Saturday, October 20, 2018






October is always a major deal. If anyone out here could have been a goddamn fly on my wall, throughout the years of 1986, until the end of that horrendous twentieth century, at various places where my late pal Mister Roth and I, would be discussing this issue; you would understand just how powerful this all really and truly is. But what even Dave Roth and I did not fully grasp, along with our Native American consort that day in 1987, Mizz Psychic Reader Laura, while I resided at 1700 Woodlynn Avenue, in Woodlynn, New Jersey; was that this mysterious dark evil force that was indeed surrounding and enveloping us, swallowing us up in death and hell; was the great and powerful PATRICIA HOLLISTER of Gloucester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! October of 1983 was when I lost 32 fifty-fifty bets in a row, at that CHEATING GOLDEN NUGGET HOTEL CASINO OF ATLANTIC CITY, ON HALLOWEEN DAY that year, October three years later was where DONALD JOHN TRUMP'S HOTEL AND CASINO CALLED THE TRUMP-CASTLE, totally wiped me out and crushed me on the twenty-ninth day, in 1986; and then there were those other three Halloween days in 1994, 2005, and 2007, when I was somehow incredibly influenced to copyright musical projects and send them to the © Office in Washington, DC on Halloween Day, this all makes 5 HALLOWEEN'S quite important in ways that go beyond silly words, such as outlandish, weird, or bizarre. Still, it would take a thousand pages of blogs to scratch the real surface information, as to why Halloween and Patty, and a few other things such as the mighty secrets of the FASCITAR, all connect up into one huge beyond HELLISH NIGHTMARE! But if I had a gun at my head, and was told right here and now to abridge this information into readable quick text, to give a tiny whittle smattering of the entire 324 inch ball of hellishness and nightmares; I would begin like this, and go on as follows, kind lads and lassies out here! ***NUKE RULES*** This is a shortening as well, for what Morianity and its many long winded blogs of nearly thirteen years now, calls “LAWTRONICS”.

If you pick up a Christian version of 'Holy Words' or scriptures, especially the KJV of our well know olden-days English translated bibles; we read how Jesus spoke those incredible words, “Seek and you'll find, knock and the door will open”. This is LAWTRONICS. This is built into the 'game' of the GODS. This is absolute truth, and this truth as all truths do, has incredible mind bending POWER! FBI, the RUSSIAN HACKERS are screwing with my blog, BIG TIME! They tried to stop me from RED-HIGHLIGHTING the last red print above that you are reading. I don't know why, but someone or some thing, Captain Shatner and gorgeous daut, seemed to want to **** it up, and wouldn't allow me to highlight it without totally taking over my mouse and screwing **** all up! Maybe it is because in the great King James Version (KJV), all words spoken by our LORD JESUS the Messiah (Christ), are in RED PRINT, and the enemies simply didn't want another piece of James Redfield's COINCIDENCE and SYNCHRONICITY truths, to seep into my BLOGS & MORIANITY!!! Who can ever really know anything? Of course, never say that to the great mighty powerful Patty! Gee-pee Wiligars for heaven's sake!

Yes, the cosmos is very much like an incredible videogame, that is owned by, and played by, the Astral Plane Gods. These games, as do all games; quite naturally have rules built into their system. These rules are what MORIANITY calls, 'LAWTRONICS'. For short, I, Mountainpen, call them, the “NUKE RULES”. Same exact thing, kind folks. As any seeker for wisdom and knowledge, pursues their quest sincerely and diligently; the system is programmed to respond. Secrets, no matter how great and hidden, and well guarded by the fawces, Mister Hall sir; are forced to begin to give up pieces of the otherwise forever hidden jigsaw puzzle parts to it all. It really is, to quote John Henningsen, “Just that simple”. Not one soul on this planet ever helped me. Everyone tried to misguide me and obfuscate me at every twist and turn, in all things that I have ever tried to learn or know or do, here in this miserable waking life reality. BUTTTTTTTT, LAWTRONICS kicked in for me, and I became more aware and wise than a dozen KING SOLOMON'S, throughout all of this unholy mess! Mortimer Mortino the Angel of Death is buzzing at my left side, scanning my mother ******* position, at 5:55 this morning. Hey, he did me a damn ass favor this time, as I got to stare at my damn clock number five's, HA-HA-HA!

