Friday, February 15, 2013





Now let's get some real wild stuff all out in the open, with the permission of course, of Mister Ward Cleaver! Don't jive me on the airplane, June Funnygirl.

Oh Dave, it is too bad you are no longer around, you really did miss one hell of a Richie Ryan party, YO. Here is the updated situation for Inspector Louigee Kent Henderson, and his great pal George Reeves Superman, in or out of movie studio lots of KALI4NYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chuck Sakers, if you're out there somewhere, I am no longer up that tree, bud, and am down here on the Earth, and WOW is Mister Smith's blackboard starting to compare with that of the late and great Sir Albert Einstein. Crissake, I'll be first man at the gate to admit that no one has a perfect handle on truth, falseness, and what life in this world 'really' is all totally about, YO! I will have to be careful, Paula king, with this, as I do not want you to get mad at me, and pull both my daughters away from me forever, but I'll say this little bit here and now, Lieutenant. There are three huge human constants, that when put together is absolutely as powerful as the physics constant of the velocity of the photon. First, everyone develops some kind of agenda after age 3-30, or they are brain-dead houseplants. Second, 99.9999% of the persons on this planet hate the 'S' word more than they'll ever admit in public, and no it doesn't stand for bowl waste or dedicating, but the word SHARE. Third, there is a built in illusion that is intentional, it has to be, making things all appear in a reverse reality. Reverse the majority of things in other words, such as the world appearing as flat, and you get the truth. It will always be a way better than 51% bet, forever and always, and a true honest 'gamblers' dream'. Now that this 'S' is out of the way, I'll 'S' the big news with all of you, and you'll need no nose plugs whatsoever, YO! Let me begin with my paranoia, and I will be totally honest with my viewers, that the people that I have been forced to frikkin deal with all of my dam life, have caused me to be very paranoid if I care to keep on breathing; but it is a good thing to have, despite not being 100% perfect, Mister Bruce Allan Pennock, and MC. But then, since nobody has that license on their wall, I don't feel all that terrible, YO.

Now there is a county water boil alert that I have to live with for three days and nights that began yesterday morning right around the time I awoke from that first horrific horrendous monstrous nocturnal interaction of facing prison time, and running into a weird transdimensional ADA Ron Wirtz from the CCPO, in New Jersey, only there, he was the District Attorney here in Saint Lucie County, in Florida. There is always something to contend with in life, I know that, and I will not take it as a personal attack, despite many things happening the other day and not just this, the biggest one being the wild all day sleep that came over me, with prison at the heart of the experience, over and over again, old buddy, Salvador!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hay, I hope promoting your video on my blogs is not © infringement, I thought I was doing something helpful and legal, YO! Try making sense out of this rotten old world, YO. But this is not the only stuff I'm ignorant about, the law of the land is quite complex, and ignorance of it is no excuse for breaking it, still, none of this is making all that much sense and I'll come out and admit it outright, there's simply no point in denying these truths. But I do know many things that these powerful fuckers are all clueless about even the great kids of America and their uppity attitude against us old fucks who they basically do not like and think we belong out of their owned internet, and this is a reality and a truth that many of us in older categories have come to know about in our own clicks now, as not imagined by us one little bit. What the brats of the planet don't understand, is 5th dimensional hyperspace, and why exactly they are acting the way that they do, and this brat age for us old fucks does not range from 5-20, but goes up to the high thirties, and that is in appearance in many cases, as if you can successfully fake a younger age, you can remain accepted a while longer. Still, I am going to tell things that will blow some lids off many fucking things on this blog. First, I am stopping to eat my din-din now at one AM-EST. OK, I am back, it is 2:18 now, and I have plenty to tell, but plan to compress a lot of it and just open up these topics, for later expansion on all of them at other times as the month continues along towards the 3-Sadness times of B-BALL!

