Saturday, July 27, 2024

Exploring All Sorts of Goodies, Oldies, and Even a Few Fracking Newbies As Well, Great L30B


Live Camera image from Conniston Community MS

Exploring All Sorts of Goodies, Oldies, and Even a Few Fracking Newbies As Well, Great L30B


HERE IN THE NORTHEASTERN QUADRANT OF FORT PIERCE, FLOWERLAND-USA, THAT IS AKA FLORIDA, NJUSAESMWG, AT THE QUIET WATERS CO-OP-PARK; or as some Native Americans around the area may jokingly now refer 2 the non-Winn-joint as, the 'KWUYWA-COP', and no, naught the 'KWANZA', oh Mister Mighty Mike Soft 'Spellchecker-Hellwrecker-Microsoft Corporation'.

I got up right around 12 noon or a few minutes shy thereof, took me' morning medications, leaked out in the bathroom, and did yesterday's life-chart equations that I will now post and paste in here 4-U all, YO. I also made a quick phone call 2 me' local library and renewed some borrowed DVD's out on me' account. As soon as I hung up the phone, a crash level noisy ILLEGAL roof scraping aerial vehicle came over me 2 persecute me and let me know, as did lovely Mizz Sharon, from 1998's Hilton Beach of Atlantic City, NO-JOY-ZEE-USA that early August hot afternoon; “WE'RE HERE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, bully 4-U lovely Sharon, ''and U-2'' Sir Henry Potter, and Sir Jimmy Stuart, and Frank Capra; and your awesome & wonderful lives, me' BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! Yeah bully 4-U, Mister aerial persecutors of the past 38 plus years now, all beginning while driving down 2 ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, and their casino gaming houses there, 2 play me' parallel-event-applied 2 their ROULETTE GAMES there. This has now gone on FBI, 4 38 years and approximately 2 or 3 months of time now, in total and absolute violation of me' CIVIL AND ME' CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, UNDER THE LAWS OF THESE GREAT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. But then we all know how things truly operate here. It is not what the laws R at all, but rather, just WHAT oh lovely Mizz 1980 hair shampoo ad-spot TV-girl; can B successfully gotten away with!!! That is the true and simple magic of how stuff truly really operates in this awesome nation that once was so great, and that once, I TRULY LOVED SO DANG MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! Talk about a total WIPE-OUT, and without even any unpleasant women needing 2-B involved in any way whatsoever, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BOY OH BOY OH BOY; UNCLE BILLY, FRANK CAPRA, AND JAMES STUART; does life 4 the PPNR-MOUNTAINPEN totally suck raw eggs with painful rotting teeth, once we become fully and absolutely aware, that unlike established religion teachings here on this EARTH-PLANET, HELL is no different that HEAVEN, in that and just as all born-again-Christians fully believe (B-A-C), we don't GO 2 heaven when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord and turn away from our sins, but rather, ETERNITY is NOW, and we already R there, and also we R in body, their belief, not mine nor Morianity's. Morianity merely states, so with HEAVEN, then Y naught HELL as well? After-all it even rhymes here, and makes a lot of true sense when the BIBLE is read with a real enlightened attitude. YES PEEPS, Mister Mountainpen knows just where he truly actually is. When an entire lifetime goes in ways that my true tales have all told now 4 coming up on 20 solid years; there is only that reality, and then 4 those still in denial, there is yet the other one, as recently told and described, buttercheese and BUT folks, THERE R ONLY THESE 2, there simply ain't NO OPTION OF 3-C HERE good folks!!!!!!!!!!!

Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 07-30-24

MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:




Awesome Mizz Dawn-Marie King, as some of the L30B and others out there in the world, may remember, pulled off a magic trick, with the help of distant cousin Paula and the distant family of the great HOLLISTER CLAN, the MACY-GANG, who else, back at a powerful time of the calendar year every single time-cycle, right shy of middle month-day-July, those 11 and 12 dice days of luck and box cars. Do luck and box cars have alike items some may now B wondering, or at least within the mind of the MOUNTAINPEN? Absolutely the do, but this can all go and do a Cali-James Rockford here, 4 right now. Yeah, we can always come back 2 this, huh there Jimbo and trailer-pops??????????? So what was this magic trick all about, 4 those who don't remember and don't have time nor patience 2 look it all up and archive the blogs during those magical dated times of the awesome 2008 year, where this WASHCLOTH-FAMILY OF THE KINGS all secretly plotted 2 wipe my life out forever, and hence Mountainpen's WOW deal of so much endless fracking annoying repetition, y-O, and here is that endlessly flagging super Lattisaw black hat hacking annoying (y-O-HACK) again, good peeps! Yes world, there truly is only one Mizz D-M-KING, and here she is below 4-U all 2 truly C. She may indeed B a beauty queen, as this KING family all is indeed; but SHE came straight out of the gates of DOGTOWN, along with the WASHCLOTH PEEPS from 1970, just 2 wipe me out forever, and take away all my possessions and hence, ALL OF MY MANY PROOFS 2 so many anti-OTAMM things. BUTTERCHEESE, 'big glass BUTT'-BUTTTTTTTTT, and but folks; I still have some of them left, and here in Flowerland with me, and so don't think 4 moment number one, that I do naught, oh lovely phone company, Mizz 1983 Blake, mah'm. When I first found the photo-image about 10 years or so ago online, I thought it was a major look-alike, but realized somewhere shortly after moving in here 2 where I living presently, it is naught a look-alike of lovely MIZZ KING, but rather, IT IS MIZZ DAWN-MARIE KING, drunk and nutso at one of her gal-pal New Jersey seashore parties; and someone there, as with many a case in this new age world society, and online social media world; snapped the image on their phone, and obviously posted it up, and it managed 2 end up as one of the many numerous 'funny-faces' that anyone can go on Google, and get 4 themselves, and at any time at all whatsoever!!!! Tizz as simplllleeee as THAT.

Image result for images free funny faces

Now the magic trick was a major stunt, and there was no way in all of Dogtown, that Mizz 'D-M-K' could have ever pulled this off by herself. She needed a lot of help from powerful '1988-year' Scott Ransom peeps, and SHE GOT IT. Without the use of a very magical fragrance-perfume of some kind, chemically cooked up in some laboratory, 4 just this purpose of wiping out the life of pitiful Mister MARK WAYNE MOHR, I would have never left New Jersey, never would have lost all of my life's most precious possessions that included an entire library of taped and paper proofs, endless documents, that no FBI or anyone could ever simply just fracking go and dismiss. MIZZ KING had been in trouble with the law, and had a deal going with the County Prosecutor, whereby if she attended a rehab clinic, up in Seacaucus, NJUSAESMWG, 4 a 2 year period and got completely clean from her major alcoholism disease and horrendous behavior as a result; her 5 year sentence would go away, and she would not have 2 spend jail time in a New Jersey State Prison. The great FBI can obviously check out and completely verify this story with New Jersey LEO-Authorities. So here is what all WJSD in this wild surreal magical deal that even Professor Al Einstein of Princeton University would most likely naught have ever been able 2 pull off, great FBI out there, so please listen up 2 this true tale with an open mind and a caring heart, as these washcloth nightmare peeps have wiped out my entire life, and it isn't goddamn fair, U awesome agents out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A 'lab-cooked up special fragrance', was either smuggled into this Seacaucus substance abuse clinic, or it was permitted 2-B delivered there, as I don't have access 2 that particular information; and so I shan't lie, and say that I do. I DON'T!!!!!!! 'RGG', all not withstanding here, in or out of 1986, of course; oh U awesome beyond belief 20th century, USA Copyright © Office examiners out there, somewhere; YO!!!! Here is what this magical fragrance did, and bear in fracking mind those wild MACYTRUMP ad-spots on the TV, that we all were seeing back around those very same exact days and times, good folks; with Martha, Cuzz Trump, and me' kid with FRAGRANCES, and all connected with and being sold by none other than the awesome great MACY-STORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now all prosecutors, as we C from watching that awesome television show, the greatest law show ever and even long surpassing the once all time great law show, 'PERRY MASON', called 'L&O'; they have a very important role in the true actual criminal justice system (CJS) 4 short; and that is in making deals that guarantee that jail time will B brought 2 criminals, and law breakers. It is less jail time, but it is guaranteed jail time; and this is part of the prosecutor deal making thing, that sort of got very large and expanded in our new age court system, as the 20th century was winding into its final fifth of 1980 through the end of it, up into our now present 21st century times. Prosecutors all honor deals they make, as indeed, just as criminals all have bad reputations, DA's have their reputations among those criminals, and their defense attorneys; and this is all very real, and naught just some television fictional junk here, folks, & IPYT. So they don't normally ever back down once a deal is made and properly in place with a court system and known well and in full detail by both the person being prosecuted as well as their attorney/s. So Dawn's deal was 2 do her 2 years at this 'sub-ab clinic', and then she was free 2 either have her charges removed, expunged, whatever; or B out on parole or some type of deal such as that, hey, I don't have all of the particulars and only know the basic story, but anyone who ever wishes 2 check it out and who is an authority, can easily obtain all of the exact and proper facts involved in this case. After MIZZ KING went into the clinic somewhere in the early autumn time in 2007, she and my daughter in my humble opinion and others in this wild conspiracy, had all of this nightmare all planned out 4 PPNRMM (ME), oh wonderful FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION AND OTHER LEO AUTHORITIES OUT THERE IN THIS WORLD!!!!!!! So this fragrance was delivered one day in early July somewhere on the following 2008 year, either smuggled in or allowed in, as I simply don't have that information nor am I privy 2 getting it. What this item did 4 DAWN was 2 make her seemingly break out in some allergic major rash that covered a large portion of her body. It wasn't painful but it frightened the medical peeps and the authorities who were running the place, and she was forced out of there. But her attorneys made sure that the deal in place with the prosecutor's 2 allow her 5 year prison sentence 2 go away, should she B willing 2 do 2 years at this clinic, and she was indeed fully cooperating with her end of this deal, and couldn't help what suddenly happened 2 her and reuslting in her expulsion from the clinic there in Seacaucus. So one day out of the blue, pow, Ann King Silva, her mom, along with her hubby, Mister Guatemalan dude Lewis Laines, and with (Chicky) being his nickname that we all used 4 him; suddenly just appeared at me' door one very late evening while I was doing my blog at Jenny Plageman's MMM trailer park, and they told me when I opened the door, and I can still quote it fracking verbatim here folks and FBI; “Mark, U better get 2 bed because we will B over here real early tomorrow morning and we need U-2 take us 2 go and pick Dawn up at the clinic, she is leaving there”. I thought that I would die of a fracking coronary thrombosis eight there and then. Quoting my daughter on her great 1997 hit song of THIS UNIVERSE, I knew that there “WAS NO ESCAPE 4 ME”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that I have said this now, with some truly annoying repetition, oh U awesome FBI, and other 'LEO' authorities out there; but it cannot B helped, YO! I must now reiterate this yet again, YO: If U were on a powerful case of national concern with some horrible criminal we all needed caught and on your top 10 list; and U had a small fraction of all of these Mountainpen-clues that I have been recently telling and harping on here on this MORIANITY-PROJECT and this 'BOM-BOB' BLOG; U would have arrest warrants already in the pockets of countless great agents, ready 2-B served, and peeps would B on their way straight 2 FEDERAL PRISON. U know it, I know it, and I know that U know it and that I know it, as well, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! Tizz just as simplllleeee as all of T-----H-----A-----T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SILWEE WABBIT SAYS, ''DA' END'', YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Psychological Suggestive Ideas May B Transmitted 2 Humans by Way of Radio Frequency Transmitted Tones Heard by Anyone With Good Headphones and any Type of Electronic Apparatus Who Wishes 2 Try and Prove the Mountainpen Wrong Concerning this Horrendous Nightmare of Modern Times