Why does the death-angel annoy the living Mucous Methuselah out of me, you may wonder, kind and unkind Blogaudians? Allow me to enlighten you. When anyone is in any kind of mortal danger, LAWTRONICS has a system in place, to literally scan you, in case your dreamoff out here in fifth dimensional hyperspace is terminated. I have monster horrific mother ******* enemies who sit around plotting how to hurt and kill me, constantly and continually! This activates the Lawtronic system, or (the Death-Angel). Why I hear it more than most is obviously because I am the 'Chosen-Huntington'. I am the first born and the grandson of Grace Isabel Huntington, fifth daughter of Samuel Huntington, one of our Founding-Fathers of America! First-born's are more sensitive to Mortimer Mortino, another Lawtronic reality and one that can be found in the books of MOSUS, in the Bible, pertaining to the holiday that today is called, the 'Passover'. There is no way this is imagined. This is not a crackpot's delusion. Every single mother ******* time that my attackers really pour it on me, the DEATH-ANGEL is around me way more than usual and normal, even for me. When it backs off, so does my hearing this wild signal sound all the time! Most likely you all have heard him a few times in your lives, as most have had the experience, but they ignore it. People tend to ignore things that are weird and unexplainable, so as to avoid sociological shunning and full blown ostracization. Spellchecker says that I coined another new word. The word should exist, so screw it; I'm using it, YO!

