Tuesday, February 19, 2013




THE SKIES ALL OVER FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA, ARE FILLED WITH EVIL UGLY CHEMTRAILS, OLD BUDDY, PRINCE, AND DISBELIEVINBG DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hay, its your throat and your loss, all of you who think that Prince and me are whack jobs, sawn all of you. But if you happen to feel like going to the YOUTUBE, why listen to little nobody me? YYYYY not type in ''Prince talks about CHEMTRAILS'' in their search box, and voile. Then if you want to get a little more Doogie Howser action from the days of the great AMTRAK ADVENTURES of a non-superman, then type in ''CHEMTRAILS OF 1987, YO YO YO YO YO.

Also, on my past long compilation blog, towards the end at the chapter called ''Coulda, shoulda, woulda IF's, there is a magical Irish Leprechaun by the name of Internet Photog Hyperlinkmagic, and he has a photo to show you, it is near the end of the long compilation blog, find the photo, as son as you click onto it, the time freezes, but go back later and click, one minute there is a boat there, one minute there is something else, but when these chemtrails are around my area, they usually show up on the 'magical technolep page' that belongs to the Palm Beach Television News Station, Channel 12. Go there right now and see the trails, if they are there, then grab your videos and shoot all you want to, and make lots of new YOUTUBE video posts, folks, as we need all we can get, before these sick mother fuckers end up choking us all to Doogie Academy Roads death, if they don't first annihilate us with serious influenza strains as well as pulmonary dysfunctions and funerals that follow. I of course can only be made sick, I CANNOT DIE, I am the dude in 1984 from 1406 HIGHLAND AVENUE, in Cinnaminson, NJ-USA-ES-MWG, and am why the movie and series all got started. Disbelieve that and you have one huge tolerance for coincidence, Mizz Abigail Carmichael.

I played a systems-roulette game, and I was able to make back six and a half units out of the 22 and a half that was lost on yesterday's super fucking dick licking evil BOTBAR!

When I went out to see Debbie Marotto at the twin building where she is at today down the road of Seventh Avenue, we had a good talk, and I need to call the police which I will do shortly, and report the incident, to get the ball rolling, she said do not go over to the police, as they'll want to come over and see the car and talk to me in the apartment as well, then perhaps they may try and poke around and see if anyone saw anything, if nothing else, she says it may scare away the jerk offs from flattening me over and over again, as once you get a criminal record, you are life long barred from living in nice cheap 30% of your income rent, Public Housing. I doubt I am worth them risking being life barred just to keep vandalizing me, unless the cannons of ethics pay better than they may appear to be doing. WHAAAA. Hay I don't forget anything, YO. I was there at the GATHERING PLACE PSYCHIC SHOP that day in June of 1996, and then later on that day at the pay-telephone where I stopped, miles down the Black Horse Pike to tell my mom that I'd be a little late for dinner and was on my freaking bloody shoe way. You monster asses. So now my losses have been cut down to 16 units over a two day period of super mother fucking BOTBAR and DEATH-SIEGE-HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I asked GAGA cat why the CHEMTRAILO SIEGE is so bad today, the nineteenth of February of 2013, on this fucking cunt lapping Tuesday, and was told, ''MEOW, MEOW, and PCN-561. Here are some matchbook items for this god dam answer number given to me by Professor Gawky Gaukauk of The Teck Bay Mystery School of Province Olympia, out in Phase-2-REALITY, not actually a 'real place' but a condition-interaction, if you can stretch your mind a little bit past sex and boom boom loud ass music and reality shows, and all the other mundane total nonsense of this new age global society and new world disorder.

