Monday, March 30, 2020



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30 MARCH, 2020



© 2006-2020 MARK WAYNE MOHR






The Continuation of "The Epitome of Harassment"


MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020




I don't believe that I am the only human being on the Earth-Planet who is experiencing inter-dimensional major or even minor woes. I don't believe that I am an isolated individual for that matter, who is having any type of inter-dimensionally connected events continually being made manifest into my life. I DO BELIEVE HOWEVER, lovely people out here, that I may indeed be the only person so far in the recognized HUMAN-HISTORY who has become totally aware of my situation, and has taken it one-hundred percent seriously as a result of becoming onto it, and not then simply dismissing it all as pure insanity, as if I were the husband, MAY THE GODS FORBID, of the illustrious Mizz WFMU-Listener Therese! Yessir world, I absolutely believe that I am the only one for whatever the damn reasons, to have achieved what some might refer to as, “transdimensional realization” of my fifth dimensional full total hyperspace-self. Two great Christian Bible Scriptures lead me into this belief, and I will quickly explain just what they are. First there is a scripture known instantly to any loyal bible reading and true Christ believer, that tells that no one is so special, that they can possibly be going through something totally uncommon to other people. Then other scriptures also go onto say, a sort of 'however yo', not all people on this planet are 'able to see and hear the real truths' all around them, and are blinded by their father the DEVIL. Substitute the devil for the M2F and we can agree to move this on now. I never ever go against the scriptures, but I think that the gods have shown me the best possible 2020 year translations to not only those in our 66 book bibles, and other bibles too perhaps, so long as they preach that Christ and only Christ is the only way to the Almighty SAR (LORD) Pink Goddess, as well as even to those whom the M2F, disguised as the CANONS of those books removed from scriptures by the R.C. CHURCH, also provide such mighty wisdom's about. Without getting really hellbent on more specific junk right now; we can always go do a 'Maverick's James Files' here, and thus remembering Jim Rockford's loose teeth, and how we can always get back to this later on. We will too, I promise. Yes I am the only one to my knowledge so far in the history of this entire world, WHO THINKS FIFTH DIMENSIONALLY. Doing this elevates our consciousness to levels that are quite lofty and unimaginable on any and all matters. Adding in the full belief in the Phase-4-Entity reality that Morianity has preached now for more than fourteen years; and we get a system where not too much can ever remain completely hidden, at least for too long. I say this in a totally non braggadocio way, as along with great wisdom comes great responsibility and in my opinion, great suffering that always remains equal in a ratio and proportion to wisdom that exceeds the normal 3-D; and so believe me people when I say that high-mathematics totally backs up my position and statement. Again, Mister Rockford's loose teeth. So indeed I am seemingly all caught up in this mind boggling fifth dimensional hyperspace problem of my own personal hellishness; but many of you whose lives are also somewhat wild and crazy, most likely are living a whole damn lot more 5th dimensionally than you would wish to admit to yourself right about now. I'll promise all of you this right now however yo. If you wish to even see the beginning of incredible clearings in your own fog on matters that always seemed to remain unclear about your own lives; just begin to mildly entertain the possibilities of Morianity and see the incredible shit in your own life start to open up in hours and days, not years or decades, and that is a major promise to any of you out here. Even my JRSS and how I have broadened and elaborated on it by inducing both alphabetical and numerological systems into it; all of this is all a total part of the JRSS reality, and also, this deal about synchronicity is simply existing because of the way cosmos itself was designed, LAWTRRONICALLY. Denying it is equal to denying gravity. That is okay too, just as long as you don't scoff at it when things get ugly such as jumping off of a cliff without a parachute, and saying “FUCK YOU” to the LAW OF GRAVITY. I also promise you that this won't work out for you all that well either, yo BRAH!