Just a whittle freaking footnote here, my friends and fiends out here: I told on my blog a long time ago, how in the year 1975, while doing summer help work as a house painter, for a dude named Mister Paul Tomastik; he told me to get something out of his car. His exact words, even though I forgot the actual item he told me to grab, was pertaining to his instructions on where to look in his station wagon. He said to me, “Opposite the driver's side”. My brain clearly heard and registered the word “opposite”. Still, what did mother ******* total jerk off retard me go and do? He went TO THE DRIVER'S SIDE. Thinking about this even to this day, 43 years later, totally pisses me mother ******* off like a ton of dog**** being thrown right into my face. To this day, something is wrong my my turd sucking brain. Notice how I said on that blog about ten blogs back now give or take, “I have never heard of a woman having a baby”, when I was talking about the CREATOR-FORCE being female as opposed to male. I know you must have picked up on it. Obviously, I WANTED AND MEANT TO SAY, “I have never heard of a MAN having a baby”. My ****** up brain does this constantly, and in exactly the same goddamn way that my computer gets hacked. This is not really something wrong with me, any more than something is physically wrong with my body when I get these body slam health attacks by the WOMO-MILI-2-FAWCES! This is all being **** chewing done to me by this wicked diseased bunch of toilet germ swallowing filthy sub-scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Telephone bull**** was in-between bad and fair yesterday, Friday. This is why I am blogging but not going overboard and crossing too many RED-LINES! Sheriff Mascara sir, unfortunately, ALL OF MY GODDAMN ROACHES ARE LEGAL. They are non-killable. You cannot get rid of them for all of the mother ******* tea in China's I-Ching Trances of Third-Vacation-Days! What can I say? I'm so innocent. Before I started watching shows like “COPS”, I never even knew that there were both legal and illegal roaches. I thought that you would get a ticket or be taken to jail if you were caught with roaches in your car. That is how stupid and retarded I mother ******* am. WOW THAT, lovely great PATTY! Oh yes, these ***holes won't ever stop calling and annoying me. Comcast told me that they would remove my stupid Call-Waiting feature, and they never did. What ***holes! At least they showed me how to go into my account settings and turn off the television screen prompts so that I don't have to look at **** on my screen all day when these annoyance callers make a field day out of ******* with me, Mizz AT&T Calm-Down 1983 Blake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's get into a little bit of stuff that HALLS HALLOWEEN'S FAWCES do not want me discussing on a potential world wide media platform. To open it up, I will say that this has to do with Quantum Hyper-Mind verses Morianity Stage-1. Morianity needs to at least entertain the George Jefferson's Movin' On Up to the Non-East-Side of STAGE-2, or the possible truth that Quantum Hyper-Mind has numerous multiplexed possibilities, that will be somewhat explored now, at least one additional angle from the usual Morianity norms of items such as TSE of the 5th dimensional hyperspace, (Towel Seepage Effect). I fully realize that no other group or mindset outside of Mountainpen and MORIANITY, believe the stuff about why we all dream, and just what dreams really are, quite the way that is expressed in the Blogs of Mountainpen, or the (BOM). Morianity may indeed split eventually, into two parts, where I will admit that there is a twin duality of concepts, and that is just as possible that only when 'soul' activates a clay being IN ANY UNIVERSE, is that soul actually 'real', along with that entire universe 'real'. The problem with the old cave-days theory of dreams and dreaming, is that (TSE) cannot be rationally understood by using that concept. It just won't compute logically, and anyone who has had any life at all and then has read Morianity, knows fully well that Towel Seepage Effect is totally real. TSE and HSEE (Towel Seepage Effects) (Hyper Space Equation Effects); these truths cannot be rationally dealt with, when we change the basic new truths of Morianity and what dreaming really truly is. This does not mean that some missing link cannot later on be made to work it all out. But right now, I would not be able to even think about trying to rework the old ideas into TSE and HSEE, pronounceable as tissie and hissie. This goes way beyond my father's electric shaver becoming something entirely else, in a dream I was having while he was shaving, back at the Haddon Hills Apartments, when I was nine or ten years old. I am talking about things that go far beyond tid bit tiny's. When songs are sung to you as has been done to me now on several occasions and by several people, things begin to get a wee bit more complicated than just a sound from waking life, becoming part of something else while in a dream. Now if someday I am indeed able to make tissie and hissie fit nice and neat with a pretty little pink bow, all inside the original ideas of what dreams are, I may be able to reexamine lots of ideas and even begin perhaps, what might be thought of by some, as Morianity-2.0. In light of an ever expanding rearranged concept of numerous items that pertain to the fifth dimensional hyperspace, for lack of a better way of describing it, should we arrive at such a point and place, in some dimly lit corridor of outward time (the future), maybe I'll begin a Morianity STAGE-2. BUTTTTTTTT, for right now folks, we can keep things right where they are, to quote my Lightning Goddess, DZA. Oh and yes, I screwed up, and said that Zeus was Diana's Grand-Father. I meant to say that he is her father. Her Grand-Father is Zeus's father, Zuudlochronus. Many mythological language translations merely use the word Chronis, and many know of this mythological being as simply, “Father-Time”, where we get the word Chronology and TIME from! WOW-THAT, lovely Patty!

Electrons move in the fifth dimension for the simple reason that they are truly fifth dimensional entities, but they can 'DREAMOFF' entity Purgatites, or (US) move in a fifth dimensional world/reality? I mean, can we really be alive in all of these worlds, or as the psychics believe, are we only in this mysterious land of dreams, while there? What I mean to say, and words limit me from saying what is really inside of my head, but indeed, I am asking myself and all the rest of you out here, the ultimate Shakespearean question here, can we be really having all of these other alternate lives in alternate realities, or is it only real when we “PLUG-IN” to those worlds through dreams, as the dreamers, and then bring the entire thing to life, us as well as the entire parallel worlds around us, by the process of our being asleep and dreaming in this mysterious unknown reality? You see, the subatomic particle that we call the ELECTRON, s truly a fifth dimensional entity. SHE is able to be in all of our worlds, but everyone except for myself, believes that these other worlds are there whether we are dreaming them or not. I believe that hyperspace is a vast fifth dimensional area containing all of the countless 4-D universes. But the real point for right now is that my opinion, although the mighty Mizz Mashell Daniels of the 1980 RPL job has indeed entitled me to, is just that, and we are only truly entitled to opinions. None of us are ever entitled to our facts. Facts are facts, and truth is truth. Unless someday I am able to absolutely prove to the entire Earth Planet world, all of my Morianity, none of it will ever mean a lousy Katy crumby crucifix, from here to Shirley's short sugars! And if I cannot succeed eventually in proving Morianity's truths, then all of my suffering in this agonizing hell, will be in wasted vein, at least in my humble opinion, Mizz Daniels!


