Friday, December 1, 2023




12:01 AM, Saturday, December 2, 2023

2 days from today on Monday, it will B my 69th birthday, of which my WOMO SPACEFORCE SPAMMENIES USUALLY MAKE TOTAL HELL 4 ME, nice wonderful lovely people, huh weerlld???????? I know 4 a fact that if anyone reading this, had their children going through one tenth of this nightmare, and knew 4 sure who was causing this agony 2 them; that U would all go out right now, and U would \\\\\\////\\/\//\/////\\\\\////\\\\\\////\//\/\///\/\/\\////\\\/\/\\\/\/////\\\\\\\///////\\\\//////\\\\. I know that U would, and U know I know U would, YO; so let's naught even start 2 play games!!!

Speaking of forbidden stuff 2 say online or in public, my local county sheriff has announced his retirement from office and it was on this evening's news broadcasts. Sorry 2-C-U leave us, Sir Ken Mascara. I also learned that the reason 4 my recent MAJOR DEATH SIEGE, OR ONE OF TWO POSSIBLE REASONS AT LEAST, is the recent court ruling in favor of those who wish 2 sue my distant cousin, Mister Trump, and yes he lost; but he won't ever stop employing his monstrous horrendous evil and completely illegal misuse of astral plane information, 'PARALLEL EVENT', 2 endlessly keep trying 2 get his way, as he knows as does all his peeps, HURT MARK MOHR, AND HE GETS BLESSED, or at least the forces work more in his favor, and there is still no guarantee, but it does produce a definite plucking edge 4 him, and he and his crony criminal peeps ALL TOTALLY KNOW IT, AND USE IT ON AND AGAINST ME, and have 4 nearly 4 straight decades of time now, YO WEERLLD ALDARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still, if it is not him, then it has 2-B the only other possible reality, the A-U, the POWER-PEEPS, those who've been stopping all serious minded UFO researchers from ever getting at the truths 2 their fave topic!!!!!!!! It has 2-B one or the other, and 2 quote the 1980 record promoter from Reading, PA-USA, Mister McKinnon or his CB-radio gal-pal, from 1981; “There ain't no doubt about it”!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simple as that, or quoting 1979 coworker Sir Chuck Kim of the great Korea, “real dern simplllleeee”. He had a good handle on the English language but a few words were highly accented, and the word 'simple' he just seemed 2 have a major time HUUUUUUUGE problem in pronouncing it, BRAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has 2-B column number 1 or column number 2 on that world famous Chinese Menu, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, looking at playing the best odds 4 red and black or in this case, TRUMP or the A-U peeps; there is simply no way 2 examine a long running play of the A-U peeps harassing me with a direct result of getting something that they want 2 happen. Trump on the other hand, it is absolutely as paralleling as 100 percent, thus whenever I am getting slammed and hammered and pummeled 2 total damn death, he is ALWAYS in some kind of deal or court action, or SOMETHING, but it is every single time, so my bet would have 2-B on the TRUMP square as opposed 2 the A-U PEEPS square. The odds favor it by an extremely large amount. Still, I CAN ALWAYS B, 2 quote the lovely 1980 ad-spot hair shampoo girl, totally WROOOOOOOOOONG, and I will admit that 2-U all outright and up front, YO!!!!!!!!! I make no bones about the fact that I ain't GOD ALMIGHTY, nor am I some slob with an earring in me' nose, nor have I succeeded vely well in telling my thoughts ABOUT SSJKK, as some rock group hinted 4 me 2 do back in those good ole' times of my past, or back there in matter space approximately 160,000,000,000,000 miles out into deep space. Forget mirrors and reflections and opposite sides of strange non-Hewitt salt water pipe tunnels at the famous Central Pier jetty, 4 the once guests from also long ago, at the illustrious Tennessee Avenue MAYFLOWER HOTEL of good old ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today's major continuing aerial harassment brought me another 37 fast units in playing me' parallel-event-roulette-type-B. Yesterday was the day 4 playing the 0-00-23-27 and I quit after the quick pop up of the 00 with a nice 12 unit profit. Today was the day 4 playing the 5 multiples, 3 straight days of death air persecution and coming off an endless string of it with the occasional break-off-time back off during an otherwise long string of death air persecution. Every week 4 a solid two months, I am averaging around 60 units of profit playing my PE-Part-B 'roulette', or 4 short, me' P-E-P-B-R. Pronounce this simply as PEPPER-BAR, as this surely beats the gull slam Dogtown out of BOTBAR, does it naught, Mizz awesome illustrious phone company Blake, from back there in middle 1983, at the AT&T Annoyance Caller Bureau? These stupid calls still come in 2 this day and it is the very same nonsensical junk from 1982 when it all began while in my final days at 1802 Robin Hill, an dis Y the PRIVECODE MACHINE was purchased when I saw their ad in a magazine while sitting in a Philadelphia dentist office waiting room one afternoon in early December of 1982!