Hey, just as I don't believe that this Milky Way Galaxy has any aliens in it (MWG), I too believe that all the answers to why it may appear that there may well be, is in the fullness of the 5th dimensional hyperspace again. It all works when we simply expand, or to quote that Latengrate Doctor Sagan again, when we UP IT by one dimension. In this case most of us think in three dimensions and we can include the time system as the fourth, so we up it one more and we get five, not too complicated at all, right, all great alligators of the Microsoft Corporation Spellchecker Systems EVERYWHERE? Moving on with this point here folks, and yes, Folksingers toothpaste TOO; I absolutely concur with that great other NEW-AGE-AUTHOR, Doctor Bruce Goldberg, and his wonderful and awesome book from the late nineties, called, “Time Travelers From Our Future”. Sure the galaxy is crowded when we begin seeing it all fifth dimensionally. Why wouldn't humanity's future of marvelously developed super-high technology and unfathomably advanced descendants, move out into colonies in our galaxy? So yes, the galaxy IS FULL OF LIFE, but it is our own life out into the future. If the atoms had a reverse polarized charge, we could look out into the night sky and see our own future out there, but in this matter forward running time-illusion world, we look out into the past along the eternal now photon beam that all of reality is riding on. I only bring all of this up because it does indeed fit into what will now be opened up and admitted to, and unlike that stunt that I admit that I pulled with the secret agent who used to E-MAIL me, (AD-6), this is no phony fake news to get some reaction that I will need to come back and amend, and that I admitted I would be doing every once in a while, from the very inception of these blogs of Mountainpen also know as (AKA) the 'BOM'! I speak of the horrendous hellishness now presently surrounding all of us on this planet, called the CORONO VIRUS STRIN #19 since this strain began late into that year of two thousand and 19. Most germ-strains are in fact labeled in this manner, I believe. Please folks, if you are in need of doing the bathroom wee -wee or dung-dung, do it now before reading on; as you just may have a whittle damn accident otherwise, as I plan to tell you a story about last summer and how it apparently, fifth dimensionally as well as in 3-D/4-D reality, all has brought about this abhorrent medical disaster.

