Wednesday, July 24, 2024

MOUNTAINPEN Is Beyond Tired of Pussyfooting Around, Pulling Punches, Barring Wrestling Holds, and Avoiding RED-TRIANGLE-JOBS; Here In Transdimensional Pretzel City


MOUNTAINPEN Is Beyond Tired of Pussyfooting Around, Pulling Punches, Barring Wrestling Holds, and Avoiding RED-TRIANGLE-JOBS; Here In Transdimensional Pretzel City

Six past one PM, Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Here in the northeastern quadrant of town, FORT PIERCE-FLOWERLAND-USA, at the Quiet Waters Co-Op Park, where the MOUNTAINPEN resides!!!!

So what can I do about this new 2020's dilemma of needing 2-B so concerned with this P-B-C or spelled out, this, Potential Blogging Censorship. I am also tired of ENDLESS SPAMMENIES-HACKS, AND LATTISAW-JACK-HACK, SUPER BLACK-HAT-ATTACKS; but what can I do about THAT deal???? Well, not much YO, as 'they' now just crashed my rotten cumpukeher Spellchecker-Programming system in my Open-Office 3.1 machine, at exactly 8 minutes past one, on this rotten afternoon; and nearly got me seeing Mizz Sleazeweedsdisease Thistlethorns Crabgrasshitinnerpants Jane, as a result. I always report times of all of WOMO-WSMT's persecution incidents; and they all know that about me, after 40 years or so of this endless fracking DOG-S, YO folks!!!!!!!!!!! Here is me' simple and yet hopefully vely effective whittle game plan so that I shall indeed B better able, and equipped, 2 deal with those RED-TRIANGLE-JOB deals, (RTJ). I shall only do what I think may B risky and causing the possible censorship 2 happen, on one paragraph on any blog, and then I can try working around the paragraph once making sure the rest of it is accepted without the RTJ deals. They as U know, refuse 2-B human beings and cooperate, and assist me with exact stuff, making it all intentionally endlessly vague. I mean after-all, we all known that no general rule of thumb applies at the BDC website 4 what goes against their rules 2 the point of red flagging removals. It is kept vague and weird, ON PURPOSE. A child can C the endless games being played, & just as they first R being played in the heavens, quoting Jesus Christ and great Christian scriptures in the New Testament BIBLE (KJV) in any event, and I cannot speak 4 translations of the BIBLE that I have not ever been into reading. Now this whittle blog is gonna' test and on this very paragraph, and 2-C if it goes in without bringing me any RTJ deals. It is nothing new in so far as the topic of telling what happened 2 me as a 7 year old child while living in Quakertown, Pennsylvania-USA, and attending the great and illustrious Richland Grammar School!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is new about this, is that I will now B tying in a powerful connection 2 an extremely controversial religious idea that will go against the grain of 99 percent or so, give or take, of humanity in general here on this wild EARTH-PLANET. What I will do is make smart peeps realize that there R indeed 2 choices, and only 2; concerning, okay, is MOUNTAINPEN truly in 'HELL' and if naught, there really is only one other possible explanation; and despite not inventing it, so don't give me the credit and don't slam me with blame either; as I DIDN'T INVENT WHAT I AM ABOUT 2 IMPART 2-U ALL, and here it all goes: Yes, I AM IN HELL, this is now my absolute belief, and B-4 a couple of months or so ago in this very 2024 year, I thought that was a very high chance that I was (AM) there, and those percentage numbers merely continued growing higher and higher up 2 where finally and suddenly one day, it hit 100 percent 4 me. There is no better way 4 this 8th grade educated man 2 say this 2 all of U, and here it is all straight up and out. But just because I am now at the full belief level or 100%, does naught mean 4 one second tha tI am GOD with 100% omniscience, and thus, I have 2-B correct in my assumptions. I can B wrong. I do not believe there is one chance in a trillion that I am, but what if I am, and so let us explore one other possibility that would B there and left 4 us all, SHOULD INDEED MY HELL-THEORY-CONCEPT, B wrong; or quoting lovely Phoebe, the 1980 TV-ad-spot hair shampoo girl, who screamed out 'WHAT' when her name was called, “WROOOOOOOOOOOOONG”!!!! And so how does awesome Pennsylvania and its religious area called, 'Quakertown' all dovetail into this deal, I am sure many R now doing some serious BHSD by now???? So allow and, Uncle-Heinz-1972 'PERMIT ME' 2 provide U all, with the full tale here that may wake U up with a jolt like nothing your 'morning cupajoe' could ever even come close 2 doing, 4 any of U, YO!!!!!!!!!!! This was blogged B-4 on at least 3 occasions, and now needs 2-B reiterated, and then expounded and elucidated upon, in lieu of telling this alternate concept, should I indeed, NOT REALLY AND TRULY B IN BIBLICAL ETERNAL 'H-E-L-L'!!!!!!!!!!! It sometimes is very difficult 4 me 2 believe that an entire second grade class of grammar school students, and my classmates, and 4 absolutely no good reason, other than if not literally out of some new sequel 2 an 'exorcist' type of Hollywood produced super wild movie; would just turn on and against me, and all lie about me, and all at the very same time; and try and get me into serious trouble, when I did absolutely nothing whatsoever bad or mean, in any possible way, 2 any of them. Yet this happened. I found myself early one afternoon in class, and the entire bunch of them began telling the teacher, Misses Diets, and most likely name-misspelled; but the Board of Education, the FBI, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can all get together and learn the facts of this wild true surreal story, and all C-4 themselves that I don't make up junk, nor lie on this incredible unfathomable and absolutely inconceivable MORIANITY-PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course Misses D would B well over 100 years old, and is most likely long latengrate, and quite worm ridden bodily, and completely deceased!!!! But someone out there that wants 2 find a way 2 verify all these things, and especially after I go on now 2 tell and tie in the rest of this stuff, on this very blog, & hopefully