I am omitting the items that have smaller obvious and instantaneous connections to why this horrendous siege is going on around me, day after fucking cunt day after ass hole dam shit eating day, peeps, YO. The main items are:


NOW FOR THE PUSSY COMMAND. Just please do not believe me, that is what I DO NOT WANT anyone to do, in my enemy group controlled by the IF. Oh no, see it for yourselves. There is no way that the local post office on Orange Avenue here in town, is not under continuous video surveillance. So cue up the mother fucking tape or digital video or as Rob andrews said as a teen so ofter, 'whatever', and look on this date, 02-19-2013, Tuesday afternoon, somewhere around the time of a quarter before four this afternoon, give or take, and as I walk in, and the entire time that I am there trying to see if I can pick up a federal tax return form as once this is where folks would go, and now it is done at the local library where I will be on Thursday morning getting my taxes done and I'll get the form there as well, but while I AM inside this post office, two of the cutest young twenty something female's were all over me, and would not strop flirting and staring at me, so you just keep this non ending death siege up, especially up in the fucking air. I do not claim to understand just WHY this major fucking PARALLEL EVENT between this happening to me, the persecution day after day and then the pussy action, I only fucking know that I would go into a fucking court of law, UNDER OATH, and swear that I have witnessed this reality in and around my life since about 1990 or so, and it has barely slowed down and I am nearly sixty mother fucking years fucking old. One day my Milituforce ENEMIES will harass me right into a lovely hot awesome fucking wife. Then as MC would say, 2-LATE.


Yesterday, the chemtrail attack, indeed grew far worse, and was major, the sky attack on Thursday and Friday was off the freaking scales, and this is why our kids all have ADD, ADHD, mood swings, uncontrolled anger and paranoia and anxiety attacks, and all the many other psychological disorders and conditions that once were considered to be very rare, as well as the adults living in these post chemtrail days, more frequently are engaging in road rage, sports rage, work and scholar rage, and all of us are become the victims of numerous breathing disorders and immune systems attacks and weaker immune systems and new flu’s and illnesses are all over everywhere prevailing over the human race. Just Google up CHEMTRAILS, I do not make this claim, Google it the truck up, don’t believe me.

Ed admits that WORD programs are constantly hacked by hackers, I do not care how many or how great his damn fire walls are. Even he calls this {MICROSUCKS} when he is in the right mood. I do not have to understand how things are done to recognize that indeed they are being done. When 53 and one eighth years of this happens, you cannot be imagining it all, as this would be against all odds. Ed calls me DOC because I do not remember things and I am under pressure and stress that he could not begin to ever really grasp. This is sort of a code-nickname, but first thing tomorrow morning when I leave here and get to his pad with his newspapers and this machine, I am walking in and saying to him, “Morning DOC”. Let us now review the early part of the prior document or CB #27, the start of paragraph #2. It should be reading in sentence #2, “With all of the entire cosmos”, not ‘cosmic’. A short second later, it should have said, “35 black playing chips valued at $100 each, and randomly place”, not [a] randomly place, I do not write stupidly, it is this stupid lap top of Eddie’s that constantly updates programs and does things, and I have seen it happen. When these things happen, it stops the type and omits letters being typed or even occasionally alters what you type, it is real and he calls me basically a liar, yet when I politely disagree with him on things, he raises his voice and says he does not like it when I call him a liar, and I am not even doing this, he is taking it that way, and how someone takes what you say when you are not trying to say something nasty, is their business and their problem, and shouldn’t be mine, only it always is mine, I am always the prick and the bad guy, not just here and now, I am speaking of my entire freaking miserable damn life!!!!!! Now onto the next, “yesterday’s hack or PBHE”: About 2/3rds the way into paragraph two, the words, in capital letters, “ALL GAMES” has a comma after this and then it should read, “an ALL-GAMES-TOTAL-SPIN, only the hackers freaking scrambled up the word games into GASME, like their famous sue/use, two/tow, and so forth. Later in this prior Friday’s blog, did you get their pathetic whittle HACK JOKE, with the “TEAR 2000”, when I of course typed in the YEAR 2000?? Remember the James Patterson dark glasses rip off in the LIFEGUARD BOOK? This sure has nothing to do with Mizz