HA-HA-HA-HA JANE Sleazeweedsdisease; you missed me, and try as I do to forgive you for that horrible nightmare damn stunt that you and your hubby network owner pulled on me, that monstrous damn night in the springtime of 1993; I JUST GODDAMN CANNOT EVER FORGIVE YOU, you witch; because the consequences of that assault on poor whittle innocent me, has had effects that are still ongoing to this very day and hour, such as right now on this blog on this just missed by a nose hair, PAGE ELEVEN OF ELEVEN, and causing me to endlessly live life, blocking screens and clocks, and all sorts of damn things that pop up around me forever, showing me that horrible representation of that gods awful fucking word that I MYSELF INVENTED IN 1987, “{[(BOTBAR)]}!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now to the real powerhouse meat of this blog; great LADS, LASSIES, LAB-TECHS, AND LAB RETRIEVER DOGS: Yes after the M2F screwed with my catalytic converter switch for about the fifth time since I came down to Florida, in my 2004 Dodge Neon Automobile,and this was followed by a summer siege that was truly horrendous, and that horrendous time on jury duty and the train nearly killing me when it was over and I was attempting to get back to my car that I had parked in the municipal garage where jurors are told to park; I began to dabble with some shit regarding my experience in VENTNOR, New Jersey, in the summer time of 1970, at CHILD MOLESTER THOMAS J. REALE'S home on CORNWALL AVENUE. I was planning to call this a brand new entire book, and maybe even create a completely new blog, and I am glad I chose not to do that for many reasons that we need not get into discussing right now. Back then, I knew nothing about making pin money with blogs that have over a 200K page-view history and that average a weekly 5K page-view, as this one does. I am not doing this right now as life has way more pressing issues for me, and that was before this global fucking pandemic kicked in to even heighten my woes further. Now to the point. The great “ME-TV” Network had brought the old sixties “DRAGNET” show back onto their lineup, and memories came flooding in soon thereafter about how Sergeant Joe Friday's L.A.-CALI Police Badge was numbered 714, and how back during that great NICK@NITE on the Nickelodeon TV-CHANNEL back in the summertime of 1994 had a nightly show called “Block Party Summer”, and how on Friday nights from 8-11, the DRAGNET SHOW was aired in blocks of 6-episodes, and I always loved that original DRAGNET, but after watching it a couple of weeks, something began to happen. I remembered unconsciously perhaps, my days living in the Pliner house in 1983 with my PRIVECODE MACHINE, and how I told LIGHTNING one night around dinner time, to call me on a new code that I made for her, NUMBER 713. She did too, and both with Her transdimensional lightning connections, and then also in Her human form, leading me to go down to the Golden Nugget Casino in Atlantic City that night; but the only problem was that I had fallen asleep, and when I awoke, it was half past eleven at night, and I was already half an hour late. But there is way too much to this story and all of its wild connections for me to even attempt to get into all of it. I'll need to be very selective and tell the major points that I feel might best suit the bringing together of all of these inconceivable items into one bag of what some might refer to as Felix's Magic Bag. Felix for those under age sixty years, was a cartoon character, a big black cat, a magical cat, and no, I doubt very much that it led me to my wild dreams a dozen years or so later with another huge sized black tomcat named Gawky Gaukauk! Now I told before on some recent previous blogging texts that I called my 1970 summer time by what I perceived it to be then, and that being, my “time at the shore” and my “TJR-AFTERLIFE”, with the TJR standing of course for the child molester Mister Thomas J. Reale, the real estate property investor. I also told how this home was on CORNWALL AVENUE and that my stay there was exactly 19 DAYS LONG. But we haven't even begun to talk about many other JRSS patterns of incredible alpha-numeric-synchronicity in all of this unfathomable dogshit. How about we now look at the town that Cornwall Avenue is in, VENTNOR. Remember folks, and yes folksingers toothpaste too oh great goddamn Mike Soft Corporation; how this wild and incredible family from some other parallel universe in the vast virtually limitless and inconceivable fifth dimensional hyperspace came to me night after night, and on one particular wild dream, they shot me in my chest and got me onto some operating table and then they proceeded to cut out my lungs, and then if that wasn't horrible and fiendish and scary fucking enough, they somehow managed to magically turn them into washcloths, while I was forced to somehow lay on that operating table unable to move, and observe that hideous unthinkable nightmare on epitomized steroids. When we think of LUNGS, we do not normally think of WASHCLOTHS, but MORIANITY for many many many years now has altered