naught RTJ as a result; will find some way of accomplishing that laudable goal, I am quite dang sure, YO weerlld!!!!!!! So there I am in total shock, or as much as any little 7 year old fully innocent child could B in adult-type-of-shock; as one classmate after another begins telling the teacher, “He hits on the bus, he spits on the bus”, and on and on. U might think that I would B in all sorts of angry or sad moods, but in fact, I began thinking, gee, could I really B doing this and B completely unaware of my behavior somehow, after-all, I have no conscious memory whatsoever of anything that I'm being accused of doing and with all sorts of accusations hurled at me concerning my many incredible and major wild misbehavior's. This story has yet an even greater 'Rod Serling Twilight Zone effect, in and throughout its entire nightmarish theme, and even though 4 right now, it shall not B harped on, I will quickly simply just touch on it with U all. There never, in all of my best recall, & as the years followed this incident of pure nightmare-hellishness; was one smallest little bit of punishment, nor memory on my part, of so much as being scolded, or any kind of retribution in any way whatsoever, that in all logic, would have definitely resulted, should indeed; I have been guilty of perpetrating so much horrendous poor school-behavior, YO weerlld!!!! But we will come back 2 THAT, as THAT can all wait, as it ain't all that totally germane 2 today's fracking issue here. Lads and Lassies; the issue at hand right now, is simply thissssssss; oh lovely Mizz hissing snakes Erica Lucci Sue-Kane, gorgeous white-hot mah'm!!!! Is there some chance that I have a 2nd personality, and that a lot more wild junk is GJSD in me' life all this time, than even I have dared 2 imagine and wonder about, on my wildest and totally craziest day of now coming up on 70 friggin' years??????????????????????? Well B-4 exploring these things, and how possibly hypnotic trance controls, that could B being done by actual people, or heavenly hosts, and or other-worldly entities, in the ESS, and the Jewelly White Society of spirit travelers, and all of this; can all B somehow all hooked up together, in this unthinkable nightmare messy dog-S; we shall first need 2 go somewhere else on Morianity, that is totally unpleasant, and is the crux of this blog, and is possible 2 cause a RED-TRIANGLE-JOB 2 go down, 2 happen, 2 'whatever', Mister Joe Sivo, and SIR Bob Andrews, later turned Federal-Congressman!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now as stated earlier on this writing, I did not make up what I am now gonna' B getting into, it is out there, and a very small group of peeps all over the world, sort of secretly believe this, but they know that it would absolutely ostracize them, should they ever admit 2 their beliefs on it; and so they shut the truck up about it, and U don't go hearing it talked about every week, naught at your local laundromat, or shopping plaza areas, beaches social clubs, or SIR 'Andrews-WHATEVER'!!!!!!! This is the belief that GOD is the true evil entity, and poor Lucifer or (the devil) tried 2 help the creation of peeps that God is tormenting and having great pleasure playing games that torture them endlessly; and things R truly and absolutely in reverse from what humankind presently believes as the truth, and always has believed 2-B the truth since the dawn of modern-thought going beyond caves and grunt sounds. This can absolutely B true, no matter how horrible, even this very concept of it may sound, good folks. It has every bit as much chance given mathematical infinite odds and chances, 2-B as correct and accurate as the established 10,000 years of opposite viewpoints have been. But it goes one step yet further towards, gee, ''can it B true'', all of U 'operatic family vocalists', and all U illustrious wonderful & great 1988 United States © Copyright Examiners out there!!!! Seeing this nightmarish reversed-religion-concept, or 4 short, this 'NRRC'; is the only AND I SAID, MISTER SIDNEY COHEN CROWN IN 1969, THE ONLY WAY OF EXPLAINING STUFF SURROUNDING THE LIFE OF MISTER MOUNTAINPEN, SHOULD U ALL WISH 2 KEEP ON INSISTING, THAT HE IS NOT REALLY TRULY IN HELL-ITSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There R only these 2 TRUE BLUE explanations here, oh lovely classmate Amy Emmy L-C; U arm breaking gorgeous lovely super girl-UUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There honestly is absolutely no possible and logical rationalization 4 the life of SIR MARK WAYNE MOUNTAINPEN HUNTINGTON MOHR. Not if U truly knew my life, and knew that none of this junk is being made up here, great FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, and or anybody else out here on this ball of solid stenchy hurl!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes Mister Cohen-Crown, and boy-toy of me' mom, back in good-ole' 1969; may I say now 2 this ole' weerlld, that simply put, this true story here, and sworn by LEEEEEEEEEEGALLY by me, today on this internet official document; is quite scary and frightening. Think of it as Halloween times infinity, and then throw in every horror film that was ever made since Hollywood-Cali-USA was born and multiplied by three hundred million; and now, maybe, JUST FRACKING GLASS MAYBE, U have some concept of the FEAR-FACTOR of real possible truth, and that if Morianity ever was truly free 2 release both it, along with all of its TMMB countless proofs as well; it most likely WOULD B TOTAL GRASS MADONNA-CURTAIN-CLOSINGS, IN OR OUT OF 1983, 4 THIS ENTIRE WORLD!!!! Peeps, I don't steal from them, they steal from me. I can prove any time that I was the inventor of the term back in the early 1990's, of 'FEAR FACTOR'! I have proofs 2 this along with stuff so endless and voluminous, great FBI, that U would B checking it all out 4 years, and I only say this 2-U because all movies I ever C show how U-R the ones that investigate these types of things. Start with all of my music, and U shall have a frikkin' glass total field day, YO great agents out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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