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I told the major secret about Y the gods of the TIMELESS-PURGATORY employ games. It is 2 compensate and distract away from the unfathomable nightmarish torment of ENDLESSNESS, simple as that, oh great world!!!!!!!! Right now, my current Blogaudians don't believe a word I say and I know this. But soon, I will have a new audience when I move back 2 NO-JOY-ZEE and 2 Atlantic City early next year, and begin playing roulette there again; huh D-Q Kate? So when I have the needed money, I will have these blogs promoted and marketed no matter what the cost, as my message SIMPLY MUST GET OUT THERE 2 THOSE WHO DO IN FACT WISH 2 HEAR AND RECEIVE IT, only they have absolutely no way of ever knowing it is there without proper promotion, YO YO YO YO YO!!! I am tired of playing games, and I will spend the money, but first I need 2 make the goddamn money. Gee willagars whiz-fizz BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ever wonder just Y parallel event works, and what exactly makes it truly operate, YO fwolks????????? The answer is simple. In real truth, things R on a level that smart peeps call the subatomic. The energies inside this realm R nothing more than mathematical dots of truth combinations, much the same way that here physically in our waking human realm and on this physical EARTH-PLANET, we have a brain that literally is able 2 decode waves and particles around us and use the electromagnetic fields 2 simulate the illusion of solidity and make our world seemingly what it is, when in fact and truth, it is anything but that. Now these little dots of math equations R just like fractions in our arithmetic and math that we all use as human beings. Some fractions can go into each other, while others never can. So what makes things have a parallel or affinity 4 each other, some things that is, while other things simply don't? Think of it 4 an easy lesson here, as simply this: The fractions that can B perfectly worked into each other R like unto those parallels of events. Concentrically, the fractions that cannot B perfectly worked into each other R like unto those events that do NOT PARALLEL. The simplicity here is mind boggling, and 2 take it 2 yet a still clearer level, now we would B typing and talking 4 years and years and years, without crazy families, AIDS reports, or marvelous movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My WOMO enemies can now put THAT whittle bee into their bonnets and begin pounding on the top of it while walking on a high circus balancing wire, YO. 2 quote the mighty shoe-knocker-outer here, Sir Chester-Frank, from back somewhere in 2000 shortly B-4 moving from Guthrie Short's great Blue Anchor mansion, into the Jenny Plageman trailer park of Mullica, NJUSAESMWG, called the non-Bonjovi-MMM and all of that jazz, “WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”!!!!!!!

So which one is it, Detective Lenny 'L&O' Briscoe, oh sir? “WHICH ONE”??? Which is it, Detective Ray Curtis?????????? Is it the TRUMP PEEPS or is it the A-U-PEEPS?????? I am gonna' say something totally non-Senator Bernie Sanders HUUUUUUUGE right now. If I had millions of dollars, I would pay every cent 2 anyone willing 2 give me the answer, should they of course B able 2 prove and verify 2 my satisfaction, that they truly know and also have the needed proofs so that I could then engage the legal process and begin suing these pricks 4 tens of billions of United States bucks, perhaps even hundreds of billions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$. What they've done 2 my mother ******* life, is beyond words like atrocious or abominable or despicable, and along those lines. There R no words, nor is there enough money in the world 2 compensate 4 what these pricks have done 2 me, YO WEERLLD, YO!!!!!!!!!!!



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