Monday, July 1, 2024




22 past 10 PM, Monday night, July 1, 2024

Anybody on this planet following these nearly 19 year blogs now, whether believing any of it or not; knows only 2 goddamn well that this is not made up nor one tiny bit phony. Especially the parts concerning what now, Mountainpen's Morianity is recently labeling and planning 2 go right on continuing 2 label as, the MACYTRUMP GANG!!!! I watched all the news that I needed 2-C in order 2 realize just Y my day was just about the most horrible in this entire century and millennium now, and U know what, I know that anyone following this blog in any way KNOWS IT ALL AS WELL, and won't admit it, 4 the gods only know the reasons, well the gods and me, as I recently have come 2 absolutely know it, and that is that I AM IN ETERNAL DAMNATION, there ain't no doubt about it, not with me, Mister Lenny McKinnon, and naught even with Mizz AT&T BLAKE!!!!!!! TRUMP needed 2 get the SUPREME EVIL COURT 2 side with him on that immunity issue, and 4 the most part, they gave him his way today, leaving a path completely open now 4 the soon 2 come, KING DONALD JOHN TRUMP OF AMERICA, please don't forget this sentence as it will eventually in his administration B removed from the internet I am quite sure, and I will B being tortured 2 death in one of his controlled prisons, again, U all know this, and so does the mother ******* FBI!!!!!!!!!!! On top of that, his sidekick evil demon pal, Mister Dirthole Bannon had 2 report 2 the Federal Prison today 2 begin serving his 122 day sentence so between these 2 items, I WAS MAULED, PUMMELED, REAMED, AND TORTURED 2 DEATH, ALL DAMN DAY LONG, PEEPS ALDARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, tonight's streaming service, the ABC-NEWS on my ROKU-TV system, twice in a row now has been major hacked and screwed with tonight, great FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION, and I just finally turned off the entire flagging TV-set and started this blog up!!!!!!!!!!! This has been the worst day that I can now recall in this entire mother ******* goddessdog **** sucking century and millennium now. I tried calling the 988 suicide line and got a totally worthless counselor, and after five minutes, I ended the call with her, as it was completely **** lapping pointless trying 2 tell her a thing. Days this horrible, NOTHING, AND I MEAN MISTER COHEN-CROWN OF 1969, NOTHING EVER WORKS, NAUGHT ONE BLOODY BLESSED BUSTED BURNING HAM THING!!!!!!!!!!! Dave Roth and I shared a few times when stuff was like this with us back last century and millennium, during the late 1980's and well into the 1990's times. He was the one that would remind me, “naught one thing will work out 4 us on these type of days, it is best 2 just literally remain in our goddamn closets”! That's a quote, Mister 'L&O' Adam Schiff, oh great SIR Steven Hill actor, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAR FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION: THIS IS A LEGAL AND BINDING INTERNET DOCUMENT THAT IS DOUBLING AS MY SWORN OATH-TAKEN UNDER PERJURY PLEDGE OF ABSOLUTE TRUTH, THAT BOTH TRUMP AND MY DAUGHTER R COMMITTING ABSOLUTE TOTAL COVERT MURDER ON ME, AND IF THEY SUCCEED, IT WILL LOOK LIKE ACCIDENT OR SUICIDE, AND MAYBE JUST B TOTAL INSANITY, resulting from a lifetime of unfathomable and inconceivable amounts of unrelenting torment and torture that is far beyond what any mortal human was ever designed 2 take and live through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now am signing this document, great FBI,

Cordially and truthfully yours, Mark Wayne Mohr.

I played one roulette game earlier today and made a ten unit skimpy profit, but played again after shutting off my TV set and B-4 beginning this blog that has had its first hack now where I suddenly am typing on a wrong document and despite my unplugging the flagging system from the COMCAST MODEM; and this second game brought me a much nicer hefty profit of 52 gaming units. Here is the game capped in 4 the goddamn rotten glass official record, and soon, I shall B in ATLANTIC CITY and playing this persecution parallel event system (A2R2023) 4 real, and in REALE TIME, MISTER FAGOT-TOM OF 1970!!!!!!!

GAME NUMBER on new-book, starting in 2024: 0089


Wheel number: 25-A-3







T------20, W------7, L------13

W-V -------------- +26 UNITS

L-V---------------- -10 UNITS

WINS $ ------------- +182 UNITS

LOSSES $ --------- -130 UNITS

ACTUAL P&L ------ +52 UNITS

P&L on this worst day in decades, July 1, 2024:

(+10 units)(+52 units) (TOTAL P&L: +62 units)

Yessir, 62 units made on this horrendous death persecution day of nightmare horrors and beyond quintessential torturous hellishness of DOE (DOGTOWN ON EARTH), and yes, LITERALLY, YO!

