Friday, February 24, 2012





Peeps, I'll now tell you a little secret about many things, by simply telling one thing, and allowing your minds to take you to where they take each one of you reading these words, as this is all based on your individual levels of understanding and enlightenment of truth. It is why the first winter down here in Florida for me was the coldest on record, and why these types of things occur around me since I was knee high to a snake, without change. It's as constant for me as the speed of light.

There are unlimited various ways that each one of us, rich, poor, short, tall, fat, thin, ugly, pretty, whatever and whatever, as so called worldly power is not always needed to pull this off; and this item I speak of is quite simply put folks, changing natural rhythms, or some other ways of putting it in different groups of words could go, interfering with natural place, or we can agree when this is all said and done with perhaps this grouping of words, being a real piercing son of a McCoy bitch. A little levity is not always wrong, although I personally could never make fun of a nightmare as horrendous as the SC tags that happened to someone who many know who this is. Now getting back on point with this major thing that is being done all over the world, and there is nothing way out or sci-fi about it either, nor as I stated earlier, does it require mighty worldly power and wealth to pull off. Two paragraphs away begins this incredible tale, that is even cleverly mentioned by the great new age writer, James Redfield.

Before I get into this, let me tell you all how this day played out after I posted up the previous blog. I had a talk with the office manager this afternoon, and will not say more regarding this matter for right now. Powerful manipulators and travelers in hyperspace, are indeed behind all of this. Those who do it long enough as I have told on my blogs, can be slowly be turned into insects, or just get very ill. In any event, perhaps indeed as the Buddhists claimed all along, we do experience effect of karma. Still, I maintain that in three dimensions, this great religion as all of them, falls short. Things require the full five dimensions to work out properly. When I left the office to go and buy a few items down the road on Route One, the CHEMTRAILS were much lighter and slowly lessening, but some new ones still were being made in the distance. I did not have to drive far however for more pussy-command to kick in. Within about a mile or just over half way to the stores I went to at a large mini-mall, this tall very young beauty queen around 25 or so, was walking, and the traffic was very slow as a traffic light up ahead had been red and just changed to green. This beyond hot goddess, would not stop staring at me and smiling. Naturally, I just ignored her as I always do, and this is why WOMOTAMM will never lose with me, until I can get over my extreme fear of women. Nobody understands what it is like to be very tiny weak and frail, at age fourteen, and drop dead gorgeous,as it was very scarey to be alone outside. In Atlantic City, the group of girls known as the Quoddy Mockers had their way with me, and so did the girl with the Atlantic City street name of Paula King, in the first few days somewhere of July in 1969, under the Central Pier, always with the initials, it never stops. Now that this is all out of the dam way, let me tell a huge secret folks, and you know what; when I do, some of you out here are going to wake up a bit and realize that they have both done this thing as well as had it done against them, most likely. It puts the entire cosmos out of balance in the 3rd dimension, and only straightens itself back out into proper balance, in all five dimensions that MIND up in the 6th dimension is transmitting down into, after first filtering through the subatomic reality, AKA the Astral Plane.

Let me give a very quick and small example. A group meets every week, I do not care if it is a UFO group, an AA group, or perhaps a neighborhood watch type of group or what have you. Now picture this group of anywhere between say eight and fifty persons all in a meeting and discussing a topic. To gain energy as all humans need to do unless they live a charmed life that permits them to properly channel energies from the 6th dimension in a perfect ratio with the thoughts being transmitted down to them from there; we tend to try and steal this energy from each other. We all know how people can make us feel very bad, and how we too can make others feel this way at times. This “FEELING BAD” is nothing more than a robbing and stealing of an invisible energy that exists in the MIND or 6th Dimension, it is very real, we all know how real it is when we feel very bad, or make others feel very bad. This is not hocus pocus. Many people read the great Redfield books and enjoy them as they would a great show or movie, but you do not realize the powerful truth that this great man seems to know about folks, it is mind bending.

When certain people are weak because of an attack on the Astral Plane, this creates an unspeakable vulnerability, as if you are wearing a sign on you as big as your jersey, saying, 'KICK ME, I AM DOWN, AND I LOVE IT'. This same Astral Plane then takes many persons on the opposite side of the pendulum, at particular times now peeps, as this can totally reverse as days and weeks change, and those up now are down later and so forth; but yes, these up folks that know they are strong right now, still feel the need to grow stronger, and without being able to do it the proper way from the 6th dimension, they rob a weak person of their cosmic energy. Disbelievers in this can be put down instantly by my just changing words. We all know we all hbave times where we made someone feel bad and we felt that surge of uplifting something, don't call it energy if it seems too weird to you, and we all know we have been on the other side as well, getting the shit kicked out of us, non-physically, but it hurts and weakens our 'spirit' or inner-self immeasurably when it happens, and this can happen to the president or the pope or the biggest business people, athletes, entertainers, politicians, ANYBODY, as no one escapes three things in this life, 1) having a PCN attached to their birth-name, 2) being in this womb to tomb battle for energy, and 3) physical death. I won't say taxes, because you do not have to work or buy anything, I see bums all over Fort Ouch McCoy every day outside, who never pay a tax. But anyone that can get around these three listings above, well Lad or Lassy, me' hat is off to you, YO.

The Mountainpen has spoken more truths in these few words than is in the last 300 mother fucking blogs. Was I put here just to seed in 1969, or was I put here to do this as well as blog on the internet, decades in the future? If I claim to know the answer to this now or ever, all of this is a lie and a fantastic hoax of crap.


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