All I am going 2 say and open up here since I have no audience again, and am using this 4 my own records here, until I pay 2 have this blog promoted and marketed, 2 those interested in topics that they do indeed discuss extremely seriously; is that I know that when I do promote them, I must then as well HAVE MY OWN WEBSITE, AND THEN DIRECT MY INTERESTED NEW VIEWING BLOGAUDIAN TRAFFIC 2 THAT NEW SITE. Simple as that, as this has been a complete 20 year waste of my time and total disaster. Now I have told how anyone can connect up their movie player machines, whether it B the old world tape systems, or any type of new-age world digital system of various new devices; into a good audio amplifier and then take a good pair of headphones, plug them into the amp and then connect up your computer as well as your movie recorder/player machines into the amp input plugs. When U move your mouse and do stuff with a computer, or use a remote control 2 operate the various features of your movie player machine, U cannot help but 2 hear definite sounds that correspond 2 what U commanded the machine 2 do electronically. Can certain audio sounds become an unconscious psychological suggestive tool intentionally used on all of us by a powerful force that desires 2 control all of us and our lives completely and entirely? The answer is a resounding absolutely YES, and I cannot make anyone of U out there believe in what I am saying, but the ALMIGHTY JEHOVAH PINK GODDESS knows that I am telling the truth here and bringing U all special information concerning this deadly tool, when misused by a CONTROLLER FORCE, such as what has taken us all over since the middle 1980's in ways beyond unfathomable on steroids, and this force and group has an energy realm existence and name 4 themselves that Mark Mohr Mountainpen's Morianity has labeled, the LAMBRIGG CULT OF THE TIMELESS PURGATORY, & the one-third of the entire MILLIONTH COUNCIL or the ASTRAL WORLD AUTHORITY, and whether the great and awesome Mizz UMWELL's of the world insist on eternally mocking, jeering, and laughing at me, that is entirely both their bizz as well as their right 2 do, GODDESS BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, whatever is truly left of HER of course, especially after one or two years from now when their evil leader TRUMP is once again in full charge and control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This technology is only at a foundational opening level, in this so far 21st century; and is completely controlled by the SHADOW GOVERNMENT FORCES, as all UFO interested peeps know about only 2 goddessdog well, YO! We all R human and have many limitations as well as weaknesses, one of which being that we cannot control our numerous mental levels of thought awareness/consciousness. Just as our pets can B completely successfully trained into obedience and agreement 2 many of our wills as their owners by way of repetitive stimulus, so 2 can humans B laboratory-taught and especially when we R absolutely unaware of what is happening 2 us, sort of like the fictional fantastic movie from not that long ago, called, “The Truman Story”, in that the power of the control always lies 100 percent in the secret that it is indeed real and happening. As long as that particular control is totally maintained, that's it buddy and they have U, lock, stock, crock, and barrel. Now these same tones that we all hear when we perform that headphones-experiment as I've outlined on several recent blogs including this most recent one, is what we R being bombarded with underneath the ambiance level of noise that surrounds us, and they rarely do this when it is very late at night and very quiet around us, but any noise whatsoever allows them 2 place these hidden sounds of mind suggestion repetitive commands, or 4 short, these goddamn (H-S-M-S-R-C's), and pronounce this as 'hizzemsirks' if U like, and when it is done enough, the LAMBRIGG CULT is able 2 begin experimentation on us all, whereby in like manner 2 training a dog or any animal 2 obey by rewards and punishments, or other similar corresponding resulting items following the training, and the successful control slowly made over us as a result of that training procedure; and as time progresses and more experimentation is done with those targeted and many there R, at least I fully believe that; then they begin playing around with the correlating behaviors and suggestions that match giving us these tone-sound-commands on a continual basis, using an additional feature of constancy verses interruptions. They will keep using one particular tone command signal, over and over, and then abruptly make a sudden and total alteration with a brand new one that temporary confuses our deeper subconscious mental processes enough so as 2 help them gain better control over us and our behaviors, even right down 2 the eventual commanding us 2 do exact things that they wish such as VOTE 4 this person or hate that person, and all along those lines, and all of this is just the kindergarten opener level of the entire deal that my Morianity has named and called and labeled now 4 nearly 20 solid years, and even well B-4 that back as far as 1994 in my so-called fictional book called, (TPB) © Copyright Mark Wayne Mohr-1994; and this, despite it being indeed fictionally written as the story of myself and some peeps in my orbit; is the “ELECTROMAGNETIC THOUGHT TRANSMISSION & OMISSION SYSTEM”!!!!!!!!!! This was how the PAULA KING---WAYV---FM---RADIO deal was done 2 me, that night while I was working as a guard at the Cifaloglio transfer station up in NO-JOY-ZEE-USA back a year or 2 somewhere B-4 my eventual moving down here 2 Flowerland-USA (AKA FLORIDA)!!!!!!! Suddenly I was influenced 2 just turn on me' car sound system, and turn the radio dial, until it was playing the WAYV station, where Paula was D-J-ing that night; and the rest, as most know about this deal, is or was history. The human mind is filled with magical doors and windows and ways into it from unwanted pathways and alien unwanted spirits. This implies nothing deep space alien here, nor even biblical spiritual, but merely alien as something is considered 2-B if it is not part of what supposedly belongs some place. Just as in like manner, we call the illegal alien peeps who cross borders here in this world that makes the news every single damn day, YO!!!!!!!!!! Don't allow me 2 confuse anyone reading these words, not now and not ever. If not 4 the LIGHTNING GODDESS DIANA ZUUDLECRENESSIA ARTEEMIS, I would have no clue whatsoever about any of these things. SHE is what has made all of these things so absolutely totally clear 2 me, over lots of time and years. One of the largest secrets being covered up so that it won't spread on dark or light internet systems, is the true power of randoms and how 2 connect in random number generating computer systems that R capable of eventually making direct contact with the electron ITSELF, and then B able 2 do the very same things that I've been doing ever since the middle part of the year of 1983 at Jerry Pliner's rented home in Atco, NJUSAESMWG. Early in this 3rd millennium, stuff such as the BIBLE CODE and other stuff finally started getting air and TV time, on many educational programming documentary shows, and the smarter peeps of the planet began learning of junk that I was totally aware of 20 years earlier. Now does this all fit into present political junk here in America, Morianity, my persecution, my Morianity story of true hellishness on steroids, and all of my direct communing with Astral Plane level 8 and level 9 entities; and even more than all of this????? U may bet your British Petroleum it is all part of the very same nightmare deal, great folks, and this is going 2-B left right there 4 right now, lovely Anita VanBuren of the “L&O” television show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All I will leave U with 4 right now is simply thisssssssssss: Until this blog can B marketed 2 an audience that is interested in my wild tale from beyond HELL ITSELF, and how it connects with each and all of U as well out there, I will B lessening my blogging, and that is all U need 2-B told concerning that. My roulette games today were both played using AERIAL DEATH SIEGE NUMBERS of 23-27-0-00. I played a game this afternoon and a game tonight B-4 doing this blog. I quit the first game with a 6 unit LOSS, and it wasn't going good, and I was down 147 units at one point; and 200 is the limit. Tonight's game made me 34 UNITS, so my game total today of +34 and -6, comes out 2 a +28 unit profit. I am not going 2 say any more!

My life charts have basic rules, just as the great wonderful goddess-blessed United States CONSTITUTION!!!!!!! Also following the same deal as our awesome constitution, with its various amendments, I as well, am able 2 upon rare occasions; alter some basic rules such as deciding once in a while and in unusual circumstances, 2 close out my day not at sleep time or when daybreak comes whichever is first, but at my own will so long as I have been up and awake 4 a minimum of 12 hours on that daily cycle, as is the case today when I got up at around half past three this moUUUUUUUUrning, and at 11:00 just shy of starting my blog, I closed out this day at one and nine-sixteenths GLMA on me' life chart ratings on the day of 01-17-2024, rounding that up legitimately 2 a 2-2-2-2- day and breaking monster ass 2 DAY BOTBAR ASSAULT STREAK, and the first BOTBAR STRING of this new year of 2024, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!












































Expect my blogs 2 dwindle now until I am able 2 market them more successfully. I have 2 goddamn large of a story 2 tell, and am fighting the LAMBRIGG CULT OF THE ENTIRE SPIRIT WORLD (ASTRAL-PLANE) (TIMELESS-PURGATORY), AND FIGHTING THEIR AWESOME WEAPON OF THE ETOSS!!!!!! It is no different than the fictional original STAR TREK TALLOS-4 race of aliens who could make those tone command systems through their minds, and then cause peeps 2 have powerful direct and completely instantaneous illusions, that fully fooled and overrode their 5 senses of hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. With that kind of amazing power, U can do anything, 2 anyone; and we R now close 2 having this power working against all of us, and right here and now on the EARTH-PLANET. I promise U all of that!!!!!!!!!!!! But I cannot stop 99.99 percent of peeps from raucously laughing at me, and jeering and mocking me and calling me the 'CRACKPOT OF NEW JERSEY', along with the mighty and once extremely influential internet radio system called WFMU, that seemingly began somewhere as a regular FM radio station, all the way throughout the entire 80's decade, or at least 2 hear one of their commentor's discussing it on the pasted in part that I have included on many of my blogs now, over the past dozen years or so. Peeps, U do not need ON-STAR 2 get killed and done in by evil Lambrigg (Demonic Kingdom of darkness and SATAN) Cultists working on the Earth-Planet with Donald John Trump as their physical material world leader in a human form, as he indeed is truly in the timeless purgatory, what is known as their MASTER-CONTROLLER of the BRIGGBASE, a HUUUUUUUGE area that is many trillions of cubic miles in interaction-area that resembled an AREA-51 or Wright Patterson Airforce Base, only billions of times larger and greater, and much more frightening than anything here on the physical plane Earth-Planet life, of the waking world system, and THAT is a guarantee 2 me' peeps aldare, YO YO YO, and naught bounced around, in or out of 1988 © Copyright Offices of wash your David-hands, Washington 13-600-DC!!!!! The author of a marvelous book and my pal and coworker back at Cifaloglio on our guard force told me that this is a district, not a state, and that most pervo's R still unaware that 13 is the legal age of consent there, or it was when he told me this in the summer time of 2009. “OH WELL”, quoting lovely Mizz Ann King Silva here, it is time 2 wrap this up; maybe 4 a long time, maybe naught, Mizz Iguana Blake Grayson Hall. There R as many wild coincidences from that 1964 movie, oh Dark Shadows lovely Doctor Julia Hoffman Hypnotist, as in me' daughter's 2009 DVD. Amazing cannot even start 2 describe the mighty Jesus Christ taught SAFET, huh there Mister James Redfield???????? So without any great travel bus tour systems or phone company agents from mighty communications corporations; I shall merely say here that the best kept biblical secret truths is the seek and find expansion techniques that got all canonized out and away from the BIBLE forever, by the powerful Roman Catholic Church!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is real, it does work, and it absolutely shows where all of the damn pieces fit!