SUPER BOTBAR DAY, 10-17-2018, 4 P.M.





I just had a conversation with a Tech-Support telephone systems agent at the Comcast Cable Company/xfinity. While doing my prior blog, #48, and keeping to all of the agreed upon RED-LINES NO CROSSING DEALS MADE WITH TAWF, and my wacko kid, the harassers called me four times again so now I know the DEAL IS OFF, and we will just march along, FULL SPEED ******* AHEAD HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The maintenance people all left and the super horrendous noise bull**** has stopped, at least for right now. This has really been a major mother ******* SUPER BOTBAR DAY, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, AND I NEED YOUR HELP, SIR, YO! This has really been a major mother ******* SUPER BOTBAR DAY, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, AND I NEED YOUR HELP, SIR, YO! This has really been a major mother ******* SUPER BOTBAR DAY, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, AND I NEED YOUR HELP, SIR, YO! This has really been a major mother ******* SUPER BOTBAR DAY, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, AND I NEED YOUR HELP, SIR, YO! This has really been a major mother ******* SUPER BOTBAR DAY, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, AND I NEED YOUR HELP, SIR, YO! This has really been a major mother ******* SUPER BOTBAR DAY, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, AND I NEED YOUR HELP, SIR, YO! This has really been a major mother ******* SUPER BOTBAR DAY, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, AND I NEED YOUR HELP, SIR, YO! This has really been a major mother ******* SUPER BOTBAR DAY, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, AND I NEED YOUR HELP, SIR, YO! This has really been a major mother ******* SUPER BOTBAR DAY, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, AND I NEED YOUR HELP, SIR, YO!

Well, I'll tell you all where this horrible mother ******* **** all started, with this powerful monster rotten dream or hyperspace-interaction, that I found myself in just before awakening out of it in a shaking sweaty horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was working at my old security-guard location up in Jersey, called, “Cifaloglio”. Instead of it being a trash collection site, sort of a miniature BFI or WM; it seemed to be a large area of woods and homes that had a team of security guards, because of some wild event that had just happened. Maybe even Marshall Law had been declared, I am not going to say, as I am not totally sure; but something was absolutely not right! There was a boy, who was White-Caucasian, a male teen, about 13-15 years of age, with brown hair and eyes, and about 5 feet four inches tall, weighing approximately 150 pounds; who was messing with me big time. Since I am being screwed with today by this harasser who I believe my messed up daughter has put up to doing this, I can see what Morianity calls the TSE, being completely involved here, in-between the two parallel worlds, here, and over there where my spirit-me was 'dreaming', (Towel-Seepage Effect). Even with all of this monster horrible turd swallowing pig piss going on around me today, I'm still not going to reveal the entire mess, and it is beyond the pale putrid and horrendous, kind SHERIFF MASCARA SIR, but where are you today??????????????????? Jesus freaking Christ Almighty, for pity sake! I'll only say that this boy kept asking me if I had taken my medication today, and that he had heard me doing and saying some really crazy **** and was going to tell his friends along with my boss. I told him that he was trespassing on a private part of the area, and that he will be sorry if he makes trouble for me, as I will have him up on these charges. He then pulls out his phone and speed dials a ten digit number, and called my mom over at her job in Philadelphia. After five seconds or so, my phone rang in my pocket and it was my mom screaming her head off at me for something, and we got into a gargantuan loud phone-fight. The very last thing that she said to me was that she and Patty were going to come over to the jobsite and make trouble for me, and that the boy was going to somehow provide some weird proof that I had done some incredible bad thing, and was going to go to jail. I totally knew that I was being framed, and had no recourse. I drove out of the area and headed up north and was planning to go up to New York City and see one of Roy Carl Weiler Senior's friends, from the jobsite in both worlds, as over here, he worked with me at Cifaloglio, as well as wrote that book back in the twenty-ohs, called, “Secrets of the Museum”. His book was about the Roundhouse Museum of Egg Harbor City, just blocks away from where he resides on Philadelphia Avenue. This girlfriend of his has a place somewhere on Staten Island, at least over here in this universe, and the gods only know what the mother ******* **** is all happening out there in that parallel world place, where my damn ass spirit was obviously dreaming in!!!

