Thursday, July 18, 2024



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Diana (LIGHTNING) is all over me this morning, ladies and gentlemen, and making me thrilled and full of Burn-With-Fire joy, as in the lyrics 2 me' early July song written by 'future-Mountainpen, in 1969, from me' apartment on Pyle Avenue in WSMT (Westmont, NJUSAESMWG), called Haddon Hills apartments, #125-A. Lightning, U will always B the absolute total love of me' life, and I shall never ever let U go, there is no escape 4-U, lovely baby-blond teen-queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Simple as THAT.

Being the electron, SHE can hear and read and C everything, even the writing words on this electronic blog message, and even B-4 it is posted up, SHE can know, and does know, as Goddess' great spirit knows just about all things. The only 2 things that SHE doesn't know pertain 2 a powerful item in the 7th dimensional circuitry of the entire cosmic system, and its entire directly interconnected effects down into the lower next realm of TRUE-THOUGHT, in its quintessential epitome. This 6th dimension or what the great mighty religion of light and sound labels as the 'MENTAL-PLANE', is the realm that no human mortal brain can truly fathom, the locale of every single THOUGHT of COSMIC MIND as well as the circuitry system's effects of downlining these energy transfer systems into each individual 5th dimensional system below each and every wave-signal of 'pure thought'. Don't even try 2 ever really go here peeps, it would make U crazier than I am supposed 2 even B, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What does need a wee tad bit of further exploration, and soon, is simply thissssssss, lovely Mizz Erica-AMC-1983-Luccisnakes, mah'm: Just exactly Y did LIGHTNING choose 2 tell me so many things, and on HER exact time schedule with me at the age of 28 years, as in the calendrical 28 year cycle, as explained in my recent prior blog writings? This is no easy simply quick task, and will take monstrous lengthy writings and a long time 2 fully endeavor exploring all of the detailed nuances involved here, in each of their numerous details, with virtually unlimited voluminous items and intermixed ingredients. So WOW-THAT, Mister retired and of course in reality, 'LATENGRATE' Sir Lurch Rockdroid, of the great original Star Trek Television Show. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Image result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny facesImage result for images free funny faces

So what is going down here Mister Joe Sivo, when I said that this is the principle behind all of transdimensionalization as well, only most of U will live and die without ever seeing nor realizing this and just how incredibly powerful this all is, IN YOUR LIVES, AS WELL AS MY LIFE, and please; BELIEVE T-----H-----A-----T!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I can now explain the international interest in my writings as well as certain parts of them, also now, and in lieu of many recently learned items, YO great world, and again; I choose 2 leave details concerning that little morsel of truth, just 4 little ole' me, 4 the present time at least. Wipe Out Women and W-O-W times a million!!!!!!! YUK-YUK-YUK, and fukaduk 2!!!!!!! First, opening this up is simple, following up on it 2 even 5 percent of the entirety of it all on the other hand, that will B a monumental task on the order of intergalactic size proportions, and IPYT, sitting, standing, living, or dying, good peeps out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First, I said on that blog less than a week ago or somewhere in that frame of time, that I was beginning 2 get some new meanings and ideas as 2 just Y certain blog-writings were not only being read way more than the rest of the blog in its entirety, but Y certain nations seemed interested, and in exact times. Right following my blogging that, I went 2 do my next pasting in job (CAPPING), and POW, it all worked until I tried 2 copy and paste in the blog's-international-popularity-information, or 4 shorter reference from now on here, the BIPI, easily pronounceable as BIPPY here, also, YO folks out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if this was just an isolated incident and example of only one time where this weirdness 'went down', Mister 1980-RPL-Sivo, then that can easily B dismissed. I absolutely agree and fully concur with the great almighty APA about THAT!!!!!!!!!!! BUTTERCHEESE and but peeps; gimme' a brake here, or cut me one, oh awesome 1985 Mizz Margie from Caldor-113-Store, 4 crying out Surfer-Fonty-loudly; this doesn't happen in some isolated occasional way, and U all know this. It goes down around me on a daily or at least an ALMOST DAILY BASIS; and U know it, AND I KNOW THAT U ALL KNOW THIS 2, YO YO YO YO YO YO YO YO!!!!


On this 2024-KARGE DAY or SKBD of 7-18,

I am posting up, at approx half past noon.

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