Monday, July 15, 2024

Dear FBI, how long R-U gonna' let this go on?


WOW, the things I would like 2 talk about and in more detail than I have yet 2 even come close 2 fully addressing on any of me' nearly 2 decade long writing project called a 'WEB-LOG' until shortened by the internet community into just, a 'BLOG': And the magical, or the 'quantum dynamic' part 2 all of this, is also an additional factor; oh U great peeps out there. Should I say certain things B-4 the proper time 4 me 2 do so, and after fully receiving some information that I will have B-4 this weekend is completely over; also would work as does that famous Q-P mathematical equation of altering the result simply by the act of observing it. This is the principle behind all of transdimensionalization as well, only most of U will live and die without ever seeing nor realizing this and just how incredibly powerful this all is, IN YOUR LIVES, AS WELL AS MY LIFE, and please; BELIEVE T-----H-----A-----T!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I can now explain the international interest in my writings as well as certain parts of them, also now, and in lieu of many recently learned items, YO great world, and again; I choose 2 leave details concerning that little morsel of truth, just 4 little ole' me, 4 the present time at least. Wipe Out Women and W-O-W times a million!!!!!!! YUK-YUK-YUK, and fukaduk 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shall we move this onward now, great ole' world aldare??????????

Dear FBI, how long R-U gonna' let this go on, U and the great Exoplanet-Leader-Parmon of Star Trek, B-4 the dragnets all go down and the temple of their minds R all sufficiently EXPANDED??????????????

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