Pippins’ in a grocery store. Don’t laugh, you haven’t got a clue what is happening, or what I know, or what I am looking to get and can’t; and how it could change the planet overnight into unrecognizability. If I was really the nut job that the Trumps want you to think that I am, would I honestly have wasted this much time and energy, meticulously writing all of this blogging material over a 2-3 year period? Just think about it for a minper without a booming stereo in back of you, be quiet and think for just a second. My website has a guest-book. Persons wanting to know things are always invited, but I will turn away from a closed mind with extreme speed. I do not have the patience or the time to be insulted or messed with, no games. Gawky gave me a lottery number that came out in the autumn of 1980, and he told me the other night by human reference frame, that soon I must leave the United States behind forever, or I will be driven totally insane for the rest of my natural life, and be useless to Stacey, myself, or anyone. I will leave Gawky, believe me pal. To put up with this much foolishness, MAKES ME A DAMN FOOL.

Stacey wants me to tell something, but she is going to have to do something for me first. If she wants this so much, then as Moses would say, a little falling manna for the hungry wouldn’t exactly hurt. I will say this much before the manna drops, if it drops. Maybe I made more than 490 stupid moves in my life, but I had more than 490 stupid reasons and fears behind my decisions. If I cannot be forgiven and given one more chance, then maybe I will just stop all this blogging and let you find another entity to work through. You are a hard task master. I am not perfect and you should know that; if anyone knows that. I do not know or care about the stamps that I mentioned; as it is not money that I am interested in. I need more closure than even Gawky gave me. I need to know why me. Why did you do so much for Donna, and leave me to rot here? Donna got it all by making that deal and THAT BOY got whirled into a damn twister the size of Utah. WHY!! Stacey, you want man to forgive 490 trespasses, and now it is your turn, my teen queen.

As for TRS or Stacey’s Dogtown Vengeance, here is the biggest one: It would not matter to the people in charge of pummeling me to kit, if I had more international exposure tomorrow morning than Brittney, Hannah, Paris, Trump, and Pitt; all put together, and told all the secrets I have told, as well as all the ones I could tell. These entities that currently are people are above and beyond any of it. This is not a poker bluff, and I know this now. It is beyond futility and being hopefully pointless to waste my time and energy any further on this strategy, as simply put they do not care, but I must tell the world in good conscience why they do not care, since I know, it is duty, total duty to tell this, there is not even remote choice about it. Remember in prior blogging texts I have told you all with authority of certainty, that humans and human governments are not covering up Ufology or any other huge secret along these or even similar lines. Humans cannot keep secrets, the missions in the middle eastern part of this world over decades of time proves this, and so does the fact that the military itself, is the inventor of the expression, SNAFU, or Situation Normal, All Fowled Up, real servicemen are not that polite about the F word, or said better, the [F] letter in SNAFU. Humans could not ever keep astral secrets, not in 4 million gods forsaken years. It is those above these humans and above any of our human organizations, whether they are military or government or religious, that are in total control, the Manipulating Controllers, also known more officially in the circles of “DEATH”, as the MILLIONTH COUNCIL, is totally in charge of WHO GETS TO KNOW WHAT AND WHEN, AND WHO DOES NOT, and can make an entire society blind and convinced that a blogger is just a crazy nut case and not to ever be believed in part let alone in full. They do not care what is transmitted, as they can always totally affect the outcome of what is able to be received. This past sentence is as powerful as the short compressed description of humanity in general, “THEY LIVED, THEY SUFFERED, THEY DIED”. These two/tow sentences MCH, (millionth-council-hackers), are the ALL in the ALL, as it gets no more descriptively accurate than this, not EVER!!!!!!!!

Yes peeps, always check out my Leprechaun magic photo that keeps endlessly changing in frozen moving time, WOW Mister Patterson, I still am waiting for a book like my life, I'll settle for a character that had lived a tenth of my wild roller coaster ride, old buddy, and yes, my fave fiction writer!!!

Night-night folks, or it will be, when I take an overdose of pills and fall asleep forever in a few minutes, as I have fucking had it, YO. The sub box is on, a perfect time to call the 911 and get these gangster thugs removed once and for all from this fucking horrible place!!!!!!!!!!!! How would Lenny McKinnon's doppelganger say it on the 'L&O' show, 'KMA' (KISS-MY-BLACK-ASS!)

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