Monday, July 29, 2024

Holding at BOTBUR at 10 Shy of 5 In the PM, 4 Many Reasons, and This Day Totally Biblically-KJV-Lazarus-LTDDT-'STINKETH'; My Great L30B, FBI, and Anyone Else Out There In Cyberville


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Holding at BOTBUR at 10 Shy of 5 In the PM, 4 Many Reasons, and This Day Totally Biblically-KJV-Lazarus-LTDDT-'STINKETH'; My Great L30B, FBI, and Anyone Else Out There In Cyberville


JWSC---MON-12-200, AND ALSO 11-10-12---MON



TRANSMITTED BACK ON GLNT-------C-21-072924.710.44

To post on the blogger dot com (BDC) WEBSITE, hypothetically speaking of course, based on Mountainpen's future life memories as Labber-Zeejins:

As of 10 minutes shy of 5 at the tail end of this disafsternoon good folks, my chart rated GLMA is holding at 2-2-1-1, unofficially and still open 4 possible change at this point, and hey, Ima hopin' YO. Until the cosmos passes a law against HOPE, it is one of the few precious & remaining fracking goddessdang possessions of peeps like the PPNR Mister Mountainpen. No ROTTEN 'SOB-SLOB' can take this away from even the most sub poverty and downtrodden peeps of the UBSA, or spelled out in the (UNDER the BRIDGE SOCIETY of AMERICA), YO YO YO YO YO!!!!! Please do naught confuse this pitiful large group with the United States Dairy Association; if I have the correct governmental institution name-label correct here, me' awesome good peeps aldare, YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!

Last month's utility bill was approximately 40 smackeroos lower than this months, and I still did not get it in the mail,and only know this from calling the place up and speaking 2 a vely vely nice (Non-Bob McDowell 1972 Cooley Hall) lady agent there, who told me what SIR-Computer, told her. I admit that last month's bill was unusually low, and spoiled me; as I managed 2 go 2 straight months, with being just at that perfect and rare cycle of not going over my maximum 1000-K-gal usage of water & waste-water, whereby each next grouping costs me another 45 smacks, and some change. Some of U may remember that this is Y, about a month or so back, I told how someone wanted 2 fill up their work-truck with about 50 gallons of my water; and I had 2 politely refuse 2 allow it. Hey, I cannot afford 2-B smother cracking magnanimous, when nobody EVER EVER NEVER NEVER EVER is that way with me, and have all spent 7 solid decades, doing everything that they can do day and night, 2 ruin me, and obliterate every part and parcel, of me' entire fracking glass life; YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! Tizz just as simplllleeee as THAT, U awesome peeps. But the utility bill not coming in the mail, when after living here nearly 3 and one half years now is a first when it is past the 28th of a month, is only one part of the rottenness of this miserable day that so far, the ole' 'PPNRMM' is indeed experiencing, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then with this, I also had the earlier morning persecuting 'EUDA ASSAULTS' TWICE, at both the start, and then the ending of doing me' previous cracking grass whittle bwog, and the nasty jet vapor trails of poison that all stopped once WALL STREETS all time record high new roll began continuing onward today, and coming off of last week's Friday, beyond SENATOR-SANDERS-HUUUUUUUUUUGE gains, and (SENSAN-H) 4 short, whenever so desired by this blogger, at any future times; and I can go on and on and on and on, with all sorts of minor annoying woe-whiz-me hassles, and Sir Wabbit Elmer Fwuuuud nasty pwobwems; YO WEERLLD!!!!!!! No 'one thing' was major, which normally is what we can label as, the 'BOTBAR-CULPRIT'!!!!!!!!!!! This is Y me' day is still holding at unofficial-botbar, or at the GLMA rating of 2-2-1-1; and allowing 4 the possible and potential higher digitization of one of the two far right numbers in that 4-digit field of chart rating. REDJOHN HENNINGSEN, the CHAINGIVER NON-LAWGIVER, & NON MIND-HACKS OF THE ETTOS, said it only 2 goddessdog completely perfectly here, Mister PENNOCK COOLEY of 1972, BRAH!!!! “It's just that simple”. No, of course he didn't make this up and it was around long 4-B either he or I were ever physically or materially born as the present entity selves that we R now. I won't try and lie about that little deal, 4-1 teensy New York micro-moment; YO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! Time now 2 get into a few little retaliatory deals with me' awesome L30B, and anyone else out here whom is willing 2 even half way listen the truck 2 me, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!