this a wee bit. I may never truly understand just exactly who Ultimate-Fighter-DAVID was in the early prior decade who said to me, “GO WASH YOUR HANDS” that day at the HARVEST JOB on 25th Street and Orange Avenue here in Fort Pierce, Florida, USAESMWG, but one thing I do know. There was more to that story that can ever think of meeting the eye. I used the JRSS to compare washcloths and washing my hands, but it took nearly a decade to see connections to HAND WASHING due to a CORONA VIRUS, all resulting from ultra complex transdimensional signal energy dots from the mind realm or 6th dimension. But I can look at the synchronicity to many things. We have talked about the 19. We have talked about the CORNWALL Avenue. How about now talking about the machine that is able to cure this horrible fucking virus in most of those who become afflicted by it? I am speaking of the VENTILATOR Machine. When I was shot, and my lungs were turned into washcloths, after THAT FAMILY dissected my lungs from my chest, while I was helpless on a table and unable to move a muscle but was completely aware of the procedure, in that wicked demonic nightmare dream in early July of 1970 at Reale's Cornwall Avenue home; what kind of a machine would I have needed to be put on so that I was kept alive and thus was able to watch and observe my own dissection? Yes world, you guessed the guess here, 'ding ding ding ding ding ding ding', a ventilator machine. I was obviously placed on some type of a fucking VENTILATOR. Now let us look at the town that this was all taking place in. Good old neighboring to the south of Atlantic City, “VENTNOR”. Say it ten times fast and tell me you don't even hear the whole damn fucking word of ventilator, ga'hed world of doubters and dirty disbelievers, yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!!! Now B4I go on and on and on and NO, not on an DON, just on and on, but that major JRSS pops up, unless we all are living in damn caves the past few weeks and days; let us talk about last summer and the hugest death siege ever that started against me, speaking of monsters against me and ultimate BRIGGBASE-M2F assaults on pathetic and pitiful elderly persons over the age of 65 years, well, not until last 4 December, but what the fuck is in a few months of time for crying goddamn out louder than dogshit??? I realized a lot of these things and was saving a lot of things for times when hopefully, this death siege on me would lessen and go back to somewhere even remotely close to the 2012 through early 2015 times. But it never came. We all know why, and we know who threw his hat into the ruing in that year of 2015, and we all know of my nightmare shituation with ICPE-APE-TECHNOLOGY and its horrendous misuse by Scott Ransom 'very powerful people”! I wish I had the health to have somehow braved up last year, and really gone to town with this (TJR-AFTERLIFE) stuff, as this would have placed me ahead of that actual virus, rather than have it just look like I am trying to cash in now on saying all these things. I'll just have to take my chances and tell what must be told, and let chips all fall where they do, as the old expression goes, yo. Yes so I would be watching DRAGNET on the BLOCK PARTY SUMMER in 1994 on Friday evenings, and after about a couple weeks into it, I would sing along to my TV in my bedroom at the Highview Apartment I was living in then, each time the 714 badge number was shown, “Call me on the 713”, and then I would instantly go, “4” or sing, “I mean 4”. In fact, I still quietly do this whenever I happen to be still up and watching television at the ungodly hour that ME-TV shows the Dragnet Show now, and I will always sing quietly along, “Call me on the 713, I mean 4”. I have always had a mild 'Taretz' Syndrome or however it is spelled, where once I do something, it is nearly impossible to stop doing it. It is a mild mental disorder, nothing that I can't fucking handle, and if I really do have to stop dong something for whatever reason, I can always exercise control over it, if and when it is absolutely necessary. Speaking of the devil being in the details to it all, and yes Mike Soft, to the damn alligators toothpaste TOO, when I stayed at that damn rotten evil chill-mo's Cornwall Avenue Ventnor place, in the summer of 1970; I was there as soon as school had let out on the 23rd of June, Tom came over to the Dellway Arms Apartment where I was living and picked me up around eleven or so at night, and we got to the home of washcloths and THAT FAMILY around a quarter shy of one in the morning on June 24th. So 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, is 7-DAYS. Then I left this place and took a jitney-bus at around a little past half past nine at night on the 12th of July, so I was there for the first 12-DAYS in July. 12+7=19 but there is another wild synchronicity that damn it, I'll bet many of you caught as well. Notice how the two months of June and July breaks up my 19-DAY STAY at the WASHCLOTH HOUSE OF HORROR, is made up of 7-12, as in the date itself when I left, 7-12 or July (month #7) and 12 (day #12)?????