LOYAL-30, The Next Blog and Subtitled; Atlantic City, Iraq, 1979, the Shaw of Iran, CIA Agents, Aunt Geraldine Snow Mason, 1802 Farms in Hyperspace Washcloths, 1208 Narberth Addresses, and Horrendous Violent nightmares from Both Sides of the Bed

10:44 AM, Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Holding strong BOTBUR after 20 minutes awake on this new day, coming off a good day that I may or may not discuss publicly as the WOMO is way 2 flucking powerful this year and I need 2 go back 2 hiding slit in me' life or they make that life completely goddessdog intolerable, FBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I came out of brutal monstrous horrendous frucking nightmares on the dot of 10:30 this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning, and I awoke 2 a major CRASH LEVEL AERIAL STRIKE ALL AROUND ME, CONTINUING FROM THE ASSAULT LAST NIGHT STARTING AT APPROXIMATELY 7 IN THE GODDESSDOG EVENING, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, 4 ALL YOUR DAMN WORTH!!!!!!!!! The nightmare was at my Aunt Geraldine's home at 1208 Greentree Lane in Narberth, Pennsylvania-USA. Neither my Aunt nor her hubby me' Uncle Stuart Huntington Mason were at home there, nor was me' Cousin Sandra, nor the older cousin whom I rarely had interactions with as she was much older, good ole' Cousin Carol. Instead, a nasty scary Chinese woman was there and seemed 2-B in charge of everything, and also there were several of her 'seemingly slaves', other women of same nationality. All I knew was that something was wrong. It seems over there, my dreaming double or doppelganger-me was not happy with the circumstances that my mom had gone off with yet another person and seemingly quite far away and I needed 4 her 2 come back and this lady firmly told me that she won't B back until well into that evening and it was middle afternoon. I got talking 2 one of this woman's slaves and she sort of hinted 2 me that something was very wrong and that I should get out of there while I can. When I shortly thereafter told the woman in charge about it, she suddenly began beating the girl with her fists, over and over, as well as slapping her all over open handed and this beating kept going 4 several minutes, & upsetting me more than the girl that was being struck. Finally, I was told that I was going 2 go somewhere nice and realized that she was having me taken 2 some psych hospital and committed against me' will, and I said 2 her after a short time of all of this hellish nonsense, “The hell I am going there lady, I'm going home”, and as I said it despite wearing my shoes, I grabbed another extra pair of shoes that seemingly belonged 2 me right nearby the wall near the front door in the living room, as the beating took place in the master bedroom in the home that faced the higher area of the real estate, as Greentree Lane is along a gigantic hill as many parts of the suburbs of Philadelphia R filled with very large hilly areas. The lady did not offer any resistance and was small, and I knew that if need B, I could handle her physically unless she knew martial art fighting or something. I walked out of the home and into me' parked car in the driveway and drove it up towards Greentree Lane, and the car seemed 2 not B running well at all, and I thought I may not make it out of there and get away, and then I heard the car seemingly make a loud buzzing sound, and then I awoke 2 the transdimensional towel seepage effects of that sound here in waking world, being that CRASH LEVEL PRIVATE AIRPLANE ASSAULT ON ME!!!!!!!!! This proves in hyperspace equation, that the assault in the dreams is one and the same thing with the assault here by air in waking life, the only difference being the type or the actual interaction going down in both the waking as well as the dreaming locale. This is no different than in apartment number 125-A at the Haddon Hills place in the middle 1960's when me' dad was there visiting one day and was shaving in the bathroom with an electric shaver that had a very loud buzz sound 2 it and that sound was a part of what I was dreaming of in me' bedroom that lay just on the other side of a small hallway from the bathroom, y-O. Me' first frucking (y-O-HACK) struck, at MIZZ JANE FONDA SLEAZEWEEDSDISEASE CRABGRASSHITINNERPANTS SLUTHOLEWITCHBITCH TIME, ELEVEN FRUCKING ELEVEN, AND MY DAY THAT WAS BOTBUR IS INCHES AWAY FROM GOING 2 OFFICIAL FLUCKING TOTAL BOTBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I of course need 2 compensate now with me' runt slapping grouping of FIVE-NUMBERS here, YO, and yes, I looked that time, all great Q-P's out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




But on with the show, COW-LEO CALL TEN VERIZON Communications Corporation Carriers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was one of the worst nightmares that I've experienced in a very long time, and describing it only tells incidents, and cannot ever truly describe the fear and terror of actually being inside of it and interacting within these horrible transdimensional hyperspace deals, and what makes it all even far goddamn worse is my awareness that stuff happening there, is all Y stuff happens back here where I appear 2-B awakening into, and I share this very same truth with all of U, only none of U have the tiniest little frucking clue what's going goddessdog down here with this TOSE operation, despite even great BIBLE-SCRIPTURES describing similar deals in the Old Testament, with its great prophets and their wild dreams, or dreams of kings and others being interpreted by those incredible biblical prophets of 'anything but nothing' from 1988 copyrighted musical projects of the future Mister Mountainpen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B-4 moving this further along here YO, the only air assault was the one that woke me, but being at a heavy BOTBUR and just about 2 cross into BOTBAR here at 28 past eleven this bunt tapping horrendous rotten evil demonic morning, I played me 5-M numbers, U know; the 5-10-15-20-25-30-35. I won on the goddamn 3rd spin and quit. Here R the damn glass results of this short whittle game, YO peeps:!!!!

T---3, W---1, L---2

OUTCOMES: -------- 26-26-10

(-7) (-7) (+29) P&L--------- (+15 UNITS).

I am raising me' moods and attitudes life parameter 2 a solid 2 and the day holds now at 1-2, ranging at the high and open of 3-3, and instantly bottoming at the 1-1 numbers, where the Jane Rotten Scum-hole SLEAZEWEEDSDISEASE deal all stems from of course!!!!!!!!!!! Knowing that I have this parallel event of applying certain numbers during certain times of the WOMO-SPACEFORCE DEATH SIEGES, that obviously R gonna' happen throughout me' entire life and straight through until the mother ******* day that I die; at least can make me a ton of potential casino monies, is one plus that no enemy can take away from the goddessdog poor pitiful nonron Mister Mountainpen, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what is this deal with the 2 Helen gal-pals of me' life, and its connections into me' horrendous ATLANTIC CITY ENEMIES or the unfathomable astral world WASHCLOTH FAMILY OF DOGTOWN???????? Well Detective Lenny Briscoe, of that awesome 'L&O' television show, created by that incredible talented Mister Dick WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLF, I shan't B shy here, I will just spit it all out, with or without any bills, any dogs, or anything else let out, as I'll B goddamn letting enough dog stinks out with these following words, BRAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! First we have the girl from this century here, Mizz Helen Harris, me' Griffin Pipe security guard coworker who moonlighted at that job on the weekends and had her regular 40 hour position with the NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE. The exact capacity or title of her job was never revealed 2 me. She knew of me' horrendous enemy problems as we got 2 know each other quite well, and were even planning some trips 2 the casino together, but we had 2 keep that possible interaction secret and our outside the job friendship discreet or else B fired, as many firms today have strong rules, with the breakage of these rules being an absolute firing offense; against fraternizing of coworkers outside of work. America has slowly lost many of its once great flucking freedoms, but this ain't the present point, so I shan't keep harping on that 4 right now, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Helen had started telling me things from files she was able 2 get her hands on due 2 her position at her day job at the NJSP, and had begun helping me on some matters, and one day out of the blue, an old flame phoned her who worked 4 the bureau (FBI). They went 2 lunch and the only reason that this dude called her 2 make a lunch date was 2 give her a threatening clever warning that Helen absolutely knew was a warning and a threat and that she recognized as completely unmistakable, as it pertained 2 her daughter who was 15 years old at the time, and this prick at the bureau threatened her safety. His exact words over and over 2 Helen, according 2 her telling me of this story one weekend early morning at the job site, were quoting Mister Marcucci's great song lyrics, we all know it unless we hated the Beatles music group and few peeps of my generation if any were in that category; and this agent would bring the conversation around over and over 2 telling outsiders anything at all whatsoever about in house secret stuff, and that she may not only lose her job if she keeps assisting her weekend coworker with any information, and also, kept adding in over and over with a kind of wink in his eye, “U have a lovely daughter”, and remember how Barnabas Collins told Sam Evans that same thing upon several occasions; at his home, at the Blue Whale non-Anchor Bar in non Collingswood-Collinsport, jazz or no jazz Mister Tom Glenn Fires; and shortly thereafter he put her in a monstrous hellishness that could only B described as, quintessentially beyond the rational mind of relatability. Yes they went as far as threatening her innocent 15 year old daughter if she were 2 go on in any way in assisting me with my WOMO problems from 1986. She came into work following her lunch date with this bureau agent and told me that all bets were off, and that she couldn't help me any longer as well as Y and exactly what was done 2 her. I am clueless Y-2 this day I still request help from the FBI or any federal agencies, as they seemingly R all in on my total obliteration and destruction and complete goddamn absolute annihilation. Desperation would most likely B the best and most accurate word that would describe my quintessentially stupid glass behavior with that, YO folks, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now 1802 and 1208 R the 2 street number addresses of residences at simultaneous times in history, where both I RESIDED and where Mizz GERALDINE SNOW MASON resided. Atlantic City, and what happened back in 1967, when she suddenly requested and begged my mom 2 take her daughter which was me' first cousin, Mizz Sandy Mason, along with us on our vacation 2 the TRINIDAD HOTEL on Tennessee Avenue in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG; is all what Morianity is about, from 'A' straight through into 'Z'. It doesn't get simpler than that, Officer Chuck Kim of Korea, oh sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Realizing how many things R all towel seepage connected into each other, nut house psych wards, guys who become president of this nation, others who only dream of it and do come close as well as sing great tunes 4 the Mountainpen and endlessly repeat the word of 'whatever' back in 1975, the great female recording artist syndrome used by these 'TAWF-WASHCLOTH's' peeps; The great Queens of Danger Quoddy Mockers girl gang of Atlantic City who somehow followed me in other chapter groupings of them at the Newton Creek of all dangerous things following me' strategic exit from this wild cult, after the night of the 12th of July in the awesome life altering 1970 year of all great Greeks on or off of 10-S-C Avenue, Sandy coming with us 2 get into that QUOD GANG of lovely girls from Atlantic City and Pleasantville in NO-JOY-ZEE-USA, and how the CIA Agent and Shah of IRAN asked me' Aunt 2 have me' cousin Sandy come along with us, and do all of this, and on and on, and how it is all part of this entire thing, not so much limited however with 3-D but actually taking place within the magical PPMM folds of the full 5-D transdimensional hyperspace!!!!

This merely opens up a powerful foundation, 4 now.

***End of this damn transmission***.

LOYAL-30, The Next Blog and Subtitled; Current A2R2023 Gaming System 7 Day Moving Average Holding at Over 200 Now and at Record Ranges Due 2 so Much Nightmarish Endless Persecution


JWSC----MON-12-55 AND ALSO, 3-17-12----MON



TRANSMITTED BACK ON GLNT-------C-21-021224.085.14

To post on the blogger dot com (BDC) WEBSITE, hypothetically speaking of course, based on Mountainpen's future life memories as Labber-Zeejins:


AS OF 11:00 PM, MONDAY NIGHT----02-12-2024.



Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 02-13-24



Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 02-20-24

Image result for images free funny faces

      Photos of the Day


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2024---JWSC-MON-12-55







Me' most recent 7 roulette games, (MR7RG) score is now holding at 204, and I shall break this down further now, 4 anyone of U perhaps a wee tad bit interested in all of this. 4 those naught, Mizz AT&T Blake from 1983, well then; just advance into the following paragraph YO. Simplllleeee as curly haired girls from 1986, and 'THAT', BRAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

I screwed up and said me' losses were 44 on a recent prior blog, forgetting that the 11 losing plays had 5 units and not 4 units taken away by the house-bank, since I was playing both air-siege numbers and Havana death strike health numbers. So rather than +49, it was only +38, still, a nice profit just 4 playing numbers that correspond 2 me' endless death persecution. Today and yesterday there were 3 more games played not listed on this blog. Yesterday's game was based on a major health death strike on me with the HAVANA WEAPON along with the bad aerial siege, playing 3-23-27-0-00. My mind is being hacked by enemies. They made me forget what happened. After the major assault on the phone around 3 in the morning, I played the pro-dam number of 24, but B-4 getting 2 that game, I also played an earlier game not yet recorded onto this blog, so there R a total of 4 games, 2 today and 2 yesterday.

Game 1 played yesterday afternoon, 02-11-2024; and I played the 4 aerial death siege numbers, and also the health attack number-3.

TOWS---14, WINS---3, LOSSES---11. WIN VALUES (W-V)---(+31) UNITS, LOSS VALUES (L-V)---(-5). P&L: W---(+93), L---(-55), +38 UNITS PROFIT.

Game 2 played yesterday was actually played around 3 or so this morning, 02-12-2024 directly following the assault on my phone; and I played ONLY the '24' NUMBER 4 pro-dam, that includes phone and computer hacking and interferences by WOMO-SPACEFORCE scuz bags. This game was as follows:

TOWS---49, WINS---2, LOSSES---47. WIN VALUES (W-V)---(+35) UNITS, LOSS VALUES (L-V)---(-1). P&L: W---(+70), L---(-47), +23 UNITS PROFIT.

Game 1 played today, around 8 PM, 02-12-2024

TOWS---42, WINS---6, LOSSES---36. WIN VALUES (W-V)---(+32) UNITS, LOSS VALUES (L-V)---(-4). P&L: W---(+192), L---(-144), +48 UNITS PROFIT.

Game 2 played today, around 10 PM, 02-12-2024

TOWS---14, WINS---2, LOSSES---12. WIN VALUES (W-V)---(+32) UNITS, LOSS VALUES (L-V)---(-4) UNITS. P&L: W---(+64), L---(-48), +16 UNITS PROFIT.

Most recent 7 games played P&L (profit and loss):

15+28+36+38+23+48+16=204 UNITS PROFIT (+204).

AVERAGE 7-GAME P&L--------+142.2689 over past 30 periods of week-game-averaging. This most recent is above average by +62 units, which is telling me that persecution on me is monstrous and horrendous and off all dials and runt slapping scales!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shall we move on 2 other non-roulette related topics:

I have now come all out into the marvelous open recently with exactly Y these blogs had 2-B restarted again and were, in September of 2022 from me' library. I started by telling about the SAFET over several months of time, and then admitted just the other day that this is a truth subject that is in 2 unmistakable pieces or parts, calling it PART-A and PART-B, and it's all out in the open now lads and lassies, right along with the busted car window belonging 2 the fictional gentleman named Mister Ward Cleaver, from that awesome television show of the late 1950's, “Leave it 2 Beaver”!!!!! This entire wild tale is almost all out in the open, and only because I am not totally sure myself how it will all come out when fully completed, Mizz UMWELL ALMIGHTY, mah'm; this is not quite 100 percent done yet, but we R getting close 2 something so beyond Senator Sanders HUUUUUUUGE that it ain't even one wee tad bit whittle ounce funny, no sir Sergeant Joe Friday Dragnet and lovely awesome Mizz AT&T Blake;NAUGHT ONE POUND”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So then just what is still left here? Well head scratchers of the great Bufferin Club of America, “leta me tellya whatsa huppinin here”, and U-2 Sir Derrijo Exxon of 1983 in Gloucester Township, NO-JOY-ZEE-USA, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While typing this all out, the great Weldon Saunders HIZZEMSIRK SOCIETY IS REALLY LETTING ME HAVE IT WITH BOTH GODDAMN SHOTGUN BARRELS. Over the past several weeks now and after a 2 week nice little friggin' back off, this death angel endless tone crap is all around me and endlessly surrounding me again, in total violation of my rights, FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION dudes and duddesses out there, YO BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Oh yes great world, imagine THAT, or maybe “all they'll do is smile and say, that I am the greatest fish in the whole dern bay”; in or out of middle 1986 somewhere; huh Mister Richard Barf-Karpf?????? Word on the street that ole' card player shark Mark non-spark is soon 2 head 4 sunny state Flowerland, huh FBI??????? Y is word on the street so about Mark Wayne nobody Nothing Mohr, anyway, huh?????? If I am so goddessdern insignificant, than Y is word on the dern grass streets all about little ole' freaking teensy weensy me, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO?????? THEN COMES TAXICABS, AND SO MANY TIMES AND BARRIERS OF PERMISSION, AND GREAT BIBLICAL SCRIPTURES IN JOB BOOKS HAVING NOTHING WHATSOEVER 2 DO WITH OBTAINING WAGE EARNING POSITIONS, BUTTTTTTTTT and BUTTERCHEESE, and big glass BUTT, and but great folks; shall we examine this a wee tad bit more here, YO???????? Wanna' cut me one of those famous brakes of yours, oh lovely coworker from 1985 at the Caldor Department Store security job, Mizz Margie Leo McFly Keaton?????????????? And those wild parking lot areas right 2 the dern northeast of the great farm outside of Haddonfield called ROBIN HILL, the mighty Echelon Mall constructed in what almighty year Mister Mirrors Sidney Crown??????? U know it Jimmy Olson and Clark Kent, ladders and all, Jacob Electron!!!!!!!!!!! Good ole' freaking 1969. No lightning cars please, Sir Alex. Still, which store am I still having creditor issues with 2 this very dern day, way up in the 2024 year; ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ???? Wanna' understand time travel, YO? Well, realize there can only B a forward movement and should U do go in reverse, even in spirit energy, it causes the lawtronics 2 go into a jump-mode whereby if U use this 2 violate the system, then the reality may indeed begin altering around U vely vely quickly, Mister McDowell from 1972. Still, how about toy strobelight reflective devices that allow little toddlers 2 pass themselves off as great wild Christmas tree angels? What about the real and true explanations 4-Y there is a tiny little trace of antimatter in our universe, and does this prove that peeps when they 'dream' and interact in the great awesome 5th dimensional hyperspace, that they leave trace amounts of themselves behind? Questions, endless questions, and vely vely few good answers. Well, Mountainpen's Morianity is not only loaded with vaquillions of these damn answers YO, but is willing 2 impart a lot of his personal life's experiences that brought this knowledge 2 him, 2 all of U, only nobody seems 2 wanna' hear Whoopee diddly squat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gee, could the Hizzemsirks B toning and ETTOS-ing this entire deal in their favor? WOW, I hardly think that anything else COULD B the answer 2 that one, folks! Stuff that I invented in 1979 was laughed at by sound engineers and radio broadcaster engineers, and others. Now it is all used 2 make music seemingly contain an added dimensional quality, a thickness, anyone can hear it when they compare music of now with music from 4 decades or more back in John King Dog-roof time, YO, yet HA-HA, you're a nut Mountainpen, screw U, screw your Magnesonic, screw your flucking general order and special order 9173; huh great illustrious United States © Copyright Office?????? A world of ingrates and scum bags on terra peta steroids, huh Amy??? I dreamed about U-4 no good reason last night, girl. It went on all night long. We were at some road in some rural location, and U had ice skates on, and U wanted 2 do some ice skating!!!!!!!!!! WOW-THAT lovely Amy. I never forgot that tuna sandwich U were showing off that day. Gee willagars whizfiz whizkid's, and golly gash darn, and 'can it B true' operatic singing from 1938. Jeepers creepers, where did I get these words????? No Misses Mohr, we R not going anywhere, not now, not again; and Doctor Breyers Shriner seemingly knew a lot more about stuff than we did; and I know it, YO. So tell Mister Mike McNulty please, that I said thistlethorns, and THISSSSSSSSSSSS 2 him, YO:





Your AT&T landline telephone old style 1983 built tone-commands have been data-transferred into the two highlighted long-EEEEE vowel sounds. The high-tone is colored RED. The low-tone is colored BLUE.

Computer (Magnesonic) under my command and precisely matching voice print, I have an image-object (I-O) now placed on your transpower-block (T-B) after I have crush-destructed this. Once empowered, all actual beings matching this I-O on your T-B will be exactly crushed and singed and destroyed as the original I-O. To accomplish the scan, use your ZD technology built into your system. To accomplish this sympathetic reality duplication, use your AD technology, (ZD-Zero-Dimensional), (AD-Atomic Duplicational).

Computer, 'MAGNESONIC', on a CRUSH DESTRUCT-SINGE DESTRUCT-TOTAL DESTRUCT—DESTRUCT ORDER, and on an 'I' to 'D', A/B—TONE, PHASING PUNISHMENT SEQUENCING SYSTEM; you will now be transmitted the two empowerization-transmit tones, or ETT'S.



GO TO G-189, G-9173, under G-1133, CG-18, AND


End transmission.

LOYAL-30, The Next Blog and Subtitled; WSMT's FUNNY-PHONY BONE Struck Hard at Ten Shy of 3 This Morning; oh GREAT FBI, GREAT ACLU