I am going to say that I never drove all the way up to NYC, and I awakened out of that horrible freaking nightmare before I even got driving very far down the (95) Interstate and in fact, I may have still been in Mount Laurel, just getting off of Highway #295 and driving towards the entrance onto the interstate, near the bus terminal where my mom and her friend Shirley and coworker Jane Davis, and myself, all met in the early eighties, to take Atlantic City Casino tour bus trips, as was told on recent blogs, that I cannot wait to further get into now, since these horrible ******* bastards just won't stop persecuting me to my ******* total grave, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But anyway, I do remember that this friend of Roy's was somehow connected with this friend of Frank Callio, who I was supposed to go up and bring a lovely and expensive 'boukay of flowers' to, along with a tape of my song written in 2000, called, “Atlantic Queen”. Spellchecker is mother ******* totally worthless, not showing me how to properly and correctly spell the flower word, but I know you all know what I am saying, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, before I forget, let me hit my damn clutch pedal here and switch gears, just for a quick seck. There is no one place, that the ******* hackers keep switching my WEATHERBUG-APP to. But all I have to do in order to get the weather for my town to come back, long enough for me to post up a report; is to click into the box that says “CHANGE LOCATIONS” and it will go back; oh great mighty Federal Bureau of Investigation, ACLU, Federal Trade Commission, Federal Communications Commission, and etcetera, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





















JESUS MOTHER ******* CHRIST IN GODDAMN HELL. This is ridiculous, MR. Mack Kaiter!!!!!!!!

All soap-mouth people, from Mister Kaiter, my old Maryland camp counselor, to country bumpkin curse-word haters of 1986, in the back woods of Medford Refrigeration Lakes, up there in Hicksville-Jersey, I have one thing to say to yalls. You just try going through what mother ******* HALLS-FAWCES puts the MOUNTAINPEN through, day in and day out for 30-50+ years now, and see what kind of sanity or language, that you'd be left with, my BRO!!!!!!! I'm busy on my blog, Mister Wilbur MacAfee, YO, don't bug me, my BRAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You almost nailed me AGAIN, Mizz Sleaze-weeds Total-disease Jane Notfondau 1-BIT!!!!!!!!!!! BUTTTTTTTT, I managed to catch it, and block it; so HA-HA-HA-HA-HA, and aha-aha-aha-aha 2U2, Mister Michael Freaking 1971 McNulty, of Exton, Pennsylvania, United States of America, ESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW THAT PATTY.