Another wild interesting connection into a whole slew of damn shit is thissssssss, lovely Erica SNAKES 1983 Cane. Cooley Hall let out on June 23, 1970 on that particular school year. COOLEY HALL in Haddonfield is right off the world famous and very historical town of Haddonfield in New Jersey USAESMWG, on 'HOPKINS LANE'. Now that episode on the greatest law show ever, and surpassing even IMHO, PERRY MASON, we all know and love, and that interferes with all of our lives so that we forget to bath, and feed our kids, and so much more, tee-hee-hee Mister WOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF, called “LAW & ORDER”; with the lady Mizz Anna Hopkins, who has that SARS VIRUS which IS A CORONA VIRUS BY THE WAY, in the trunk of her car, has that same matching name of HOPKINS, does it naut, Mizz AT&T BLAKE? All I am ever saying about the mighty JRSS James Redfield Synchronicity Syndrome is that all things in cosmos when broken down into subatomic realities are nothing other than unfathomably miniaturized cosmic numbers of a sort. Some of these numbers, just like fractions, work well and go into each other, while other simply do not. From this truth, we indeed can rely on obtaining extremely accurate pieces of magical wisdom, and remember, the world of the subatomic, for all practical intents and purposes, IS A MAGICAL AND TOTALLY UNKNOW REALM to all of us pitiful little human beings, at least in our year of 2020 for crying out fucking louder than a cat with a car tire on its tail!!!!!! Lettering arrangements and deriving codes from them in a comparison type of procedure is nothing more than admitting that our human language is all just a mental reality and that since our minds are truly pure energy and would not even exist physically without electricity, then this stuff makes a whole lot more sense than those in the APA claiming it is a bunch of sicko wacko delusions and illnesses. But hey, we all are entitled to our opinions, lovely Mashell RPL Daniels of 1980!