I talked about recurring or serial-type dreaming interactions that I have and know fully well that almost if not all other peeps who truly remember their dreaming experiences well, also have from time 2 time, throughout their lives. My earliest recurring serial dreaming interactions, or my RSDI's 4 short; were of those horrible Westmont or WSMT SHADOW-MONSTERS, who stalked me, and wanted 2 cause me endless misery and terror, on absolute quintessential steroids!!!!!!! My third RSDI's were the Oaklyn video dreams that recently I have discussed on this very blog, and how they all matched my realizing that this very time of yesterday, and B-4 this day of ultimate terror, and surreal misery; where past and future met, once in dreams and now in real and waking life, as was all told about in the past several blog chapters. In-between the number one and the number 3 series of RSDI's, was the number 2 series and this took place in only one short span of time, about three weeks, at a home 50 miles or so away from my actual address, in Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG, right south of ATLANTIC CITY, NJUSAESMWG, where I stayed at this place, the home owned by yet another real estate investor and the very first one that I knew, Mister Chillmo Thomas J. Reale, back in middle-1970. B-4 going further down that line here, just Y am I so intense here of discussing my serial dreaming interactions (SDI's)???? Wanna' know, great FBI, and L30B, and any other reader, on or off of the Trilane Galanet System, or 4 short, the TGS??????? Well, we would B all night, all day tomorrow, and still only maybe at best, 5 percent or so of getting fully into that; so let us agree 2 skip that query 4 right now, today, as the mighty Sir Jim Rockford, and many others know perfectly well here; that “We can always get back 2 this!!!!