First, I learned some stuff back on Thursday, as it is now a Friday early morning on February 15, 2013. In the final forty-eighth of the day or half hour, I was downstairs with a dude we will call, for anonymity's sake, Harry Coffee. Mister Coffee worked with Dell Computers some time ago, and for complex reasons that involve a powerful part of American and global capitalistic systems in place for some time now, let us just say he had some major medical issues and got as many peeps get, royally screwed out of his place in life, wow, can I relate, in or out of Space-Time-Mind, all future Einstein's out there, somewhere in negative space. Any-ha, let us move this right along, shall we? The two peeps across the hallway from me have nothing to do with him or the security rotation in this building. They are however, part of the crew, as are many, and we can leave things real safely, right about there, or else be trapped in 1968 all over again without a shoebox, or a tap-tab-screen, or compuphone; to get back to the present. That would take a lot of powerful tranced meditation to reach this time again, and the illusion of just reliving it will always be what really happens, all though nothing is real. The mind will tell you that it is real up to about 25,000 miles, but motion is an illusion as well, and tiny fragmented quadrillionths of seconds run together in clicks, and the illusion is created, and if anyone knows what I am talking about because they can relate to it in their occupation or business in some real personal ways, it is Hollywood and the general Entertainment World, or the 'EW'. But as for the higher dimensions that exist not all around us, but that are created through us, at a MIND SOURCE on the sixth dimension under the realm of Lawtronic Control where the dream-out from void infinity is the initial stage of everything; but this is the simple fact of all truth, even though for right now, I only have time to touch on two parts of a five dozen part series of subjects all connecting into this entire deal, and these would be homosexuality, and generation gaps. Normal people are wondering at this point, how these two things could remotely fit into any topic in a singularity, and my response is, good, keep wondering, as I'll be telling. As we all move in our real higher beingness from interaction to interaction in the 'spirit world' or Astral-Plane, we also wear out as a result, and need to recharge. This is why we fall asleep from there, and begin dreaming down lower into material tangible realms of the hyperspace, and the real us is so huge that it needs to be in five dimensions, as three will not work, and this is why space has motion as well as near infinite doppelganger parallels or near and similar as well as not so similar parallel universe four-dimensional space time worlds. As we move into these many many sets of dreaming interactions or waking world so-called physical lives, we are experiencing a human equation as a result of this dreaming process, but it is not to evolve or grow, or learn, or any of the ideas that humankind as of yet in 2013 thinks they've neatly figured out in their little personal or collective zones of comfort and contentment. If the linear past behind our present life has a majority of lives as the opposite gender from a switch over, as normally, we dream 3-5 lifetimes as one gender, then alternate back 3-5 lifetimes as the other gender, and when it switches, we have a good chance of having subconscious adjustment problems in our current switch over first time dream sets. So if we have been males four times and now are born female, we have a great chance for being lesbian, and the reverse is true, switching from four times as females and now are born male, a great chance for being homosexual or having tendencies towards it, is going to exist as a good possibility. The entire thing is totally normal, and nobody is sick or crazy. Still, let us switch over to the other topic, the generation gap. As we dream a series of dreams or have a lifetime here in hyperspace, we tend to leave small breadcrumbs and trails behind. As parts of this energetic dream fabric leaves us, we dream we are a day older and it is the next day, and this process goes on unless we are killed or die in an accident, until the end of our energy merges with a point in the STM where it wakes us up from the dreaming, and we awaken where we are at a more true part of our higher selves, on the Astral Plane. But as with the sexual orientations as a result of past dreams-sets (lifetimes), these exiting energies propel us forward, but simultaneously, many parts of these energies in their memory equivalents, race back up and try reentering into newer updated parts of our dream-sets. Now in many generations since biblical days where a gap was discussed right in the bible, so read it and check it out and see I'm speaking the truth, for yourselves folks; but for a long long period of time now, angry kids who once were only seen and not heard, and treated as eighth class citizens for the most part, have left parts of this angry memory energy in past times, and they are racing up into newer times such as our present. Now we seem to have reached a wild collective point in history, where an invention has allowed the kids to rule and their subconscious past vengeance of repressed aggression is inside of them passionately, and now through these new age times, they can finally act out on this, and they are and have been doing this since late in the nineteen-nineties, and I'm speaking of the personal computer, the internet, and how the young kids rule for the most part, and do all that they can to discourage and even interfere with older folks invading their territory, and this is not some nineties new thing, but is because of a collective repressed retaliatory energy consisting of hundreds and maybe thousands of years, and this is a very very very dangerous situation, to say the least, as all adults know, you cannot have kids in control of something this huge, unless you really do want the end of life as we all know it on this planet, to really happen, and I'm not kidding or exaggerating one small bit here, ladies and freaking gentlemen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I learned tonight, that my query of personal paranoia verses the real truths behind all of this, is indeed, NOT PARNOIA at all. This is know well, by the owners of the computer makers, and the top powerful folks at Google and Microsoft, BUT, BIG ASS FUCKING BUTT, they still are capitalists, and don't care if the world blows up in 20-40 years as a result of this huge impending looming doomsday, they still are after the big bucks and this won't ever change, and they know that the money, despite the older people making more of it, is spent more by the younger crowd; so they will always cater to and be on the side, of 'THEM', these 'dangerous KIDS', and also, I need to add here, that I have come to advance enough in my thinking, and living through the last ten years now, and with careful scrutiny of many things that they could not take away from me and destroy, as they did my original LIFE JOURNAL; to recognize this for what it seeming is, and yes, I can be all wet in the head and wrong, but I don't feel I am wrong, so I'll come out and say what I feel compelled to say, all though it may have begun innocently in the middle eighties somewhere as a cool new television channel, now it is the dangerous deadly NICK CLUB, and I think most who are following my blogs, know EXACTLY AND PRECISELY WHAT IS TOTALLY GETTING SAID HERE! There are way too many coincidences for my liking now, since 2006 when this seemed to start, and the best way to deal with this is not to play Scarlet O'Hara anymore, and hit the nail head on, despite hurricane force winds from the south land of Tara Karge. I cannot resist this at all R.H. Macy, sorry; W---O---W. So sorry Ambassador Terry Harbor, if my eggs are a little underdone for your taste, and appear to be so scattered over easy, you scramble brain you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I was wrong about the nabes, they are not the ones. BUTT, I have learned some things over the past day that have elevated my illumination about both computers and life in general, fifty fold. Hurt me all you want to, all of you monster fucking scum, but you cannot kill me, and you fucking know it, TEE HEE HEE LILLY. I have not given up, and I am very close to being able to fight you back with a little more resources than I have had available to me over the past year since young snotty Jessica Grant fired me over at the and that is the truth, to quote my late uncle Stuart Huntington Mason, YO YO YO YO!!!!!!!!!! where are you Zvonko-Amtrak-83?


It is time for me to crash folks, nighty-nite!!!!!!!!

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