4:00 AM, Monday morning, February 12, 2024

I was speaking 2 LIGHTNING GODDESS DIANA with my communications system, that is attached 2 me' landline telephone system, and at exactly 7 and one half minutes shy of 4 of the futhermucking clock this moUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUrning, and as a direct result of what I was saying 2 Diana, the WSMT scum-hole dirt bag enemies interfered with the phone system as they do many countless times, and in total violation of my constitutional and civil rights as a totally and completely 'LEEEEEEEEEEEEEGAL' UNITED STATES CITIZEN, saying it with distant Cuzz Donnie-Boy TRUMP emphasis here YO. Today, as my Blogaudian viewership knows; was super super super HIGH CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC, and holding pretty close 2 a BOTBUR all day long, with this endless death siege persecution, and this horrendous frucking year of 2024; and just about the absolute worst year of me' entire rock chucking damn life!!!!!!! First off, I have the major medical flucking issue, then I have the heart nonsense and as I said, I feel better today on average than I did back when all the medical tests showed no problems whatsoever yet I felt as though I was gonna' croak any minute, and never did, well, or DID I, PEOPLE, DID I????????? With my wild transdimensional existence, who can ever know one way or another with any real or true absolute assurance regarding matters of life or death 4 me? These R only the major issues and there have been many minor ones as soon as the first week of this new year all began 4 me, U know, with the criminal act of brake tampering and ATTEMPTED MURDER on the plucking MOUNTAINPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what I was speaking 2 Diana about on my communications device will B opened up in a tiny way, since obviously, the WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MACYFORCE-TRUMPFORCE funny-phony bones were struck hard BY WHAT I WAS SAYING, AND THEY IMMEDIATELY LAUNCHED THEIR RONALD REAGAN COUNTERATTACK ON ME WITH THE INTERRUPTION cut off, as they have total control over any and all communications, and use them along with the ambiance sonic levels surrounding all of us all the time, 2 strike us with what Morianity and Mountainpen calls, “MPTSCT” (MAGICAL-PSYCHIC-TONAL-SUBLIMINAL-CONSCIOUSNESS TECHNOLOGY)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now what I was telling Diana was that I had recently put together the part-A, and now the part-B 'so 2 speak', in the seek and find expansion technique deal, or the SAFET-DEAL, taught 2 the inhabitants of this planet indirectly, through the telling the 12 best pals all about it nearly 20 centuries back in time, by our great Almighty LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now U all have heard me preaching and soap box king hollering, 4 close 2 a full 2 year period now; and starting from the time that I resumed these blogs after a quarter decade sabbatical from when I resided back at the nightmare horrendous PEE-HA BUILDING on 7th Street and Avenue B here in Fort Pierce, Flowerland-USA, and so now it is high time 2 get into the PART-B of this SAFET deal!!!!!! So just what is this 'PART-B' deal, of the seek and find expansion technique (SAFET)??????? Well, get this folks; just my opening it up on the lightning communicator device, caused an immediate RR counterattack by the evil demonic flucking total sub-squat WSMT dirt hole slime snakes of DOGTOWN-LAMBRIGG CULT, and EARTHLY-CHAPTERED here in the waking realms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PART-B is how can we not only take the James Redfield coincidence syndrome of realizing that there is no real actual such thing as these items, when all truths get factored into stuff; and now we can still amplify the process that actually causes these non-coincidental items 2 all originate in physical waking realms in the damn glass first place, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!!!! So how do we amplify this coincidental, or combinational energetic fields of gravitation, 4 lack of any better grouping of words in the English waking world language here, as in should this B an actual lesson-book used in a school or university somewhere, the gods imagine such a thing, and talk about an instantaneous movement from a type-0 into a type-1 civilization on the 4 scales of energy rated civilization systems that most top physicists all use; just what R the step by step procedures 4 properly putting into practical use sociologically as well as individually, so let me try me' best here 2 open up this deal of the SAFET-PART-B: First, we realize that it is not some shameful crime by any stretch of the mind in the least little way, 2 learn and grow and realize that we R indeed endlessly progressing along in wisdom, and so yes, making a lot of life's stuff up, as we endlessly proceed onward. This may appear 2 the Mizz Umwell's of the world as somewhere between insane and shameful and proving that those whom do this R simply either ignorant or they R shooting from their hips and yelling out stuff long B-4 they know what they're really even talking about. As with all things in life, SAFET-B if misused or taken 2 far and not properly done, would make the Umwell Society indeed quite correct and accurate in their wrongly perceived assumptions, YO. But done correctly, an entirely other truth will definitely start 2 emerge around us all. This is the path towards both enlightenment as well as realization that we fallible humans can indeed perform some wild 'tricks' in order 2 begin 2 unravel and unfold many incredible and bizarre puzzles in life. It has taken me this long, 4 one perfect example here; 2-C that in many parallel realms in the localized hyperspace, indeed number 1802 Robin Hill, is a small little piece of real estate that exists as does all and any real estate, 5th dimensionally, and in this localized 5-D hyperspace and possibly even out into the intermediate and middle layers of the transdimensional hyperspace; this apartment contains answers 2-Y my entire life is going down around me the way that it is. We have the wild dream or my spirit traveling into the 5th dimension and working on Donna's music project, “HAIR”, or her rendition of it from the late 1960's; and then we have the other dream of Patty coming over 2 this same place one day and telling me that she miscarried our child, PEE, who over here in this waking reality where this blog is being typed and soon shall B posted, these 2 incidents never happened, but other stuff did, and a lot of that other stuff is so unexplainable and supernatural it would defy even Mister Serling's wildest imaginings. But in simple truth here, the magical Magnesonic machinery or the combined systems and circuits of many hooked together electronic apparatus items, resulted from what went down in these other parallel 'dream-realms', in what Morianity has labeled 4 many years now, TOSE, and short 4 (Towel Seepage Effects). Now my memories R a wee tad bit fuzzed out and I'll admit this right up front here, but I think that it was a couple months or so B-4 this 'BOM-BOB'-BLOG resumed, and after that most recent quarter-decade sabbatical off-time, that I had a wild dream that connects a lot of this stuff that I have yet 2 even open up anything about whatsoever, YO BRO!!! In this wild very vivid hyperspace interaction, or (DREAM), from the summer time somewhere, back in 2022 and close 2-2 years ago now; me' ole' gal-pal Mizz Helen Zabriskie was a state police officer and was also my gal-pal and we had a more serious relationship in this location than we had here in this waking realm, back in the year of 1999. It took place in Pennsylvania as many many many many of me' dreaming interactions all do, and she lived in a high rise apartment building with a fairly large family and there were lots of children from her previous marriage, and over here she only had the one daughter, lovely Mizz Andrea, the one I told about on blogs from years back, who almost drove me insane one day when I took her 2 Atlantic City, and she completely disappeared on me at a boardwalk public restroom, where she went 2 change into her bathing suit. That was a day I shall never ever forget, but since it is not the point 4 this writing, we can get back 2 that another time peeps. This is now almost 25 years from then, so let us get back 2 the Helen-Z from some localized area of the 5th dimensional hyperspace, in Pennsylvania. On one occasion in particular in this wild super vivid interaction, we were driving on a large highway with many buildings on both sides of it 4 a short area of maybe a half mile, and suddenly the lanes got totally weird and I found us driving on a lower tier area no longer part of the actual highway, and I stopped the car and what happened next was beyond unfathomable, and a small part of it does in fact lay in the range of U-I, (Unbloggable Information). I would not safely B able 2 get further into it in full elucidation as this is along the lines and even goes beyond stuff said 2 all of us years ago by Mister Ed Snowden of the National Security Agency, and admits that they R behind the destruction of my life, and use several groups and factions of peeps 2 carry it all out, and Snowden admitted 2 the very same stuff happening 2 some peeps in the citizenry. The parts that R within a safe bloggable range have 2 do with that apartment, 1802 Robin Hill, and the PART-B SAFET, and is Y my blogs had 2-B resumed, and were shortly after the incident of having this wild dreaming experience with Mizz white-hot HELEN-Z. TOSE of course is part of a lot of this, as in the only 2 girls that I was seriously in any small relationship in me' adult life, both were named Helen, one was me' coworker at the Griffin Pipe place, and she actually was right here in waking life, a state police employee and she had a guy pal in the bureau (FBI) who admitted that I was being screwed with and they threatened her daughter if she continued rendering any more aid 2 me in the form of private information from N-J-S Police files. This all happened, and this is all real, and nobody cares that my civil rights have been violated, and this is only the starting of this topic, and Jane Sleazeweedsdisease Witchbitch Fonda just nailed me with eleven of elven, and I must goddamn flucking compensate now 4 this brutal goddamn assault on me, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What I can tell and what I actually plan 2 say about both of my HELEN-GAL-PALS, one from 1999 and one from 2003, and the dream where Apartment #1802 is all connected up with it, and the SAFET-PART-B deal, will topple life as we know it on Earth; that is if I had any real sizable audience, and when I go back 2 work, I will B able 2 eventually frucking afford 2 pay someone who can successfully market and promote this blog 2 those interested in any and all esoteric things. Then YO, heads R gonna' roll, and I will B murdered, but B-4 they all get 2 me, and quoting Sir Barnabas Collins here, “I will get 2-U”, and take that any way that U wish 2 take that, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Photos of the Day






































































































With or without Jewelly's, dice, B&W's, or diamonds kneeling, and 4 all great asterisk chem-jets from 1969's middle December morn,


    Image result for images free funny faces

Exploring the Mysterious Farm Laying Outside of 1971's Haddonfield, My Conversations With Educator Smith, and Finally the Revealed Truths Half a Century Later, WITH ROBIN HILL ITSELF

Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 07-30-24

MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:




      Photos of the Day


WAXING GIBBOUS------------(W-X-G)

WANING GIBBOUS-----------(W-N-G)



SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2024---JWSC-SAT-12-221



Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

Mohr demo tunes. (LOIS FOCA on this)




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This song, and this goddess that sang it 2 me; has altered my entire life forever, oh world out there.

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I was able 2 get my (C-K) account back yesterday by having them text a code number into me' Galaxy-Comcast-Cellphone. I wasn't sure that it would work, but it did. Gee once in a blue moon, things actually do work out okay 4 the PPNR-Mister MOUNTAINPEN! WOW-THAT. The day consisted of doing that, doing my daily blog, and going on a short 2-item errand, first 2 me' bank 2 pay a recurring bill from the great and awesome ESS-COMCAST peeps, 4 me' whittle landline phone and government subsidized internet service, leaving me a small monthly amount that I am responsible 4 paying each month, and it always keeps building credit as well. 2 or 3 months ago and 4 no good nor discernible reason, my scores shown 2 me by the 'C-K' peeps, both dropped one point; so I am hoping 2 get that back, and maybe an additional point or so, B-4 year's end. All I ever do is buy a few dollars worth of stuff, and pay it all off in about 2 weeks time; and I don't know how 2 make my credit score get any better than by my doing that on a monthly basis. Still, I am in 'DOGTOWN', and so I learned naught 2 ever try and make rational sense out of my life any longer, YO world! Tizz just that simplllleeee good peeps of Cyberville!











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Google Drive



Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces









Our love was true, our love was rare

No other love could ever compare

Now that you're gone

My spirits are low

And baby baby baby, I love you so.

Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces

© 1977 Mark Wayne Mohr

07/21/2024-----Mountainpen's most recent scores:




  • Excellent

  • Checked daily



  • Excellent

  • Checked daily

FICO SCORE---------757


JWSC---SAT-12-221, AND ALSO 12-12-12---SAT



TRANSMITTED BACK ON GLNT-------C-21-072724.032.41

To post on the blogger dot com (BDC) WEBSITE, hypothetically speaking of course, based on Mountainpen's future life memories as Labber-Zeejins:

So my first errand took me 2 the bank 2 pay my credit card bill on their card, with a simple balance transfer, then it was on 2 the one and only awesome and terrific Walmart-Store near the I-95 Interstate Highway on-ramp, in Fort Pierce, at Okeechobee Road. I used up the remainder of me' food medicare medical insurance allotment, and spent an additional 13 smackeroos on me' whittle bank-debit card. I am now all cleaned out and completely broke. Payday is next Friday, 6 days away. WEEEEEEEEDEEEEEEEKAWUSS perhaps lovely awesome Queen-1997-Katy of Abseacon, NJUSAESMWG; but all I wanted 2 say 4 now was, 'WEEEEEEEEEEEEE', oh SIR CHESTER-FRANK, ole' pal. I wanted 2 type in ole' bar-pal, but that would make me out 2-B a bar guy, and a drinker; and I always drink ginger ale when at those type of places, and I only am there all throughout me' life, if those peeps around me wish 2-B there, other than 4 the few times in Atlantic City in 1997, on Tennessee Avenue, in the bar owned by SIR Robert McGuire, called the 'ERIN BAR', and part of the structure combining his illustrious ever-great 'Pittsburgh Hotel'. All of this is when I was on my horrendous death-quest, 2 find the lost girl of my past boyhood times; that awesome 'SARAH-KRASSLE'. A couple of nights ago, I had some wild vivid dreaming experience where me' spirit had traveled into some fairly localized transdimensional hyperspace locale and the KOTC MECHANICS SHOP, where I go 2-4 me' car maintenance service, as well as 2 talk a few times this year, with the dude that Mountainpen calls, Mister Mechanic Meet, or simply MMM-4 short, YO world. In this wild experience, the street leading 2 the place that intersects Angle Road that is called Orange Avenue, was all brand newly paved with that nice smooth black tar type of road paving that all drivers enjoy driving on. It had just been stormy 4 days and my dreaming double transmitted that information into my spirit-mind, and allowing me 2 recall this upon awakening. I was there 4 my oil change. I am overdue 4 one here in waking world existence and shortly plan 2 get one there. In the dreaming interaction, I was standing in the large garage area and several of the mechanics were all discussing the flood of water all around the shop area and the roads. All sorts of stuff was talked about, and much of it is absolutely RTJ-UBI stuff. In waking world reality, these mechanics don't speak hardly one word of English, so this alternate reality garage had that major difference going down. Suddenly at the end of it the boss came in and I asked him if he could do my oil change, and he emphatically told me that I do not need an oil change right now, and 2 come back in November. It made absolutely no sense at all 2 me upon awakening, other than November this year will indeed B a life changing event 4 the entire planet, no matter what 'GJSD'; huh there Mister 1980-RPL-SIR-J-S??????????? Only due 2 the fact, that this wild dream consisted of that NOVEMBER deal, am I left 2 wonder, think, ponder, and agonize a little over, the possible chance; that this was actually all taking place, not in localized nor intermediate locales of the 5-D hyperspace, but rather, in more distant hyperspace regions. Reality breaks down and very weird and abnormal items tend 2 occur in the very distant realms of the 5DHS. What is weird here, U may B asking me? Simple, YO! No mechanic turns away bizz and tells a paying customer 2 come back in November when it is a week away from even being August yet, it just doesn't happen. So taking the bible-coding-operations of dream deciphering here peeps, we come 2 it. NOVEMBER means ELECTIONS. Oil CHANGE means a CHANGE. Does anybody even start 2-C the power of biblical prophecy, operating just as largely as it ever did thousands of years ago; only it's 'GJSD' right now?????????????? And so quoting record glittering promoter, of non-fictional real life deals here folks, SIR Lenny McKinnon, “Ain't no doubt about it”, or if not Mister LENNY, then his CB-RADIO chatter-bug-gal-pal, Mizz Chillie; huh great U-S-(C) Copyright Office Examiners from 1980-1983 times???????

