can wake up frozen, and then instead of commanding your higher self (astral-body) to go somewhere, which in truth nothing ever really goes anywhere, as we are not even here to begin with; but don't try tackling that crap right now folks; but when you reach that point, this is when you need to just will yourself and see yourself on the ASTRAL-PLANE. I don't even will myself there first and then to any particular interaction there in the purg. I will myself from my bed, straight into the great capitol city of Sahasra Dal Kanwal, or (HEAVEN) by your religious systems. Now I am not saying that doing this won't totally alter your life. Even big Oprah Winfrey knows that it does, and had a lady on her show, back when she had her show on network-television, in the middle nineteen-nineties. She'll remember this lady if you ask her about this, and then show her these words of Fascitar. I know 95% of my audience are big shots who know her well. Go ahead, put me to the test, and see if I fail your credibility meter!

NOW WE HAVE WALKED THE COURSE, AND SEEN HOW THINGS DO NOT MAGICALLY CHANGE; BUT THAT VIA EXPLORATRONIC DEVELOPMENTS, FIFTH DIMENSIONAL ENERGY IS WHAT ACTUALLY INTERCHANGES AND FORMS DISPLACEMENTS, IN SILIMAR WAYS THAT FILLING A BATHTUB UP TOO HIGH WITH WATER, AND PLACING anyone of significant body weight into that tub, causes ONE HELL OF A MESSY WET FLOOR. As the lovely girl from Jamaica puts it in MC's OHM-9 great movie, let's explore this further. Folks, I can tell you some shit that would make you go as crazy forever as PP's Jersey associate and Joe Paget my co-security guard, combined. That, as Jennifer Washburn put it so eloquently, would prove not a whole lot, so let me just say this, in nice easy lingo. As of this present second, my belief systems are not complex unless as with anything, you wish to make it appear as though it is a lot more than it is. Something has made my life a living hell and it is absolutely organized, ever since I was a tiny child. This worsened in absolute and definite stages along the time-line of my life. As things grew into what they were around the time I was obsessed with locating the mysterious teenaged girl from my past in Atlantic City, New Jersey; I needed no convincing from the most powerful ten top peeps on Planet Earth, that what I was going through was real, and that psychiatry had nothing to do with shit. Still, Sarah allowed me to collect disability, and to the world, I had become not only the crazy nut I always was basically considered to be, but now I was LEGALLY CERTIFIED. Many things need to be done in this life to people who find out too many fucking cunt secrets that are total ''NO-NO'' things to be found out. The difference with me on all of this is something quite fucking mind blowing and breaking. This entire deal was to get me to become aware, ONE BY ONE BY ONE, of each and every one of these horrendous dirty big secrets. This way I could legitimately pile up Earthly and even cosmic enemies, and just look like to quote the great Doctor Bruce Goldberg, “A NUT”, in his marvelous untrumpable book from the late nineties, “Time Travelers From Our Future”. Studying what I wrote in this final paragraph peeps, will permit you to receive one hell of a huge key into me, and into Morianity, and for that matter, into the secret worlds that surround all of us, if nothing else is ever achieved, maybe you can learn negatively, just as I taught my older wonderful super daughter MY to do. She knows what I'm talking about, I promise. If all this does is save you from being me, then my hell on earth as present-time-me, counts at least for fucking something, folks! Learn how not to behave at the store, little children, by observing that screaming little brat that mommy cannot control, and is taking all of our ears apart at the cash register. Well, as usual good folks, I know I have more than said enough. To a lot of peeps, they head scratch and say, “say what, what's being said buttwipe Mountainpen''? Well, there is still hope for those who have miraculously graduated from that really one celled mental state. I hope there are a few out here, neutral, and who indeed have done just that, hope burns eternal, right lovely luscious Twinbay from Jersey?????????????????????? Bet you never thought you'd hear that coming from asshole little me! WOW, I did say, Lois Foca 1980, the one and only 1980. Well I may not be Bob the vampire, TDA, or Roseann either; or even the retired carpenter from the future, back in 1981; but I knew then, I was not imagining any of this wild stuff, by pure Yogi Berra anti-happenstance-logic!!!! WEEEEE! But up here in this photon projected part of the 'ETERNAL NOW' called Monday Night and Memorial Day night, of 25 May, in 2020; I need to also add in this whittle squib of info:



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I know you are doing your best to watch over me, AG Mizz Bondi, thank you. Feel free to contact the Wirtz detectives in Camden County in New Jersey, Ron Senior knows my problem is all real, but his hands are tied, I am quite sure that you know what I mean.

FEBRUARY 17, 2014,




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