Now I am gonna' give a nice hard punch 4 what has been done 2 me since 1986, and just this year in 2024, and just since this horrendous slightly over second half of it from the goddessdog 16th day in March that wiped me out beyond 100 Macy-Bank-WOW's and wOW-TRUCKS and wipe out women and wipe out peeps against me ever could hope 2 do; until this vely present time of this now 29th dang day in late JULY-2024: This will B a nice hard combo-punch knock out stop the presses of ALL RING NEWS deal here, and IPYT peeps, well, that is, 4 anyone with a third of a still working brain that ain't been all dern totally & completely dumbed-down, by today's 'new age internet-SMIS', social media system, of this EARTH-PLANET, YO! If U-R not bathroom emptied and prepared 4 a bit of a shock now, mentally as well as physically; maybe B-4 proceeding on with reading this blog, U need 2 GET READY!!!! So here we GOOOOOO:!

Since my moving into where I am now residing in the northeastern quadrant of this town here in Flowerland-USA called Fort Pierce, at the QWCOP; and getting myself back up online here and back operating this 'BOM-BOB'-BLOG again following my long quarter decade OTS (off-time) period; I have begun getting a lot more specific on things connecting up 100 percent, the true secret of where the television show called, 'DARK SHADOWS' really and truly had its absolute origins in and from, yes Mister 'L&O' Jack McCoy, “The other WORLD”, the ASTRAL-PLANE, the Timeless-Purgatory, and the PRE-BIG-BANG, all various grouping of words and future cave grunts from 10,000 antimatter reflected years right smack dab up into these now vely vely vely present times, huh FCC CHAIRMAN, Mister awesome and vely vely vely illustrious MCDOWELL????? That marvelous 1960's times TV-show came from DREAMS that the producer had, and he admitted 2 this, on numerous interviews, once the show had taken off like a rocket ship, on Madonna's future beyond Cooley times, STEROIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It all came from his 5-D transdimensional hyperspace experiences and even beyond that, right back into the TIMELESS-PURGATORY, or the Astral-Plane itself, ''the other world''. But I gave an entire dissertation and thesis on all sorts of material world 'other connections' as 2 just Y that TV-show all was created, and eventually aired on National Television. I also told about the main original character from the actual real FIRST SEASON OF THIS SHOW, and a seemingly lost or forgotten season, that is on the box-set of DVD videos when ordering it or borrowing it on public library shelves, and only by STREAMING, is that true and honest 1st-SEASON actually available 2 the general public, and IPYT, and 4 whatever the reasons may B. I was maybe one or two years older than the character, named DAVID COLLINS. Other than 4 this, we were extremely alike and similar in numerous ways, in real life with me, and fictionally with him; on this wild TV-show. Just as nobody would ever believe him and causing him 2 go onto develop a psychological bending of mind, that the world was against him, and that nobody would ever believe his wild stories, which 4 the very most part, although perhaps upon rare occasions were slightly exaggerated, but they all were absolutely true; and yet no one around him would ever believe anything that he told them. This was almost the main story line within the story line, a subset if U will, during the first 2 TRUE seasons of that 5 year running show of late June of 1966, into early April in 1971. But there is yet another extremely powerful item that is all hidden and wrapped up in all of this, with this mind blowing incredible television show character, and myself; along with the comparison between us, that is hidden on this material Amy Cooley realm, from public view and knowledge. U-C world, forget Producer Harriet Rohr, and cousin of Mayor Rohr, who was the Mayor of the next door town to Collingswood, NJUSAESMWG, called WSMT or WESTMONT; and my mom and him with their short little romantic fling; as this is even bigger still: I wasn't absolutely positive about what I now am going 2 impart here, until the very ending