Wednesday, July 31, 2024

WOMO-SPACEFORCE-WSMT-SPAMMENIES On Me Heavy and Wednesday Was Super Major High CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC Times 1, and My Revenge Will B a Continued Tell of All Stuff LOIS-FOCA & FAMILY RELATED, YO


WOMO-SPACEFORCE-WSMT-SPAMMENIES On Me Heavy and Wednesday Was Super Major High CALLIOCAREYOTAMMIC Times 1, and My Revenge Will B a Continued Tell of All Stuff LOIS-FOCA & FAMILY RELATED, YO

40 minutes past 12 midnight, on 1 August of 2024.

GAME NUMBER--------------2024-0105

DATE GAME PLAYED------07/31/2024

WHEEL NUMBER-------------------60-52




(5-MOULTS 5-35)



T------26, W------07, L------19

W-V --------------- +29 UNITS

L-V----------------- -07 UNITS

WINS $ ------------ +203 UNITS

LOSSES $ --------- -133 UNITS

ACTUAL P&L ----- +70 UNITS

ON THIS DAY OF 07-31-2024, (+70).

NOW THE DEAL HERE IN OPERATING MY A2R2023 ROULETTE SYSTEM, IS SIMPLY THISsssssss, LOVELY MIZZ ERICA-SUE-KANE LUCCISNAKES, MAH'M: From my afternoon game yesterday the final July day of 07-31, here is a CAPPING-JOB of the gaming results on me' files.

EVEN THOUGH ACTUAL BOTBARS R NOT REAL MAJOR PREVALENT LATELY, CLOSE CALLS, AND LOTS OF ROTTENNESS IN GENERAL, PREVAILS 4 THE MOUNTAINPEN. In other words, playing the 5 MOULTS is good once any pattern comes along that is at or very near 2 being simply rotten times and days, even if not 1-1 rated, and many being 1-2 and 2-1 and barely legitimate 1.51-GLMA or better, 'round-ups'. Simultaneously, if OTAMMISM caused rottenness, which is mostly the case as rarely does junk GJSD with me that is really naught WSMT-OTAMM-RELATED, and when it consists of a lot of multiplexed rotten junk and nothing is 2 long lasting nor 2 severe, rather than play numbers corresponding 2 the individual harassment types, I found it most profitable 2 simply at those times, play the 'MOULTS' and only them, U know; numbers of (5-10-15-20-25-30-35). All day yesterday, continuous light aerial assaults were around me, and then came the dependable NIGHT AERIAL ATTACK, that is a pick up of any daily air persecution once it gets into the early middle evening, approaching darkness or just after dark in colder darker winter times. My next game will B the AERIAL NUMBER SPLAYED, ALONG WITH PERHAPS THE EUDA ASSAULT NUMBERS, AND MAYBE THE HEALTH ATTACK NUMBER, as starting very late B-4 the tail end of yesterday, close 2 midnight, the SPAMMENIES LAUNCHED ANOTHER HEALTH HAVANA WEAPON STRIKE ON THE PPNR-MISTER-MOUNTAINPEN, ONLY INSTEAD OF MY BOWELS BEING STRUCK, IT WAS THE HEART ASSAULT ON ME, CAUSING IRREGULAR & UNPLEASANT HEARTBEATS. Now U all call these things by mortal world rationally explained words, and medical terms; and none of it has medical and physical plane origins. All evil deeds, and evil itself, originates on the ASTRAL PLANE's EVIL BRIGGBASE, and in 'SATAN's KINGDOM' there, 2 word this a wee tad bit more biblically here! There is absolutely no middle ground, it is all illusion. All good comes from GOD, all evil, from, 'the devil', and it truly is that simple, Mister Henningsen CIA-REDJOHN, oh mighty SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't expect peeps with absolutely no spiritual or enlightened beliefs whom R living 100 percent purely on a level of physicality, 2 dig any of these powerful and awesome truths, naught even 1 little teensy weensy wee tad non-Patty Hollister-H-H bit, YO!!!! Proving 2 the scientific community that an advanced LEVEL 3 PURGATITE is able 2 speak in biblical terminology, I worded my prior sentences in the same way that any and all 'B-A-C' peeps would so do, and IPYT, (born again Christian)!!!!!!! But getting back 2 numbers played based on parallel event, me' next following game will B more specific as in numbers played matching particular harassing persecutions done by my enemies, the WSMT monsters from straight out from beyond the Purgatorial gates of Dogtown-Olympia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simple as that. I knew that I needed 2 play the 5 MOULTS and only those 7 numbers based on my last 2 years of major tweaking and honing in on the basic ops of this A2R2023-roulette-system, y-O world, and here comes that failure 2 shift annoying fracking (y-O-HACK) on me; great flagging FBI, and L30B, and anyone else out here, on or not on the 'TGS', or (Trilane Galanet System), YO BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! So some smarty-pants peeps out here, I just know by now, have been secretly wondering with themselves after following all of this, and R saying, “GEE Mountainpen, maybe tarot cards and other tools of prophecy predicting work like this, as in A=B in exact inverted equality with B=A or in other words, when tarot cards R placed on a table and then R read by an experienced user; is it like my numbers, in that many times, numbers coming out R showing the soon-2-B-coming near-future persecutions that R about 2 befall me, YO???? If U-R-1 of those who had this thought, then there is major hope 4-U as an independent open minded self-realized person, perhaps even on your way in cosmic journey 2 eventual fully god-realized, also, oh me' BRAHHHHHHHH!!!! JEEZ FREAKING LOUISE 4 crying out Fontanna-'L&O' loudly BRO, and WOW-THAT. AHA-AHA-AHA, Mike McNulty, SIR.