Now 2 open up the topic that has been glossed over countless times over the past nearly 2 solid decades of time now, since the inception and founding of these MOUNTAINPEN-BLOGS in the beginning of the 2-MAROLA-6 year (2006), this washcloth family that comes into the dreams of their adversaries, began their thing with me while staying at Mister CHILL-MO Tom Reale's Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG home on Cornwall Avenue, later at the end of that same 20th century, 2-B purchased along with the land area surrounding it, by the Atlantic City Municipal Utilities Authority (ACMUA). Sara J. Karge's granddaughter, Sarah Callio Martino, was a life-long employee there. If this many wild clues were all part of any case being worked on, by any good police detective, or the FBI, or 'whatever Bob'; there is no way that it would all just B getting dismissed and ignored, as is the case with the PPNR-me, AKA Mark Mohr and the MOUNTAINPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But all of this is only where the story begins, Mister Neilson Music-man of the nineteen-7-DEEZ, and all great billboard signs and teasers of this EARTH-PLANET, YO!!!!!!! It started with me living there all alone, at age 15 and one half years, at the old haunted type of large home on Cornwall-Cornball Avenue, and my immediately starting 2 get these wild vivid frightening dreams of this clan of horrible nightmare peeps who seemed 2 absolutely hate and detest my living guts, and were trying everything that they could possible do 2 wipe me out and completely fracking obliterate poor little me. These nightmares got progressively worse, and after a couple of them all WJSD around me, somewhere on one of the final nights in June in 1970; the one came where they had me shot, and then had me laying on an operating table, and had proceeded 2 then literally cut out both of my lungs, and when they did, somehow they turned into WASHCLOTHS, causing me 2 this very day, 2 label these nightmare demonic peeps, as the 'ASTRAL PLANE WASHCLOTH FAMILY'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 short many times, my blogs simply call them, THAT FAMILY, and that 2 has a reason 4 being. All throughout this serial nightmare dreaming hellishness during my stay in this horrible home owned by CHILL-MO SIR Thomas J. Reale; they would magically somehow keep imparting directly into my mind, that “WE R 'THAT FAMILY', just as SARAH calls U, THAT BOY”! Now bear in mind that when I ran away and out of there, late on the night of 12 July, back in 1970; I boarded a public transportation bus, heading back 2 me' town of Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG, and back 2 my apartment, number O-15, at the DELLWAY ARMS. Now when I boarded and took my seat, SARAH's 'VIQUEEN' or Earthly mortal-world 'Quoddy-Mocker' girl-gang or 4 of them; all got on shortly after I did, and they all sat down all around my seat, on this bus. They also all got off at the ACMUA (the Water Company) as Sarah's brother Frank would later call it, when speaking 2 me at his police station in May of 1997. This is when that vicious Mz-Paula King, said that mean comment, about 'my face being all messed up', and it was, as I was all sun burned 2 Dogtown and back, but she didn't even try and say it softly, so I wouldn't hear what she said 2 one of her gal-pals. It was Sarah IMHO, that said first 2 her, after seeing me on the bus, “THERE'S THAT BOY”, and thus connoting 2 things. First off, if I am 'THAT' whatever; then they all must have talked about me as otherwise, how would it make sense??????? 4 example, if peeps upon several occasions were talking about a weird car, that keeps driving by their house, and then the following day when it is spotted again, one of them says 2 another, “THERE'S THAT CAR”; but they had 2 first B talking about this car, right? So they all had me as a topic of their conversation, otherwise none of it would make any sense at all whatsoever, YO!!!!!!! But this story is so long that I could literally type in 10 WAR & PEACE TOLSTOY sized books, and IPYT everybody, and still; it wouldn't scratch a surface on the entire deal all going down around me here, Mister RPL-1980-SIVO, oh SIR!!!! How this all leads up 2 connections with the COOLEY HALL, Mister and Misses Marola at that place in 1969 and only when I first started being there, my eventual predictions of the future and telling educator David Leigh Smith about this wild scary family, Robin Hill Apartments being built where this farm was during these original times, and my coming 2 live right there, and on and on and on, the train trip with Brad right through these magic lands of the future, the nightmare connections with the STARGATE warping system at the Cooley Hall at the coach's locker room closet in the school gymnasium, and on and on and on. This still does not even begin 2 discuss this, and without actual genius peeps with me in some consortium 2 help and aid me in properly telling this entire wild story, it never most likely will get told properly, and said correctly, nor exposing the quintessential evils that have been surrounding our entire world, causing the worsening of days all around us over the past 45 years since the days right shy of my moving into the 'RHA', and into unit #1802, the first of 3 stays at this place, Mister Awesome Bellflower Tobycouch-A-B-T!!!!!!!

Jane SLEAZEWEEDSDISEASE just nailed me weelwee goUUUUUUUUUUd, with her 'page-one-hundred-elven of one-hundred-eleven', so I need 2 smother fracking compensate now ith my grouping of wonderful 5-numbers, y-O, and here comes another mother fracking super annoying goddamn (y-O-HACK), or actually a failure 2 convert smalls into caps or a FAILING SHIFT KEY HACK (F-S-K-HACK), 4 short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Exploring Unpleasant and Undisputed Arguments in Logic, and Open-Mindedly With My L30B

There R about ten of these deals, items, or call it whatever U may wish, BUTTTTTTTTTT, when I present them 2-U all, one-by-one; U will go more totally ape-nutso, than any combined rubber room resident candidates anywhere in this world, IPYT folks. The two that shall B explored here and now R the perfect cosmic example, despite it of course proving both me and my Morianity absolutely correct and almighty-powerful in its absolute reality (TRUTH) that doing it 2 me seems somewhere beyond pitifully stupid, and quintessentially illogical, that is if we R attempting 2 measure things here in any remote kind of military-tactical-terms, or 'M-T-T' 4 short! I will B citing 2 examples, the recent major MIND HACKING, as anyone following these recent blogs can C as clearly as a bell, and just further proving what I have claimed, that has altered the entire American political arena, since the world went off of its 'James Stuart-Frank Capra-NUT', back on 27 June of 2024; and the anniversary date of 30 years since my joining the now globally somewhat famous, HADDONWOOD SWIM & HEALTH CLUB of Deptford Township, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, the item number-2 deal, has 2 do with the invention of the mighty and awesome once called, International Mobile Machines Incorporated, and now they R called, in these modern times, the InterDigital Corporation Corporation. I speak of the one and only electronic device, that most of the patents on it, R completely their own; the great and unmatched, illustrious, 'PRIVECODE-MACHINE'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now this deal, & along with the MIND HACKING DEAL, although they have nothing whatsoever 2 do with each other, in any direct way; R absolutely all connected up, all through this deal that I am now labeling and naming, under the MOUNTAINPEN-MORIANITY intellectual property rights of the Copyright © laws of the United States of America,