days of the 1990's, and the mighty 2nd and the 2nd millennium, Mister Microsoft Corporation, YO. I suspected it 4 a vely long time, but now I do not suspect it any longer because peeps, I ABSOLUTELY KNOW THAT IT IS REAL, AND IT IS TRUE; and I only wish that 'L-E' would poly-truth-test me, and then C this all 4 themselves!!!! This took place back when I was operating that silly and mickey-mouse little music company with partner SIR Paul Evans Pedersen. It was called STUDIO PARK RECORD COMPANY. I not only learned that peeps can B made 2 vanish as if they never were there at all in the first place, at least vanish and disappear into the sociological obscurity of intentional ostracization. 4 short, I now am officially calling this terminology, on me' Mountainpen's Morianity, SOIO, and pronounceable quite easily also, as simply, 'SO-EEEE-O'. SOIO is nothing whatsoever 2 mother fracking laugh over my great folks out there, N-O-T-H-I-N-G, YO!!!!!!! Let me assure U all of goddessdog THAT, it is naught only real, but any time that powerful peeps might B in any small way adversely effected by 'small & insignificant other humans' at least in the eyes of the 'big shots', & as per the way stuff has worked here in America always, only expanded and completely flagging exploded; under RONALD REAGAN, and his rotten demonic REAGANOMICS. Now whatever outer-worldly forces wanted-needed-'WHATEVER-BOB', in the material realm's creation of this awesome and incredible television show, 'DARK SHADOWS'; U must realize and endlessly remember and BELIEVE when there is this much fracking endless amounts of indisputable proofs, and believe me world, there is; that David Collins and Mark Mohr, R sort of the Mister Microsoft Corporation, and also the 'TWINS of this wild dual-world-deal' here, as well, y-O; and WOW, here comes that fracking endlessly annoying and aggravating (y-O-HACK) again, peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So in light of all of thissssssss, oh lovely Mizz Erica Luccisnakes, mah'm; let us remember here, that we have a real life me and then we have a fictional David Collins, and because more than one realm, or plane of existence is involved here in all of this, and was needed in order 2 create the physical television show on this exact atomic material world-dimension; we now must mathematically take David Collins, and turn him into his true actor-self, the child actor by the name of none other than SIR DAVID HENESY. Other than 4 one time that my mom saw him on some talk show, from those times back then in the middle late nineteen-sixties; this absolutely obscure child-actor, has completely vanished into the magical poof-Potter fog-mists of SIR Steven King, and his 2 thieving 'bud-pals' of the scheme-jerks Corporation of Cali Hellyweird!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have of course seen the box set and borrowed it upon 5 occasions or more now from me' local library, and watched carefully and listened 2 all of the numerous end-DVD-narrations by the actors and makers of the show and many other peeps all in some way part of it or part of its promotion throughout those early original times of its airing, and not one and yes MIKE SUCKS SOFT, I said, and will now reiterate this 4U, NAUGHT ONE WORD WAS EVER SPOKEN OF MISTER HENESY, other than one man saying that he was extremely smart, and then that awesome lovely woman, and child actress, from the Bill Cosby famous song called, 'CANDYMAN', and the chocolate factory movie, and Mizz beyond hot and awesome, Denise Nickerson; and she told how the two of them ran a small little eats place, right inside the studio there, and had lots of fun with it, but not one word of adult life was mentioned EVER, concerning this cool kid, Mister Henesy, and adding all possible caveat's in here, Y would I-B stupid enough 2 say tons of things that any legitimate authorities can quite easily verify and dispute and prove me wrong, if indeed, I am WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG about all of these incredible surreal inconceivable items of me' life?


Posting at around 7 PM, 07/29/2024.

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