So I have sort of carefully told that with advanced knowledge, all sorts of wild stuff can B figured out by anyone, anywhere and at any time, even by the very downtrodden sub-poverty poorest citizens of this awesome UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as in if the Mountainpen can do it with only a few pennies in his pocket 2 spare all of his goddessdog life, then anyone of U out there can as well, y-O, and another mother fracking failure-2-shift-HACK, and or (y-O-HACK) struck me, YO!!!! As I used 2 say in summer-cramp-camp in both 1967 and 1968 in July when there 4-2 weeks both years, at Camp Chesapeake in Northeast, Maryland, USA, across the Chess Bay from good ole' fracking lovely Aberdeen; “THIS IS WEEDEEKAWUSS”, lovely Katy, only there was no lovely Katy back then, since she wasn't even pooping in diapers yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There simply ain't no doubt about it; I MUST get another mother fracking new-world keyboard, or go NUTS!

Okay Mister John King Latengrate, and anyone else; who wants 2 place a SENSAN-H bet with me, double or nothing, extending a million bucks credit 2 me, that I cannot prove 2-U and break your brains all 2 absolute total DOGTOWN, that MUSIC is a powerful part of GOD, that it is admitted 2 in unmistakable numerous ways biblicaly, and on top of that, that the Christian Bible indeed goes into vely vely lengthy detail about Morianity, Mountainpen, 1802-RHA, LOIS FOCA, Atlantic City, my relative's neck of the woods, up in Suffolk County, NY-USA, and tons of interconnected and commingled mind blowing things tying it all together in ways that cannot B truly argued nor ever dismissed? This entire deal, every word of it, I will bet double or nothing that I can prove every word of this when I now state this story of Morianity, is already in OUR CHRISTIAN BIBLE, and so is the entire deal with the first powerful dreaming interaction in middle December of 1969, with the magical trinitrail jet vapor trail made on that morning following the surreal dreaming experience, and all of the entire mess, it is all right in the great CHRISTIAN BIBLE and yes, with one small caveat emptor of course. U do need 2 decode and properly translate, reading what is there on a slightly higher level of TRUE AWESOME MEANING in other words. What I know and what I could prove, COULD END LIFE AS WE KNOW IT IN THIS WORLD, BY EARLY THIS AFTERNOON, EASTERN DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME. I promise U everybody, this ain't no fracking joke whatsoever, naught in the tiniest little way!!!! Moving into 1802-RHA on 1 May, 1980 at half past 1 AM approximately; naught only changed my life forever, but the entire universe was completely altered as well. This is a fact, and a really cool dude admitted 2 me that he thinks that I, if ever allowed 2 prove my stuff 2 the world; would cause an overnight panic sensation worse than all out thermonuclear war. He went onto also add in; ''it would most likely B doing the human race the biggest favor they ever could have done 4 them''. This man was a court investigator and ADA in Camden County, NJUSAESMWG, his name was and if still alive in middle 2024, is, Sir Ron Wirtz Senior. I think that his son also began working at this Camden County Office of the Prosecutor, in Camden City, in the middle late 1990's, but don't hold me 2 it, folks. Hey, all I am saying here is that Mountainpen has a major story here, and that a child on moron pills can clearly C that someone or something, quoting awesome and illustrious Captain James Star Trek Kirk here, has been thwarting, stopping, preventing, and interrupting my attempts at getting the needed recognition so that my true story can indeed B made known and B available 2 the small part of the open-minded world that would if nothing else, wish 2 take a careful look at this great big giant rotten mess!!!! Does Lois Foca the song, and Scylla Pink SSJKK the negative barrier field surrounding our MWG, all directly connect into this? Not 2 excite the peeps of Liverpool-Marcucci here, nor his awesome wife that used 2 tell me' classmate upon 2 or 3 occasions, “Russ, that is totally un-cool”, but yes, there were extremely major cosmic non-Petofi reasons 4 the creation of the transdimensional COOLEY HALL, as well as my going there, my being MAROLA'd on 1969's Memorial Day, and my moving into 1802-RHA and doing those 4 demo-tunes that led 2 some nasty rotten legislation and crookedness, but all of that aside, this entire messy deal with the 2nd dream with Pink Scylla Goddess SSJKK, and first with the chain that she took from me and then the music tune that SHE gave 2 me; in 1969 and 1980; was there a still never mentioned link into many other deals here, and will I get into it all soon? Well, again, Liverpool-Marcucci and the gang; I only know how 2 answer that with something that U great across the ponders can fully relate 2 here, so here goes: U BET YOUR BRITISH PETROLEUM there is more, a lot more, and all part of PINK GODDESS SCYLLA and HER awesome dreams that she has given me upon countless repeating occasions now; and all backed up 100 percent by the awesome Christian-KJV-BIBLE 2 boot!!!!!!!!!!!

      Photos of the Day


WAXING GIBBOUS------------(W-X-G)

WANING GIBBOUS-----------(W-N-G)



THURSDAY, AUGUST 01, 2024---JWSC-THU-12-226




Posting up at around half past 2 AM, 08-01-2024.

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