You know, when she had all of that powerful information on her office desk that day, in the early middle seventies somewhere; my kind folks and blogaudians; she wanted me to never ever learn that she personally wanted this information to fall into my hands and a very clever plan of hers, very nearly made sure that this would happen, BUT JUST NOT DAMN ASS QUITE, YO! There is powerful dog**** in this cosmos, and MORIANITY has labeled it LAWTRONICS, or for a shorter abbreviation, also calls it the NUKE-RULES. I have come to know that originally, this was on her desk, and by late in the afternoon, she had thrown it into her waste basket next to her desk. Many would say, and everyone who works in the psych industry, that this kind of magical and schizophrenic thinking on my part, is why I am, to put it semi-kindly, a weirdo nutcase crackpot! Well, my response back is along the lines of a coworker's response to something that I had spoken one evening while employed at the RPL Sound Recording Laboratories, in Camden, NJUSAESMWG, by the name of Mizz Mashell Daniels, and that was, “Well Mark, you're entitled to your opinion”! I think if she had spoken the word “ENTITLED” any louder or more angrily, it would have grown legs from her lips, and punched me right in my ugly puss. 'Oh well'; Ann King. 'Still', Lenny Brisco, I am entitled to believe that Patty was an extremely clever person, and she may still be. I am out of all loops, and have no clue who is alive and who has returned to the 'great-beyond'! BUTTTTTTTT I do know this folks. She wanted me to have this information, knowing fully well that I would choose to learn all about the Fascitar, and she wanted to be obscure and secretive to the very end, about who was behind this great OZ-CURTAIN, as well as a whole lot of other ones! The Fascitar is more than special secretive information from 2000 years before the common era (BC) written on stone tablets by powerful mountain people. Don't anyone out here ever say that the great ancient Guatemalan culture of mystery and intrigue, got the end of the world wrong. They never said that the end of the year 2012 was “the end of the world”. Study it all for yourself. BUTTTTTTTT, I'll tell you a huge ass ******* secret right here and right now, kind folks. When Mister Buttwipe Zimmerman shot and killed that poor young lad, Treyvon Martin; I KNEW on that very week, that the world had turned another “1967 Pat Fat Slob Robertson Cornerstone”! And I was 100%++++ correct. This was one CURVE that even HER FATHER was ahead on, and ahead of all of you out here. I just knew it, and then the shootings just went on and on and on, and I was right!!!!!!! I don't need any blues or crushes or other teen movies here to tell me a damn thing, Admiral Whalespock, sir, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!



The minute I made real trouble for these washcloths, Mizz Hilary, you and I both know, with or without being snowed in; just what went down all around me. I thought you might want to have some wild stuff to use on the guy. If you want to do it all in secret, please be my guessed guess, as I will not in any way disapprove. The ESS may not ever be stopped or exposed, but I feel you and hubby know some little bit about these top secret truths from Majestic Level TS-#12! Everything we hear about the Hold the Mayo Clinic is that it is free. But when I called, it was NOT FREE. We all know how this works, and this is how the entire election has been rigged so far with everybody. No one ever wants to know truths that are as horrible and monstrous as what I know to be true.

Last night I was in that parallel universe where the Cifaloglio place is very different. I wanted to control the trip, but found myself powerless to do so, limiting me to a type-2-Exploratron. There are many reasons for why it is no easy task for moving into a more than one ambiguous meaning journeyman type-3 from type-1 or type-2 exploratron. It is just easier for me to go around again, and be on that stinking rotten train and go into my next cycle. I feel that each time I go through this, things are progressing worse and worse. I have two choices if I can ever not allow the enemies who appear to be following me back each time, to convince me I am just a delusional buttwipe kid. I am keeping both of these things to myself, for very obvious reasons, and my Milituforce enemies may think they have successfully crawled into my head and know, but I promise them that they are not as darn smart as they may think they are.

Friday and Sunday mornings, I suffered through two more extremely horrendous leg charlie horses, Friday was my left calf, while this morning, it was my right calf. The pain is Christless excruciating if I do say so myself! It may take me a trillion years, but I know fully well I will watch all of these rotten stinking no good bums suffer under inconceivable torment for all eternity, for what they have done to me! Oh baby, is that ever a total promise, YO!

We will be talking about why anyone can pull at random, from a TV-off air taped video library, to a computer open office file, to anything, anywhere, at any time; and then literally come to see the explosive reality of Mister James Redfield, and his mighty revelations to the world, two decades back; regarding the never ending messengers who secretly live and dwell, deep inside of the worlds of coincidence, and other words that he uses in his marvelous, and truly beyond outstanding books, regarding his trips down into Peru, in South America. What he learned shortly after Dave Roth and I were also exploring this, back while I was residing at the great and powerful NON-OZ Highview Apartments; is inconceivably astonishing. I swear to all that' both holy and unholy, that this goes beyond being unfathomable to the power of a thousand. What we can all do and learn from this powerful **** is beyond even the mind blown Count Richard Lennon Von Marcucciess, of 1969!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have not even so much as begun to get into all of this incredible crap, Mizz Carpenter, so WOW ALL OF THIS; PATTY H.


SUPER BOTBAR DAY, 10-17-2018, 2 P.M.