So inside of the 5th dimensional complexities that all come into being from a 6th dimensional MIND REALM, that the great religion called ECKANKAR calls and labels the “MENTAL PLANE”, are many secret coded truths all hidden but waiting to be sought after and then plucked out, with all kinds of various methodologies. The one Morianity preaches abnd that Mountainpen uses is the truths of JRSS, and further down into the outline of elaborated concepts, are the fact that words and numbers can indeed show pictorial accurate truths, especially when viewed 5th dimensionally. Our dream worlds simply cannot be ignored. As I pen this now at approximately twenty minutes shy of five this morning, some hacker is trying to do something to my computer and I got a weird pop up onto my screen. As I said, it is only a matter of mother fucking time B4I need to get these computer files all into a new Windows-10 system with protection, firewalls, and all of the virus anti-hacking junk that most new systems come for the most part, standard with purchase. Of course, we're talking plenty of fuckign doe, and I am not going to spurge until I absolutely am forced to do so!!!!!!!!!! Yes it was after Russ Thaxton had come over to my Oaklyn apartment called the Dellway Arms on Oakland Avenue, and got me to burn my BOOK OF THE BEACH, in fact it was quite a few months later, and the first day of this new period was the 13th day in July, about seven months or so since Sarah somehow transdimensionally took my chain, and then a couple weeks or a month later somewhere, Russ got me to burn that incredible book that told all these things in full detail, and in the words of a fifteen year old juvenile. It would have been priceless to have and to compare with the adult version of the very same thing and the very same reality, that is called, THE MORIANITY BIBLE. But in any cae, July 13 started my AFTERLIFE, that is my life AFTER Tom Reale, and AFTER the WASHCLOTHS all got their diseased hands on me and took out my lungs and placed me on some weird type of ventilator machine, before putting them back into me, and somehow in my opinion, caused my entire future to be endlessly connected and intertwined with them forever, whoever they all truly are, RUSS, so you can tell Therese to blow it out her tin foil hat. Yes I truly believe that if I had the entire code to all of these things, we would all see how indeed this TJR-AFTERLIFE deal all led up to all types of things right down to our 2019 Corona Virus. All dots always connect. There are powerful damn things in all of your lives too, but it's like secret treasure inside a panel in the home you just bought. You may live there for forty fuckign years and die or move away, and never ever even know that thirty million bucks in gold coins were right behind a panel in your attic the whole damn time. Were you rich while you owned that home. What does a tree falling alone in some deep woods sound like when not one single human or even animal is there to hear it happen? These little mysteries have been wondered about for millennia. Still me' pernt is this. You simply won't ever know it because you are scoffing at me and my wisdom in these matters. For all you know some bizarre shit in your past is why the entire middle east crises got worse at some particular time. I am certainly not the only person who has these transdimensional connections to truly huge events, but one thing I do know is that I absolutely refuse to discard an incident just because it may seem to be completely unbelievable. I learned that truth that day in Mister Smith's class in the spring of 1971, regarding lovely and horny Mizz Zenkiss. If evidence continues to be there in the real world, then we cannot deny something. We may not truly have a full understanding of all of the numerous tentacles, but holy dogshit on pumpernickel bread, don't just dismiss it once you know that something really is fucking there for Crissake, yo! I know that I was planning to tie in some wild shit about my stay at the Washcloth Family Ventnor home on Cornwall Avenue, last summer. I also know that nobody on Earth knew then about this virus. Still, other things were pointing to many things, and time won't allow me to even start getting into the tons and tons of shit that are all a part of this. Maybe as later blogs continue on, we can at least try to make this all make lots more sense. After I almost died that day on my Fort Pierce Saint Lucie County JURY-DUTY, I got home, and the blogs from that time of the 19th day in August of 2019 last year, speak for themselves. I was not discussing yet, any of these things. But I assure you that I was at this time, starting a huge outline of what I called and still call now, the “713-TJR-AFTERLIFE”. The 713 is because of the date. July 13th or 7-13 on 1970 was my FIRST FULL DAY BACK HOME after packing up the few items that I had in that large bedroom that was inside of a very large and totally junked house with only that one room restored so it could be lived in; and I took that jitney-bus to the Arkansas Avenue Bus Terminal and from there, I boarded a public transit bus to Oaklyn, NJUSAESMWG. This is where the Paula-Sarah-Nina gang of lovely teen queens all got on the bus that night, and Paula said that mean thing about my face being all messed up, and it was; since I had indeed quite a nasty ass case of sunburn and I did not exactly look great as a result. But as the year of 2019 drew to a close, and persecution on me was at a level like nothing ever before, I knew that Magnesonic would eventually take vengeance for its creator. Am I happy about all of this? Not on your fuckign life. Am I sure of this? Of course not. I am merely going by a lifetime of proven past performances of the way all of this shit has worked and operated around me for nearly four straight goddamn decades of time now, yo BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then right after the new year of 2020 came in, so did Mister 605-Mex with his horrible loud music and all the hell I started going through with him and calling cops. But without spending a zillion years on a zillion fuckign topics here, let me quickly remind you all what happened as the first half of this summer time 1970 period was drawing to the closing minutes and while I was on that bus that I had boarded in Atlantic City at about half past ten at night to go home. Where did these girl-gang girls all get off, but right there at SARAH'S FUTURE WATERWORKS place. The ACMUA has a main branch station in Pleasantville just a few blocks down from a gasoline station, where my car finally completely died on the 18th day in December of 2006 while I was with Ed Himacane Lynch and the story on that date is on a very long blog that any of you are free to go and archive right here at this blogger website, by simply clicking into the past five books that are shown all the time on many of my recent blogs. Mighty McGuire had damaged this car while Ed and I were on his street, legally parked and taking completely legal tourist pictures for my blog web-page on the then existing site known as and we went up to the boardwalk so Ed could buy a newspaper out of one of the vending machines. Two months later, the car completely died but he did it, and I know he did. It began running slower and slower until the engine completely seized up and died, and where did it die but the gas station that was right down from that damn water company station where those girls all got off that bus that night. An hour and a few minutes later, I arrived home in 1970, and this began the 13th day in July as well as what I called and still refer to as my “713 AFTER-TJR-LIFE”.