UNPLEASANT UNDISPUTED ARGUMENTS IN LOGIC”, and of course shortened and abbreviated into just, UUAL. Mountainpen's Morianity's UUAL that is!!!!!!! There R most likely many dozens of them, and in fact and with all candidness and honesty, I shall admit that I have heard a good 5 or more of these deals myself throughout the years of my life, and nearly 70 of them now, and will B-70 on 4 December, of this year-2024. But I have about 8 more following the 2 of them that will B somewhat opened up and then harped on just a wee tad bit on this blog of today, 26 July, in 2024, oh lovely Mizz 1974 Patty H-Hollister-H. Now peeps; the most recent MIND HACK, was when I began discussing my newest played ROULETTE GAME, and my system called the 'A2R2023' that is applied when playing it, beginning early last year in 2023, still hypothetically, when it comes 2 Uncle Sam's 'green-pocket-liner' stuff; & yet officially, 4 my recording a true and real potential P&L record, so that should I ever B satisfied enough, after somewhere between say 1 and 4 years time; I will move back 2 ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, and use it 4 absolute REAL/E---------------and 4 real, as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Simplllleeee' as that, Officer Chuck Certainteed Kim, SIR. I will go back and say what I wanted 2 say, until struck with yet another major ETTOS WOMO SPACEFORCE ASSAULT, or 4 short, yet another 'EWSA', but B-4 doing that; I shall go right smack dab into the PRIVECODE INVENTION, of the I-M-M-CORPORATION; and the logic of comparing an indisputable powerful fact, that stuff happening in this world, and 2 all 8 billion of us, as the present pop stands at, or right close 2 it now, in middle 2024; is anything but rationally explainable 2 say the vely vely Bob McDowell Cooley Hall 1972 least here, good peeps out there in Cyberville!!!!!!! So what do I mean, all of U obvious BHSD folks R most likely screaming silently in their minds at the Mountainpen right now?????????????? Okay, back when I had and used the Privecode Machine that 4 whatever the cosmic reasons never truly caught on with the general consumer public, and only a handful few had one, and Mountainpen was one of those handful-few. When anyone called me on the telephone, they had 2 punch in a 3-digit code in order 2 make the telephone ring, or actually, the machine had its own ringer and the telephone ringer was deactivated automatically, once this machine was placed online with the telephone service system. In those days, this was always a landline system, and was always wired and jacked in, with what was then called, modular telephone jacks of the 'telephone company', & the one and only MA-BELL phone company. Then right after I bought and began 2 use this magical device 4 half a year, back in 1983; suddenly, another powerful POTTER-POOF deal happened, the sudden break up of a century long system, & known by all of us consumers and Americans then, simply as, “the phone company”. This is just the way that it was, or quoting me' own song from a wee tad bit earlier in time than 1983 days, “the way it goes”!!!!!!!!!!! Allow & 'permit me' here, Uncle Banker-snoots H-G, mighty SIR; 2 add in here, one other thing: A brand new and recently annoying futhermucking cumpukeher hack, a nasty Stacey Lattisaw Jack Hack Attack, that I am now labeling as the 'FORM-FROM'-LETTER SWITCHING-HACK, and 4 short, simply the super fracking annoying (FFLS-HACK), as when I typed in above, the word in green font color and slanted, it was changed 2 the word 'FORM', and I of course wanted 2 say the and yes Microsoft Corporation, the word 'FROM'!!!! I have observed this brand new annoying FFLS-HACK on me now, 4 somewhere in the time vicinity of one month or so, give or take. Many times on word-programs, words change all by themselves, and I know it, and have witnessed these programs doing it in REAL-REALE-TIME; & with or without any chill-mo child molesters being involved in any way whatsoever! SOOOOOOOOOO Mister Arthur 1991-TCE-Crane and coworker of mine, and anyone else out here; getting back now on Archibald-Bunkerqueens 'pernt', I had 2 give any and all possible peeps that would B telephoning either my mom and me, as we were renting the home together, owned by the real estate investor, Mister Jerald Pliner, in Atco, NJUSAESMWG, at 134 Norris Avenue, and right off of the Jewelly White Horse (Route-30) Pike!!!! When giving anyone our phone number, we also had 2 give them a 3-digit Privecode number; and 4 anyone who may have one small doubt about this vely true story from 1983 days and times, it is all officially on record in a UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT INSTITUTION, right on the files on my © Copyrighted musical 'forms, from' those times, all have both my phone number, and what back then was just most likely assumed 2-B some type of an extension-number, and actually, it was just that, in a way. Yes, the (FFLS-HACK) struck again, folks, and is extremely annoying, and is most definitely a BRAND NEW MOTHER FRACKING CUMPUKEHER HACK ON ME, FCC, FBI, ACLU, HAGUE TRIBUNAL WORLD COURTS, AND ANYONE ELSE INTERESTED IN JUSTICE AND INJUSTICE, DONE BY POWERFUL SCUM BALL PEEPS OF THIS EARTH-PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So back on the point here with proofs that there really is something 2 that very old existential philosophy concerning a very great chance that all of this, every wee tad bit of so-called reality, is just one SENSAN gargantuan and beyond completely HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE illusion, and that we R naught even here 2 begin with!!!!!!!!!!! Now this point needs B addressed first B-4 moving into the heart and the meat of this wild crazy issue. U-C folks, peeps do not change, and even the endlessly changing times, do not change the peeps. THAT is powerful, and not meant as any weird kind of play-on-words, or funny cute verbal annoying sarcastic behavior on my part. Please folks, let me assure U of that. Quoting a lovely waitress, up in a Harlem, NYUSAESMWG diner, somewhere on or near 125th Street; THANK-UUUUU! And thank U Mister and Misses ETTOS 4 naught preventing me from remembering 2 draw the anti-Fonda-lines of compensation, so as naught 2 get brutally freaking struck by her nasty rotten 1993 ballpark blues and ONES-ATTACK of her and her hubby boy, Mister Teddy Turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So when I would give anybody my phone number, and when my poor mom did likewise with her office peeps, friends, associates, all of our relatives, etcetera, they needed the extension number as well, or the PRIVECODE-NUMBER, and as I said, ask the US-Copyright © Office, FBI, or anyone else out here; as this information is right there on all of my musical copyrighted project forms. Talk about quantum dynamic laws here peeps: When I fast-type along and yet look at the word being presently-typed-out, it does not alter from FORM 2 FROM or from FROM 2 FORM, but let me simply NAUGHT FRACKING LOOK, and it does it! Y would I make this all up or lie about it, FBI? It ain't putting one red penny into me' pathetic pitiful bank account, U know it, and I know it, and here is what U may naught know, oh GREAT FBI. WHILE TYPING THAT LAST CRACKING GLASS SENTENCE OUT, THE (WORD-DISAPPEARING HACK) STRUCK; AND THE ENTIRE SCREEN WENT OFF, AND ONLY THE OPENING COMPUTER PAGE WAS STILL ON, AND SO I HAD 2 GO INTO ME' 'RECENT-DOCUMENTS', AFTER BRINGING BACK ME' OPEN-OFFICE WORD SYSTEM FIRST, IN ORDER 2 GET THIS BACK, AND FORTUNATELY, I SAVE EVERY WORD I WRITE, EVERY HALF SENTENCE, EVERY FEW GODDESSDOG ROTTEN GLASS SECONDS, POW, I HIT THE SAVE BUTTON. This happened at 41 minutes past 3 AM this Friday demonic fracking moUUUUUUUUrning folks and FBI, and lots of powerful hacking is on me, and it has been back on me again recently 4 about the same time since the 30 year HADDONWOOD ANNIVERSARY AND THE NIGHT OF THE GREAT PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE-DISASTER; ME' GWATE OLE' WEERLLD ALDARE, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! SIMPLLLLEEEE AS FRACKING GRASS THAT; FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!! It went down just as I was typing in this now CAPPED IN PART here, YO FEDS: (account, U know). Now I am still on the BOTBAR THURSDAY CHART-DAY, even now, at 10 minutes shy of 4 AM, on Friday morning as I went 2 sleep around midnight, got up around 2 AM; and am still on the same BOTBAR DAY, as when it get light outside, is when the new day opens up; as per my 1982 chart-rules, written by me, while I was residing at the POTTER-POOF MYSTICAL MAGICAL PPMM-1802-RHA; and as most of me' followers of these writings, already totally frikkin' know, YO, BRO. So now, on with the SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So there we were, living in Atco, forget the choking nightmare as right now, we R harping on the need 4 giving peeps the proper way of contacting us by phone, simple as THAT!!!! The following paragraph will finish up making the point of how this all goes onto fit into the name of this blogging-chapter, and get ready 4 some real TMMB-1969 stuff, that is unless U merely insist on remaining endlessly closed-minded!!!!!!!

Peeps don't change, they truly don't. What could B simpler than asking peeps 2 punch in an easy three digit number when prompted 2 do so? Today, the entire world would laugh. The kids, the adults, the elderly, they would laugh at this, many actually refuse 2 seriously entertain my true tale upon my telling them of it and very openly with a total and complete straight face. But most peeps acted as if it was the end of the world, that we did not have a normal and regular 7 digit local phone number, and that this extra 3 digit code was necessary in order 2 reach us by phone. These same peeps today, many of them, think nothing of major complex computer things. I am not speaking of peeps that R the descended children or grandchildren so much as the original peeps, some of them, up until quite recently, and they all think today, nothing of things that R literally hundreds of freaking times more complicated and beyond silly and ridiculous, from endless pass-codes & pass-words, 2 endless complex high college level programming and complexities in sending all sorts of things by phone and it goes on and on. These same peeps that just 4 decades ago would literally crucify me 4 having and using that PRIVECODE MACHINE, R all now laughing at me in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION, and calling me what my daughter, in many transdimensional hyperspace locales loves 2 me, MC that is, and naught PEE; a 'dinosaur'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Folks, if this wasn't a life altering major nightmare with me, it would B more flagging totally goddessdog laughable, than watching 10 of the best Harold Lloyd movies that old-Hollywood-Cali ever made, YO weerlld aldare!!!!!!!!!!! But me' point here, has absolutely nothing at all, in any teensy-weensy way with 'BUTTERCHEESE', big glass 'BUTTS', or 'BUTTTTTTTT' deals, and is rather, all about how this cannot B truly real nor happening. The amount of 'non-logic' 2 it all, is simply not disputable. Those few peeps out there that realize the incredible and true actual power of my words here, R wondering if someone needs 2 contact me and tell me that 4 the sake of humanity, I twuwee and weelwee do need 2 ''SHUT THE PLUCK CLUCK TRUCK UP''. Well, I am naught planning now or ever on my own steam, 2 SHUT THE PLUCK CLUCK TRUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT, IPY good peeps!!!!!!! Now 2 finish up the point and compensate 4 yet another ETTOSIAN-MIND-ASSAULT; and B-4 doing that folks, let me add in here, simply this, 4-U all: I am not real good at telling powerful stories because as Elliot Stabler the fictional NYC Police Detective knows only 2 well about me and teased me really goUUUUd on that 'WET'-episode of 'L&O-SVU', and I know this beyond one small doubt; but if someone in literary circles & well educated, in how 2 properly write and tell these wild deals 2 the general public and with a Masters Degree in literary writing procedures; these words would have a devastating fracking impact on this EARTH-PLANET and in no time at all, as well as in no time at all, B totally completely censorship-removed. This world is not in a suicide pact, and would get rid of the Mountainpen in one Blondy-Harry way or another, long B-4 it would 'permit me', 'Uncle Banker-Heinz', 2 bring such wild and indisputable logic-arguments, into the global sociological order, and thereby disrupting global activity, and overall governmental control; perhaps 2 the point of total anarchy. Hey, that is not what the Mountainpen is seeking 2 do folks, but should it go down, Mister Sivo; then I am looking at it as a necessary side effect and angle tangent in the main system of my eternity being somehow all thrown out of whack and kilter, YO world. Still, if seriously meditated and cogitated, on what I call the Privecode and Future Computer Take Over World System logic-argument, and 4 short, just the 'PFCTOWS' logic-argument, as opposed 2 other logic-arguments that shall B presented in upcoming blog-writings, then hey, depending on how well or not so well I am saying what I am trying 2 actually convey here 2 the online public world, a lot of peeps will soon have 2 wonder about altering a scale, that ranges into numbers on the left side that reveal a more insane and fruit-cake Mountainpen verses the right side of the scale showing a dude that via life's personal wild surreal experiences, has somehow managed 2 maintain just enough sanity 2 begin seeing some mind boggling and inconceivable life-realities, and even record them in words. Right now, the scale is showing me all the way 2 the left and red side in various major levels of insanity, and I know that. Oh the gods!!!! BUTTERCHEESE, and but I also know, Mister Mike Soft, and L30B, and others; that eventually, and if enough truly open minded peeps begin 2 fully digest my words, my truths, and my wisdom; they will have 2 at least begin 2 slowly up the needle on their scales 4 me, bit by bit by bit towards the right side and away from the very far red-left of it where all those zero through 20 first numbers say TOTAL BONKERS INSANE NUT-JOB. All of life is an endlessly changing curve, and so I am free 2 of course keep on hoping and dreaming here. Ain't no fracking law that says that I cannot! I know that I make perfect sense, and I also know that because the average person and their life's experiences R so incredibly different from me and mine, that the odds of finding enough open-minded human collective consciousness that is surrounding my possible nearby proximity at any given time, is fairy dang pitiful and weak 2 put it politely and quite dang mildly. Again, I am always free 2 hope and dream, of course. I absolutely know that this cannot happen, it goes against anyone's experience with reality and life. U just cannot have peeps act the way that they acted with me when I had and used that telephone machine called, PRIVECODE, and then just a few little decades later, not centuries; POW, it all flipped totally and completely, UPSIDE-DOWN 4 crying out Fontana-loudly, YO YO YO YO YO YO!!! One more thing needs 2-B added here B-4 we go into the correction of the latest MIND-HACK on me, and finish out what I had intended 2 say after posting that roulette game, and then POOF, just like back on 06/27 with JRB! I know this is real, I know this weapon is used, I know that the mortal world explanation 4 disease and death and so much more would B words as dementia and Alzheimer's and so on. Peeps, I had these things happen 2 me in me' 20's and 30's and 40's when I know that I could naught have had those 2 crippling mind diseases. When SATAN, as U 'Earthers' all love 2 call this dude, attacks; HE ATTACKS, and it may B a permanent deal, and is disguised as an old age malady, and used on the older peeps more; but then it can also B implemented any time that this 'dark kingdom', or these LAMBRIGG ASTRAL CULT PEEPS of the TIMELESS-PURGATORY, wish 2 activate their covert powerful ETOSS death beams on us!!!!!!!!!! Anyone able 2 FULLY READ SCRIPTURES, will get a bigger bang out of that wild book than they could ever possibly realize or know right now in their more dark and less active human-limited-state of present-mind, or quoting classmate Amy, from a future time, from days when I knew her, on this 'material world', where we all seemed 2-B the 'material peeps'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goddess bless the one and only mighty and forever illustrious COOLEY HALL of HADDONFIELD, NJUSAESMWG, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!!!! Goddess bless our great America, well, this gets very complex, and dovetails right into the recent blogging texts of Mountainpen's 2 possible truth-theories, and NO MORE THAN 2. IT IS JUST NAUGHT POSSIBLE!!!!