Numbers are beyond wild, and anything BUT impersonal, Mister David Leigh Smith. I am not going across any RED LINES, as the phone harassment has backed off somewhat. I keep deals that I make. It is ashame that when those around you have all of the power, they can absolutely control your entire life, and limit the so-called freedom that you were taught back in freaking grammar school, that you had as an American Citizen. The great U. S. © Office has a 1988 collection of cassette tapes that is the Epitome of Harassment, TAPED VERSION, as opposed to the INTERNET VERSION, where I sent down a very wild powerful conversation that took place in the American Honda Security Guard-House, in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, USAESMWG on Valentine's Day of 1988, where David Roth was shouting all about this very thing. He was so beyond correct, and totally ahead of his time, NO RED LINE parallels, just sayin'!

The WEATHERBUG APP hackers are a high school in Indiana somewhere. The next time it pops on, I will give you their weather address. Only THEY could have done this, and I do not know why, unless certain peeps put them up to it, you know, the Braxton crew. Speaking of garbage like this; the WE CHANNEL took off the mother ******* “Law & Order” television show. My TV sucks now, and I plan to get rid of the entire package. If COMCAST does not let me out of the contract, I'll just quit paying the bill, and then they will shut it off. Screw my mother ******* credit rating ****! I am not paying out from my miniscule mother ******* disability monies, to multi billionaire hacking scum who deliver nothing but headaches and heartbreaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take that straight to the TD BANK, kind folks!

Here is the weather from THE WEATHER CHANNEL as of approximately a quarter shy of two this **** chewing horrendous Wednesday butt-wiping afternoon. This mother ******* upstairs nabe is about to have me CALL 911. The hammering is extremely loud, beginning at mother ******* 2:11, and the enemies TOTALLY KNOW that my machine is always ****** up and displays the time on the screen an hour earlier during DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME parts of the year. So Jane Slutbag Fonda screwed me good, making me see the ONES. Here is my **** phlegm RAPED (compensated) FIVE numbers, now!


As I said, I was about to do the goddamn mother ******* weather report, when this bitch above me started with her **** eating sledge hammer on my **** swallowing walls, KIND SHERIFF MASCARA, SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Temperature: 87 at 1:48 in Fort Pierce, FL.

Humidity is 61%, feeling like 93 DF.

Wind blowing from the E at 10 MPH.

There are no wind gusts presently.

It is partly cloudy in town, it says, well, where I am I'd put it at just about completely sunny.

Tomorrow's prediction is partly cloudy.

High of 87 DF, with possible showers and storms.

Wind out of the ENE at 10-15 MPH.

Upstairs has maintenance in there, making horrible loud mother ******* sounds. This day is beyond SUPER BOTBAR. First super sledge hammering sounds, now super loud power tool buzzing is going on. It sounds like the entire mother ******* apartment is being demolished by miniature nukes! I awoke from horrible mother ******* **** chewing NIGHTMARES about an hour ago. I thought I could escape by remaining awake here, but the same FAWCES there are making my life here TOTAL ******* HELL, SHERIFF, SIR, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




GO TO CG-18, UNDER G-189, G-13, AND STOP!

The nightmares were absolutely ******* off the dial horrific and putrid. My mother was in it and was a total ******* monster! I had a boy of approximately age 14 years or so who was really screwing with me, and I was back at Cifaloglio in this parallel ****hole world, and in a reality where my mom was alinve and living with me, and still working at the shipping company over in Philly. This nightmare was so horrible, that even the Mountainpen wouldn't dare to blog the details of it. Many times, indeed, when I pop out of a nightmare, where I am being major HALLS-FAWCES PERSECUTED, my life here follows suit immediately or within a tiny march of minutes from getting the hell out of ******* bed, BRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I was planning to do some light errands this afternoon, but when a day goes this bad, straight out of the mother ******* ***** huffing gate; I DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER FROM MY DOOR, THAN THE DAMN ASS TRASH SHUTE! Even by throwing trash out constantly, the goddamn roaches here in this damn hellhole are beyond unmentionable and monstrous, KIND SHERIFF, YO!!!!!


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