Friday, February 15, 2013





I will not be watching the TNT Network much longer, they have lost me as a fan. They have just about totally removed the greatest law show from their programming schedule. They can do what they want, they own the network. I can do what I want, publicly complain about my dissatisfaction, and boycott their junky station from now on. The only time now this is ever on is at graveyard times such as 4-8 in the morning on the weekends. SLAM SLAM SLAM, clutch in, gear shift moving, yes these dirt bags are slamming in and out a lot today, across the mother fucking hall, the pricks, and I'll be going down to see Debbie Morotto in a short while to complain about the all night slamming doors the other day, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Clutch, gearshift, and pack to the mostly removed, greatest law TV show of all time, the one and only, “Law & Order”. Hay, it accomplished its main mission, and all the missions below the main one, IMHO of course, were all mere great entertainment and similar parts of a side-mission, but those in the real EW-KNOW, know that I speak the truth. The odds of this show beginning just weeks after I first met Ron Wirtz, at the Camden County Prosecutor's Office in Camden, New Jersey on the fifth day in December in 1989, plus a million mathematically impossible to all be coincidences throughout this wonderful 22 year running show, sorry, this little tuna fish just ain't buying into any of this malarkey, maitees, and of course, Tuna Charlie, as well. Not only will I forever boycott this network, but I plan to do many other things that pertain to many other things, that have nothing to do with television shows. My civil rights and the right to freedom of expression can be arguably taken into a court room, if I have to represent myself against fifty Manhattan shysters all against me; I'll still go in with case law, on point decisions, and insist that my rights have been trampled on. I know what has been done to me since I started trying to tell my story seven years ago, and the US Cove Agencies and others married to them in the EW, all colluded to keep me from ever being heard or seen, on the internet. They intentionally try and destroy my spirit as well, by putting songs I posted on Youtube, for one such example, the 2011 song called, ''Wanna' Spend My time'', along a right side column of nothing but videos that have between 2 and 16 million hits, making me intentionally appear ridiculous and even the clown to be scoffed at and ridiculed. Go ahead and think it is all funny, and we will see what the Attorney General of both the state of Florida, as well as the US Attorney's Office has to say, as my letters to all of them in CC, will be mailed next week, from the library word processor/printer system, and the addresses imparted to me by their reference desk section. I will take just so much abuse, and then I will start to raise a stink, only because I know I am being prevented, blocked, sanctioned, and killed, and this violates MY CIVIL RIGHTS AND UNDER THE AMMENDMENT NUMBER ONE. Our founding fathers thought that this right was so important, that it was not the ninth one or the fourteenth one, or what have you, but no people, it was the very First Amendment to the US Constitution. Now why is this all happening to me? It is not complicated. Long before the PC and the internet all caught on big time, I was under a major invisible problem with some invisible enemy-force, it did not in any way, start in the computer age. whoever owns and controls this world and is against me 24-7-365.2422, is going to use any tool against me that I ever attempt to use to pull myself up by the bootstraps and tell my pathetic tale of hellish nightmare woe to the world. They have way too much to lose, to let me successfully ever do this, and since they own the system, them along with all the bratty little worker bees in their army crew; none of these planetary owner/controllers is about to let my story out to the world any more than would ever let whatever was really going on years ago with the UFO Phenomenon. Those in charge say that they want an ordered society and openly claim to try and discourage bad things as well as paranoia. Well that is a lie. They feed people's paranoia by acting so mysterious about so many things, and never allowing anyone with huge problems that seem to connect into things going beyond the normal and natural world order, to ever get any justice or even any help or assistance whatsoever, and concentrically, they hurt us, ruin us, take away our homes, our jobs, and leave us to fend on street corners as homeless mother fucking bums hoping we just die, so they can bury us, and cover us and all the other shit all up, nice and neat and tight; once and for all. Well, I am a fighter and a survivor, and I have been dead a hundred times, and the grave will not ever hold me, as I AM the chosen fucking Huntington, and whoever you all are out here, just know, that you have made yourself a deadly fucking enemy that will not rest until you are maggots. ET.

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