One thing I will give to my distant cousin Donnie and that is he shocked me yesterday, Sunday. He finally had the good sense to push back that Easter date to the end of April. If he had not, we would have lost as many as half a million to two million people just in America, and all because of his love for money. But I will give the man his props. When he deserves an 'addaboy', I'll give it to him, and many times he ain't so terrible, and he doesn't always get it totally off base. His only trouble is he won't ever let the buck stop at his desk, as did that great old President Harry. These two dudes may have had one thing in common, and that is and was their surnames had the same first four letters, and THAT IS ALL THEY HAVE IN COMMON!!!!!!!! Still, credit where it's do, and I'll never rob a man of his rightful fucking props. Good show, Donnie! WEEEEEEEEEE and yes Mike Soft; maybe totally ass WEEDEEKAWUSS, as well, as who can know? This very well may have saved 95% of possible HSE lives. The shoulda-coulda-woulda hyperspace syndrome is an ever present reality that can't be underestimated!

What cannot be treated lightly is the fact that most people who don't choose careers in mathematical related disciplines, will never truly appreciate a virus's curve. On the CNN charts that were taken from the CDC authorities, they show the American COVID-19 STATS as follows for DEATHS.

3-5---11 3-12---38 3-19---149

3-26---938 3-29---2400

Now these increases of course are not simple and only mathematical due to the fact that in making these situations what they are and what they have been, numerous different approaches were used against this, to quote my distant cuzz-Donnie, “invisible enemy scourge”. In those earlier boxes, if we had done what the smarter countries had done, the curve would be far less angled towards parabola shape. If we resumed normal operations by the 12th on Easter, the shape will be much more parabolic. But by moving it back at least two more weeks, it will be much less parabolic. These truths are not disputable. In any case, we all are trying to get through this dogshit, and as you all know, this BOM is not a CURRENT-EVENTS blog, hence that is all I'll say on this subject.


Lads, Lassies, Lab-dogs, and Lab-techs:

Lads, Lassies, Lab-dogs, and Lab-techs:

Lads, Lassies, Lab-dogs, and Lab-techs:

Lads, Lassies, Lab-dogs, and Lab-techs:

Lads, Lassies, Lab-dogs, and Lab-techs:

Lads, Lassies, Lab-dogs, and Lab-techs:

Lads, Lassies, Lab-dogs, and Lab-techs:


I just GOOGLED up this info, yo BRAH!

Highest hourly minimum wage states:

About 183,000,000 results (0.88 seconds) 

Massachusetts HERE I COME. I am so fucking adddddddahele Governor Desantis and Sheriff Mascara, yo.

The great GOOGLE also says thissssssss: People also ask

Which state has the highest minimum wage 2019?

2018 Minimum Wage
2019 Minimum Wage
Jul 1, 2019

Minimum Wage By State 2018 & 2019 | Paycor › minimum-wage-by-state-and-2018-increases
Which state in the US has the highest minimum wage?




All the items in cosmos are out of 81 possible realities, with some of them connected into each other, while others NOT.

Using this formula allows us to make ultimate decisions!

Krystal's Ball

Guarantee and disclaimer information:

Anyone using this and is not satisfied, can have $5.00 back!

Publisher: Krystal's Ball
Price: 0.99 USD (ninety-nine pennies) Just how cheap are folks?

The joke is that this is worth 100,000 bucks, and I would say this to any damn district attorney in this nation, as I know how powerful this thing really truly is.

You will have to prove to me that this does not work for you, I am no fool!


This blog is about 1997, and not so much about 2020 or believe it or not 1986 or 1983. 1997 was one hell of a wild year, and of course was the inverted digital year of the great last year of disco, good old 1979. But that is only a part of why 1997 was so powerful, as this is when SARAH KRASSLE chained me up forever in a very inescapable way, and even let me know it in a way that only I can fully understand. A more apropos expression for the times of today and right now, would be, in a way that only I am able to really GET. This ties into many things that WON'T be harped on with this initial opening blog on this topic, as something much more powerful, as well as quintessentially sinister, needs addressing right now, me' people!

