Thursday, February 21, 2013





Everyone exists at zero dimensional nothingness, total void. We all dream out and away from this EWI or (Existence Without Interaction), onto an arena OF interactions with THINGS beyond ourselves, even though we are only 'dreaming it all up'. Eckists know this, and call the spirit world, the realm where the imagination originally exists, and they would be totally 100% correct. But enough of these energy depleting interactions will cause an energy drain where we do not return to the void, because this is where we truly are so there is no 'going back' to some condition where we already exist at in truth, but rather, we dream-down or into this lower fifth dimension HYPERSPACE, of which this world, and universe, is all a part of; wherever you may be reading this, somewhere under the stars above you. Seeing things in your forward-mortal way, things are always seemingly seen and viewed to us in a reverse to its real truth, for example, we see a totally flat world, when really it is a sphere and round. We also perceive stars and outer worlds and the sun as well, moving around us, when it is our world, the Earth; that really is moving, or spinning in a rotation. I could go on and on, but why, as you either see this truth by now, and say you're right mountainpen, or you're saying, fuck you buddy, you're fulla' shit. Going on with more stuff here will not alter opinions already made and formed. When we lose Astral Plane energy resulting from many minnina kalpa of interaction, or interactions that have no true or ordered connected amounts of space or time but if all collectively could be measured, would appear to seem and feel as periods of approximately 888 not rotations, but solar revolutions of Earth around the star called Sol, our sun, but after about five to seven of these MK periods, depending on the vigorous amount of total interaction on this spiritual plane, we will fall asleep into these human dreams. Again, another example of perceiving this entire truth that encompasses us all, is absolute complete reverse from what is actually is. The Astral Plane, does measure things using the MK and even 888 of these items or the KALPA, just as we on this lower physical realm or plane of existence measures great distances in space by using amounts of it that light travels in one of our solar years of time, as otherwise, just one of these would measure such a very large number, just more than six trillion miles. Nothing is in any kind of an order, and all of this was once explained in greater detail, on a once existing website that I owned called the ''MORIANITY FOUNDATION'' and this was not just a blog on a Google owned website called Blogger. Now the site is gone and defunct. Soon, I am quite sure, the great powers to be, will charge for bloggers, as they already want us to upgrade to premium blogging type service, which is nothing more than a college degreed way of saying, we want your fucking money, YO. Dirt bags that already have everything, will not share any of it or allow us to make any of it for ourselves, and then have the unmitigated audacity to call us lazy, attitudinal entitled, and bums/welfare rats, and the evil mean nasty names read on and on. Most people want to work, want to better themselves, and do not want to be a burden on society, but rather, be productive taxpaying members of the community. But when scum bag world owners who rule over us covertly in ways most of you don't even dare to try and imagine; it just is not possible to break out of the shit-cycle, and then THEY, the WOMO call us no good bums and rats with entitlement attitudes. How I love the hypocrisy, because just as when we look at poor behavior, be it a misbehaving child in a public place, to a reckless rotten road driver, most decent folks like to try and learn from the experience of witnessing the incident, and then do their best to again, 'REVERSE' this behavior in their own lives. This is why I have said for nearly a half century, even as a boy myself, that we can all learn from all things, even the bad shit we witness. I am no hypocrite, and pity those who think they are not, but are. How my old pal and relative, Sir Jesus, agreed with me, as well, long ago. What a family I'm a part of, SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOT.

Now don't get me wrong, there are plenty of decent and nice and honest folks, basically, all over the place. I speak on my blogs a lot about those who do not exactly fit that bill and this makes me guilty of being a prick myself, and for that, I'm genuinely quite sorry. Hay, my life freaking stinks to hell, I try, and I am far from disproving another great old school chum who did not go into his family's chosen profession, working for the great government of the united States, and I of course am speaking of Bruce Allan Pennock.

Folks, I promise that I'll blow your mind on how to explore, just stay right here with me MORIANITY. I'll close out with a tiny teaser for right now.

If all of us are just existing at VOID INFINITY, and all of this is a huge DREAM-OUT, first onto the great Astral arena, and then further down to the lower physicality of the 5-D Hyperspace, many are curious to how the mechanics are operating behind the great invisible OZ-CURTAINS, or why we live the lives that we do, and have the dreams that we do, and on and on. The quick answer that does not satisfy anyone on a non ZEN level, would be that the way we dream out and away from the void is done first by entering the realm of LAWTRONICS. From here, all the circuitry's come to be and the first item from there that comes into being is the MIND REALM and the source of any possible ordered mind, so that it can then separate into individuality and begin experiencing the Astral Plane or existence in what mortal mankind calls, the spirit-worlds. Complex Quantum dynamics equations and the physicists or 'think this all up' has their version of what this is all about, as do those who just as much, 'think' in more religious and deity connected terminology. The pivotal and keyword is still, in both and any possible case, ''THINK'' and comes from the realm of ''MIND''. Again, the great Eckists, or religion of Sound and Light, based in the area of Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, if I am not mistaken, are the closest to knowing these powerful truths, and somehow and for reasons unknown to me, the All mighty SARAH-STACEY JEHOVAH KARGE KRASSLE, has imparted what they 'know and think' to them, despite them saying it comes from their experiencing these realms, it always comes down to arguing plain old fashioned semantics. This is another constant truth that does not seem to ever change, and wars begin over disagreements caused in the 'realms' of semantics. All through history, we all worship the same GOD, the god of one god, many gods, no god, science, thought, higher realm experience, and at the end of the day, we can call this higher power by a trillion possible differing names, and the world really is just too dam stupid to ever get it; and realize that we all are after the very same thing, and only James Redfield, seemed to really totally get this great truth aback in th nineteen-nineties, and keep it to this very day, as if some force in the IF-PAWM-PIE-ETTOS and or whatever rose that you may decide to name it, all of you Shakespeare fans; we all want peace of mind and power over our own destiny. Those who feel most inadequate in a series of dreams, no matter if they are multi-billionaires or whatever, are those who feel the need to bully and be over and above the rest of the crowd, and be better than you and me, and feel truly in their beingness that they are better, and finally, need to have power over them, out of sheer fear that without a preemptive first strike, they just may wake up one day with us somehow getting power over them, a truly pitiful epitomized complex of quintessential insecurity, CUBED! I genuinely feel sorry for the big shots, even those who have made it their business to make my life a living hell, because they are so scared of poor little me, who knows all the truth about them, and to me, they have no closets, no place to hide, and this scares their pants down, Copyright Examiners, just as I told you long ago, and still maintain my same claim right now. So a lot more will be told oh diary journal dear, so stay with me, and you will hear.

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