4 now folks, and great FEDS (FBI & OTHERS) viewing my blogs; I need 2 get into these 2nd RSDI's with U so that U can just begin 2 fathom the true and beyond awesome power behind these gateways, leading straight 2 our waking lives, not just mine YO; BUT ALL OF YOURS OUT THERE AS WELL, YO BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! in the summer of 1970, I was all alone in a large spooky home on Cornwall Avenue, as many of U all know. There is so much more 2 that, but time never permits all of this powerhouse tale 2 get fully told in all of its necessary full out details, unfortunately, YO BRAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In these nightmares that I was experiencing in this large spooky home in Ventnor, NJUSAESMWG; I was with a large family of extremely mean nasty people who treated me like sub dirt times ten 2 the power of ninety-nine! I have told over the past going on 19 years now long winded blogging project many things about these nightmares that absolutely began on one of my first nights staying in that home, and seemed 2 progress right along in nearly the same timeline as my waking life was doing, day by day, week by week, 4 the approximate 3 week stay there, working supposedly 4 plumber Mister Reale, as his assistant, only quoiting Mister future-pal Sir David Roth here, “The only plumbing that he was interested in Mark, WAS YOURS”!!!!!!!! I told how I was shot, and how my lungs had somehow magically become washcloths; as well as how they had them literally surgically removed from my body yet I still remained alive and was walking around. An obvious waking world impossibility, as anyone of us knows only 2 dang well. Also, I know I told how this evil family spoke 2 me as well as around me, not using words, but only using what the mystic and psychic world loves 2 call, “mind telepathy” In that procedure of communications, I was completely aware of just who these peeps all were, they actually were known as, “THAT FAMILY” and thus, is Y jokingly I refer 2 them so many times on this Morianity blogging project, as 'THAT WASHCLOTH FAMILY'. Remember, like it or naught folks, this blog and Morianity makes perfect sense, and it is naught being written by a mentally ill nor deranged person, no matter how many peeps out there ONLY WOULD WISH THAT THIS WAS SO. But as in that old adage and expression we all have heard unless living our lives in caves; “wishing won't make it so, YO”!!!! I know that I told about a long outdoor banquet type of rectangular table, extremely long, perhaps 60 feet long, or even a wee tad bit more. Not only do all my strange phrases and words, and coined groups of them, and other stuff, all make total sense; once understanding in full, what all went down in my life over the past 70 years; bu even the full fifth dimensional hyperspace situation or all of my dreams, and how they fit into my waking life, do as well, and then hey, wanna' get the mind blow of your life? Same deal with all of U out ther,e unless U-R in that small group of those peeps having what Morianity labels as, a 'CLOSED DREAMING CHANNEL'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What never has been revealed since as I said, telling everything would make this already ridiculously long blog even 5-10 times lengthier, concerning those wild Ventnor-1970 dreams of Cornwall Avenue, at that almost spooky and haunted house down there; is as follows: This family is absolutely peeps who R in control of both the farm that used 2-B there B-4 the forever mighty and illustrious ROBIN HILL APARTMENTS COMPLEX was built, somewhere in late 1975, and that I used 2 discuss with my teacher from COOLEY HALL, Mister David Leigh Smith about; and I called it, “The farm outside of Haddonfield, where peeps there R trying 2 destroy me”. And of course, he mocked me, and he totally laughed; and told me I would B there forever in special-ed. That's just the way that this stupid and ignorant judgmental world population is, and endlessly acts; and there ain't no changing any of it, and I am fully aware of 'THAT', Mister Lurch Rockdroid, YO YO YO YO YO!!!! U-C, they didn't believe anything poor little mister David Collins said either, on that awesome wonderful and marvelous fictional wild television show of the 1960's times, called, 'Dark Shadows'. This was literally poor little me, and about 2-B swallowed up by vampire-Barney, and nobody would believe a thing that I said. Chills still go right up my spine 2 this day, when I borrow from the local library, and I re-watch those old 'box-set' Dark Shadows TV-show videotapes, that second season, that they call the first season, and yes, we've been all through that little deal, and along with absolute unmistakable connections between the creation of that TV-show, and my mother and me, in those times that even doubter-scoffer Mister Dave Smith of Cooley Hall, couldn't truly rebut nor refute in any successfully given argument, once all the facts were presented by me 2 some court of law. It is now 5 minutes shy of midnight, and now here is my 2nd mother ******* cumpukeher assault with typing suddenly on a wrong document, happened. As stated, my system is completely unplugged, but I know they still can commandeer my machine with magical types of high technology radio frequency devices. I cannot make anyone C one tenth of an ounce of dog smells, naught if they don't want 2, nor even smell it, once they decide 2 turn off 2 me and my total true tale of straight out beyond the purgatorial gates of Dogtown itself, or let us change that, as I no longer believe that I am truly outside at all!!!!!!! But let me finish out the wild dreaming sequence deal of 1970 at Reale's home, or its opening foundation at least, 4 right now, today, YO. In this long series of all kinds of nightmarish disjointed hellish junky deals; and on this one particular time, and towards the final, and I think that it was the dream B-4 the final dream that I had, B-4-I left there on that night of the 12th of July, in 1970; and it goes like this, and bear with me as even though this was a major and beyond clear vivid experience, 54 solid years have now passed by, and even the mighty long term memory of the Mountainpen ain't a perfect Bruce Pennock tape recording, 4 crying out loud, but here goes: This head guy, a dude about 30 years old or so, and who I met in one final dream in the future, about 9 years later some time in middle 1979, only not in this same exact serial dream, but in some other wild experience with him being in it as well; and he gave me his name, and spoke it without using that 1970 telepathy deal on me; and we will get back 2 this 1979 summer time dream I had while residing at Doris Plum's hellish apartment house at a later time. But back 9 years earlier in 1970 in middle July, he told me that I would B forever a part of this family (THAT FAMILY), that there is no escape possible from them, EVER; and then he went onto blow my mind, not so much then, but right up here in 2024, 54 fracking years out into the antimatter reflections of the BIG-BANG's opposite side, YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It all connects into the wild song form yet another soon 2 come in 10 years, transdimensional experience with my song called, 'LOIS FOCA', © Mark Wayne Mohr 1981, Number 8 copyrighted musical project on my total of 29 MP's now so far, and there is still a lot more, YO BREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It connects into the magical multiverse existor also, who took me onto my roof at my apartment number 1102 Robin Hill in early middle 1990 somewhere, and this was fictionally told of 2 some small degree in 1994, on my fictional SYFY BOOK, called, 'The Permission Barrier'. It connects also into magical wild Mizz Patty Hollister, and then it reveals how my junk with the 1983 telephone hell, is all part of it all, and then how on top of this, I was made 2 totally forget it all, by Mister Robert McGuire, who interacted with me then in 1970 and again in 1983, without my knowing it; as all he has 2 do when he is done, is 2 pull that wild Doctor Julia Hoffman nonsense on me, as he still has me under a powerful suggestion password trance, as he calls it, or did until he either died or got extremely old, I do not know, and so I cannot give exact information nor speak 2 that, here in 2024, but this is only an opening surface scraped foundation here, that would even keep Mister Paul Evans SPR Pedersen salivating and enthusiastically blissfully thrilled and happy, as if he was stoned at some Mary-Jane party somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JEEZ-LOUISE.


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