I will be talking about the way DECADES OF CALENDAR TIME appear at least with me and in my own life, all do one common damn thing. I speak of becoming as major in a CHANGING WAY, as it is major to those who go by calendars as we humans do, and then we suddenly find ourselves seemingly quite magically transported one day, after the ball in NYC drops; into a brand new decade. Rather than continue onward with that particular item, we hold it instead in a short abeyance here, and move still onward with the topic of ATLANTIC CITY IN 5th DIMENSIONAL HYPERSPACE. You see people yo, I am now going to admit something quite mother fucking totally HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE here, TO MYSELF ACTUALLY, and then as a resulting factor of course, to all of you, me' loyal following Blogaudians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been wrong on something all along, all throughout this more than fourteen year blogging project now. Maybe not so much wrong, but merely unintentionally in a circumstance of doing a very human thing, misleading myself on things that in true fact, I knew better all along and didn't want to admit it to me'self, yo BREEEEE! All along for longer than these bogs have existed actually great people out here, I thought that just plain old ATLANTIC CITY RIGHT HERE IN THIS DIMENSION, was the true and absolute heart of all of the things going on in my life, ever since very early childhood. I STAND CORRECTED BY MY OWN SELF, and the life circumstances that reared their ugly damn head for many decades, eventually bringing me to the new and revised conclusions that this philosophy and idea is only half correct. Great folks; if I do not say that the entire fifth dimensional hyperspace of MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY ATLANTIC CITY'S are not all commingled and interconnected into all of this, then I LIE TO MYSELF, and then as a result, to everyone else that I ever address, regarding my life story, unfortunately. What made me finally see this truth once and for all just yesterday, Monday the 24th of March? Well, laugh or cry, or do whatever you wish as you read these words, anyone out there; but I can thank that horrible monster we all call the Corona Virus, Strain Identification #19. No, I won't go into the details to how this all fits so incredibly together, at least not right now; but there is a little time for me to discuss a few opening details of all of these revised concepts. Since the change of many things, along with calendar numbers, every ten years fits a lot into these relatively new ideas, I will first go on to discuss this a little bit more. Maybe some of you can relate, and maybe some do not relate, so I'll only tell a tiny bit about my own life but I'll also add in major changing events in the world as the decades changed. First, they did not all happen on the dot of New Years day of each new decade, but the change cannot be ignored even though it may be off a little bit here and there, even by several months. I was born in 1954. In 1960, my dad was about to start a job as a mobile home salesman in Allentown, Pennsylvania. When he got his position through his pal Mister Herb Moyer, he and my mom and me all moved to the neighboring area called Quakertown, and lived in one of the trailers that another friend of my dad, a Quakertown farmer who owned a lot of acreage and planted cornfields everywhere; allowed him to place the mobile home on, and I went on to begin my present persona-life as the current-me physically, in a very unusual connection and communication with a nature force that we all call “LIGHTNING”. Needless to say as the following decade-change came, incredible things appeared to be all happening that seemingly has to this day still beyond inconceivable connections with this nature force. Move to the decade after that one where I move into Robin Hill #1802 and we need not even go there to fulfill my point. Then we move to the nineties decade. Not only is the 'LOIS FOCA' song, part of a prediction into this time period that was even completely fulfilled by the hurricane named HUGO with the Atlantic City streets all filled with debris; but Paula King at this time, was already doing some wild things that I was unaware of; and she was the one whom I saw in that unfathomable DREAM, right outside the Frailenger's Salt Water Taffy Store on Tennessee Avenue. Then in 2000 came the great Billy Harner MUSICAL PROJECT that was all about SARAH. 2010 speaks for itself with the great kidnapping of poor little me, by that nightmare FAMILY OF WASHCLOTHS AND HOLLISTER'S. 2020, well, we are not even going to go here today, oh great ladies and gentleman out here!!!!!!!!!

Now 1997 as well as the short time era before it and after it, is a whole other matter of course. This was the year my mother was turned into a zombie on the day after Christmas. It was the year of that magical day of 12 JULY on 10-SC AVENUE in Atlantic City, NJUSAESMWG. It was the year of the great TIME TRIP WITH MAGIC SHOE BOX FUTURE TABLET DEVICES. It was the year that I remembered for th every first time that on the ASTRAL-PLANE of true existence, I AM RICTAFARIUS, and I live in Ricktown with Lightning Goddess DIANA, along Astral-Highway or (LINELANE) #9910, and am here dreaming that I am inside of a physical shell-body going by the identity and name of Mark Wayne Mohr. It is the year that I met Robert McGuire, after having that horrendous wild hexagram throw on PEARL HARBOR DAY in 1996, and being given the DELIVERENCE HEXAGRAM. It is the year that after meeting that horrible monster psychic of Glendora, Mizz Paula Uwich that major damn things of a totally psychic type of nature, started happening to me. But in all of this and still lots more, we are only going to focus on one of them on this blog, and that being, the day I came out of that wild DREAM on the late morning of the 12th of July, and ended up in Atlantic City, on Tennessee Avenue, and seeing PAULA KING, who I hadn't seen in nearly three full decades since the time we all were on a public transit bus late on the night of 12 July in 1970. Yes, the separation in time was the electrical number amount of years, from 1970 until 1997, and right to the very day. There are 365 and a quarter days to a year, so what are the odds of that, but one to three-hundred-sixty-five for crying out mother fucking loud, yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-
Mohr, Mark W., 1954-

This all led me to write many songs that I of course COPYRIGHTED, as shown here above!

Public Catalog

Copyright Catalog (1978 to present)
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