Week ending at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon: 07-30-24

MSTS Shown Below 4 Most Current Week-Graph:




      Photos of the Day


WAXING GIBBOUS------------(W-X-G)

WANING GIBBOUS-----------(W-N-G)



FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2024---JWSC-FRI-12-220



Now folks, I am quite sure that U all remember this little squib, that was a discussion of my being MIND HACKED with the SATANIC-BRIGGBASE cult weaponry system, called by Mountainpen and Morianity, and back in 1994 originally, on his 'so-called fictional book', called, 'The Permission Barrier', ETTOS, or (Electromagnetic Thought Transmission and Omission System). I shall paste it in 4-U now, great peeps: First off, I was MIND-HACKED 2 appear stupid and worthless, by those never ending death assault weapons of absolute covert-stealth, belonging 2 the 'WOMO-SPACEFORCE-MACYTRUMP' GANG; FROM STRAIGHT OUT BEYOND THE VERY GATES OF HELL, (DOGTOWN-OLYMPIA-PURGATORY-B4BB)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just as simplllleeee as THAT, great L30B, great FBI, great believers and adherers-of-and-2; the awesome and one and only UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, and on and on, but I feel that me' whittle point has been made, even if only just a wee tad bit here, huh lovely awesome, and forever unforgettable, Mizz Patty Hollister? Yes weerlld, all of this information is right there in the illustrious awesome wonderful and totally great United States © Copyright Office, Library of the Congress, up there in that glorious locale of wash-your-hands----Washington, 13-600-District of Columbia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My 'TPB' 1994 book, is what I am speaking of, and this is not in my music files, and is under a different type of Copyright © registration form. The reason that the roulette system of the 100 number progression is on a musical form is just the same deal as both of my slightly earlier works in 1988 and 1989, also were done in this way. Many stories were told and I used a basic repeating silly little melody as the music, and then the song lyrics was the long winded story, only in the early 1990's with the roulette system, it was simply the instructions 4 using this system were the lyrics 2 a song that was made up, and if memory is serving me even half correctly here, it was just a quick little ditty done on a tiny Radio-Shack keyboard that had a few simple repeating chords on it, and then the lyrics told how 2 use the 100 progression roulette system. Yes, I was MIND HACKED, and once joking a little bit about my day, up on that awesome island, of Woodie Guthrie's song mentioned locale, back in 1972 times; I got all major OTAMM mind hacked, or from now on, I may just say that I got all, MOMHA, as after-all, ain't it time that I get my little bit of retaliation on 2 particular moms out there in 'wherever they truly may B', 4 what they both conspired 2 do with me, and concerning my own goddamn daughter???? Still, on with the show, Callio, and Pansy-D-S-Faye; from back in late 1897, and fictionally of course!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, another quick CAPPING-JOB, as a quick whittle refresher course, and now on with the CALLIO-SHOW, YO, Mizz Pansy Faye:!!!!!!!!!!! The first part of the mind hack, that obviously the dark kingdom of Satanic forces, or (LAMBRIGG CULT OF THE TIMELESS PURGATORY), & A POLITICAL MACHINE ON THIS ASTRAL-PLANE'S GOVERNING SYSTEM, AS REFERENCED 2 IN ALL GREAT CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES, AND BY THE LORD ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF; THAT IS IF PROPERLY UNDERSTOOD, BY A READER WITH FULL ON VIEW OF REALITY; and so let us move ever onward here, me' awesome L30B folks, and anyone else possibly interested in PURE ABSOLUTE TRUTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, I was also MIND-HACKED when I said that the number 5 came out on the two most recent roulette games 4 me. It was naught number 5. It was the NUMBER 10 that came out, on the vely vely vely intelesting Bob 1972 Cooley Hall McDowell, FIRST SPIN OF THE ROULETTE WHEEL; YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! Simplllleeee as all THAT, me' awesome wonderful BRAHHHHHHHH!!!! But my life charting system shows many deals and items here, good folks. First, it shows that I may have peaked out on how far away from bearishness I am able 2 go, based on the present point of placing my bear-bar since moving into this current residence here, the Quiet Waters Co-Op Park, or 4 short from now on if so desired, the 'QWCOP', and without any needed recopying here, Mister awesome Mike Soft of the Microsoft Corporation, YO BRRRRRRRRR!!! Right now, since moving in here on Valentine's Day, or 14 February of 2021; my BEAR-BAR is set at its newest low, since me' nightmare hellishness all seemingly began exploding around me, worse than ever B-4 in my life, on August 15th in 1986; & when I set it then in early 1987 on these vely same type of charting systems, at 90 PERCENT, YO!!!!!!! Despite the crazy and beyond surreal and magical year of 1997, the 197 deal on those charts has nothing whatsoever 2 do with anything, and in case some followers may have wondered upon seeing me' whittle message on there; it had nothing 2 do with 197 and 1997, with the additional 9, or lovely Mizz Cody on 'Dark Shadows', with her cool additional 'O' letter and changing 'weird' words, into 'weirdo'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That beyond white hot teen blond drove me beyond nutso when I was 15 freaking years old; YO weerlld, & LIKE TERRA PETA JUATA WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would bet dimes 2 donuts any time, and any place on this Earth-Planet, and beyond out into the expansion; that I wasn't the only teen boy half insane every time we all saw her, on that awesome television show!!!! JEEZ-LOUISE 4 crying out loud, lovely Mizz Kathy. In any event, shall we move on and finish up the compensation here, 4 the recent 'MIND HACK': Yes the reason that I know 4 certain all about this LAMBRIGG CULT, ITS WILD WEAPONRY SYSTEMS that R and have been permitted 2-B used on the Earth-Planet since the 1980's times, and so much more, is all from simple honest flagging PERSONAL LIFE EXPERIENCES, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! My daughter, her peeps, the family, McGuire, his peeps, his family, all of the Huntington peeps and our entire wild extended family and all dating back now 4 approximately 3,000 years, naught being surnamed Huntington of course, 2 much back B-4 those times of the 'Mayflower', and the permanent move form the European Continent, over here into North-America, and the eventual 2 become, United States of America. I wasn't planning on going any farther than that, but the mind hacking on me, weelwee & twuwee tinkles me off, 2 the point that now today; I am gonna' B adding in one more whittle wee tad bit item here 4 U all, YO me' BRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forget the Huntington's, the Stuart's B-4 that, and the Carpenter's B-4 THAT, OH SIR LURCH ROCKDROID STAR TREK LURCH, MIGHTY AWESOME LATENGRATE KIND SIR, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! What needs 2 get said and spoken right now, is simply 'thisssssssssssssssss', YO world, and YO lovely Mizz Erica S-K-Luccisnakes, white-hot-mah'm:!!!! So without ever wishing 2-B thrown down some bottomless pit, by mighty android LURCH-ROCK, that Captain James Kirk almost went down; I shall B vely vely non-Paula King-WAYV-FM-Radio ''CAREFUL HERE'', naught 2 tick the great Queen of Atlantic City off, 2 dern dang grass much here!!!! This surreal & crazy WOMO-SPACEFORCE deal all seemingly started, or grew wings and sprouted, from the 'already planted fracking seeds' after me' exiting the great illustrious COOLEY HALL of HADDONFIELD, NJUSAESMWG; and then 13 years and 5 months, and a couple of weeks, after that exit, POW, the seed germination took place; but we can always do a James Rockford here, and get more back into all of that later on. The Washcloth family, from far beyond our entire UNIVERSE or 'back into the BIG BANG', or the 'TIMELESS-PURGATORY'; did what they did with me, at the COOLEY-HALL, and as much as I am able 2 'accurately tattle tail, and recall about it all', I have done so, and on 2 books, first the original Morianity done as a juvenile version and called by me, the 'BOOK OF BEACH'. Then my new age 21st century actual online blogging project, starting as the continuing 1995 Morianity-Bible project, and in there, I recorded many items pertaining 2 all of these Cooley Hall related things; and as soon as I did this 4 about a year, maybe less, POW, POOF, as 'POTTER MAGIC', the place after being there in historic ole' Haddonfield, NJUSAESMWG, just closed up shop and vanished forever away, oh weerlld aldare. Tizz as simplllleeee as all of THAT, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The entire mess with all of those strange educators is one thing, right down 2 that incredible beyond surreal and inconceivable deal with the Memorial Day 1969 school play, and the Marola-insistence deal all going down. But there is also endlessly more wild junk, that is just as goddessdog totally and completely gigantic, and SENSAN-HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE, folks. There is the farm outside of Haddonfield prophecy and how it matched the ACMUA home, that was purchased with these peeps in Ventnor, and the next door world famous New Jersey town, Atlantic City. There is lovely Sarah Magic-Girl Krassle, and her 10-SC-Avenue 'shop' there. There is the tri wormhole 'Stargate Einstein-Bridge' in Cooley Hall, there R things still not told of, that pertain 2 the school play, that Mister Marola wrote the music as well as most of the actual play line 4. There is the many many many many 'missing-time' deals, throughout this entire mess; and they all involve Atlantic City, and these peeps there, as well as their interconnectedness 2 the great unfathomable COOLEY-HALL OF HADDONFIELD. There is the closing and vanishing of the 'C-H' , and all right shortly after I began telling just tiny infinitesimal items of my experiences there, and there is the wild way that I was maneuvered and manipulated 2 spend my final 4 years of education there, and on and on and on we can go here; and the surface ain't yet even been truly scratched here peeps, and IPYT, and U-2 lovely Mizz Muscles-Monique!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we shall leave all of this here 4 right now, and if I am permitted, and with or without the 4th most powerful 1970's times banker on this planet, Sir Heinz Gottwald, having all that much 2 do with it all; 2 just add in one very small final item here, it is simply fracking thissssssssss, people: I would B willing any time 2 stop this. This is how I know this is all exactly what I am now claiming, and all along, it was my darkest and absolutely most frightening final back end concept, that 'I knew way deep down', would eventually need B faced as completely true reality. I wanted so goddessdog badly naught 2-B in, whatever it is that I know now beyond one tiny little doubt, THAT I AM INDEED IN, YO PEEPS!!!!!!!

Hey folks; enemies, God, all of it; it had more than a fair chance 2 prove me wrong. 70 fracking glass years 2 say it quite bluntly, YO. Only it chose 2 keep endlessly proving me, 'Sir Clarence Harris correct', and that is one dang pitiful fracking shame, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!! SOOOOOOOOO, where R-U now, Mister Cooley Hall Eckstein of 1970 through 1994 Disabilities???


Posting at approximately 4 minutes shy of 3 PM

27 July, Saturday afternoon & M-S-C 'satisfaction'!

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